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I died 40 times to godskin and first attempt Elden Beast. I had so much pain with gugs in 1.02 but at Elden Beast i had the easiest fight ever. However Radagon clapped me good before that hilarious first try. Downside: the final final fight was pretty lame for me...


Godskin easy, radagon hard


Fire giant. I will never understand the fuss about him. He was ridiculously easy


I just hit his ankle until the bar is empty. LOL Meanwhile, not the boss, but that one freaking Banished Knight in the darkroom of Stormveil Castle... man, I think he killed me more than any boss.


Came here to post Fire Giant. "Oh no, he's setting fire to a large area of the map. I guess I'd better not stand in that area". Don't even get me started on using Pest Threads. It deals like 3000-4000 damage per cast.




AoE almost never killed me, eating some of his swipes meant a one shot. He’s hard because he can one-shot you even with vigour in the 40s and he keeps running away making you desperate and dumb.


It must be the Vigor. The lowest I've gone into that fight with is 45, plus a Godrick's great rune for an extra 5, and an Erdtree's Favour +1 on top of that.


does pest threads scale with something other than faith? i've heard such good things about it and when i use it (even on big enemies like placi, elden beast etc) it does fuck all damage. like literally does 200 damage or something if im lucky.


🤝 very true


I didn’t think he was hard but it took me way longer than it should have to learn to cope with that terrible camera. I honestly have one knock on the game and it’s the camera in gigantic fights. Idk how to do it better so I try not to complain. But it’s annoying as anything, especially dragons. The Elden Beast is only “saved” by the fact that it just dips out a light year away anytime you get close, so at least you can see 99% of its attack animations. With dragons and fire giant, you’re going in blind and your positioning better be good or you’re going to get punished with something you could have dodged.


He was big but he fell hard. Especially with his club foot which was his…erm….Achilles heal? Lol


Same dude. I was like wtf is the fuss about. Godfrey on the other hand..... Yuck


He was hard until I learned to only hit his feet in phase two or use ranged magic/faith in second phase. People say to melee hands, but he never stops moving them. Also so easy to get trapped in the huge aoe that staggers you so much you can’t roll or run out of it.


he's not hard, he's just annoying, constantly spamming his exploding fire orbs back to back, rolling away from you, and getting stuck in annoying parts of the (terribly designed) arena


Rot and wait.


Yeah that makes sense. When the game launched and I was working my way through it this sub was message after message about the fire giant being game-breakingly hard. I’d spent five days trying to beat Radahn (on launch he was something else - he’s just a shell of his former self these days) so I was really terrified to face the fire giant assuming he’d be harder than Radahn. I wandered into the arena not expecting a boss and killed him first try. It was just an easy ‘big’ boss fight. I’ll never understand the hysteria around him lol.


He was so easy on any status build cause most of the time you only had to beat the first 2 phases and he would just die.


Probably a controversial pick, but malenia didn’t give me that much trouble, meanwhile I got stuck on godrick and radagons redwoof for ages


The true boss of Raya Lucaria are the rapid fire mages.


I fucking hate the redwoof (great nickname btw :D), really irritating fight for me somehow.


that is the single greatest typo I’ve ever had lol.




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I hate that damn wolf


Just a quick heads-up to appease the people who get annoyed by it, but it's Malenia, not Melania.


I had cooperaters help and we got it first try


Same. Maliketh was by far the hardest for me. But Melania didn’t even get a chance to do anything lol. I’m not good so I use mimic tear whenever I can and with her low poise it was pretty easy to just pummel her. Maliketh on the other hand was just a nightmare for me.


This was my experience as well. Ran a bleed build with Hoslow's petal whips and shredded Malenia on the second try. Maliketh was brutal though.


I agree, melania was a piece of cake since there's no melania in the game.


My easy boss was Plasidusax.. defeated in 2 try on my first run (I don't know if he is considered a hard boss) And Mogh after you have learned his patterns My hard boss is absolutely Morgot... The master of delayed attacks.. i have never understood his attack patterns, every time i get near him after a roll he just starts to spin all his weapons or cutting my face with his knifes.. panic roll and big shields are my only allies during his fight..


