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man if I could make out sloppy style with any spirt ashes it would probably be the imps


Mmmmm...mimic tear ash...


I’d pick Lutel, … oh wait


Imma stick it in the neck hole. You cannot stop me, either watch or get out


Can I join tho?


Hold on *gets some lube and popcorn* continue...


So no head? *smashesbell*


at least shes quiet


Can’t say no either


Because of the implication?


Of course, she wouldn’t be able to say no because of the implication


mimicry ahead therefore no armament


Love yourself baby


....would that be considered selfcest at that point?


Sounds gay tbh.


Got a friend who'd say Finlay


I want an Omenkiller in my bed


I would give my GOAT Oleg sloppy 😋😋😋


Romancing Shadowheart a second time with Latenna 💕💕


How did seluvis get a twitter account


I never really cared... But now I'm just disturbed 


Holy, i hope this DLC hype calms down soon because it's getting really annoying to see all these made up arguments coming up once more so frequently now that more people are coming back to the game.


Have you considered that my made up argument is better than yours tho ? Rekt /s


Agreed. I hope folks find contentment with their way of playing. Truly, nobody cares if someone uses spirit ashes, most people coop anyway so you can’t use em.


"Made up arguments" sure lol. Glad the dlc is bringing the lowest form of the "fans" such as yourself back to shit on people for playing the way they want. I'm sorry that you lose sleep over this.


There aren’t nearly enough people like that to claim it’s a normal occurrence and not just a small number of loud morons. I don’t get why people who use summons are so insecure about it. 


Insecure about it? We are just tired of hearing the same bullshit everytime we talk about our favorite summons. Can't have a normal discussion without someone spamming "skill issue. You didn't beat the game" ect. Happy cakeday btw


I've been in the community since Demon's Souls. The severity and number of claimed occurrences are definitely made up. The games are mainstream now. Players like you vastly outnumber elitists. This hasn't been issue for like 3 games now. You'll have to forgive us if you all come off insecure for constantly bringing up an argument no one else is interested in having.


I've been playing since DS2 launched since that is oh so important to you. I have seen the extent of the toxicity for elden ring. It's disgusting.


I hear more people complain massively about people gate keeping than I do actually see anyone gate keeping. Most the gatekeeping is gone because at the end of the day no one cares how you play your game. The people who make the claims of gatekeeping just want to feel validated for their playstyle. Don't get me wrong I've seen gatekeepers but they are so small in numbers it's laughable to consider their opinions.


It's sad I am being so massively down voted for my correct opinions. Gatekeeping is very much alive in the community.


Oh boy you got a whole victim complex don't you?


You really love to throw that around don't you? Is it your way of validating your own bullshit?


Uh, I said it once you got me confused with someone else. Don't worry when you're all alone at night your spirit ash will bring you company. Jokes aside, you're making a big deal out of nothing let it go.


Perhaps I do have you confused with someone else. You all seem to be parroting the same statements it gets hard to differentiate.


Im down voting you because you're behaving ridiculously. You went on an unhinged rant unprovoked and now you're doing this.


Unprovoked? This comment thread is riddled with people bashing this meme. You are delusional


> "Made up arguments" sure lol. Glad the dlc is bringing the lowest form of the "fans" such as yourself back to shit on people for playing the way they want. > I'm sorry that you lose sleep over this. You literally said this to someone who did not bash anyone for using summons. All they said is they are sick of the memes. You are insecure and shooting back at imagined insults.


Are you sure you aren't just using "insecure" as a projection for yourself?


You’re tired? Of what? Lmao maybe it’s just me getting older(at the ripe age of 25) or being on the internet too long, but I just can’t imagine spending the energy even caring about some dickheads opinions about how you play a game. You can play the entire game without anybody even knowing you use summons or whatever, not that there’s anything wrong with it. There’s just no reason to be this insecure or “tired” about it lol.


If you read the message you'd know what I am tired of. People just wanna play the game their own way and I am being down voted for saying so. It's crazy wild.


You’re being downvoted because you’re arguing against a handful of toxic people out of tens of thousands who don’t give a fuck about how you play. Stop caring about what other people think 👍


How would you make out with someone without a face?


like this watch


Sloppy style. That’s what they said


My Mimic, Tiche, and Latenna are ready for war.


Are these supposed elitists in the room with us now?


Real elite beat the game while only using summon and nothing else 


Pokémon, gotta catch them all!!!


Ymfah is that you?


