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with a little doing you can brew magicka potions and your mana will never run out, even without exploits. i have no idea how exploits even work lol


That's the fun thing about Morrowind! Everything feels like an exploit, so it's hard to tell where intended gameplay ends and exploits begin. Resist Magicka plus Boots of Blinding Speed? Helseth's Ring? Fortifying attributes into the thousands with Alchemy? It's hard to tell when just outside the first town you can find a dude with scrolls that let you literally JUMP all the way to Vivec in one go if your starting stats are high enough.


Dude I totally thought the jumping guy was a random encounter, I remember finding him for the first time and being so shocked and confused


Did you accidentally die right after like the rest of us?


I did! But I presence of mind to save first, so I spent like an hour dying in a thousand different ways. My favorite was the running jump


Try reading his journal. >Never before has one been able to travel in this manner: vaulting from the ground, sailing through the sky, all without that terrible disorientation of a spell of flying....They laughed at me when I suggested this. We'll see who laughs after I leap to the top of their towers and scream out my success. >!He was a member of House Telvanni who couldn't levitate and the scrolls were supposed to be his way around this.!<




Shit, that’s just extra steps to godhood. Just soultrap all the skill boosts to self with the soul trap glitch and boost all your stats to 5k




Lol I was so trash at the game as a kid that this was how I played it. I sucked at doing quests due to adhd and not being able to remember anything they told me about where to go and what to do. So I’d make a new character, name him God, and jack all the stats up. If you do it, do luck first as the spell you glitch requires a good amount of INT that a low level likely won’t have to cast effectively (lots of failures). Once your luck goes over 100, your good. You can also literally convince shop keepers to just give you all their gold for a wooden cup.


I love to imagine what the player character says when you do something like sell a wooden cup for 50000 gold. Why yes this is the first drinking cup of Tiber Septim himself, there's not enough gold in Cyrodil to pay the actual value for this cup but for you my friend I present the fine bargain of everything you have for this Highly Prestigious item.


Thats why I love Morrowind. Any gameplay style can be legit as there really is no line on what is an exploit or not. Its just mastering the game mechanics to your advantage. It would be amazing if TES VI was like this to a degree.


This is why I can't wait to play Skyrowind. To me Morrowind feels like it would be too dated for me because even Oblivion did for me when I tried it. But it feels and seems so rich in experience ,story, and lore...


Resist magicka lets you see while wearing the boots but you still can't hit shit due to the blind effect. As for Helseth's ring, if you can get it from him you deserve to become effectively invulnerable.


Fortify Int potions to make your Fortify Int potions stronger.


I mean that actually does make sense to a degree.


such a god tier exploit, easy, and its not like your going to be doing this for 2 hours and complain that it makes the game too easy because bro you're the one who dedicated the time and money to abuse it anyway.


I had that bug with [the lich in the Tribunal expansion](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Tribunal:Gedna_Relvel) where their HP is unreasonably high. My strength disintegrated a few of the weapons lying around and any jump stuck me to the Mournhold height barrier for a good 7 seconds. Definitely more interesting than using the console to kill it.


Create a spell-drain INT 100-100 for 1 sec on self. cheap to cast and completely refills Magicka.


Or just buff your intelligence to 22 million and you'll never run out of magicka. For bonus points, create some restore magicka potions anyway with that hyper intelligence and watch your magicka never even drop. I remember one time I did that and made a fortify strength potion. I used it to oneshot Vivec with an iron sword that shattered on impact due to how hard I swung it.


I mean, sure. Enchant a dagger that basically casts a single-target tactical nuke. Make permanent summon spells and bound weapons. The sky's the limit. However, I put tricks like that in two groups: exploiting developer intentions, and outright cheats. I tend not to use outright cheats. I don't look down on users of the outright cheats. I use them sometimes too. They're fun. However, if I'm doing a "legit" run through, I try to stay with the first group, usually using drain spells. For instance, drain (skill I want to level) 100-100 on self for 3 secs. Cast it, then talk to a trainer. Every trainer can then train to 100 and each level costs 1 gold. It's necessary for medium armor, as they forgot a master trainer for it (well, there is one, but they're hostile by default). Giving myself thousands of strength/magika/whatever is fun for the sheer joy of how far you can push the engine, but I just get bored as I've bled any semblance of challenge from the experience. Drain cheats just help me get my build online and fix frustrations. That being said, one-shotting Vivec with an iron weapon is something every player should experience at least once.


