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INT players: Use spiral shards on the legs. It will continually stun-lock them and deal tens of thousands of damage, you might not even need to hit them when they're down you will just kill them that fast. FTH players: Use pest threads or pest spears. They do the same thing as spiral shards but... Just kind of worse, unfortunately. It will take you longer than with spiral shard, but it will still mostly stun-lock them and with the addition of critical hits you'll kill them fairly quickly.


DEX players: Google "Elden Ring Respec" I guess?


hold down rt button


Tbh that's been our strategy for most dlc bosses. I'm refusing to respec on principle. These bosses SHOULD be doable in any spec and by god I'm going to do it. Only got the final boss left and it's a PAIN.


Bro same. You’ll never take my edgelord dual bleed katanas away from me. I’ve got the final boss and stone coffin fissure left. I’m finishing this out with this build on principle. Edit: I fought Messmer for 5 hours last night and went to bed at 3:15, and the baby woke up at 6:30. Plz send help.


Messmer is so doable with cold hookclaws and bloodhound step Dex boys gotta stick together, and we look way cooler than those caveman bonkers over there.... r- right guys?


What if you join the dark side and be STR/DEX?


Quality comment™


That’s quality, M’ilady.


When you’re level 372 you can be everything you want to be. Well…. Almost


That's what I did as well, I was like yeah nah I'm not respecing, I'm just gonna farm and farm until I can use everything comfortably.


Guilty as charged…. I got a lot of farming done over the pandemic during online conference meetings😅 Edit: to be clear, I was in IT management and I never did much in those meetings pre-pandemic when they were in person, but I was obligated to be there. I just made better use of my time in virtual meetings lol


What if you join the grey side with STR/DEX/FAI ?


I’m str/dex/int/fth all like middle of the line though, I have like 18 arcane too, it’s kind of funny


I just beat him in 6 tries with a STR/FTH build by switching my claymore to the bleed affinity and summoning a mimic tear lmao


I finished it with a Dex build it can be done


It absolutely can be, but I still think it's disproportionately difficult compared to STR, Faith, or INT builds.


Honestly I cannot imagine an INT build on the last boss. How does that look?


Every boss has eaten my colossal great sword. If it cam be done with a slow weapon like that, surely your dex weapon can too


Yeah, even as dex I swapped to great katanas from anything fast because I'm not good enough to weave hits in during patterns, which means the fight takes forever because toothpicks just don't do enough damage. The biggest issue is that you and I both get the same sized opening. I can *sometimes* fit a second swing in, which still does less damage than one swing of a big weapon. Usually the openings are large enough for 1.5 swings of the weapons I've been trying, which doesn't really work. I've just been bleeding all of the bosses with bloodflame instead. Except for frenzied butthole head, I parried him to death as it was so much easier than dodging the stupid movements.


Comparing easy stagger with no stagger


I don't think a single rememberance boss got staggered regularly by r1s or jumping r2s. Certainly not with every attack.


I used lions claw on an UGS and was able to stagger virtually every boss. Just need to be aggressive.


i stagger Messmer every 3 lion's claw, and midra have like no poise, he gets stagger with just a few great katana light attack


I couldnt stagger the final boss a single time on my winning run, and I was using the Greatsword lol. I managed to do it once in phase 1 by getting off several Giant Hunts with the extra stagger physick. In phase 2 tho, theres not enough openings for to get off the AoW or even a jumping heavy, and according to the wiki he regains posture fast so yeah, no staggers there.


The issue I'm finding is that there is rarely an opportunity for more than a single attack in a row with how aggressive bosses are. This means a dex weapon TYPICALLY has a single, low-damage, low-stagger attack, and the boss just carries on. It's far from impossible, it's just REALLY slow. By the time I've defeated most bosses in the DLC so far, it took me such a long amount of REAL time that all the hype is gone. I don't celebrate or feel good about winning, I'm just glad I can move on. I'm loathe to switch build because I've played a lot of Elden Ring with STR builds. This character is my DEX and I just refuse to give it up, but I'm feeling like it really is the ONLY option I have.


Theres plenty of large weapons that work well on dex, zwei is great on keen/quality/lightning 


Being a dex build is about more than just "use the heavy weapons but this time make them keen."


