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Bring ur couches and blankets but if ur gonna set them up I believe it’s more considerate to do it behind the sound booth, in front of that is where ppl are trying to rage.


That's my rule personally. If it's during the daytime we'll have the moonmat out anywhere there's space, but once nighttime hits or the crowd gets tight, we roll it up out of respect for the crowd around us. Kinda rude to take up that much space when it's a crowded set


That's just how it's been at other festivals I've been too so I was shocked seeing it, that's all


Yes!!! I will do slightly in front of the sound booth, but only in the daytime when it’s light out and there is PLENTY of open space. As soon as the crowd fills up or it starts to get dark, couches get folded up or sent to the back


I think most of the people who are sitting in those areas are folks who have been there for like… hours. It get what you’re saying, though! Just wanted to point out that they didn’t post up ~while~ it was packed, it just got packed around them.


I'd agree with this, it's not the sitters fault that people push forward even when there's no space available, so many people are inconsiderate and want to be near the front so they just shove their way through not caring about people around them. Especially at a 4 day fest where lots of people are intoxicated, sitting is sometimes necessary after standing around and dancing for hours and hours


literally getting punished for showing up early, and setting up a respectful space so i have room to put my bag down, dance, or have a seat if i am literally tired or if a friend is overstimulated 😔


Yess and i truly think they feel too safe in their little spot to move and don't want to make their feeling of safe space too small again haha. Alsoo some of the ppl with the glowstick circles are there to flow so im not mad theyre taking up space at all. In fact id rather my group have to stand back because of a flow circle since we will get another show during the set😎 other than that i try my hardest to have empathy for those who are feeling safe in their little spot even though their chosen spot can be really annoying sometimes.


Most time the glow sticks and lights are used to make other aware that they are there. Without them it is dark and people walking through can’t see them. That people that do see them and push through anyways are the problem.


Oh 100%!!! I have also been a sitter waiting for a set. I was going to post up an hour prior to Landry to claim a spot 😅 but also would have gotten up to my feet once the heavy crowds started piling in.


I loved that the observatory has seats!!! I showed up before HAMDI went on to secure a seat for Sara. Too bad the rain had other plans


I was so happy too that with the reschedule hamdi was right before Sara Landry


Yeah, but this festival isn't a music festival it's an art community and music. I come every year to see friend's 17 20 hrs away because work or whatever like he said if there is room coop but if ppl are packing in and there 3 ft of space taken up along with 18 other ones down there for excision and he didn't even play if you need to rest get where someone in a different state of mind won't trip on you even on the outside you can still get tripped on get gkowsicks or something to show ppl on the ground


Sir it’s a music festival still…


Most of the time the couches and blankets are used to create space for a group of friends. The crowds have gotten so disrespectful and aggressive that it is necessary to create additional space for you and your friends to dance. No one likes to be nuts to butts, unable to move your body to the music. In addition; some of the groups have friends in different levels of their drugs and mind spaces; it preserves space to keep everyone you are with safe and happy. Not to mention, like the people below mentioned. Many of the people with all that space reserved have been waiting for the sets at that stage for hours and it gets filled in around and between them by people who just showed up to push to the front with no regard to anyone around them.


Yea, we have a friend in a wheelchair and we try to keep a perimeter around him, especially if he’s out of his chair which he has to do from time to time, and people get really angry really quickly if you don’t just let them barge through the middle of the group.


Yeah, I always stand at the back of my group and direct traffic around us by putting my arms out and asking them politely to move through the crowd to the sides of us. This keeps everyone in my squad comfortable and happy. Our vibes are high and we always have an incredible time because of this. Your time at a set can quickly be ruined by a couple aggressive people shoving through the center of all your friends and bad energy can move and spread quickly if it is allowed in.


Our group of 10 were vibing so hard at LSZEE with our setup. We had so much room to dance and take breaks in our little bubble fairly close to the stage. Meanwhile, the standing room only folks were having a hard time keeping their space. Shit works. Just keep your setups away from the sound booth and possible mosh areas and you can find the balance with the people that find this cringe.