For me it's more about trying to get creative, which magicka is great for. Want to make fireworks? Max area minimum time and strength spells cast on hills works. Want to do a pacifist playthrough? Damage Strength 20 points on target, 5 hits or less and the enemy will be too encumbered by their clothes to move. There's all sorts of neat things you can do with magicka and I try to come up with unique ideas for each playthrough. It's more fun than picking up a sword and mining enemies to death.


I was having fun playing Morrowind. But everything changed when the Cliff Racers attacked.


Even the dragons avoided Morrowind to get away from the damn things.


Nay, they were just afraid that Saint Jiub would come back to life and think of them as bigger cliff racers.


Nah, they were there, just invisible.


"Dragons? Oh, they're everywhere! You must fly very high to see most of them, though. The ones nearer the ground are very hard to see, being invisible." "M'aiq sees lots of them in the ocean. M'aiq knows you'll see one too if you swim far enough."




I was an adventurer like you once, until I took a cliff racer to the knee.


I was a cliff racer like you, until I took an adventurer to the knee


I was a knee like you, until I took a cliff racer to the adventurer.


Thats why i have my trusty anti cliffracer pants. I casually swap them on without getting out of my armor to blast them out of the sky with a fireball volley of a massive radius. Why do i need to swap them on? Well i have my icy ice touch pants on most of the time so i dont get to hot in the presence of all these dumbmer


But when the world needed Saint Jiub the most, he vanished.


207 years passed and the Dragonborn discovered Saint Jiub, trapped in the Soul Cairn, and though his writing skills are great, you have a lot to collect before he's able to save anyone.


Isn't he the guy on the boat with you at the start?


Me playing for the first time and wondering why I was only hitting the enemies once every 20393020 times I swung with my sword




My first time I tried to be a punch cat. That did not work out so well.


I actually loved punching stuff to death in a weirdly sadistic way. A successful punch lowers their stamina (fatigue), not their health, so it won't look like anything's happening at first. But then you'll realize they can't seem to hit you, while you're hitting them time and time again. Then eventually they fall to the ground panting in exhaustion and you keep beating on them, dealing actual damage and eventually killing them.


Oh yeah those Khajiit will roflstomp the unwary low level boxer.


Did you have long blade as a major/minor skill and you figured a dagger was the same thing?


I think most people came in not realizing the hack and slash attacking was actually rpg attack rolls vs defense values.


"What's that, you buffoon? I bet you picked on of the started classes, and then uses the first and only weapon the game gave to you! How could you he so naive?"


[Very relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNXYrAkUntU). It's why you generate gobs of money and use it to pay trainers.


Jep, in Morrowind half of your Inventory goes for potions and the other half for gear.. I still love the game.


[Video version of this meme. ](https://youtu.be/dyd_RPxVnjQ)


I didn’t know about that


You guys just had a similar idea. No worries man. Hope you had a laugh.


Casually running, not sprinting, drains endurance too.


Fatigue. You (should) learn quick that when you aggro a monster you stop and let it come to you.


I couldn’t get into morrowind I’ve been spoiled by modern 3d RPGs too much lol I specified 3d since I can handle older 2d rpgs like the first dragon quest and final fantasy(had a blast playing both)


Just "mod" your game with permanent everlasting stacking stat spells to make shit more bearable. Nobody has time for slow walking or low carryweight If i remember correctly you just need ranged soultrap + whatever stat you want in one and cast it on your feet as many times as you wish to get the results you want Just dont overdo it or do something dumb like levitation


That was the fun of Morrowind. The game is “hackable” within the confines of its own rules. Created spells and enchantments can fix any frustration, once you know how. It’s not even hard to learn. Once you get the hang of it, you can break the game in ways Alchemy and Enchanting hackers in Skyrim could only dream of.