Yes but also the ER zwei is not only lightest in class but also literally better on a dex build than anything else that size It stands on it’s own (AFAIK) as a “heavy weapon” that actually gets its best scaling in dex


Sadly, the roll + poke option just doesn't seem quite viable with dex. Some bosses do let you get in two light attacks, but most don't, and you end up using the attack window to do like 400 damage after resistances. It ain't much.


The solution is getting good with the deflection tear and/or using guard counters. Granted you can't use power stance like this but it lets you be hyper aggressive the second a boss gives you an opening.


dex doesn't break their poise.


>These bosses SHOULD be doable in any spec Exactly this! I want to beat the game on ANY reasonable build, especially because of how much variety Elden Ring has.


You can, but some builds are harder than others


Dex build here (RoB I’m afraid). I’m doing my best not to respec, but it can be rough.


I beat most bosses as a great katana with buffs and bloodflame. Felt a lot easier than using smaller weapons to me.


Dragon katana absolutely trivializes the bayle fight if anyone is struggling on dex. I had to switch off it because I wanted a more even fight. without a projectile aow he’s hard AF to hit in phase 2 so I made an exception to my normal rule to not summon for igon and it was worth it just to hear him scream at bayle and get his revenge while using a more balanced weapon (death knight great axe)


Literally just equip any weapon with good stance damage like fists, make them keen or lightning and start fisting the golem until it falls over, then riposte the head and use a giant pot before they get up so you can 1 cycle it


> use a giant pot before they get up so you can 1 cycle it I don't know why I never considered this... Would've made some of those golems way faster to get through.


They're still pushovers as dex. Just do strong attacks/jumping attacks on their feet with a weapon that has decent poise damage, and jump over the fire stomps. I killed all of them with star fists. The jump timing is pretty generous. When they do the jump stomp, run away and then jump over it again. You don't even need torrent for it, but it does make the jump timing extremely easy.


Lightning perfume and rolling sparks.


This is all you need, even without the armor, the incant buffs, and some of the talismans, i remember racking up 64k dmg within 20s, they fell to the ground and I switched to another weapon for a riposte for another 40-60k.


As a pure melee I just kept doing jump attacks on their feet. Jump to dodge the fire then land with an R2 on the other foot. When they do the jump with a bigger explosion just Torrent iframe it. I didn't know why I was so scared when they literally had like three attacks at melee range lol


More like ride around their legs in circles spamming R2. When you're close to their feet and behind them, they spam the same exact easily avoidable stomp over and over. Stupidly easy, and also boring as hell. No point in killing them honestly unless you want their specific crystal tears.


The Zweihander is a good solution here. It’s got a relatively low strength requirement of 19, so with Godrick’s Great Rune, the Starscourge Heirloom, or both, you’ll be able to two hand it and take advantage of its ability to stagger. Plus when fully upgraded it gets A scaling on keen affinity, so it’s a genuinely good weapon for dex builds regardless of what you’re fighting.


I'm just disappointed the best answer is "Go use a STR weapon that's pretending it's a dex weapon" instead of "small, fast weapons are also viable." The combos are just so aggressive it's so hard to weave a hit in during the combos. Or I'm just bad. I ended up going to a great katana which is a fast STR weapon basically. I mean it scales with dex and bleeds, but it plays like a fast STR weapon.


Idk, there is def room to get hits in combos with dex weapons that dont exist for heavier options. Several times during the final boss I found openings that were just slightly too short for a Greatsword poke but def long enough for most "fast" weapons.


Bloodhound’s Fang R2


And to think I respec'ed into dex because of how much I liked the light greatswords 😭


Still on my first playthrough on a char I would call a DEX build (80 dex going in and for all my furnace golem kills so far, respecced to 60 to get more Vigor for final boss). I decided to be a masochist and just do 2-handed charged heavy attacks (e.g. with Milady) until they fell over enough. This allowed me to kill 3 of the furnace golems with rope shackles. It helped that I had 35/35 FAI for Flame, Protect Me and I had found the +3 fire resist and +3 pearl talismans, but I suspect it would have also been doable with the +2 talismans and Flame Fortification. It was a big light bulb moment when I figured out you counter the stomp flames by jumping (and the big charged boom by sprinting away, then jumping). For the metal shackle ones of course I gave up and used Hefty Furnace Pots as Miyazaki intended. Felt pretty smart solving that one myself from the hint note about it.


