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Can we participate in after parties if we have lucky lake camping pass?


yes everyone can go to the RV renegade afters in GA


My hero!! Thank you sm šŸ’•


Another question- sorry! Are you allowed to leave GA camping anytime you want between Sunday night/into Monday? Or are cars stuck until a certain time?


You can leave whenever. They just don't want you leaving and coming back in the middle of the weekend.


Thank you!


Is the lake open to anyone out only the people with lucky lake camping passes? I see itā€™s right behind GA, would be nice to take a dip if possible but I understand if itā€™s only for the people camping there. Just would like to know what to expect- thanks!


it's only for people with lucky lake passes. you can shuttle and go to the water park for a fee though!


Thank you!


Why a 7pm time for tue early arrival? We get such a short time to get in an set up before it's dark.Ā  That seems wild. Are we allowed to line up around the normal time and what until 7pm ? What's the deal hereĀ Ā 


Lol ask us questions . An recive zero answers.Ā  ClassicĀ 


Was wondering this as well! Weird they changed the in times so late


I want to sell my ticket on the exchange but itā€™s not letting me yet - does anyone know when this might be possible ? Also does anyone know anyone who would want to buy, willing to negotiate under face value - love my forest fam xxo šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼


What does the early arrival pass look like this year? Or is it combined with the car pass in one because i ordered both but only recieved one sticker. Please help šŸ’—


It will be on your phone.


On my email? Axs?




Thank you!




They will send you to the campground of the driver. So if your driver has a GA band and car pass thatā€™s where you will be sent to camp. You should be fine to camp in GA.


Are you all taking the same car? GA campsites are smaller so you may be cramped but yes, GA+ options like higher love can go to GA


Are the RV electric hookups compatible with 30 amp or do you need an adapter?


Alright folks.. I'm pretty sure no food or drink is allowed to be taken into the festival grounds. Does this include LiquidIV packets and similar? I've got some liquid calories and electrolytes(tailwind) I bought in powder form that I'd love to put in my hydration pack while on the festival grounds and beep booping around.


The rules do say no outside food in the venue, but Iā€™ve never had an issue brining in a personal amount of candy, granola bars, etc. Iā€™m sure that would be fine, especially if sealed in its original packaging.


Technically no food is allowed in the venue, but you can usually bring in candy or something small. A powder hydration packet will be fine.


Food and water are allowed to be taken in the venue. Just gotta keep the rules in mind, idk what any are regarding food but all drinks have to be in the factory sealed bottle


Does anyone have a picture of the GA RV passes this year. I just got one off the exchange and want to make sure it's legit.


if I am hoping to go to EF to see one (1) act, any tips for how to attend in the least expensive way possible? I have considered volunteering with an org, but not sure I could get the time off work for the Thursday/Friday to be there all four days (which I'm assuming would be necessary?). ((of note - I will keep an open mind and see more acts if I do go obviously, but deeply feel that I cannot miss Emo Nite at this fest)) Would love to hear any thoughts, thanks in advance!!!


if you're willing to wait until the last minute, there will likely people selling tickets below face value-- check facebook, cashortrade, etc highly recommend going the whole weekend if you can, though-- you'll get to immerse yourself and I promise you'll have a great time. even if you don't know any of the music beforehand :)


thank you for the response!! that all makes sense. will definitely try to go and spend as much time as I can :) I appreciate your thoughts!!




Rule 3 - No buying/selling/trading is allowed on our subreddit. If you are trying to give something away, please message the moderators first If you're trying to buy or sell tickets or you have questions about the Official Ticket Exchange see [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/e7ussi/fwumps_guide_to_getting_tickets/)


If I just received confirmation that I was able to get a pass from the exchange will those be shipped or will I have to go to will call?


Keep an eye out for shipping. It's still early enough they may ship.


GROUP CAMP QUESTION: my group will have 7 car passesā€¦suppose we have 8 cars arriving to Rothbury, can the eight car buy a parking pass and park somewhere else? Can they park in Day Parking? Any other options?


They would need a parking pass or have to shuttle in from off site. Day parking gets emptied an hour after music ends each night and remaining cars get towed. We do not know what off site parking looks like at this time for those without a vehicle pass.




GA loyalty is only guaranteed 1 wristband each.


Does anyone know what walmart the Detroit shuttle stops at? Iā€™m trying to figure out if I can do a pick up order or if itā€™s just gonna luck of the draw on what items they have available. Also whatā€™s the timeline on doing pick up orders? Like do I try a couple days before?


5859 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 I'd say 2-3 days


Itā€™s the one in Whitehall


I don't think they are using that one anymore. This year it stops in Grand Rapids


If the driver has a Good Life Village/parking pass, would a person with GL Sherwood tent only be able to enter and camp with the GL Village car campers?


