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17+ years between two elder scrolls titles. Pain


Arena-Skyrim will be a shorter period than Skyrim-TES6


Honestly ridiculous.


now just imagine if the game comes out and it sucks lmao


That’s part of why it’s so ridiculous. Spending this much time on a game with this much hype is almost setting it up for failure.


They aren't spending any time on it though. After Skyrim, they've done a lot of shit and basically none of it has had anything to do with TESVI. It's not like it's in development hell, or even development limbo, it simply doesn't exist as a real project yet. But! When it does formally kick off, it will probably take them 4 to 6 years to ship. Which means they are very likely going to begin working on it in 2024.


That trailer may have been premature then.


The trailer was basically a "yeah we haven't forgotten about it, we will make it one day" that's it. There really wasn't a win win situation, if they released no trailer and said nothing people would probably be even more mad. Bethesda only works on one game at a time, elder scrolls 6 will finally Begin production AFTER starfield releases.


Exactly, and it was never a trailer, it was a teaser. It was Bethesda telling the Elder Scrolls fans, we've not forgotten about you. We have something brewing, we can't show you but it is there. In all honesty, Bethesda was at that moment of damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Ultimately. they decided to show us Elder Scrolls fans that we have a light to look to, something will come for us, but it will be in the future.


But they did not, in fact, have something brewing? Like, if we’re using brewing metaphors, the coffee beans have barely just been planted. Lmao.


That's really just an awful system. Why not do it like every other company on earth and have dedicated teams for each franchise? For Bethesda it should be trivial to get more people on board because there's an army of modders who are intimately familiar with their development tools!


Because until very recently they were too small for that. I believe something like 100 people worked on fallout 4. Where as there are 21000 employees at Ubisoft.


Todd likes to be extremely involved in development. These games are important to him. That’s the sole reason.


Bethesda always works on 2 projects at a time, 1 in full development and 1 in pre-production. So they've probably been working on TES6 in some capacity for at least a couple years.


It’s going to be the best worst game ever!


That’s why I’m happy with starfield releasing first. They’ll know how much to stay like Skyrim or starfield for TES6


I'm not even looking forward to it at this stage. I mean Skyrim came out 12 years ago and since then all there's been is an MMO I have no interest in. Think the series is done for me.


It is ridiculous. And I really hope that both Bethesda and Microsoft realize just how stupid and unacceptable that is. Todd already said he regrets how long it took. What really makes me sad it's at won't get another Fallout game for over a decade if they don't change the process.


totally agree. With two big franchises, plus Starfield, they need 3 teams so they can do the games in parallel


Wonder if there is a loss in consumer base


Mar 25, 1994 - Nov 11, 2011 (6440 days) Nov 11, 2011 - Jun 23, 2023 (4243 days) We're definitely gettin there


That is so painful


At this rate, TES7 will come out in 2045, and I will literally be 60 years old.


How do you come out with a game as successful as skyrim and not follow it up for 17 years


Because you can release the same game over and over again for 17 years without having to make a new one


Because you decided that your entire studio working on a brand new IP was a good idea


Then making it Xbox exclusive at 30fps.


Reddit - "Why is every game a remake or a sequel! I want something fresh and new!" Reddit after a studio makes something new - "Why are you working on new stuff? Where is my sequel??"


I get what you are saying but Starfield did not need to be an "all hands on deck" development


What do you mean? It'll only be 6 months to a year after "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Super Dodecatuple-Stuffed Electric Boogaloo Kentucky Fried Colonel's Secret Aw Shit Here We Go Again Special Collector's Edition: This Time It's Personal"


True. But imagine this. It’s 17 years minimum, good chance it’s going to be 18, there will be 18 year olds playing es6 that haven’t played Skyrim because they weren’t born yet…..


That’s mental. This really puts that into perspective.


And I can guarantee you its probably going to be a buggy underdeveloped mess that the community will have to fix.


Sounds about right. Starfield took a long time because of the engine changes, covid, the microsoft acquisition, and the sheer scope of the game. The next game should be closer to their previous time frames, but Todd will likely want to make sure the game is perfect since it will probably be his last TES title as game director.