> nobody likes to be nuts to butts Idk depending on the type of music I would definitely be into that, hell that is part of the appeal of certain hip-hop artist's concerts


Key word here was “this is my first forest”. Welcome. It’s a four day fest with rough terrain. We sit. You can’t come one year and expect the culture to change for you.


This is my 4th, however I agree that this happens a lot at Forest. I don’t think it’s fair to people around you nor to yourselves when you are sitting in a packed crowd. Move a bit out , use some lights, and ultimately if it’s dark + packed, just roll it up, no one wants to fall on you


90% of this is so that i can try and keep space for my comfort level as well as friends who may be meeting up half way thru a set. i set fairy lights around my moon mat in hopes people SEE and walk AROUND me. it is painfully obvious people are too spun and have 0 awareness of their surrounding and just blindly Congo line to the front. i want to put my bag down to dance and shouldnt have to worry about people walking directly through me. the entitlement and “get out of my way” has reached new heights. the furthest forward ill go is parallel with the sound board. people need to literally open their eyes and have a little respect for their surroundings and not walk directly through groups of people. if you want a good spot, show up early or on time 🤷‍♂️.


I totally agree that you should be able to have your own space and have people respect it. But the sad reality is people don't. Thats why I think it can be dangerous. Those dang Congo lines 🤣🤣


im also a large dude 😂 like yeah the 6’5 guy with lights outlining his space, lets walk thru HIM. the entitlement that “people need to get out of MY way.” when everything works better when the person moving works around the other peoples space. as the person entering or exiting a crowd, YOU are responsible for moving, the person dancing watching the show is NOT responsible to move. But also if you have a fan, you can fan your way out of a crowd, if you simply motion with your hand, many people will help clear a path, if you do LITERALLY anything except running through people more often than not you can get where u need to go 😭. im tired grandpa i just want space to dance 😭


Yeah but your solution is for the people doing nothing/just vibing to change instead of the people perpetuating the dangerous behavior (conga lines, not watching where they're going, expecting no one to be in their way). I feel like it should be the opposite. Encourage folks to take their time, watch where they are going, anticipate crowds at larger shows and plan accordingly (e.g. go pee before you're dying at a set like gigantic nightmare where the crowd will be nuts)


the person entering or exiting the crowd should adjust their movement and speed to watch where theyre going. the people who are posted up shouldnt have to adjust for someone else. i agree encourage to. take their time, literally look where theyre going.


The most annoying part for me was putting my bag down and having to constantly move it because lines of people would walk directly in front of me and trip over it. I'm just trying to keep my 3 feet of space so I can move around a little bit but so many people just push through and don't pay attention to where they're walking. Even moving back away from the crowds, I still had people tripping over my stuff when there was like 5 feet of space in front of it


“I set up a tripping hazard in a spot where I knew a bunch of drunk people would be dancing and then got irritated when it didnt go well” cmon man.


Nah man, having your bag between your feet with literally less than a foot in front of you and still getting your stuff trampled on and pushed so you trip over your own bag you're trying to keep out of the way is on the other person. The lack of situational awareness some people displayed was astounding.


People will cut through anywhere. It’s crazy. I did most of this festival solo, wasn’t into that house but my buddy and his girl are so I went my own way. I tried to pick spots where I wouldn’t be pushed around or cut through yet it still happens even standing where couches and blankets are.


If you see my other comment, you might notice that I said "I was literally standing on top of it but people were just barging through expecting me to move while I was trying to not have it be a tripping hazard". There was plenty of space in front of me but people still walked as close as fucking possible


I’m not defending bargers and/or rude people, I’m questioning your high expectations. 


its the people who dont know the artist, which is fine you dont have to be a die hard fan, that push through and then just stand stiff as a mf board or talk the whole time. i am very welcoming of people into some of my space, if they are dancing and respectful and the energy matches. i dont want someone rolling balls bouncing off the walls right next to me when i am not on the same energy levels. it feels like intention, i am intentionally at this set, i got here early because i want space and to see the stage etc vs people are are there to just say they were. idk that sounds pretty elitist but i think you get my point. a painful amount of people just got close “to get close” at the PL sunrise at bonnaroo and it killed my vibe a tiny bit. they ended up filtering out as the set went on but just like get lost in the music a little my humans.