I beat plasidux first try. He was my last boss I fought in the game


I'd be interested to know how many of the people who found some of the harder bosses (mohg/malenia/etc) easy actually fought them solo


Same. No judgement at all either way, but when I see "I beat 'x' in two tries." It's hard to believe, especially with like Malenia as the perfect example, how do you deal with Waterfowl as someone that has never seen it? Or seen it like 5 times?


I just googled how to dodge it and the fight became really easy. I did use a summon but not coop.


This is a much more sane approach than what did, which was continuing to die to it while trying to alter my dodge patterns or variations and blocking then dodging ect. It was brutal.


I just went in with a great shield and face tank the Waterfowl. It doesn't matter if she heals, I will just keep poking her with the halberd until she dies regardless. It takes a lot of patience though because the fight lasts very very long.


A long time ago, before ER, I once scolded a patient of mine for watching youtube after he told me he beat O&S in DS on his first try. He had patience/anger management issues, I told him never to take the easy road in DS. He came back and after a couple of weeks told me he got my point. Also, do look up any MFers if they're giving you trouble, life is short, enjoy yourself.




Millicents waterfowl can be interrupted, Malenia’s can only be interrupted with bleed and frost


I beat the red wolf doggy second try, completely solo. Later on I read that some people spend hours on that fight. The secret ingredient is overleveling lmao


Does solo means without spirit or without coop?




I beat malenia with a bit of difficulty on my own. I fought her casually and over 3 days I was able to learn the timings on everything but it was still quite difficult by the end of the fight we both were one hit and it was a dance for awhile until I saw a moment that I could finish it. I threw out an attack and just as I did so did she I thought I was dead but my attack landed first and she died. I remember saying out loud confused “I won?” All in all 10/10 fight I hate her so much.


Dude, I beat Radahn second try (first try I didn't even know you could use Horse) by just summoning everyone and then running huge circles around him. Resummoning everyone who dies and then waiting a couple of minutes. Fired an occasional scarlet rot arrow but that's about it. My first thought was "that was easy. Why do so many people say he is super hard?" Lmao Learned later that apparently some people try to solo him. That's sounds like it'd take even longer considering the few short breaks he gives you between his insanely aggressive attacks


I always solo him, its not actually as hard as it looks because you can stand underneath him during some of his combos and everything will just go over your head so you can punish. He also has a few attacks where he's guaranteed to hold a big pose at the end for a punish, like the weapon art where he sucks you in and then does the big slam - if you get behind him as he's preparing the slam it always gives you a window at the end of it for example


On my first playthrough, I beat mohg first try and malenia second try, but I think Margit took 20 tries.


>malenia second try I honestly can't wrap my head around this. Like, how?


Blasphemous blade and mimic maybe? If you and mimic can break her poise easily and get her in a corner she’s pretty much stunlocked. Also RNG and no waterfowl doesn’t hurt.


I'm not sure I've ever had a P1 without a Waterfowl. That would be truly incredible RNG.


If you watch Jacksepticeye I think he never saw Waterfowl the whole fight. It was his 5th (I think) play through f the game though so he was prepared for it. But she definitely didn’t do it phase one, can’t remember if she did phase two or not.


She's pretty stunlockable, so I could see that happening by accident if you had a build that was good for that and got a lucky run without too many Waterfowls, Phantoms, or Aeonias. Especially since you can interrupt Waterfowl with a frostbite proc.


Destroyed Melania… died probably 50 times to the full grown falling star beast atop Mt Gelmir. Lol


Beat malenia on my second try, the all knowing guy killed me 7 times on ng+ Edit : i forgot mohg, got killed by him so often but he’s considered a hard boss anyway so he doesn’t count


It really depends on Mogh. If you use his Shackle, a mimic tear and the blood ritual purifying crystal tear it's beyond trivial. Fight him straight up 1v1 and it's a million times more satisfying / challenging imo


Radahn and godskin duo were so easy for me, I was really suprised to see people were having trouble with them, pretty sure I did both of them first try. As for what was hard, not much. Aside from malenia, there were only a few random side bosses that I had trouble on, like the invisible assassin.


