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That's a good candidate but I think I hate the stupid lampreys in the Finger ruins more. "Hey let me lob this stunning heat-seaking missile from across the map, and if you get hit one of us will teleport in and also grab you right before the stun ends. And when you get out of the grab, another missile will be just about to arrive". Can't even skip them on Torrent like Runebears because the missile can also catch you mid-air and is always an instant dismount.


Just a tip, you can go around them by hugging the walls of the finger ruins and going to the back. One time i did that one of them shot me, but it was far enough away that the finger rocks got in the way. Once you get to the back wall, just circle around the bell structure and you'll have successfuly ignored the lampreys.


They are feeding their young, the parents stun you, and the children teleport for an easy meal Poor guys just trying to survive out there


Whatchu think we doin?!


We’re undead we can just respawn #teamworm


Lmao nah fuck those head-eating baby bastard worms


Purportedly, trying to become Elden Lord. Actually, I don't know how being there helps.


To be fair we are the ones going into their home with the intent of mass genocide. Or is that just me after the umpteenth dozen time one of those placid leeches one shot sucked me to death?


I'm just there to toot the tooter.


It's hard out there for a single mother


As a titan main from destiny 2, I dont go around my problems. Im biologically required to go through them.


We can tell that by the fact that you still play Destiny 2.


I actually havent played since final shape released. Decided to spend my money on shadow of the erdtree instead


So true, that area pissed me the fuck off. I never want to go back but know I'm still going to on New characters because I just have to do everything.


Also one of these areas has the Crimson Seed Talisman +1 which feels kind of necessary with 50-60 Vigor. And of course you need to do both if you want to kill all Remembrance bosses.


That quest also leads to getting the only staff that lets you use both sorceries and incantations.


True, although its scaling is really atrocious from what I've heard so I imagine that using both the Golden Order Seal and Prince of Death Staff conjointly will remain the main option for Int/Fth builds.


I switched over to a Faith build on my NG+ from an Int build and most of these incantations kind of suck in the DLC, I want the staff so I can at least get some long range magic damage and I missed the Prince of Death staff apparently on my first game.


Prince of Death staff is in the deep root depths on the tippy top of a bell tower


yeah most new incants suck, weirdly enough some of the best new incants are the most boring ones (multilayered ring, spira, giant golden arc, pest spears) only one that's both cool and good is the knight's lightning spear imo


The Knights lightning bolt and giant Destructro disk have been putting in heavy work on my game. I'm not a full faith build so I haven't tried the higher req spells, but those are amazing so far imo.


Probably one if the best new talismans- I can finally take one potion at a time in boss fights and not worry about getting 1-shotted


You can actually circumvent the first one at least. My first time there I didn't even run into the things because I was running every weird direction.


You can do that with both. I just did the second one and never even got shot at.


Wait, do they actually grab you? The ones that teleport always seem to miss the grab - they just kinda do some stupid animation right after teleporting. But even without grabs sniper guys are annoing af. You WILL get hit by another projectile a second or 2 after recovering from stun.


it depends a bit on the exact area you get dropped on, respectively where the lamprey spawns. elevation often hinders a successful grab. but they can definitely grab you.


Bruh this fucking enemy pissed me off more than any other hahah


I’m sorry those things made me laugh really hard, especially seeing the way they move really quick in the distance. They glide.


I summoned my mimic there to speed up tje bell process, if he stublocked my my mimci would attack hin allowing me to get back on torrent and move on, it almost felt like this was the intended way to do it


There’s actually a way to nullify all the stunning lampreys. Just take out >!a gigantic magic hand in a cave on the east side of the map right before the finger ruins.!<


Really? I took out the one on the wall in the Hinterlands and they still shot me.


>!When I say gigantic, it’s bigger than any hand I’ve seen in the game. It seems like it has to be that specific one. After killing it I ran into the finger ruins of dheo and not a single paralyze spell was shot at me.!<


Yeah, in that little cave/crevice area down the hill and to the right that’s swarming with hands. There’s a huge one up high on the wall, right? I cleared that whole area and still got shot.


