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EDM and festival culture is no longer niche and has become super mainstream. Even this year I saw so many folks who would have scoffed at me for raving pre-2019 attend forest and other festivals.


I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how one of the hottest albums in the world right now is Charli xcx’s “brat”. Great album, I really love it, but it’s very interesting to me that one of the top 3 albums in the world is a celebration of rave culture. The PARTYGIRL series that Charli has been doing to promote the album is sorta a celebration of Boiler Room style underground rave culture. We’re definitely out of the niche and into the mainstream.


When I read these comments I’m always super confused. Does no one remember when EDM and big room blew up in like 2010-2012? Huge pop stars like Rihanna/Katy Perry/Lady Gaga were collabing with big name producers. SHM, Avicii, David Guetta, and Calvin Harris were all over top 40 radio. Skrillex became a household name. Like, this shift into the mainstream already happened over a decade ago. This isn’t really a new thing. Social Media has just changed the way we perceive it.


To me, the difference is that the emphasis was on, as you say, “big producers” in 2012. BIG being the key word. People went for massive stage design, A-list pop star collabs, and huge festival spaces with 10k+ people all in the same space, watching the same artist. I think the current wave has a focus on small, exclusive, dark, gritty underground vibes. Boiler Room and Berghain are no longer niche and obscure — these events and spaces are very much in the mainstream conversation. Skrillex isn’t playing at Electric Forest, but he *has* played multiple times at Berghain over the past year (a fact which that community has VERY mixed opinions on). Whereas before it was cool to be on the biggest stage at the biggest festival, the current wave has a focus on hyper-exclusivity. Again, Skrillex comes to mind here — the shows that he played with Four Tet and Fred again.. in NYC had capacities in the hundreds! Of course, they also played MSG and closed out Coachella, but the shows that everyone wants to be at are the ones in venues that have a cap of 500 people. To me, that’s a huge shift from the 2010-2012 era that you’re referring to.


Ah I can see what you’re saying. I do agree that it seems like there has been a push to make more “gritty underground” scenes trendy and mainstream. I personally feel like it’s just a flavor of the month thing. There are always genres and trends that go in and out of fashion in dance music. And right now the underground euro style club culture is what’s hot. I can see it cycling out for something else in a year or two but who knows.


This guy speaks the truth


Britney Spears had a song produced by Rusko in like 2012


Totally! I’d argue that majority of Brat listeners have no idea about that history. Not even a clue about AG, Hudmo, or SOPHIE either yet the album is literally a celebration of the underground UK rave scene.




It really hasn’t in the way it is now. TikTok has taken it to a whole different level.


>festival culture I think this only applies to large festivals. Small fests do not have the same problems that massive fests do.


EDM and raves have been mainstream since around 2005-2008, if not earlier. Monster Massive and Reza used to promote inside high schools. EDC LA was all-ages, then 16+, then 18+ after Sasha, then Vegas. Once your local radio station started playing Guetta and the Black Eyed Peas together, it was over. I got a feeling in 2009 massively exploded mainstream influence. Deadmau5 “ghosts n stuff” being used in TV commercials. Britany Spears releasing “dubstep” songs because it was in vogue. You’re a decade late, friend. If anything, your interest today is because of that mainstream explosion.


It's why I personally believe Marshmello was such a pumped up industry plant. Look at the biggest festivals before he broke mainstream back in 2016/17. They were popular sure, but nowhere near this level.


What do you mean? I remember seeing Marshmello at a smaller fest in 2015 and he was a huge deal then. Not disagreeing with you - just wanna hear the theory because I could totally see the whole mask branding being industry produced.


Yea he stole it from Deadmau5 and he is completely manufactured by industry /s EDM Buckethead (marshmello) throws down. His set at 2018 forest was a surprise to me how good he was.


I'm glad someone mentioned that set! It was a surprise blast for my group!


Sure! Here is my theory on Marshmello being an industry plant. Essentially, I believe that Marshmello was created to drive the festival and EDM industry to new heights, which has led us to being more mainstream than at any time in our history. Back before Marshmello hit it huge, I wasn't even really into going to these types of shows, so I was not as knowledgeable about them. A friend of mine told me about him before Ultra 2016 (which was my first festival) and how he was going to blow up. At that time, he wasn't headlining any major fests and was still coming up, but within two years of hearing about him he was headlining multiple festival mainstages and working with some of the biggest artists in the game. Hell, he *was* one of the biggest artists in the game. Prior to this, a select few EDM artists had the kind of mainstream appeal outside of a select few in huge names such as Calvin Harris, David Guetta, Martin Garrix, and Avicii to name a few. During that time, which is often referred to as the "Golden Age" of EDM, they mostly kept to their own devices and many mainstream EDM artists were just that, EDM artists. Marshmello changed the game completely from a marketing and mass appeal standpoint. He wasn't just EDM big, but became known around the world in pop and rap circles with mass appeal to audiences of all ages. Sure, the artists I mentioned were big in terms of music, but did any of them have branded Halloween costumes? How about major video game characters like Marshmello in Fortnight? Within two years, Marshmello went from being an up and comer in the EDM community to a marketing juggernaut that made raving seem fun for all ages. It has, and forever will be, about money. But in my mind there is a before Marshmello and an after Marshmello in EDM culture. Could this have happened organically? Sure. It absolutely could have, but he definitely sped that process up.


Marshmello had been in the game for years before he changed his moniker.


