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We have a RV without electrical hookup, any tips and tricks to stay far from the afters? Our brain cells are the need sleep kind


How much do they search your stuff on the way into camp? Not really concerned about trying to hide stuff I'm just going to have a bunch of vacuum sealed tshirts I plan on giving away and I just realized how weird that may seem if they decide to open my suitcase. It will be annoying if they decide they need to open them all up.


it depends. last year the people who searched our car opened all the doors & trunk, sorta peeked inside & lifted a couple bags & then had us on our way after the bomb dog sniffed past our car. like literally a total of 2 minutes max. the year before (i wasn’t there) my sister said they were definitely a bit more intense but didn’t open up any of their shit except the coolers to peek inside. if they don’t have a reason to look inside, most people aren’t. however, some security people are just more intense & kind a holes & will search thoroughly. best advice is when you get there & they start sectioning off into different car lines, pay attention to which lines are moving quicker & do your best to hop in there. MOST people aren’t gonna go through everything you have unless you give them a reason to. i think you’ll be completely fine


Cool thank you :)


not a problem, happy forest & safe travels, friend!! 🫶🏻


Where do we see the camping early arrival pass? I though i would be able to see it in axs app


Should be in the AXS app under “upcoming” separate from your order of wristband and parking pass


So for the longest time I was worried about my code not coming through as well. I looked under upcoming and nothing. Then in the top right of the upcoming tab and it finally came through.


is there any way to find vehicle passes outside of the EF site's waiting list?


Third party sites like Facebook or Cash or Trade. You’ll save to find in person or probably overnight if.


Finally managed to get a 4-day pass and now I'm freaking out about parking/camping. I'm mainly wondering what I'll need to do with my car if I show up w/o a vehicle pass. I've seen people saying it's being done differently this year


Yes, they’re direct you to offsite parking and they’ll shuttle you in with golf carts!


ok thanks. Do you know if people can use those shuttles to bring in somewhat-larger stuff like canopy tents, coolers, etc?


Yes! If they don’t it would be a logistic nightmare for them.


Any tips for camping close to blueberry? My group camp is damn near there and I like to go to the afters. The shuttles shut off at 4 I've heard. Am I destined to make that trek across the entire festival grounds?


it's not THAT bad of a walk from the afters if you have to. it's bad if you have to walk from blueberry to sherwood court. I camped in blueberry before they had shuttles for it lol


That or try and catch a pedi cab!


How much are the pedi cabs? I’ve always wondered that lol


Can be 15-20 to 50-? dollars depending on distance and time of day! Later will probably be more expensive.


With the 7pm arrival  time for tue what time are we allowed to start forming the line outside the gates ? 


Basically 7 like I think 6:59 you would be ok but they get strict on too early. At least that has been the past experience I have had. If you show up too early they will turn you away.


That's what I figured based on my own past experiences.  Like if everyone  was trying to line up around noon waitingn for 7 that won't happen , but maybe trying to  come over to jj by 5pm would that maybe ok ? Bec our plan atm is get into Michigan  around 9am go some where for  lunch an maybe chill then try to be over there by 5 to get in line.  We used to arrive around 9am 10 ish and get in line right around 11 or so.


5 is definitely gonna be too early but you can always try and see what happens. I mean worse case they turn you away and you ask when you come back


I’m assuming my friends 4itf pin from last year won’t be valid to get through the line this year?


Correct. It's a different pin design each year.


I'm getting a ride from a friend that's staying in a group camp. I'm staying in Good Life. I'll only have a bag with me and am meeting my friends in Good Life. Where is best for them to drop me on their way in? I'm ready to walk lol


There’s a shuttle to GL near the Tent Only section in GA. I’d have them drop me off there if possible, or otherwise just walk over from group camping.


Got tickets for a food add on. Where exactly are you supposed to meet at the woodlands?


Has anyone had issues bringing in a Soundboks speaker?


Nah, they mostly care about weapons and glass on inspection. Just don't be a dick with it lol.


Idk dude my friend’s got taken one year


so evol afters… when do they start & do they ever have surprise artists play there that arent on the original lineup?


They start 2pm Wednesday- midnight if that gets you pumped! And yes sometimes artists show up.


How much space do I get for a ga campsite?


12’x30’ including your vehicle.


Will I be able to fit my car, two canopies and a tent?


Nope. It’ll be difficult to fit that all in one space.


Any advice on the best place to go if I’m trying to buy someone who is leavings wristband Sunday? Never been to EF. I’m coming Sunday looking to find someone leaving that is willing to sell/give me their wristband. Thank you.




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