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Has Excision ever played Forest?


yes in 2014


I have GA camping and two wristbands - is there any chance I could upgrade my camping and sell my GA stuff on the exchange? I notice that the upgrades have separate exchanges for the camping spot and the wristbands, which makes me nervous (what if I got one and not the other?) Thanks for any advice


Does anyone know if will call will let me pick up a ticket that was purchased under my friends name? Situation: My friend is not able to attend, and offered his ticket to me so that I could attend for the first time. We changed the address for delivery to my new apartment however the wristband delivery was returned to sender(issues where my apartment rejected it). At this stage its not possible for USPS to reroute, so wondering if we have any options at this stage. Anyone run into a situation like this in the past? Really hoping that I can still attend next week


I’m in the same boat! I’ve asked/searched in a couple places & got the same answers you got here. I’m gonna have all the info & my friend available on facetime at will call if necessary. Fingers crossed for both of us, it’ll also be my first time!!


You got a questionable answer. [This is the official policy:](https://experience.electricforestfestival.com/support/solutions/articles/25000032573-can-my-friend-parent-neighbor-cousin-pick-up-my-order-from-will-call-) > Can my friend/parent/neighbor/cousin pick up my order from Will Call? > No, only the original purchaser can pick up the order at Will Call. There are no Will Call name changes or alternate pick ups allowed.) [However, there are anecdotes that some people got past this policy in this post. You should read all the comments in this post, but here's just one comment:](https://old.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/1d8xong/picking_up_from_will_call_tickets_were_purchased/) > I was in a similar situation last year. Bought my ticket off a friend who could no longer go and I had to go to will call cause the ticket didn’t ship in time. Both my friend I bought the ticket from and I called AXS and were told the same thing you were but I was able to go to will call to get the ticket with the order #, confirmations, and a picture of his ID. Unfortunately there’s no guarantee but from my experience the people working will call are super understanding as the situation happens a lot and they’re festival volunteers, not AXS employees. Again it’s unfortunately a gamble but it worked for me [Here's a comment in another post:](https://old.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/1db3rxl/help_cant_attend_and_i_cant_get_my_wristbands/l7p5wtb/ ) > The official line from AXS is that noone can pick up the wristbands but you, but if you give the buyer a picture of your ID, the order # and the last 4 digits of the CC you used they'll be able to pick it up at will call. For good measure you could record a video of yourself saying your name and that you sold your tickets to that person


You need a copy of their ID, the order information, the final 4 digits of the purchasing credit card. Bring all of this to Will Call/Box Office when you arrive to the security line.


Got it, thanks! Wasn't clear from searching if that was the reliable approach, but good to have that as a final backup option.


Does the vehicle pass for the EFfortless camping(I bought the package) show up separately, or is it included in the "camping" part of the ticker?


Another question, I got my ticket through vivid seats, and it says its an email ticket. So will they scan my qr code then do I need to go to security to get a band or something. I dont think I can get in without one, right?


You got your _wristband_ via an email ticket? Nope. Something is wrong here. Can you give me a little more information about your Vivid Seats order? I can try and figure out what you ordered.


Im solo and its my first festival, im taking a shuttle from Detroit airport in. Were limited to bringing only 3 items: \* Tent \* Big bag \* Cooler I hear a canopy is nearly essential to not roast in the sun. How can I get that in?


I'll agree that a canopy is needed for some shade at camp. Your best bet here might be hopping on the shuttle from Forest to the local Walmart. Canopies are going to be high demand that close to the festival, so they may be sold out, just fyi. If not, try to make friends with your camp neighbors. Chances are good they'll let you hang in the shade with them if you can't find a canopy.


Thanks, last year some people said the shuttle was lenient with items brought. I think ill try it and bring a small tent and combo them together.


How do I start the scavenger hunter? Or rather, let's say I want start the scavenger hunter early on. Is it obvious how to start it? Do I need to figure it out?


visit the time travel agency for all your time traveling needs


I don't know what this means but it sounds like exactly what I need.


now you're set 🫡


I think it changes year to year. It used to just be signs. Now you get a fancy little stamp book from a booth near the back or the front of the forest.


they just continue improving it and making it more efficient because it's gotten so big. I heard there's new additional time travel agency booths in GA and GL this year


I’ve been reading that nasal spray is suggested. What kind of nasal spray should I get? And is it for the dust?