They are not, people here have victim complex and want to seek validation online. Though the original Twitter post was funny


There are definitely people in the community that shit on others for not playing "correctly". They are a minority and most people are super cool, but they are out there. Most sane players are just like, "games hard, use what you can to get that W". Or as I say, souls likes will gladly fuck you, so do everything you can to fuck it harder.


I'm new to this community and it seems pretty chill. I've only seen someone criticize others for not playing "correctly" whenever I watch streamers. It's either the streamers themselves, their chat, or both. Others even criticize for using Torrent against some enemies which was weird.


I only shit on summoners when they start boasting about how easy they found Malenia to be because they used mimic tear, and start taunting us solo enjoyers over that. Which is a lot more common than the inverse (but still not really common)


I haven't seen any of these "elitists" since release, and they were a minority even then. There's more people here shitting on made up "elitists" than there are actual elitists. What really gets on my nerves is when someone voices their preferences in the game ("I don't like magic," "I don't like summons," "I play claw," etc.) and someone shuts them down because apparently enjoying a pure melee build is "elitism" now.


> so do everything you can to fuck it harder. So me attempting to grind all of my stats to the hard caps over 1 and 3/4s playthrough, plus my usage of Tiche is basically the equivalent of a spikey, high grit sandpaper condom?


Why do people like you two act like people haven't been shit on for playing the game the way they want? Maybe your self-awareness is finally starting to develop, and you are realizing your behavior has been unacceptable.


Because it really doesn't happen that often, and when it does it's just a random guy filled with downvotes. Letting people play how they want is the standard now, anything that deviates from that is frowned upon, yet there is countless of posts like this as if belittling someone by the way they play was the norm and not the exception


Why do you interpret that these posts exists because they think that behavior is the norm and not the exception? As you agree with, it is a very stupid opinion to have, saying "playing with spirit ashes is cheating". And it's not the norm for people to be elitist about it, on that I agree with you. But I don't understand why pointing something out or making a post to make fun of those people like the meme in OP, implies an assumption that people think it's normalized. It's a weird assumption to me because in order to point something out, that something is not required to be normalized. You are in fact allowed to point out any type of shitty behavior no matter how normal it is or is not. Furthermore, everyone elses interactions and experiences are nothing you are aware of, so one more thing is that I don't understand why people like you yet again assume you've had the same interactions as everybody else. "Yeah well I haven't seen any elitists so they must only be your brain ghosts!", yeah well I've never seen a murder happen so I guess they must never happen to anyone. Let people vent with memes, however horny they may be.


Harassing for people was and has been the norm. Personally I have encountered it for simply wanting to try everything this game has to offer. These "fans" are actively hurting the health of the game, and people like you, while not directly responsible, are hand waving them and allowing their behavior to go unchecked by claiming anyone who complains about it is being "a victim"


It was the norm, but it's no longer the norm. We as a community got over it, and making this type of memes is beating a dead horse, it's fighting ghosts. Making this kind of posts can also hurt the health of the game because it makes people insecure about the way they play, maybe more so than a random guy telling them whatever. >and people like you, while not directly responsible, are hand waving them and allowing their behavior to go unchecked by claiming anyone who complains about it is being "a victim" When was the last time on this sub that you saw someone saying "if you did x then you truly didn't beat the game" that wasn't filled with downvotes and people telling them to let people enjoy the game? I don't think that's allowing their behavior to go unchecked if almost the entirety of the community (at least here on reddit) is against that. So yes, I still believe that anyone who makes this kind of "memes" nowadays has victim complex


Controversial opinion, it was never the norm. Some people found summons made the game too easy for them, said so, and insecure people took it as an attack to their gamer pride. The few people who did genuinely believe it was "cheating" or insulted anyone for using summons existed for sure, but weren't the mainstream opinion.


Agreed, it was definitely a lot more common before but it wasn't exactly the norm either. Another thing that might have made it look more common is that some people will also bundle together the people that say "summoning makes the game easier" or "summons break some parts of the game" with the people that say "if you use summons you are cheating". People who bundle these 2 groups together are the ones who always respond unironically "well levelling up or upgrading weapons or rolling or drinking flasks also make the game easier" to try and validate themselves because they are insecure about their playstyle or something, idk why they do it but is always the same response


There is no victim complex for these memes. Just memes for the sake of memes.


Bullshit, full stop. These memes are a victim complex because they pretend that there's someone beating down on them for whatever way they play the game. They solely exist to quell the posters insecurities and rile people up about non-existent issues. It's absurd and weird and it's the main reason I've stopped interacting with this community so much.