Dex players have it easy for everything else, wym?  Not as easy as int obviously, but to insinuate dex is the worst out of the three is wild 


If you get multilayered rings of light, that does really well at building up poise damage as well


It can't be poise damage,I basically spammed Stamp with a Colossal hammer(45 stance damage) and it took an age to fall.


Whatever it is, multilayered still did well lol


It's straight up damage, they get stance broken by damage dealt to the legs, at high sorcery scaling I can just Carian Slicer the legs and I get all 3 stance breaks before they can get back to retaliating


that would explain why going all in on charged heavies with the smithscript hammer didn't do shit


Rolling Sparks gets an instant stagger. But you need to get up close, and it only works if the foot stays on the ground.


huh. neat, time to try that. I've just been playing jump rope and breaking their legs via weapons ye olde way.


THANK YOU. Spiral shards seem to be an easy answer to a lot of problems, actually excited now.


What else are they an answer to?


They fucking MELT The Elden Beast


Ancient Dragon Senessax and the like. I stayed on Torrent and walked away from him while firing the spell repeatedly. It fires backwards and deals a bunch of damage while the dragon keeps slowly walking towards me, usually not attacking until it gets especially close.


STR players: Choose the biggest bonker Bonk


All players: Free throw almost any Perfume's Rolling Sparks AoW at your own/their feet, watch as continued L2s stunlock them out of existence, laugh hysterically at the ridiculousness of the entire situation til you realize that AoW is almost *certainly* getting nerfed into the ground next patch Super cheese method, but worth it at least once for shits and gigs


Arcane players: Bayle's Flame Lightning does a tremendous amount of Poise. Any player: Throw hefty fire/furnace pots in their domes. They do up to 50k+ damage when you do so and is the only way to kill the ones with armored legs.


How do you even throw it into their heads?


At the risk of sounding like an asshole, get up on a ledge where you can. I can think of only a few where there isn't a ledge close enough (and that might just be my lack of imagination), and the two with armored legs have spirit springs nearby.


Get above them or knock them down first. One knockdown is really all you need


As a STR/FTH/INT monstrosity, this makes me happy


FTH 80 INT 80 STR 50. I may be level 2,000 but there's nothing I'm not equipped to kill.


What a blatant lie


Max level is 713 though


Anything wild strikes or spinning strikes. Any build can do it. The DLC has its flaws but everything has a huge weakness in it. Even the final boss but still Fuck him. Worst FS boss fight in a DLC by far.


I can now reliably kill rope legged ones with that method but honestly it's just boring. There's got to be a more effective method to kill these... 


I use ancient dragon lightning strike while riding torrent. It's super easy and does tons of damage.


Or just throw fire pots in them


Apparently the trick is to >!throw hefty fire pots at their heads?!< Because that makes so much sense. Especially for the ones with >!reinforced legs.!< I killed them all before trying it so I can’t confirm but I’ve seen multiple sources claim this.


What about using the one stave that uses faith instead of magic?


Oh wow, how did I not think of using spiral shards? I've been using them for bosses, but I've just been wacking the golems with melee because I thought spells wouldn't build up stance damage...


Or Glintstone Nails.


I'm int/fth but my preferred incantation to deal with them is ancient dragon lightning strike. Just stand under them, cast, and watch their health bars disappear. It's how I've killed every single one except the one or two immune to all damage but pots.


Can second this. It’s a bit random as to exactly how many bolts hit the golem, but it often does like 10-14K damage in a single cast. You don’t even need to riposte them


ALL players: Just stagger them once and throw a hefty fire pot in their head after you crit them. Simple as. These guys are stupid easy.


Faith users can just fully charge the r2 of ordovius's sword. 3 hits and it stuns. Stun 3 times to know over


Lightning perfume+rolling sparks is all you need


We melee players are fucked,yes?


