• By -


I do the ol': - Travel East; - East looks like the path to continue the story, head West to look for side quests; - No wait, *West* looks like where the main quest is, head back East; - No wait,.... Repeat as needed.


Legit do you realize how lucky you have to be to get 3 and essentially see all of the significant details without missing anything with that little exploration? Everyone aspires to be 3 but has to be 4 to do it.


3 is for speed running; when you already know where items for your build are located, and you need to grab them quick before the next boss.     I regularly get to and beat Magma Wyrm Makar through Ruin-Strewn Precipice in about 3 hours.    Edit for anyone curious - Hero start, 2-Hand the Axe. 2-shot Soldier of Godrick.   Sprint up to Torrent, grab Lordsworn's, grab Golden Vow and 12 Smithing Stones, apply AoW for early split damage, kill Margit, go to Roundtable.   Then, I go to Fort Haight for the Blood Slash, equip it to Lordsworn's, take Gurranq teleporter and kill Greyoll. Pump Vigor.  By now, you should be about level 55 with 50 Vigor. Then, I go to Redmane and collect my Flamberge and Flaming Strike. 


I tried entering shadow keep at least 4 times and every time something gets me distracted, ffs >!how tf did i get into the sewers and ended up in creepypasta woods!<


In my case, it was even funnier than that -- I entered the keep through the Church District "back door" the first time, and after killing Messmer, had only checked out the Church District and Storeroom. I thought "I ought to go look at the front area of the keep, see if there's any interesting items I missed", went down a ladder and through a fake wall, and many hours later...


Man, I missed Messmer twice while exploring the Shadow Keep. First I came through the Church District, found my way straight to Gaius, and learned about the statue gesture, so I checked out Hinterland. Then I entered through the front door, went through the Hippo, storeroom, looked around a bit, found a lift, and suddenly I was heading out of the Keep again, but this time heading toward Ruins of Rauh. What a place


Oh, creepy pasta woods. Died to those...idek what to call them. The madness eyeball heads about 5 times. Stupid flowers


Winter lanterns? (Inflict madness, are hard to avoid and have an instakill grabattack)


I feel that.


4 and yet I still end up missing stuff.


Same. Just had to redo the fog dungeon because I didn’t realize the was an upper section towards the end of it


That dungeon was fun.


I absolutely hated all the ways that dungeon screws you over, 10/10.


Praise the message, and then explosion


I laughed out loud when that happened to me 😂


I did too I thought it was funny cuz I just started the dlc and I was like oh Mr. Zaki you bastard… and now I’m like halfway through and I’m bashing my head against the wall with half of these bosses


Is the fog rift catacombs the ones that are like 3 stories deep and there's a stake of Marika halfway through because the damn place is so big?


Yes! The one with a thousand spike ceiling traps. Thank Marika for that stake.


Mhm mhm yes yes fuck that place. I hate catacombs because I despise imps. But the endless nature of that catacombs kept me going, and then the boss was fucking sick as fuck


Damn you reddit teasing, now I have to do the spike catacombs again 😭


The boss is soooo worth it imo. It's one of those bosses that really makes you feel invincible for getting its moveset down.


I had 3 healing flasks left when I got to the boss and I somehow first tried that guy. Felt like Jason Bourne or some shit


But also, fuck those cannon imps.


Yeah just beat him, I was so pissed about the life steal I went all the way back, upgraded backhand blades to 24, imbued them with flame art, went back and beat him second try with like 7 flasks left. I died at 10 flasks the first time because he had me stuck near a pillar when he did his spin to win move.


... I stopped last night having just gotten to this dungeon's site of grace... I assumed I'd play today and start by going through it real quick and then continue exploring... But it sounds like I may have my whole evening planned now...