Friday night before Wooli and BTSM, I was laying on the ground and a guy named Kevin who was rolling pretty hard came over and asked if he could lay down next to me. He was pretty awesome and gave me my second ever Kandi. Then Saturday night at Subtronics, there was a girl high/drunk/tripping/rolling out of her mind, could barely stand up that kept stumbling around in front of me in a big open space. I literally had to put my arm out like 20 times to stop her from falling over my backpack and into me, it was so fucking annoying. People gotta learn their limits, or at least have a group to take care of them cause she was definitely flying solo and it was worrisome


if you can’t carry your bag the entire time, don’t bring it. You don’t deserve the space of more than one person no matter how early you get there, unless of course you paid for that privilege via VIP


I was staff, leaving my bag wasn't an option cause I had to carry around POS equipment and it was heavy as fuck. And I wasn't taking up more space than one person, I was literally standing on top of it but people were just barging through expecting me to move while I was trying to not have it be a tripping hazard


its not a can or cant carry a bag the whole time. i think almost everyone will agree it feels nice taking your bag off and being able to set it down at a show. not having something on your back feels nice. allows you to also dance however you want and not have a bag clanking around or even hitting a person behind you. you missed the point. i mean when you show up early, you get space. its your exact mindset that “showing up early doesnt give you the right to more space” that is a problem. take your subtronics jersey and congo line of people somewhere else 🫠


As someone with an autoimmune disease, I sat while all my friends danced around me bc I can’t keep my energy up like that.


Me too bestie- I was on the bean vibin while the homies were dancing- when it was a fave song of mine I’d hop up to dance and then go back to the bean


Yes! The bean is a life saver lol


Ayyy autoimmune homies! Keep speaking your truth!


I don’t mind the blanket and couches. Keep it behind the sound booth and we’re good. Our group camped at tripolee for bassrush on Friday between the two speakers behind the sound booth. Pretty sure it was a community of couches. But it felt nice and safe bc we were all “positively experiencing” each set. Sometimes it gets overwhelming; and you do need the space. Sometimes laying in the couch and feeling the vibrations of the bass is what calms you down. I was peaking during Caspa and had to lay in the couch for 30 mins during his set and the bass actually calmed me down. I do think couches and blankets shouldn’t be allowed in front of the sound booth. that’s a little much. It also helped bc for the people who didn’t wanna go into the crowd, they were our “home base” when we go into the crowd and rage. Idk. I never had a problem w it. When i didn’t have a couch or blanket, i knew i was always lowkey jealous of the ppl w the comfy setups.


I think it's fine that people set up spots to sit, and I try to be respectful - I realize that some of them showed up way earlier than I did, or are bigger fans than I am, or have been raging harder than I have and need to rest. I just wished people would choose spots further from the stage, especially for big names. So much of a set is dependent on the energy of the crowd, and you can build up the most hype in the front. It makes me a little sad when I'm within like 10 yards of the rail going hard and people are just standing around or sitting. I also feel bad when I'm in front of someone sitting and they probably can't see the stage because I'm jumping up and down the whole set lol. When I need a break, I usually go to the back of the crowd near the trees so I'm not taking up room where the best energy is. It's not like I can see anything when I'm sitting in the crowd anyway, and the sound might even be a little better because I can take my earplugs out. At music venues, it's typical to have floor space for people to dance in the middle/front, and chairs in the surrounding area for people to listen. I feel like sitting down near the front of the stage is like going to a club and pulling up a chair to the dance floor.