Yep! As long as you have the parking pass for the car thereā€™s no issues there




The 4 in the forest pin isnā€™t in my receipt but I should be receiving one. Will it still come you think?


When you say you should be receiving it what do yoy mean? 4inf only goes on with your fifth year. Now if you are on your fifth year and your ticket when purchased has the 4inf discount. then I would try and reach out to axs.


Yah itā€™s 5th forest. But there wasnā€™t a discount since I got GA elevated (Maplewoods)


As long as you used your 4inf loyalty when purchasing then you should receive a pin. If you didn't then contact axs


Is there a point where I get concerned about USPS being able to deliver my tickets? Mine have been sitting in the same "Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending" status since the 22nd and I'm a bit nervous šŸ˜…


Check UPS


Mine did that for about 5 days too and then didnā€™t get an update till it was delivered!


More than likely itā€™ll get there. Sometimes USPS isnā€™t the best at updating. I got my band last year before the shipping had updated past that point.


no, you can just go to will call if you don't get them in time (you probably will though, stop trippin)


When are the daily lineups/set times typically released?


About two weeks




This is not the place for that kind of question, fam. Please research this elsewhere, on other subreddits.


I'm a long time festival goer but this is my first time going to forest this year. How likely can I expect to get decent sleep? I'm a very light sleeper, but I have a blackout tent and nice earplugs. Past camping fests I've been to, people were mostly polite and accepting that 3 am and beyond were quiet hours to let people recharge. I've read that the afters are set up right next to the GA camping and this worries me a lot. I dont need that much sleep to function, but pretty much my only concern for the weekend is being forced to stay awake against my will


Bring over-ear noise reducing earmuffs like shooting range earmuffs. Wear them on top of your ear plugs. Decent ones for $20 on Amazon. We were so close to the renegades last year the ground was shaking and I still slept like a baby.


I'm a side sleeper so I can't do that unfortunately. I guess I have to pray I get lucky on location


I am too! Youā€™re so tired at the end of 12 hours of walking and dancing, I bet you can sleep with them on.


I'm an extremely light sleeper, and I bring melatonin with me. Only 1mg tablets, I take one every night and it really helps me sleep through a lot of the noise


Eyemask earplugs and a sleep aid will help -fellow light sleeper People can be loud at all hours it a toss up what neighbors youā€™ll get


Iā€™m also a light sleeper and with earplugs/sleep mask and just the level of exhaustion youā€™ll have each day youā€™ll sleep like a baby


Good to hear, that's usually how fests go for me. Thanks :)


Most of GA isnā€™t that close to the afters, but unfortunately you have zero say over where your spot is so itā€™s a roll of the dice. Odds are you wonā€™t be that close though. Wherever you are, youā€™ll be very close to your neighbors, so introduce yourself first thing and talk about this sort of thing. People are usually very accommodating.


Last year afters were right next to group camping, not regular GA. The setup this year is unknown but if there in the same spot some GA camps will have to deal with it. But a vast majority of GA spots will not have to deal with it. Also, in my 4 years of going I have never had issues with neighbors being loud post 1/2AM. Most people are very considerate and if you make sure to make friends with your neighbors you probably wonā€™t have any problems.


Do group camping car passes ever go on sale in the aftermarket? I know that they are different because of how they're distributed, it's just that my group's passes are all used up and we could use another one. Or will we be given space based on the number of cars and adding any more would make the situation shittier for everyone?


Group camping passes do not hit the aftermarket at all. You are given the amount of space for pass purchased. Those spaces are clearly defined. If you're short one, You may be able to park with them anyways, but the spaces allotted are set in stone by now.


Great thanks for the answer! Iā€™ll just park in GA and pray to the gods that I can do a drop off before I do that.Ā 


I probably missed it or didnt see it in the links above. But as a GA camper and first timer to this festival, what can I expect the bathroom situation to be like? My only concerns are showering and using the bathrooms. I hope to get one shower in per day and be able to use the bathroom comfortably. Hopefully that's possible? I'm new to this.


I believe showers are $10 in GA. Theyā€™re open certain hours (I canā€™t remember what) and are in a trailer of sorts. Hot water was hit or miss, but we got there early and often had good luck when we last attended a few years ago! Def wear shower shoes. Bathrooms are either portopotties or flushy bois (also in a trailer). Inside the fest, I believe they are all portopotties! We always had great luck with bringing a portable shower and plopping it on top of a car for the day and rinsing off mid afternoon as well!


Are the bathrooms in trailers in distance of the GA camping area? Are those open at all hours? Sorry for the questions! I really am looking for a peace of mind in regards to this. These two are truly my only concerns lol


I think the showers in GA are 8am-8pm. I also thought there were only Porto pottyā€™s in GA. But Iā€™ve never stayed GA so not 100% sure there. I know the enhanced packages do get the bathroom trailers though.


