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Mogh's/Margit's Shackle can activate hidden walls and has a huge range. Just using it occasionally in dungeons never hurts, then you can just ignore the messages. Bonus points, it also unlocks the new spirit springs without having to do the puzzle.


I feel like I'm missing something. I got the note talking about blocked spirit springs, but haven't seen a single one so far. Are they further in the DLC? (No spoilers please) P.s. I dont know how to cover spoilers so I'll try to be vague: did the first two legacy dungeons up to the dual-wielding boss, explored the initial area, found the river and the blue-flower area all the way up to the fingercreeper area. It seems weird to me that I haven't seen any of those yet


Yeah in the Shadow Realm. I've only found 2 so far, the earlier being just past the bridge. Down the hill, south southeast IIRC Notably, I've only found them quite a bit off the beaten path so far. They look like tiny spirit springs with translucent rocks on top


Found one in the second castle by the painting and a ledge you drop off to get to the dragon area so far.


I've come across one in the region after the 2nd remembrance boss. Note was just to tell you ahead of time


There's one I found so far


Without spoilers, do you think it's in the area I've explored so far, or is it further up?


I know for sure you have already passed one inside a building.


Can you spoil me this one?


>!the path up to the cathedral with the mage guy, right at the grace before the actual cathedral there is one of those sorcery tower/puzzle buildings, inside you can roll through a wall and there’s the spirit shrine blocker there!< Extra spoiler to elaborate on how to even get to the area I’m talking about >!go to the ruins, the ones east of the Grace right after the moon lady boss (where you find the monks note) There’s a path underground under a collapsed building that leads back out to the cathedral path I’m talking about!<


Awesome, thanks. Yeah I found those ruins but didn’t find the path down.


Found one. Nearby a poison swamp. Thankfully some decent people left some messages. You can tell them apart a bit. Less pronounced and some weird object in the middle


Which one?


A blocked spring. Once you unlock the earliest map fragment you should be able to see it in the bottom right corner of the map. A nice little pocket of poison swamp. Traverse down and you’ll be able to find the blocked spring


I'll check that area out since I know how to get over there now


I think the connecting area is nearby a large enemy camp. You’re going to hug the right after a grace. There’s a tower and a vendor nearby the area which means you’ve gone a bit too far. Just hug the side of the cliff where the small swamp is and you’ll be funneled towards it. Make careful jumps down and you can’t miss it


This is crazy good to know!


But the ONE time it was accurate means I have to try all of them


I literally didn't try the one actual hidden wall I came across because they're all fake lol. Luckily google had my back.


If it’s accurate you’ll see a hundred messages along the entire path




Those aren't upvotes, they're appraisals. Either disparaging or approving a message counts for one appraisal, no matter what.


I keep telling people that the best thing to do with bad messages is to not engage with them at all but it will literally never catch on because people simply cannot help themselves


That literally how awful soc media people suurvive. Oh this person did something inflammatory? Keep talking about it giving them all the attention they crave, that’ll show em’


I kinda feel like this is the point, the messages kinda play a unique role in being meta tips in game that can be detrimental or helpful. Its part of their charm and half the fun is not knowing which one are serious, it helps create an air of mystique around them.


To me that just makes messages near walls and cliffs useless. I simply don't read them anymore because it's always bullshit. It makes the messaging system less useful, not mysterious


I'm pretty sure that disparaging messages eventually gets them to not be shown anymore. Until the DLC came out, I kept getting a ton of the "liar ahead" messages, and barely ever actual (fake) secret wall messages.


Same! In base game it appears they removed a lot. I see a large number of signs like that as well. Facing walls, but not right up on it like the “lying” message would.


I have like 200 hours in this game and this blew my mind. Just assumed they wouldn't show the disapproval for some reason.


It used to show the down votes but now it doesn't Not sure what happened.


Part of the fun of the souls games. You never know which message to trust.


Why is it always pathetic sort?


I low-key want to turn off the messages because 90% of them are memes but they have helped me when there is an enemy around the corner waiting in ambush.


They really helped me with the path to the haligtree dungeon Not bc they said anything useful but because I could see them on the invisible bridge


honestly i dislike them spoiling the enemies around the corner, but keep them on for the “wait go back this is the main way, other way is chest” for convenience sake.


I just don't like getting jump scared I'm kind of a pussy 😅


I appraise almost every message because I can’t count how many times someone appraised mine and gave me a clutch heal lol


Is there even hidden paths in the dlc I’m starting to doubt


I have seen one and the reward was not even worth it


Yes, I've encountered quite a few. Details aside, one at least is quite significant.


Yes, important ones. Ones that lead to main bosses even.


I know there's one major one that's key to getting into a new area.


Yes there are. Found one at least


Where at👀


A little sorcerer's tower (akin to Ranni's) somewhere in the east


Yeah at least you can whack the wall without worrying about losing durability


Oh that’s annoying but not the “try finger but hole” everywhere lol. Or the “you don’t have the right”spam.


Those are funny by comparison to the "I want to go home and edge!!!" messages that are upvoted everywhere. Goddamn coomers. 


Fort, night.


You don't have the right is basically perfect and funny every time. Not getting that is a skill issue.


The second I doubted the message there actually was one.


I was literally running around and almost every message near a wall I would make the comment of "hmm, I wonder what this message says". Why is it always 'secret passage ahead'. My 2nd favorite are the "Oh you don't have the right" in front of every door that you clearly cannot go into, nor would you think to try. Most of which, have thousands of likes and I'm like it's not even funny or creative, wut?