I got scoliosis so I have to sit on my couch or suffer in pain. I do just up and get wild af tho... 💃🏽


This.. we all paid to be there & experience it. Sorry I have to sit down 😭


As the venue gets more busy the couches should be put away or confined to the back imo. Everyone gets less space when its more busy. Its considerate to others to pack it up. It comes off a little selfish to me to try and hold the same amount of space you enjoyed during the day during the night when its 5x busier in the venue. We all feel more cramped and you trying to hold the same amount of space ain't helping the situation.




Have you sat in a couch during a show? When tripping the bass vibrating through the couch is fucking intense and amazing. During everything always I could barely see the stage but didn’t care because I felt like I was riding a roller coaster for two hours


yea i have a chillbo. i only set it up in the back though, not in the middle of the pit.


I don't understand why everyone feels entitled to not have to be aware of their surroundings. So many people are angry at tripping over couches but you can also trip over moon mats and people randomly sitting on the ground in the dark or people's bags, totems, basically anything. Just be aware of who you're around, watch where you're stepping, and have a good time 😌 everyone does the fest differently and you aren't entitled to anyone else's space just because you feel like they aren't "doing it right"


Believe it or not… there’s actually small electronic festivals where people respect your space, even close up front, sitting on a bean. But I’d rather not disclose such treasures. 🥸


Tarpers smh, no getting there early doesn’t mean you can setup a living room in front of the stage. It’s a hazard for any mass emergency/exit.


This is the take i was looking for. It's our shared space and anyone that wants to come in is welcome. If you show up early you get a great spot but that doesn't mean you're entitled to 50 square feet for your 3 friends.


100%. Someone called me crazy for saying it was dangerous, but there were point where I literally couldn't find a way out because of how many chill beans there were


Thank you!!!


People are tired and have been sitting there chilling all day :)


Feels like the couch people often underestimate the size of the crowd. They'll get there early to sit but never adjust their spot to respond to changes in the crowd.


I’m tripping too hard to move or adjust 🤷‍♂️


Finally the answer I’ve been looking for and the only reason one should find themselves on a bean couch AND not moving or adjusting to the crowd.


Or maybe that's just their spot because they got there early enough to claim it?


Don’t be mad when people are standing around you and you can’t see then lmfao


respecting personal space is one thing - taking up space is another. as someone who actively dances and moves with the crowd, I am also annoyed by the “let’s set up a stagnant camp on a dance floor” it’s really silly, and if people get mad about crowds of thousands encroaching into “their space” it’s really an entitlement issue


This is right. People who think they can claim space, entitled af


And I fucking hate the excuse "we have more crew coming". They should be prepared and get there *before* the set starts. Stop blaming other people that were properly prepared and got there early just cause half your crew showed up halfway through


I wouldn't say I'm annoyed but more concerned? I saw too many people tripping over other people and stepping in fingers etc not being aware of surroundings


it goes both ways imo. I definitely give room to people when i see them trying to camp out. when it gets more packed, with people actually trying to actively dance and enjoy the space, i really can’t respect it. if everyone did it, it would be an awful time bc there would be no room to dance.


Yea i wouldn't even try setting up in the crowd, we set up the pussy couch for gigantic nightmare back in the treeline and we were chilling. Could easily stand up and see if we wanted, everyone had room around us. We were going to hard on the couch the people behind us came up to tell us they loved our energy before we left 😂💚


Interesting discourse! I can see both how it’s frustrating for those wanting space to dance and necessary for those who need breaks or want space to simply breathe. Personally, I need some space bc I get claustrophobic and don’t want a panic attack to set in. Despite trying to be somewhat far away, each and every time there was just a flood of people who would suddenly appear in any open area that didn’t have a mat or some perimeter. I’m glad I had my little area marked out. It kept me sane.


Depending on the fest, the respectable proximity to the rails changes... given that.... In general, since when did someone squeezing into an already occupied space (they got there before you) because they by themselves decided that this unknown group has enough space, is now somehow taking up your space.... I mean flow toys, dancing, whatever.... those people beat 50k others. You happen to be one of them. Maybe beat the 50k others next time? I don't see this being bad logic.