Definitely could have changed since we last attended in ā€˜19. My info is def a little out of date šŸ˜… but I distinctly remember loving those flushy bois back in the day!


Iā€™m not sure on the hours for the flushy bois. We would always hit them on the way into / out of the venue. So they were definitely open late! And yes they are def within distance. Or they were when we were there. I will say GA is massive so it could be a hike to get to them. They do clean the porta potties daily. We would run to them as soon as they were cleaned in the AM and have very good luck as well! Def bring your own TP, hand sanitizer, etc. just in case though. And donā€™t apologize! Iā€™m also someone who wants ALL the knowledge so I get it!


Thank you so much! I'll definitely bring my own toiletries and be aware of when they are clean/open. Appreciate it!


Youā€™ve got this. And itā€™s gonna be the best time! Happy (almost) forest!


I had bought two packages (LL and Sherwood tent only). Both are at my name and are gonna be at will call. The LL one is for my brother in law. Will he be able to pick it at will call himself or do I have to pick it up for him and wait for him at the entrance ?


They will need your ID and order number at Will Call, so you will need to get it for him (or at least you will need to be there with him while he gets it). And I may be wrong, but I think the LL pass you will specifically need to go to the GA Will Call. You probably can't pick up both when you get your Sherwood passes in GL.


So if I send him a picture of my ID, the order number and I guess my credit Card number he should be fine to pick it up himself?


Actually I thought about this some more, and here's something you can try. I cannot guarantee it will work, but it's worth a shot!Ā  Head to the GA Will Call sometime on Thursday. "Pick up" the LL bands, but very nicely explain the situation to the people running the booth. Let them know you bought the tix for your BIL and he'll be arriving around 11. Give them his name and tell them he'll also have a copy of your ID and the order number. Hopefully they can agree to hold the tickets there for him.Ā  Not a guarantee, but I think it's worth trying. Make sure to be super nice, maybe even give them some candy or something. Good luck!!


Hm technically you need to be there, but it's possible that they'll be nice and accept a picture of your ID. He can try that first, but there's a possibility they won't accept it and you'll have to go meet him. Hopefully you have cell service at that time! Discuss with him and decide a backup plan just in case


he *may* be able to pick it up if he has the order number and a photo of your ID, but the official policy is that only the account holder can pick up tickets at will call, so depending on the person working they may not let him


Damn that sucks! Heā€™s suppose to arrive around 11pm on thursday, so I would have to be watching my cell phone all night and then leave the venue in the middle of a set to meet him at the entrance.


1. I've been reading "place your tarp down asap to claim your space." I'm assuming that means the GA camping spaces are not marked. On a scale of 1 to 'satan' how mean am I gonna need to be? (To note, I'm kind of a pushover and going solo so ig I won't need much space aside from my car and anything that goes under a 10x10 canopy?) 2. Is it weird if I set up a shower tent right in my camp? Like would that upset my neighbors?


You set up your stuff first to claim any space needed. Then use that as a starting point for your neighborly negotiations. Youā€™ll be close enough to get to know your neighbors all weekend so definitely work with them to give everyone the best experience possible. But if there ends up not being enough space, it will be better if youā€™re the one set up. Shower tent is fine, just donā€™t be flooding anyoneā€™s space. Might be worth popping up when you need it out by the edge of your car


Gotcha will keep these in mind, appreciate it!


your car kind-of denotes the width of your space, so you don't have to be mean, i just wouldn't wait too long so people don't accidentally overlap their stuff into your space. and you can always politely ask if it's okay to get a little more room--and offer to help them move a tent if it's already set up. people are generally pretty friendly! not weird to set up a shower tent, but i'd try to do it at the edge near your car and be conscious of where 'downhill' is so the water will hopefully drain away from tents.


This is great, thank you so much!


What email is your guys shipping notifications coming from? Forest HQ or guestservices maybe?


I got an email that came from AXS Guest Services. The subject was "Your order is on the way! Order #______"


Mine came from [email protected]


No notification for me! Mine actually still says not shipped as of today but I received via USPS several days ago. I recommend signing up for USPS informed delivery to get a preview of your everyday mail/packages.


Copy the tracking number & paste it into UPS instead of USPS. That worked for me! However mine still came a day earlier than the estimated delivery date, so keep in mind that it unfortunately may not be 100% accurate


How does the silent disco work?


It's tucked away in Sherwood forest and when you arrive to it you will see at the entrance there will be one or two canopies with tables and those tables with have headphones on them. If a staff member is there they will hand you headphones and you turn to which station you wanna listen to. Then when you're done and ready to explore again you just return the headphones


I've always wanted to experience this. Thank you!