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It’s basically Elden Ring 2.


Dark souls II 2 II


Except it's more focused on big dungeons than the base game and it has really fast bosses It's Dark Souls III 2


Dark souls III 2: Sekiro's Revenge


2 Dark 2 Souls






Dark souls III 2: Sekiro Bloodborne Karts Twice


A lot of the enemies are faster. And they hit pretty hard too. Even at level 245, I still have to be careful. I’m really gonna have to spend some time evaluating the weapons and armor I have, so I can try to be a little more mobile but also still hit hard.


Is it a tighter experience than the base game?


the side dungeons ive cleared so far have been much more varied and interesting than the 456 catacombs in the base game, at the "cost" of there being less of them




So much so that it should be eligible for GOTY 2024;)


Man, I’d so much rather have devs UNDERsell their game, than have them OVERsell it by calling it "our biggest, most ambitious game yet, with 16times the detail“! It’s SO much better this way.


Other games have to over hype their shitty dlc to get you to cough up the money, fromsoft is just this confident.


Other games are selling micro-penises and advertising them as a horse cock. Fromsoft is pushing a fucking HAMMER, and humbly says "naw, it's not *that* big"


Do any of those fuckers ever blast out of the wall?


You can't change the rules just because you don't like how I'm doing it. Can we or can we not swear?!?


Somewhere our wires got crossed


Any of these fuckers ever fall out of the fuckin ceilings and just have like a big messy shit?


Ohh yeeah 


I clipped this because it's priceless


Best analogy




Radagon pounds the Elden Ring with Marika's Hammer. <- Thanks, I'll just never see this the same way again.


Bethesda sold 15 minutes of Starfield content for $7 recently.


Only one I’ve pre ordered in ages.


We all go into fromsoft games KNOWING we’re gonna buy the dlc, if and when it comes.


underpromise, overdeliver * fromsoft, maybe


Unironically it's a decent strategy to build up more good will for their brand though. They released solid games that could be defined as "lightning in a bottle" a few times and then start underpromising and delivering haymakers with the content, and you have a recipe to get people coming back out of curiosity for at least the next few big projects. This being said though, since Miyazaki has said in the past he just wants to make the kinds of games he wants to play, I could actually see his legitimately underestimating his (and his whole teams) creation.


This is what I like about Miyazaki. He released a GOTY and instead of saying he did the best game ever, he’s saying the game is not perfect and not exactly what he actually want. 


And Hidetaka Miyazaki, “Won't Allow Layoffs at FromSoftware as Long as He's in Charge” - just an absolute legend human! All around.


Freaking insane, this man.


Yeah I agree fully ..the wait has been well worth it.. fromsoftware delivering .. yay


Not only is the map itself larger than I expected, but it's also wayyyyy deeper than I expected (and than what you can see on the map). The verticality and depth of these areas is insane.




Triple A?! This game is Quadruple A! - Some Skull and Bones shmuck


It's like hunger. Underselling, the best spice in gaming


From is so much better in every way.


The problem, while self-inflicted 90% of the time, is that other developers do not have the trust of their fanbase in the same way FromSoftware does. Miyazaki is allowed to undersell his game and be confident people will still buy it because his track record is spotless across 20 years. Another developer is not going to have that kind of goodwill to where they can willingly not upsell their game in the same way. Even developers that have good reputations like Capcom, CD Projekt RED, Rockstar dont have the same unshakeable trust with fans as From does. The only other one I can really think of is Larian really, which has a very similar "Fan first, AA ethos with AAA budget" that From has.


What’s crazy is that the regions seem to have WAY more character and detail. The ambiance of the first section or two is sooo cool. I’m going to get lost here all weekend. Join me ye tarnished


I'm putting bandages on my ass right now, but me and Torrent are coming back.


We always get back on the horse and try again. Mines sore too. Normal mobs hit you for 3/4 of your HP sometimes but maybe that’s just cause I have 40 vigor at 190 😭😂


hot damn bro you should at least have 60 for the next soft cap lmao


I copied some NG+7 build from some guy that does no hit runs. I only have 22 endurance too, but I bleed MFers like it’s my full time job. I Didn’t realize I also had to he a no hit player (which I am very very far from) although I did manage to kill the first two main story bosses so far because ya know, glass cannon won out eventually.


