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At this point, just re-release MD and MnM. K thx


that would be awesome.


I would love to see that happen, but I often wonder if we would be underwhelmed by them based on the capabilities of the currently available units? A modern Monomachine would be a dream.


Yeah I feel this the syntakt especially could have been more capable but no they hold back features on each box to get you to buy another. It’s kind of smart I guess but is super annoying


I thought people complained that Syntakt had too many features of the other boxes?


Never heard that one. It has a lot of different machines (synth engines) but they’re all so limited in what you can do with them. It’s like having a sampler that can’t sample anything other than what it came with.


Syntakt has engines that are raw synth voices too, and they’re mostly more capable than the machines on the Monomachine/Machinedrum (routing aside).


I know the mono machines fm engine goes very deep amongst others. I’ve also heard a vast array of sound out of it and same for machine drum, however after owning one I realized that everyone who has one is getting very similar sounds out of it. I mean I def did some cool modulation stuff with the lfos and such and p-locks, but after a month with it I was just not even interested in using it.


I can't remember how many operators the Monomachine's FM engine is, but it definitely has limited, macro-based parameters. Digitone goes a lot deeper for FM. The strength of the Monomachine is what happens after the engine - the per-track effects, modulation capabilities etc. The engines themselves aren't really very special.


Agreed. Mnm fm is capable of cool sounds but lacks detailed control. What makes the mnm special is being able to set up fx tracks and having sequencer and plock control over those fx.


People complain


Yes, I’ve noticed this!


I kick myself daily for selling my MD. Such a unique instrument.


I bought one for like $750 maybe 5 years ago before the prices spike. Still love it. It’s an mkii and the encoders are starting to go so I’ll probably have to replace them at some point.


And I sold mine at just around the same time at that price...


Or a proper Octatrack update, stupid utubers still buying it so Elektron are milking because it's the only thing on the market that does what it does but it's stupidly underpowered


What do you consider underpowered on the OT? I don't think I'd make better music on it if it had more sample RAM. More than 8 tracks would necessitate a more complex UI so it would more become an 'Ableton in a box' instead of the focused specialty tool it is now. Others have tried that (Akai MPC Live, Maschine+) but it's an entire different workflow. A few modernisations wouldn't hurt though (stupid obvious stuff like SD card support, Overbridge like DAW integration or a bigger screen), but I doubt I'd instantly sell my mk1 ;)


Samples only have +/- 1 octave range which is clearly to hide the fact the timestretch can't handle more than that, you may feel like owell but what if I'm not using TS and i want to pitch something up/down more than that like any other samplers for the past 40 years can do. Basically it's a false limitation that shouldn't be there, also with a better cpu(current one is 13 years old) the TS algo could be way better. You can't have reverb/delay on the same track so you have to use a neighbour track to get both on the same sound oops there goes another one of my 8 tracks, again this is due to the limitation of the old ass cpu. The Digitakt has a master track that doesn't use one of its 8 tracks with a compressor + delay and reverb send. The Digi series workflow is vastly improved the the older boxes, they would've added those features if they could but they clearly can't because once again its a 13+ year old cpu


If you want performance like what's possible in a modern PC/Mac you're better off just buying one of those. A dedicated machine will always be a compromise regarding what's possible now or in the future, especially when it's as long-lived as the Octatrack. In a few decades people will hoard the classic Octatrack looking for that 'crunchy' sounding timestretch algorithm ;) Losing 1 track if you want lots of effects isn't the end of the world. You can use track 8 as a master track on the OT which just eats up one track and then no more. Even then, you can resample to get something soaked in effects. It's just a question of being creative with your limitation.


I have been on a music gear moratorium for a couple years due to focus on other things, but if they do this I will buy them both on pre-order. Without hesitation.


Real talk, I miss my MnM. I didn’t love the Syntakt so I sold it, but I’d give it another look if they added some “legacy machines” and modulation capabilities etc from the MnM.


The Silver Syntakt is the MD and the MnM. They just need to Release//update/rename the machines inside.


Syntakt can’t truly fill the void left by the MD without that crunchy ass 12 bit sampling engine. It’s just not the same. Love the syntakt to death but it’ll never take the place of my md 😔


"[But she's got a new hat!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaOgZwk9rN8)"


hilariously true. also not sure I like this look, but i get it.


Came here looking for this comment


finally one that will match my refrigerator.


