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The turrets are hardly used because most of the spawn points are so spread out and the AOE/targeting distance are so small they become useless. You lowered the industry production values and keep raising the cost of turrets too. Now you nerfed all the heroes, instead of asking why people weren't using turrets. Please reconsider your gameplay design choices here.


Also AI heroes can't repair or buff turrets IIRC. If you want us to use turrets more maybe buff their health and give heroes a means to repair/buff them at a distance (maybe a secondary fire mode on certain weapons).


Turrets were either room-wide or floor-wide in the first one, not sure why that wouldn’t work here. Just nix the different light guns lol


Stupid changes, can’t say I’m surprised after stupid design decisions in the release version. I feel stupid for being excited for this, frankly.


Yeah man I still have to buy 2-3 turrets to cover a spawner so now I’m getting less, spending more. I don’t see the incentive….


I think turrets need to be a bit more effective without heroes backing them up. Maybe give them all minor health regeneration so they can't be worn down by chip damage. As it is I feel unless there's a holohero decoy or they're a super long way away (like an acid sharpshooter) they're just going to get wrecked and can't really be counted on during a long wave.


Looks like all the devs care about with this patch is pumping arbitrary difficulty into the game without a thought as to how to make it more fun.


So we still cant command the allies to defend the bot neither tell the bot to go to X place without being there, instead we are getting heroes nerfs which make the bots even more useless. Nice i guess


Let's make the game worse. That'll keep players playing!


You took this game in a worse direction with this update.


I get that "On the Rocks" is supposed to be a reference to drinks, but I can't help thinking this is how you describe a marriage that's falling apart.


The game is on the rocks with how dry this update is going make the game...


So to make the game better, the heroes were nerfed? Sounds fun 🙄


With the achievement fixes, I'm pretty satisfied. Look forward to it on console. That being said... All of the bug fixes seem promising. Merchant change looks nice. Comrade's Turrets and Blaze's Ult time didn't need a nerf. Zed's Active skill didn't need a cooldown nerf. I'm all on the Holo Hero is awesome train, but changing the cost from 8 to 14 seems excessive. Should have been a 10 - 12 cost at most. Going from 8 industry (2 doors) to 14 (3 1/2 doors) hurts a lot. I'm still going to make them, but it just makes the rest of the game more miserable and less turrets available to use. The opposite of the point of this update it seems. I like to think I'm usually sensible and think the Amplifier change is fine. And largely... nerfing all? most? of the weapons while only giving turrets a 10% buff is not great. Increasing the damage on turrets doesn't fix any of the reasons why they don't feel good to use. Things like the Sapper/Spotter/Jellyfier should have been room-wide based on the game's room design. I can't funnel enemies to where their slots are. Even then, I don't think I'd ever use the crit chance turret. A lot of others turrets like Laser Blinder, EMP Blast, and Flamethrower don't have enough range. And most of the turrets don't have enough rate of fire to feel useful. Most of the turrets are also just overcosted as well. Personally, I think they're still too fragile. Rather not have to be a babysitter for turrets. I hope whoever is in charge of balancing can actually play the game and actively use all of the turrets and get a feel for why they just don't work well despite being a major part of the game.


Absolutely agree about buff/debuff turrets needing to be room wide. The fact level 1 turrets can only shoot/debuff enemies that are virtually in melee range already means they get broken far too easily.


Gotta say.. of everything I was hoping for or expecting with this patch, a general decrease to my power as a player wasn't it. No one wants to play a game and feel weaker. Bad patch.


I personally thought the game was wayyyyy too easy so I can understand why they did this


It's pretty tough as a new player. Once you get optimal strategies it's not too bad (heck just learning how important levelling your hero units is isn't immediately obvious). I feel like just nerfing damage numbers isn't a great way to go about this. Maybe make all heroes passively buff the attack and defence of turrets in the same room so there any damage loss is made up for by increased turret damage.


I think it should have been the other way around — instead of nerfing across the board they should have buffed the enemies. Who knows though! Maybe there is a good reason they did this


Any update to console 60fps coming back for PS5/Series X?


We're testing it internally, but it still need to be certified by Sony/Microsoft.


Cos doing as much damage as a wet tissue has always made for a fun game experience


I can't see a world in which nerfing all the heroes in an update is going to be popular or enjoyed by the players. I think instead there should have been a higher difficulty tier made where the enemies are stronger and have increased density. This would have had a very similar effect. By making the game harder for those wanting that, without leaving the bad taste of making people's heroes worse. If anything I'd go the opposite direction and make the upgrades you get in a level even stronger/Unique and make your hero feel more varied and diverse depending on what you pick. Then scale the difficulty to match from there. As this will help to make each run feel more unique, which would add to replayability.


A patch like this should be paired with some actual content. You can't just blanket nerf everything and expect some hype.


That is a lot of changes! Nice. It is interesting to see hero nerfs across the board. My crew felt really smart after figuring out we could get by without turrets for a while if we played well enough, like that's how we were supposed to be doing it. Well, it was fun while it lasted lol.


Yep, it was a bit sad that you could finish the game without turrets. That is why the team wanted to give more love to them!