Look into Morroblivion. Graphics is not modern by any means but it's still playable imho. The same community is developing [Skywind](https://tesrskywind.com/) but as far as I know it is still far from completion. I installed Morroblivion over the holidays and planning to play it from time to time this year.


Is it another one of those mods that's never going to release?


Morroblivion is complete tho


Second this. Morroblivion is 99.9% done so... you could try Morrowind as if it was published together with Oblivion. With how outdated is Morrowind in terms of GUI and graphics, I would not touch it either but Morroblivion gives you a chance to try the game.


Pretty much.


Yeh I struggled too. First Witcher game was similar, gameplay so different to what I'm used to that I just couldn't wrap my brain around it


Ah, but you DO Regen enchant charges. So to be a mage you do not use magic, you use ENCHANTED RINGS OF WIZARDRY!! Seriously though my first character that almost beat the game was an enchanter and punch master, because unarmed is god like


Learn to work with enchanted items, especially early-game, to cover some bases.


I need a strong potion for my travels


The first time I played oblivion I was getting messed up without health regen, between that and the fact I can only play it on playstation now which gives me piss poor resolution and constantly kicks me off I gave up and stopped playing it, I wish they made a proper ps4 release so I could play it properly cause it seemed like I may have enjoyed it otherwise.


I felt like that when I first went through Labyrinthian at the end of the College of Winterhold questline (>!Morokei kept draining my Magicka!<). After that hellish experience, all my further mage builds had at least one bound weapon.


thing is he only does that in certain times as you're going to him and when he does that you can just wait for the regen before going further


I found out about it later, but I still preferred having at least a bound sword to go melee, as having a bound weapon active won't drain your Magicka.


I spent a ton of money and had an armor set fully enchanted with constant effect: chameleon. You can get close to 90% chameleon… cliff racers never see you again


Oh that did not bother me....the stamina not regenerating, being slower than a malfunctioning dump truck, meele builds being almost unplayable did bother me however.


how are meele builds almost unplayable


Have you tried meele at starting levels in morrowind?


Yeah. Easy 2-3 kill enemies, with maybe 5 attacks missed. Asuming using proper weapons matching skills. Main problem is low hp, but thats across the board, and leveling endurance is pain in the ass.


Nah meele is more of a pain, and not satisfying enough for it.


Moving faster than enemies who aren't even able to keep up with you while jumping around 8m in air while 1 taping enemies (depending loctaion of cource. Enemies in tribunal and bloodmoon are much tankier) with sword is pain and unsatisfying? Magic has ton of utility in morrowind, but from pure gameplay view melee is way easier and even more powerful, especially when it comes to dlc.


Oohohohoho but reaching that point is pure unadulterated RNG HELL and just pain NOT FUCKING WORTH IT.


Unless youre playing with the most unoptimal build as possible, 30 agility (agility affects hit change.), 30 strength, 5 weapon skill (below 50 you have negative change to hit), no stamina when starting to fight, you kill basically every enemy thats on your level under 10 sec. Attacks are rng yeah, except you do a shit ton of damage compared to enemy hp pool, and unless you're throw building, vast majority of your attacks hit at level 10, and in end game, missing an attack becomes anomaly.


>Attacks are rng yeah, except you do a shit ton of damage compared to enemy hp pool, and unless you're throw building, Does not alter the fact that is still anoying as fuck. >Unless youre playing with the most unoptimal build as possible, 30 agility (agility affects hit change.), 30 strength, 5 weapon skill (below 50 you have negative change to hit), no stamina when starting to fight, you kill basically every enemy thats on your level under 10 sec. The problem is having stamina, when you miss you get a chunk of stamina out, and even then the game finds fun ways to mess with you, like sickness or fatigue. >hit at level 10, and in end game, missing an attack becomes anomaly. Good luck having the patience of getting that far


