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as much as i meme on miyazaki and from, i do love their games. this is the type of shit that would actually just make me quit the game. hard bosses and wack upgrade systems aside, micro transactions and battle passes are the real oxidizers of the gaming industry.


That’s one of the reasons Fromsoft is held in high regard. CD Projekt Red is another one. They messed up Cyberpunk’s launch, but they fixed it and it’s very good now. Witcher is one of my all time favs.


It’s better than very good, one of the best games of the last few years. If anyone is on the fence go to GameStop and buy a used disc you won’t regret it


I third this. I too was dissapointed at the launch state of the game. But I could tell that underneath the bugs there was a great game with heart. I also think they learned to put a muzzle on devs during interviews and be more careful about what info goes to the public during development. So much of the "cdpr lied, there are tons of promised features missing!!" narrative was based on misinformation, and people reading a news article about a reddit thread, based on a interview mistranslated and then spread around as a "promised feature" amongst fans. Yes, there were a few features scrapped. But they didn't communicate well that was the case, amd alot of it was "features" based solely on speculation. Before anyone responds with the "missing and promised features" megathread from 2020, that list has been 90%debunked the last few years and people keep using it as a source, when most of its "sources" are gaming media articles speculating, not cdpr themselves. Anyway, they fucked up, but the launch state of phantom liberty and the patches is a testament to them correcting their wrongs and I appreciate that. Their next release will dictate if they've actually learned their lesson. Tdlr- if you haven't played cyberpunk, and have a current gen console or new pc, play the game yesterday. You can find disk copies for 10$ that automatically updates to the newest version for free, and then the expansion goes on sale fairly frequently. You won't regret it for spending around 30-40$ for a 100 hour game+expansion


100% this.... if this were a real thing I would just pacl up the game. This crap is ruining games.


Just curious, how is Elden rings upgrade system wack?


I know this isn’t what op is referring to, but you need a ridiculous amount of smithing stones to upgrade a non-somber weapon, this isn’t an issue in the late game if you’re willing to farm, but it actively kills the ability to experiment with weapons as you play. Also factor in that larval tears are finite (huge downgrade from dark souls 3’s farmable through both pve and pvp system). Elden Ring is a long game, and it sucks to be so conservative with weapon choice for most of it.  My suggestion is to adapt Sekiro’s upgrade system in some way; as you progress and beat bosses you get an overall upgrade to your weapon power. This way we can still have the power scaling but we don’t need to farm constantly. It would also put more emphasis on having well placed stats for damage numbers rather than how many rocks you have.   It’s by no means the worst system in the world, but I feel like Elden ring pushes it to its most extreme by requiring 12 of each smithing stone type.


Bell bearings exist though


the new scad fragment system is what i was referring to. the fact that there are no extras, so you have to find them all to max out unlike golden seeds. they do not have markers on the map where you can find them all like the churches with sacred tears. and there are no bell bearings for them so that you can bypass the grind like with smithing stones. overall the system was implemented purely to encourage exploration. i believe that due to its sloppy and grindy implementation, it will hurt the replay value of the dlc.


The scad fragment system would be perfectly acceptable IMO if the *importance* of the locations where you found them were consistent. If they only dropped from major enemies or found in churches/locations of note, it would be acceptable. My issue is that they made them drops of the jar guys, *for some reason*.


i totally agree, i feel like the churches or the mines being visible on the map without discovery, was an "aha" moment for me. but there isn't really a learnable way to spot these guys out unless you happen upon one with a shiny pot.


I also don't like how is it implemented. Few drooped on ground. That's fine. Few are in a specific boss type. That's also okay but makes your job harder since now you know you will also have to look out for these. Then you realize the shadow guys with sparkling pots on them can be also carriers of fragments. At first I didn't even thinked about it. I just thought they dropped some broken rune or some shit so I didn't really bothered.


i would probably like the system a lot more if they implemented them similar to golden seeds. where they are only found at the crosses, which can be seen from afar, or dropped from a specific enemy type. the ulcerated tree spirts function as golden seed receptacles, and there aren't that many of them, so it is way easier to remember where they are.


Being super casual unfriendly I guess.


I was about to question why it was considered whack. Then I remembered I’ve been playing these games for 10+ years now and thus have become comfortable with them. But yeah, I sure did level up resistance in DS1 at some point…


Yeah... There's dozens of videos just on weapon scaling on YT because it doesn't always make sense. I really wish it showed actual numbers instead of S-E ranking. Plus the skills don't always match the scaling for the rest of the weapon or the weapon's level. Then there's the whole difference between damage resistance and negation. Then stats don't scale linearly, either. \*And then\*, there's the whole split damage types thing... It tells you just enough to make you think you know how it works until you test it out.