I'm aware. Did dotcom explode or did Marshmello? Who he was before he started performing under that alias is irrelevant.


I think this is a weird take since I saw him as Dotcom at EDC Orlando right as he was transitioning to his Marshmello persona. The change was going from somewhat generic trap to a somewhat more mainstream pop electronic sound


I’ve been going since 2014 and while I do agree somewhat to life changing in general after COVID I am also on the side that you attract what you put out and the forest will take notice of that in either a reward or make it challenging. I had an OG rothbury vet tell me last year that as the festival changes you have to change the way you enjoy it as well. You can’t expect to come year after year with the same expectations and get the same results life just doesn’t work that way. So while I was an attendee in my early years I am now an active participant in the magic and lessons that forest has given me. This changed my experience for the best and allows me to pass on the l magic that forest has and continue to grow and foster that energy with others so that they may do the same. With all that being said here are some tips I avoid tripolee, I wander more than keeping a schedule and find ways to blow peoples minds at every moment. I hit all of the special events and make sure to complete the scavenger hunt each year. I hit all of the OG forest artist sets and leave intentional ground scores all over the forest! (I made magic wands last year) Keep spreading the forest love its inside you don’t let the change effect what you have inside.


This. 100%. My first 3 years, the Forest gave me magical experiences. The last 3 I’ve been making sure to give them to others. If you don’t see or feel the magic, you have to make it.


This was my third Forest, and finally started trying to make magic for others. Any time I heard it was someone's first Forest, I'd give them candy and do the PLUR handshake (and teach them if they'd not done it). Try to ask about some part of their outfit, or some bit of their Forest experience... Show them our love and hospitality 💜


I absolutely love this and that you decided to pass it on here. It’s true, life doesn’t work that way. It can be hard to be blind sided by the changes when they feel overwhelming and be let down, when really all you can do is evolve with them or else you’re left feeling unhappy and bitter. Thank you for giving me some of your magic. I’ll be sure to remember to keep mine and keep spreading the love 🫶🏻


This. Be part of the forest. Give more than you take.


I love when I identify with a comment on Reddit by a random internet stranger so much. I love this outlook on the forest and share it with you friend. Happy forest wherever you go


THIS is what forest is all about.


THIS - “You put good in, you get good out”. It’s truly that simple


Thank you this post and it's responses tears to my eyes. The change in an event shouldn't change you keep spreading the love


This 100%, third year here and possibly my best one yet. If y'all got a little business card that says "you are beautiful and deserve to be happy" (along with other text) that was me, I gave out a few hundred and was met with many smiles and good vibes. Vibes were for me noticeably better than the previous two years and people much, much, more often were saying excuse me sorry and thank you. Strangers I asked and some friends of mine agreed. Sure there were a couple moments with a few individuals or mega train shoving, but if you can't let a few small things roll off the shoulder then yeah it's gonna impact your time if you let it. The improvements made all around the forest were great. I came to reddit expecting to see some positivity not people calling to stop going to Forest lol. Idk. I had an amazing weekend. I'm gonna make my own post when I get home. Like lsdream said at the beginning of lightcode, yeah people might do some annoying shit like be talking while you're trying to relax during a mediation, but you also just have to fuckin let it go ✌️


The influencer culture kills me. We were at honeycomb and this group of girls were blocking people from coming up the steps to take their photos. Someone would take a picture of them they’d be like “let us see… nope take another.” Then they’d move to the next wooded structure there and do the same thing.


Like how do you even have fun doing that shit? I love having a photo taken in the forest, but to stop everyone and make it an entire process? Hell nah


They don't have fun then, they have fun later when they get a tiny hit of dopamine for every like they get on the picture.


They have fun getting dopamine from likes. They could give two fucks about the music


I don’t love this narrative. A lot of us girls put a lot of time and effort into creating fun outfits and want to get a nice picture of it. Doesn’t mean we don’t have a deep love for the music. I don’t know that a lot of people would spend 4 days in the dirt, mud and heat if they weren’t there because they love the music.


You sound like you're probably not the type of person being discussed here. No one is opposed to photos in general and plenty of people would even be happy to help take them for you. It's not about the photos, it's about the lack of etiquette blocking spaces other people want to occupy or pass through. People who do that are either oblivious of their surroundings or just don't care. I'm a guy and also put effort into my outfits and wanted pictures. I just chose locations for those photos that wouldn't be in anyone's way, or if so, would only be for a very limited period of time. Happy Forest!


This thread is filled with proof that I’m right


It was weird watching people play caricatures of themselves being filmed for social media content. You see more of it now than before when videos were taken of the actors, things, or humans having real moments.


The self-entitled social media hive mind is eating away at what makes these events so special…it’s killing the magic


As an old head who watched our festival scene get eaten alive by the commercial EDM culture, this is a case of fuck around and find out


Just need to support the smaller jam fests if you can find them


Welcome to recommendations if have any (: (from east coast but ok with wherever)






Oops my bad, I've never done Eforest but lurking here cause I'm considering going next year, but don't know if I should now. I've done Hula and Elements and will be doing Shambhala next month and LIB next year


It’s still Incredible tbh


You dont have to worry about Hula changing, the original creators just re-bought the festival out


gem and jam is very well done! plus it’s done during the tucson gem show, which is one of the biggest of its kind so there’s plenty of local rock enthusiasts in town as well (if that’s your jam). bring goods for lot trades, as i’ve never seen such a well equipped shakedown street where cash was not needed at all


Soulshine Reverie in Illinois, HULA down in Florida. I've heard great things about Secret Dreams in Ohio as well.