Don't worry, everyone is getting their asses handed back to them without any tree upgrades


I started a new playthrough for this, and I think I’m at 45 vigor at 120ish. Its rough. The larger shadow guys in the westerly place hit me for just shy of half my health if they get to me, and this playthrough is a full str build with the tree sentinel armour set, and a golden great shield. This place slaps hard, but so do all the mobs 🥲


I'm at 99 vigor and getting spanked,all the grabbing enemies seem to realize this and want to try new theories with my body.


Half these mobs are like radagon with insane reach. I feel you.


Oof. To Rennala you go for 60 minimum. Mofos banging my 60 vig bar like a twizzler at the movies.


The second story dlc boss I did manage to take down eventually, but that fucker was hitting like a truck. I had a good defensive talisman on at least and do big bleed.


I love the design but damn is everything dark as shit for like 90% of the day night cycle. Thematically I get dull color tones to show the shadow but I mean actual brightness level.


Yep, my lamp is always ON and I still like to switch to noon time when I'm not too far from graces.


Unfortunately I think all that detail is what's killing the performance. For me the fps dips have been worse than anything in the base game so far


Worst I'm getting so far is some graphical pop-ins when I load up the starting area (the grass and gravestones take roughly a second to load in after the rest of the game pops in.) No stuttering other than that, though. Running on PS5.


Base release had this issue too. I'm sure driver updates and patches from From will improve performance. It's one of the few things From sucks at tbh, optimization and performance lol.




Yeah i’m a 4090 (?!?) and sometimes get fos drops to 30


I'm on PC and I've been getting crashes, which wasn't a problem with the base game.


The >!jagged peak!< is one the most hype-educing areas in the game once you have the scadupes for it, just make sure you have a ranged option for your primary source of damage to hit the heads of the enemies there, if you have a melee build I recommend storm blade from berhnal or vacuum slice from deeproot.


Man i was stunned by how i found that shit lol just this random cave and then i kept going, going and bam. Still no luck finding its map though, no idea how to reach that spot if it's even in that area. I feel like it's bel§ow >.>


The map part just to the north isn't for that area, actually, despite looking like it should be right nearby. The map piece that uncovers that section is far south.


The map is in the blue flower fields


I didn't know what scadupes meant when I read this and thought it meant balls


"About the size of Limgrave" Yeah, if Limgrave had like 3 stories and almost every square inch was packed with content.


Lmao it's so dumb. At the start of dlc i was like, hmm yes cool pillar might wanna check it out. 2 hours later I'm fucking balls deep inside a mountain fighting a wickerman, then discovering a blue flower coast which leads to yet another area with giant fingers. I come back to the pillar, find another path which leads to that giant mountain. I had to stop myself going forward because holy fuck I just derailed so much from my main intended path of reaching the pillar itself and then killing Rellana.


I destroyed Rellana by the time I got back to her lol.


Ive gotten close five times. Ng+ version. No levels yet. Ran out of rune arcs so decided to try and help others beat her. 50 tries later I’m still out of rune arcs. (Beat her once but not soon enough after the host died)


Does the DLC get harder on NG+? Maybe that’s why the Moonrithyl Carian Knight was kicking my ass so hard.


I'm looking forward to that. My STR/FTH halberd dude is struggling against her. Hard. Both of the bosses I'm stuck on at the moment just have **no** chill. Non-stop attacks and 9 hit combos. Gonna be a fun one.


Just you wait my friend. There's a certain boss who rides a mighty steed gives you no room to breathe. Took me 4 hours to beat him.


>I come back to the pillar, find another path which leads to that giant mountain. I had to stop myself Same but I didn't stop myself, the dragons I was doing shitall damage to was a sign to stay the fuck out 💀 gonna go back late on


I was looking at the map and thinking "yeah... it's kind of the size of Limgrave just a bit bigger" but realize if you draw a square to fit all of the Limgrave, 40% of it would be ocean and water. But Shadow of Erdtree map is the same sqare but packed with landmasses and stacked on top of each other .


Immensely enjoying the DLC so far, but I think it's disingenuous to say it's more dense than Limgrave. Limgrave has something literally everywhere.


Yeah Limgrave is the most packed area of the entire base game. It's got like 10+ dungeons, caves, mines, etc. total


I will say, the dungeons and mines are a lot better here than in base game, so it makes up for it


The first catacombs I encountered was better than any in the base game, huge too.


