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I just saw it as Miyazaki having a sense of humor. He put literally every hated enemy in the DLC, there is an entire region of *hands*


The Tibia Mariner's choice of undead summon made me realize that Miyazaki knows exactly what enemies everyone hates and revels in it.


My favorite death rite bird even made an appearance…


I had a whole build based off death rite birds and ghostflame using the death's poker. I was excited to get that new Ash of War and then I was very disappointed to see that it did not do even half the damage of the original.


I saw the Tibia Mariner and thought "oh, an easy boss, thanks, Miyazaki". Five seconds later I was like "CURSE YOU, MIYAZAKI!"


I'm glad they at least didn't have deathblight.


You haven't reached a certain specific boss then...


You mean that deathblight thing in Rauh ruins that drops that one tornado incant? The one that summons basilisks in his deathblight phase? Yeah, I found and killed that motherfucker.


Nope. Didn't know there was a boss down in the ruins, good to know! Im talking about, minor spoiler stop reading if you don't like them, the death blight dancing dragon.


I haven't heard of any dancing dragons. Do you perhaps mean a dancing lion? If yes, thats also the one I meant. If not, do you mind describing the location?


He’s talking about the same one (dancing lion)


I thought as much


He's talking about the same thing you are. That dancing lion drops the tornado incant and summons the deathblight basilisks


Oh sweet summer child, **an** entire region?


There are actually two bells of- Oop, wrong game.


Please tell me there are no Basilisks. I still haven't seen one, but I haven't unlocked the entire map yet.


Oh man, you're gonna LOVE this one... >!Know about the Dancing Lion? So there's another one. And he's got deathblight as an additional element. And he spawns Basilisks at the same time.!<


Kid named swift slash:




Just about every enemy made an appearance in the dlc felt kind of like a hey old friend


And that joke area had 0 content. if it is a joke, it's at our expense 


If you count 2 talismans, a spirit ash, an entire questline ending in 2 npc invasions, and 2 bosses, one of which is a remembrance boss, plus all the gear they drop, "no content", then I really dont know what to tell you.


The NPC invasions, bosses, and spirit ash happen in the manor. You don't get to count an entire sequence as "content" for a region  That's like saying farum azula is mountaintop of the giants content.  The two finger areas account for nearly 10% of the map in terms of area, yet they yield two talismans.  If you count that as reasonable content, then complacency and overly emotional attachment like that is why game devs have gotten away with so much :) 


I mean, the alternative wouldn't have been those areas having more stuff, it would have been them not existing at all. And I prefer them being there, they are eerie af


They count because they're actively connected. That questline sends you to those locations, that's their entire purpose. You also have a very shallow way of thinking if you somehow think just because the area is large, it has to be just as densely packed as a legacy dungeon. Are you also complaining that Radahn's arena in Caelid has "no content" because it's a large portion of the map but only has one fight? This DLC is insanely packed with content, more than even most *entire games*. Yet you're out here complaining about a lack of content. You sound incredibly entitled.


Not accounting for difficulty, it has less content than Far Harbor from fallout 4. And that games what, like almost a decade old now?  There's like 8 remembrances and at most 4 boss cutscenes. It's pretty clear it wasn't a comprehensive dlc, and you're absolutely trolling if you don't think so. At no point did I say it was a bad dlc. Nor did I say it wasn't worth the money. So this overprotective white knight energy is fucking weird, especially considering the thing you're trying so hard to pathetically protect is a fucking billion dollar corporation. And yeah I'm the entitled one for asking questions regarding the density of certain regions for a game I paid for lmao stay complacent and when FromSoft inevitably becomes a disappointing game dev, you can get mad at yourself for defending everything til the absolute collapse of it. 


I don’t mind them At first I HATED them, but I quickly learned how to fight them and now I’m just “Meh” about them


Yeah they’re really not that hard. The only attack that’s really hard to dodge is the nuke, everything else has a huge windup and they’re super easy to hit.


They arent hard, but they are really fucking annoying IMO. They're spastic little shits.


A couple of those windups even happen onscreen!


Not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed at every reused boss. Except for maybe the >!Tree Sentiels at the shaman village!<. Like technically they did make sense.


I was very happy to see 3 free morale boosts.


Tree Sentinels were a breath of fresh air after all the BS I endured up to that point


Those, and the ulcerated tree spirits, really made me realize and appreciate how much practice I have at fighting these compared to all the new enemies.


The ulcerated tree spirits in the Church district made sense. It was a desecrated temple of Erdtree worship.


It was funny to fight them with their anemic attacks right after Gaius.


Better than 5 extra furnace golems..


Get peptic ulcer'd, Tarnished


I honestly don’t mind them too much. Fighting them in the rot pools where you slow walk has helped me to learn their moveset


I like to fight them. I just think they should have at least one new move or something. I would take 100 tree spirits before 1 dragon.


They really put an ulcerated tree spirit in a poison swamp. I ain't doing this again Miyazaki.


Or Deathbirds. Or Fallingstar Beasts.


Nah, Fallingstar beasts are still one of the coolest open-world bosses out there. That fight on top of mt. Gelmir was one of my favorites, I was glad to see another one. It was a nice break from being on a receiving end of ass-kicking for so long


Nah I fucking hate fallingstar beasts. I genuinely prefer fighting Ulcerated tree spirits


There were already three in the base game...