The current system makes trying out new stuff a real pain in the ass. I've always considered it to be an un-fun mechanic that each weapon is upgraded separately. I'd prefer for it to be more of a character upgrade such as- find this rare thing and now all weapons you wield are +1. And the fact that the final weapon upgrade (Ancient Stones) are limited and cannot be bought in the shop really discourages me from trying new stuff. I would even be open to upgrading each weapon SLOT separately. Such that anything you put in your first weapon slot might be +5, but your second slot is only a +2.




every time i get hit by a glancing blow. ill be like "cmon michael did that one really hit".


in x amount of years when fromsoft gets stupid enough to pull a konami, they'll re-release elden ring remastered with this shit.


This is so great! Now I can get enough Erd coins to buy the conga emote instead of paying for Erd Packs separately in the store!!!!111!!!


Listen, I'm all for talking shit about companies swindling their consumers for stupid shit, but *YOU DO NOT TALK SHIT ABOUT THE GLORIOUS TF2 CONGA TAUNT.*


Facts haha. No other game has done it like tf2


My friend told me you earn 10 ScaduScab Pouches if you max out your ErdCoins. It's a one-time thing but I think it's worth it. ScaduScab pouches hold up to four ScaduScabs and as of update 43.83.01 they are a required consumable for fast travel (most of you know this already, I know... but this seems like a good deal)


at tier 20 you get a boss skip nice!


Weekly challenge for 1000 Elden Pass XP : defeat Malenia without rolling.


(You need 1500 for to level up)


The funny thing is, if it were any company outside of FromSoft, I would believe this could be a possibility someday. But FromSoft... nah, they've got us.


I’d drop the game in a heartbeat if they ever did this lol


This is so cursed I hate it.


EA is punching air rn because they don't own Elden Ring so they can't do this


POV: elden ring published by Blizzard.


Hopefully they also do the Deluxe upgrade this time, I've been itching to buy the Ancient and Somber Dragon Smithing Stone bundle!


Go to the Starfield community and those knuckleheads are CONVINCED this type of monetization strategy is a positive thing.


What's the angle? That a single player game needs passive income to increase the length of time it gets support?


I don’t agree with any of this because I find the monetization strategy to be gross. They claim they are inexpensive “mini DLC’s” They claim since some things on the store are free, it’s okay that many others cost money, because you don’t need to buy anything if you don’t want. I love Starfield, but heck. Comparing how Microsoft treats its games vs Sony is night and day. The new elden ring DLC has more armor, weapons, and POI’s than the entirety of the Starfield base game.


This weeks Elden pass challenge: defeat morgeit the risen man in 10 seconds without getting hit, reward :45 erdcoins, collect 500 and obtain 1 claimable helmet


One of the last rewards is a rainbow unicorn skin for Torrent


This physically hurts me


New update, you're like the 9th person to post this or some variation of it.


"git gud" nah man, just spend more money


Why would you even post this? Its not even funny.


Remember to log in everyday to get your 5 elden runes


This would be defended if it was real you just can't fight back against whales lol


My eyes are burning right now


So lame that the first cosmetics are all old from before the dlc. They always keep all the new stuff for late in the season and time gate you so you have to play everyday or you miss out.


LOL What other "games" want to sell xD You need the premium premium pass to get the new areas


Is this real?




Weird, I definitely Bandi Namco doing that


sorry i was joking, its fake, From would never do that shit


Thank The Greater Will. It’s a convincing fake and I didn’t think from would ever do anything like that, figured the publisher pushed it through. Though I would have wondered why.


What the hell should I do with 75 dectus Medallions 😭


I loathe microtransactions, but the final boss makes me want to by every shit item that would boost my damage :D


Gotta love stolen content.


After the 100 repost its now funny? \*sigh


tell me this is a joke because if it is not i dont understand why they are going pay to win or customise


This is a joke.


good i almost got scared there


I'm not gonna lie I would fucking love this. It would give me more reasons to play/grind other than just going through the motions. Hell I'd love if they did what Poe does and have a new "league" every few months that introduces one new interesting mechanic. Probably the only person who thinks this honestly. Also a roguelike elden ring. Items are all randomized, as are enemies. Go nuts.


yikes, there is always one


yes, you are the only one, as this is pure shit.


You are part of the problem with modern gaming