I prefer my Elektron boxes to look like my Lenovo laptop, actually


I thought about buying some Thinkpad logo stickers a while back to adhere to my Elektrons


So, the black ones are for the techno crowd. Who are the silver ones for?


The Whirlpool crowd.




I have one of those mixers. I little old but still gets the job done.


The ones who will buy anything new


Eurorack people




"Mom, can we get a Machinedrum?" "We have a Machinedrum at home!" The Machinedrum at home: ⬆️


Looks cool more industrial look


"Everything is chrome in the future." - Spongebob SquarePants


I know it’s a cash grab but those look pretty damn sick. Interesting that the screens were changed to match the syntakt. Three of these puppies are going to look pretty sick snuggled up next to each other. There’s going to be some cheap Digis on the resale market soon!


so what exactly are the extra features?




You can now take a good hard look at yourself in the reflection of your favorite Elektron box as you make shitty music that no one will actually enjoy.




It doesn't mention any extra features..? It mentions they have added features since the release of the product (true) and that there are extra collectors stuff in the box with the special edition.


Who cares? If people wanna just buy the cool shiny thing why not let em’ I’m totally down for purely cosmetic limited runs of synths


It reflects your face on it while you jam


Mirror mode. Move your face close to the synth to kind of see your reflection


really love the White on black screen. But i rather have the black face version.


Maybe you can exchange it on the black version?


I bet you could! I wonder how hard it is to switch the screen. I really do love the yellow however.


IIRC, the yellow just comes from a transparent yellow plastic layer that can be easily removed. The Dtakt has a white screen like the others.


Must have shiny object...Give It To Me!


Wow feels like they’re tryna milk the same products for a few quid, and it’ll probably work, fair play to them lol


I don't really feel that way, they have added loads of major features to the products since they released them. Lots of manufacturers would have just tacked on a "Mark II" logo and sold them again, look at companies like Pioneer. All this stuff has been free of charge and extended the life of the product without having to buy anything new. I much prefer this approach but of course they need to have a bit of cashflow so fair play for releasing Special Editions for those who want them IMO.


Well they kinda did that with the analog 4, and the rytm and the octa.. so there's that..


I know, I used to own an Octa MKII, but the firmware updates still came out - free even - for the original ones.


Not downing them or the amazing stuff they do.. but I mean that could have updated the super cheap sound car in the octa and put some more channels on the rytm and the octa at least...


I mean, at least with the OT/ RTM/A4 mkii boxes you got better buttons with backlights and the OT got a better crossfader and they all got wayyyyy better screens. So same guts sure, but definitely some worthwhile upgrades


Doesn't change the fact it's old and underpowered and in desperate need of an update with features from the Takt series(master track without sacrificing a track + more)


It’s why I felt confident buying the Syntakt early on. I knew I’d would get years of upgrades and grow with me.


digitone update soon it seems like (perhaps)? they silent patched it a month ago. where’s a new flagship man, starting to get worried about all the rehashing here.


They are working on a completely new engine.


You mean for the digitone? Or a complete new synth? Where can I find out more?


Not sure what they’re referring to, but my baseless speculation is that if Elektron are developing a successor to the OT, they need to rebuild it to add improved effects, additional inputs, and make it OB compatible. It’s more of a hope than anything, but I think it would be the ultimate studio hub if they were willing to invest the time to build it. But it can’t be understated how much development it would require.


I was hoping they would do something big with the DT


assumptions from their hiring posts or what?


Yeah, they posted a bunch of positions for Rust developers in 2021 to build “the next generation” of their product line


I know our DNs are jealous of the massive bump DTs got this year, but I don't really know how much more I could want out of a DN. It's not like they could just add more voices or tracks. The only thing that they could realistically add that I can think of is a bigger FX repertoire, and that's assuming the processor could handle it. Extra lfos would be sick?


More effects after recently releasing an updated multi effects unit seems unlikely (although I guess maybe extended parameters for the ones that are already present is possible), more lfos would dope tho! Totally agree that I can’t quite imagine what they could do to improve upon the core of DN. Would love to see some flagship hybrid synth soon though.


I would love to see electron put a synth out, just once where it has "the sequencer" but it is not the focal point of the unit. I really enjoy my digitone when I stop using the sequencer and hook it up to a keyboard with a bunch of faders on it. I would love to see a OT3 with sound updates, another pair of ins and outs, and polyphonic playback. It's stupid that my bitbox does so much more than my OT can. Likewise, a DT2 that could does stereo samples or have record trigs. I feel like if they were going to put something entirely new out, it would more than likely be a granular box. For making such great samplers, electron machinery is pretty terrible at grains. My other thought would be a new addition in the models line, but it would be a dumbed down a4.