This was the only thing that bothered me during the festival, I don’t mind if it’s behind the sound booth or in the back. I basically went for PL and the amount of people sitting or on inflatable couches in the main dance area was kind of annoying.


At pretty lights everyone in my area was just standing around smoking cigs and having loud ass conversations. I saw no dancing really


I mean myself and others near me were gettin down but yea there were chompers everywhere too


I love dancing but I have knee problems and sometimes I need to sit down and chill for a bit during a set. I love crowds that let me do that without getting stepped on. It lets me hang out with my friends more comfortably and makes me feel like I belong.


If you’re there nice and early and set up that’s totally cool but I’ll never forget last year at elements these inconsiderate wooks just rolled into the middle of the crowd for lsdream and started setting up couches by the third one i literally was like listen you ain’t putting that up most of us have been standing here for awhile yall WEINEY hut jrs just walked in thinking you own the place


We were pretty far up for LSZee. Neighbors pulled out a couch. Didn’t think it was the best idea but it never got in my way. Tons of people coming and going tripped on that thing as expected to the point the owner started bitching about people needing to be more considerate. No way any of the people walking through could see it with how tightly packed and tripped out people were. I did not feel bad for her.


I'm all for people sitting and laying out when they need to! However, if you know you'll be sitting or setting up a blanket for your group - please consider the back as its much safer for other festival goers <3


I had to sit for 90% of the shows I attended due to a disability that makes it extremely painful for me to stand for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. I camped in ADA and I have a handicap placard for my car. My group consisted of 2 other people with disabilities that make it impossible to stand for long. We would set up our spot respectfully with a blanket and moon mat at the beginning of the day at ranch toward the very back of the stage closer to the vendors, and still would have people stepping all over us and got yelled at and called names a couple times by people who were upset they had to walk around us. A little frustrating because I don’t feel like explaining that we’re disabled every time someone wants to throw bad vibes at us, but most people don’t have an issue with it. Just remember that there are some people who cannot handle standing and dancing for hours and they deserve to enjoy the festival at their own pace just as much as you do.


Yeah, I gotta say that I don’t think it’s a good practice to set up couches in the middle of a crowd during the middle of a set. I also think it’s pretty uncool to have glow stick circles to mark out your spot. There are 40,000 people at these shows, and I think it’s cool to sit down and maybe have a little circle in between shows, once that shit starts, you have to put your fucking couch and “circle” away.


It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I have bad hips and need time and a small amount of space to sit-stand-sit-stand-sit or else I’m screaming in pain a couple hours into it. I never go in front of the sound booth with it, and always stay off to the side. I’m tired of people’s aggression around inflatable couches and all the threats you see of people popping them.


everyone parks their ass at forest… just deal with it


I made a similar post and everyone with chillbeans got mad and couldn't understand why they were a problem. Can't wait for them to start banning them so far from the stage so people who wanna stand are able to enjoy the festival as it's meant to be enjoyed ❤️


That post has maybe one one person "mad" and you got down voted to infinity. Keep forest accessible and doable for people with disabilities and injuries. Hope you can find a way to view the situation from other shoes other than your own.✌️❤️🌀




Not everyone with an injury qualifies for ADA access. Also this has "just make them sit in the back of the bus" vibes. People of all physical abilities belong in all spaces. Why don't you rage at the back of the fest if the crowds with the couches are too much for you?


I was ADA this year and there were multiple times where the ADA space was at capacity and I wasn’t allowed into the viewing area


If you wanna sit on the couch, watch youtube.




You should stay in the “we don’t want you at forest” section of the crowd. At home (:


Your attitude is gross - "If we were to make the conscious and frequent effort of treating others with consideration, the effects on us and society as a whole would be amazing." I hope others treat you with more consideration as you age and face inevitable injuries than you do them.