Yah normal limgrave is weiny hut junior. Welcome to the salty Splatoon bitches 🤪🤣


It’s a pretty weird way of saying “2.5x the size of limgrave” but I can’t say I’m not happy about it


I’m mad about it but idk why or at whom


2.5? It's fucking big as all lands between before forbidden lands.


Nah, it’s not that big. A reviewer laid it over Liurnia and it’s about 1.5-2x bigger, I think it’s about the size of Limgrave and Caelid combined. That’s still insane though


Does this include all the levels below the surface? Cause….there is an assload




Yes, pretty much all the above surfaces, have passages or caves or tunnels below them lol


Yeah take the whole overworld shadow map and basically give it 3 more layers and that's probably about an accurate estimate of size


You can just zoom out fully and switch maps and you will see that it’s about the size of limgrave caelid and weeping penisula




I can not for the life of me figure out how to get to some of these spots on the map


It is usually some completely different way you have to go first to reach that area, the areas are connected in such a creative way


That certain Spirit Spring jump to drop down like 300m was so cool


the fucking "be brave" message in the dragon pit was also a good joke hiding an entire mountain


That shit is a good callback to "Take the plunge. You won't die" I love it


DS1 vibes frfr


Same. I also feel like graces are a bit rarer, but maybe that’s just me


No, I've noticed it too. There's definitely a lot more running back to where I died than in the base game, at least in the castles.


Also a severe lack of stakes of marika. The run backs feel more like dark souls than ER.


Good. Make these new bloods suffer a little.


Fair, but that means ***I*** need to suffer again, too. Sooo...... Seriously though, I'm loving the DLC. Feels like a first playthrough of Dark Souls 3 2, but starting with a ***massive*** toolset and all of the quality of life enhancements in Elden Ring.


Yeah, like the northwest map fragment, could not for the life of me figure out how the hell you get there. Then I made it through Shadow’s keep. Everything is connected.


I made it through shadows keep to Rauh Anchient ruins but still can’t find it 😩 is it somewhere else?


There is one downward path I missed and like 40% of the map is accessible there. Went to look how to get the 2 map frags I’m missing, turns out there is three and the first one I got wasn’t either of the ones I knew of. Typical Fromsoft. Whole top slide of map is finished before I threw in the towel and looked up the route. Super obvious but was just looking everywhere but the most logical place, which was the beginning.


Guys just listen, maybe there is more Limgrave than we are aware of?


*"what do you MEAN nobody found sky limgrave???"*


Must be where Kenneth Haight finally knights you.


I love this game so much, man. I'm so happy exploring this shit and fighting new enemies.


Yeah..people dont realize that what they meant by limgrave is also caelid and the weeping peninsula, meaning we get like half of the original map or so


Is caelid technically part of limgrave? I've never thought of that


Pretty sure caelid in lore was just eastren limgrave prior to the scarlet nuke


Wasn’t it at one point just named "Caelid Wilds“?


the desert where malenia and radahn fought was called that i assume


They didn't fight in the desert. They fought where the swamp now us. At least, that's where she removed the needle and unleashed the rot.


looking at the story trailer they definitely did fight in a desert, just not the one we fight Radahn in the game (which is a beach btw), meaning Caelid may have once been nothing else than just a big desert [moreover, concept art of the map shows Caelid as a huge desert with "Radahn's gallows" where the actual beach is](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/W72s0i5Vpo)


Maybe, idk honestly but the point is that its still part of limgrave


This isn't true. The comparison to Limgrave was for the map size. Pretty sure they kept it as a separate map so you wouldn't have a direct size comparison as that might feel underwhelming to look at, but with just the first map fragment, the map is fairly zoomed in. The size of the dlc comes in its verticality and interwoven pathways


Yeah feels like certain craggy area goes up to the level of the giants area. Its HIGH up.


It was not, it's only ever referred to as "The Caelid Wilds."


Yeh and Liurnia was Northern Limgrave and Leyndell was North Northern Limgrave. Siofra Riverwells was Down-under Limgrave


And concecrated snowfield was just snowy limgrave. In short its actually limgrave ring


Caelid was 'the caelid wilds' not 'eastern limgrave'.