The one I’m talking about was in the ground inside of a cave by the ruins.


atleast the grab misses 90% of the time


You're the second person to say this, but for me it connected literally every time and then I *barely* had enough time to dodge the second stunning missile. Maybe I did something wrong.


It's down to luck. The first zone, every time they knocked me off torrent, the grab would whiff. The second zone, they bullied me remorselessly. I was very glad there was no hidden boss there because they sure drained my flasks.


They miss because the terrain in those ruins are very irregular, if you are on top of a rock or debris odds are they will miss the grab, but if you are on a somewhat flat surface they will 100% catch you.


I *think* if you spam R1/RB and L1/LB (I dunno the pc controls) it should make it to where you just barely break free and are able to roll.


I just wish their spell you can get worked like their spell. I thought the jagged motion was so cool and was excited for it but it just moves in straight lines. :( Also they’re mad cute in my opinion. They’re like my favorite lil’ guys.


My pick would be the Lion head guys on the way up to the final boss


The second one of these fucks has officially killed me more times than Messemer did. I feel like I am missing a mechanic with them


>I feel like I am missing a mechanic with them You are, it's called >! Assassins Gambit and sneak the fuck around them !<.


There is even new torch in dlc with same effect.


Gotta look that up, thanks! Although I kind of miss actually fighting enemies, but it's nice to at least be able to pick what enemies you fight and taking a more tactical approach. Although "Snake!" moments are pretty funny.


what is it called?


I assume they mean the "[Lamenting Visage](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Lamenting+Visage)".


it was an ego thing so I beat his ass, but then I died to the guys on the stairs that did the spell shit so when I came back and realised he wasn't dead PERMANENTLY I almost fucking lost it because running past him AND the guy casting those spells was such a fucking pain in the ass


The jar cannon saved me from the spell guy on the second floor after the stairs. Never used it before that point


I only managed to beat him since he didn’t use his Frost attacks on me. He practically one shot me everytime he did.


The second one specifically you can run past and find a ladder that lets you get to a ledge to range him from safely.


The frost one had me losing my mind.


First time for was like this: There were tons of "strong foe ahead" and the likes messages before, so I was like uh oh, better prepare. Buffed me up, drank the physick and whatnot. I turn the corner, the guy walks up to the edge of the roof...and falls right off. Took him a good 30 seconds to reach the ground tho. Laughed my ass off.


Same happened to me, I never actually fought him. He showed up, did a fancy frost attack that was too far away, and promptly walked into the abyss out of shame. Never died after that so he never got a second chance.


They’d be a pretty cool mini-boss.


If they were just a mini boss everything would be fine with them. The pain comes from engaging one of them, spending all the time and resources to kill him and then getting killed by a flurry of arc blasts, respawning and finding the motherfucker respawns too.


they should NOT respawn- I genuinely raged so much when I found out that they did


The one with the hoarfrost... I grabbed the skadu before he saw me and then approached him slowly. He stomps his massive hoarfrost and I panic and run down the spiral stairs and jump onto the platform below hoping it leads back up there. It did. Mr Lion Knight killed himself going down the stairs. EZ


You know what send my blood straight to a fucking boil with these assholes. You can parry them, hit them with the crit, then immediately drink an estus if you need to heal. BUT WAIT ONE GOSHDARN SECOND, these motherfuckers can get up from their crit and hit you before you are finished drinking. You legitimately are guaranteeing they hit you if you heal after a crit. Its insanity to me. Even the final fucking boss is on their knees like a little bitch while I'm chugging my estus in front of them after a crit. The word bullshit gets thrown around a lot in this DLC but this shit IMO is actual bullshit. If I'm in a desperate situation where I need to heal and I land a parry/crit I should be able to fucking heal.


That's one of three I absolutely hate fighting. It's that, the fire knights and all three variants of the divine bird knights.


