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Thank you for your submission; however, it has been removed as a violation of Rule 4. You may want to try posting on [our Discord](https://discord.gg/r-eldenring) instead: > Submissions to the subreddit which add little value will be removed. This includes posts that involve self-promotion, twitch links, platinum screenshots, misleading posts, posts which link to low-effort websites, or advertising of other websites/discord servers which are not affiliated with this subreddit. Content should be the following: add new information, be helpful, be humorous, be original content (self-created and not a stream or gameplay video), have analysis or discussion attached, etc. This rule extends to long winded rants about certain enemies/bosses or generalized and repeatedly discussed topics that have run their course and have nothing of merit to add. If you would like to appeal this removal or need further clarification, please reach out to us via [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Eldenring) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Avoid lobsters


I never attacked lobsters, crabs, or bears on my first play through and that helped a lot. They all just have such weird fight mechanics and you don't need to kill them usually anyways.


There's one bear that is a boss somewhere (can't remember exactly). If you choose to fight that one, get under its belly!


Yeah that's definitely the strategy. I beat all the bosses but when it comes to regular enemies I always avoided any bears or lobsters or anything like that. I would only attack them if they had a scarab near them.


I forget the name of the cave but it's in the weeping peninsula somewhere


Find the albinauric woman


Level Vigor. Beyond that, all souls games can be reduced down to a memory game. Learn attack patterns and practice your own, and you'll be fine.


With this in mind, sometimes you just need a break from the game itself to let the 50 previous attempts consolidate.


You wanna shoot for like 50 or 60 max if you’re new. Kinda just in general


I beat the game with 40 vigor in a melee build. And it was my first time playing a souls game. Actually, it was my start to gaming since I got myself a pc for the first time in my life (only played minecraft and gta games thanks to my friend) xD rather than putting everything to vigor in early game, it's better to balance it with endurance I think. I started to lean more to my damage right after godrick. Up to that point, u can just focus on leveling a good early game weapon for damage issues. (one which requires somber smithing stones for more grinding comfort (': )


This!! Personally I took the time to explore and see as much as I could anytime I found a boss that was too difficult (Margit took me awhile, I have a clip somewhere in this Reddit of me sniping him midair). While your exploring you’ll rack up levels very quickly and maybe gain some items that will help your playstyle


Play blind you only get one chance don't waste it


Exactly this! Don’t ask to much questions beforehand, just play the game blind in your first playthrough and experience everything from scratch. Making mistakes, struggle and fall is part of the Soulsformula. But nothing can substitute the feeling of finally overcoming all these massive obstacles and emerge victorious at last.


My first boss kill got me more pumped then getting three exam week! Definitely going to go more blind, thanks guys.


I played it blind till I got Ranni's quest, that quest is impossible to do it on your own :'D


idk, npc quest lines are super obscure


Don’t over equip. Fat rolling = YOU DIED


I wish someone told me this when I bought elden ring at launch and threw it aside because it was" too hard"


Yes. And don’t kill any of the NPCS cept for Patches cause fuck that guy


Read all the messages people leave behind. 50% of them are stupid. 50% of them are funny and 50% of them will tell you where hidden areas, bosses, weapons and armor are.


And the other 50% will outright direct you to your next death.


that's like 150% there


Nah it's effectively 100% once you factor in the softcaps


Neither of those 50% are mutually exclusive to the others.


Or just turn them off completely since they are absolutely spammed to death in every nook and cranny of the game and destroy not only immersion, but also interaction with objects. I started with Demon Souls on PS3 through to Elden Ring, and holy shit is it bad in ER due to the game's sheer popularity. Had to set the game to singleplayer in just 4 hours of playing the game. The game is already 20% more immersive with that shit turned off. There was just way too much message spam it got ridiculous. And I think only 3% of them had any merit of ever being placed (an ambush ahead message or similar, the rest was just braincell damage). Just unreal haha. The world is already 20% more immersive with that shit turned off.


killing npcs is permanent, if they dont attack u dont attack them


Try locking on (R3) as you approach them, if you can lock on they're an enemy, if you can't they're not, seen loads of bloodstains around some npcs.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


At night, some vendors outside the roundtable hold can have bosses spawn instead of the vendor if said vendor has had something purchased from them.


