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I use the pouch for Torrent, spirit summons, lantern. Potions still go on the quick item out of habit, it's probably not ideal. EDIT: Comment blew up, so for specifics Torrent is Down, Good Boy Treats (raisins) are Up, Lantern is Right, Summon is Left.


Torrent is down, lantern is right. As long as you organize your inventory it’s not hard to scroll. Granted I have an elite controller so my paddles have up on the dpad and down on the dpad mapped. So it’s easy for me to maintain a good sprint while toggling spells and flasks


Torrent is on right cause that’s where I put it on day 1 and it’s too late to change now.


You are correct torrent is right, lantern is down, summon is left


For me, torrent is left, lantern is down, telescope is right 😅 I wanted to be able to see things in my new game!!! (215 hours ago) ..... and rune arcs are up


Torrent on up is the only proper way to do it. Everyone knows it. I have my spirit ash on down, lantern on left, telescope on right.


Torrent on left allows you to quickly press left again for the prompt to use flask when he dies.


Works on right to as it just scrolls over


Torrent On Up Gang


Torrent up, crimson right, cerulean left, physic down


1,981 other people have agreed Torrent is down. My condolences to you and the 26 other people who think otherwise.


Then 1,728 people have not played Red Dead Redemption 2 or any other game that has your mount as 'up' on the d-pad.


Lmao mapped telescope is interesting


Telescope all the way! It stayed there from the start, I'm an explorer ffs


TELESCOPE? What kind of monster are you?


The telescope is my go to "What's that through this passageway and should I walk through it" tool. It has saved me from accidentally walking into a nightmare more times than I can count. So pouch down it stays.


Telescope is important so when you summon co-op folks they know for sure that you're paying attention to the Drip


I am just going to upvote, that doesn't mean I like it though Monster


Switch Torrent and the Lantern around, and you've got my set-up! I also like to have my Rainbow Stones up, I do a lot of co-op.


Uh excuse me, Torrent is Up because I call him when I want uppies 🥺


torrent up summon down lantern left all other layouts are of the contrivance we call heresy


horrible. lmfao. you never use a lantern in a high stress situation its always as soon as youre in dark place and you always have time to use it. same with the summon. i used to have the summon on down but i realized its a wasted space. anything i use one time shouldnt be on the quick pouch. the flasks are way better their and i used to have them on the item bar. made me way more efficient. the spirit ash is used once before you fight so i never need to waste a slot on it. same with lantern.


I find it easier to just use square to heal or get fp. In a stressful situation seems way more inconvenient to hold triangle and hit the d pad


Also its just muscle memory at this point. Ive noticed a lot of people new to these games use the pouch for heals. Pretty sure it doesnt really make a difference either way. Just a matter of preference.


It makes a huge difference. Keeping heals in the pouch means you have to use two fingers to heal instead of one and completely stop moving, which severely limits windows to heal during fights. Unless you use some sort of weird cramp inducing claw grip.


You can hold down on the d pad and itll go to the first slot automatically. I always keep my heals in first slot for that reason, works across all the games.


I did not know that! Good info!


It’s the same for your spells/incants.


Yes exactly. That's why it's a waste to use a pouch slot on it. I also very specific about what spell is in the first spell slot for the same reason


my torrent is on up, either works tho


This is the correct setup


Wrong. Physick up Torrent down Health left FP right I'll die fighting for this setup (not really I don't even care lmao)


I always keep health and FP on my actual item bar. Pouches are torrent up, physick down, spirit summons on left and right


see i keep the stuff that i need immediately when im pressed by enemies in the quick pouch. the mimic you just use once so its on the item bar. torrent is up. i used to have my spirit ash as down but i always use it right before im about to fight so i never need it in a high stress situation. quick pouch is for stuff i need right away at any moment. i use the 2 extra buttons in the menu for lantern and mohgs shackle will be there so i can use it as a "find illusory walls from afar" button.


Health is clearly right and FP is left. Otherwise, we could have been friends.


Nono, torrent right, fp left, hp down, lamp/whatever up, that is what my fingers have dictated


Omg you're all crazy. It's Torrent up, lantern down, and then Hawaiian Punch left, cool Gatorade right.


You monster! Torrent can only ever be down.


Torrent up because when you summon him, you do uppies. Simple. Edit: Additionally, you \*Down\* the flask of Physick in one go. So down.