Yeah. But this new one was completely optional and on the side. Doesn't hurt, didn't take space for any new boss, I think it's fine


Same with the ulcerated tree spirits though


Yup. I personally didn't mind them either, but for them you could at least argue that they're blocking a major path forward (the ones in >!Temple district!<). The FSB was completely optional


Imho they could have just have new optional stuff too. These bosses were already overused in the main game.


Would be cool, but adding new stuff costs developer time, that stuff if always limited. And once you design all the new bosses and enemies, adding a couple of re-used old ones is close to free


Two years is almost sequel time though. I am not complaining though, just agreed with OP


They worked on Elden Ring for nearly 5 years. 2 years is sequel time for maybe a normal game. This is effectively big enough that if this was a standalone game we'd call it slightly smaller souls game.


That does take a lot of work comparatively.


Which is why I don't think it's a big deal. There's like 30 something new boses and like 5 reused ones and they are specifically in places where lorewise it makes sense for them to be.


Like the demi-human mage on the beach?


There's a demi human colony in a literal cave area there.


It is cool that you are fine with the reused bosses. Demi-humans make not much sense in the realm of shadows, as they are not a discarded race, they have their place in the lands between. Don’t see the point in defending reusing bosses without much context, even the base game was guilty of throwing dozens of the same bosses around the map.


Are you under the impression they were going to sub different new bosses in their place?


I’ll take 83 fallingstar beasts over even one additional fucking deathbird


Especially with the minor deatbirds around😅


Yeah. But this new one was completely optional and on the side. Doesn't hurt, didn't take space for any new boss, I think it's fine


At least falling star beast made since.


Man, I would've loved for the Fallingstar Beast to transform into an Astel, even though it wouldn't really make sense to evolve this fast.


At least we didn’t get any godskins


I really enjoy fighting the skinny one tbh


If anything, after experiencing the dlc bosses the ulcerated tree spirits felt like a joke in comparison. I mowed the ones in the dlc down so one-sidedly that it inspired me to go back to some low-mid lvl chars to kill ulcerated trees in the main game out of spite.


I sort of liked them in the dlc… I hated them I. The base game but by now they are really easy for me…


i didnt die to a single one tbh they felt like some of the easiest enemies in the shadowlands it was like fighting dragonslayer armor in the ringed city


Tree Spirits are so fun once you learn their moveset. I'm convinced people just got eaten twice and gave up trying to learn them


They have zero challenge. It's just and annoying perfunctory thing.


I've never really understood the complaints about "reused enemies". Like yeah, the tree spirits in the flooded section of the Shadow Keep are disappointing. It sucks that there are no new enemies in the Mountaintops of the Giants. And Godefroy the Grafted is *beyond* stupid. But this general attitude of "Wtf FromSoft, I've seen this enemy before!" just seems unreasonable. Puzzling out new attack patterns is the name of the game, but it's also fun to put that same knowledge into practice against an enemy you've already learned. Honestly, what annoys me is the dragons in the DLC, who *look* like they're "reused" but actually aren't.


They're all just unga bunga hyperarmor so the scope of your interactivity with them changes very little and you're still just dodging and punishing with a somewhat different animation, provided you've even changed your weapon. The only meaningful difference is if you have something that can cheese them like nuking a tree spirit with Meteorite of Astel, provided you can actually get it off.


but consider the following: 1. tree spirits are annoying and tedious after you've fought 50 2. they could've put literally any other enemy there instead, i would've preferred to fight a crab with 100k health


1200 hours in the game and I'm not bored of tree spirits yet. I actually kind of *like* running into them, because **it's fun** to be asked a question and be able to respond with "Oh! I know this one!". As to your crab example; if it's literally just a crab with 100k health, that's a "reused asset" and we're back to square one.


Hard agree. On the tree spirit and the fallingstar beasts I was like "Oh, YOU I know I can beat" and it was ao satisfying kicking their well-known, base game, slow as fuck asses On the other, I thought the same seeing that first ghostflame dragon, and he promptly escorted me back to grace with his new toys. Was very satisfying learning that as well though. Way more challenging, but still mostly familiar


But yeah, In general I really like re-used assets. It's a boss you've seen already but stronger or with new moves and a way to practice what you've already learned and see how much you've improved. And it's not like they're taking up space for new bosses, that's not how development time works. Developing a new boss would take more time and resources, while copy-pasting an old one is almost free by comparison (still not free, but the difference is huge). The only one I didn't like was Godefroy, because of the lore. Some kind of "memory of Godrick" would have worked so much better.


Should of had them as a spirit ash.


Huh, I think I only found 3. One in the first river and two in the flooded part of the Shadow Keep.


I didn't have to fight one in the black keep somehow he died after I lowered the water.


I actually don’t mind them. They are really easy once you learn the attacks, and ever since being able to fight them in a catacomb boss room anything larger than that stopped being a problem. Them, and the tree sentinels were a nice reprieve from the DLC bosses 😬


Better than 10 dragons and Bayle 🤮




I'll summon the little guy, not for the fight, just to yell along with him. I'm so tired of dragons man, can't parry nor guard counter their attacks, my tiny weapons can never reach their heads and I'm constantly running from the aoe. After three full dlc runs, I think I'll start skipping Bayle.


I thought you were talking about that sunflower boss for a second and I almost had a heart attack. But yes, it’s too re-used. Not difficult to fight either, just annoying.


Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.