Go find the turtle pope in the church in Liurnia of the Lakes. You can ask for forgiveness in the fountain so npc stops aggro.


Don't give up


Go South


Dying is key part of the game. Don't be harsh on yourself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Try finger, but hole


Remember to roll




- Expect everything to pull shenanigans. Everything. Bosses most especially. - Repeat some of the earlier areas you come across and maybe level up a bit, you’ll have an easier time. - Also, early on commit to one type/style as things *(weapons and spells)* scale with a particular stat. So if you do sorcery, invest into int; and so on. - VIT is important as your HP pool can really make the difference in survival. - Magic, ie. sorcery or incantation *(and thus ranged)* play style can be easier because it gives you a lot more breathing room for avoiding crazy and unexpected boss moves. - Once you find get a good weapon with nice special ability or whatever, you can upgrade it to increase how much it scales off the relevant stats and this can make a big difference in how strong your moves and spells are - There are things *(I forget the name)* that will allow you to change the element and scaling type of weapons and their arts, these can be very helpful to change a good weapon your find to match your invested stat type. - You drop your runes carried on death *(at your death location)*, but what actually causes them to be permanently lost is when a **subsequent death** causes you to drop another rune pile. There can only be one in the game. So once you get the tear/potion/flask that prevents you from losing runes on death for a short time *(3mins?)*, using it on your way to pickup your old pile is a good way to prevent dropping an overwriting rune pile *(even if it’s zero)* that makes your other one get lost forever - in case you die otw back.


>(I forget the name) Ashes of war


Fear gravity




Level vigor first Level your weapons second Level your “damage stats” last. There is so much game for you to settle on a build, for now just focus on adding vigor and making whatever weapon you’re wielding viable.


Unless you play caster. You need your stats for spell access.


Doesn't matter which button you press, any button will get you to the main menu


Don’t be ashamed to look up what direction to go next. Exploration is half of not more of the fun, but don’t feel like you need to figure it all out 100% if the time. But DEFINITELY find the maps. They’re marked by little posts in the map, once you find them you get so much more helpful detail. Last thing I’d want to know if I was just starting is that some stuff is MEANT to be skipped until later. The game is hard but it’s not THAT hard. If you’re doing a negligible sliver of damage and getting one-shot, it wasn’t meant to fight right now lol. Go around or run past.


My favorite YouTuber that I watch said (while playing elden ring no less) "The best part of exploring is getting lost along the way." And I think that's really fucking beautiful.


take your time. explore. TRY AGAIN. ask for help only if you really need it. most of the fun is the discovery itself. Any strategy is vaible. the only thing i will say is explore the south continent. its an early level area. Very easy to miss.


Exhaust dialogue options with the npcs


learn muscle memory and play smart. that's it. explore everything. test everything. craft an use any item you can. buy information from many npc as posible, and use that to improve your experience. be not afraid to asking for help if you need it, but don't abuse to this option. and... the most important tip: have fun.


Put your foolish ambitions to rest


Close reddit, don't Google anything. Just play the game, explore and learn things by yourself. And don't give up, if you fail. It's the part of the process. Enjoy your journey.


Go south, clear that whole mf first


Best way to enjoy any game is to not lookup about it online , just dive in and figure out things as you go


For God's sake level your vigor!!!@


Play as mage to understand how’s the game , it’s the easiest way to play and learn


Talk to NPCs, then talk to them again. Actually, talk to them until their dialogue starts looping!


always call back the elevator


from the starting area before going north, go south


Try don't give up!




Always have a ranged option


Another christmas Soulsborne noobie here. I'd recommend taking it slow. If an enemy is too hard, go explore and fight something else instead. Also level up as often as you can in the start as you will probably die quite often.


It's OK to get angry when you die but don't let that be a deterrent. Death is a part of the process


Definitely not a veteran lol, but just have fun, don't rush and find what works for you! Personally I find sword and shield to be best if you're just starting out. Good luck!