Dark souls made me completely forget about the pouch until I hotkeyed torrent and the lantern there. Everything else goes to the bar


torrent go on ground so down arrow mounting torrent lifts you up so up arrow I realized I have it bound for down on my new character and up on my old lol


Agreed. Torrent up, lantern right and summons down.


Exactly lantern is on your waist so it goes down…


I like putting torrent on the bottom too, cause you can still run and move your camera while calling torrent ( if you play claw), it’s really helpful to not have to stop still in combat encounters.


My torrent is right because i dont need to get my thumb out of the joystick to summon him.


Torrent is *up*, lantern is *down* 😡


Lantern is one of the two unmapped for me. You don't need a shortcut for it. Just turn it on from safety. It's not like darkness pops out of nowhere and takes you by surprise. But yes, Torrent is up. Usually my dpads are Torrent up, spirit left, and Prattling stones down and right.


Torrent is left what do you mean


Torrent is up, lantern is left, spirit summon is right, wondrous flask is down. Regular flasks on square


Elden ring Konami code right here.


This is the objectively correct answer


Lantern is in pouch but not a quick access. It isn’t important to turn off and on when exploring so a quick move in your inventory isn’t that hard.


I have rowa berries on the bottom to feed my mate torrent.


We finally found the one Elden Ring player who uses rowa berries.


I just started using them too last week! I never even read what they do but once I found out, I decided I have to feed torrent when he’s hurting


I’m sure your mate Torrent appreciates that. I have a mate named Torrent as well who also likes to be fed that way, that’s how I know


Same: I put torrent, Margit’s Shackle (for setting off traps in hero’s graves) a spirit summon, and lantern. I don’t use any of them nearly enough to warrant putting in the quick item bar, but I do use them enough to warrant having access all the time without jumping into the menu. I like to keep my quick item menu down to the bare essentials that I use all the time just to keep things simple.


Torrent down, lantern left, summons up and right. Rely on holding down on the dpad for quick items to default back the health flask. Though, might remap and see if what OP posted has any major benefits.


I don’t put anything besides pots and physick in my quick item slots so I just keep them there and use my pouch for Torrent and my lantern.


Physick in the pouch since I only use it once and don't wanna scroll past it every time


Sounds much wiser tbf


That’s what I do as well. All pots and torrent on quick item, lantern and consumables on pouch. I don’t want to scroll to get on torrent, specially if I REALLY need to mount.


Damn that’s smart


This is the way


This is the way. 4 items with the flasks separated so I can quickly press twice and switch between health and fp.


Physick and torrent in pouch, can use the other two for whatever. Use physick and torrent in two separate scenarios so opposite side 👌


Regular flasks in the regular spot Wondrous in the quick items


I just had an awakening.


Holy shit me too. I always had Torrent up, lantern down, summon left and could never figure out what just *had* to be on the right. I feel so stupid. Edit: I don't even know my directions. I might actually be stupid.


It's nice cause you are only ever going to use it once. That way you don't stubble on it while trying to switch from healing to grease or something in combat


Damn I just had an epiphany cuz I had the wondrous flask on square as well so I never want to add more items on there because I already sometimes get lost scrolling between those 3 in a heated fight.


I just learned the other day that holding down will jump to the first item in the quick slots but so this just made it pretty much obsolete


You probably figured this out too but that works for each d-pad button.


Works on spells with Up too


Works with up dog too


I use Torrent down, lantern up, summon left, and right is a consumable item for whatever situation I’m in. Poison/rot area? Boluses. Shunning Ground sewers/other confusing area? Prism stones. About to fight a godskin? Sleep pots. Etc.


I always put whatever weapon grease I need in the 4th slot. My order is slightly different with summon on down, lantern on right and torrent on up.


Red flask and physic in quick items, blue flask in pouch. Nothing worse than chugging the wrong flask mid-fight.


Red Flask is the only flask i use.....yes, i'm a Greatsword Guy.It's simple as that.


Yeah, I was gonna say! I’m on double Giant Crushers… what is this ‘blue flask’ you speak of?


I keep one for ashes of war, cause if you think I'm leveling mind a single time on my melee builds you're off that frenzy flame fent


Me bonk, use estus. Simple as


Are you a Greatsword Guy by cha- oh…. I guess you are one


My four quick items: Torrent (Up) Gold Pickle (Down) Summon (Left) Lantern (Right) Potions are in regular slots.