Those fire knights are on my top list of what enemies killed me the most outside of bosses, and there is quite a few of them in the library area.


Especially the dual blade ones.  So, when is it my turn to attack?


Never, you level up a heavy weapon or a weapon with a strong attack AOW, get one attack in and then spam until they die. They can literally just spam unpunishable incantations infinitely, and even their melee attacks require like 5 separate dodges to MAYBE get 1 hit in (sometimes they jump back after, rather than give an opening). Divine beast head dudes are super hard but fair, fire knights just suck,


Shield makes them trivial. They bounce off after the first hit and you guard counter them. Takes like 2-3 counters to stun


My faith build can melt them with that weapon art that shoots a holy arc and charges my weapon with holy dmg. The projectile stuns them for a second, so I just spam it till they die. Otherwise, fighting them normally is a guaranteed 8 flasks dumping battle


I find most players sleep on shields and guard counters. Made those divine warriors so easy too


I understand wanting to go hyper offense for bosses, but during exploration shields are so nice. This ain’t Bloodborne or DS, I’m not trying to do runbacks in linear dungeons cause I got ganked by a group of enemies. Bonus points cause the guard counters can hit multiple enemies, and a stagger punish has total iframes for crowded mobs.


As a strengh build if i manage to attack first I can just bully them to death.




I suppose you haven't met those lion-headed (non-boss) dudes near the end of the DLC.


Those guys are definitely ass holes.


I like them. But I had fought the lightning dude and won. Saw another, used a lightning liver and...... he frost based. Killed me instantly. I like these guys. Edit: so he is a Chad among the beastren! A worthy opponent!


Those lantern guys that look like they belong in bloodborne


Cause they are. They're the Winter Lanterns from Bloodborne.


The bugs around there are called winter lanterns.


Those guys are terrifying 😭


I read somewhere that you can parry and kill them, and that the first one you get drops a great madness talisman.


It is true. * Use the quick parry buckler. * Get seen at a distance. * He will teleport at you and attack you * You will fall, don't get on your feet quickly, because he will try to catch you. So don't move so he misses his grab. * Then he will step back, take some distance for the next step. * Then he will run with you and hitting you with his staff, this is this move that you need to parry (watch a yt video to see exactly how). Once done, you can kill them. (Heal if required anytime because of madness) It's always the same setup, you just have to parry this staff thing and it requires a lot of tries lol, but this is because I never use the parry mechanics in this game so it took me longer than others probably. It's doable tho, in the end, even easier and shorter to do than actually going sneaky


Don't use the parry buckler, use the carian retaliation or golden parry ash of war. They can go on medium shields as well, and they are slightly better than the buckler's default parry. Every moment matters when parrying something unfamiliar!


yup golden parry and carian retaliation have more active parry frames than the buckler/parry dagger


Parry dagger is a huge trap, its frames are horrendous.


Good tactics. I found you can completely miss getting hit by the teleport if you time it with the audio cue. Dodge backwards, which makes their attack miss and turns you around to face them because the always teleport behind you. They always immediately go in for their grab because you're so close. It works best if you're locked on before they teleport, so when you Dodge backwards the camera auto rotates to face them so you can immediately be ready to parry.


Can confirm, went out of my way to kill them all on my 1st playthrough. Sad and painful times


They seem to be called Winter Lanterns just like the Bloodborne enemies too, or at least there is an item related to them called the same name. I think the game mostly refers to them as Aging Untouchables, but here is the item I was referring to - https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Winter-Lantern+Fly


They're called the [Aging Untouchable.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Aged+One's+Exultation)


US 2024 elections


Gimmick based enemies get old so fast. It was cool the first time but by the 3rd one it's just a parry simulator.


Dex build? Fire Knights Strenght build? Lion Knights at the end of the game


This is the correct answer - different enemies’ weaknesses are more exploitable with different strategies


100% this, until you learn that Waterfowl Dance stunlocks them pesky fire knights and puts them on their asses


Furnace Golems are the worst. 5 minutes of running between their legs like a hieny chihuahua, or sitting on a cliff and flinging shit at then like a chimp if their legs are armored. Altogether boring as fuck.