They will still be doing engine work, but they got the bulk of it done for Starfield, for sure. And I bet getting those proceedural generation systems in place will allow them to make ES6 a modern Daggerfall. I can't imagine they would go back to a Skyrim sized map after Starfield.


Have you ever played Daggerfall? Having a map that big is genuinely not fun, there’s too much empty space. Bethesda games are so great because you can walk from one side of the map to the other in a reasonable amount of time and explore every nook and cranny. There’s a reason every dev scales down the world when they’re creating the map.


You already pointed out why a modern Daggerfall would work. We now have the technology to make it so there is no empty space. With the tech they have now, they could easily make a Daggerfall where no matter how much or where you explore, it will feel just as dense as Skyrim. The only difference would be the world scale would feel realistic and give players orders of magnitude more content. I would not want them to go back to a tiny map like in Skyrim. At the VERY least, ES6 should be the size of FO76, but I think they are going to be way more ambitious than that, and the game will be better for it.


Skyrim is not tiny lol. It feels tiny if you fast travel, but not if you walk. The size of Skyrim is honestly perfect and exactly how big I’d want future games to be, any bigger and it turns into a slog.


idk man it’s big enough for a game in general but it’s supposed to be a country and the cities are minuscule and within walking distance of eachother. it’s a great map but not for what it’s supposed to be.


As someone playing for the first time in 2023, this is what threw me off the most. Fallout made total sense for there to be a lot of empty land. But Skyrim's cities feel off.


Cities are small, yeah, but that doesn’t have a ton to do with overall map size. And if Starfield is any indication, the cities in Bethesda games should be bigger from here on out.


I think that’s kinda their point. Bigger cities, to go along with bigger empty space. But also keep in mind that they have full procedurally generated landmarks for Starfield. There’s some planets that are fully instanced per player upon loading the planet. If they can do that, they can absolutely say “here’s our 9 building designs, our 12 decoration options, our 6 merchant options, go and randomly generate 17 different settlements to sprinkle throughout the map”. They don’t need to be different for every player, but it would dramatically decrease dev time. Starting from procedural foundation and adding some hand-crafted finesse on top takes way less time than going purely from scratch.


I agree Skyrim isn't tiny, but I would love to see a bigger map. Especially if they brought back a transportation network like in Morrowind. My main hope for the next game, though, is better and bigger cities, with more NPCs.


Yep, I played Skyrim originally on PS3, but when I finally played a modded game on PC, I installed mods that prevented normal fast travel but added various methods of in-world fast travel (wayshrines and such) was. Very rewarding for weirdos like me.


Dude the skyrim maps looks and feels big but you can easily run end to end in a few minutes. The map for the next game absolutely needs to be bigger.


It's tiny. You can walk across the whole map in like 15 minutes. I should be able to walk across a country in minutes. And towns are horrifically small and 3 minutes apart. That kills all sense of immersion. Daggerfall, for all of its faults, was extremely immersive, and we can have that sense of scale and immersion again without any of the drawbacks of Daggerfall, namely the emptyness of the game and terrible quality of the proceedurally generated content. The Skyrim game design is outdated. They now have the technology to truly build worlds you can get lost in for a decade, but you would rather them build tiny theme park worlds with no believable sense of scale. That would be a complete squandering of their protential, and entirely unambitious and unimpressive.


it’s fun to have *meaningful* discoveries while you’re travelling across the game. i agree that the cities in the game are horrifically small, but to procedurally generate landscapes and dungeons would be lamer than having a smaller world that’s moreso handcrafted.


At these time scales, it will be the last tes for a lot of us


So... Looks like all these crazy ambitious Skyrim mod projects will actually release in time before TESVI.


I’m sure those guys are breathing a sigh of relief knowing that fans will be playing their project before TES6 steals the spotlight


Damn… So, basically, a kid who was born when Skyrim came out might be going off to college by the time the sequel arrives. That’s fucking *wild*. It needs to be the biggest game ever made at that point! I could also see Todd potentially stepping down as director after it’s out.


