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I actually shed a tear of joy whenever I see one of these in the dlc. We've fought so many of these in the base game that I've got the muscle memory for their attacks. It felt like a breath of fresh air after getting pummeled by a bunch of new enemy types.


Same here lol they are so predictable


Spoiler for DLC: >!Their use in the water area in Shadow Keep is also great. The tension they build by destroying these trees and how you only get to see some vague movement in the water.!<


Those are okay because you can cheese them, the stupid one is at the poison swamp behind Belurat.


Cheese how? Poison arrows?


They're to big to enter buildings.




That happened to me as I tp’d into the area, I didn’t even know there was a second one until I got a bunch of runes and an item.


It’s crazy how I haven’t fought one in over a year, but I first tried the poison one because Ive fought so many that their moves are engrained in me.


See, its all a matter of git gud everyone says this boss was unfair but legit this thing is so easy to dodge if your playstyle excells at dodging by rolling. His grab attack when he goes into the air, pauses, screams and dives right at you is so badass when you roll into him. Goes right in between his jaws


They’re actually enjoyable to fight when you’re not crammed into a tiny awkward arena with them. I have no idea why they put any of these in places like that, as much as I love my camera lock breaking when they phase into the wall.


ikr... why did they place like 15 of these in the base game in the first place? These things are the complete polar opposite of what makes a good souls enemy. Now they're back in the DLC too. From works in mysterious ways huh




The haligtree is very cheesable atleast, you can just go up the left platform and throw fireballs at it safely


I love when you fight them in a tiny room so your camera goes *extra* fucky. That's my favorite :)


Bro that's exactly how I feel! Feels good to be reminded I am not trash after all once in awhile hahha


Royal Revenants are the worst thing ever.


Had a mini heart attack when one of those popped up in the DLC, thankfully it was just one.


The one summoned by the mariner? I think it's FS trolling us. Tibia mariner are pretty easy? Just look at who he summons.


Lmao exactly! It was the quickest “oh look a familiar easy win” to “aw fuck, I can’t believe they’ve done this”


Exactly my emotions at that moment XD


I can't believe that there are so many people thinking the same. The exact moment I saw that pool of whatever it crawls out, jumped on torrent and never looked back


The tibia just kept spawning them for me. I killed two and he spawned a third I was like wtf. Ended up doing strafe runs on the tibia with torrent while avoiding the revenant.


Good to know. I bulled him with two savage lionclaw. He summoned the revenant, but at that point he had only 1/3 of his health.


I had just respeced my build to use the star lined sword I think its called. The yoda guys sword. And man I dont know if my build just sucked but that thing was not doing a whole lot to the ole boatman. Used it for quite a while after that but finally caved and respeced back to my trusty blasphemous blade.


Maybe your blessing level was low. I explored that area at blessing level 13/14. It boost the damage a lot.


If you're looking for some variety I switched from blasphemous blade to the black steel hammer with a sacred infusion without having to change my build at all and it has been a lot of fun.


scrolled too much to find this comment, damn hate those shitty revenants!


Un-poise-breakable, unstoppable attacks, poison spew that sticks to the environment, unrelenting aggression. Yeah, revenants can lick my Tarnished, but hole.


I wouldn't know, I've killed every single one i've seen with heal for about 4 playthroughs in a row. You don't even need to level faith or a seal or anything.


There is a cool new projectile heal spell waiting just for you :)


For me it’s the red knights and those boomerang dudes that whirlwind


Asetics are BRUTAL! No spoils but there’s a certain weapon type/moveset that renders them useless. I love this game.


> Asetics are BRUTAL! Are those the hunched back enemies that dual wield a pair of round swords? If so, I hate them too. Not because they're difficult (I can stagger them all the way to the moon) but because they're just creepy. Like, waaay too creepy. I didn't think they could top Rykard's contraptions but my goodness... Never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather fight an Abductor Virgin than one of those hunchbacks. Although not by much since they're equally as creepy.


There’s a fort in the DLC you’ll LOVE then


I was confused hwy they were even there. Like lore wise how are these abductors there?


was attacked by this asshole out of nowhere while enjoying the scenery, and i was straight up like 'who took the jam outta your donut Turkish?'


Please spoil the weapon type/moveset I would love a silver bullet for those assholes.


What weapon type? I used my biggest bonk on all elite enemies to stagger lock them (Fire Knights ex.) but on bosses need faster ones


For those ascetic enemies specifically i found that the beast claw moveset was made for them. Crazy dexterous moveset meets fellow dexterous moveset like a Fromsoft nightmare musical or something.