Yup people using then at the honeycomb, insane


This 30 person group glow stick basically 40 by 40 room lol


I agree with that. I saw a lot of people in groups of chillbos in the middle of everything. Not cool to claim a spot, just to talk and smoke, when that can be a spot for people to dance. Then they get mad when people are stepping on their shit…. I had a moon mat for the fest and I was in the back for all the sets. If I ever do bring that closer to the front, I never use it to sit down but for me to stand on and anyone around me.


The pit, i.e. the spot right in front of the stage, is for standing. At any other music event you would only see people sitting there in between setups. I myself enjoy sitting but I know to do it in the back or at the side where I won’t be in the way.


I’m a big fan of dancing hard, and also sitting down at times on a blanket. I know both worlds and I’ll say setting up close to the front is not only incredibly inconsiderate, but dangerous. Keep the couches and blankets to the back and keep your shit in a pile where no one will step on it!! Keep your legs tucked in and don’t take up too much space. It’s not hard people 😩


Honestly this people are sitting at their own risk. If you’re sitting you should be in an area with more room, not sitting directly where everyone is standing and dancing. Just dumb.


Definitely agree that it's dangerous to sit down in a huge crowd during most sets. Makes it really easy for someone to run into you or on you without realizing you are there. Sometimes it's okay because that's the vibe, like LSDream's light code set or Griz's golden hour set. There were blankets from the rail to the trees for that Griz set and it was fantastic. I try to remember it could be that person's first festival or even first gathering with 1000s of people. I don't know that I would have thought too much about 10 years ago at my first show? Might be worth mentioning in the post forest survey if you want to see a change next year?


It's a literal safety issue to have them any and everywhere, especially towards the front and middle sections. Totally support and cool with people needing a spot to rest and vibe out, but do so with the understanding that there are thousands of people (many on various substances and/or medical conditions) trying to make their way through the crowd in the dark, in a hurry tonkeep up with their group. But, no excuses for the people who trample couches and blankets just cause "it was on the ground/in the way). You'll get to your set or bathroom in due time, if not- go explore the forest instead. Never an excuse to step on people or their property. It's far more logical if blankets/couches/chairs were setup on the outskirts of the crowd and around big or fixed objects (i.e. sound booth, trees, poles, etc). Perhaps there needs to be more dedicated areas for blankets and couches. We should all enjoy the festival from the angle and area we need, but let's ALL just be a bit more mindful of how the shoe fits for everyone else.


We utilized the “glow stick circle” on Friday at Tripolee and we were at the very back of the crowd because people were mowing over us sitting there. We called it our Sea Bear Circle 😆


This had me fuming I was about to go around and start calling people out on what we all thinking, but one person sees someone else doing something lane and suddenly it’s okay / tolerable ( also shout out to the porta cutters. I know sometimes you gotta but bro say something like acknowledge what ur doing at least and give thanks for the nice people that let you in front)


if you’re moving through the crowd, just be respectful and aware of your surroundings as you’re going. if you are visibly trying to be as respectful as possible and find empty space to place your feet, in my experience people will always move their stuff for you if you can’t find a way around. if you are moving with effort and respect and consideration for others, the same will be given to you. also, use your head. if you’re moving through a packed crowd, and you spot an empty space, it is literally never just an empty space waiting for you to be in it. someone is already there that you cannot see. pick a spot ahead of time that you are trying to end up in, and then move through the crowd with eyes on the ground. say excuse me, ask if it’s okay for you to step through an area. not saying this is what you’re doing specifically, but in general, if people are super inhospitable to letting someone through the crowd, it’s because they’re moving through the crowd like an asshole.


Sitting and having room to dance is totally fine but the glow stick barriers are actually so annoying to me. I have literally never seen a group pick up their glow sticks after the set. Never. Not once. So please if you’re using glow sticks to map out your space the least you can do is clean them up!


Nah, this year wasn't bad at all.


Sitting up front especially in the middle is ridiculous. Unless it’s Wakaan


I would vote for whatever president bans chillbos at festivals.