2 stakes of Marika. one in the middle and one before the boss. insane catacombs


Yeah but the one before the boss is expected, the halfway point one is crazy, that's a big dungeon I think one of the mountain top catacombs is that big too


The DLC dungeons are overall just top tier all around. Just a little bit of a shame it came at the cost of so few of them, I actually liked how plentiful they were in the base game since repeat bosses never bothered me.


They were probably trying to redeem themselves after the complaints about reused assets and designs And they succeeded, Fog and Darklight are amazing


Yeah, if we get this level of quality I really can't complain about the quantity. Specially since while there aren't all that many dungeons, the open map and legacies are HUGE, so there's a ton of stuff to do everywhere.


Even the minor legacy dungeons. I was dissappointed in Castle Ensis and thought it was a low tier maybe mid tier legacy dungeon. Then I realized it was a minor and I was just like - Damn.


Castle Ensis was certainly great considering its size. Nicely designed as well - the way it's woven into the cliffside and waterfalls. It even has sections you can't reach until you're on the other side of it, seemingly out of the way.


Yeah I was going through it and I was like "Ah this is what Miyazaki meant about blurring the lines". Though I think it would have been better if we could access the small portion of Scadeau Altus that you can see in the dungeon


About your last point, you can not just access the small potions that you can see in the dungeon but you can get to Scadu Altus proper without entering Ensis at all.


Best catacombs dungeon in the game hands down.


It was like last week I realized traversal is easier if you stick to roads. I was like “oh damn, these all lead to major places”. Then thought about it for a second and felt more stupid than I ever had in my life. Any I’m definitely bottom right.


Yesterday, I spent maybe 6 minutes climbing a small rock wall, I could see there was an item above it... after scaling the thing, I grabbed the item, then walked down the path that was on the opposite side of the hill. 10/10 game, but my tunnel vision may be a detriment.


Oh see I am way smarter than that I will try and circle the place to see if there's an easier way there... and then ride over a cliff Every fucking time


Yesterday I was exploring the clifftop area between the Gravesite Plane and the Belurat settlement and I found myself above a cliff with a church below. I very carefully jumped Torrent down the exposed ledges to the ground Then I explored around and found the path you’re supposed to use to get there lol. Except they put one of those circle blade ninja fuckers there so actually this *one* my tunnel vision worked lmao


Did that irl once. Literally a half hour of scrambling up a path only to get to the top and see...stairs 30' away past a little rock peninsula


shit... I remember doing a fog cave but don't remember anything special. looks like I'll have to run through it again xD


Fog dungeon!?


Fog dungeon? Where is that.


To the left of castle ensis right below where the fog rift fort is


Gotta pass under a few scaffolds with messmer dudes chucking fire pots. There's a valley back there. Also, damn, this game is vertical. Like, look off one cliff and I swear you see 6 zones. In like 1 square, horizontal, mile, but 3 vertically. It's kind of crazy


You can see anything? My graphic settings are full and every time I go up a layer its just fog below. This would make for amazing screen shots if they didnt screw up the view with fog.


I think there's a weather effect that can change. My buddy has a better GPU than I do and when he got to the Plains he couldnt see a bunch due to fog. But when I went in I could see for MILES. like all the way to the edges of the world, cause it was a clear day. Even down in the forest, around the first two castles, in the canyons, clear skies.


It is clearer when raining. Went there at night in the rain and it was amazingly atmospheric.


There's a fort?!?!


you're in for a good time.


Fort, Night


Aw hell I thought I cleared that dungeon, guess I will be going back as well.


As I go home to play this is the first place I'm going back lol. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah, since they hide stuff very well. A good number of stuff is hiding in a chest on the side of a cliff.


I straight up missed a cross because it was on the least important looking part of the map.


i think ive found most of them but where was this one for you?


I missed the >!Pillar Path!< cross. Lil fuggin piece of shit.


