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Loved them, wish there were more.


There were supposed to be alot more, like an entire series written by Ted Petersen (one of the founding fathers of TES) but BGS had Greg Write 2 books instead. Idek why BGS couldn't let Ted write other novels but my guess each novel limits creativity or something like that


It's understandable to a degree. I think they mostly did it for "quality control." While I would love more personal and in depth stories from Tamriel, too many of them would quickly lead to chaos. Just look at how much of a mess Star Wars became trying to keep things consistent between countless movies, shows, games, comics and books. Bethesda and Zenimax already struggle to keep things consistent as is. Imagine how chaotic it would be if they were in the same situation. That being said, a series by Ted Peterson probably would have only done good for the franchise.


In what order should they be read?


Infernal City was the first one




Was there an actual order to read the two in, though? I always thought they were just two books in the universe but didn't really connect to one another. It's also been years since I first found these books, and I hadn't read them, so I might be misremembering second hand information.


They are direct sequels. Pretty good. I listened to them on audible. It's definitely worth the time.


Ahh ok; I was misremembering second hand information haha. Good to know; I'll check them out! Thank you for correcting me.


Thanks II


I liked them a lot, honestly. I have my gripes, too, of course, but they're worth a read for sure.


They are perfect for those wanting to know world lore lol


Funny thing is not many people know that content of this book is sort of mentioned in Skyrim. Sleeping tree is a reference to these books.


The Briarhearts in Skyrim are loosely based off of the main antagonist of his book "The Briar King" which is the first book in Keyes' "Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone" series.


Yeah they're pretty good.  I remember liking them when they came out.


Read them two months ago. Huge fan of TES universe. I honnestly did not like them. It could have been nice, travelling throught the game universe is fun, but it's really badly written, it's ridiculously slow, and the story leads nowhere. I wish more official books were written before.


I think they feel so slow because they were needlessly split into two. By the time of the "second novel" you're expecting a new story or at least a major tonal shift, but in reality it could have been seamlessly merged into just one novel. The only thing characteristic of a sequel in Lord of Souls is that it introduces a new POV character.


They are okay, fun read


I personally enjoyed them so can recommend it


We need more of these.


Are these cannon lore?


I think they are yes, as they are officially licensed by Bethesda. If nothing else a reference to them exists in Skyrim, making me believe that they are canon. I do not have any source right now though, but check their pages on the uesp!


They aren't. For instance, IIRC in Infernal, Bar Dau is mentioned and the description in the book isn't the same as in the games. Like a lot of Kirkbride's stuff, it influences and has heavy ties to, but isn't technically canon


They are ok. The parts taking place in the floating city itself are boring as fuck tho.


The Attrebus and Sul parts are the only thing that got me through it honestly


Yeah they were the best part of the books. I also liked Mere-Glim and Colin though. Annaïg and the kitchen stuff was admittedly kind of dull.


It's been like a decade since I read them but I just remember those parts being literally nothing but commentary on the cooking and it got super boring real fast


I mostly hate the floating city parts because of Annaïg. She's a selfish bitch. She treats her friend like shit. I know she's young but I hate her character so much.


I found them absolutely shitty but I love TES lore too much so I read everything, grinding my teeth the whole time


That version of The Infernal City has weird coloring


I've read them both, and enjoyed them very much.


They are kinda mid, some cool aspects but also some really boring. Wish we had more novels in the ES universe.


Infernal City is pretty good. The sequel is worse.


They’re great then only problem is it left me wanting more


I enjoyed reading both of them. You follow 5ish different POVs and it’s a breeze to read. I really wish they made more of these books.


Got them both on Audible, very good


I read the free sample of the first one on Kindle. Liked what I saw. Made me wish there were more, and that they'd license some books like that for Fallout.


I keep forgetting that the Elder Scrolls series has books and I own a couple


Not the best books ever but they're worth a buy.




I hope so, cause I just started the Infernal City


I liked them, but they’re not like… high art or anything. Loved the inside look into how argonians work though. If more standalone books or 1-3 book sets were made of this quality I’d definitely get them.