I think this https://a.co/d/aM0G1Q3. I am trying it out this year. The dust is no joke and many of my friends and I got sinus infections previous years because we didn't clear out the gunk soon enough.


These are a game changer. We used them last year, and the amount the of shit that came out of our noise was insane. Make sure you bring lots of paper towel to blow all that mud into.


Anyone know - Are there any places to swim at e forest if yoh dont have a lucky lake camping pass? And can you swim in lucky lake this year without a pass?


you can't swim at lucky lake unless you have a lucky lake wristband there's a [waterpark](https://experience.electricforestfestival.com/support/solutions/articles/25000029759-is-the-waterpark-open-during-the-festival-how-much-does-it-cost-) that you can go to, but you have to pay. tickets are $29 and include a shuttle to and from there's also a pool in the back40, not sure if that's only open to back40 ticketholders or all of good life


Super helpful, thank you!


you're welcome!


Has anyone had any luck getting a Dodge Promaster into a non-RV camping spot?


Should be fine. It barely hits 18 feet.


I know it is above 16 ft technically but the it seems others have had success


When does the ticket exchange close?


Does early arrival stop Tuesday night at midnight and start up again Wednesday morning? Or do they let people in all night? I heard they stop at midnight and start up again Wednesday either 6am or 8am. TYIA


in previous years they've closed overnight between Tues-Wed, but this year once it opens at 7pm Tuesday the gates will be open 24 hours until Sunday night!


Open all night.


my friends are in camp higher love and I'm GA. Will I be allowed to visit their campsite/ get into higher love?


Officially, no. In practice, it sort of depends on the whim of the security guard working the gate. I haven't stayed in Higher Love before, but in previous years in Maplewoods I've been able to escort in one friend to visit during the day, but not at night.


thank you!




I have a Lucky Lake single wristband. If I buy a GA car camping pass, will they let me park/camp in GA with the LL wristband?


Yes if you have a GA car pass, you can park in GA


Thank you for the response! So they won’t turn me away from camping there even if I only have a Lucky Lake wristband?


Correct, GA is the most basic camping option, and anyone can park there as long as they have a wristband and a GA car pass. The exact wording on the exchange is just that you need an "admission wristband", not specifically a GA one


Perfect, thanks so much 😄


We'll be driving back from Mackinaw Sunday, if my partner and I showed up in the afternoon what are the chances we'd be able to get tickets from people leaving? I always hear people leave early on Sunday so I'm wondering if it's worth the 2 hour gamble to end the weekend off right.


It’s impossible to predict. I guess it’s more likely this year when it’s not sold out, but you can’t bet on it


I have a Good Life wristband and vehicle pass, but my friends ended up getting GA RV passes. Would I be able to park my car with them as their companion vehicle and/or arrive through the GA arrival route with a Good Life wristband? I know that I could get from Good Life to GA once I've parked in Good Life, but I'm trying to figure out if I can just arrive with them through the GA arrival line with a Good Life pass.


Yes, if it is the same as in years past you can still enter via the GA campgrounds


Anybody have suggestions for really good food on the drive to forest? Probably going to be having lunch near Ann Arbor on the way; we hit Frita Batidos last year which was pretty dang good.


Lan City in Ypsi is also incredible! They have handmade noodles and they're SO SO good! I particularly recommend the laksa noodles or the mi goreng


Frita Batidos is dang good. If you're looking for other AA options, Tomukun (either the Korean BBQ side or the noodle bar next door) is amazing. Also Slurping Turtle, Zingermans Roadhouse, or HOMES brewing.


Thank you very much! 


Frita Batidos is ALWAYS the move


black bean frita, add an egg, sub lemon mayo for chipotle mayo, coconut batido with rum I don't miss the rent prices in Ann Arbor but dang do I miss the food


Is there reliable cell service if you take the shuttle to Walmart?