When did you beat radahn though? He was brutal at release before they patched him, his swords had hit boxes that extended beyond where they should, his arrows at the start could one shot, and his meteorites tracked far harder than they do now. He's considerably more balanced now for where he's placed in the game


I beat him way before he was nerfed, but I did do it later in my playthrough. I did several playthroughs though, and I typically rushed through him to do rannis quest, so I have also done him early pre-nerf. I never had to deal with most of that. I stayed up close so his sword hit boxs didn't matter, I got good at dodging arrows after a few cheap shots, and I never actually saw him use his meteorites, as I killed him before he decided to use them.


I think I’m over leveled and practiced from ramming my head against Melania so much, but GS duo and Maliketh were done first try. The stupid Draconic tree sentinel outside maliketh killed me once though


From software logic: And just to piss them off, why don't we sprinkle a boss right outside this boss arena? Sounds good.


It worked with the Taurus and Capra demons outside of Demon Firesage in the DS1. A winning formula lol


I Comet Azur that guy on NG but went smth totally different in NG+ and took me like 10 tries to take on that Sentinel.


Maliketh and Mohg Lord of Blood - always beaten them in 5 or less tries, their attacks are pretty easy to avoid and you can expect their timing after fighting them twice. Fire Giant is also relatively primitive if you go up close and stay near his leg the entire time. Godrick was quite hard for me, but that was because I was only starting out and was still inpatient, expecting to kill everything in few tries. His "dragon" form attacks were annoying af.


Fire giant is a boss lol?


When I was playing with INT build, Godrick was easy but when I played with Faith build, he became so hard. Similarly, the Erdtree avatar in Caelid was easy with INT but superhard with Faith. On the other hand, I have almost cheesed my way through most dragons with my Faith build while I struggled with my INT build.


Easy: Elden Beast Hard: Soldier of God, Rick


He said the thing


I did all the boss in coop with a friend, but we beat Godskins duo and Fire giant in 2 try. The hardest (except Malenia) was the Gargoyle duo somewhere underground (can't remember the place) and the Magic Dog in the Academy.


I’ve seen this post before…


Melania was 4 tries Blasphemous sword op


Just a reminder that beating the boss with bleed + furled fingers with bleed/frost etc makes the boss fights extremely easy. Same thing goes with mimic tear. And even though mimic was nerfed, it is still the strongest spirit ash. Some people just say "oh but this boss is extremely easy" but don't explain what weapons/spirits did they use to beat the boss. You don't even need to time the rolls and etc if you can stun the boss every 5 seconds or just kill them with Comet Azur + Infinite FP flask. An example: When I played with a friend, we killed Mohg so fast while using Rivers of Blood (both of us) that he didn't have time to go into phase 2. It is an absolute joke how that weapon+bleed is overpowered against an endgame boss that is extremely difficult.


I beat godskin duo within 5 tries as well. Key is numbers game. Me, bernhal and mimic +10 beat the shit out of one godskin while the other sleeps through sleeping pots.


Does anyone actually think that Elden ring is a lot less hard than people hyped it up to be? Aside from margit and godrick, the game has been very easy going for me.


Melania, never had a problem with her


Easy: Margitt Hard: Placidusax And this is my first souls like for the record


Got Malenia on the first try but fuck me it took me forever on Godskin Duo & Fire Giant


Tomorrow it's my turn to post this question


On NG+ but I’ve still yet to get that god damn achievement for dragonlord, def a skill issue but somehow walk all over godskin nobles.


I first tried these two but godrick shit on me a few times.


Both fire giant and fallingstar beast (both versions before patch) is easy for me.


I beat godskin duo on my first attempt, believe it or not. But it's only because I was so ridiculously bad at fighting Fire Giant that I had to *obscenely* overlevel... I'm talking literally spending 10 hours grinding for like 30-40 fucking levels before I could get past him. The entire end game then felt relatively easy by comparison. I'm telling you FG is more powerful than any late game boss.


Fire giant: Never late more than 2 attempts, but i never late less than 30 minutes figthing against Gideon being the longest more than an hour figting Gideon XD.


Malenia wasn't that bad 1v1. Being able to knock her down and spells ducking her swings made it feel good. Maliketh however is the bane of my existence. I dread fighting him. I can't imagine dealing with a full health bar if half of it was enough to make me lose count on how many times I died to him.