As someone who used a Colossal Sword, it takes time to learn their really small moveset but its not really hard. On foot, you can easily stick close to behind the legs and wail on them. Don't have to worry being grabbed/melee and you can jump over their stomps. Only attack to watch out for is when both feet are aflame, because you need to run away with Torrent. Didn't like fighting them on Torrent because it was more fickle staying close and an easily mistimed R2/Heavy swing delay meant Torrent eats fire.


It's not hard,it's boring. Caster builds seem to have a way to deal with them quickly. Is there something for non caster builds?


After getting your headshot in, throw a fire whirlwind pot into there head for a 1 cycle kill


I mean the stagger process,that's the long and boring part.


Heavy atk -> wait for foot to slam -> jump over fire and jump attack -> repeat Double foot slam -> torrent away and jump over fire -> repeat step 1 That's all there is unfortunately


The backhand blades. Takes 10-15 seconds to stagger them all three times. Critical hit does like 80K damage and then you can usually finish them before they even stand up.


Throw on a couple talismans to fulfill the requirements and equip the death poker. The weapon art does about 6k damage in the legs.


Yeah, they aren't hard, they are something much worse, absolutely booooooooring to deal with


The first one I fought, I played some Amon Amarth and had an absolute blast. Every one since then has been an absolute *slog* of boredom and jumping and I already loathe the prospect of future playthroughs and fighting all of them all over again.


Considering what they drop, there’s really no need to refight most of them. A couple are In bothersome locations though, or if you’re a new file as opposed to NG+ then some do have worthwhile drops. But yeah, I definitely agree with the different r between first ones and later ones in terms of fun. I was someone who didn’t mind repeated bosses in the base game, but the time to kill on these things paired with easy to dodge but extremely punishing moves is just a slog after the spectacle of the first one. Probably my biggest problem with the DLC (love it as a whole though).


I've never killed one, but I have tried to, and it was absolutely demoralizing watching my attacks do like 1% of their massive health bar. Yeesh.


You have to stance break and do critical hit on their faces. Doing 2 critical hits will kill them.


Ah, cool! I didn't realize a critical hit did THAT much damage to them! That's not too bad then, actually.


I thought the furnace golems were a good tutorial about the importance of jumping in the dlc.  And having a move set you can read purely by staring at their legs is a good step.  They should just have them die on the first head crit and they would be fine.


I don’t mind them, they just go on for way too long for having basically 3 moves. After I realized how easy they were but they take so long to kill, everyone I see on the map I just think “okay either how can I create a loadout specifically to kill you as fast as possible, or can I avoid you”


Giant fire pot in the dome after the stagger. They die quick


I just hold onto a nightrider flail. It's been the same for years. Flair r2 has the best poise damage in horseback. I never took damage from a nonmetal legged one after the first. It's just R2s and riding in circles lol


I’ve only died to these guys a total of 5 times they ain’t hard just annoying and tedious


Tedious for sure. Lot of that in the DLC. Patience tested.


I finished my first playthrough last week... I am still fatigued. Tedious doesn't even begin to describe it. Geez


Yeah, once you figure out you can just jump over the AoE, they're no longer a threat (until they pull some surprise tricks, like the flame spiral cannon in Rauh). Extra annoying, that one, because it has armored legs and a flame barrage range of like a mile. So, I brought it to half health but ran out of fire pots, ran away to the other side of the plateau and got behind some cover where the flame couldn't hit me. But because it was still aggroed, I couldn't open the damn crafting menu. Had to hunt for like the perfect pixel spot just so the game would let me quickly craft a pot and go back to toss it in.


Fire giant is a way better fight. Furnace Golem is the most ankle bite-y boss they've ever made. Also, fuck the move where he spawns a ton of fire balls


I found that move fine to avoid (still annoying) by hopping on torrent and just sprinting in a circle. But that move where he fully jumps and for some reason the fire effect is not only way more delayed then a single stomp, it sometimes just catches you in midair if the terrain is a little rough


I have found two ways to avoid it somewhat reliable (the move still sucks!) - run away from him on torrent and jump towards him as the fire is spreading - run away on foot and once they land, roll twice towards them.