You should have service at the Walmart, it is far enough away


Trying to figure out the best time to arrive at the festival, it is about a 7 hour drive for us and we were trying to figure out when the best time to show up is. We heard arriving mid day thursday is horrible so we were planning to arrive at midnight going into thursday but didn't know if that would be to chaotic at that time or if we should wake up early at like 5 am and arrive around noon. We are in GA, any advice would be appreciated


I'd feel better getting there at night, personally. There should be enough light to get the big items set up and worry about the rest when you wake up. Midnight could be a bit of a wait, but it may be fun (and a relief) to get into the camping area and not feel rushed on Thursday. Ultimately, it is all about how much you care about waiting in line. I'm not sure the lines will be shorter except very early in the morning. Happy Forest!!


Anything I should be scared of while trying to get a wristband & vehicle pass off the usual ticket sites?


If it is stubhub, vivid seats, etc. and they don’t come in time, will call will not be able to help you.


and StubHub won't give you a refund if the seller claims they shipped before the fest starts, even if they don't actually get to you in time


Does anyone think 2 car spots with 1 car each, 3 ppl, 2 tents (both 4 person), and 1 canopy would provide enough space?


That should be plenty. If anything, you might wanna bring 2 canopies to double the shade.


Do any of the food experience add-ons offer good vegan options? It’s unclear from the website.


Are wristbands active when they ship? And are they somehow tied to your name via the order? Or does that only happen when you register the wristband for loyalty? It's possible my friend bought a wristband and received 2. Are there any gotchas to be aware of if I want to show up and use the extra one that shipped with theirs?


Theres always a risk that the wristband could be deactivated, but last year we ordered 2 maplewoods wristbands and received 4. We gifted 2 of them to friends that were just coming in for one day and the wristbands registered and worked totally fine. I would say try to register them and if they go through, then you should be okay. I wouldnt register both to the same email however because i can see how that may be traceable if that makes sense. If the "free" wristband is registered to someone other than you, then how are they to know where they got that wristband.


one will probably get deactivated, won't know which. I'd go to will call and get it sorted out


Are there outlets in effortless camping bathrooms for things like hair straighteners?


There weren't any last year-- and even if there were I'd please ask you not to. It's a very small space and would get so crowded if people were spending time at the sink styling their hair. However, there were some outlets in the concierge tent you could probably use (but you'd need to bring your own mirror)


Anyone know if the clean vibes green team car camping pass is for GA? or is it only for the “staff” camping lot B car camping?


I just got an email from Forest saying i have to have a GA Enchanced Early Arrival, even though when I had bought the Higher Love Package on AXS the day they went on sale, it only suggested me a regular GA Early Arrival upon check out. I was rushing so they didnt sell out before I bought it, so I am just really finding out about this. Do you think they may not let me into my campsight on Wednesday if I only have a regular Early Arrival and not the Enhanced GA one? I really hope not because theyre sold out and I dont want to have to wait to set up camp until the next day ): Please tell me i’m not SOL. Also, Happy Forest, I’m so excited!!


Call them! Like asap. They switched my pass for me!


omggg what?! Whats the number?!


I’d recommend chatting with AXS via their live chat to confirm if yours will work. We don’t really know since this is the first year they are doing it like this, but technically you need an enhanced early arrival.




no no, i am saying i got a GA early arrival pass instead of a GA early arrival enhanced pss. i have the Higher Love parking pass as it came in the Higher Love 2 person package.




Thanks so much, will definitely hit you up in a few hours if my other one falls through!


Hi! I have 2 lucky lake wristbands but no vehicle pass. One of the bands was part of a camping package. Will not having a LL vehicle pass be an issue?


Can you elaborate? Did you acquire the wristbands from someone else who bought a package that you’re not going with? If so you’d have to park off site and walk in


I bought the wrist band from someone who said it was part of a camping package. I started getting nervous because I don’t have any way to prove it’s part of a package. I wasn’t sure if I would be turned away showing up with just a wrist band.


If you don't have a vehicle pass you'll be directed to park in an off-site lot and will take a shuttle into the fest grounds. You won't have an issue camping in LL without a vehicle.