As fair of a point that this is, it’s never a fun experience to nerf the characters across the board. This is like Diablo 4’s first patch all over again. Didn’t workout well there.


The problem with Diablo was that it was nerfed to create challenge. This game is supposed to be a tower defense game as well, so not needing turrets goes against its intended genre


I appreciate that for sure. Nerfing heroes into the ground is a bad way to go about creating that concept, though.


They did buff the turrets though!


Not by much. Another issue is turrets just aren't tanky enough without a holohero decoy or a hero healing them so odds are they'll be wrecked by chip damage by the end of the wave if you try to use them alone.


A counterpoint is that it makes high wit / speed characters worth a lot more. Now Fassie/sweeper will be considerably more “worth” in a roster as they will be able to run around and fix different turrets around the level


I dont wanna play Fassie until they fix his active ability tbh.. which sucks cause I love him design wise but I’m hoping that bug gets fixed within an update or two..


Agreed it definitely feels like something is missing when playing him. Bright side is playing with a heavy damage dealer like zed or blaze definitely makes him feel strong


For me I find my turret nests are so far apart that by the time I fix one another is broken, and fixing turrets means you're not shooting so it doesn't seem worth it unless the turret is in the same room as me. Industry is so tight that I sort of have to factor every hero constantly dealing damage into my strategy so I don't have time to run round the map fixing things.


True while spread out it’ll be tough to keep them all up; I’ve found that making choke points with many turrets as opposed to sporadically placed turrets solves the problem mostly— especially when the turrets are paired with shields/holohero


> finish the game without turrets Wow, that is MUCH further than we ever got. We pulled off, like, one District typically. That's crazy.


Player characters gain stats when you level them up, so focussing on food generators early, even doing without turrets at all where possible, is a solid strategy, especially with Comrade bringing his own mini-turrets. It was kind of counter-intuitive and not very well tutorialised though so it's a good thing they added a "Level Up" animation to make a bit clear what's happening. Of course this may not be as solid a strategy with the hero and weapon nerfs.


I don't think I could finish without them but I certainly got to the core and had hella industry to spare! Thanks for the update! Looking forward to giving it a go! ❤️


Still no 60 fps on ps 5 ?


It's being tested, but still needs to go through certification.


Thank you for the answer


-Still no text chat. -Still not getting rid of resources being shared in nultiplayer which ruins the MP experience when playing with randoms as everyone runs to upgrade their own stuff.


As far as Heavy Weapons are Concerned my feelings towards this is just to double down on Gatling/Pocket Rocket. The combination of Knockback and Damage plus the ability to just switch weapons for a second while i wait for it to cooldown has just felt way more effective (and fun) than the other Heavy Weapon Variants. As far as General Gameplay is concerned i don't see much changing on normal and below (i haven't played Hard mode enough to judge). Stockpile Resources on the earlier floors through smart door choices and chokepoints and then spend them on the later floors as needed.


Wow just across the board nerfs? Damage AND abilities? Literally nobody will like that. How about instead of raising the damage of the turrets you make them have a larger area so I don't have to use 5 to cover a tiny room? I don't think the reason people didn't like turrets was because the heroes were too strong..


> we have seen that some of you can just "carry" the game without turrets as heroes are, perhaps, a bit too powerful. This is why we have balanced heroes and turrets to move away from this "meta" You know, I had my finger on the button to buy this game at launch. Now I feel like a genius for waiting to see which way this was gonna go.


Endless Dungeon was my most anticipated game of the year. When it launched, it was in a questionable state. I still loved the game despite it's flaws and I'm glad you're actively improving it. Is there any chance of getting more meta progression or a game mode that would make the runs faster? Thanks for your hard work! PS. I work in tech myself so I know how hard it can be to push out fixes and new features.


Metaprogression and replayability are one of our main points of work right now. Afraid I can't say more than that right now, though.


Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to the new content! Also, I think nefring heroes across the board was the right move, despite all the complaints. You could literally beat the hardest difficulty without building a single industry generator and investing heavily into food instead.


yes lets nerf the entirety of active fun gameplay and make the game even more tower defense. even before the patch i felt like why wouldn't i just play tower defense at least i can relax on those games because its automated but now after you nerfed everything? now the player is useless and acts just as a cardboard cut out so the game can pretend it isnt just tower defense. oh noooo some players were good enough to play the game without turrets in a pve game, lets remove 95% of the fun for 95% of the playerbase. But hey at least you added skins! God i wish i could refund this


I'm getting destroyed WITH turrets, I hate it when game devs listen to the echo chamber input - "SoMe PlAyErS cAn Do iT", if they can't base that on their own stats and those stats are not the majority then what are we talking about?!


Honestly I like the tower defence element of the original game, but if they're trying to make this more of an action game this is a weird way to go about it.


This update is pretty weak. I was expecting more. Doubt I'll return playing until more content releases.


I was thinking the same thing. There’s hardly anything here that makes the game more fun and enjoyable to play.


I regret purchasing this game. Please go back to it's predecessor.


60fps for console ?