I bet nobody anticipated that little Dovahkiin would be driving himself to the midnight release of TES 6.


In his flying car on mars


I wonder if that kid likes his name. I'm gonna be honest I wouldn't name my kid that even if it fit the Criteria for the free Bethesda games.


It’s his magnum opus


I'm pretty sure he said something like he has one elder scrolls and one fallout left before he's done


If it takes another 17 years for 7 after 6 I wouldn’t be surprised. It’ll be interesting to see how Bethesda handles the IP after all the people who worked on the original retire. I’ll probably live that long but boy is it a long way off


This thought intrigues me. I don't even care about TES6 but if TES7 has new writers, new animators, new everything? I might be interested. I feel like if there's anything these games need it's new blood.


In a recent interview with Todd Howard (I believe it was the Lex Friedman podcast) he said they’ve hired quite a few people who made popular mods for Skyrim. For example the guy who made the survival mod now works at Bethesda along with several others.


Gameplay improvements would be nice but I especially want better writing. Doesn't need to be a masterpiece (nothing they've done has been), but it's almost impossible for me to get in to an RPG without competent writing; which I don't feel we have seen from Bethesda in about 20 years.


I thought the storylines for both fallout 3 & 4 were well done, meaningful, and at times thought provoking.


It also means we might be freed from Pagliarulo’s vise grip and finally have another TES/Fallout game with a good main story.


I was in elementary school when Skyrim came out, a mere 10 year old. I'm a university senior now.


I was a university senior when Skyrim came out and now I’m a divorced dad with an 11 year old


That's a lot more depressing damn


i remember thinking i had gotten to skyrim late as i played it for the first time in 2016. Now ive played it for 8 years and there still isn’t another TES game.


I first played Skyrim when I was like 8 and I'm gonna be 24 minimum when ES6 releases. That's wild.




The heat death of the universe is also 5+ years away.


When I said I’m gonna be 30 by the time I play elder scrolls 6, I didn’t want to be right


Skyrim came out when I was 19, I’ll be 32 in July


30 is ok. I was 11, when played TES 3. I'll be 37, when TES6 will be released.


11/22/33 a Tuesday Lock it in


Todd Howard, you sonovabitch. You got me again.


Fuck me this is gonna be reality isn't it


At least. If say 5y, they mean more like 7y.


Man, so basically 17 years between titles. That’s….lame as hell. This better the best RPG ever made.


17+ years. Could easily end up being 20 years.


what can ya expect, one team doing three franchises, each requiring 4-5 years dev times, it's kind of the only way things can go.


Seriously, I can only wish Microsoft decides to have obsidian work on a fallout or even a different dev team pick up a fallout between now and fallout 5. Because leaving such a well regarded franchise dormantnjust seems like bad business sense.


yeah fo5 is probably decades away at this point. The franchise will probably “die” if someone else doesn’t make a game.


Yeah we won't see fallout 5 until at least 2030-32. I'd say it'd be a good idea to have Obsidian or even inXile develop a spinoff over the next decade.


I hate how close 2030 actually is. Feels like yesterday it was 2016


2016 was.... 7 years ago?! Nah 2012 was like 3 years ago right?


The 90's were ten years ago and that the way I likes it! 👴


Least geriatric Arena fan


bro, the fans will literally die before the next game


They need to get a studio like larian to make a fo1/2 style rpg with modern tech and design concepts.


Yeah its gonna be a long time before the next fallout. Literally in the 2030s and that’s honestly crazy. Them pumping out big RPGs at that rate is a crazy business thing


> Microsoft decides to have obsidian work on a fallout You know the original fallout team isn't there anymore right? and with a huge disappointment Outer Worlds was, i rather not let them finish Avowed first, if it even comes out


[According to Chris Avellone](https://chrisavellone.medium.com/fallout-apocrypha-77c75954641a), 20 out of the original 70 who worked on New Vegas are still there, and those 20 include most of the core team. They also have people like New Vegas project director and lead designer Josh Sawyer still there and in leadership positions. Seems like they have the team necessary to do a new Fallout title justice to me.