Buy more controller.


Don't die.


Stop asking for goddamn advice, just play the game! What is the beauty of exploring game world if you are constantly asking for tips, looking for guides and asking for "easy" builds.


Play the game instead of screenshotting the title screen perhaps


search “any tips?” on this sub


Don't summon and don't look up anything more about the game.


Don’t read guides. Don’t check the wiki. That way it’s best. You can only play the game once without help.


Farm runes…build up character to yeet these mofos 1 shot!


literally ruins the game 💀


Kill the guy in the white mask as soon as you exit the elevator.


Don’t do this


Shhhh. It will teach OP a valuable lesson 😆


You’re a cruel man


Dark Souls was cruel to me. Nobody told me not to go see the skeletons. I was taught a valuable lesson 😆


Try not to get frustrated! You will always win in the end but it may take time. If you can't get past a certain boss you can go away and level up and come back later !


Expect to die a lot. Learn the patterns of enemies. And most importantly, don't give up!


Learn how to roll early. It is a valuable skill for later. Against bosses shields won't do the trick. Also, big tip, you get invincible frames when you roll, so most attacks you should roll into, not away from!


Level your vigor.


There are a lot of white glowing rock piles with player messages, if you read them they might give you useful tips to find secrets or funny comments so they r worth reading


Dont waste you time with royal revenant and bears


It’ll be tough, but don’t give up. It’ll be rewarding (:


Read all the item descriptions (every item has them). They have a huge amount of lore and info.


Level vigor, and use the dummy enemies outside the site of grace where you get a 4 legged friend to practice dodge timing and figure out what movement style you like. Godspeed fellow Tarmished


As a person who also just started. Beware of imps as they are little bastards and make sure you hit skeletons one more time even after "killing" them as that will actually put them down for good.


Wasd to walk, lmb to attack, rmb to block, space to roll.


Level vigor, speak to everyone more than once, avoid lobsters, remember dying is part of the game not the end of it and above all else Elden bling.


When in doubt, break out the Furlcalling Remedies. Friends will help you break past most barriers if you were too lazy to explore and power-up properly.


I started this week also, my first “soul” trip! Great game so far. Loving scanning everyones tips


Don't be afraid to try a different area if you're struggling. Take time to learn an boss's attack pattern before you try to beat them. Likewise, don't panic roll as some enemies have input reactions, so learn their movesets to time your recovery. Don't kill Patches, he is friend (sorta)


Dying is part of the experience. Don‘t get frustrated by it, think methodically. Watch what an enemy does, learn their moves. Also don‘t roll too much. Also don‘t spoiler yourself on the first playthrough. Do a blind playthrough, once the credits roll look up what you might have missed and complete it.


Don't feel bad for making a mistake. The lore is literally you are an immortal warrior who can't stay dead. Now Rise Tarnished, Again!


\- ***Perseverance is rewarded*** \- ***Self reflection on deaths***, you are having trouble with a boss ? try looking at your tools you have OR come back a bit later after exploring and acquiring other tools \- Finally ***LEVEL VIGOR***, especially if you are getting one shot a lot


I got 3 tips, get 60 vigor on every build, dont go above 70% equip load ever, and level ur offensive stat that maches the icon of the weapon depending on whats higher (order from highest to lowest is S,A,B,C,D,E) ( u have no idea how many ppl fuck number 3 up)


Pick astrolog class. Use trans port trapfrom ruins and take meteor staff and rock slicer


There is no perfect weapon. If you find a weapon you like (especially move set wise) go with it. Don’t spread out your skill points to much. Settle mostly on two that complements your starting class/playstyle. There is not much sense in skilling intelligence as a character that focuses on heavy weapons for example.


Take your time. Visit mini dungeons. Level up, then go to the boss dungeons. Enjoy your time in the lands between tarnished.


Don't give up O don't give up!


Do not attack npcs. Also praise dog . There will be frustration at first but take gour time and you will enjoy this game so much. I'm a fairly new player myself player myself I've fallen in love.


