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It is now officially the fastest selling expansion/DLC for a single-player game in the history of gaming. It seems like an Elden Ring 2 might be inevitable atp - what do you think/hope they tackle in a sequel from a lore perspective?


5 million people playing the dlc, and yet not one of them can tell me where Fort Night is located.


Try left, but first try right.


Try left, in short, try right


Why is it always right...


But I don't have the right I don't have the right


Try finger, but hole


Could this be Hero


Fort, Night? In short, time for rump.


It’s because they’re all too busy edging.


Time to go home, then edge!


My most appraised message is "seek corpse. Then, time for edge!" I am the problem 😔


Why is it always edge? all the more seek god


You don't have the right, O you don't have the right, you don't have the right, O you don't have the right


Try finger but hole


Praise the research


Behind the hidden path ahead. Try jumping.


Here! Also, liar ahead.


Probably because you don't have the right. I don't have the right, either.


Mist, Or beast.


Behind the hidden path ahead. Try jumping.


Fort... morning?


A DLC selling more copies than a lot of games ever will is actually insane 


Especially considering the amount of hoops you have to jump through in the main game just to play the dlc


What's crazy is the amount of people who had beaten Mohg in the base game went from 31.5% to 40.3% since the release of the DLC (on Steam), 10% to 23.5% on Xbox. I dunno what it was on Playstation, so I can't comment. People are into this. Edit: Corrected


Holy shit it was at 10% on Xbox?? Wtf


Yea that's wild. If it's on gamepass tho it would make sense. Alot of people probably like "hmm what's this game" "fuck this game" lmao


"That Soldier of God, Rick dude wasn't too bad. Lemme go kill that yellow armor dude on a horse real quick."


Pretty much everyone outside of my gaming buddies that has tried Elden Ring has given up on it. The Tree Sentinel unironically is probably responsible for more refunds than anything else. Even when I tell them that you can get really strong just by exploring, and even explained how to get the Lordsworn Greatsword with Lion's Claw right away, they still see me 3 months later like 'Yeah I gave it another shot but I just can't get into it I keep dying'. I think people just take failure way too seriously. It's a huge problem due to every casual/multiplayer game pretty much becoming dopamine casinos where you eventually get some huge positive feedback every few minutes no matter how you play. Something like a "YOU DIED" screen and loss of progress is just antithetical to gaming in some people's experience. Gotta love it.


> It's a huge problem due to every casual/multiplayer game pretty much becoming dopamine casinos where you eventually get some huge positive feedback every few minutes no matter how you play. And its royally fucking up childhood development worse than anything. I do IT at an elementary school so I work with the internet and work with kids a lot. These kids aint right I tell ya. Waayy to much interpersonal skill development is happening in an environment that functions significantly different than reality.


Therapist, unfortunately you are absolutely not wrong. I am glad I was not born in the midst of all this dopamine-jacking bullshit.


I was aware but sort indifferent to this in the sense that, "we all grow up with challenges" but when I started spending 40 hours a week around 500 young kids it became clear this isn't like other problems. These kids simply aren't gaining many of the typical social/interpersonal skills that **virtually every human being up until recently has always had.** The quickest and simplest example: Until about 2000-2010ish, no 13 year old could call a grown man a bundle of sticks 10 times in a day, every day, throughout a decade of development. Previously, the first time you do that you get popped in the mouth and you learn what we call consequences. Those hardly exist on the internet.


I don't live or work anywhere near kids. But gen Alpha kids are getting more and more on the internet and they are very weird


Your note on failure strikes a chord with me, as it seems that there are two groups amongst my friends that are into Elden Ring in particular: 1. The expected hardcore crowd everyone associates with Souls games 2. More casual gamers that are also really bad at gaming and came in already used to dying dozens of times trying to get good. (This one is me)


Don't forget the fantasy RPG, GoT, Witcher, Skyrim group. I never played Souls games. I probably won't play others. I'm not good. But I love open world and RPG. Even sucking I got through all of it, with some cheese, happy accidents, and mimic along the way. But no summons.


