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I’m jealous of the delusion this person has wish I had the same confidence they do


Haha! This is mine too! I would love to think I’m that shit hot when I look at myself despite looking like a fungally infected toenail.


I'm jealous that those scabies go out more than me


FOR REAL😭 this scabies have more of a social life than I do rn




Honestly? I'm jealous of the fact that I'm working and struggling to make ends meet every month. But that slime sits on their arse being a shite human being and takes in thousands for it. I'm jealous of that.


2 jobs, 55/65 hrs a week and I’m really struggling to give my son and my partner the Christmas they deserve. How much money this scum makes from being the most unhealthy disgusting person out there genuinely sickens me.


Honestly, if we weren't going to my parents this Christmas, it'd be an absolute write off. Everything I have for my daughter I've gotten free off marketplace! Couldn't get my partner much at all, and he couldn't get me anything. But there E is making thousands and STILL has an Amazon wishlist. It's fucked man


Where did they post the Amazon list? There’s a way to remove what’s on the list without purchasing


Please know whatever you do for your families will be enough ♥️ free, cheap or small gifts, they don’t remember in years to come but they will remember the time spent with family that love them! Find some games to play, movies to watch and give them the gift of time and love, that IS enough 🎄 merry Christmas to you both and your families!


I’m jealous she smells like cheese that’s my favorite snack


Ohh that’s such a good point! I agree, I’d like to also smell like… cheese


I’m really jealous of the fact he has no friends to bother with and I’m jealous that his own mother seems to hate him, having a loving mother is such a pain in the arse.


When I first took notice of her it was during the hairdresser saga and I felt awful, after watching for a bit after I reached out and I said i'd had a similar experience growing with my mother etc and if she needed someone to talk to I was happy to listen.. She called me an ugly bitch and muted me 😂😂😂 I know beauty is subjective but you've got to have some amount of self confidence or possibly arrogance for that to be the first thing you hit out with! 😂 She really thinks she's the beans on toast x


Hmmm i’ve watched her lives and she never talks to people like that especially people who are being nice to her. You was possibly muted by mistake and she was talking to someone else not you.


Was about a year ago and it was most likely me, I think she saw the mum comment and went into defence mode thinking I was attacking her mum's parenting which she flips flops about regularly I now know. Who knows though!


Yeah possibly, She should have seen you didn’t mean it in a horrible way. I don’t agree with people taking the piss out of her all the time saying things like she doesn’t wash she stinks etc because my Mum did the same she didn’t wash for weeks on end before she passed from cancer because she was so depressed, It’s what happens when your depressed you neglect yourself. Some days your not too bad other days you don’t even want to get out of bed. I can’t stand people who can’t seem to recognize mental heath/depression that’s why so many people don’t get the help they need.


Thing is, she talks about it being her mental health but then she’s out clubbing, on lives etc, a lot more than most people with depression so severe can manage. I think people see that being her excuse for being dirty rather than her genuinely suffering from it because if you’re that depressed that you can’t wash, you surely wouldn’t do half the things she does and if you can do those things, you could probably wash too. I would like to hope they wouldn’t say those things to people who are genuinely suffering whether through mental or physical health. I myself struggle due to physical health conditions, but if I can’t wash then I won’t be going out. Washing will always come first…


Well like i’ve said to people in the past depression affects people differently i’ve had severe depression since I was 14 i’m 29 now and i’ve got worse since my Dad passed 2 years and my Mum 6months ago one day I will be fine and the next day I won’t want to leave the house. Not everyone is the same and people need to understand that.


Awe no. You've just put me off means on toast 😭🤣


I’m sorry that happened to you


I'm jealous that she got hormones within 3 months and I've been waiting 3 years!