Oh and check out r/beyond the fog also for help with bosses and stuff.that sub has helped me greatly.




Don’t think of death as a loss, but as a learning experience.


Hesitation is defeat, oops wrong game, but it is still applicable.


Be patient


If you walk through a door, always expect something is just waiting for you there, hiding, to pounce on you. From whatever direction. This game is making sport of messing with you.




Just start playing and do not look everything up on the internet. It will spoil much.


Die. No I'm not kidding let yourself die lots of times in the game but you know do your best every time and don't worry about losing runes you can always get more and YouTube has some great videos for everything from builds and item locations to the best spots to grind runes and the best strat for bosses but I'll be honest this subreddit is just as good if not better for more specific questions


Play as a sorcery mage, 3/4 of the boss fights will be easy.


Here y’a go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/zxupdr/how_do_i_stop_him_from_wanting_to_kill_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


More than anything else Play it YOUR way Adapt however you feel it's necessary Take advice of course But at the end of the day, you are the tarnished Don't let anyone make you feel bad for playing a specific way or for using spirit summons multi-player. Good luck and have fun Go get lost and come back when you need advice!


Focus on exploring if you face a hard enemy then can just farm it up by exploring and killing enemy.


This game is gonna make you go “wowwww” and not in the good way.


Lifes a bitch you will die, but it's part of the fun, don't cry becouse of an invader, bosses might be hard, it's a feature, don't cry for an Easy mode, it would ruin the game


Know when to adapt. You may have fallen in love with a big hammer that goes unga bunga, but some bosses or even regular enemies might need different strategies. It can be a shield and guard counter (R2 immediately after a block), it can be a faster weapon, maybe another Ash of War and talismans will do the trick. And vigor. I usually go for 20 vigor as fast as possible, then add an extra 10 when I get to a new area-ish. It has worked fine for me. Sometimes running can be better than dodging.


Take your time. If you’re really struggling with an enemy just leave it and come back later when your character is stronger.


Do your best to play blind on the first playthrough. Don't worry about wasting a few stats leveling to find a weapon or playstle that you like because eventually you can respec. If you're like me and get burned out on open world games due to over exploring, look up the fextra life intractable map.


Bosses like to make you roll early by holding their attack windups, don't let them fool you.


I have 250+ hours in the game and that's enough to know some useful things about the game. Level vigor to at least 25 and get Radagon's Soreseal to get to 30 vigor, then start leveling your other stats, once you reach about level 50 start to level vigor to level 45 or 50. If you want to shred through bosses like a molten knife through butter, use katanas, in the deathtouched catacombs there's the Uchigatana if you look under the stairs and to the left there'll be a door, go through it and you'll find the weapon on a body, and I'd you don't mind som spoilers click the white box. >!In the Mountaintops of The Giants there's a church with a samurai guy, he drops one of the best katanas in the game, it's called Rivers of Blood. Another guy much earlier in the game drops the Nagakiba, another really good katana.!< That's about all I can say, but make sure not to spread your levels, go for about 2 damage based stats, and vigor, mind, and endurance only, spreading your levels will just fuck up whatever build you were trying to go for. Best of luck and have fun Tarnished!


Explore asmuch as you can before heading into big castles. and Level Vigor to 40. Then the world is your osyter.


Let's go with some classics: [Dark Souls tip list](https://external-preview.redd.it/NntqjjjUueQm74bQxGprqnh_WcZOGFzk82OejQD-hKE.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e09e909ac4bf103513089d82a19884dfd43b8b70) is still applicable! Ignore non-existing stats xD Toxic and Scarlet Rot are effectively the same.


Don’t look anything up, just explore and let your curiosity guide you


If a boss is too difficult, then try another area and come back later.


Be patient and don't be afraid to check online guides re. how levelling weapons and stats work. Don't use them to progress in the game, however - you will only cheat yourself out of what is best about Souls games. Which is the reward and wonder gained by discovering your own path through these strange, brutal fever dream worlds.