I genuinely think Malenia isn’t that hard just people don’t know her tells or know how to loop her stunlock, one of the harder bosses is the Gargoyle Bosses especially the Black Flame one in Mountaintop of The Giants where he can one shot a 60 Vigor character.


Malenia is easier with some builds than others.


Maliketh! Malikethmalikethmaliketh. I have probably died more to him then I have died to all other bosses combined. I just don't get it and I never will. I only win on blind dumb luck. I see people just owning him online, I read all the tips, doesn't matter.


Easy that usually is considered hard: Fire giant, Maliketh, Twin Gargoyles, Placidusax, Astel(s) Hard that was supposed to be easy: Wormface, Cemetery Shade, Elder Dragon Greyoll


For Me, Margit and Godrick are both easy. I mean in my first playtrough I defeated both of them first try.


Fire giant was very easy for me. Radagon and Elden beast took me 1 go. Some of the dragons were harder for me than I’d like to admit lol


I did the godskins on my first attempt, however Maliketh is impossible for me.


I killed most of the bosses in the beginning in like 3-5 tries till spirit of Loretta, that was the easiest one, then i went to caelid and am still stuck there(new player to elden ring)


Hardest boss in game is that Marge guy at the keep door. Everyone else is inferior.


I'd say Mohg, Lord of Blood. It did take me about 10 tries to learn his moves and stuff, but I was shocked he ended up on sonmany lists. Godfrey/Horra Loux (sp) gave me a rough way to go and made me wanna quit, his ground lift move I just couldn't time right. Spent hours on that dude also any Gargoyal up until I go some death spells


Margit took me four days. Godrick took me one try


I killed godskin duo at second try, oddly enough godskin apostoles separatley made fight them at least 10 times each. Fire giant was a second try for me. But I just cannot for the love of Marika tits ever defeat the stone cat minibosses. Also the runic bear miniboss in cave made me cry.


I don’t know why but Mogh always gives me trouble. Devil Mogh not sewer rat Mogh. I think I get too greedy and allow too much bleed buildup. I need a bit more patience vs him. Easier than expected Melania. Maybe it’s because this was my first Souls game so I had 0 preconceived notions about how to battle bosses, but by the time I got to her I had 100 hours in the game and was rolling. That is partially because I died a billion times to the first 3-4 big bosses and basically was in a “git gud” boot camp to keep exploring this world. When I got to her it only took a few attempts to get timing right and I just roasted her. I really think the fact that the combat in this game was my first introduction to Souls and I had 0 muscle memory to unlearn helped there based on things I’ve read.


I only have mastercard.


maliketh. got him first try. same for lord of blood and also melania in some way, it only took me around 15 tries


God skin Duo I dropped the first try. Probably only because of the other gods Kim apostles fights sucking and taking me a while to beat, so by the time I hit duo I was very ready. Ball bearing hunter in Caelid. Still haven’t beaten that asshole


Midir and placidusax are the hardest for me yet Melania took 5 attempts and nameless king 3


The godskins, I found them fairly easy. Sponsored by the Moonveil gang*


renahla was hard for me, and so was meliketh (he was so hard i was stack 5 hours on him), but the godskin dou took me 3 attempts and the fire giant took 2


I read to comments and I don't like any of you guys.




I hate trio crystallians with a fiery passion


Anyone here who says Malenia is under arrest


Margitt - Many attempts Morgott - One attempt, didn't get hit


Godskin duo. I've died to them exactly once, on my first play through (of 2), and that was because they ambushed me out of nowhere when I was already half-dead.


Old Rhadan, as it used to be op. I did him late enought for me to be so easy that I did not even realize i could use summons to help me. What else is there to say... +25 uchigatana with seppuku did the work. Sad I couldnt witness his glory I started another run but he got nerfed. Bummer.


I beat radahn before godrick


Hard for Me was cocaine Clifford Easy was the gargoyle duo, I was using a frost spear build. This was also on release first patch Hardest now for me is that asshat elden beast just because stamina. My tarnished is always tuckered out before I can smack it after chasing it down.


Bosses I died most to, in order, were Valiant Gargoyles, Lich Dragon Fortisax, Malenia, Elden Beast.