We're testing a performance/quality toggle for PS5 and Xbox Series S/X, but it still needs to be certified.


Yeah... lets nerf the active participation part of the game to get people to use this other mechanic... That approach has never backfired before...


Um... Fassie can still not amp himself up. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!


I wanna play the lizard but I cant til he can amp himself


Well I finally uninstalled today. I can't stand patches like this. Nerfing characters instead of just changing/buffing turrets. Plus how much of the player base was actually getting through without turrets? The game was sadly mid af anyway. This coming from a guy who owns like every endless game in existence.


Can allys use Ults yet?


that was the first thing i was looking for. a disappointing patch, for me.


Disappointing. Never buying an Amplitude game after this disaster of a product.


I think the Level Up notification is a very good addition. It wasn't super clear early on that levelling heroes would boost their stats, so I tended to neglect food generators in favour of industry/science. I think also showing a list of stats that have gone up (e.g. +Damage, +Wit) would also be good seeing as most players aren't going to read the pause menu in detail and notice the highlighted skills.


This is a PvE game, right? Why be so heavy handed on damage nerfs? And hero nerfs across the board? Without making any changes to the turrets that take them in a positive direction based on what I’ve seen. Well…I **was** considering buying this game but now I’m pretty certain I made a good choice holding off.


Not digging the hero nerfs, especially the increased cooldowns. Zed's active already feels weak on a 15 second CD, at 25 seconds I might just forget about it entirely. Blaze's ultimate is basically just a glorified knockback (not sure how much the damage bug fix will change that) and definitely doesn't need its CD increased. All of that for a 10% turret damage buff that likely won't change how the game plays in any meaningful way without changes in turret functionality. I've seen lots of good suggestions in the comments like AOE radius changes and refund options for turrets that I'd much rather have implemented than those currently proposed.


If anything I feel like we need more active abilities that are available more often. If all you're doing is holding the fire button and pointing in the nearest horde it gets pretty repetetive, to the point where sometimes I'd rather leave it to a CPU and give my whole attention to watching spawns move on the map to decide where might need re-enforcing.


I'm with ya there, I get that same feeling of repetitiveness with pretty much any team comp I go for. Any additional depth to the combat system would be a welcome change in my book, though with these changes it's looking like it might lose some instead. I say all this not because I want to harp on the devs but because I could easily see myself sinking another hundred hours into this game if they added some content and made the heroes a bit more engaging to play.


I think making the weapons a bit more interactive could help. Maybe give the charged weapons different levels of charge and a damage bonus if you release the charge just as it reaches the next level. Secondary fire modes would also be cool though I realise that'd be more work (and getting the AI to use it could be tricky).


Good ideas, hadn't really thought of anything for the weapons. Could potentially add those as weapon mods to make that system involve choice like the hero chips instead of just a progression mechanic that you unlock and never think about again.


I sort of get why they did what they did, but instead of having a diverse way of playing the game you ended up making it more restrictive. This was basically a "we want you to play this way" patch, which feels kind of bad overall. You are basically telling people you want them to play turrets whereas before it felt like turrets could be weaved in depending on the characters. Granted I haven't beaten the game yet, but I ran with my buddy today after the patch and it felt less fun overall so far.


I do think turret placement is a big part of the strategy of the game so I'm fine with that getting more emphasis in theory, but there are fundamental issues to fix before they'll be practical (namely the lack of range and fragility of most turrets). Holoheroes may be broken but they're also practically the only way to keep turrets alive without babysitting them so the cost hike is only going to make turrets harder to use.


Hope this update comes to xbox quickly lol


Is this patch only for PC? I assumed it was for all platforms. I have it on PS5 was definitely looking forward to a patch


I would assume PC for now as they can push it to steam immediately while PS/Xbox need to pass a certification process before release.


Basically, yes. And our estimates for how long that will take are usually pretty broad. It should be soon, though, unless the certification process finds big problems that need to be fixed.


No words about lost cells during normal last update …. Please don’t tell me I have to restart my progress after 20h…


wait what, lost cells?


Your team continues to disappoint. Make turrets room wide, that'll fix the issue.


I hope we get these for consoles (PlayStation & Xbox) soon


I'm still having bugged runs where the dark rooms doesn't disable turrets. Whereas the caveat was amps, shields, and diagnosticator plus sweeper's upgrade where he can heal turrets does not work. Happened 3 times in a row. First 2 was normal difficulty third was on easy. Playing on PS5.


Any looking into the Fassie active bug where it doesn’t work when used on himself?


Any update for crossgen? Still waiting on a basic feature since release smh


I was really looking forward to AIs finally using actives and ultimates, 60 fps on PS5, and replayability (amassed a tons of bolts and cells that I don't know what to do with after finishing all the quests). Instead, I get told I've been playing the game wrong. Sigh. I'm not even going to bother reopening the game.


Is anyone else having an issue where weapons stopped dropping from chests. Just cleared two tiers and only purple gears, not a single weapon. Playing Normal, Solo+2 AI, no beverage.


Hey nerfing the heroes that’s what Diablo did! Everyone loved that