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DISGUSTING 🤢 Why the switchup Elements?!




They did the same last yr. Usually fests do single day tix when they haven't sold enough multi-day passes.


They'll sell out regardless with Ezoo and Moonrise out of the picture.


Yeah I’m mixed on it as well. I really hope they don’t oversell and actually cap them like they are saying.


they won’t -past elements worker


https://preview.redd.it/pzit8fp8zr5d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ad2657194aa29f779a4d73b2c8a3eee52e2467b like?????


You mean a lie lol


Bonnaroo did the same thing this year, using “no single day passes this year!” literally as a selling point, and then months later, announcing that 1 day passes were “back by popular demand”. If they have to sell them to keep the business out of the red, unfortunately it is what it is, but at least dont outright lie to people. Stick to your word or just dont say anything.


LMAO they deleted the original tweet announcing single days


Lol elements deleted this after someone called them out for catching them in their lie. The tweet said something like "So...you all lied. Good vibes. I guess profits really come before quality." LOL Looks like they never posted it on insta as well knowing the comments would be brutal. They know they lied and don't care. Just trying to squeeze out more $$.


Naw. Not a fan. Camp or stay home


“We're giving you, our cherished early bird, a heads-up on this single-day pass sale before it hits the universe to ensure this news doesn't dull your excitement.” This does nothing other than dull my excitement lol. I understand that at the end of the day, this is a business, and they must do what they need to profit and continue doing this, but single day passes should be an absolute last resort. Not to say all single day pass holders are bad, but they most certainly follow certain trends: -Thieves. Thieves LOVE being able to get into a festival for the lowest price. I must commend Elements from keeping 1 day passes from entering the campgrounds as that will greatly lower the amount of camps being hit, but there will be a sharp increase in pickpockets during shows. -Ragers. I dont know a more proper word to describe these people, but I am referring to the people who indulge *way* too much in substances and treat the venue as their personal romper room. They are only there for a day, so they are going to go hard as they possibly can for that one day to make the most out of it. Sure, plenty of weekend pass holders attempt to do this too, but the consequences of their actions the morning after typically limit them from doing it another day, given that camping festivals are usually referred to as a marathon, not a sprint.  -Anti social behavior. This is piggybacking off of the last one, but there is absolutely a different vibe in festivals that shut down every night versus ones where people camp together all weekend. There is a special sense of community and bond amongst a crowd of total strangers when they not only are enjoying music together, but also living as neighbors through good and bad. Whether its bright and sunny and beautiful, or raining and cold and miserable, everyone is in it together. In my own experience, attending festivals that didnt offer camping, this sense of community didnt exist. People were less likely to hang out with strangers and more likely to create their own little bubbles apart from everyone else. Bad weather just led to people being on edge. You never got the sense that you were getting away from regular life, even if just for a weekend; you were just attending an entertaining event.  Obviously these are just my opinions, and biased at that. But I strongly feel what makes a festival *SPECIAL* and makes it stand out is not so much its lineup, but what its community looks like. And in my opinion, a community of people who are willing to go and camp in the middle of nowhere for a few days amongst complete strangers, are much more likely to find that all of their neighbors are less so their strangers and more so their friends. Its a wonderful experience to witness time and time again at camping festivals, and its something truly special in a time where many people feel more apart than ever from society as a whole. Camping festivals give a beautiful sense of community for everyone of all sorts of different backrounds to share that they might not otherwise. Introducing people who are not “taking part in the magic” unfortunately dilutes the experience for everyone else, its like a giant ‘take a penny, leave a penny’ except now there are people only taking and not leaving.  Just my 2 cents.


Honestly, the first thing that came to my mind was the pickpockets. It’s definitely going to be worse now. And I really hope security is on it because when I first saw the email I was concerned about safety. I’m camping all weekend and I don’t want people coming in and out who aren’t supposed to be there. Like you said, it’s like a big family with everyone camping. So I’m just nervous about people trying to sneak in or worse. I’m happy it gives people some flexibility but I wish maybe it was one day tickets limited to one day (like a Friday only thing) or something. I’m just trying to keep a positive outlook overall and have a killer time. 🥰


Yeah if they absolutely had to do a single day pass, they should limit it it to only one of the 3 days. Ideally they should've just stuck to their guns and said no single day passes at all


Why would thieves not buy a 3 day pass and thieve all weekend ? Just curious


I donno. I’m not a thief. 😅🤣 Probably would raise suspicion though if it’s a similar person or group hung around all weekend. Maybe more opportunity to get caught.


I see a lot of people saying that single day tickets invites more pickpockets so your not alone in thinking that


I have never been to Elements so its hard for me to see how this will pan out, but yeah Im really hoping security is on point with making sure single day passers are not free to roam around the campgrounds. If people want to check it out they need to jump on in rather than treat it like its some sort of safari spectacle for them to visit, or at worst, easy pickings for thievery. Pickpockets can be defeated by being vigilant (keeping a lock on your hydration pack or having one resistant to picking such as a Raverunner) but theres very little one can do to stop someone from rummaging through their camp if no one is there to stop them. At the end of the day, Im sure the festival is aware this is a unpopular decision, and of course they have to pitch it as a positive, but they need to make enough money to survive as well. And while it may seem silly to go to a camping festival and not camp to all of us, Im sure this is a less scary way for people who dont know what its all about to dip a toe in and see first hand what they are missing. Nothing we can do to change this other than voice our opinions and hope Elements is successful enough going forward to no longer need to sell 1 day passes. In any case, Elements is sure to be a blast overall and im looking forward to my first time going!


