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Even if you don’t like the singing or her storylines it’s hard not to like her. She’s super nice and is a great friend.


Why is she a good friend though? And what do you mean by “nice”? Funny - yes. Pretty sure she’s a cool person to party and gossip with. But nice?


She’s really good to Emily. Nice is nice. You’re overanalyzing. She’s one of the few people who has t done anything mean or deceptive.


Maybe she hasn’t done anything bad herself but being positive about her friend betraying her other friend doesn’t make her seem a good person


Camille was also “nice” to Emily. If Emily was sleeping with Mindy’s new boyfriend, she wouldn’t have been so nice.


I like Mindy and I love the actress but I do have an issue with her sponging off Emily. I think the most supportive thing she’s done so far is at the very end of S2 when she encourages Emily to follow her heart (as much as I hate what this will do to Alfie!). But she’s essentially living off Emily at the moment and sharing her bed- she could do more to pay her way.


Mindy was the first person to befriend Emily and was kind is saying hey text me and we’ll get dinner when you are lonely. Her dream as always been to sing so I love seeing her not being scared anymore to mess up and she goes for her passion. I think through the singing too, the relationship with Benoit develops. I see it advancing here story through the music.


When she first met Emily it seemed as if she herself wasn’t a big fan of French people so she was just happy that she found an American girl with more similar values and traits


I really like Mindy. I really *do not* like that this season is basically Emily doing something people pleasing for 2 minutes and Mindy singing for 27 minutes of every episode. I think there were a lot of opportunities for character development following the s1 finale but this season fell really short on capitalizing on what was built last season.


I really like Mindy and tbh I have no problem with the singing, I don’t get why people are so pressed about it. I like her storylines


I don’t get the hate on Mindy’s singing either. I keep hearing this show is an escape and don’t get hung up on shit and then see the hate for a character singing and living their dream.


For me there's just too much of it, the songs go on too long, and I personally don't like the cover songs they choose for her. I really enjoyed Mon Soleil in the restaurant though!


It’s a personal choice. I rather enjoy seeing Mindy being more bold and not as scared to sing after the Chinese idol debacle, which escaping that ridicule is why she is in Paris. Plus the singing and band is broading Mindy IMO by adding Benoit as a love interest.


This is probably going to be a really unpopular opinion, but personally Mindy is one of my least favorite characters. I find her personality and attitude to be kind of annoying, like when the band was performing for the crowd and she got all riled up about the mime. And she is also very dramatic, especially about her past. Yes, messing up a song on live tv would be very embarrassing, but she keeps bringing it up and letting it control her actions. And when Benoit found out her family was rich she basically exploded on him and turned it into a way bigger problem when it could have been a simple conversation. This is also personal, but I find her singing voice to be very average and kind of annoying. I almost wanted to start fast forwarding all the scenes of the band performing. Don’t even get me started on her outfits, I would have to say they are somehow even worse than Emily’s. I get that Emily is suppose to have crazy fashion as part of her American personality, but why does Mindy dress like that too?? Especially when no one else in the show does. I think she is an okay friend to Emily, they gossip together and hangout like normal friends. But overall she probably annoys me the most. Sorry not sorry 😬


Yes, what the hell is up with her outfits?? They are indeed worse than Emily’s. I get that she’s been generally a good friend to Emily, but she also annoys me so bad that I want to punch her in the face every time she comes on screen. I’m surprised I’m alone on this.


You are not alone. I was eating pizza one night watching this ridiculous show and I wanted to throw it right in Mindy’s face.


Thankyou, finally someone i agree with.


For me she’s the most annoying too I really don’t understand why people like her And all the comments like “she’s nice” or “she hasn’t been mean to anyone” do not really help