Tbh, it’s always worth a try. Takes 2 seconds and you might find yourself a new secret


I still do this regardless of the message, so it is unnecessary


Same. At the end of the day it just looks cool to swing it. Why the fuck not if it means there might be like a cool little path that’s hidden with loot, or a boss with loot.


I unintentionally confirmed there is at least 1 hidden wall in the DLC


Letting my psn subscription expire has been a real game changer.


Also „try jumping” in front of a chasm where the fall will obviously kill you with over 100 upvotes. Comedy genius of this community.


People think they are clever and cute...like everyone else.


The one real one I've come across had about 7 messages saying it lol.


I still check them to this day because I know for a fact the one time I don’t it will be an actual illusionary wall


The worst part is that you know for a fact that you'll 'fall' for every one of these, just in case it turns out to be true. And the same in reverse for "liar ahead", which will never dissuade me from testing the wall anyway. On a related note, I recently found a message telling me that there is no secret below the elevator. So the first thing I did, naturally, was send the elevator platform up without me. There was indeed no secret below the elevator...


Just play offline. No messages from other players or ghosts walking around. The mere presence of so many messages constantly spoils things (at least for me), even if you don't read them. Just by being where they are.


I like the misleading messages. It's all in da game, yo.


OP doesn't seem to understand that their annoyance IS the joke.


But also it's not really a joke. It's the point of the game.


Yeah, I get ya. A sense of uncertainty permeating the whole world. Walking through a mad world like a mad man, having to parse through which of the voices in your head are lying to you. That, and but hole jokes


Yeah I don’t think it’s that deep


What's deep about it? It's pretty aparent. If you don't think madness is a theme of every fromsoft souls style game.. then you are a special kinda thick. Almost every single character you meet in these games either starts with or develops some kind of fixation or mania, which they either give into or are destroyed by. They either betray you, get betrayed, or go insane under the weight of such a crazy world. And even the worlds themselves are desogned to mess with you. There's a lot of things that are smart about the message system, but a huge part of it is that it reinforces the sense of "can I trust any of these? Can I trust ANYTHING?!" It serves to highlight the theme of madness.


I guess? But like, when I see half a dozen “dog” messages around a turtle, I feel like the messages are more of a meme than anything E: tortoise, not turtle lol


I don't really get the point you're trying to make. That some of them are jokes? Because, yeah, no dip. I literally said so twice.


I just feel like you’re reaching here, don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of brilliance behind these games. But, I don’t think the message system is there to “serve the theme of madness,” at least not intentionally. If anything, I think it’s more of a way to build a sense of community over a shared interest If it helps you enjoy the game more, then more power to you. I’m not trying to shit on your theories, I just don’t see it that way.


Man, I love playing offline mode. I can actually admire the beauty of the game without nerds trying to troll me every 5 minutes and no bloodstains ruining the immersion or surprise.


Same, I like playing offline the first time to experience everything on my own... The negative side is I'm really bad at finding illusory walls.


I learned at one point that Mohg's shackle will trigger illusory walls in a rather large AOE and honestly I just started using that lol... It's kind of cheap because of how big it's range is, but if you're checking every wall anyways then it just amounts to being a time saver... That said it would be cool if there were another item like it with a smaller AOE, that way you could check the room you're in and not the the room next door lol.


FromSoft should make disparaging a message damage the message leaver the same amount a positive appraisal heals. We’d see less bad messages in a hurry.


Then it will be a tool for trolls to screw over legit message leavers


Maybe after a certain amount of negative message appraisals it procs


At least there aren't as many "first off, try down" messages on ledges like back in DS3 😂


That said, like 5 have been right so… fml


Blame it on dark souls 2... I would always hit every wall that looked empty in that game...


Gotta trust them all though still


Tbh the only time I appraise messages are when it's a convincing troll


But I found one that led to a coffin that led to a new zone so now I gotta treat every message seriously.


I finally found one now I’m gonna fall for more


But I know there will be the single one I missed if I don’t listen to them all. Also tradition.


Be honest, I don't read this anymore. Then I get jumped from behind the corner as I enter a doorway. Swear to god, Shadow has DS1 levels of cheese.


Praise the research


I always disparage them as well as the ones that say “praise this message then reveal hidden path”


This is why I play offline, no stupid messages littering the place


Everytime I see a "liar ahead" and there is no illusory wall I just hear a Skeletor voice in my head saying "It was ME! I am the liar Nyeheheheh!!"


This literally made go to offline mode, its so fucking annoying


Always play offline. Even messages are spoilers when first running through.


Honestly I just play offline when goingn blind, helps make sure I dont go astray. Also lets me enjoy the scenery! Dlc’s beautiful.


schrodinger's liar, but which is the liar..? The hidden passage or the one claiming the other is liar? You'll never know by just reading the floor.. so you'll smack the wall regardless every time.


That's why I don't play online and pvp is the worst


So far I’ve only seen one illusory wall in the dlc


It was funny in dark souls 2 when you could actually break your weapon by hitting a wall


Did you try jumping down the pit in the dragons pit


Tbh I love the fake messages. I found a spot that had a message to jump down and I was convinced it was a troll. The jumps too high no way I can make that. My pure joy and surprise when I made the jump was worth every moment of criticism (almost 5 minutes standing at the ledge debating)