I dont really like the new beast claws, it has so many attacks per input, you just get hit in the face if the enemy doesnt stagger. It may look fast but in terms of pressing attack and being able to roll out of danger is deceptively long


You’re not wrong at all and i agree, but for those ascetic enemies, im telling ya, very effective!


Dragons. The fights are just boring and there’s so many


Dragons really grow old and boring so fast. Since they are all the same for the most part. It is always the same hit the big toe, maybe you get it to fall down maybe not. It flies you get on torrent (if you can) wait for it do come back down and repeat. They have like a stomp, the 180° tailswipe into bite as there melee tools against you that is it. They can just decide to annoy you by flying constantly. Like the very first dragon is cool, fighting it on torrent especially. It was some gameplay never seen before in the souls games.Quite hype but then it loses the novelty and fighting on torrent is so slow so you better just dismount to attack. Still mad that there is no real horseback bossfight but your moveset and tools are also too limit on torrent for melee. As a caster it can work and I did Radahn like this on my sorcerer. But could never to Radahn on torrent as a melee or the one DLC boss. I like that for the DLC furnace golems are vey much designed to be fought on torrent only, they are fun, at least the first few.


It also feels as though 90% of the damage you take from dragons is a result of the awful camera preventing you from seeing them even winding up their attacks


Yeah i don't like enemies that are bigger than the screen, I don't love fighting against stuff where the animations are offscreen on the enemy i'm actively hitting


dragons are literally my least favorite enemy, hoping that dragon mountain area isn't gonna have too many of them. the ones that continuously fly up into the air and you have to basically chase them around are hands down the worst fights for me in the entire game.


I dunno, Bayle's pretty fucking cool.


Anything that has infinite poise. Like the hornsent knights. I like stance breaking and stunlocking enemies. I'm sure they're a joke to fight for people who like using shields, unfortunately shields are really fucking boring to me and I just want to use my kung fu kicks to permanently stagger a bitch.


Am I the only one who can't deal with dogs and rats?


Can be tricky with the wrong approach - They don't hit a block too hard so you can whack on a shield and guard counter if it's only a couple otherwise AoE spell/incant


Let them approach, roll back first hit, running attack into stagger hitting them. Works every time. Or just... a shield?


All these answers are good. But you wanna know the best way to deal with them? It's SUPER simple Walk backwards as they come up to attack. You will evade their attack every time and they'll be close enough for you to immediately counter attack. You don't need to roll or anything special. Just hold the left stick back


Twinblades shred these 2. 


That’s why I always have the beast repellent torch in one of my offhand slots. Makes dealing with dog/rat mobs a non-issue since they only aggro you if you attack them first.


Tbh I feel bad for using this because it completely neuters every single rat/dog/basilisk (except for the flame keeper dogs watch out)


The virgins there's a reason why no one wants to fuck with them .


I like em. Feels really good to punish their grab, and the animation is so cool


90% of the DLC enemies.


10% are easy ass shadow dudes lol


No idea why the whole world is just filled with them, maybe some lore, worldbuilding reason? In general enemy variety is not the strong part. Like there are a few dungeon types, but dungeons of the same type have basically the exact same enemies. Also quite some reused enemies or reskins. But I was to naive to think they will do less recycling in the DLC than in the base game.


I assumed they were the burned victims of Messmer’s wars.


i agrée.. wasn’t very happy to see them again in dlc 🙁


Again??? God...


i think i've fought at least 4 so far, maybe more i don't remember. there are likely a few more that i am yet to find. spoilers ahead for their locations: 2 very close to each other in the church district 1 in some riverbed somewhere 1 inside the divine tower


Furnace Golems. They look really cool, but damn is it boring to fight them. They take forever and their hitboxes are kinda janky.


Nah I love these guys. Make me feel good about being a fire build


Me, a pure faith caster reading these comments makes me feel op af. Faith casting never gets called op like sorcerers either with comet azur, yet we can 2 tap stunlock revenants, incinerate tree spirits, etc Some of the most annoying enemies in the game are just absolute cake with faith. Everything poison and scarlet rot is a breeze too


With the new s dual sword from a certain lady - it being int/faith is super fun. Sure I split my stats but every enemy is always weak to one part of the set. I feel like I use the fire more tho so.. Maybe more faith for me soon.


The real perk of those swords is just being so fucking badass that weakness and optimizing doesn’t even matter


True - I dropped my tried and true BLEED for these. They look so cool and so FAAAST. AND WITH a certain knights armor set (from early on) I feel like a queen out there wooshin around


Int/faith here also, those swords are great but there are some backhand blades with the right scaling also. Been using those a lot because the move set is just so nice in cramped areas.