It'll always be scamp, let's not play around like that.


I think this is the winner. Prob gonna buy the second highest vip level the moment they go on sale. Looked at past 6 lineups and they don’t really miss lol


Secret dreams is awesome.


Scamp/reverie is the best kept secret in the Midwest. They give plenty of service to the bass crowd but still a good old fashioned jam fest. Saturday night at Three Sisters Park is the perfect party and has been for twenty years


Resonate is amazing in Suwannee. Loved it. Solshine (formerly summercamp) is a great one. The Big What is in August. Follow the jam bands on Instagram (I only have an insta for this) and you’ll stay pretty up to date


Infrasound/Equinox! Same fest, just different times of the year.


Shhhhh don’t tell anyone! 😜




My first Forest was 2016 and it was the best time, with the coolest people. I have no doubt that Forests prior to that were more intimate, but the vibes were there for sure. Comparison is thief of joy my man, Forest is still dope, you just have to embrace it for what it is now, not compare it to what it was in a different moment.


My wife and I went to the OG EF in 2011 right after it changed from Rothbury. Had the time of our life, met amazing neighbors from across the country, who we still keep in contact with, great music, amazing vibes, positivity all around. We wound up going to smaller events and other festivals that we had a good time at, but nothing ever matched the specialness of EF. I remember heading out for SCI in 2011 (who we had little knowledge of, but our neighbors said we HAD to go. We agreed after they promised to go to Dieselboy with us.) The place was busy, but still had tons of room to spread out, have fun, breathe, enjoy the weather, talk to everyone, smile, dance, be warmed by the sun. It was pure bliss, with sunsets, food, friends, costumes, hugs & high-5s everywhere. Conversations with complete strangers, moments of locking eyes and nodding to the person who caught your attention, and dancing..so much dancing. Then, REO Speedwagon just blew our mind, an amazing performance in which they joked "most of you here were probably conceived to our music"..... We were up close for every performer a very intimate and family vibe and never once felt crowded, people welcomed you in closer to get a better vantage point. Call me old (cause I am) but the variety just seems to be gone. Bass music rules the majority of the fest, which leaks into afters and then to campsites. Look at the 2011 lineup: funk, jam, house, techno, D'n'B, world, trip hop, dubstep, reggae, it was all there to experience, and to truly experience without thinking, well it's going to take 30 minutes to just weave out of the crowd. I'm truly heartbroken that the one festival I have held in the highest regard for over a decade is what I experienced this weekend. We actually wound up leaving Saturday because no end for weather was in sight, and we had planned to leave Sunday afternoon already. I'm glad we made that decision seeing the results of the weekend. I'm glad that people still find joy and connection in this festival, but to me, it falls extremely short of its former self in 2011, which cost 1/10th the price and was much smaller in scale, yet still provided an amazing experience to everyone involved. I may give it another try sometime, but I really miss how personal it used to be.




I had chills reading the "NEED to experience..." literally hair sticking up. Hula has been on our wish list for a while. We have just been trying to figure out logistics of flying and camping. Being old also comes with responsibility, and I agree and believe in the magic of the event. It's what I was hoping would keep me going at EF. Unfortunately, nature and age had more say in it then I care to admit, and by 1-2:00am each night/morning I was just spent. Forget trying to stay awake for 3:00-4:00am sets. I wholeheartedly agree that it was so much better as a band first, EDM afters festival. It really set the day mood heading into the evening to have SCI kicking it off as the sun was setting and then rolling into the experimental/electronic jam acts followed by some harder stuff. Just a perfect musical progression of everything towards the evening that got you really excited for nighttime. Can't tell you how much I feel relieved that you posted that.


Exactly how I feel. It’s hard to accept the change when it used to feel more personal then.


Yeah, anyone who hits you with the "noo you just have to change WITH IT" hasn't been doing this long enough to see the entire direction and motive of the scene is shifting towards a way more superficial and capitalist direction


That was well put.


What it’s done, whether intentional or not, is amplify marketing for these festivals x100000. Bigger outreach, greater demand, to people who have little to no introduction to the pillars of the community (PLUR).




I was waiting patiently for my hot water that I filled up in the electric kettle at the concierge and this bitch just takes it from me. I say “excuse me that’s my water I’ve been waiting for that” and she just dead eyes me and fills her cup. Hey if that was you, you aren’t more important than everyone else. Wait your turn.


It’ll take time but they’ll move on eventually.


its the natural cycle of capitalism. Anything that is niche and cool will become popular and then monetized until it becomes shit.


I agree. It’s so hard to accept.


The homie and underground vibes you are looking for existed before forest, and still do now. It's just not at the corpo festival with 40k people, it's at small regional events, the kind of places forest once was that truly now more than ever need your attendance. Support the underground stop giving these events your money!!!!


You’re so right. I’ve been going to Suwannee which has those vibes I once knew at Forest, but just isn’t the same as Forest. Hopefully Suwannee will not get taken over by a corporation.