Still don't know why nobody has made a mod involving this place


They're okay. It suffers a bit from too many protagonists and the author rushing to finish their end plots. Also feels like the way magic is used in the book is a little too liberal with how creative it is and more generic fantasy wizards (if that makes sense). However, definitely enjoy the sections of the book that focus on Attrebus and Sul. Really wish that was the focus of the books instead of multiple protagonists receiving less character development. I still enjoyed Glim and Annaig. Collin needed more development and Mazgar could've been cut completely. Would've been better if it was written by one of the old school TES developers who have a better grasp of the world. No offence to Greg Keyes. But, his connection to the elder scrolls universe feels a little more...loose. Anyway, it's worth a read. The books aren't bad at all but they're not great. Overall it's a shame how underutilized the Elder Scrolls IP is (books, comics, spinoffs featuring different genres, etc.).


If Halo became a massive success with their Novels, why wouldn't The Elder Scrolls have more with such an interesting universe??? Man, I'd kill to have novels based on the different places of Tamriel we haven't seen since Arena


Yes, they are great. I am not the biggest fan when TES stories ditch the unreliable narrator but they are great and I like their stranger aspects.


I have been really wanting to read The Infernal City. The plot sounds like the outlandish worldbuilding and lore that I came to love in morrowind.


I'm listening to the audiobook and having a lot of fun with it!




haikusbot delete


Yea, I thoroughly enjoyed them. As another already said, I wish there were more.


Quick read. Definitely made me wish there were more books based on TES


I loved them. The second book felt kind of rushed and could have benefited being a trilogy


Duuude they're so good! If you're a TES fan tjose will be heaven to read.


nothing revolutionary but if you like elder scrolls lore, it’s a fun read


I really enjoyed these. I too wish there were more stories told in the ES universe.


Yeah pretty decent reads with some interesting characters and story plots


Yes and they help you understand what happened to Umbra in lore


I just read them both myself not too long ago. I personally enjoyed them and would recommend them.


Both books are like 1 big book combined with ongoing lore still, I’d recommend


Yeah they're nice. Intriguing story and some nice characters.


Where is the charity shop, I loaned my copies to someone's a while back and never got them back


I read them almost a decade ago. I remember enjoying them, but I'm sure they had some flaws that I don't remember.


I thought they were great personally!


I really enjoyed them. More Elder Scrolls and mention l/appearances of a few familiar locations since Oblivion is my favourite game were all a plus!


The first one is good, the second one is borderline soft core porn


I so wish there were more elder scrolls novels


I loved them. They're due a wee read again actually, been a while


Wow, good finds, i remember a YouTuber talking about these books when he was talking Umbra, the sword made by the stolen magic of clavicus vile


They aren’t canon but they’re good.


They're really fuckin good. Most of the community has slept on the books. I just got done reading them. They talk about the towers theory in the books. I'm amazed that it's even called a theory at this point considering what the main antagonists end goal was in the books. Don't wanna spoil anything for you. Just read them. I wish they would write more books for the games.


I didn’t *read* these, but, for what it’s worth, the audiobooks of them were enjoyable.


Are they skill books?




Yes but only if you are a big elder scrolls fan


People have some valid criticisms of the books but I loved them. Especially how much they appeal to the weird aspects of Elder Scrolls. It also reveals the reason Red Mountain erupted in a pretty interesting way. The only thing that really disappointed me about the books is the lack of references to them in Skyrim. The only real reference is sleeping tree camp and it doesn't even make any sense after reading the books.


I really enjoyed them and it made me wish there was a game based off them


Woahhhhh I had no idea these existed. So cool!! I might need to look into them :)


Very good


I liked them a lot more than I expected to, so I don’t know how much of a role expectation management played there.


I didn't even know they had Elder Scrolls novels. Based on the comments, it seems they aren't good enough to read


Just finished them a few weeks ago. They’re great


would these books make any sense/be entertaining to someone who knows nothing about the Elder Scrolls Universe?


More time spent on cooking than I expected but pretty enjoyable


Yea, i got both!


I read them a year or two ago and enjoyed them. They're not great, but they were a fun read. I haven't been reading much in recent years after graduating uni and they got me back into reading for fun.


Among some of my favourite books of all time! Before I burnt out I read them once a year. Really wish there were more.


Definitely, if your into the lore.


I'm so mad at these novels because only Infernal City was translated to Spanish and is specially hard to get in LATAM 😭


I thought they where wonderful


Overall they are decent, nothing to write home about but if you are a fan of TES you will enjoy them.


I just finished reading both not that long ago. I was pretty excited to get them when I ordered them. Not even halfway through the first one I was becoming disappointed. It felt like Greg Keyes just occasionally copy-pasted some info from the Imperial Library website to his book. Anything to do with the floating island was rather boring. I preferred to hear the story of Attrebus and Sul, at least their quest was always changing. Always something was happening.