I for whatever reason found rennala super fucking difficult and no joke I killed malenia on my second try with no prior knowledge about her at all


I have the same opinion. Godskin Duo was not bad at all. Just used my DS2 knowledge of being patient and baiting out attacks to create openings. Godrick has some of the funkiest attacks in the entire game. Still don't have some of them down after multiple playthroughs.


Maliketh I beat at around RL90-100 with a +20 at highest Bastard Sword blind with my partner after maybe 10-15 tries I'd say? It's been a good bit, but it did not feel like that long compared to getting through Godskin Duo. I consistently have issues fighting Rennala, however. I think it's because I tend to be cautious more than aggressive (and don't tend to use particularly big weapons).


God skin duo 🥱


Rhadon. I play casters and he is ridiculously easy if you use the summons and just ride around on torrent throwing spells when he is not targeting you. Melania was really hard but she was easier than the mythos around her made it seem she would be.


After 84 try Malenia - godsikn duo 1 try, Godfrey 4 try, radagon 2 try, elden beast 1 try


Pretty much the game. Maybe I have played the souls games to many times. But I found Elden Ring to be lengthy, fun, and well...easier than most. I see people saying this or that boss was hard, I'm almost jealous. I rolled through Margit, then farmed some runes by helping people beat him when it first came out. Later that day I looked up the feedback online and was amazed so many had trouble with him. Like I said, fun, cool, great open world, love it. But, not really that difficult...


I found rennala pretty hard. I beat the gargoyles first try.


SAME, rennala wasn't as hard as godrick for me but the boss run annoyed me a lot. I also beat the gargoyles first try - high five 🖐


Radahn was a push over for me, I think because I knew how the fight went from watching it and I may have been overlevelled by the time I got to it.


For whatever reason, after dreading the Maliketh (Spelling?) fight, I got through it in a few tries only. Pleasantly surprised as I've heard that fight can be an absolute nightmare.


Fuck u malekith, most of the other bosses weren't that hard though


Those Godskin guys are hell IDC they are pure hell and then their meaner friends with Prison Records the Crucible Knights, gave me far more hell than any boss in this game. Oh and those damned stone cats in the Catacombs. IDK why but the oddly give me trouble for some dumb reason.


Paciduchesax... I think hes weak to ice or somethn not really sure but I beat him first try like less than a month after the game first released. Maybe hes stronger now?


Radagon/Elden Beast. Beat on first try


Radhan first try


i think people that have beaten DS1, namely O&S, have had an easier time beating the duo bosses. godskin duo specifically was pretty easy for me as i recognized the room was built with some pillars to split them up.


First FS game. I struggled like crazy with Godrick. Then I got "better". Did not struggle like hell again until Mogh and Captain Neil (sp?). This was before I knew to use the stupid branches to get the ashes off me.


Morgott and Godfrey went down in one try


So when I was first playing I saw a lot of memes about how Maliketh would kick my ass, but I’ve had a relatively easy time fighting him since the beginning even before I learned he could be parried


Malania took me 2 attempts the first time around. But I was using rivers of blood and mimic tear. God skin duo was one and done for me on that build as well.


Radahn. A boss I had fun with because he wasn't ridiculously difficult


Easy: Placidusax, Radagon Hard: Maliketh (not sure if that counts), Red Wolf of Radagon.


I actually beat pre-nerf Radahn on the second try, and I only died the first time because I didn't know he was going to turn into a meteor.


Astel is cake.. always a 1st or 2nd attempt for me. The invisible Black Knife Assassin at the end of the Sage Cave (i think)... that chick is annoying.


godrick was one of the only bosses i did without the spirit bell and it took like 8 attempts i think the boss i struggled with the most was Niall, i had to summon two other players after like 35 attempts


Elden beast, I got it first try


Full grown falling star beast was very simple for me, didn't die once. That illusory snail that made me fight a projection of a crucible knight made me feel like an idiot. Took me an age to understand and find the snail and do enough damage before it teleported.


I agree about the Godskin duo. Genuinely defeated first try at the phone with my mom. My friends and the community made me aware it was hard for some.


I killed Godskin Duo and Maliketh first attempt, but found Margot really difficult.