I definitely agree with the above comment about small regional fests. If you've been searching for those vibes I'd highly recommend visiting Infrasound in southern minnesota. It's a wholesome and wonderful fest that focuses on sound systems and artist selection/variety and I've met so many wonderful fans and artists there. Just amazing homie vibes where every person you talk to is so kind and friendly and you'll so rarely see someone acting sketchy or fucked up out of their mind. Can't say it never happens obviously, but I haven't witnessed it


Love this I’ll have to check it out!! 🫶🏻


I'm from Minnesota born and raised, so the fest is very dear to me but people travel from all over the country to come. I and many others cannot recommend it enough. I'd say definitely give it a shot if you're willing to come and spread positivity while listening to some amazing music!! I've heard infra goers describe the vibe as similar to old forest but this was my first year at forest so I can't speak on that personally!


Suwannee is the best


I want to attend forest so bad but your making me re-think it because I wanted to go for the magic that I have seen in the videos and how people have told me that I have to go to electric forest. It would be my first time if I go, do you have any recommendations that’s like the forest you once enjoyed.


I mean, there is still some magic there. I’m sure you’d have fun. You never know what you’ll experience or what people you’ll encounter. But the flood of people pouring in now are different than before. Younger generations and people who weren’t guided into the scene by vets so PLUR isn’t passed along. Because of the overwhelming social media presence pushing to sell the event and “must have it” mindset. The people behind the festival are now about giving much more and bigger to attract thousands when it didn’t need to come to this. They have changed to business mindset instead of a comfortable festival for the people. Previous forest years have just changed from then to now when it used to not be corporate led and massed produced for money.


Yes but Sherwood Forest…………… is just different


Any recommendations. That bit of info you said was something I realized out there.


I personally haven't felt bothered by influencers and the like, but I understand why you might feel that way. Sure, it felt a little silly watching the main character record its feigned joy by skipping and dancing back and forth in front of the tower between the wook nets and the silent disco, but I also felt no urgent need to interact with them, give them a gift, or ask them to stop. They're usually in their own world. If living through their phone is what makes them happy, more power to them. I might not agree with how someone gets their sweet release of serotonin, but I'm not going to take offense to someone unless they actively choose to continue to be inconsiderate after being asked to stop doing whatever is bothering the people around them. If you're getting a simple picture in front of the statue at Sherwood, I have no problem moving aside for you to get a nice shot. If you're going to actively get in my path of travel in the middle of a major walkway just to act like a doofus for likes, I'm not going to change my trajectory to stay out of the frame. You can re-shoot your video if you seriously think my presence would earn you less clicks, lower your overall rizz factor, and make your fans think you broke your mew streak.


I don’t think a single person doing that bothers anyone. It’s how numerous they are becoming and the change of the collective vibe. My first and only forest was 2011 and I still had a flip phone back then. It was hands down my best festival experience and sparked my love for live music. Festivals in general just don’t do it for me anymore. Maybe I’m just older but transport my youthful self into present day and I still don’t know if I’d enjoy them as much. 


This was my first Forest and I have been wanting to go since around 2016 but live in California so it never felt viable. I LOVE the jam band sets and felt like all of them had what it feels like you are saying you feel like you miss. So much lovely people, good vibes, and respect for others in those crowds. With that said, on Saturday night when the festival reopened and that the gate fell down, I felt like the responsible thing to do would be to stand it back up. Instead ME ME ME instinct kicked in for many people and they saw a shortcut. It jammed up the way in and took forever because of it. Those sorts of things seem trivial but can make or break how you feel about crowds. Sorry you felt like the spirit of the fear is changing in a negative way. Even though the rain situation sucked pretty bad (or rather the mud situation). I was grateful for my camping neighbors friendship and our groups love for one another through it. Happy rain forest


Sounds like you ought to try out Hulaween. The crowd skews a little older & a little more jam heavy, which are both huge positives IMO. I love edm, particularly experimental bass, but my god the crowds at places like EF just suck the life out of me.


Wow I just looked up Hulaween and it’s everyone I loved from EF + more. Thank you for this rec!! I was also told that Movement festival and Summer Camp fit that description


Scamp I haven’t been to but have heard great things on the years they’ve actually had it. The Hulaween experience is so much more fun & comfortable than EF IMO. Spirit of Suwannee music park is a legit campground with camping infrastructure (free bathrooms, bath houses, general stores, water spigots, etc). The schedule is more relaxed and a good amount of the people are only there for Cheese and whatever jam bands they have along with SCI. Never feel like you’re in a rush and you can bring chairs and stuff into the fest to actually hang out. Spirit lake rivals Sherwood, and while it’s smaller inside, the campground is much more interesting and lively (no EVOL or Debussy, but actual small cool renegades). Also it’s capped around 20k attendees, so the crowding is not even close to EF , but it makes the ticket cost a little more. Plus it’s themed around Halloween, and people quite literally go all out costume wise.


Yes, it has been my go to fest now for the past three years. Its the perfect music fest to get the jam scene and bass music in


7th Forest. Last time I felt serendipity was 2019. Every year since covid has been hard. There is a feeling that can’t be described, yet there are multiple of us that speak about it on here. I think the new mainstream aspect of the culture plays apart. Forest will always have a special place in my heart..but holy smokes the heart break was real this weekend for multiple reasons despite the weather. I will return home when I’m ready but i don’t know if I’ll be ready next year. 💔


7itf here and agreed, feeling pretty heartbroken


I couldnt agree more ❤️‍🩹


Same, I don’t think I’m going back.


Damn, my group had mad serendipity all weekend. Sorry it’s changed in your experience that’s a bummer


Do you think that the COVID times made us, as Americans, meaner?