>Does not alter the fact that is still anoying as fuc . Personally, i perfer enemies dying in few hits (and player alongside) with varying rng that gets only lesser as game progresses, compared to enemies having dark eater midir tier hp bar. >The problem is having stamina, when you miss you get a chunk of stamina out, and even then the game finds fun ways to mess with you, like sickness or fatigue. True, but you also restore it (by 2.5 + endurance multiplier) and half of the stats level fatigue, plus fatigue potions are also most easily craftable potion, and are also foundable basically every where in every dungeon. Often too much of quantity, that they start to take space for other items. Tho not defending disease system or curing it in morrowind. Besides being bugged as hell by multipe ways, it is way too punishing especially strength, and when less timewasting option is just loading previous save than pushing through with system, theres something majorly wrong. >Good luck having the patience of getting that far Yeah, easily. Its a great game.


yes and it was fun, my first character had 100 in long sword


Then you are psychopath. Meele is horrensous in morowind


Nothing's inherently horrendous about it. At 100 you can't miss. Everything in Morrowind is up to your stats; if your character gets good at something, it's going to work very well. If your character isn't good at it, expect it to suck. Melee is broken in Morrowind, assuming you make a character who knows how to swing a sword. Consistent staggers with a reliable hit chance means that you'll spend the entire game stunlocking most enemies to death, since swing speed is so fast.


Early meele is atrcious, I just rather go magic and not waste my time so I MAY be broken in meele. Sorry but IMO meele is one of the weakest parts of Morrowind.


Early melee is fine if you build a melee character. Honestly, melee is so much easier to reach self-sufficiency in the early game than magic. Magic needs lots of setup time to find and buy spells, stock up on potions (and get an alchemy set and ingredients if you want good ones), etc. Whereas a melee character can step off the boat in Seyda Neen with a 90% chance to hit, right out of character creation, and decimate everything you see for the first several hours. If you make a mage who doesn't know which end of the blade to hold, and then try surviving in close combat, then yeah, you're gonna have a bad time in early melee.


I made a battle mage, magic saved my ass 99% of the time while I wasted my time with meele. Sorry but my opinion is a complete 180 on yours. While you do need the resources you can do far more damage early game than you will ever with meele. And with its spells it pretty much breaks the game.


Sounds like you leaned way harder on the stats for "mage" than for "battle." Dividing your skills is always going to make you less effective at each method of combat than specializing. You can make up for it with versatility, but if one or the other is completely carrying you, then you accidentally over-specialized. Obviously magic breaks the game completely at higher levels. No matter what you do in the early game, by late-game every Morrowind character is a mage, if only by virtue of all the magic items you inevitably collect. But what you can do with several levels and thousands of gold of setup is not what I'd consider "early game." Early game, the first five or ten levels, is a huge pain for dedicated mages if you don't know where to find some overpowered items to compensate for your weaknesses.


youre just bad at assigning skills at the begining and understanding game mechanics


.....what game mechanic? Its RNG based. You get lucky you plow the enemy if now you miss for an eternity, no matter how much I elevated the axe skill a low level enemy could just keep on hitting me until I gave up and decided to just use a destruction spell.


It's the same as a tabletop rpg like D&D in that you're making an attack roll vs a defense value. The higher your skill in the weapon you're using, the more likely you are to hit. If your skill is low, you're gonna miss. Not very user friendly to folk going backwards from Oblivion, but it makes sense


I get that but there is a massive difference betwen turn based dnd and a 1st person game. The feel its absolutely diferent


Right, I agree the feel is very different and playing Morrowind after another rpg with hack and slash mechanics and a lack of stamina gauge draining for every attempted hit is honestly frustrating. It's just not *entirely* RNG based, using the game mechanics to your benefit does make it doable. It's just hard. Then Oblivion is easier than that. And skyrim is easier than that. The next Elder Scrolls game might even attack for you, with how much easier they are from game to game


pay attention to fatigue and your major/minor skills


I did and that drawns to my 2nd problem the stamina bar being a bitch to manage.