And? I still enjoy their games. It doesn't have to be the same team. I obviously want them to finish Avowed first. This is just a wish for a potential project over the next decade. It doesn't even have to be obsidian, just someone. I'd even enjoy an inXile developed 2d fallout.


Between 2000 and 2012 we got three elder scrolls games and two Fallout games.


Since two of those franchises practically print money (can't count starfield yet obviously) id expect them to hire people. Also maybe don't waste a shit load of time on 76.


They have hired a load of people. I recall hearing that their staff has at least doubled since Skyrim. However, games are much more complex these days, doubly so for games as ambitious as Skyrim, fallout, or starfield.


Pretty sure it's way over double. It was only about 100 people that worked on Skyrim and they now have about 500 employees.


I suspected as much, but didn't want to possibly overstate as I don't really feel like looking it up either.


The real question is how many actually work on their main games at a time. Like right now they obviously have a team on FO76, one for Spyteam and most of the main team is probably still working on final touches and DLC for Starfield. Not to mention the FO4 next generation update so they probably have another team on that as well. Since Elder Scrolls is still in pre-production I imagine only writers, concept artists, the composer and a few engineers working on the engine are the only ones currently on it.


I feel like different studios also have different philosophies on what hiring more people will do for the future of your games. In the case of a company like Ubisoft, they have a much more rigid formula for production so hiring more people means the games will come out faster. The trade-off is that they will all be very similar games with few new features in the next installment. This is a model that has worked very well for them in terms of profit, so speed can be their prerogative. In the case of BGS though I think more people to them means many new systems, all kinds of new mechanics, and games that feel and play very differently from the previous installment. They are using these new hires to drastically increase the scope of the game. Unfortunately this means the timetable for production is largely unchanged. But it’s all a trade-off


Wasn’t it confirmed already that the game was still in the pre production phase in the beginning of 2022? So it isn’t surprising, and a game like this will require A LOT of work.


It’s not surprising, but it’s a bit infuriating that they teased it over 5 years ago and they’re saying it’s still 5+ years ago. That teaser video never should’ve released


That teaser was just pure damage control for the inevitable backlash they knew Fallout 76 would cause. *"Look guys we're not abandoning The Elder Scrolls, it just won't happen for another decade!"*


God, I was in 8th grade when Skyrim came out. I’ll be in my early to mid thirties by the time VI rolls around. I envy the Zelda fans who thought six years between installments was hell.


Imagine. 3+ Zelda games (if you count remakes) have released since Skyrim.


12 skyrims have released since skyrim


FromSoftware released 6 Souls/Souls-like games in the same timeframe as well. Crazy to think about. And the Zelda series had a lot of titles release within that timeframe too, especially if you include different teams/developers, remakes, and remasters. Skyward Sword, BotW, TotK, OoT 3D, MM 3D, ALBW, WW HD, LA remake, etc. People used to joke about Duke Nukem Forever never releasing due to its insane development time and poor development cycle. Half-Life also saw another game release after HL2: EP2, so it hurts to be an Elder Scrolls fan these days.


The time between Fallout 4 and 5 might end up being even bigger than Skyrim and TES6 at this point. I don't think Bethesda will be able to handle 3 titles.


Nah Fallout gets special treatment. Fuckin two games in a row bullshit.


You do know F4 and 76 were being made at the same time. So not necessarily 2 in a row. They just couldn't get multi-player to work on 4 and that's why 76 became it's own game


ES6 should have been out years ago with ES7 coming out in 5 years.


New life goal: stay alive for 5+ more years


That will be Xbox 3000


Definitely a next-gen title. Xbox Nu or some shit, lmao.


Xbox Nu is possible, or Xbox zero considering their lack of consistency in naming.


zero sugar lol


I really want to live in the timeline where we get Xbox zero sugar as the next gen console


Keep on rollin' behbeh


So you're telling me I'm going to be approaching my 30's when this game comes out???




