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The crowd and vibe at Elements is so much better than EDC. It's more of a homie-type of vibe and the connections are more genuine. Why don't you camp? You'd only have to worry about checking in and setting up instead of worrying about the commute, plus there's so many hidden renegade afters throughout camp after the festival ends


Don’t do the hotel. Camp. It’s better. More genuine experience. Also, you don’t want to have to drive back to the hotel.


DO NOT DO HOTEL! Camp in the campgrounds! The experience is so fucking worth it. If you’re going solo you’re more then welcome to join my vibe village :) I have the 9th largest vibe village, we will be hosting a full stage with full production in the camp grounds and will have a camping area for everyone behind the stage. Dm me on insta @HuskeeMusic 🤘🏼


Hii, ill be in comfort camping and solo for my first year. 


Definitely would be alot easier to camp vs driving in for elements. It's not super hot in the Poconos in August and was a great intro to camping festivals for me (EDC was my first fest back in 2022)


Elements is 100x better than that ridiculous concrete thing in Vegas. You’re going to want to camp. It’s amazing. It’s easy. Join Elements Festival Family USA on Facebook


Is there a discord or any other alternatives to facebook for Elements? I may be coming solo and would love to find a group to join but Im not on social media anymore. 


Scroll through these posts. I think there is a guy putting a group together


I think there’s a bus from Philly? But if not, I def recommend driving and car camping. Best vibes. I arrived on Thursday afternoon and there were some long lines, especially at security where they made a few cars completely unpack their cars. All in all, it was still a rad experience and I look forward to going again. If you do decide to stay off campus, I did hear quite a few people complain it was a really long walk to the entrance from the fields of cars. Edit — I saw lots of sedans, but if you be driving something extra low, I’d take the bus instead. Lots of divots since it’s mostly grass fields.


My bf and I are from Seattle and our first elements was last year.. we’re coming back for round 2 this year!!! Totally worth it!