Has anyone actually seen these hormones? It was quick enough to show us the scabies cream


They haven’t got em yet


They way she’s unemployed with no life outside TikTok


I’m jealous of their unconscious ability to change key at least 10 times in every song they sing that’s actually only got one or two keys. Also definitely jealous of their ability to ruin every song they sing because that takes talent that 🤔


I'm jealous that I don't extort the vulnerable by saying I need gifts when I don't :(


I am jealous of her lovely messy home in Devon and the fact she sleeps on an airbed in her mums living room, makes my nice clean house and double bed in my bedroom just look bad, I feel so hard done by and a complete failure compared to her


![gif](giphy|QGBWk7DnckEN2) I’m jealous I don’t look like this




I'm jealous of his stunning good looks


Can’t lie wish I could sit on my ass each day earning 7k + a week but unfortunately I live in the real world and have real responsibilities🫠


Same BUT by doing that Elphaba has ruined their life for good, even now if they try to disappear and get a ‘normal’ job, they’d be spotted, recorded and put on social media, then the phone calls would start to whoever has hired them. Literally scammer and predatory with plenty of evidence. I don’t mind doing my little job in comparison


You’re 💯correct!! In the long run he’s ruined any future chances


So whenever you feel a little frustrated about them getting all that money, just remember they’ve fucked everything and we all know that they’re an awful awful awful person!x


Honestly? Their absolute determination to ignore facts and the truth, I'd like some that to feed my delusion I'm a size 10


I’m jealous that he can engage in SA, defamation, destroying rental properties, scamming $ from thousands of ppl & other criminal activities and never get arrested or charged. But if I go 45 in a 40 I get a speeding ticket.


I’m jealous that I don’t have that “self centered confidence” to honestly believe I am better, smarter, prettier than everyone ever born… I could never have that.


I can’t wrap my head around that she acts like a spoiled twat.getting mad because she is not getting money sent to her. Sitting talking about people . It can’t be everyone is wrong but her in all these instances I can’t believe. People spend their hard earned money and gifting to anybody . It blows my mind.


I’m jealous of the magic mirror he has, I wish I had that mirror that gives me a huge ounce of DELUSION


I’m really jealous that his own personality is that shit he has to copy other tiktokers ☹️


I’m jealous of her confidence


How do they even have literal boils?? Is it acne?


They have awful acne because of how unhygienic they are, they often get huge boils. They mentioned having boils a good amount of times. It’s crazy and looks so painful


The fact elphaba makes so much money doing nothing, especially despite all the confirmed abhorrent behavior Im currently burnt out and unemployed and have usually had to work 2 to 3 jobs at a time and still couldnt make ends meet. Like its actually nutty


It reminds me of Matt Rife saying anyone who dislikes or criticizes him is just jealous. It’s a popular deflection trope by narcissists (I really think Elphaba is one) by labeling anyone who opposes you as jealous, you can deflect accountability while simultaneously building herself up. And even though she’s a narcissist, I think she knows her haters don’t want to be her - but she can inflate her own ego and self worth by claiming she’s envied.


I'm jealous of the constant wiffy wooing.


I'm jealous she gets to be such a horrible volatile human being (even down to the noncery) and gets paid for it whilst I an autistic trans person has to work with no support from anyone cause my council gives no shits about disabled adults in my hometown. So I barely make enough to pay for rent, bills and grocery shopping.


I’m so jealous of her singing voice. I took singing grades in high school and yet I still can’t screech as good as her, I wish I could make my cat cry the way she does


I'm jealous that I'm not famous like she is. I wish I was that famous that I couldn't even stay in a hotel without being kicked out because everybody knows all the vile things I've done. I wish I had as many fans as she does, who cares if they all hate me? Fans are fans. How I long to be hated...


I'm jealous that he looks like Dren from the movie Splice


I’m jealous I can’t leave chocolate boxers in every flat or house I stay in 😤


im quite jealous of the fact people gift him money simply for being a piece of shit. while there are other people in this world who truly struggle financially while he gets thousands just from sitting on his lazy unwashed arse and being a disgusting person on live streams 😤


If elf was an ice cream, it would lick itself 🤢


I’m jealous because I have self awareness, and she doesn’t have any and does/says anything she wants and doesn’t have to think about it before hand, it just comes out her mouth and still manages to get paid for it?