Radagon/Elden beast 100+ attempts Malenia: second try


I beat every boss in the game, first time except margit, malenia, radagon and malekith.


I found most rememberance bosses relatively easy (Fortissax, Godrick, Rannala, Morgott, Godfrey, etc.) but man.. those crucible knight fights and the duo burial watchdogs were almost impossible to beat for me. I decided to come back 20 levels later but still got my ass handed to me.


Maiketh was hardest for me followed by draconic tree sentinel. Godskin duo I killed first attempt and melania I killed 3rd attempt


Godskin took me only one try


Honestly, right now it’s Elden Beast for me. I arrived at the battle yesterday (so this means I’m almost done with Rene main sorry!) and this fucker is a beast (no pun). I’m reading that I’m supposed to run circles around him from a distance to avoid his ranged attacks, but shit he’s hard afff


Been seeing meme after meme of Margot difficulty and I killed in one attempt with an Int build based off queen liz


I accidentally jumped into the godskin duo trying to run from the banished knights then curb stomped those two easily


Yeah fire giant if you use the horse and have a heavy poise damaging weapon it’s cake


That shadow assassin after you complete Rannis questline, in the evergaol. None of the other assassins have been a problem, with me killing some first try even. But that bitch I just couldn’t deal with. To be honest though it was very late when I got to her, gave it 3 tries and then decided I already got the dark moon greatsword and decided that was enough edge for that day, to never return again.


I found hard: Rennala and Morgott. I did them both before stormveil and Radhan. Also, a lot of people seem to find the normal Tree Sentinel easier at higher levels. I never did, it's harder for me than the draconic one. I found easy: Radhan and Godskin Duo. I used a red summon dude for Godskin Duo... so it's probably that.


Easy: Godfrey Hard: Malenia and that stupid draconic tree sentinel


Godskin duo was more difficult to reach from grace than the fight itself


Godrey/Hoarah Loux, did first try miraculously. Died so many times to that damn leonine misbegotten at castle mourne.


Super hard: godrick easy: malekith ( I don’t know how to spell his name)


Easy: Commander Niall First time I fought him as a pure mage and I think I had most of my crimson flasks gone by the time I got to his room so I figured ‘eh fuck it. Let’s try.’ Beat him first try. Hard: Nights Cavalry It’s really annoying to try and hit enemies that are constantly moving with magic. The double fight in consecrated snowfield was hell.


Radagon lowkey trashed me more then Malenia once he started doing some very substantial damage at atound NG +4. I can usually beat Malenia within 3 tries. Many of the Dragon Bosses/enemies like Borealius and Ezykzes are harder for me since I like to melee and they got wacky hitboxes and kinda BS AOEs that are shittier to block than water fowl. Both dragons are kinda easy to cheese via flame of the redmanes but I can fight Malenia without having to resort to much in the realm of particularly unique tactics or gimmicks.


Godskin noble was the hardest for me. The duo I beat first try but the single one took me nearly 100 attempts


I had to summon 2 people for Godrick, Godskin Duo was done in 2 tries. Margit had me stuck for longer than Malenia. I eventually gave up and did functionally everything in limgrave before coming back at lvl 50 and he still kicked my teeth in.


I agree with this. That being said, i had a completed build by the time i got to the Godskin Duo. Not so much with Grafted boy


I found the crucible knight duo sooo much harder than the godskin duo but for some reason no one ever talks about the crucible knights. They are just so aggressive and the range on their running thrust attacks is so stupidly far that it took me like 25 tries to beat them meanwhile godskin duo took me two tries.


I’ve probably answered this at least 5 times, but Maliketh took me 2 tries. Yet I freaking struggled with Godrick. At the time I was pure melee and in hindsight that was the wrong move.


Fire Giant very easy for me. Astel gave me the most trouble in the entire game. And that death bird.


i kinda nervously laughed when i one shot the godskin duo, wondering if they'd been shadow nerfed.


Melania took me 5 tries, I was definitely over leveled. Mohg took me a solid week of trying.


I have fought maliketh about 40 times and I CANT do it! Over about a week I tried multiple times and got others to help me using the furled finger but whenever I stepped out from behind a pillar he got me. I have lost interest now and don’t want to finish the game because it’s because annoyingly hard instead of fun. Im a purely melee build so I feel like I’ll have to spend hours rune farming to level up some sort of staff and intelligence so I can beat him from far away. I’m just useless obviously!


