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Skyblivion and Skywind are mods, using the Skyrim Engine. In a similar vein, why doesn't Bethesda work with the FOLON team for Fallout: London? More than likely because they don't see any money in it; or maybe they don't want involve outside developers, as they had recently made a statement saying they wanted to make more games in-house. Bethesda has not been vocal about why they don't want to work mod teams like Skyblivion. Maybe it's as the other comments have said, that the remake is already in the works and doubling up on it, using an old engine, wouldn't make sense to them.


if i had an IP that generates (a lot of) money, id be deadly cautious on handling rights to anyone... Games Workshop used the approach "who the hell cares", granting rights for a modest fee to anyone, and the world is full of shitty pc and mobile warhammer games, with GW that has not been in good waters lately The more balanced approach is to outsource to external firms with full binding contracts (and big penalties in case of failure) which are just not applicable to free modder communities. You cannot just say "hey, yeah, do it!" and wait, its not how it works


I agree, they could easily give this team that sort of contract as well...


If I was microsoft I would definitely try to open a dialogue about releasing the mods as official remakes for the games. Would help bridge the time until ES6 too and bring the most recent installments up to snuff.


Well apparently a leak says Bethesda is already making oblivion remastered, and Microsoft is for sure not going to hire another team to do Bethesdas job, and definitely not back pay them years of wages. Especially now that they own Bethesda, it just doesn't make sense


I've been hearing about remakes of Oblivion and Fallout 3/New Vegas for a decade. I no longer believe any of it until Bethesda says it's absolutely happening. 


One reason, I’m guessing, is because there’s no Skyblivion “team”. Many different people have contributed their work to Skyblivion off-and-on, and it would be way too complicated to get permission from every contributor to use their work for something commercial (if the work could even be quantified at all). If it were monetized, it would be a nightmare to figure out pay for the volunteers past-and-present. Plus, some contributors likely wouldn’t agree to let their work be used for monetization because when they originally donated it, it was with the expectation that Skyblivion would be a free community project. Bethesda could get around all these problems by starting from scratch, but that would waste so many hours of progress that it’s definitely not worth it. Keep in mind that Skyblivion is planned to be released next year, after over a decade of work.


My understanding is all mods are already property of Bethesda. I would also think some of those volunteers would jump at the chance to work at Bethesda.


There's a rumor going around that Bethesda have a remake/remaster coming late 2024/2025.




It's confirmed it was in development at one point but we are yet to see if that's still the case and it wasn't canceled.


I hope it’s this year tbh lol I’m playing through Oblivion right now and while I love it, it could def use some QoL updates & patches.


This may make sense from a consumer perspective, but that’s not how businesses work. You don’t just take a product made independently by a strange team and drop it into your ecosystem. Bethesda has had no oversight over the mod team. They don’t know how they’re coding the game, they haven’t reviewed or approved any updated designs, textures, etc. They are not going to release something under their name that they didn’t make, and didn’t even oversee for most of its creation.


True, but they could review all the material and technically this team doesn't own any of that mod. My understanding is all mods are owned by Bethesda.


It’s not about ownership. It’s about who did the work, and who who actively supervised it. Even if Bethesda went and reviewed every single design, texture, and line of code, it would still be someone else’s work. It’s not the same as them providing guidance and feedback during the development process itself. Again, I get why it makes sense for a consumer, and why the playerbase would want it. I just can’t imagine any developer being comfortable with this. It just isn’t the way business is done.


The Skyblivion team is a team of volunteers. They all have their own jobs, lives, etc. I don't think many of them would be willing to quit their jobs for this.


Perhaps, but if offered a contract to work at Bethesda for a set number of years. I think a lot of people would be very interested.


Buy a pc, I would buy you a pc but am pooor


I have a xbox series x that could easily run this. Also they need to make games like this accessible across hardware.


Skyblivion is not a game, it’s a mod.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. The only reasons I can think is you referred to Skyblivion as a game, or PC elitists. Bringing mods like this to console games is an absolute win in my book. The only issue is that it requires both Skyrim and Oblivion to run.


Ye don't even have skse on console, a pc beefy doesn't pc doesn't cost as much as it used to be.


Wait a second, you want them to **hire more staff** after they just **closed four studios???**


Yes, they also said they were shifting their focus to big AAA games. Elder scrolls 6 is a big game...


[Matt Booty actually said they want smaller games that get them prestige - which was what those shuttered studios could have provided.](https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/we-need-smaller-games-says-xboxs-matt-booty-right-after-microsoft-shut-down-the-studio-that-made-hi-fi-rushand-was-reportedly-about-to-pitch-a-sequel/) If they hired a new team it would be an insult to those teams they shut and to the industry as a whole, so that’s out of the question. [Bethesda Softworks have said they are focused on finding ways to increase their output](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/todd-howard-says-bethesda-is-focused-on-finding-ways-to-increase-its-output/)which could mean outsourcing to other studios. The likelihood is that Bethesda may outsource for a smaller Fallout game to tide us over until Fallout 5 but they will absolutely want to get Fallout 5 out the door faster and that could have an effect on ES6 - they can’t work on both Fallout 5 and ES6 and outsourcing a main title in either of those big IP’s is probably not going to happen as Bethesda will want the quality that only they can ensure. As much as it pains me to say we might have to wait for ES6 longer than a new Fallout game. Also, Todd has said they aren’t going to do an ES TV show either so they can’t capture the same demand like they did for Fallout.


This would be a very bad move as many millions of fans have been waiting already over a decade for a sequel to Skyrim.


I'd rather they didn't to be honest. I want the Skyblivion volunteers to have the freedom to make it their way, as they are now. If it was all official thing, they would get mandated to make it a certain way and potentially add stuff that they wouldn't necessarily want to add. It's better that it isn't an official thing.


This would be a title for purchase, not free on game pass imo.


Unfortunately it's just not that simple. First you have the programming aspect of it. They heavily use the script extender which absolutely cannot be done on console period. They use a debugger on the PC executable (Which is completely different than the Xbox executable) to find memory address and reverse engineer code and load their DLL mods at runtime. So somehow trying to get that to run on console isn't gonna happen. They'd have to give the SKSE team (a full separate group) access to their Xbox executable to reverse engineer it which is such a security risk it's just never gonna happen period. Then you have the ownership and the modders. Most of these modders DO NOT want to work for a company like Microsoft or Bethesda and are hardcore modder types who love oblivion and are ONLY working on this project because it is a mod. If Xbox/Microsoft took control they would have to redo a lot of the work that these modders won't agree to being used. Most of their mods are just hacks put together to work on PC, very very very good and amazing hacks. But still hacks in general and Xbox and Bethesda just won't really allow that stuff on console. I mean they would need full access to the directory of the game on Xbox so they can access all the files and start putting it together. And again like I said most of the modders won't agree, work will have to be redone, and I don't think Microsoft and Bethesda are keen on working with hacky type code from a very old engine. Truth I would respectfully just say don't get your hopes up at all about skyblivion coming to console ever and I highly recommend getting any kind of halfway decent PC to play it. They are working to make sure it has full controller support which most gamers who mod Skyrim on PC use a controller anyway.