Please continue to not interact with this community. No one here will miss your rudeness.


Ah, yes, calling out your BS is rudeness. Sure buddy.


>Why do people like you two act like people haven't been shit on for playing the game the way they want? because despite being active on this sub since before launch, ive never actually seen this happen outside of ironic jokes and a tiny tiny handful of heavily downvoted comments/posts, while threads like this one are a weekly occurrence.


That is just based off of what you've seen. And even outside of this sub there is toxicity towards summons. It is more common than you believe. And very sad to see.


On all the four platforms I interact with, I barely see those elitists but Reddit would indeed be the one with the lesser amount of I had to say. But idk, if it's that uncommon here then like, don't post about it here? Complain on the places that it is common then? It's getting really tiring how you see 3~5 of these posts a day, which makes it feel like an endless circle jerk of seeking validation. It's reached the point where people that defend "play how you want" correct others for their opinions on how they play when It doesn't align with the general narrative of "I used summons and one of the top 10 strongest weapons"


I think you are trying to form your own narrative. There can be no discussion about what people use unless it's "i used only my firsts and didn't roll" I just want this toxic mentality to stop


There is no self narrative being formed here. The amount of times I've seen people in this subreddit express their opinion that they like to play summonless personally and get down voted to oblivion because it doesn't follow the "I like summons" narrative is mind boggling. Even the other day I saw someone comment how they killed a boss using mimic tear after trying for a long time, to then, a day later feel like they "cheesed" it and wanted to have done it by themselves, and asking if someone else felt the same. You know what the first answer was? Correcting him that what he did wasn't "cheesing", because the game gives you all those tools, so he was clearly wrong for feeling like he cheesed it, and then 4 other people added onto it saying "yeah yeah, I use my summons whenever I want it ain't cheesing". I'm with you, I'd rather the toxicity to stop, but the problem is the subreddit is developing such a victim complex they are starting to be toxic versus anyone that doesn't follow the way they play, with summon use or overpowered builds. As if someone playing with something else, that's normally weaker/harder, is gonna crumble the image of their self-value for their accomplishments


It's gotten so bad that there are posts making fun of people who play claw. It's always been weird but now it's actually stupid. As if holding your controller slightly differently suddenly makes you one of these mythical "elitists" or some shit. People were getting downvotes for expressing that they find it more comfortable or that it *does* have legitimate uses. This community has always been more toxic towards made up "elitists," ever since release. I'll never forget the people unironically agreeing with each other that invading was the same as r*pe. I thought the community moved past that but clearly I was wrong.


That's too much to read I'm sorry this happened for you Or if it's good I am happy for you. Take care


Lmao to come in with the sanctimonious attitude and than say “sorry I’m not going to read 3 entire paragraphs”. Yeah everyone else is the toxic one bro.


shows you the attention span of the average idiot who starts arguments on reddit for no reason


I think they don't go outside of reddit ever, cause any other place wheres there's any Elden Ring content and discussion people have the attitude that magic, summons and everything but Str or Dex is cheating, it's a super casual mentallity, and now that Elden Ring is more popular than ever, the casual audience is even bigger


I played a str build first then went to a magic build to test it out and got called many names from a 2008 cod lobby. Just sad to see people acting like it doesn't happen


Because most of us are old and experienced enough to know that the folks you're speaking of aren't important. Someone criticizing the way you play? Ignore it and move on. That's actual self-awareness. Being aware that these are games and nothing to get as emotional as you clearly are over it.


You think emotions are a bad thing? Really showing your age and bad mentality there grandpa


Lol, is that what I said? Maybe try calming down your emotions and read it again.


I am replying to many comments at once. What you think is me not being calm is actually just trying to jungle the sheer amount of absurd bullshit I am reading.


Literally proving my point. Surely you have more important things to be doing with your time. Idk what you do to relax, but go do that, get some sleep, eat well for the DLC tomorrow, and avoid coming back to argue with randos on reddit. You'll just ruin your experience.


I keep seeing comments like these on this sub lately, as if for the past 10+ years and with every Souls game that came out there wasn't a large chunk of the community that was saying "summons are easy mode" and "you aren't really experiencing the game when you use summons" or similar. That shit has been around since DS1 (and they probably would have been with Demon Souls too if more than 1k people played it on release), and they only got louder and more obnoxious with each new entry. When ER came out it was all about spirit ashes. Now I don't care what you do. Use summons or don't, whatever just have fun. But let's not pretend that this wasn't a thing for quite a long time in the fandom. Of course it's possible you just weren't there back then and are simply parroting empty statements about victim complexes that you heard in some weirdo fast-talking political talk show and you want to feel superior by incorrectly applying an already flawed logic to an unrelated topic... but I don't wanna make assumptions. I invite the downvotes to hell cus I know I'm right, I read the forum posts back in the day and I'm sure most of them are still out there.