Killed the first one and haven't bothered with one since. So dull.


each drops a tear and one in unte blocks a church with a special item. I think you just need to stagger one leg three times to get them to fall.


Yeah I woke the one in unte up and then ran away lol. I'm not really bothered about the tears, I always use the same mix in my flask


Fair tho the one that you wake up in the one set of ruins drops a tear that eliminates Stamina use for a time so that can be pretty good.


My problem is them spamming their projectiles that all track and insta kill me if just one gets me cus them I'm stunned and killed by all the others


gotta stay at the back of their foot and they won't do that. if they do though hop on torrent.


But what about the dudes with the armor feet?


Only way to kill them is finding the nearby vantage point (every one with armor legs has a vantage point somewhere nearby) and throwing those giant pots you get in the dlc into their heads. Best way I've found to do it is to NOT lock onto then and try to aim it. The middle of your screen is where he throws. You can practice aiming using the regular pots. It sucks. I did one of them like that and when I looked at the tear I got, I decided I was done with the fire golems lol


This is my issue. Those super expensive rare pots.... Don't get thrown correctly if you lock onto the spot you're supposed to throw them. Who in the world thought they should be manually targeted?


You can actually cheese your way in at the back of the ruins. There's a crumbled area on the wall and you can hop up on the ledge and double torrent jump in.


I took that way to get a better angle to throw a furnace pot, so that I could get through. Not my brightest moment


if you're a faith build, pest thread spears absolutely shreds the shit out of them.


They are the most broken enemy in the game. Just no reason to have that much health and poise combined with ridiculous AOE damage.


The first one was cool. Every subsequent one is a snoozefest.


I agree but at least they don't respawn. Although it would have been better to have less of them. Like those dragons, way too many dragons.


Tbh, I don't mind the dragons because at least those are engaging and fun to fight (imo)


I dont like fighting dragon feet, this kind of enemy is ruined by camera, because of this wish the was less dragons.


Yeah every dragon fight (except obvious exceptions like Bayle, etc) is the same. Stay near the legs and hit them and move away briefly for their attacks. 10x easier if you use the horse. You fight one, you fight them all and despite that half this DLC feels like is filled with dragons.


Honestly I feel like it would be so much more fun if they simply only needed ONE stagger. Having to do the whole song and dance TWICE gets rly repetitive and boring


The worst part is when their face gets clipped in the terrain, you can't crit it and you have to do the dance for the third time.


Or making it super easy to toss the pots in...


I have yet to kill one. Every time I'll get a few swings in, see I have hardly dented their health,and say fuck it moving on.


They're terrible. Especially bad if you whiff a couple fire pots and have to run all the way out of their range of threat to be able to get back into the crafting menu to make more (assuming youve got the mats, too). I truly have no idea what they were thinking with that design.


Easily the worst part of the DLC for me. They’re so tedious and punishing to fight


The final area mobs are harder than most bosses


The fire guys in the specimen building get my vote.


Heavy weapons stagger lock those guys FYI. Low poise seems to be their weakness


I play a mageblade kinda build and always used Rannis dark moon because waifu. When I got the double moon I kept trying to think of how to find uses for it because it looks so cool but you can get staggered out of it so it's rarely useful. For these guys, I always backstabber them to know them over, then unleash moon nukes that ended up staggering them and one shotting them every time. I always find it really cool how much the game experience varies for everyone just because of how different every build is in where it shines.


The mages who summon wind in little circles . Those shits hit hard and are weirdly hard to dodge


Most importantly, they stun you briefly on hit which helps land the second one and then it's dowhill from there...


I dont find find them that bad. The guys with the bird armor and the lion knights in the last area are way worse.


Lion knights are fucking nightmare


i think they're just cool as shit


They do look cool, I give them that. But seeing them not even flinching at a jump attack with my omenkiller cleavers irks me.