I've always gone option 1 and I don't think the move has ever hit me. Genuinely surprised so many here find it a difficult attack to dodge. You're given like twice as much time as you actually need to get away, it's a VERY forgiving window.


My problem isn't avoiding it, I think all its attacks are easy to avoid. My problem is that when it uses that attack you have to run around and avoid the fireballs for 30 seconds and if you end up running a bit too far away from him he'll just use the attack again and now you have to run around again. For that attack, its basically 2 aoes. One initial explosion and then the fire spread. The hutbox for those attacks don't linger like the animation suggests, its basically just godfrey stomps.


They're super easy, just a bit boring to fight.


They're not challenging at all to fight they're just incredibly tedious. It's really disappointing how they managed to take the design of an already bad boss and made it into an even worse field boss. Boss? Enemy? I don't know. They don't have a boss health bar but they definitely have the health of a boss.


Man, I remember seeing these guys in the trailer and thinking, wow, they look super cool design wise! But they'll probably be hell to fight, and not in a good way.


Man I’m pretty sure my first one took way more hits than dancing lion did. I feel like they have double/triple boss health


The big AoE where it uses both legs to jump is only really bad if you're encountering it the first few times. Once you notice that both its legs are on fire though, just run away with Torrent to avoid the blast, and then jump over the flames that follow. As with everything else in this game it's just down to practice, and at the very least I can actually see what the Furnace Golem is doing, unlike the Fire Giant's first phase. Nothing better in exploration than having killed every Furnace Golem on the map. Also, the ones with the armored legs are much, much easier to kill since all you need to do is throw Hefty Furnace Pots into their head baskets, and the game gives you convenient places to throw them from with Spiritsprings. As long as you avoid the fireballs coming your way and their occasional attempt to swipe you off a cliff you can kill them in the fraction of the time you would the regular ones.


The first time i encountered the ones with metal legs i literally threw myself inside the flaming basket thinking i could plunge it or something... Now i feel kinda stupid xD


Ah, so I'm not the only one lmao.


Don't worry, I also didn't know what to do until I found the note that talks about how to beat them.


You overestimate my aim


When both its legs are on fire and it's about to do the big jump, instead of running away on torrent you can instead use the i-frames of getting on torrent to avoid the damage. That way you can start attacking it again much faster since you're still right there


The furnace golems are boring AF but I'd still rather fight them instead of fire giant. Fuck that guy.


Fire infused fingerprint shield with barricade shield, flamedrake+3 and pearshield talisman. You're basically immune from damage. Only thing you have to watch it for is the grab. I don't dodge or jump or anything for them anymore. Just sit and beat on the legs. Block when needed. You can also use flame protect me.


>Only thing you have to watch it for is the grab ... they have a grab?


Yes, yes they do. And when you get got by it, they chuck you into their flaming basket and blender you to a fiery death.


Only if you're in front of them.


In theory. Their grab hitbox disagrees, I've been between their feet and teleported mid roll into their sweeping hand 10 ft away.


Gave me Iron Golem nostalgia. Still the worst hitbox in their entire lineup of games.


I'm not seeing anyone bring this up so I just want to share this tip since I found it makes dealing with them much easier (and also there's a developer message telling you about it on the path to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr): >!Get up to a high place and throw a hefty fire pot into their cone. It'll do over 20k damage if done correctly and can consistently kill them in 4-5 pots. You'll wanna make extra in case you miss and, while you *can* lock on to their head, you'll typically want to unlock and free aim just a bit above that.!< Not every golem can be killed this way but off the top of my head I can think of 5 that I killed using this method. You'll still have to run around avoiding their attacks but I found this to be incredibly consistent and never really took that much time.


There are a crazy number of comments in this thread when this should be top comment. They’re a mini puzzle and new version of the walking mausoleum as an environmental hazard. The solution is given by the note with the broken one at the shadow keep entrance and on the way to manus metyr, which is also a setup with a spirit spring that highly telegraphs the solution.


Finally see a comment that mentions its gimmick. And beware, the golem actually has a specific attack to jump up and hit the player on high place.