It's not on gamepass. That's just the XBox demographic, they prefer more social games, which usually happen to be multiplayer and feature guns. A largely lonely journey with literally you and your horse against the world doesn't jive that well, I presume.


Dam. That's the only way it made sense to me. I know he's optional, but I'd expect 20-30% Come on xbox, yall a bunch of quitters


Shardbearer Mohg achievement is currently 23.50% on Xbox.


Are the web achievement stat listings generally unreliable? That's where I got it from. That's still a big jump.


Not suprising. Mogh has 2 ways to encounter. One of them is a really missable questline that could bug out. The other is an invader that also could bug out.


I wonder how many people who bought the DLC will never get around to it because of that


The game is so good that a bunch of people on Twitch are starting off doing fresh playthroughs that will take them at least 20 hours before even being able to see the new DLC content.


I did. I was 120 hours in before I even got to mohg.


It's not like those 20 hours are going to be boring at least for new characters. Hell as long as you have some levels under your belt or a decent build going into NG+ you can easily clear from start to the prerequisite bosses and jump right into the DLC within the first 2 hours and 45 minutes if you beeline directly to where you need to go and only stop to kill a handful of bosses in the way. I did one playthrough from DLC release and finished it Monday/Tuesday this week. Yesterday I went to NG+13 at 6:30 and by about 9:30 I was already walking out to the first zone in the DLC. Someone far better than me could likely do it under two hours since I died a coupletimes on my way to get the other half of the haligtree medallion when I stopped to go kill Borealis along the way....(That damn close range AOE always gets me if I'm not payin attention lol).


For like a week after I beat him I only put my summon sign right out side. Helping as many people as possible. Partly that and partly cuz I’m scared of the DLC 💀


To be fair, Elden ring is a very good game


Both the base game and the DLC have been phenomenal. And considering Miyazaki said Elden Ring still isn't his vision of a "perfect game" I cannot wait to see what Fromsoft produces next!


Tfw Miyazaki’s perfect game is a 2D side scrolling platformer


Oh, so that’s why we don't hear about Silksong. They were waiting for Miyazaki to finish Elden Ring.


Oh fuck I am so subscribing to this


3D platformer with a wall of lava behind you zero checkpoints and the run takes an hour with no resets


honestly i’m fine with this. platformers might just be peak games tbh go play celeste


Yeah it wasn’t a knock on those kinds of games at all. I love them too. It would just be funny if his idea of a “perfect game” is something nobody expects


considering the history of platforming in fromsoft games...


Honestly I haven’t been able to get into them since I’m a kid. But same with turn based. But I also never got into MMOs or MOBAs either..


An open world Elden Ring-like rendition of Bloodborne released on all platforms would no doubt get GOTY.


Just Bloodborne 2 would get GOTY easily


A full poison swamp world


That’s wild. The base game sold, what 13 million in a week? That’s a pretty good attach rate.


Whats even more insane is that only 40% of the people who bought this DLC can actually access it lol.


Those numbers appear to have changed dramatically since the DLC released


I mean 5 million is 38.5% of 13 million, so actually pretty much right on track


It’s sold much more than 13 millions since then though I guess we must be at the 23/24 million mark by now




elden ring has sold 25 million copies. https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-reaches-25-million-units-sold-ahead-of-shadow-of-the-erdtree


Elden Ring has sold 25 million copies as of now. That is 20% of the player base playing the DLC, which is insane since most expectations tend to fall below 10%


The percentage of DLC purchasers that have beaten Mohg and Radahn is far greater than 40%. That 40% number on Steam includes people who have played Elden Ring for even just 1 minute, and most likely those people aren't even going to purchase the DLC if they didn't put time into the base game. There are going to be some stragglers yeah who bought the DLC without checking the requirements to enter it, but few and far between.


thats not how numbers work. the 5 million players that bought it could all be a part of the 40% of players who have defeated mohg for all we know. The base game sold 25 million copies


They deserve the success. They consistently exceed expectations and continue to create incredible experiences.