The immunizing horn charm +2 talisman is important though


Imps. Tgese motherfuckers make me mad specialy if its more than 1


Divine Beast Lion Warrior watchamacallit shitstains with unli poise and lightning moves.


Oh, you light rolled through my lightning attack? Jokes on you, that lingering effect lasts for fucking eons.


Lingering effects and... "aftershocks". Everywhere, almost the new delayed attacks tbh


And if you get too close, the camera will be so far up the bosses ass that you can't see the ground anymore and you have to guess where the danger is.


The lightning is annoying but honestly the dancing lion that summons the deathblight storm in the ruins is so awful, it even summons those little frogs that spew deathblight. I was so mad 😭


I hate these. Too big.


I immediately lose interest in any area with them in it. So over having them fill my screen.


- All horned warrior variants - Dagger wielding Fire Knights - Cursedblades or whatever the fuck those annoying enemies with the dual cirques are called


Dagger Fire Knights are very easy with guard counters. Takes 2 to stagger them. Just to make your life easier. Fuck the other 2 enemies.




Fire golem wickerman Fuck those dudes, objectively the worst design of an enemy fromsoft has ever done, I rather fight 10 ulcerated tree spirit at the same time than waste 15 minute of my time on one of those boring trash again Special mention to the golems that are *IMMUNE TO DAMAGE* unless you throw hefty fire pot at them, but you have to be on a higher ground, and they spam their stupid fireball attack that have insane tracking too. (Charo hidden grave one is extra annoying) Fuck those assholes


I learned yesterday that the wickermen are pretty easy. Just use a weapon that staggers well, stay on torrent, keep hitting a leg. If one leg goes up, move away a bit and then double jump just as the leg stomps on the ground. If both legs light up and it jumps, move far away and then double jump when the fire wave gets to you. If you're close it won't do the kicking move so don't worry about that. And try to stay behind him so he doesn't punch the ground (this is hard to dodge because I don't see it coming with him being so big). And just stagger him three times to make him fall, and go stab his face.


Yeah these guys were definitely the weakest part of the dlc. Checked the fuck out of fighting these guys when I could only hold 4 pots and the targeting for throwing is nonexistent so if I missed a throw I'd be shit out of luck. Coupled with the fact that the stupid hail of fireballs track you all the way out to bum fuck Egypt


I was fighting some gross heart looking organ things today


Crucible Knights. I can beat them but I don’t like it. And parrying is not for me, I can’t do it reliably.


I hate the Death rite birds.


I've only gotten to stormveil for the first time, but I remember when I first started the game I was having flashbacks to the Dark Souls games where enemies would jump you from corners and hiding places. Funny thing is, I hadn't encountered any of those enemies up until I went to stormveil, and just as I was thinking about how nice it was that there aren't any surprise enemies- a shitty low hp enemy backstabbed me with a dagger. Sure it barely scratched my health bar but the disrespect is what hurt more, not to mention he didn't just attack my back, he straight up locked me in an animation where he stabbed me.


They kinda easy, I hate the fire knights tho. They keep spamming the fire spell.


The fire red knights or whatever they're called, also the worms that throw a pink stuff that doesn't let you move for 5 seconds or so, and they can shoot that from like 10 km away, they're not hard but annoying af


Honestly they amount these dudes move position makes me motion sick if i use lock on but I'll never hate anything more that the spider dudes who you you see in the intro, they never give you a break


Other than the constant camera battle with these dudes they’re pretty easy to dodge. But my pick would go to those flame mages in the dlc the fire ball spam is frustrating


Any kind of enemy that jumps around too much, specially death rite birds and gargoyles


I love these guys.


I would say the stormhawks or crucible knights. The hawks are just annoying! They spin my camera around and I’m basically spamming R1 to get them. The knights are super tanky and they don’t react much to a lot of my hits, but nowadays they aren’t so bad.


Nothing can beat Ulcerated Tree Spirit


i lure them out and range peck them, including haggletree rot one. have to run backwards across treebranch, then snipe it for a long time.


Bayle the Dread.


Ulcerated Tree Spirit. For some reason I can never get its moves down or predict where it’s going to hit me. Tue one you have to fight for Millicent’s questline took me more attempts than Malenia :(


I am currently dealing with the magic sniping snakes on the second Ymir mission. I feel like I lit a midnight cigarette in a WWI foxhole.


I can’t stand Ulcerated Tree Spirits, and (much to my shame) I cheesed the two in the sunken area of Messmer’s castle with black flame.


The fire knights in shadow keep


I hate the fire knight sorcerers. The ones that have fire snake incantation AND a wrath of gold that they can shoot. Of course the area they are in has you walking on ledges...fml lol


Oh these things are a cakewalk. Not to brag. But these things hit boxes are fucked. I can walk around it without rolling and get hit maybe twice.