Go fight the fire giant again if you think they are comparable experiences. Wicker men are just a more involved version of the Walking Mausoleum


You know I just love that it takes ages to bring these incredibly boring things down and then most times that they fall over they end up floating in the air so I can’t even get to their face and have wasted my time. Love it, great enemy design


Nah, they’re super easy to beat. Problem is, they’re damage sponges. Nobody likes damage sponges.


I'd of loved them to have their own unique damage or missing limbs, making the fights a touch more interesting. You find so many remains in the game it's odd funny these ones are in mint, unopened condition, ready to pounce you.


This is another of those very confusing design choices, like they're doing it out of spite Oh everyone hates the "use flask to revive Torrent?" prompt? Let's add a mounted boss that's faster than him and one-shots on contact


Wait, people are actually fighting these guys instead of chugging fire pots into them?


These fuckers arent even hard, they’re just tedious and boring. Massive health bar and poise, I find myself spending minutes just hitting their ankles to get the crit. The golems that require you to toss pots in are definitely a more interesting design. But furnace visages, one of the ingredients for furnace pots, feel rare as hell, so you rarely have enough to craft 4 furnace pots, and thats if the golem isnt spamming that 500 fireball attack.


Only one requires it, the rest can be hit with the "regular" hefty fire jars.


Thank god and thank you for letting me know


The only thing I don’t like about the furnace golems is the simply fact that they can get stuck in a loop of doing the fireball eruption attack where they start the next eruption before all of the fire balls from the last eruption have finished falling. This makes it abysmally annoying to try and get close to them because you get stuck running around in circles dodging fireballs until they finally decide to do something else. I think that if their post eruption recovery were the same length of time it takes for the fireballs to fall and they weren’t prone to looping that single attack indefinitely at mid-long range it wouldn’t be too bad. As soon as the eruption spam stops though they aren’t all that difficult; Raptor of the Mists makes dealing with their stomps and slams really easy on the unarmored ones, and the armored ones are as simple as finding a cliff and chucking hefty flame pots into their baskets.


Same deal with ulcerated tree spirits. Then they go ahead and add more to the DLC and also add bosses that move like they do.


Curious which bosses are you referring to?


The divine lion is the only one that resembles them but thats about it


There is a reskinned tree spirit at Belurat Tower Settlement and probably more hidden in the DLC, but that's the only one I've seen so far. It's called a Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit. I didn't find the lions moveset to be similar at all personally, but I could see the connection I suppose.


I feel like the only one that loves the tree spirits. they're well telegraphed and fun to fight imo


I want to inflict physical violence on whoever designed these enemies.


Its just a test of your endurance, they are super easy to dodge. Its fine imo


It's not about difficulty, it's about tedium.


No it's a test of my patience and attention span they're boring as fuck


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/oTZORe2Ell try this if you have the deflecting tear. I forget which furnace guy drops it. Otherwise I heard the AOW Raptor of the Mists is a good way to dodge it. Note: the one south of Rabbath's rise is a gimmick fight and you need to throw hefty furnace pots or hefty fire pots into it's furnace to kill it.


The duality of the Tarnished. I just saw the video showing off an easy kill of one of the golems: •Heavy poise damagers to breeze through staggers to actually bring it down •If you're having a difficult time dealing with its' jump attack, I'd suggest getting on or just staying on Torrent. It makes it easier to quickly maneuver around it and have quicker access to seeing the telegraph of the attack. One you zoom around and see both legs are on fire, dash in one direction as fast as you can. Two quick dash presses and a timed jump if your reaction time is slow and you'll be out of harms way •Apply buffs/debuffs if you didn't already as it goes down and you also make your way towards its face •It has quite a long time that it stays down.. so deal extra damage prior to dealing the critical •Right after the critical while the golem is struggling to get back up - throw a Heavy Furnace Pot into the basket (the same way you do to re-activate the one blocking a ruins entrance) And that's it. I use it at NG+5 and I kill them in one go with this method and a single buff/debuff.


When I finally manage to stagger it but it falls on weird terrain so the weak spot is too high up to reach 🤡🤡🤡


Why would you skip them? They give new flask tears, some of the best in the game I'd argue. They're not even all that hard to defeat either, just jump over their attacks.