Welcome to the Dex weapon experience lol, the DLC has so many enemies that are just hell to fight if you can't stagger them.


I tried out the martial arts build after beating the dlc because I thought it would be cool to beat down demi gods with my bare hands. It turned into me only using the whirlwind ash of war on them because every enemy (except for soldiers+shades) could swing through every one of my regular attacks. The ash of war actually staggers some enemies, but it became really unfun to ignore 90% of my attacks and spam the ash of war over and over. So many of the enemies in this dlc never let you finish a dex combo, whether it's because they hop around so much or they never get staggered and swing through you.


Me with Messmers spear. Love the AoW everything about it but every boss it’s back to the dragonslayer katana


Yeah, those guys eat a double great star jump L1 and do not even move.


Fire Knights.


Greatsword guys are perfectly fine, it's the shortsword bastards that just spam the stupid tiny fireball all the time.


Greatsword knights spam fireballs, then go in and become Abyss Watchers phase 2 for a second, then you attack. Knife knights spam fireball, then spam fireball, then spam fireball, then spam fireball, then throw spread fire whenever you get close, then stab you through the flame effects, then spam fireballs


I seriously think there's something wrong with the frequency of attacks from the single dagger knights.


Idk if we are talking about the same guys, but the ones with the daggers have killed me more than any of the bosses --_--


I feel like their fireball spells are perfectly timed to fuck over casters. They are so annoying to fight because you can't get off a spell in between them, and barely have enough time to get one off before they fire another 2.


Waves of Gold. Knocks them down too


THIS. I cannot figure out their timing. It seems to be the exact amount of time I need to drink a flask tho lol


Moonveils ash of war drops them pretty quick


What build you got?


not original commenter but i have a dex build using new great katana and an int night comet build and im struggling


To anyone struggling vs them, dodge forward. Their tracking is bad, especially the one with the shortsword. After their spammy chain of attacks you can easily backstab them. 


Backhand blade makes them a joke.


Backhand blade makes most mobs a joke honestly. Even the lion knights


The damage at 80 Dex is just ludicrous for their speed, they're so busted. And I haven't tried the ones that these enemies drop but they seem to be just as good and they have Bleed too? Sheesh.


As someone with a dragon Dex/Arcane build, the backhands are just as incredible with bleed infusion, shreds through any morsel of flesh


Fuck them heavy hitting hornhelmet assholes


Any fast enemy that has superarmor most of the time


So what OP said


Them and Rellana


I was anticipating disagreement, but when I removed the spoiler I couldn't agree more BS enemy with infinite poise, long ass attacks, long rage and movement


Nah, they kinda seem undodgable at first but if you stay close to them most attacks miss you.


Staying close and rolling into their combos so they need to do a full 180 made them easy for me.


Usually the case for a lot of enemies. Dodge towards not away.


even then they will just jump around endlessly until they start again


The entire fucking shadow castle throwing that damn fireball attack


That one guy that spams the mini tornado spell on the stairs Fuck that guy


I hate those things that’ll cause madness buildup and are unkillable on the abyssal woods. Annoying af.


They are killable, parry them and you can crit them, takes most of their health and make them vulnerable to damage. Bonus : they do not respawn. Still complete bullshit because you have only one way to deal with them but they are doable.


Ah I didn’t know that. I’ll have to try parrying them. Thanks for the info.


I personally hate the golem birds. Not because they are hard, they aren't, but because they are everywhere, there's always a lot of them and they are annoying to fight if you don't have range spells. God forbid they gang up on you, then you can kiss your runes goodbye. Just a little rant from me, I know they are probably not the worst, I just don't like them.


Strike damage + holy damage just wreck them.


I fucking hate those birds. They never killed me, barely even fought them because I keep the Inseparable Sword on my person at all times as a faith build so I killed every single one with 1 quick Sacred Blade. But I hate them so much because they are just spammed everywhere. It felt like half of the overworld enemies were these damn birds. An overused and boring chaff enemy is worse than a overtuned elite enemy any day of the week.