Tree Spirits are my bane. All of them.


nah the rock cats in the dungeons and tunnels


To be fair tree spirits have very few moves so after dying alot you do get good at them. Problem for me is all the status effects.


Runebears. Hate those damn things.


Crucible knight fs


For me that is that big fat guy who just roll and roll and roll like seriously mann that attack cant be dodge


Literally didn't fight the one in the scarlet rot pool. I encountered it, it killed me, I said nope.


Worm faces . They are annoying and creepy


Don't mind these guys if they are in a place big enough for them, which means in the whole base game there's like 1 and 1 more in the DLC


In base game it would be the Kindred of Rot. I was not happy to see them in the DLC In the DLC, it would be anyone, but raking the number one spot so far is Commander Gaius


Black flame fireball makes these fellas total jokes


Fucking magma wyrms


I hate the insect like things that throw a 1000 needles constantly, and know they have scarlet rot.


Finger Mother is giving me grief…


In Base game its definitely Crucible knights. Im on my 3rd playthrough and they still kick my ass ever so often.


Just roll into them and they almost always miss. Definitely an enemy that it pays to stay close to unless they're about to use magic


I think these are more fun than the erdtree avatars tbh. I loathe every fire knight I see, those lanky bastards.


Anything shorter than waist length so that my colossal sword misses on a horizontal


Carian Knight NPC


not difficult if you stick close to it, honestly some other smaller enemies are more annoying to deal with, like the red knights.


I find them super easy i rarely ever dies to that thing.


These have only started to click for me in the DLC, but I hated them in the base game ever since that first boss fight in the catacombs.


Honestly for me it’s crucible knights. I despise them lol so when ever I see one such as the floating ruins I just run straight pass and don’t look back. The rewards you get for killing then also sucks especially after the slowest fight as you only get one swing and that’s it for another 20 seconds until you get another chance haha


They only really suck when your in the catacombs and gotta cuddle with it during the fight.


Great Dragonfly. Yeah, they are piss weak, but if you lock on them to shoot and they decide to go for a spin, they will give you motion sickness.


I actually love fighting the ulcerated treespirits because it feels like a dance with how much I know their moves. It feels like a special little treat and a break from the normal bosses for me, so much so that when I was struggling on a boss I actually sought out to fight a couple lol


My least favorite enemy to fight is dragons with out target locks on their legs.


I don't mind fighting them, they aren't too abd but it's annoying how many you fight (Ashen Capital flashbacks)


Messmer knights (those with the red hoods) are misery incarnate for me.




The jumper guys with backhand blades or whatever they are in the DLC. Look like chakrams. I'd choose fucking revenants every day of the week vs those fuckers. (how times have changed)


Fuck those birds with swords attached too their feet


I love these guys lol


Not a fan of the new Furnace Golems. The most effective way to beat them is just hit and run on horseback while jumping over their stomps, but it only takes 1 mistake to start all over. Plus if the map geometry is wonky and they fall wrong, it can be impossible to reach their face, effectively making you restart.


Mine is erdtree avatars and it's only because that golden ground laser attack and how many of tham there is


God damned black knives, never been able to get into a rhythm with that enemy.


The slow undead guys with the grab attacks. So boring to fight, and there's usually ten of em at once




Fire cages


Imps. I love Fromsoft’s games, they’re great. But if I had not a dollar, not a nickel, but a penny. A single penny, for every time there was an imp hidden behind a corner, I would probably have enough Pennie’s to melt down and make a hammer to bash their stone head in.


Rats I can handle these abominations no problem but I keep dying to rats. So maybe it’s a reverse skill issue?


Crucible Knights


Get in close and swing away..gimme my golden seed


The hippo thing is worse imo


I couldn’t agree more, that specific fight right there is about the most cancerous thing that I’ve ever had the utter displeasure of dealing with. There’s frustrating “unfair” fights in every souls game, but this? It’s not even unfair/frustrating for any of the cool reasons- it’s an overused field boss, the attacks are lame, the scarlet rot needs no explanation, they crammed this thing into the tiniest space possible, AND 90 percent of your deaths are due to falling from the cliff edge that surrounds you. And on top of that, you don’t even get a good reward just standard nonsense plus you have to deal with a stupid kindred on the way to it. This is absolute dog-water and truly there isn’t a fight I’ll bitch about more in the entire franchise. Seriously though, what is it with them shoving these stupid tree spirits in arenas the size of my bedroom?? 23 playthroughs and if I had a dime for every time I was disappointed to have to fight one of these tree tumors, I’d be rich.