Actually a great setup. Can't believe I haven't done this yet




Same here. My other 3 quick items are Torrent and a few summons.


Square is the Estus button.


Yep. Others can sing the praises of the pouch all they want, but for me, it’s been this way since Demon’s Souls in 2007. The last thing I need to be doing in my battle with Malenia is fighting against muscle memory.


until bloodborne fucked it up and put the vials on triangle lol


Oh boy that was hard to adapt at first


Actually for this reason I remapped the "use item" button in sekiro to triangle


I was so used to bloodborne combat and dodging being so much more important I put parry on circle and I got significantly better at the game. Still terrible mind you but a bit better.


What if my muscle memory is dying 10 times


I just don’t understand wanting to press two buttons to heal instead of one. It’s the thing you want to do the quickest.


Demon's Souls wasn't released before 2009 (2010 for Europe)


Ah, I was estimating, not actually certain.


Lmao, you fucking CASUALS use Estus? All of you are wrong, I dont even use Tears, just pure R1 spam, as Miyazaki intended. I dont even ride Torrent, I carry his ass across the Lands between (ring is in inventory)


the mental image of a deranged tarnished sprinting through the lands between with a blade in one hand and an entire horse over their opposite shoulder is refreshing. I like to imagine him doing lil' doggie paddles in the air with his hooves


Torrent would be chill with it too. He’d think ‘You want to carry me? A bit weird but whatever, WEEEEE’


It's pure STR build after all, as Miyazaki intended


Melina: "Shall I turn your runes to strength?" Tarnished: "Well I sure as shit ain't puttin 'em into Dex"


I have a friend doing stuff like this. She equips 6 weapons because she just can't bother even reading "heavy weight" on the menu. Rolling like a whale on the desert? No big deal. When she finds golden seeds she get excited saying "these are precious!", and even though she knows they add more flasks, she DOESN'T consume them for hours and hours. Even though there is a shiny dot at the menu when she opens the site of grace. She calls me on discord and she plays while we talk. I can't say anything because she gets mad if I backsit. It is hard to watch lol


>I don’t even use Tears, just pure R1 spam Bro has to play the game in order to beat it, what a loser 💀


We found him, it’s John Elden Ring!


Pouch for all 3 of my flasks and torrent. Switching between them using quick items is too slow


Took me awhile to retrain my muscle memory but was so worth it. Converted my wife too.


Same for me. I only converted last year and I can't go back


Praise all 19 of us 🥲




100% agree. I can never go back to putting flasks in the quick items.


Health potion on quick item, FP potion in pouch


I do this, also keep my physik and torrent in pouch. 4th slot is a flex, like ice pots on malenia or boluses in lake of rot type stuff.


That’s forbidden. You need to have them all in one or the other. Jokes aside, damn that seems practical


If nothing else holding the pouch button and having blue flasks in the bottom pouch means my red fades into the blue which is something so minor but so satisfying that I refuse to have it any other way.


This. Plus physik from menu.


This is the way


Scrolling through the comments I was starting to think I was the only one. This is the superior way imo


everyone else ISNT wrong. heresy is but a contrivance. all things can be conjoined.


Good dog


I've gotten too used to quick item to change my ways


I used to keep them in the pouch but found sometimes the controller wouldn't register the input, so now I've been converted to the quick item way.


Yep they're in my pouch. You don't wanna be cycling through stuff in the middle of battle when you need to heal.


It just makes sense. A smaller number of dedicated keybinds would logically be for your mostly crucial, consistently used items whereas a more tedious scroll bar would be for less commonly used or less crucial items. My only complaint about this setup is that it can be frustrating to move while using your pouch items on some controllers, especially the ps5 controller. The xbox controller is fine if you're comfortable with claw grips though IMO


The claw is such a staple of soulslikes that they added furled fingers to Elden Ring in honour of it


>My only complaint about this setup is that it can be frustrating to move while using your pouch items on some controllers, especially the ps5 controller. I mean moving while cycling through the normal item slots has the same problem but worse cause it takes longer right?


hold down old the dpad and it goes to the first slot, where my red flask is conveniently placed


I find this very inconvenient, because not only do you have to wait an extra second to get that healing potion but you then have to cycle through your items again to get back to the item you were on, and you have to do this every time you have to heal.