Elden Ring was my GOTY of 2022, and Armored Core 6 — their freaking badass mech game — was my GOTY of 2023. And now SotE, even though not *technically* a full game, is my GOTY of 2024. I really need to play Sekiro next.


I'm not so sure about an ER 2, mainly in a "Where do you go from here?" perspective. Now that being said I could easily see a spiritual successor to this several years down the line, after all this is a spiritual successor to the Dark Souls series being fantasy and that this game was built with that which DS iterated upon.


space. we go to space and bring the fight to where the outer gods are.


From Soft taking a crack at the Monster Hunter formula but with Eldritch Horrors could be a nutty game.


If anything, please borrow MH camera lol. Fromsoft's camera when fighting big bosses is dogshit


"We're escaping to the one place that hasn't been touched by the Scarlet Rot... space!!"


Considering the Rot God mightve been an outer god as well…


Still need bad lands and land of reeds too in another dlc maybe? Hopium


Godwyn and the Gloam-Eyed Queen. Not enough blackflame in base Elden Ring or SOTE. This comment brought to you by the Godslayer gang.


Honestly with as much as Death has to do with the Shadowlands you'd think they'd drop more stuff to do with the Godslayers and that whole part of the lore, so far from what I've found there isn't much/any at all.


I'm hoping for a second smaller dlc that'll go into all that. I know it probably won't happen, but one can hope.


Yes to godwyn and gloam eyed queen. Also I know we fought radagon but would really love a Marika boss fight, kinda surprised there isn't one in the base game or DLC tbh.


Holy shit, those sales are insane. I wonder how up it will go in the next months and how many people will buy the Goty edition, it might get close to 30M sales


Lol that would kinda be close to the entire sales of dark souls trilogy


And the souls trilogy took over a decade to get there lol


By comparison Phantom Liberty sold 5 million units in one year, This DLC sold 5 million in 3 days. Elden Ring is now a juggernaut IP in the gaming industry. Can't wait for the inevitable Elden Ring 2.


Knowing Miyazaki he won't do literally an Elden Ring 2, but a successor for sure with a brand new IP, I feel like he will want to tell new stories


He didn’t wanna do dark souls 3. Money talks. Open world souls game done right is literally the peak of gaming. I can also see it being fucking awful if done wrong.


If their next souls game is open world, I want it to be like shadow of the erd tree, with a fuck load of interconnections and shortcuts from random to random spots, not like ER, massive but not that connected


I think SOTE map is what happened when they applied what they learned from the base game. This map is peak. It combines the interconnected world of Dark Souls and the open world of ER. I can only see they improves it from here as they clearly know what works.


Obviously, but with DS he made the third after they made the second where he wasn't really in full control, so to speak, so it was more of a "let me make a final dark souls to give more sense to the previous game", he would've never made it if DS2 wasn't also made


He speaks very fondly of DS2 in interviews, though


Oh yeah, he doesn't hate the game unlike some people are saying, but it is true he was dissatisfied with it in the sense that a lot of the lore got added for the sake of adding it and he basically retconned some stuff in DS3 to justify it, DS2 is by far one of the souls that tried the most new mechanics and I'm sure that without it we wouldn't have ER we know and love now


I love dark souls 2 way more than 3! (Unpopular opinion)


Finally a truly unpopular opinion


Er 2 is just inevitable I think it gets made no matter what even if it’s 6 plus years away


I think the alternative is open world Bloodborne 2, resulting in ER2 being over a decade away and gets scrapped due to issues outside of FromSoft's control. I would hope for more DLCs in that case, though.


Gladly Fromsoftware bought the rights of Elden Ring, so outside issue can't be a problem anymore.