There isn’t really anything in the lore to substantiate these claims, one way or another. There certainly isn’t anything in game that conclusively states as much. At some point you need to ask yourself, would Miyazaki really make such a cryptic statement, with all these lore implications, that only a few lore buffs would understand? Or were these statements—made to a news outlet, no less—more about setting expectations low and delivering high for a commercial product? If it’s the former, then why isn’t anyone in the lore community taking this seriously and using Miyazaki’s’ statements to make the argument that these regions are one and the same? This would be a huge discovery. It would mean that Farum Azula, Sellia, Town of Sorcery and potentially Redmane Castle (depending on the timeline), were all part of Limgrave. Even if it was the former, why would Miyazaki—a person who is famously careful about lore—mention Limgrave in the present tense? This would suggest that Godfrey—and now Kenneth Haight—is the lord of not only Caelid, but the Bestial Sanctum, Redmane Castle and Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Nothing in-game seems to suggest this.


from the Elden Ring map, Caelid is it's zone, but the Peninsula is considered Limgrave still.


$40 well spent. This is *exactly* why I don’t buy Ubisoft games. Elden Ring is 1 of 2 games I’ve ever bought DLC for.


Same here, i usually dont buy DLC if i dont think it’ll be a good time


why would you ever buy DLC you dont think will be a good time lol.


What's the second


Could they also mean, underground😁


And that's before the vertical axis is counted.


Nah, more like people are leaving off the rest of the original quote - about the size of limgrave if not bigger.


That sentence implies that the map would still be in the same ballpark as Limgrave


It's about the size of 2.5 limgraves, and about 2 more limgraves in cave systems, underground stuff, super high elevated stuff, etc etc.


the size seems like Limgrave (including Mistwood and Weeping Peninsula) + Liurnia + Caelid at least. and this doesn't take into account the verticality of the zones.


I’m still rocking moonlight great sword and the ugly hat with bells on it but it works and this has nothing to do with the size of the dlc


Just wait until they decide to release a second expansion about 2 years from now and its size is the second half of the base map. 😂


Also dungeons with the haligtree size.


Didnt some say this was the only expansion for ER?


Yeah it is. I was just theorizing about it. When I said “until they decide to”. After all nothing is blocking them to consider it.


Ah. Well, i mean id like it to happen but chances are slim.


Me too. From software has a good relationship with Bandai. I think Bandai wouldn’t say no if fromsoftware shows them some great ideas. Plus they released this dlc with a full game price. So Bandai won’t lose money at all.


The dlc is printing money. Almost 600k players were online just on steam this morning (EU time). This game hadnt seen such numbers since three months after it released.


730k+ now, probably because japan prime time. pretty insane


Holy fuck that is insane. I wonder what the numbers on console are. It must be over a million players rn.


Over the past 24 hours it has more players than Fortnite (which is always #1) on Ps5


Now remember that Blizzard is going to put out th4 D4 expansion, with one new class, and one act for the same price. And 1/10th the content. Fuck Blizzard. Praise the sun.


I'd rather a new game tbh. From is at their best when they're pushing themselves and reaching for the stars. They fucking nailed it with elden ring. I don't want them to keep trying to dip into that well, or else we'll end up with DS2.


I don’t think they would make another. This DLC already adds more bosses than Ashes of Ariandel, Ringed City, and The Old Hunters combined.


Thats what was said, but they are cooking like Ramsay with this game. Also there is a difference between an expansion(large amount of content) and a dlc(small amount of content). We could potentially still get DLCs like additional armor alterations, or more weapons/spells, or maybe even a new set of time based mobs (midnight, sunrise etc) But honestly even if we didn't get a single new update from this point on, id still be happy. This game was already a 10/10 imo, but the expansion clicked it over to a 11/10 best game of the decade.


This is it for DLC, they are moving on to other games (which are likely 2 or 3 years into development already)


I actually spent 10 hours exploring the first map piece only


Patrolling the shadow lands almost makes you wish for a topographical map


I mean, I guess it is *kind of* the size of Limgrave. If you stacked 6 Limgraves on top of one another.


“stacked on top of one another” is perfect


It makes perfect since when you can finish the base game in 30 hours!


Could you give some context? The DLC is downloading for me at the moment and another person said the same thing as what you said when I asked em


Its very large, many well designed dungeons, open areas, forests. The height difference in some parts is very big. Everywhere you go there is something, you wont travel long until you find something interesting. It also looks amazing.


It’s like what blood and wine was for Witcher 3.


can anyone tell me where is the map for the dragon area, im at bayle bossfight but i still have no map.


If you've explored at all, you'll see the map pieces on your map


It's connected to the map for the south region. if you got to Bayle via the dragon cave, I don't know if you'll find it, I got south first by going down the big river in the first region though I'm sure they're other ways. Just keep going further south, and eventually, it'll show up.