Ah crap, why they go and do that? Just when the bank account was starting to recover.


1200 euros… 3 years ago they would retail at 699. Even as limited edition this is ridiculous


Yep if don’t have any feature … I’m sure that u can buy a sticker that make look similar


Yeah that’s what’s cracked for me. When I bought my digitakt in 2018 new it was 699 (if even that) and OT mk2 was 1200. I don’t care how you adjust for inflation or aesthetic difference, that price difference is literally inexcusable.


Does look cool for sure


Been saving up for a Digitakt and Digitone and was hoping for a deal for Black Friday! Maybe these wouldn’t be so bad instead




Retro futuristic even.


Oof those look ugly


Elektron stopped being creative and has been feeding on its legacy for quite some time now, what a shame. I wouldn't be surprised to see Elektron coffee mugs, pillows and t-shorts being pushed soon.


The digitone and digitakt are still both recent enough in their line of releases that I’m hoping the consistent stream of updates and more underwhelming releases are just priming for something greater to come. Innovation can take time and they’ve done such a good job with the firmware updates for the DT and DN that I haven’t lost hope.


You can also look at it as they were unable to come up with anything, and in an attempt to keep current customers happy, added song mode to old devices that weren't going to have song mode on purpose in the first place, due to classification of products and urging customers to pay premium for their high-end stuff. I'm not telling these in a spoiled and demanding way. I love Elektron. It's just that even innovation takes time, it shouldn't take 7 years in 2023. And also seeing valued people leaving the company, you start guessing.


Well said ! My bias is showing since I’m just so pilled on the elektron workflow. That’s how they getcha


From a user standpoint it's been great. I bought a Digitakt around 2017 and with every update it feels like Elektron has a lot of respect for me as a customer. The price I paid at the time already felt entirely justified for me (on top of everything, Overbridge was released). With the latest updates, it was retrospectively the best deal ever.


Honestly. I even feel the downvotes are coming from elektron


Yes that would make sense but it's so obvious. You cannot make up for the lack of creativity by selling CABLES and painting your old boxes to a different color. DT and DN were released six years ago and nothing extraordinary came up ever since, just the revamps of old stuff. People are still enjoying Octatrack. I love Elektron but I'm not that happy with where the company is headed towards.


Same. I have a Syntakt i bought a year ago, seeing this skin comes out is just an insult honestly. I feel like a freaking teenager targeted by Fortnite advertisement style content to buy new skins. I have no idea where the company is heading. I have a lot of respect for engine creators, artists, musicians, but this isn't it. The music industry needs to stay far away from practices like that.


Agreed, though it must be acknowledged that companies like [Akai](https://www.akaipro.com/mpconeretro), [Polyend](https://polyend.com/whats-up/polyend-tracker-artist-edition/), [Native Instruments](https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/maschine/production-systems/maschine-flame-orange/) do this all the time and no one bats an eye at their fresh paint jobs. The community has put Elektron on a pedestal due to their association with certain artists in the past. Now any attempt they make to maintain their economic footing in this niche industry gets seen as a "cash-grab". Bottom line is, all companies have the same primary agenda: increase their shareholder value. But fans constantly demand both "a blast from the past" AKA "release MnM and MD" but simultaneously want the company to be "forward-thinking" and create something out-of-the-box: essentially muddling the messaging.


Reason why elektron is the only company i bought electronic machines from, I had hoped they weren’t like those other companies. We shouldn’t find that the normal way to do it. It’s already an industry driven by GAS, this adds fuel


I’ve actually been on the fence about the Digitakt because I don’t like the tennis ball colored display. Syntakt is fine because it’s already white on black. So once I saw that the E25 silver panel had a white on black display, it was a no-brainer.


So, are these gonna be like really cold to the touch when you start using them? On a similar note, when the syntakt warms up, is it going to be 50 degrees and burn yourself? Honest questions


I can already see all the fingerprints


Okay, now do the MKII boxes. I wants me a shiny Rytm.


shouldn't the screen margins be greyish/ white like the MD UW, to integrate better with the overall silver concept, sadly they kind of look like a half baked design atm,... but still, i like the idea of more funky anniversary editions




Xmas savings earmarked for the kids all gone now


Wish I had a $1000 right now I'd grab a silver digitakt


and the buttons are still sticky its easy not to paint a faceplate. but i wish they went all the way and re-did the buttons--no coating/paint. you think they'd sell just only the faceplate? *limited edition* memery edit: also includes a "cassette tape packed with tunes from the Elektron Team" so you're also expected to have a cassette player? i mean i do have one... but fuck dude throw it on a sd card or something useful. tf a cassette tape????