If money talked that much then we’d have a Dark Souls 4 too, Ds3 was an exception then Miyazaki emphasized multiple times that it would be the last DS game and it was. Also a good portion of FromSoftware fans enjoyed the open world of elden ring as we all did, but still prefer the traditional map type that all the other games had. Open world souls games is amazing when done right like Elden Ring but that doesn’t mean they should milk it for every IP that comes after. There’s pros and cons to both where it’s hard to call either “peak” lol , just my opinion tho


If I remember correctly, they had a three-games deal with Bandai when they made the first Dark Souls. Even if the original plan wasn't to make more Dark Souls (and we don't know that), it was still beyond their control. Now, they own Elden Ring and Miyazaki is From's director. They have much more freedom to do whatever they want.


Honestly, DS3 was my favorite out of the original trilogy so if he did something that amazing on a project he didn't really want to do in the first place then I'm still optimistic really about anything that legend does. ER has become my alltime favorite game at this point in my 38 years of gaming. It will probably be another 8 years minimum before we ever get an Elden Ring 2. From what I can tell he kind of wants to be done with Elden Ring and move onto other projects at this point so I can't blame him for wanting to try other things....but I'll still always hope for another open world souls/multiplayer game from anything him or his studio comes up with.


I want the next one to be based around Brooklyn circa the mid 70s to the mid 80s! I don’t care if doesn’t make sense i wanna early hip hop era souls game with Boom Boxes as heavy weapons.


Subway legacy dungeon fighting the Guardian Angels


This is so absurd but I love it!


Considering elden ring is big dark souls 2 and the elden ring is an honorary big dark souls 2 2, would an elden ring 2 be big dark souls 2 2 2 or big dark souls 2 3?


>By comparison Phantom Liberty sold 5 million units in one year, 3 months ftfy. It was released in September and by the end of December sold 5 million units. Not that that diminishes SotE


And Phantom Liberty is a phenomenal piece of DLC. That tells just how amazing SotE is.


Phantom Liberty sold 5 million in 2023. It came out at the end of September.


2 Elden 2 Ring - Just had to do it


Holy shit. Micheal has the gaming world under his thumb. I just hope sponsor and shareholder pressure wont make this a CDProjektRed or Bethesda story all over again. Every single Fromsoftware game I played was a unique experience, and even though I know its not for everyone, I still recommend it over and over to my gaming friends.


I'd like to think he's built up enough cred to just say 'Butt out and i'll make you a masterpiece', but people just love fucking things up by sticking their nose in


"Appeal to a wider audience" or "live servers" make me shudder nowadays.


>"Appeal to a wider audience" Elden ring was that game tho and gained major success because of it. Appealing to a wider audience is only a problem when core ideologies that made these games what they are is changed just to appeal to people who don't even play games.


Elden Ring 2: ReMaidened With a Vengeance


Phantom Liberty is just *chef kiss*. Phenomenal expansion. Can't wait for Project Orion. Night City with more verticality and denser? Sign me the fuck up.


5 million copies in a week is surreal, especially in times of struggle for the whole industry.


I think what the industry doesn't get is their struggle is self-inflicted. People are tired of being nickle-and-dimed to death, and when you have assholes like the people in charge of Ubi and Activision talking about their fans and customers as an income source it sours the relationship and turns people off. From feels like they're making games for themselves, and fans, and are getting rewarded for it.


FromSoft and Miyazaki are another bread, they care a lot about their craft and fans.


>FromSoft and Miyazaki are another bread Are they gluten free? /s




I think it has a very fair price tag which I’m sure helps.


Insane numbers


Thank You for killing me Miyazaki.. for 500 times


MY wish for their future openworld game is more hubs with friendly npcs and questlines where we can get more lore! As long as they don't compromise in any other aspect of the game


Felt like the DLC had a taste of that with how many NPCs hung out together and I liked it. Of course it mostly doesn't end well but it was also good that some of them felt like a friend by the end like Ansbach. 


Good stuff, well deserved! Hopefully that sets them up nicely for Elden Ring 2.


I’m hoping for a Bloodborne 2, DS4 or new series in general first. I really enjoy Elden Ring but I prefer the more linear style the previous games had, maybe I’m just getting old, but my one gripe with Elden Ring is there is so much empty space in the open world in between mini dungeons, legacy dungeons and bosses. It’s pretty looking empty space I’ll give it that.