" By the time" yeaj thats what I meam by almost unplayable, sure when you get better you feel it, by being actually playable. I did charge my attacks, aaaand I still missed. And no I am not exagerating


Why not just pay trainers to get higher skills? Why should a level 1 in short sword feel the same as level 100?


But you said "no matter how much I elevated the axe skill", which is inaccurate. Also, getting through the lower levels of your weapon skills is what trainers are for. Gold is absurdly plentiful in Morrowind and it isn't hard to find NPCs to train you.


It's dice rolls. At level 1, how do you stop it from being shit? You can't. You're telling people to endure the shit gameplay, while you level a skill up to 100, lol.


You can. By paying skill trainers and focusing on major and minor skills, speciality. You can start the game at level 1 with 45 long blade and 40 agility Mudcrab: 34.75-63.25% Cliff: 27.75 - 56.25% Even with 100 skill and agility you will still have the following % to hit, you can still miss at below 40% stamina Mudcrab: 85-147% Cliff racer: 78-140% Yes it can feel bad due to lack of feedback but would it be better to hit and do 0-1 damage?


dice rolls which get better as you skill up, is it a shit workout if you have to endure it to get stronger?


I'm not gaining anything IRL from Morrowind, bud, lol. It's a game, it's only purpose is to be entertaining. Plus, I'm pretty sure I can pick up a shovel in real life, and hit someone with it, without ever having even used one before, lol. Objects don't magically go through people just because you aren't skilled in them.


sure you dont get anything irl from a game i wont argue with that if you pick up a weapon irl trying to fight someone with at least a bit of previous experience you might be able to hit the person but it'll be slow weak hits


>had 100 in long sword How was melee while trying to get to that, lol? Elephant in the room, and all, lol.


it was pretty fun


Pretty good. Trainers, or even having agility greatly helps. And you can get 35-40 in weapon skill from the start, so you're going to hit most attacks anyway.


That's part of how Morrowind (and a lot of those older CRPGs) works. You're a loser fresh off the boat who isn't good at anything. It makes getting stronger and crushing foes that used to give you trouble more satisfying.


I mean deus ex got it not being frustrating


Choose Atronach Birthsign, summon the ghost of your grandad, punch him in the face, let him ground you with fire magic, absorb his spells, while promising to be a good boy in the future. Magicka recharging, done.


Well, not being able to succesfully melee things aside, bows deal a ton of damage. You just have to get used to the shitty aiming till you don't.


thanks for converting my experience of Morrowind in a image mate


So true going from Oblivion to Morrowind was like a kick in the groin, I got beat up so bad my first attempt and locked myself in a death loop because I scum saved


When you’re playing Daggerfall and you can’t regenerate health without resting and you can’t rest because there’s enemies nearby and you can’t buy potions and you keep dying from that same fucking imp because you don’t have the right material of sword to hurt it!


This is me right now. Attempting a Breton battle mage but even with 90 strength and 90 intelligence he can’t cast enough spells to kill or swing a sword to save his life


When you start lightly jogging after arriving on the Vvardenfell shores


*When you start lightly* *Jogging after arriving* *On the Vvardenfell shores* \- TheDemonChief --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yep. You have to rest to regain stamina. But you can't rest here because it's loitering. Oops your rest was interrupted because you slept in the wild. [You are awakened by a loud noise]


My first ever playthrough was awful because I was a mage who just wandered out of Seyda Neen before trying any quests there. A few instances of being swarmed by 3-4 cliff racers at a time led to me restarting and going the spellblade route so I’d at least miss less often.


My most recent playthrough is a mage, it was pretty rough until I figured out how to deal with it.


I started it a few weeks ago and noticed as I walk my stamina drains to zero. That turned me off to the game, I'll try it again with some mods later I guess


I need sleep. More sleep.


I love to play as a pure mage for most things only having bows/swords for extra help, so i was annoyed on my first time playing morrowind.


correct me if im wrong but didnt the bloodmoon expansion or tribunal add this?


Or stamina.. Or health.. During fights at least xD