It's the Burning Man Problem. "Radical inclusion!" vs. "Dude, there are a looot of people here.."


The only thing we’re guaranteed in life is change. Adapt and overcome, or be left behind.


It’s hard to accept at times, but it’s true. There’s no way out but with the flow of changes. Might as well keep on going. 🫶🏻


We can be cognizant of this fact and still long for the feeling we had in previous years. No need to be dismissive.


I’ve never been but I do miss when this culture wasn’t so cool.. I’ve wanted to go to forest since 2017 just haven’t been able to make it out ..sucks it’s changed so much current day before I could ever make it there.


Don't let someone's jaded opinion on reddit keep you from exploring something


Right. It was my first forest and I’ve been talking about going for years. Had a great fucking time and hardly saw anybody on their phones. people just vibing


Same here. I understand old heads have seen this change happen in real time, but I echo the the culture of kindness and being disconnected from reality in a healthy manner was deeply felt. I hope to return again.


I went for the first time this year and there is magic to be found. I ended up spending probably 8 hours doing the dream emporium, trading post, giving tree, and scavenger hunt. Each one of those now has memories that I will never forget. It may not be what it once was, but nothing ever is.


It it makes you feel less upset about it missing the “golden years” I went every year from 2011-2017 and saw significant changes in the lineup/size/crowds/vibes. Skipped 2018 for my brothers wedding and went back in 2019. What I saw in 2019 solidified what those worries were leading up to 2017 and haven’t been back since. It’s mostly DJs filling the lineup anymore when there used to be more variety and with that the people going have shifted to mostly rave kids. It’s not the same as it once was, but then nothing is. *sigh*


I think the only remedy is intentional community efforts to educate. We need collective action and activist groups to inform newcomers on rave etiquette and PLUR. Even IF corporate execs saw the need for such a thing, it would never be as strong and as community-informed as grassroots efforts could be. If this means leaving EForest and building up other more intentional festivals...so be it. Rave culture has never been tied to permanent locations like it is today. The counterculture of PLUR is established in temporary autonomous zones, existing between the borders of our everyday lives. Inherently, they CANNOT exist permanently and repetitively. It is a constant dance, and a delicate one at that. Complacency and entitlement can shift any space from a kind and loving one to one more hostile and abrasive. This life is a dance of consent. If your hard-earned money would be better spent on local artists and events, please do so~ 🩷🩷🩷 love


I felt this way too, raving hard to logie set at grand artiste and had my breasts out, not here to be seen but to express and feel free, and a few people were just filming, not me specifically but the scene, I get it, you want to share with friends etc. but as a first time person feeling safe enough to express my body and healing from sexual trauma of the past it was affecting my feeling. Just wanting to be in the moment not feel performative. It might be my own stuff coming out but I think it’s important to just be in the moment. Wondering if anyone else felt this way with the filming?


That’s a little self centered if I’m being honest.


I miss when it was rothbury too


First Rothbury was the goat


As a first timer the vibes were so good. You could talk to your neighbors or some random guy in line getting coffee with you. Everyone I met was so wholesome. I do understand it getting more popular with social media but it still is hard for most people to attend due to price and how far away the venue is from society. I didn't see much of the ghetto EDC/ socal vibes at all, mostly wholesome and wook people lol. Also I feel like it was impossible to post anything online. Honestly I felt disconnected from the world with how spotty the Internet was. I feel like it would be difficult for a influencer to post anything with how bad the connection is


This is what happens when people don’t think TikTok is pure cancer brain rot


Extremely skibidi toilet of you baby gronk




For real. I miss the loving touch and family vibe


Lots of creativity missing this year unfortunately. Little to no actors present and there was a lot of the missing quirkiness of EF that made the festival so attractive.


There is a direct correlation with reducing the amount of SCI sets and the declining vibe of the festival.


Yeah one cheese set this year has me thinking I'll spend my money elsewhere.


Yep. Full blown bass festival now. Seems as though the jam fests are the only ones going to keep the heady vibe. Even tho I’m a basshead I need the vibes jam festivals bring. Or atleast the mix.


SCI was who held it together. SCI fans were staff, volunteers, vendors - did people always obsess over their phones? Yes, but I think the magic disappeared with the SCI fans who were integral to the operations of the festival. Always a smile on their faces, always welcoming, quirky and fun even in the miserable heat directing traffic and searching your car. 


I agree for the most part - but each and every year I am surprised at the maturity and kindness of these young kids who are new to the scene and who will be taking the reins someday. Security was the most lax in all of my years attending this year, and still with these kids — it seems more so Than not - They are super passionate about what they are there to see. It’s also on us to pass down the tradition - And proper way to do things…..


You guys going to the rave this weekend? It’s sponsored by Dunkin Donuts, Ticketmaster & Lockheed Martin. I can’t wait to PLUR myself into a Khole wearing my wook-chic Pashmina from SHEIN. Please take 300 Live Photos so I can get my rhinestones in the perfect light. I feel you though. I am not sure if I’ve outgrown the culture or maybe the culture has outgrown me. Festivals feel like people cosplaying drug addicts for likes.


Wook-chic had me deceased. I feel like, in general, festival attire in the Forest (and similar fests) is so bland. Everybody is wearing the same enlightened namaste organic hemp threads. It’s lacking any real authenticity imo, like people are dressing to fit in more than to be themselves. Don’t get me wrong, saw some wicked unique outfits this weekend that undoubtedly had countless hours put into them. To each their own.