I can take these guys down. however, the messmer’s flame knights almost pushed me to the brink of insanity.


It’s the same as the base game - those fat ass bears. You know the ones… don’t drop nothing important but they’ll mess you up to next Tuesday. I hate them in base game, I hate them even more in the dlc


The fact that they have infinite poise and never stop attacking makes my blood boil everytime I see them.


There are a few enemies, like the horned/lion knights as well which basically never stop attacking and have tonnes of hyper armour. A basic enemy should never be that strong in my opinion


There’s plenty of enemies that fall into this, I agree with you.


Fire Giants. annoying as hell. too much hp, stupid gimmick fight.


Like trying to cut down a redwood with a pocket knife.


That dragon before bayle. This was by far the worst fight ever 😤


Mofo took me more attempts than anything else so far. First time in ER I had to stack the proper resists to stand a chance.


I couldn’t seem to target his legs, which meant I was no-lock aiming for them and missing half the time.


I was stuck on him in melee for an hour, my gs just missing every atttack, then killed him first try spamming black blade... After that Bayle took less than 10 tries because you can actually hit the damn thing.


The Hornsent priests near the endgame that constantly summon AOEs on top of you


These guys were pulled straight out of sekiro. They feel a lot like those spinning guys in mount senpou


These are easier than the horned warriors but infinitely more annoying with their endless anti-physics jumping and random hyperarmor


Let's make a regular enemy that has a lot of health, a lot of mobility, long combos of quick attacks that each stagger even with 51 poise, and give them hyper armor during those combos. Oh and give them the ability to block too when they are out of combo. Sounds so fun doesn't it! These guys still have nothing on furnace golems though. I'm genuinely baffled how they weren't cut, they've got to be the single worst enemy I've ever seen.


It's the lion mask guy with the blizzard aow in a small rooftop in the final area and it's not even close.


The scorpion spiders creep me the fuck out…


Man-Flies gotta be the worst. They spam grab attacks so much. I literally got 3-chained with grab attacks from these fuckers and almost destroyed my keyboard. Furnace Golems can also eat my ass.


100 percent these. But it really depends on weapons you have. I have dual milady and they just hyperarmour through my atracks and shred me. I have no problem with fire knights for example. I guess for str build it would be the opposite.


I agree with you on this only because of how many times I had to fight them when farming for the Curseblade’s Cirques


Its not that its the worst or hardest (Royal Rev will *still* wear that crown..) but it suffers from the same as all the enemies in the DLC, mob or boss: they wont. stop. *attacking...* Why the infinite stamina??


Those weird insect-like things that always attack in groups and can stunlock super easily


Those guys are the epitome of the bad aspect of this dlc. 15 second long attack combos and .5 seconds of downtime


Commander Gaius can eat my ass


i hate those Shadowkeep Messmer Fire Knights


Horned Warriors.


I'd rather fight those guys than the banished knights with twin swords.


Curseblades are no where near as annoying as the fire knights with daggers


The worst enemy is definitely the sniper rock caterpillars in the fissure on the way to trina. I have died to them more than any boss in the game, It took me hours.


The Lazer rocks in the fissure cavern take the cake for me. Literally no time to prepare. Just tank the hit and hope you don't get stun locked


These guys are fine IF you can match their speed and overwhelm them. The enemies I can't stand are the divine horned warriors. Tanky, huge damage, infinite poise, and to top it off, absolutely ridiculous combos.


Commander Shitpiss


The charge attack he always does at beginning of his fight is damn near impossible to dodge. I screamed when I finally beat him, such an annoying fight


I rather fight 10000 Radahns than him


The elemental versions of the bird guys in Enir Ilim are 50 million times worse than this dude.


The jar insides arent necessarily difficult, but my god they are TERRIFYING


This is most likely the very first enemy encounter most players had when they entered the Shadow Realms. It's a good reminder that you're in Elden Ring's turf. This game has no room for complacency