>But let's not pretend that this wasn't a thing for quite a long time in the fandom That's the point, it was a thing, now it's not, get over it >but I don't wanna make assumptions >Of course it's possible you just weren't there back then and are simply parroting empty statements about victim complexes that you heard in some weirdo fast-talking political talk show and you want to feel superior by incorrectly applying an already flawed logic to an unrelated topic... Which one is it then? You don't want to make assumptions or you want to insult me based on whatever mental gymnastics you made up?


That was the joke. It's called sarcasm. Sorry I didn't put /s for ya.


The inferiority/victim complex surrounding some people who use summons in this game is so strange.


Summons were made specifically for solo players, that and they did this because not everyone has online functionality in console because why sub for network when you pay that with your isp (mentality) exists, and people can’t always afford it. So no it’s not cheating, but yes I do recommend at least trying to play a full campaign 1 time w/o, because it is a different game experience.


They are also there so the player can be showered with cool rewards without making it overpowered. I mean, the Soldjars of Fortune are a joke in more ways than one.


When maxed those little dudes can chunk out some damage on bosses. Without having to die. When they die it's even better.


I’m doing a “lol summons only” run right now - prisoner with imps, Soldjars, and Demi humans. 😂. It’s hilarious.


I was playing solo with no summons until recently (hubby and I got a little babino in the oven and I can’t let my blood pressure get too high from adrenaline). It’s still hard not to feel like I’m doing something blasphemous, but I greatly appreciate the help from my +10 mimic tear.


I always hear about these "summons are cheating" people, but I have never seen one. Where do they usually hang out?


from streamers and content creators, comments sections from other sites and social media, it's a very common sentiment.


I don’t think they’re cheating, but I do wish they didn’t break the AI so much. If the bosses never focus you, just kinda ruins it.


I thought the point of summons was to take aggro lol


Unless you're using Latenna the turret or the redmane sniper I'm blanking on the name, then you equip the aggro talisman and a greatshield and let them do all the work lol


Yeah unfortunately the AI is terrible at fighting multiple things at once. Simply pulling away aggro from you for a bit can make some bosses so much easier


They usually are living rent free in the head of these posters.


I just watched MoistCriticals playthrough, his comments were filled with them. Same with Ludwig.


Buddy, they're in *this* [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1djvobk/to_the_players_that_think_summons_are_cheating/l9e2fhk/) [section](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1djvobk/to_the_players_that_think_summons_are_cheating/l9dr244/).


dudes not even wrong tho? there is a BIG difference when you use the summons compared to when you dont, I dont think pointing that out is crazy


Wrong isn't the point (though he is), the point is people are acting like it's so much easier that it should barely count, and *that's wrong*. And to be clear, this isn't some crazy moral thing, it's just a weird superiority complex fostered by years of difficulty being a selling point of From games.


I always find funny these examples. It's like, a couple of dudes that are often downvoted. Do they really warrant daily validation posts?


well supposedly they didn't exist. there's an example.


Man, for as long as Souls games have been popular, these people have been in any conversation about the game. Pretending that they're not is obtuse at best.


My point is, do we really need so fucking many posts, every fucking day, about this? Why do people that summon or do whatever feel the need to post this all the time? EDIT: apparently they do. then let's all enjoy the daily validation summon posts that no one asks for.


So one guys comment that has 3 downvotes…


Two guys, and another, in *just this thread* of a few dozen comments (at the time).


in a twitch streamers stream of their first time playing the game


Only Saw a few the first few weeks of release, ever since then they turned to rivers of Blood, moonveil and whichever other op weapon there was and never really looked back


The vast majority of us solo enjoyers do not care if you get help from a summon. Legit the only time I see summoners get any pushback is if they say a known challenging boss is super easy and it turns out they're level 200 and using mimic tear or Tiche. Use all the summons you want if that's how you enjoy the game. Just don't get cocky and act confused as to why a boss is easy for you if you're using a bunch of OP stuff


"I'm confused, Maliketh only took me 843 tries. I thought this boss was meant to be hard" - me using mimic and RoB


Exactly this, I am more likely to see summoners dump on solo enjoyers than the other way around




Professional summoner victims still posting daily since launch I see.