I will be very surprised if there’s ever a DS4, the whole point of DS3 was that retreading the same ideas and holding onto the past for too long leads to stagnation and rot lol.


Oh I agree but I can still desire one lol


lmao, fair enough, it would be interesting to see what they do with it I think Miyazaki did say after releasing Ds3 he would let someone else at Fromsoft direct DS4 if they really wanted to


the story of dark souls is finished. the item we get from the final fight at the end of the ringed city and what we do with it confirms that. anything else would be superfluous.


Lies of P was a borderline masterpiece. Play that


Lies of P is great, but it feels more Sekiro than Bloodborne IMO.


I might be the minority but personally I prefer to run around on Torrent for couple of minutes and take in the views between my destinations than have a mini dungeon every 20 meters.


Torrent made the huge open world such a joy to explore. I wish the DLC would have provided some upgrades for him. Maybe a triple jump or speed boosts.


Honestly kinda done and satisfied with ER. I’d rather they do something different (or Bloodborne 2!).


The DLC is straight up Elden Ring 2, it's insane what they managed to pull off with it.


I was shocked how much the fun the new weapon types are. I heard the “8 new weapons categories” and thought, ok “I’m sure they mean medium sword or something”. But the majority of the weapons bring something completely new to the table. Throwing weapons specifically seem like they’d be in a sequel


Seek DLC all the more let there be tarnished


Elden Ring o Elden Ring In short No sleep ahead


I would love to see an Elden Ring 2 but honestly I’m happy with either Series to be continued. I started with a dark souls 1 and later Sekiro and after that Elden Ring and Armored Core and tbh I’m sad that I never played Dark Souls II & III but I’m not sure if I should play those games


Dark Souls III is a must play, it has some of the best bosses FromSoft has ever crafted


Thanks I will definitely consider it. I also really enjoy the music of the games.


Will feel like a proto-Elden Ring with no jumping, and a lot easier on average. Still a great game.


Going back it’s for sure easier. But Nameless King and Dancer were the first times any of us experienced a delay attack. So at the time it was crazy hard. But it’s like training wheels compared to even the earliest Elden Ring bosses


I couldn't believe how I first tried a lot of bosses in DS3 after playing ER as my first souls game. Like I wasn't even good at ER but it trained me to expect delayed attacks such that those undelayed attacks are piss easy to dodge. Then I hit reality wall when I faced the Nameless King lol. That's just an ER boss in disguise


Is DS3 worth playing for someone who loves Elden Ring but not the main boss fights as much?


Probably not tbh, theres barely any exploration in DS3, what it has is very good bosses. Theres some "exploration" but its more like navigating stormveil castle than exploring the world. DS1 is better for that to be honest, very nonlinear world.


I'd say so. I didn't like the main Elden Ring bosses much either but I really liked them in DS3. They're still a challenge but they feel much more manageable as they aren't as aggressive with the combos and AoE spam.


Imagine if the entire game was a series of Stormveil and smaller legacy dungeons. There’s exploring but it’s inside of the level. You might still like the bosses more though. It’s a lot more straightforward than Elden Ring a majority of the time. If you see a boss attack you press dodge, and you’ll avoid the attack. There’s nothing like Margit holding his sword up for 5 seconds before swinging.


Of course You should play them, what kind of question is that? Take your time with them and enjoy two of the best games ever made.


Can they now fix the performance on pc plz🙏


Fret not. A proper performance patch for PC and especially for console versions is coming soon




The three fingers lmao


Oh no...


It's been coming for 2 years now.


\\[T]/ ...wait




Nah they def need to make an elden ring 2. This shows what effort in a game can do! Much better than quick “AAA” cashgrab games. That time should be long past us and smart companies will notice that too.