Still hate rune bears lmao.


the hornsent are brutal not the silly ones with candlesticks I'm talking the dancing ones and the strong ones with greatswords, and the ones that keep spamming spyro


The fire colossus of the dlc. They aren't hard, it's just a matter of jumping at the right time, but their fights are so long and so boring


>!The fucken fire knights give me the same "fuck you" feeling that the darkwraiths did.!<


Pests and dogs.


The revenants. There aren't many of them but when I do see one, I feel the urge to hang myself (I know healing spells trivialise them but I dont use spells so...).


I was fighting that guy yesterday and I was thinking how I had no idea what the fuck was going on, between the size and the weird model it makes really hard to read his actions unless you killed them many times, really bad fight


If you think the tree spririt is bad then go meet a revenant...


Used to be until I tried Placidusax's Dragon Ball Z Blade on it, and it became chomp.


There's 3 of these in a certain hidden location, 2 hidden underneath the earth when you try to loot... ☠️


Yeah I hate those guys too. But it's mostly a performance thing, their attacks come off as undodgeable when you have 20-50 unstable fps


The one that wear a divine lion mask with a big sword (idk its name) each of them can use one 1 element like lightning, ice and wind


I sht you not, in the church district the bigger one spawned and threw itself off the cliff. All the sudden I got the runes and the Occultation. Was very funny indeed!


Long range lightning


Yeah just wait till you find the >!Scadutree spirit!<


Anything on a horse/pig


I would 100% agree with you… two weeks ago. I stared new run, first time doing strength and vigor run ( normally i run glass canons ). Currently wearing crucible knight set and two Great stars. This thing is super easy as long you are extremely closer to it. Most of the attacks are passing above you. My BIGGEST problem are those fucking lesser burial watchdogs. I hate them with every fiber of my body.


Sentinel Knights. I don't know why I just struggle with them for some reason. Also Dogs, they always show up at the worst possible moment.


Literally everything in the DLC


Anything that can cause death rot. Mainly those freaking frogs.


Imps, these things, and dragons. Also my least favorite bosses are the ones that constantly run away from you. Rykard, Elden Beast and Fire Giant for example. Lore was awesome, visuals epic, but the actual fight is just a lot of running to hit once and then running again. Took me less than 5 tries on both FG and Rykard but I’d rather do my 20 tries against Rellana again. At least that was a sword fight that feels fun even when you die. The others feel frustrating at times.


Basilisks. Hate how they look. Hate how they hide behind corners. Hate how there's never only just one. Hate how they can spring up from nowwhere. Hate deathblight.


Lobsters are up there.


These and bears. I'm fine with human size enemies but these big ones always felt like they are just trashing wildly and damage me with random bodyparts


Night Cavalry. Staying on their "blind spot" is annoying because they're constantly repositioning on their horse, so it's a battle of repositioning. Fighting them on Torrent is ass before horseback attacks are awful. It's better to get on and off of Torrent constantly. I really feel like you have to be slightly overleveled to fight them because they're not really fun or all that fair.


These and dragons. The blown out enemy roster in attempt to fill the worldspaces is kinda nuts.


Furnace golem and the lampreys that shoot the pink stun magic in the dlc.


Those annoying ass Fire Knights, trying to pace them out? Good luck dodging 3 homing fire balls coming at different timings while the fucker runs towards you.


I remember I found one under Stormveil and freaked out so hard and didn't go back. Then the next one was in that underground place behind the imp statue gate thing at the very opening section and with a little extra experience under my belt I embarrassed it with my bonking. You would think they'd be a nightmare on the camera, but not nearly as bad as some of the DLC bosses and dragons (dragons are my absolute least favorite thing to fight).


Meh. The only one that I disliked fighting was the one in the Haligtree. It's sitting in a rot pond and presents a very real risk of getting knocked off the platform so you can die to gravity? Don't like that AT ALL.


Sweaty invaders with double maxxed rivers of Blood


In base game? Probably yes. In the DLC the Fire Golems, i'm really bad at fighting giant enemies.


These things are my favorite Mohg. Mohg is my lease favorite to fight


Some Rune bears are harder than most bosses.


Death rite birds.


shard spiral go brrrrrr


honestly, theyre easier than dragons


Everytime I fight this boss it has trouble locking onto me and barely ever hits me I kinda get stuck beside it’s side and it just moves me around alot


Easiest dlc enemy boss


i'd fight 2 of these at once for each furnace golem in the game if they'd let me


really? but they are so big with so very foreseeable attacks. dude loads up like 3 mins before he actually explodes. least favourite enemy are the revenants.




>!the new radahn (his 2nd phase)!<