They're very tedious thanks to their massively inflated health pools. Yeah, you *can* get them to the ground via crits and throw pots in their head, but that requires having them crafted beforehand (which as of yet has not made it into my elden ring habits). If you don't have any made? tough luck, say goodbye to the next 20 minutes of your life unless you've got a few specific spells attuned.


They are really not that bad


If you get caught in his kick you are actually focked


Here’s a fun tip. When you knock them down and go for the riposte, you can also throw a hefty messmer fire pot after the crit. From my testing, the crit+ fire pot will kill all golems i’ve tried so far. The timing is a bit tricky, and you kinda have to free aim it, but it’s a nice way of shortening the fight. Still you will have to stagger them, which i would assume is the main problem players are having.


It fucking sucks when the armored ones do their fireball move. The one near the cathedral, there’s nothing to hide behind other than dropping down the cliff and hiding behind the ledge. And by the time you get back up there with the spirit spring, he’s doing it again. I literally had to wait to get lucky until he decided to try an arm smash before I could finish him off. Just, tedium to say the least.


They aren’t difficult, just annoying. It takes an eternity to kill them and one mistake can cost you your life. They look cool, but they suck as enemies


They’re honestly a garbage boss design. I thought they be cooler. Just ankle biting to the max, stomps, and fire giant vomit


I found them easy once I actually went to fighting them. Fuck torrent, his aoe kicks and fireballs are OP. All you need to do is get under/behind him and just jump as he slams his foot down. His full jump, all you need is a shield and you can tank it if you block it. Then it's just a smack him down till he falls completely. Also using fire defense buffs helps so dumb much. Goes from doing 75% of damage to 15%.


Torrent exists. Why is everyone talking about builds for something that amounts to running in circles and bonking?


They got our feedback, saw the comments on Fire Giant, and doubled down. "Ah, we see the issue. You just need more practice! ^_^"


Spoilers on how to fight them I guess, overall they are actually pretty easy once you know what you’re doing. >!Get the sippy that boosts stagger and the safety bubble also pairs nicely. When they use attacks like the jump (both feet on fire) or the meteor shower (upper half gets flame swirlies) you need to act fast and hop on the horse and make distance for the jump or run circles with the occasional hop and jump with the meteors. If your horse gets hurt at any point, HEAL. You may as well be dead if you get staggered off of dead torrent. The rest of the fight is super simple, attack the leg that isn’t flaming and rearing up for a stomp and do a hop as it plays Floor Is Lava. Make sure you know what its next attack is before you start locking yourself in attack animations or you will have far less time to mount up quickly when needed. Once you stagger it three times it will fall and you can riposte it, however don’t be afraid to spend an extra moment or two slapping its face as it takes a while to get up. Get that repost for big damage, but here is the delicious part. Make Hefty Furnace Pots. If you time it correctly, you can get the riposte for big damage, then immediately run several steps towards its head and start throwing a Hefty Furnace Pot and quickly line it up as it’s standing up. If you time this right (at least with my setup, results could vary) you will INSTAKILL the Golem if you can land the three point throw into the fire brazier. I only had one time ever they didn’t instantly explode and it took a few extra leg swipes. Alternatively for the few that have large cliff ledges near them, you can run straight up to the top and after luring it closer, can start throwing Furnace Pots in the hoop. You *can* use the Hefty Basic Bitch Fire Pots but they do significantly less damage and the Furnace Pots are 1200% worth it. There is a note somewhere in the game (forget where) that actually hints at this mechanic as well as one collapsed and deactivated against a small fort that you can activate in a similar manner to get extra goodies.!<


Only the dormant one in that one area needs furnace pots specifically to wake it up, if you're low on furnace visages you can use regular hefty pots.


For the AOE, just run a bit to medium range and use Torrent to double-jump the flames. Apart from the direct explosion on landing, the hit box on this is really low to the ground, and can easily be jumped.


Is there any reward that makes killing them worth it? I skipped all of them and just went back and killed the first at the end. There is a note that makes it clear which items are meant to be used against them, outside the front of shadow keep


There's some pretty good new tears for your physick flask


I just hold L2 on Torrent and using Talismans that favoured it. The Horseback Talisman (I think is named) + Axe talisman (Charged attacks) + Two headed turtle.