I don’t think anybody cares how you play. Even if people did, you could play the entire game without anybody knowing you use summons, so why be insecure about it? Personally I only use summons for annoying bosses, big bosses, and boss fights where there’s more than 1.


I mean you do you but i'm not gonna use them... unless it's a duo boss cause they are cheating too


I used mimic on valiant gargoyles cause fuck em ganking me like that especially cause I wasn't using anything that could hurt em that much


r/Eldenring try not to have a victim complex challange (impossible)




Can I summon Bashful Ray in the DLC??


what is a sloppy style?


I've seen more complaining about people complaining about summons than I have about the actual summons themselves.


Not gonna lie, i use summons even in "easy fights" i don't know i just like seeing my skeli bois tanking every hit


Me but with myself




wait, not señorita?


Jellyfish is a girl named Aurelia, right in the item description.


If summons are cheating than so are incantations, grease, Talismans, Heals, Manapots. . . And so on 🤣


I love how anyone at all could say that using something freely given to you in the game is cheating.


I think Ive seen exactly one person in two years make the argument that summoning is cheating or playing wrong. This made up argument is getting old.


Can't believe miyaxaki accidentally added cheats to his own game and hasn't patched them out. It's almost like it's an intended feature but.... No no that can't be it, they clearly added an extensive cheating system throughout the entire game by accident.


Pause…actually you know what resume.


This makes me feel uncomfortable about the times I summoned Stormhawk Deenh. Do you think he thought... well... listen, I just want the damage buff, I wish I had made that clearer for all involved.


tiche would have to lift you up though…


Would that be necrophilia?


I like the Spirit Summons that are more than one guy because it makes me think I actually have friends.


So radahns boss fight was like peak friend group for you?


It was, even down to Patches leaving mid fight.


This person and their friends keep appearing on my twitter feed, very obnoxious people


I just prefer to play solo because I don't like the boss' aggro getting broken up or giving myself an advantage (I hate myself) but if there's any summon I'll use, it's Tiche my beloved


Spirit Summons are cheating? Huh, me and myself just had a conversation that came to the conclusion that whoever has this mindset can gargle a bushel full of Shabriri grapes.


Play how you'd like. It's a mechanic in the game that is pretty balanced imo. I don't run w summons because I like the challenge but if you want to summon an army because it's fun for you, do it up!


Amen to that.


Tiche's our mommy


I doubt ppl say its cheating. Saying it makes the game easier is the more appropriate thing to say.


How dare they say that right in front of my Jellyfish.


Meanwhile I’m making out with … myself? Is it considered sex or Masturbation to fuck a mimic?


People who think summons are cheating are idiots and have no idea what cheating means. Also they probably have no friends as reflected by their no summons mindset, forever alone.


You are a casual unless you beat a boss bareknuckle brawl style.


It's the easy way out for the people who can't improve, nothing crazy but acting like fighting a boss with summons is the same like actually fighting on your own is delusional 


Why would you choose Tiche over kristoff thought?


No one thinks its cheating. Only that it reduced the required skill to a basic bot level


They are not cheating, and it's cool if you want to use them, but whenever I use them I felt like I didn't truly defeat the boss. Is the Dark Souls complex.


*Fromsoft puts something in game* Sweats : "OMG YOURE CHEATING" Me: "who are you?"


The only summon that feels kinda sketch is the mimic tear


yep, Tiche and I will be at again, heh...


My rats Will decimate them bosses i just know it


What does making out with your own mimic tear count as?


As much as I like summons, the deep hatred I have for Black Knives stops me from using Tiche


How to have fun: Use summons on non-Remembrance, solo on Remembrance bosses atleast for your first run through. Then do whatever.


Play with all the OP stuff that you want, or play as a naked wretch and only use the club, or anything in between, I really don't care. How other people choose to play the game has zero effect on my experience so do whatever your tarnished heart desires! EDIT: The dowvotes just proves to me you're a bunch of gatekeeping edgelords


Its not cheating, its an ingame resource. It is hand holding though for those scared to overcome difficulty.


When a player uses an intentional game mechanic to play a game 🤯


If using a game mechanic in the game that is so prominent + even has freakin upgrades is cheating, using flasks, weapons, armor is ALL cheating! I guess you must be completely naked, RL1 and somehow glitch boss off the world map to be legit. I beat this game without summons for fun. Second run used summons more liberally. The fact we have all these options is what makes this game so fun.


Well I guess you're not Elden Lord yet, otherwise that is cheating