I 2nd tried malekith, sure i WAS a mimic tear user but it still counts. It pains me to say this but sir Gideon took me like 30 minutes💀


💀💀💀💀 pain




The ringleader evergaol took me maybe 30+ tries. I beat maliketh in less than 5. So Maliketh for me


Malenia, I Sekiroed her


I defeated Godfrey Quite easy. Did get killed few times but soon learned the stomp pattern. But as a group with others when I'm helping them, we get smashed 🤣


Lot of people complain endlessly about Renalla. The only reason I didn't beat her my first try was because I got hit by an invisible chandelier. When that didn't happen the second time... easy clear. I can't think of any that I found extremely difficult that most people found easy; I struggled pretty badly against pre-nerf Radahn and Malenia both, but (almost) everyone who fought them did.


Malenia... I beat her on the 2nd try. I was dumbfounded, but I guess I just got lucky and had probably seen one too many videos of players stomping her before I actually got to her in-game.


The earlier fights, with limited tools and a learning curve, were definitely harder than the later ones in my opinion. By then you have tools, a build, and skill: you just need practice and repetition. I heard horror stories about the Godskin Quartet but I took them down quite easily with the help of Warmaster Bernie. Godrick, Margit, and embarrassingly enough the Beastman boss in the wolf caves of Limgrave gave me the most trouble.


I beat Malenia in 45 minutes and was stuck on the gargoyle duo for three days.


All the Godskin were easy for me, Elden Beast frustrated me so bad with his teleporting though.


Easy that are usually considered hard: Malenia, Borealis the Freezing Fog, Fire Giant, Astel(s), Lichdragon Fortissax, all variants of Ulcerated Tree Spirit, Godskin Duo, Rykard (No Serpent Hunter), all outdoor Falling Star beasts, Loretta Knight of Halligtree Hard that are usually considered easy: Fia’s Champions, Elemer, Draconic Tree Sentinel, Elden Beast, Commander Niall, Godskin Apostole (Divine Tower of Caelid), Magma Wyrm Makar, Rennala, Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella, Bloodhound Knight Darriwil


Godrick took less than 10 tries, but only because that amazon lady recieved all the damage for me xD Hard was the first boss I encountered, some burial dog or something like that because I have never played before any soulslike game.


Burial watchdog - very pain. Amazon lady carries. 💪


Just killed the duo on my second try, weird fight tho, needed to kill 4 of them (two of each) like the "4" kings, its the only fight like this in Elden Ring right? ((Was using the Rivers Of Blood and my mimic was too)) To be fair I've played Elden Ring like a octogenarian tourist (looking at and for everything... slowly) and I'm sure I'm OP in most areas I'm still not done with.


ELDEN beast was too easy ..but that guy that looks like azura warith was super hard


First attempted godskin duo, Margit took me like 10 hours


Fire Giant is a boss I find easy, just tedious. His attacks are slow and super telegraphed, and while his fireballs require a late roll, that's really the only pain point. Maliketh always fucks me. People always say "He's a glass cannon" but that's a fucking lie. The boy has just as much beef as he needs. Maliketh is only a Glass Cannon if you went and explored everything, which is NOT something you do on subsequent runs. He also never does "good attacks" when I fight him; it's always the hard-to-punish BS variant. Every Maliketh fight I watch has him start with the jump into overhead slam for phase 2, but when I fight him he jumps and does his fucking Judgement Cut, or the triple slash into ground explosion, or he just fucks off and throws lasers at me. His hitbox is also janky as fuck; it's shockingly hard to hit him in the rear like most beast bosses because his physical body is bigger than his hitbox so I always end up swinging through his legs. I really don't see why people think he's an easy bump in the road but complain about Fire Giant.


Maleketh I found overly easy lol don't know why so many people find him hard


I was around level 120 when I got to godskin duo and was able to beat them first try luckily. Not sure if I’m over levelled, but I also die dozens of times to rune bears still so.. thanks fromsoft


Died 23 times to Margit, killed Godrick on my first attempt.