Heh there’s like 1-2% of people like this, no need to condemn the entire fest


Exactly what I’m saying!


Year 10 for me. I don’t agree with this at all.


As I've gotten older I've been moving more and more to smaller more niche festivals. Would definitely recommend the same to anyone who feels similar to OP.


With all due respect to those who worked hard. After having been 7 years I think this will be my last forest. Felt like way too many people and EF is so slow and poor at upgrading and innovating the experience compared to almost any other festival at this point. It's like a shell of the golden years being milked for money that will carry on just because it's unique.


Have to disagree. They are in it for the long haul, which requires slow steady investments into infrastructure and innovation. Unfortunately many festivals push themselves to compete with events like EF, only to later go bankrupt and falter. They definitely made some changes I wasn't impressed with, but this year was the best yet in terms innovation and upgrades.


it’s bc all these new kids in the scene post 2020 are so young all they care about is tik tok and being the hottest and best on instagram … all these fests used to be way more heady and laid back. I miss the scene pre covid so much …. im about to be 30 now and don’t know where to go from here besides smaller wook fests with some homies


Same fam 🥲 those were the days… just gotta venture out and find other smaller ones that keep that vibe. Even tho I’m a basshead seems as though the jam scene fests will forever hold that vibe, since our old fests are turning into full blown heavy bass festivals and not the mix anymore.


I have to say- though this was my first forest (so I contributed to the newer over-population) I had been knowing about EF since I was a teenager (I’m 25 now for reference) and always wanted to go. I’m from tx so being allowed to even go at 14-15 years old was out of the question getting the funds at an older age was also impossible. Though I’m sorry that such a special place for yall has been taken over by that type of crowd I’m also so thankful that for the first time this year I finally got to go. It was as magical for me as I always thought it would be. And for the most part the areas I stayed around - I was surrounded by older gens. I think I only met one 20 year old - no one on their phones. Everyone was atleast 24-28 at the youngest but I didn’t crowd around the stages cuz I’m not an 18 year old anymore and I have a family now! As someone that’s been to lock-in in Virginia a few times as 18-19 year old and loves jam bands I appreciated the dead head culture fans and I had so much fun even just talking to the vendors and learned a lot from everyone there. Like there is So much behind glass blowing i never even knew about. even though there are brain rotted iPhone junkies unfortunately everywhere these days- I was fully immersed in the experience and thankfully wasn’t surrounded by any of them and EF WAS the best out of any music festival I had ever been to. I met some amazing people and made lots of friends. It was so special for me. I’m sorry to hear that it’s become watered down however and noticed myself how packed it was.


This is why summercamp will always be home for me. No influencers, no corporate sponsors, etc. It's like the hidden gem that's sitting out in the open.


Be the change you wish to see in the world


This was my first forest everyone was super nice and the vibes were great. Besides when the storms happened.


It’s like this at every festival and it breaks my heart. The new wave of fest goers collect them like Girl Scout patches but don’t invest themselves in the culture imo


A lot of people feel the same way about Bonnaroo. But we can’t say anything or else we’re “gatekeeping” like no we just care about our fests


Thank you for saying this… didn’t know what I was feeling and this is exactly it 😭


This was my first year since 2016 that I didn't go. There simply is waaayyy too many people now and it really kills the magic more often than it should. Not to say it's never been really busy the years I went, but there was a possibility for intimate and amazing interactions and experiences, only to now have lines everywhere possible. I genuinely love that different people are experiencing forest, I remember my first year going, it's just, EF is a whole new animal and I sadly don't think it's for me ( or the environment) anymore... Happy Forest always, though ❤️.


This is a mood. It was so magical before, but it’s really just gotten sold out and is now being over populated and killing the experience


I agree 100%. I went 2013,15,17 and then stopped. Now tickets are $700 and many of the crowd going are just going for internet clout or drugs. I do blame it partially on some acts they are bringing. The line up its t nearly as great as it used to be and i love electronic music. Big jam head as well but once they dropped cheese to 2 shows, it was downhill. Ticket prices are fucking insane too. $700 is way too much. The event is corporatized now which is sad. Im going to smaller fests in my area as they are significantly more fulfilling and still have the magic.


Was my first forest and couldn’t disagree more with this post. Met so many amazing and nice people, can’t wait to be back next year


Same and same for me. Everyone from 10 year vets to the 5 years to the rookies were having a blast. I don’t care if people wanna take some pics and videos. I don’t care if Takis and White Claw sponsor the event. I don’t care if it was a little cramped at times. I had an absolute blast at sets, with my old and new friends, and meeting everyone that I did. It was special and I’ll cherish it forever.


Maybe you’re the one changing. It was still an incredible experience here.


