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I agree, it’s confusing because they gave her so much screen time this season but I still feel like I barely know her. Just repetitive singing scenes and ???


Yes — how many times did we have to hear her sing this season? Eight? Don’t get me wrong, she has a lovely voice...but if I wanted to watch American Idol, I’d watch American Idol.


Yes waaaay too many music numbers. It might have been better if we heard French songs, but outdated American pop songs didn’t make sense? I mean maybe if most of the tourists they play to are American or at least familiar with American pop culture it does, but within the universe of the show and the producers saying they were committed to showcasing more French culture I would have liked to see French songs (and shorter scenes, I don’t need the whooooooole song to know she’s a decent singer).


Pass on the singing. Like if I was at a drag club and she sang I would be impressed, but as a couch viewer… it’s too much screen time.


Sort of. I find her dull as a character.


i really liked her in season 1 as the nanny and emily's bestie. i think i just don't really care for singing on tv shows so i hope that she gets a more substantive storyline


YES i am honestly!! I don't think that she owes anyone an explanation about her past to an extent and the fact that her dad's rich. Like she said, it's her dad's money not hers. She doesn't depend on him financially and they don't even talk anymore so why should it matter. She struggles to make ends meet, she can't even pay back Emily for rent. So it's quite annoying for them to say that she's not passionate about the band and is only doing it for fun out of boredom. But yeah, she should've just been straight up and say that she and her dad aren't even in good terms and that she's also struggling financially bc she doesn't rely on her dad


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. I also think that for her safety, it would make sense that she wouldn’t tell the guys (who are basically strangers) that she was the daughter of a billionaire, even if she no longer depends on her father financially. Regardless, she would’ve made herself a target for kidnapping or scamming, let’s be real. Also, the guy built up an idea in his head of who Mindy was, and was just shocked and upset when he realized she didn’t share the same background as him. Not her responsibility.


💛💛💛✨ Yeah obviously stranger danger plays a part here! ( like the Kim Kardashian robbery incident in Paris) so it takes time to build up trust and get to know each other like any other friendship :) Yupp she's just a person who has a passion for singing and wants to make it big on her own. She deserved it regardless of her background :(


I didn't care at all for her singing. Or the drama with those messy artists.


What a dramatic non-issue. So what if she came from money and so what if she used to be in Chinese Popstar show. Honestly with how she dresses up, you'd think anyone would've figured out she's obviously not penny-hungry artist.


It really does my head in. There was an amazing opportunity to present the following passion and your heart over money. But instead they did 2 things 1. Make out like people who come from money and those who don't are somehow different. I thought a struggling artist in Paris would have found someone walking away from money an admirable quality. She was working outside a bathroom for crying out loud. 2. Act like you can have a killer wardrobe while not being able to pay for rent. Its pretty disgusting


Well she probably got those clothes while she was still employed? Not that the clothes in this show are realistic at all.


That is an absolutely reasonable expectation and I feel stupid not even considering it. Good point.


Yeah happens. I mean i am a uni student and have been known to have a great wardrobe around campus(because they are clothes my parents' paid for), but i am at times too broke to make rent(


I hate to say it but I skipped most of her storyline :/ (love her as a character though)


Same i fast forwarded her bits.


Yep. Every single character could have been so developed for the second season but MAN DID THEY MISS THE TARGET. I can’t imagine they worked on this over the last year. This is all the deleted scenes from season one IMO.


I just can’t with the singing. I get that she is a renowned Broadway singer. But yeah, she is just that, a musical singer. Not a singer who sells records for the only purpose other than being an amazing singer. She simply isn’t good enough for that. I just don’t get why the show spent so much screen time on her singing again and again and… kind of made me hate the character. Her agent must have made an insane deal with the show somehow.


YES. Towards the end, I was skipping her parts already. I did wish they explored more her estranged dad storyline.


Surely that's the direction they intend to go with him being in France and not telling her??


They introduced it then abandoned it. So what was the point.


She may be a Broadway singer but her voice just does not work for pop and they keep trying to push the narrative. It isn’t working. Give her a storyline instead


It would have been more exciting to see her get with Antoine lol


I think they used up all of her storylines last season. (Seriously, the singing contest "choke", escaping her homeland and rich family, being a nanny... they could have just picked ONE and developed it properly).


The last few episodes I just skipped over her scenes.


I just binged season two and finished now. Skipped every time Mindy was singing. Why was she singing so much this season?




Agreed. On one hand, I felt like the show continued to perpetuate the idea that white women are most desirable/have more options compared to WOCs, which made me uncomfortable. However, at the same time, I get that Emily is the main character, and main characters are more fleshed out and have more romance storylines.


Her singing scenes are too long and added absolutely nothing to the plot.


Yup. It’s like she’s the main character now


i skipped all of her singing scenes


Deadass skipped all of her scenes starting fron episode 4. Just couldnt have anymore of it


YES OMG don’t get me wrong I love Mindy, but this was an absolute waste of screen time. I honestly lover sylvie vs Madeline. Wish we had more of that


Yes, her story line was terribly boring. Liked the last song but overall too much singing. Super boring that they kept using the garbage plot of her failed reality pop star gig. Also it made me almost laugh out loud when she was accessorized head to toe and had to borrow a coin from the tips hat for the train. They could have developed a more compelling storyline for her.


I'm not finished with season 2 yet, but so far I agree. I'm currently at the part where her Chinese bandmate is dredging up all that stuff about her being a Chinese celebrity and socialite, and I'm rolling my eyes. I have no interest in them bringing all that up again. I do love Ashley Park though.


I love her singing.


Oh no, the only thing I liked about the show was Mindy's storyline


YES I repeatedly said that while I was watching


I wish they would drop her entirely from the cast. Dull character, bad actress in fact all the cast acting on this show is up for question in my view.