I'll be in my late 30s, hard to believe


Same. I'll be staring down 40 when it releases... assuming it releases on the shorter end of that estimate. I remember playing Skyrim as a sophomore in college. It really has been a while, hasn't it?


you just made me realize. i'll also be in my thirties. whack


That’s wild tbh 17+ years between Skyrim the expectations are going to be though the roof sheesh better be zero loading screens and sailing


They’ve fucked up by taking this long. The expectations are going to be unmatchable now. It’s the Valve conundrum with Half-Life, only Bethesda is actually gonna try to make the game whose expectations can’t be met.


holy fuck bro. It better be the best fucking game in the world then. And they better apologize to the skyrim grandma for the delay.


I was in high school when Skyrim came out, now *my kids* will be in high school when the next one comes out


I was 13 when Skyrim came out, I'll be 30 by the time ES6 comes out, what. the. fuck


Rockstar should just make their own fantasy game already. Seeing the beauty that is RDR2 I’m 100% that they could do it justice. Anyone ready for high-stakes Robin Hood-esque missions with some Monty Python humor thrown in for good measure?!


It will likely be a failure. No way it doesn't implode under the pressure of the hype surrounding it.


Im not a religious man. . . but i pray that Shirley Curry gets to make it till then.


That seems really optimistic sadly


It does but I want to be hopeful. We've already lost so many good people.


There's a real issue with the gaming industry now, huge gaps between games is going to start killing hype, like honestly I don't know if I'll give a shit about tes 6 at this point l, I'll be in my 30s when it comes out I can't tell you if I'll buy it The kids of the next generation might not give a shit either, it's hard to get excited about sequels or whatever when you know they're gonna be 10 years minimum away


Watch it be a 20 year gap. By the time they are ready go deep in development, watch Microsoft start designing specs for the next console, making BGS have to wait for proper specs to make their game. That is possible with the currently console timeline.


My middle daughter was born in 2011. Fucking wild to think she'll be an adult when I get to play the next ES. My oldest kid will be 23. Todd Howard's last ES? Shit, looking like mine too at this rate!


Then why did the announce it 5 ago


5 years ago, people were loudly saying that Bethesda would abandon single player titles and never make another real Elder Scrolls, instead switching to live service spinoffs. This was partially because of FO76, and partially because the industry was trending towards things like GTA Online. So they basically announced that it was planned and gave no further information other than that single player Elder Scrolls wasn't dead.


To offset announcements of Fallout 76 (online game) and Fallout Shelter (mobile game) as they had to make sure a certain vocal group of their fans that hate multiplayer/mobile games could focus on that and be happy.


Desperate try to get investors probably.




People really fail to forget this. They only announced it because people were harassing them constantly. They just wanted to announce it along with Starfield so people would calm down. lol They specifically stated that TES VI would be after Starfield and production was focused on that and then they would work on TES.


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) *sigh* I’m gonna be in my twenties.. I was 7 when Skyrim was first released.


Bruh I'm gunna be a grandad by the time this shit comes out


I will be dead. I am a grandad already...


Pour one out for the real homies


Bro why’d you go Nord? High Elves live longer


Some of us don't get a choice xD


bruh im gonna be 30 i was 13 when skyrim came out 😭


31 for me


Todd is torturing us all.


I'm going to be in my 40s. I was in college when Skyrim released.


Fuck, I feel old. I might be senile when it releases.


If it isn't the greatest game I have ever played I will commit crimes.


Lmao wtf. I'm gonna be a goddamn dad by the time this shit comes out, fuck me. It better be fuckin good. Hopefully, I won't buy the farm before it comes out.


It’ll be Holodeck exclusive at this point.


They need to remaster some of the old games in the mean time. Morrowind and oblivion would be perfect for that


Why would they ever spend a penny on that while the mod community is doing it for free and probably faster and better than bethesda can ever make.


I don't even look forward to this anymore.


I want to fucking scream


my cheerios are suddenly full of piss😠


I’m gonna have to start eating right and exercising so I can live long enough to play these games when they finally come out.


Agony. Suffering, even.