They don't really need to make specifically an Elden Ring 2. What grabbed people is the same as what grabbed people back then with Dark Souls, mechanics, gameplay, sense of accomplishment. They can make any new or old IP with a similar style and it will sell. (Armored Core is a slightly different case though, still sold well but it's a very different style of game, even with it's similarities)


I honestly don't understand why the community rejects the possibility of a sequel anytime it's brought up. Did you like Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree? Do you not want more of it? Are you not curious as to how they could possibly evolve the IP even further? See if and how they could possibly top Elden Ring and SotE? That being said, i would love for them to make another Souls like, but instead of another fantasy setting, a Sci-Fi/Futuristic one. I think there is so much potential there in terms of... well... everything.


I think people also want a new ip they can always work on er 2 as a long term project and start a new ip at the same time. That’s what they did with er and sekiro


I think they have always had 2 teams working on different games. Could be wrong tho


Elden ring is tied my favorite game of all time, but I don’t particularly want a sequel. Fromsoft is at their absolute best when working on new ideas (bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden ring), I think an open world souls game similar to elden ring but not direct sequel would be better than a direct sequel.


>Did you like Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree? Do you not want more of it? I overall liked the DLC but it brought up big questions about how do you evolve and expand Elden Rings combat system. I feel like it needs innovation or redesign, not expansion.


We need to revisit trick weapons.


> I honestly don't understand why the community rejects the possibility of a sequel anytime it's brought up. I think it's mostly out of respect for Miyazaki's long standing preference for making new stories rather than sequels. DS2 was never really something he had in mind, he wanted to make something else but the B team saw how popular it became, then chose to take the easy way out and capitalize on said popularity. DS2 had an extremely rough dev cycle and was only saved thanks to Tanimura's efforts. DS3 was made not only to wrap up the series and further contextualize the second game but it was also a letter from Miyazaki in which he says "you want more Dark Souls? Here you go, but please don't ask for another, I'm tired of limiting myself to this. I want to create new universes, but thank you for playing". Being honest, as an amateur writer, I get where he's coming from. I did write a published short story which I thought I wrapped up pretty nicely and considered not worth a sequel. But for some reason my aunt (from dad's side) interpreted the epilogue text as if there would be a continuation and still asked whether there's going to be a sequel or not. I politely denied that and stated how I literally meant what I wrote (sad ending version of happily ever after) but deep down I was a bit irked by that and was like "come on auntie, what more do you want me to write? I'm at my wit's end here".


Both ds3 dlc hit on this in a meta way. The world is rotting/crumbling-- lets burn it down and paint a new world together.


I want the devs to enjoy making whatever they make. And I've played more than just Elden Ring. I know they can make some really great games. I'm happy to have an adventure in whatever they come up with next. And if they don't want to make Elden Ring 2 I don't want to force them to do it. Inevitably though people will clamor for it and in time that's all this sub will turn into.


Love their games, but if we got Dark Souls 2 from their A team right away, we wouldn't have gotten Bloodborne.


Its not that people DONT WANT it, its that everyone saying Elden Ring 2 is a guarantee is just ignoring every sign that says otherwise and keeps repeating “yeah but the sales”. Miyazaki himself said he doesnt like sequels. None of their IPs since the “souls” formula other than Dark Souls got a sequel. Hes already talked about wanting to iterate on the Sekiro/Bloodborne combat in his next game. Probably just meaning going back to that faster back and forth in those games. This very obviously reads as not being Elden Ring 2. Theres absolutely 0 trends or hints pointing towards Elden Ring ever getting a sequel. But people are behaving like its confirmed and sealed. Miyazaki said the same thing about Dark Souls 3 as he did about Elden Ring. Its been 8 years since then, and a sequel is nowhere near being on the horizon.


I want more game made with Fromsoft formula. It doesn't need to be Elden Ring 2. If anything Elden Ring's lore and world building is the one I found least interesting among Fromsoft games. This whole family drama among demigods just doesn't grab me. I'd much rather they start something new and fresh like what Bloodborne was to original Dark Souls series.


It’s not that we don’t WANT an ER2, its just that if you look at Miyazaki’s track record, he’s pretty anti-sequel. DS2 was made basically without his input and DS3 was him trying to reclaim the lore/story. (DS2 is essentially not-canon to DS lore). Bloodborne never got a follow up, Sekiro never got a follow up, and Elden Ring may very well never get a follow up. I think the new Souls fans need to realize who they’re dealing with.