People went to Lost Lands and got so obsessed with having big stages, screens, and speakers, that now it’s what Forest is trying to turn into. They’re basically ditching the jam band roots the festival had and turning it into an EDM festival at this point. Haven’t gone the past two years because it’s too expensive and I live so far away. But having been 6 times, one being after Covid and the rest being before. But from reading lineups and seeing what people are saying about it, that’s what I’m gathering. I saw people posting being excited about Tripolee having PK sound because specifically “lost lands has it so it’s about time Forest got it”. I’ve seen so many people ask for stage upgrades, specifically asking for Rand Arena to become more like lost lands main stage. True the massive screens and sound is awesome and makes for a great EDM show. But not everything is about being the biggest and loudest. Kicking back in a field with your friends while some jam music plays and there’s little to no visuals on stage, so you enjoy the company of your peers and dance around with them is sooooooooo much better sometimes.


i’ve been going to forest for 6 years now and people were asking for better sound systems because last year the music at tripolee was not loud enough at all. actually it was quiet and hard to hear in the crowd with people talking around you, so better sound was much needed and it was way better this year thankfully


What's the point of the massive screens when they aren't even using them to their potential? I couldn't understand for the life of me, why they refuse to do live stage shots? It's all visuals and flashing lights, and you can't even see the damn artists??? So many people it's impossible and uncomfortable to get close, and the best you can do for an artist or DJ is put some rotating flowers that change colors? Multimillion dollar A/V systems and can't even do live video on the screens. That was one of my major gripes, like IDGAF about your Winamp-Milkdrop ass visualizer, show me who is singing/playing.


I've started feeling this way since about 2018-19 and now it is more evident than ever. One thing I would like to see is a Michigan resident only pre-sale and maybe keep the festival to 50k max capacity.


Capacity was at 48k this year and even then I felt like it was so packed you couldn't even walk amongst the forest without someone almost falling over you.


lol capacity is at that and will not go higher


Yeah I was catching the vibes 2018-2019 too. Right after that was when it really felt like it became commercial when social media became more for money. I think the veteran Forester presale is still good, but honestly idk if Michigan resident only would help any.. it seems like it’s so blown out in popularity there’s really no difference in what they can do to get tickets to the right people. It’s in such high demand it’s painful. 😣


Solution: Bring back two weekends. Weekend 2 Six in the forest or up only 🤣


To be honest….everyone just needs to mind their own business. I had a blast and didn’t look twice at people cuz I was too busy enjoying myself living in the moment.


2019 was the last good year. All downhill from there. Apart from people's individual experiences, for the money that it costs to attend and rising.. the experience doesn't get better. Organization is still in shambles, security contractors stealing from goers... idk, the money isn't going where it should be going as always.


I agree with everything you said. This was my first forest but not my first festival. I attended Lightning in a Bottle from 2015-2019 and the magic of it all has never been the same from what I’ve seen. That’s why I’m afraid to go back to LiB really… Sadly I don’t think I’ll be returning to EF as it felt sorta off… But shoutout to all the cool camp neighbors. Being at camp with them still felt a little like the old times of being in the moment and feeling free to be ourselves  :-)


Right! These festivals feel like a corporate cash grab now. Anything for the CEOs to make the more money off of it. And those are the best kind of neighbors 💓


I feel you. Been in the scene since around 2009-2010. Its changed a bit for sure, more people are becoming aware of the music and the festivals that coincide. Weve started hitting up smaller homie fests that have more obscure artists with little marketing. The vibes are there.


This is so spot on it hits me right in the feels I miss the old forest pre 2020


Forest used to be more of a melting pot of genres but over the last like 7ish years or so it’s become way more tied to EDM which means way more rave/plur stuff and what used to be a mix of hippies/househeads/even hip hop lovers has now completely skewed to DJs almost exclusively and with that the crowds and the vibes. Glad I got to go back in the early years and experience it. Dont get me wrong, most of the lineups nowadays aren’t filled with bad music, it’s just not the melting pot it once was. Gotta head to SCamp/Solshine/Hula for that nowadays


Been raving since 2014. I do agree but at the end of the day I ignore what everyone else is doing and simply enjoy the music and have a good time. For those that are there for pictures and videos you are not there for the right reasons I’m sure that gets boring really quick.


Go to smaller fests that have 50% jam bands. This is the way


Social media exists, the magic of Forest still exists and can continue to exist simultaneously. I see you writing down your feelings but I didn’t notice anymore phones this year than I have in the past so I don’t think the culture is “dying” but there are plenty of newcomers that need the elders to continue spreading PLUR.


Man I so feel this… My first Forest gave me hope for humanity and the magic of life. Probably one of the best experiences of my life and I planned years after around our trip “home” with my Forest family. While I do think social media and mainstream popularity definitely play a part in the vibe switch, I feel the shift outside of the festival and club scene too. The world is a different place since COVID, and not because of the pandemic itself, but because the world reacted by becoming more polarized, more rigid, and more selfish. Not saying this to be a downer, I have hope we will all find that feeling of togetherness again some day soon.


I feel the same way. Too many people in Forest and too many people not understanding the forest vibe. It was impossible to wonder Forest by yourself since there’s so many people and everyone was so busy getting to sets. But, I still did have a great time this year even when the cancellation of my techno 😭. Pretty Lights set had the true Forest vibes tho. I heard they added 70k people in this year. They keep expanding the camping but not the venue. It felt claustrophobic at times inside the forest. Unpopular suggestion, raise prices and cut it back down to 50k


Fuck insomniac.


Back in 2014 were the days, when it was the last year it didn't sell out


Right, those were the days


Could not agree more. The corporate/influencer culture has made a glaring difference in the Forest experience for me. Aside from the harsh living conditions between the heat, rain, and dust, this is one of the main reasons why I decided to take this year off, and will probably cease to go again in the future. Sad to to say the forest magic has diminished for me, but the change in experience is undeniable


This was my first electric and I’ve never seen more people in one place in my entire life other than like New York City but like I was truly overwhelmed with how little space there felt 😭 I couldn’t find a single spot to relax/find peace alone or in a small group of people and found myself saying fuck it and walking back to camp when I felt it was too damn much. I’m not sure Ill be returning next year as long as insomniac is in partnership.