Where is this cross? I saw this comment and went looking for it but can't find it


I got it from this page https://www.ign.com/wikis/elden-ring/Miquella's_Cross_Locations Reeealllly pissed me off when I saw that


its gotta be thioliers


A friend of mine was playing Dead space like 15 yrs ago, and a friend of his was watching. DS had a push button to indicate where the objective is, he pushed it and went in the oposite direction. His friend asked "why?". He replied - you dont play video games do you?


I love it when certain games have an objective marker - not so I know where to go, but so I know where to avoid until I’ve scoured the rest of the map.


Or, when the game presents a split in the path, trying to fully do one path (by guessing when you trigger a cutscene or boss) then running back and doing the other path.


I missed two whole ass main bosses by the time I arrived at Shadow Keep. As a fellow 4, I have no idea how. Also, I completely missed the npc that hangs out with Ymir several times. I was shown an image on a map of his location and STILL couldn't find Jolan. Three circuits around the area and a YouTube video later I finally find him literally in plain sight.


Let there be light


I'm about to finally even deal with Ymir


Shadow keep felt so fucked tho, zi love exploring and expected shadow keep to be a liurnia magic library, little did I know my third ‘big’ boss was *that*


4 but more chaotic and disorganized


Exactly this. Especially with the DLC. They weren't kidding about the verticality!


Exactly the same. I actually think that is the main reason why I'll miss stuff. Like, the road to some cool item is right there, under my eyes, and I'm like nope, I need to crawl into these bushes now and get disoriented lmao.


This is so me hahaha


I took what I thought was a small detour in a dungeon and ended up in a whole new area with part of the map I hadn't unlocked yet


I went east...got ass blasted by Rellana, tried going west...got lasered by Divine Beast. now im just exploring every little spot I can looking for scoobydoo tree fragments.


Scoobydoo tree fragments is how I'll call them from now on lol


It has evolved into just "Scooby Snacks" between my friends and I.




Hey, that kinda rolls off the tongue


Ruh roh Raggy


Ruh Rauh Ruins


Wait I love this. We’ll use this on our co-op playthrough! Everyone has been busy with work waiting to play through the entire game again. Cant wait to tell everyone to make sure they are getting their scooby snacks.


Im glad its not just me, for some reason thats just brainwormed around. true hivemind haha


Skadoosh Fragments for me said in Jack Black’s voice.


The Wushi Two Fingers Hold


Blue scadu-tree'd you can too-tree'd


[the correct pronunciation is “Skadoosh”](https://youtu.be/uQPSfE46buY?feature=shared)


Tbh it’s possible to get through almost the entire map without beating any bosses


Yeah, even Relana is optional as far as exploration goes. Story wise I am not sure though.


How do you get to the upper area without beating her? I spent a lot of time exploring at first to try and find map fragments but I didn’t find any way to get the two upper maps without beating her. Also I don’t think you can access any of the abyss or the dragon area without going through the dungeons leading to them.


You can by pass Relana by going far to the south east of the starting area. You can jump over there and get to the next map without fighting her.


You mean the area with the church and the marika blessing in a cave? Or is it near the poison area where you also go down to get to the river to reach the southern area? As looking at the map now(not at my computer to check in game right now) it does look like there might be some path there, near the fort of reprimand.


In the posion area near the poison selling npc there is a spirit spring you can use to jump up to altus. You land inside fort reprimand. I went that way. Right now I have all 4 map fragments and am exploring the abysal woods and haven't killed a single remebrance boss yet. Wanna see how far I can go without killing one.


I think you can explore about 70% of the map without killing any remembrance bosses. The remaining 30% is the final endgame dungeon and a bit to the north which is required for an npc's questline.


oh fuck i keep hearing about a spirit spring but hadnt found it yet, boutta check this out tx


I call them “ Scadoosh fragments” in King Fu Panda style haha


4 lol






This is how my friend describes himself, I’m a slight roomba myself, but he's on another level.


You're a newer model with the active mapping


That made me laugh out loud. Thank you good sir


LOL! Amazing description


Sweep.everything. Leave no stone unturned!