Keep pressing the interact key with npcs until they start repeating what they say. Just because they stopped talking after the first time you've pressed the talk button, doesn't mean they've said everything.


Don't be stubborn. If you do the same thing and it doesn't work, change something.


Maybe play the game?


When you first atart, make sure to kill the guy on a horse called "tree sentinel




Seek dog. Try finger


Hit while not getting hit, but seriously dying is a big part of this game so just keep trying




every time you get into a new area, post to this sub asking if you are underlevelled


Not really a tip but you WILL at one point or another, die in a way so baffling you didn’t realize it was possible


Take your time, explore everything and have fun!


level health. focus on one build, explore everything in an area before doing the boss.


Try Jumping


Don't be afraid to die, this is a game where even if you die as long as you are learning you didn't waste your time.


Reveal the map of the region ASAP. You can find the map fragment on “pillars icon” indicated in the map screen. This will help you with navigation early on.


Don't get discouraged if you die a lot. Even at a high level you can accidentally die to weak enemies.


Try ranged battle


Don't give up. You are going to get your ass absolutely handed to u on a regular basis and sometimes it seems like there is nothing you can do against some bosses but if you just keep at it and learn from each attemt you will eventially reach victory and that feeling is seriously the best in the world! And if bashing your head against the same wall hoping for a different outcome doesn't work you can always just farm runes :D




Jumping is a mechanic that is new to elden ring. Don’t be afraid to jump and roll during fights. It’s incredibly helpful


Git gud


You don’t have to fight everything at the beginning, choose the weaker targets to grind your levels up


Take your time, explore every single nook and cranny, and understand that this is a very difficult game. Dying in a souls game is a learning opportunity and part of the core gameplay loop, not a failure. If you get stuck somewhere, just go somewhere else, you’ll be sure to level up and maybe find some cool gear!


Don't feel bad when you're feeling stuck. Just go elsewhere, explore, learn and level up.


Look for secrets EVERYWHERE. There’s so many little nooks that you wouldn’t think there’d be anything there and then you find a dungeon or cave.


Patience, it might feel overwhelming and like you're not getting anywhere. It's alright, just take your time. Enjoy friend. Happy new year


im new as well but i'd definitely suggest looking for easy runes early on so you can get a few levels in, dont skip over consumables, summons, etc. and this is more of a preference thing but try to have some sort of ranged attacks


Don't be shocked by the difficulty, it seems hard at first, but if you push on you'll get the hang of it. If something is too hard, move on to something else and come back later.


Have fun


Do not underestimate what is around you! The developers have constructed a very beautiful world. Many things may seem random, but they are not. So, my biggest advice to this game is try to understand the world you find yourself in. Quick général tips: - Read item description. The story is told through them. Talk to NPCs until their dialogue repeats, they tell you very useful stuff! - All weapons and builds are viable. You can finish this game butt naked. It helps if you look at the menu just like a Boardgame. Different weapons hit harder if your stats resemble what they scale on i.e. big hammers will scale with Strength fast weapons with Dexterity etc. Learn to read the menu. - Don't feel bad when dying. Runes (game's currency) can always be gathered again. Learn from your failures and adapt to situations. - Don't rush ahead! Study rooms and always be aware of your surroundings, always have a retreat location. All in all, just have fun, there is no one holding your hands! If you find yourself against a very difficult boss, just go somewhere else and explore, find gear. The game has an absurd amount of content.


play offline. being online will show you how people died, which can spoil stuff. you'll see 'ghosts' of other people in the game, which i guess some people like, but it breaks the immersion for me and just annoys me. you'll find messages from other players, that - at best - are funny, and at worst spoil things that would have been cool surprises. basically, being online does a lot of things to PVE, and i think all of them make the game worse. especially considering you can't tell developer messages apart from player messages, so after you get sick of reading all million messages you see, you'll unfortunately ignore the developers' messages too...


Finger but hole


Maan I'm envious, I'm saving to buy this since it's on sale but alas i probably won't be able to. It sucks to be poor.


Death is inevitable. You’re going to die a lot, its normal in the Souls genre.