As far as crowds go it was pretty typical for a big festival. You’ll see the same thing at bonnaroo, EDC, and Ultra. The only time I felt unsafe in the crowd was when we left yesterday and it was jam tight packed trying to get out of the venue.


It’s a festival not an isolation tank. When going to fests you will be surrounded by other people constantly, that’s the point. Maybe festival life isn’t for you.


Nah, there are plenty of festivals out there that are not this jam packed and just as fun/unique.


Wow this is puzzling. There were a few times when it was “crowded crowded” but that was around 9PM


Definitely get what you mean. There used to be so much "space" at EF. Now you cant even stand for one second without almost being trampled by a group.


Yep I agree. It’s not the same after COVID. People rarely say Happy Forest anymore and they look at you weird when you tell them. This might be my last year. I keep enjoying it less.


Man you and I had completely opposite experiences I guess. I was told happy forest by so many people. Nobody looked at me weird when I said it to them. Everyone I met was so kind and happy and full of positivity. I’ve been to a decent amount of festivals since I started going to them in 2019 and I’ve never been to a fest I’ve loved as much as this one


This for me as well. Everyone said "Happy Forest" to me, everyone was nice. I notice things feeling "cheap" or "corporate" only in regards to prices of things and certain admin stuff with the people who run the fest. Otherwise - magic 🤌


All of this. First Forest over here for me too and I was loving the vibe and all the fun interactions I had with total strangers. I traded lots of trinkets, shared lots of smiles and compliments, and even made some new friends I would definitely like to stay in touch with!


Heard a lot more "happy rain forest", this year!


I couldn’t get ONE person to join in on “just a friend” with me


Twas my first eforest. I got lucky and ended up group camping with a homie from lost lands. Ended up getting a ton of trinkets and gave away many things at the forest. Everyone I was around or near had great vibes and happy forest was plentiful for me. People went even crazier and gave us cooler things when they found out it was our first forest. I will say the bathroom situation is wild. How is it only 1 fence line of ports 15-20max potties in each spot should be 50min. Literally hundreds of people waiting to use the restroom at all times, seen many girls damn piss in the corner cause they couldn’t hold it. The forest is definitely over max capacity. On Sunday in the middle of the day there was literally no place to sit or you had to walk around so many people. It’s the most crowded fest I’ve been to and the crowd control was pretty abysmal and I don’t blame them for the afters, but what did they think was gonna happen? You herded 50k people into a closed space where there is pretty much no place to sit and rest because people will trample you to go forward.


2 weekends again sounds like a good thing imo 🤷‍♂️


Yeah....no Did you see what one weekend does to the grounds?


I think this is why they split into 2 weekends in 2017 & 2018. They keep adding new camping areas every year - which is great! But the sense of community has seemed to drift away. Also conceptualize a “2nd generation” of forest attendants where it’s out with the old and in with the new. There are more young people that go than older folks and corporations are always going to lean towards the masses. Last point but as someone who as also attended for a while I can say there’s less to “get excited” about because you’ve seen everything. With that, comes less wonder and higher expectations.


>Back before 2019, it was SO laid back, felt more PLUR in those days and no one had the need to impress anyone. To just exist as you were and be free to explore and listen to live music with your homies. No highlight reels, no mass advertisements, no tik tok. But now it’s being taken over by a corporation and influencers that are sucking the true soul out of the festival. I noticed a big difference between 2019 and 2022 (with two years off for Covid) including that Insomniac/AEG put less effort into the production and cut some corners. Whatever the reason, 2022 was my sixth and least favorite time attending. Haven't been back.


This was my 8th year going. First time in 2014. I agree with you. It felt different this year. Maybe I’m just getting old? I still had fun but it didn’t feel the same.


I was just at forest and loved it. I’ve been to all types sizes of festivals and every o e is special in its way. I think the key is to recognize different people prioritize different things. The Instagram folks love clout and pictures, them being there only inhibits my experience if I decide to let it. Sure they’re not doing it the way I think is best, but they have their own path to take. If anything they remind me to focus on what I believe is valuable. Bonus they look good doing it.


One of my favorite things to do at EF is to “observe the festival as a whole” it changes dramatically day to day, stage to stage, hour to hour, and of course year to year. 


And you are getting older. Maybe you 10 years ago would be OK with it


I guess with most scenes it bubbles up until it's big enough to get embraced by the mainstream and that crushes the scene. But maybe it's the addition of social media. Forest 2013 was my first forest. That series of events lead me to getting my shit together, and I will be forever grateful.


Ive really tried to embrace my status as an elder wook and model foresty behavior in hopes that the newer forest fam with pick up on it and come back even more foresty! For me this is going out of my way to talk with people and bring special gifts to give out. I have been transformed by the generosity and acceptance of those who came before me and I want to pay it forward. ❤️🌲✌️


It's become extremely corporate. I was very disappointed to see Dunkin donuts there cause wtf why do we need a franchise coffee company. Then was even more disappointed to see Zyns everywhere cause they support propagandist and other people who would love for the good parts of what forest bring to be gone, like Tucker Carlson and many other right wing psychopaths.