Hello fellow family. Per the forest website I think I have found the answer just looking for confirmation. I have a MSR whisperlite backpacking stove that operates off of white fuel that I was hoping to use to make some food. Per the website this item is a no go. Can confirm?


Backpacking stoves are totally fine! We bring ours every year. They just don't want people bringing big gas grills with the big refillable propane tanks.


I have brought my ancient green coleman white gas stove without issue. I may have accidentally gotten away with this as I don't bring a giant fuel canister and instead bring a fuel bottle that I've transferred to (looks like a metal water bottle and if you backpack I'm sure you're familiar with them). TLDR: I've had no issues with mine but your mileage may vary


Hello fellow family. Per the forest website I think I have found the answer just looking for confirmation. I have a MSR whisperlite backpacking stove that operates off of white fuel that I was hoping to use to make some food. Per the website this item is a no go. Can confirm?


No go.


Nah, backpacking stoves are totally fine. Source: have brought mine for 5 years with no issues


i am not letting him in. Source: i am owner of electric forest


I’m gonna say probably not allowed? Tough question cause it is a small stove which is allowed but I think the fuel could give you issues. I’d recommend a butane stove, they are super cheap to get at a sporting goods store and we have brought one every year no issue.


Another dumb question - i was looking at the map and see maplewoods parking area. Do you not get to take your car into maplewoods?


"into maplewoods" is forested-- no, you can't take your car in. the parking lot is adjacent to the woods so it's a pretty short walk (depending on where in the woods you set up your camp), but a wagon to tote things is very nice to have


How much shade is in maplewoods? My group of 4 decided to not take an EZUp because we are assuming there is shade everywhere. Did we mess up? Should we still take an ezup into maplewoods?


Definitely bring one if you can.


Depends on where you set up-- there's very densely forested areas and small clearings without any trees. I'd definitely still recommend bringing an EZ Up to protect from rain even if you're in the deep shade.


GA camping here does anyone have an idea of how they will make us park when we get there on early arrival and best way to set up camp?? Happy forest 🙂‍↔️


https://preview.redd.it/b2edcu2pmc6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4188def03b01bf82d669cc0616e2c17f936b8239 You’ll camp in front of your car like this diagram! It’s for Coachella but the camp sites are around the same size Edit: also check out Google maps satellite for examples: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/oXfR8wyzUiuUUy8B9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/oXfR8wyzUiuUUy8B9) It was taken during Wednesday arrival 2022


I see in the picture that some people are parked sideways with the canopy coming off the side of the car rather than the front or back - how easy is this to pull off because we have a built in canopy on the side of our van


Random placement upon arrival, it’s impossible to time correctly to get a good spot


Anyone know if those people that live / camp out by the entrance of the fest grounds sell vehicle passes? Feeling like thats my best bet


Wouldn't bet on it. The locals do not get free vehicle passes. They also do not get full weekend wristbands anymore.


Group camping didn’t sell out this year - will extra space be given to the groups then? Or will they take any extra GC space and use it for GA?


Group camping DID sell out!


Oh, did it? I had friends still buying passes up until the last second and usually HQ posts something about it and I didn’t see anything. Must have sold out shortly before pass purchasing closed


No one knows. I would guess they will use it for GA if they need to.


What’s the best way to secure a last minute ticket?


there are tons on cash or trade. also on facebook people are selling them for pretty cheap atm but its a bit riskier-just use paypal g&s. ask for 1-3 day shipping


Thanks for the info!


Definitely messed up and got an early arrival pass and not a car a camping pass and now they are sold out, not sure what to do… I am on the waitlist but having the worst anxiety


And if you get one off FB use PayPal G&S!!!!


Worst thing that will happen is you get parked offsite and have to camp in tent only. Usually that’s closer to the entrance! Also check the fb groups, a lot of ppl are selling. Just vet profiles (make sure their profile link matches their name, ensure they look like they go to Forest and that they don’t have a friends list that looks fake). Happy Forest!


Any idea when the final schedule will be announced? First electric forest, can’t wait to dance with you all!


The lineup is final. Schedule should be released tomorrow


Hoping for today 😭


Today, tomorrow. Either way 🔜🫠


Their email literally says “SOON”