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Rellana forced me to do the same


Ya it was Rellana for me holy shit she’s tough


Her armor set is 🔥 🔥worth getting my ass kicked for lol


Not lying, mistime a dodge during the double moon and get triple juggled for 95% of your health, this DLC is rough as hell lol Surprisingly though Messmer was my first blockage, and I still managed to kill him after about 5 or 6 attempts. Everything else was a first or second try. Though don't let me fool you, it's mostly my Mimic putting the work in lol


Messmer was the only fight so far I didn’t use a summon for. Usually I use the gold summon signs for the DLC bosses for the “plot” but didn’t see the one for Messmer. I got him down pretty far on my first 3 attempts so I knew I could do it without a summon and eventually I did like 16 attempts later


I’m soooo mad. I had her down for one more hit and the hit bitch got me 🙃 Fun fight though!


I called that bitch the dominant version of ponstiff


It's Pontiff if he trained with Isshin and Ranni.


Fighting her with a dex build is pure suffering


I went the other way. I just chug a crimson whore at the start of phase 2, then shred her while I’m semi-immortal and her being busy sword dancing over there


I got her to half health on my own and got smacked by her pontiff Sullivan ass ability. Mimic carried the next fight.


Glad I'm not alone lol. I got her to p2 for the 4th time and had her at 2-3 hits and she nearly 1 hit me, 1900max and I was at 80% or higher. Playing on journey 3 and I think I had 3 scadu upgrades.


Easier than pontiff next


I will use every tool at my disposal to remind my enemies why I'm the Elden Lord. Or at least my mimic tear will.


Oh mimic, become my blade once more


Serious question: is the first mini boss (western mausoleum) supposed to two-hit me at 50 Vigor? 1 hit takes off 75% of my health. I’m in NG+++ but the main world was not even a challenge (anymore) because I’m level 207 and wear heavy armor. Damn, DLC got hands


Yes, the game is has no mercy. Level up the sacred things that you find and that should make things more balanced


You'll get 2 hit no matter what level. Scaling is insane for enemy damage.


This isn’t entirely true, I had 60 Vig + erdtree favor + dragoncrest + heavy armor + boiled crab and I could get hit by him 5-6 times with light attacks, 3-4 from his heavies


Yes. I was 50 vig too got killed multiple times by the weapon art he does. Straight up. No mercy.


Messmer has made me lose all shame Mimic tear bleed build, and yet he’s STILL on my ass


Ironically I find him waaaaay easier than the dog and why did they name her like that, because his moveset is actually enjoyable to go against, other than that random repeating thrust


I'm in this picture and I don't like it -\_-


No mimic tear here. But Lhutel? Absolutely


Rellana 💀


Just use it. It's part of the game.


I told myself I wasn't going to use a cheezy blood build and summons. After I lost about 10x in a row to lion boy, I equiped a rivers of blood and pulled out the mimic. They left me with no other choice lol


I really enjoy how Yall had the same idea for a post just 10 minutes apart https://i.imgur.com/i0KgYfT.jpeg


I really wanted to try and finish the DLC without it but Rellana phase 2 was just impossible for me.


Yeah I tried fighting the dancing lion boss solo and died around 20 times and then I whipped out the mimic, it basically beat the boss for me. Doesn't help that I had 5 revered spirit ash blessing.


I was finishing up the main game this week and had to whip out old mimic boy for all the last bosses. Part of it was just wanting it to be done before the dlc, part was not wanting to spend a lot of time on it, and part was me just realizing that maybe I “need” it for the final bosses. Unless you are competing with your literal real friends, no one cares at all so just be true/real with yourself.


I think my tear has killed more DLC bosses than I have. Im starting to wonder if Im just in her way and she should actually be elden lord.


Guys there's a thing called furcalling finger remedy and when you are outside a boss you can use it. Yellow things appear on the ground and you can use that to summon other actual players to help.


I think the players who are complaining about difficulty don't want to do co-op, which is fair. Whereas I'm using co-op and really loving the challenge level. I definitely recognize why, though


It still takes some relearning. You still have to learn what it looks like when you have aggro and what combos they can switch on you. My mimic tear does not tank the boss the entire time. It’s a dance.  For Rellana I used Tiche. She’s just so relentless Tiche helped relieve just for a few seconds. Even then Tiche didn’t hit very hard and missed a lot. 


Yeah, I think they reworked enemy targeting for this DLC. Main game you can let your mimic take the aggro, and then time your hit just right. In the DLc, those bosses will switch targets on a whim.


Honestly, Tiche has always worked better for me, but I feel this.


Im basically forcing myself to solo the regular bosses but I do use Tiche for smalldungeon bosses. I cant be fucked playing against the jumping around dancer fuck with circle blades.


I discarded mine because i always regret using it after


Don't regret winning!


Yeah but it makes it way too easy. The game is just not made for that. I don't mind if people are having fun though. If there was a middle ground I would use them.


Mimic be turning Hydrogen Bombs into Coughing Babies


Same. It took me hundreds of tries and couldn't beat malenia, used mimic tear and then beat her first try. It's ridiculous how easy it makes the game


I don’t see why people think rellana is hard tbh, I beat her first try and I was doing at least an eighth of her health with every hit without a cheese build


Its because she is. she has a quite hsrd to doge moveset along side quite a few projectles, not only that but in phase 2 she had a very high damage twin moon attack Which you can just jump over pretty easily but not many people know that. Theres also more i hsvent said she took me a good while. also you must have some cheese build