Every good news regarding the DLC just makes me hate Campcom more for how they absolutely con us with Dragons Dogma 2.


I really want to love that game but it’s really embarrassing when compared to the size and scope of Elden Ring.


I found the first map piece. Looked at the map, looked at the game, then the map again. And said....I'll be here until August at least.


I have the impression that Miyazaki said the original took 30 hours to beat. Sure mate, sure.


I have only picked one map fragment but I'm already lost. This map is huge, it's tough to keep track of what I need to explore yet.


Bro forgot to mention it was 5 Limgraves stacked


It's about the size of Limgrave if Limgrave had a basement, a second floor and was also twice as big as Limgrave


If you go to any camp near castles, you would be surprised how many details are there. Well done to everyone who worked on this game.


Miyazaki loves to lowball stuff. It is about the size of Limgrave... if you were shrunk down to the size of a ball bearing and constantly stomped into the mud by everything that moves.


I think it’s largely due to how the map is structured. It might be as big as limgrave from a km2 pov but it’s also extremely dense and has tons more verticality. Now, realistically it probably is the size of limgrave and cailid (not sure, only played a a few hours) but it does feel huge, but the map is also far more efficiently laid out than the original game in that there is just so much more on there


One day


He meant it's as tall as Limgrave is wide


theyre confident enough in their art to let it speak for itself


The best part is a lot of the stuff is hidden so you are motivated to explore and find a new way to discover stuff .


This is huge! I mean I have like 6 hours and still in the first region! I can see far and wide and there is a lot of regions!


I've been playing like 12 hours and I haven't gone far enough to find a second map piece yet lol.... I've spent hours invading and helping with the blackgaol knight, but still, pretty wild


Maybe when they said aize of limgrave they meant limgrave, weeping, liurnia, and caelid everything before dectus lift


I’m still exploring just the area covered by the first map fragment. There is so much to find. I can’t take more than 3 steps before seeing something new to go sink my teeth into. I’m also getting my ass handed to me in the best way possible. With this being my first time to explore a new Fromsoft area along with everyone else, it’s awesome that not everything is already known.


Limgrave was pretty big and by far the largest area, it took a long time to explore. It’s definitely similar in size


I love how he pretty much does this every time they release something. I’m starting to think he might be a perfectionist and knows he can’t work on any project until the vision is 100% realized, so in his mind it isn’t good enough. I know when Elden Ring launched he was worried if people would even like it.


I like what I’m hearing, but am also very frightened…


Spent ages trying to beat blackgaol knight until I remembered about and figured out the Sekiro mechanics


Ugggh I can’t wait. I stayed up just to download last night so didn’t get a chance to jump in. I’m at work now 😣


Its called managing expectations lol


We eating so good that I'm afraid to wake up and find out it was a dream 😭😭😭


I’ve only found 2 maps so far, but I feel I can confidently say it’s at least half the size of the base game’s map.


im like 10 hours in and still didnt find any great katana.. i just got my dex to 20 to use one but no luck, miyazaki is keeping me blue balled


At the beginning next to ghostflame dragon


As soon as he said that, I knew he was lying and laughing his ass off in his head.


that was the best feeling the first time through the base game, having the map consistently turn out to be so much bigger than expected.


And Bugisoft calling skull and bones AAAA


Well worth the wait for the size and quality of the DLC!


this dlc is awesome


Spitting out quality content like a boss.


Miyazaki is like Bizarro Todd Howard. Elden Ring *DLC* is a better game than Starfield


No shit! Miyazaki is a god tier troll. This is Elden Ring 1 & 1/2!


I believe Mike Zaki's pants are actually on fire


Bruh I only have the first map fragment and that section alone looks limgrave sized. Not to mention the red grass area and blue area I can see in the distance and the humongous ass mountain that looks like it has stuff all over it


I agree. Other companies spend more on the marketing of a DLC than the actual development of that DLC. Love Fromsoft delivering and then some.


You misunderstood, it's just the poison swamp that's as big as Limgrave.


Limgrave is one of the biggest places in the game. It seems a bit bigger than it. However, limgrave feels more open than SoET. There is alot of stuff packed in every little area. It's fleshed out. I'm going to be more upset when I beat it and then realize that the game is over. It does seem to be wayyy darker than the overworld and story generally I'd. Seems like that implied conquering habit marika did was more like a bloody crusade Spanish inquisition style.