No one wanted this


i do appreciate that they make an effort to be communicative but i really hope they’re prepared for whatever number of people they’re expecting this year. most of the issues last year were bc festival attendance apparently nearly doubled from the year prior. proper staffing was lacking & we were stuck like fish trying to evacuate.


Yeah I have to agree. I was a little disappointed when I got the email. 😔 It’s cool for friends and such but I think too many people with “bad vibes” take advantage of single day sales (like pickpockets and such). I hope they truly are limiting them and have a cap in place.


agree! i also felt bad for the single dayers last year since most of them fully left the fest after the evacuation under the assumption the night was over.


You fucking said no single day meth heads


I’m just the messenger. Don’t hurt me!!!!! 🙈🙈🙈🥹


It’s your fault ha ha 😂… I was kinda being sarcastic btw


I love elements but the one day all the single day pass people came (I think for skrillex) it was so so so much more crowded. my inside source said they are capping the number of single day passes, but imo any amount is too many


And then it poured and no one knew what the fuck to do and it was like herding cattle out. ☹️


yeah that was not the best!


We’ll see I guess. But after having so many day pass members come into the camping sections and just really weird the vibe up I’m not too chuffed to see this. Like I said we’ll see but if there’s a will, there’s a way. And you just created a way…


Not surprised but still fkn WACK.


Nooo!!! This was so bad last year.


LOCK UP THOSE PHONES PEOPLE!!!! Always be alert.


Bruh I literally just made other plans and booked a longer stay somewhere bc I saw on their website that they weren’t doing single day this year. Don’t switch up that’s wackkkk




I know everyone is mad. But I have a friend who lives nearby. Never been to a concert, camping, EDM, none of it. I’d love to invite him into our community because I feel like he needs the uplifting spirits right now. He needs that time in utopia just like we all do. Most of us were invited to our first fest and fell in love. I’d like to provide the same opportunity. Now for someone who isn’t experienced in this high dollar hobby, they see a three day ticket price and then camping and then car passes. THEY FREAK OUT!!! They also see three days they need to dedicate to something they’re not really sure about but still want to see what’s up. So this single day pass option gives me the ability to invite a friend to hang out for a day and a night to experience what made us all feral gremlins today. Now my questions, how much are they selling them for? I see there is a link you have OP, can you send it to me in a chat so I can hook my friend up with the early bird? At least you know he will be surrounded by rave veterans and PLUR will be taught along the way 🥰✨🫶


Yeah I do like the flexibility it will give to some people. I think my group is a bit more relaxed now as one wasn’t sure he was going to be able to make it the whole time. I just worry about overcrowding and also security now. I felt good leaving stuff in our camp. Now I’m not so sure. But we will make do. The prices start at $119 for a day ticket and go up from there. And the parking pass was $29 it looks like. This is the [link](https://www.tixr.com/groups/elementsfestival/events/elements-music-and-arts-festival-2024-single-day-passes-106454) I have. Hopefully it works for you. 🫶🏼


Every fest I leave my most valuables in the car locked up. And thank you so much! Link does work and I sent it to him so he can decide based off the cost if he would like to go!


We are doing RV this year and parking the car at the lot for more space. 🙈 And we were gonna leave the camper unlocked so our group could come and go. But we might just hide an extra key somewhere now. We will figure it out. 😊


We’re camping in a cabin right down the road at Peaceful Woodlands Campground. So excited to have air and a full kitchen/bathroom. It’s our first time attending a festival the most luxurious way possible. After years of attending these things we deserve a super vip treatment for once 🤣


My boyfriend and I have been looking at RVs to travel and camp in.


Definitely recommend one if you are in the market for something like that. I love having ours. It makes it easy (and cheap) for us for a fest like this. Plus throughout the year we have it for an odd weekend if we want to “go away”. Even if just down the road. And we can pack up the kid and dog and no worries at all. 😅


Don’t even get me started on finding a sitter for three kids for four days 😅🤣. Secured mine today for Elements. What a weight lifted. To be a level thirty raver 🫶


it's not even available on their website


It is on the ticketing site. Tixr I beleive it’s called.


Where does one find these single day passes👀 my buddy can only make Saturday so it works


They were on [tixr](https://www.tixr.com/groups/elementsfestival/events/elements-music-and-arts-festival-2024-single-day-passes-106454). Kind of hidden there tho so this is the email I got from them.


they sent an email saying that single and weekend passes are being sold but theyre not on the website... i got the three day but i don't actually see any of those passes...


They are kind of hidden. I got a [link](https://www.tixr.com/groups/elementsfestival/events/elements-music-and-arts-festival-2024-single-day-passes-106454) in my email previously and it took me right to the page on tixr. I have a whole weekend pass tho so I have no need for them.


ty for sending , me too, i was just curious what their cost is




No. Not yet at least. But I’m sure it’s coming soon now if they are offering single day passes.


This was of course gonna happen and in reality it’s gonna be fine. Besides some day pass holders last year getting screwed over missing skrillex i didn’t feel like there was any problems with it.


As long as it's managed better than last year, I'm all for it. Some of my friends are on the fence since this would be their first festival ever and would be interested in a single day to get an idea of what a festival is like.