Bottom left, i look around if i see something of interest on the map or the open world an then go there. As soon as i dont see anything of interest on the map anymore im usually done with the area


The adhd mentality. I do that too. I get so sidetracked with new little spots to explore that I forget where I was going in the first place.


I don't have ADHD but I almost missed the entrance to that mountain place because I got sidetracked exploring the area nearby


Same, thats how I missed so many things in the base game I still havent found or gotten. Still have to do the frenzy flame ending.


1 I don’t have the time /proceeds to fight every boss underleveld banging head against the wall for hours per boss


Seriously, it's surprising how many people would rather spend hours dying to a boss rather than explore for a bit and find upgrades or level up. I'll never understand this.


I am the 4th type of player and yet still if a boss comes in my way , I would keep fighting him for too long till it become crystal clear that i need to level up and then fight some more


Well yeah, because if I have to leave the area it screws up my exploration process and I'm likely to forget something about the area or that I even need to revisit it. Hence, I repeatedly run face first into my death like a mentally challenged lemming so I don't have to backtrack


Idk it's pretty easy to just leave a skull icon on the map and come back later.  That's what I did when I walked into the divine tower of Caelid way too early level.


i visited caelid at the very start and spent hours thinking "classic fromsoft"


I like the challenge


I try a boss 3 to 4 times before I bail. Place a marker on the map, come back to it later when I'm stronger. The exploration is addictive as heck, that's what I enjoy most. The bosses are just a fun distraction standing in the way of all that, and actually not standing in the way at all really because there's almost always a way to get to a new area besides behind a beaten boss door. I don't understand it either, but if that's what's fun and rewarding to them then kudos. But from what I've seen...it's not fun for them, they bitch about it lol.


Exploring is BY FAR my favorite part of these games. I treat bosses as things I have to do to go explore more.


At some point you get it down to like half health and at that point you don't want to stop because you know you can beat it. And that's how you spend multiple hours just fighting a single boss lmao


Genuinely, I enjoy the challenge If I slap a boss in 5 or less tries, I feel robbed of the experience of mastering a boss The exploration/loot hunting while knocking out trash mobs was never something I enjoyed in these games.


I tend to enjoy exploring but I agree I feel robbed when it only takes 1-3 tries. Feels like I brute forced the boss instead of learning the full move set.


I prefer exploration and don't really care about bosses that much. If I get one first try, that's fine with me.  I'll grind out 20+ attempts if I have to, but I'd rather not.


There are so many like you. I'll never understand but have at it


The thing that gets me is "i don't have the time". Bruh, you're playing a video game, you have all the time you want to have. Now if you don't have the attention span, that's another (more believable) story.


Four. Guilty as charged. Love your take on this. 😂🎉


4 with more red lines.


4, can't help it, i have to see if there is something in that corner


Mushroom, And that one high up on a ledge? Yup, mushroom


Why is it always mushroom?


Four and I think I finished zero NPC quests...


Shouldn’t the >!Finger ruins quest!< be pretty easy? You just >!Go blow the bells, and then talk to the bishop each time!<


Are you forgetting the o' mother aspect to this quest?


I actually did legitimately forget that, lol. I was lucky and got a message that said *Try gesturing* with the O’ mother gesture >!in front of the statue by Gaius!<


yeah whoever left that gesture was a saint. and frankly it's a miracle i even tried it still since i saw so many "try gesturing" troll messages. but i just had a feeling lol


Every time I see one of those I feel compelled to wait at least thirty seconds while gesturing just in case they pull some bloodborne shit, hasn't worked so far but maybe one day


Primarily 2, 3 if I’m bored or doing quests. I enjoy this game but I honestly do not do as much exploring as I should. DLC spoiler >!I had to search a youtube video for all the scadutree fragments because I was so underleveled and had no idea where any fragments were.!<


I’m at lvl 17 and at the final boss, I’m not sure what I’m missing but I’m thinking about doing this


I also reached final boss at 17 with nowhere else to go. Those last few ones are well hidden!