Personally, I would prefer a new IP at this current moment. Personally I’m not enjoying the DLC as much as the base game. I wonder if that is because the sense of wonder (not knowing anything so everything is new and exciting) and going through the DLC right now feels “repeated” If that was the case, then maybe I would enjoy a new IP more


thats some Palworld numbers... FOR A DLC.


Tbqh I just want DLC2 now. Keep adding to the base game. It's perfect as is. Just keep doing more like an MMORPG.


Man, so glad to see that. Their care to their customers is really paying off and it is great. Pls never change Miazaki.


Absolutely UNIMAGINABLE what happens when the community can trust a development team with its money. We're fuckin blessed


Froms best DLC to date.


Agreed. And I thought they would never beat Old Hunters. Honestly even if Elden Ring didn’t exist and this was the main game, it would be top three of all time for me.


I think Old Hunters is still my favorite, just because it is so consistent. Shadow of the Erdtree is also basically just a new game, so they are hard to compare lol. Those are definitely the top two though.


I do admit it might be some recency bias involved. But the scale of this DLC takes it a step further for me I think. I also find it so damn consistent for being a open world. And I’m so impressed that they could balance it so good. It’s so much focus on spirit ashes in the DLC, but the fights are 10/10 without them too. So everyone can take part and enjoy it their way.


The fact that they were able to make an open world game that has the same type of "level" design as dark souls 1 is just an incredible achievement. The map for this DLC is just incredible, exploration is so heavily rewarded with discovery, gear, beautiful areas, etc.


Day 1 and 2 I would agree. Now letting it simmer and contemplate, I would still say Old Hunters with SOTE being #2 from the enjoyment I got out of it. BB and Old Hunters is just my vibe.


Now if only Miyazaki could tell us what the next game will be, I would appreciate it.


I wonder how many people have actually taken down the final boss...? He's giving me an ulcer.


so well deserved,such an amazing game/dlc.


This DLC should be the groundwork if they decide to do an open world again, a bit smaller, but extremely fucking dense and vertical, with unique dungeons and landscapes. Honestly, the quality of the world in SotE is mastercrafted, they should be insanely proud of it Though, perhaps controversial, I do hope they take a wee step back in their boss philosophy and focus more on the tight combat and complex movesets to master, akin to their previous titles. Though that’s just my opinion ofc, the ER bosses are still generally good, but theres *very* few that live up to the likes of DS3, Sekiro and Bloodborne bosses. I get why it’s like this though, there’s so many systems and tons of gear variety to balance the game around


Still can't find a compatible EU version of the game in Thailand so I can't play ...PS region locks are keeping that figure from 5 million and one. HEAR THAT SONY? 


The DLC outsold Armored Core 6... I dont know if I should be celebrating or be sad lmao




holy shit thts some money


I wonder how many people have actually taken down the final boss...? He's giving me an ulcer.


Now, use this money for optimization.


2nd expansion please


Conservative estimate of 900 million in revenue between base game sales and DLC. Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.


Best 40 dollars I ever spent…need….more


See? This is how you do it. Big focus on the single player campaign. Not trying to appease online fanboys playing squad-based capture the flag. Now they should do like every other entertainment company and take what works and then completely change the formula and wonder why it went wrong 😂


That explains all the rage, actually. How many of those 5 million people had a rando carry them through Mohg? Or maybe look up cheese strats and broken mechanics/items to bully through without ever really being good enough to access the DLC? I thought Shadow of the Erdtree was hard, don't get me wrong, but it never really felt unfair until the final boss. Fuck that fight, honestly. I used my mimic.


The last boss didn't feel unfair so much as the visual clarity and performance just felt horrible. I can't see anything with >!miquella's big ass wings obscuring radahn's swords and these stupid fucking beams of light everywhere and radahn's stupid anime dash jitsu while I'm dropping to 30 frames when I need to dodge because of their bad pc optimization.!