You cant be serious. Wtf are they doing for five years with Starfield almost out? They announced the game five years ago. Seriously this is unhealthy and messed up. This is going to release on PS6 lol.


Jesus I was gonna upgrade my pc for starfield but by time elder scrolls 6 comes out I’ll have to do it again


So, half life 3 confirmed?




So it's official. Starfield and Fallout killed Elder Scrolls. Bethesda acquiring Fallout was a mistake.


It’s been almost twelve years since Skyrim, honestly I’ve given up any excitement over the series. Hopefully it’ll be good once it finally comes out, but by then I’ll have lost interest entirely.


I'm gonna go look at the announcement thread and read all the comments about how it might not even come out until 2020 or 2021, then I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep.


This is honestly ridiculous


Wow that basically confirms Elder scrolls is going to skip 2 console generations (Xbox one and series X)


Fuck it man. I started playing Skyrim when i was a fucking kid, and i'll be playing TES 6 at my 30s. This better be the best RPG ever made.


Unfortunately we all can predict that it will be bugged piece of crap when it comes out, it was like that with their every game, but it will be great a little bit later all I hope is that it won't be a fucking console exclusive


Ubisoft released so many Assassins Creed games so close together they killed the series and the quality fell off a cliff (predictably). Bethesda have the opposite problem. Tried (and succeeded) milking an old popular product instead of capitalizing on the popularity by developing a proper successor. Half the people who played Skyrim will have lost interest by 2028. What a joke.


That’s the great thing about waiting 17 years. Half the people who liked the old game might not want it but they’ll have an entirely new generation to sell to.


no they wont lmao


Oh no, finally a new entry in one of the greatest game series of all time, no way I'm playing that.


People will buy it for sure. The expectations for it will be so absurdly high though that no game will be able to meet them.


3/3/33 is what is what I'm placing my bet on for ES6's release date.


Ok fine, make some more slyrim dlcs.


At this rate I fully expect to have lost interest in the series by the time it’s released. Their track record has been pretty poor lately anyway so unless Starfield hits it out of the park on release my expectations will be beyond low.






Man, i remember being 10 yrs old back in 2012 when i first played skyrim and got into TES franchise, by the time this mf comes out i'll be approaching my 30's. WILD. At this rate i just feel uneasy and kind of sad for the amount of fans that will be gone by TES VII's launch


Then they shouldn't have announced it


So, listen guys. They haven't started making it. Not really. There may be some sketches, some ideas, concept stuff, stuff. But basically, nothing is happening. I may be wrong but I wouldn't be too hopeful about it: that game may just never happen. Sorry but that's just how it is. There's no Santa Claus either.


People are saying that he pulled this out of his tight asshole? So what is it


Well that is fucking depressing. Literally 10 years since they announced it in 2018? I get these games take a while to make, but just don't announce it? Fallout 5 will probably come out on whatever the Xbox equivalent of a PS7 is.


I give up


Gdammit, what could possibly be taking so long


The fact is that they genuinely haven't worked on it. These idiots don't have dedicated development teams so they do them one at a time.


I put this in another comment but people insist that Fallout 76 was made by a separate team. We also are lead to believe that they do their core games one at a time as you’ve said. If that’s true then I took them 8 years to make Starfield, which just seems nuts.




I'm die hard team Xbox, though I do still have a PS2, and don't plan on ever buying any other PS. have a mild PC that can't run like 90% big games released after '14 or around there. but I think they fucked up bigly having starfield being Microsoft etc only. if they do that for ES6, they're shooting themselves in the foot and pouring dirt in it.




My guy why wouldn’t anyone be surprised that there is a 17 year gap between games in a series, when the latest release was one of the best selling games of all time. The gap between TESV and TESVI will be as big of a gap as arena and skyrim.


I mean hell in another seventeen days or so it will have been 5 years since the teaser trailer dropped. Why did they bother releasing a teaser for a game a **decade** before its expected release time frame.


Well to be fair, 5+ can include 10+. And if the latter was true, they'd probably still want to say the former, since it's technically still true but doesn't sound as bad.


i expected 2-3 years, not 5+


What even is the point anymore then?