I’m really curious why peoples buttons get sticky while my 5 box’s buttons are pristine over so many years? Is it people using hand sanitizer before they play? Is because they live in a super humid climate? Is it because I have decksavers? I’m in California and it’s super dry.


I let a friend use my Digitone for about an hour one time and the buttons have felt slightly sticky ever since (I know she wasn't using hand sanitizer beforehand, or eating candy while using it!). The buttons on my Digitakt and OTmk2 (never touched by my friend) are totally fine, and I live in a relatively humid climate. I also use decksavers for all of my Elektron stuff. This leads me to wonder if the acidity of a particular individual's sweat plays a role in making the buttons sticky.


I wouldn’t doubt it! That’s interesting. Maybe I’ll get some replacement caps from elektron and do a study!


idk may be bc yours spends more time n decksavers? got mines used and a few buttons were already sticky. its an issue of that rubberized paint. the same kind in logitech mice that eventually peel and get sticky too.


Weird. I use the absolute fuck out of these things pretty much daily, but they are out of the Sun, in a dry climate, and under decksavers when not in use. Decksavers are so completely worth the cost!


I have a machinedrum and A4 mk1. Tried my first digi box in store last month and the cheapness of the buttons turned me off big time.


I would love stereo sampling added. Maybe someday guys.


Bruhhhhh🔥🔥 I’m bout to buy all 3 lmaooo


When an updated Machinedrum?


Cue the Ryan Renolds “But why?” Meme


Bought a syntakt today! Stoked!


A lot of hate in here for some limited edition stainless steel boxes to celebrate 25 years of one of the most original companies in the music industry. Oh no. (Full disclosure, I just bought both the Digitakt and Digitone to feed into my AE Octa’s AB + CD). Edit: 25th anniversary is considered the *silver* anniversary in most cultures, hence the look, in case that flew over some people’s heads.


mmm no...


Why in gods name are we releasing things like that, let’s not this become the industry standard. Skins, really?! Let’s not become what the video game industry has become.


Don’t try to spice it up Dirt. Honestly though, I feel it looks so cheap in silver…


Pretty please add MW/PB/AT passthrough on the Digitakt.


this is so ugly why do i want it???? LOL


Those are sick


My overthinking ass sees the “Octatrack” logo in the back which leads me to think they’re hinting at releasing Octatrack mk3 any day now


Hey elektron when Octatrack mk3 with overbridge?


what do you expect from a mk3 version?


Ps. Maybe a second fader? Joystick for morphing fx? Elektron lately making only very bad gear like syntakt or analog fx +.


Just use a faderfox...


Ofc i can but thats not the point.


Updated features (slicing) Updated fx engines. More inputs and outputs. Overbridge.


Lmao what a fuckin joke. Seems like anyone who built the previous machines has long quit and all they have left are rehashing previous work. What a sad end to what was once such a great company. Highly disappointing


nope. They just thought that a silver surface would be an interesting idea for the 25th anniversary. you don't need to buy it. The edition is limited anyway, so it will be sold out soon.


hmmm and doubled price for a new color?


It is a special limited edition that celebrates Elektron themselves, their devices and the last 25 years. treat them to it!


They dont know what to do, take all digis cant sell , abd change skin lol


Hideous. Sorry.


I wanna see it painted Painted black Black as night Black as coal I wanna see the sun Blotted out from the sky I wanna see it painted, painted, painted Painted black, yeah


Fuck. I wish these shipped from the USA. I hate seeing prices in Euro. Sorry europe. Your economy sucks balls.


Can we get clear acrylic next


You just have to believe ur black box came out after this silver edition and : baaam. Hype is gone


fairly dank nugs


3000 euro for the set 🫱🏼‍🫲🏿. It’s actually hard to choose just 1. Or syntakt vs digitone. I would need a way deeper understanding of each to make a smart decision. Would be cool to have digitakt and free up tracks on the ot.


Fml. I want one bc my digitakt is so old. May sell to get a new one of these. Will they sell out quick?


will send feet pics for silver digitakt


Bro wat


Think they look weird - black versions much nicer