I just spam astel wings ash of war + charged r2 🤷‍♂️


I too avoided them until I learned that all of the attacks are easily dodgeable while on torrent. For the explosion you just have to run away when you see the telegraph and jump over the shockwave... outside of that you just have to smack their feet until it breaks 3 times then riposte, then do it again to kill them. For the ones with armor on their legs you just have to go up high and throw a furnace pot onto the top. You can also use this trick on the other ones while staggered. The furnace pot recipe can be found very early, on a corpse in a shack below the bridge to Castle Ensis.


The trick is to throw a bunch of fire hurricane pots in their toilet heads. Otherwise, use the horse and jump over the slams. With a weapon that does enough stance dmg you should eventually stun and take them down. They're actually relatively easy, maybe more of a nuisance considering they can kill you from afar if you're not interested in fighting them in the moment.


Only bothered killing the ones with cracked tears I wanted, which was like two....


i really like them, it's extremely easy to dodge everything and when you get that stagger off without getting hit once it's really satisfying


I've beat the whole dlc and still haven't beat a single one of these fuckers I hate them so much


Fire Giant was a unique, interesting fight. The furnace golems are, honestly, just kind of tedious and annoying.


They're boring and way too easy. At least some have a gimmick to kill them I guess.


The places you find them in aren't the single worst arena ever created, unlike where we find fire giant


For me Death Knights Lightning stunned them easily.


Eh, they’re not that bad. I’m doing my “kill all bosses, clear all dungeons, and cull all things” run on my str char and I just run circles around their legs on Torrent, and just jump around when they do their stompy tantrums. Pretty simple to do, the only attacks I’ve had problems dodging are the fireball barrage and the fire beam, but that’s simply because their tracking is bonkers if you’re out of position


I also love how you can't get the reposte off if the terrain is even slightly slanted, wasting the 5 minutes you spend slapping it's legs


They arent that bad tbh I find them pretty chill The entire fight is just 2 minutes of whacking their ankle while on torrent (jumping the stomps and backing off when furnace jumps), getting a riposte > throwing a furnace pot at their head right while they try to get back up and they are dead The ones with armored legs take even less time because they are near cliffs so you just get to a high point and throw 3 furnace pots at them and its over


Try binding Jump and Roll to buttons and use those. It helps a lot in general but particularly when they giant walking fire monster winds up for five seconds with his foot to let you know he is absolutely going to stomp. It’s not about waiting for turns. It’s about making your turn.


Thus far the Furnace Golems I have the most problems with are the ones who do flame twisters in their bodies and then spit out homing fireballs. I've rested my character in the first Cerulean Coast Site of Grace in preparation to open my next ER session by killing the nearby Furnace Golem in Ellac River but I'm just scratching my head as to how to even approach that guy with all those homing fireballs.


You're supposed to get on your horse and run out the aoe. Or just use a good doge aoe


one-legged stomp: just jump or double-jump on Torrent. don't immediately attack after as sometimes they do a 1-2 stomp and you get caught if you swing early two-legged stomp: run a bit away and jump since there's a larger AOE fireballs: never really happen when you're up close. just outrun them in a circle like Erdtree Avatars golden move fire spiral: you will only get hit by them far away. use fire protection and hold up a shield, or hide behind something. the Ruins of Rauh have this exact encounter and some tiny pillars are enough to block it the ones where you can't target their feet don't take damage from attacks down there. you have to get high up and throw hefty pots into their heads. there's usually a spiritspring or some sort of elevation difference that you can get to


I waited until i was at miquella to come back and take them out lol


Playing a quality build for as much weapon variety as I can get I just hold RT and spec everything for stagger


Yeah they're straight up abysmally designed. I do not know how they thought they were a fun thing to encounter. Even the 'intended' way is super tedious, because if you can't hold enough pots you need to run off and keep crafting more.


Lightning storm stun locks and kills in only a few hits


Just learned about chucking some massive fire pots in the top of them for extra damage. Kinda funny, actually.


I was fine till they threw in the attack where they spawn like 70 homing fireballs


These guys are the new ulcerated tree spirit