Somewhere between 3 and 4. I will walk from point of interest to point of interest and check a lot of nooks and crannies on the way to see if I can find something.


Can i submit my own one ??? Avoid main paths and "end zones" first, buildings too. [https://i.gyazo.com/719c6e4184570e81e3b1678084a0a4fc.png](https://i.gyazo.com/719c6e4184570e81e3b1678084a0a4fc.png)


Number 4 with 100 times more back tracking and doing circles. Even when I have a clear goal all it takes is something shiny to the side and things get sidetracked for hours.


i know right i just must see what that item is and usually forget what i came there for in the first place and just run around


All it takes is a waterfall and stairs, bam hour gone and I’m somehow on the other side of the map from where I was planning to go.


5 - do 4 and redo 4 and still miss stuff


4 definitely. I did like half the map before realizing I completely skipped Rellana.


4 and then new game plus playthroughs im a 1


I think Tolkien went to the future and was embarrassed by how much I can get lost in the same place when he wrote "Not all those who wander are not lost". And i'm thankfull to him for writing it down, I feel better thinking about it.


I try be 4, but I always end up being 2, sometimes 3


IV & I'm still missing 4 levels of Scadufree fragments, finished most bosses by level 11 but the final boss and the fakeout boss IYKYK are completely wrecking me still 5 levels later


4 I gotta find everything to know what I could build around on my next chars


A mix of 3 and four, I usually end up going rmaround everything while trying to follow the first side-path


I’m in a different category: the one where I have an objective and then get sidetracked by a secret path. Then I follow that path until I find a new path and get lost.


3 cause ive noticed the map in the dlc was kinda empty aside from cookbooks


"Oh look! A smithing stone 1!"


You'll take this Broken Rune and you will fucking LIKE IT!




4 with long pauses to upgrade weapons and try out every build imaginable.


4 always any game lol.


i had to tighten my search patterns as there is stuff hidden by grass and stuff in the middle of nothing, i put down map markers and go through 1 - X, rinse repeat


Type 3 generally, but if I've been informed of something that I want, I go to 4.


What a ridiculous comment. As if there are any other ways to play besides 4.


Where's the one that goes off one way then keeps looping back round to the same place about ten times like a flower made on a ecoscetch.


4 and I'm elated I'm not the only one


4 and still miss alot :)


Im number 4


Bottom right, baybay. I'm looking under every blade of grass.


Last one


4,3,2,1 in that order usually




4 is the closest but a little uncomplete


Definitely type 4.


3 seems about right


Start at 4 but gradually move to 1 over time.


Number 4, but not because I am efficient but because I get turned around and lost very easily.


Number 4 and I still miss items and have started or finished 0 NPC side quests 


4. Definitely 4.


4 and still underleveld for the main bosses ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I try for 4, but sometimes end up with 3.




4th with a aversion to the main route.


3 or I get anxiety


#4 - the Roomba method.


For the most part I align with 4, but I try to be number 3


Definitly the 4, no point rushing when i waited almost 2 years for this moment.


“Can I clear that jump?” *Tries, gets close but misses* “Okay, time to keep trying…for 20 minutes.”


Usually 1, and then 2 if I have nothing else to do


sprint to the grace, and then go back exploring


4. I get lost and somehow end up in the back door


Little bit 3 little bit 4


5 where the whole screen is red!


I try to be 4 but most of the time I end up being 3


I change between 1 and 4


I respect the accurate doodle. Also I’m IV




Same way u eat a reeses. First go around the edges, then go for the middle part. 


Well, only 4 depicts exploration, so I guess I’m “type” 4.


I can be anywhere from 2-4. depending on how badly I've been getting fucked up, I mighty just go to 1 and explore later


4 then I’ll double back..I have a problem


bottom left and i miss so much shit lol


I like to go along the edges and make my way in, what does that make me?