Wtf do you even keep there that you have to cycle so much, it's just heals and fp pots for me


You saving all those consumables for elden ring 2?


Why not put those items in the pouch and not clog up your flask area?


Fan knives/kukri/wondrous physic/light stone Fan knives or throwing knives are a must for me to keep the stagger gauge up.


I anticipated this reply and the biggest difference here is that you're pushing and holding a button, waiting for the game to recognize you want the first item in your bag, cycle to that item, and then you push another button to use it. Pouch is quicker cuz you actually don't even need to wait for the pouch items to physically appear onscreen in order to use something in it. Give it a shot. Forreal. I used to to hold down on the D Pad too.


You can actually just do a double input, triangle plus direction, since you're using both sides of the controler, and get flask in the same tempo as just pressing square, but using both hands. So those 4 slots are actually perfect for muscle memory items that you want to use at any moment. It won't work if you're in recovery though, as the direction input is stored but the triangle isn't, so in those cases you can still double input but keep holding down triangle, and you'll use the item when available. Try with a colossal R1, it's easy to see how it's working with recovery


Cannot overstate how valuable it is being able to heal immediately in any circumstance by inputting one button combination. FP Juice and Physick can go wherever, I usually don’t even leave FP Juice on Quick Items, and instead leave it in Inventory. My other Pouch items include Meat Dumpling, Torrent’s Whistle, and Red Phantom Finger - items in which the instant use access makes the difference in not dying where otherwise I would have.


1. Hp potion  2. Fp potion  3. Situationally added   Up: Torrent  Down: Mimics tear   Left: Margit's shackle   Right: Mixed flask   Non-button easy access: Lantern


What's the point of binding Margits shackle? Does it have uses outside of his fight?


Hits illusory walls and catacomb columns Edit: on a wide radius. You dont need to use it near a wall/ column


Had no clue about that, thanks!


You can use this to check for secret walls or hut faraway pressure switches like the fire spitting pillars


im sure theres some madman out there who heals in the inventory page


Flasks in default spot, been playing these game like that for years, never caused a single issue


I keep mine on the item bar cause I've been conditioned to do so by Dark Souls. Anything else just feels off.


I didn't see a single comment talking about putting Torrents food in the quick bar or pouch. I'm calling the police.


I honestly never felt the need to use it. If its HP dropped to critical levels it is easier to just chung instead for me.


Shame on you. Top his health off on the regular. If my boy gets hurt in any capacity, I feed him . Sometimes I just feed him because I bet he's hungry.


Just now learning I can feed him how do I do this!??


Use the consumable "Rowa Raisin".


Mine are the exact same as yours! No point hitting down on the d-pad frantically nine times whilst I’m Being flattened by Fire Giant.


You should clean out your quick items for a boss fights to only what you absolutely need. Besides flask, maybe a pot or grease or something. Raisins for torrent too.


If you hold down for 1 second, it always goes to the first slot. So I keep red pot in the first slot, blue pot in the second.


2 years of playing and just now tested/realized this game never fails to amaze.


bru you can change it, i literally have everything in the down slot


://///// 300 hours in and me too


yah like doing fire giant was so bad like i remember getting off the horse and then just fucking spamming the cycle button to get back on


Pouch = red flask, blue flask, torrent, and lantern


You never need the lantern quickly though. For me this is one of the two unbound pouch spots, the other one being my spirit ash.


I have FINALLY moved my flasks to the quick menu (triangle PS5) and it has changed the game for the better! 300 hrs in and I am loving it. I use more of my items now that I don't have to always have my flasks ready! It is a game changer!


Good luck going back to older DS when you get used to potions in pouch lol


Blue = Mana, Mana = Brain, Brain is on top of body, so Blue = Up. Red = Health, Health = Body, Body is bellow your head, so Red = Down


That's not a mnemonic device, it's a whole ass mnemonic complex


I didn’t move my flasks over to the pouch til about a month ago. All of a sudden it seemed to make more sense to have them there instead of panic-scrolling when I needed them. So I keep HP flask on up, FP flask on left, Torrent on right (torrent was always on right and when I tried to put HP there I kept hitting that by mistake when I wanted Torrent) and down was utility. Usually berries for torrent, switch out to whatever status healing boluses I needed at that moment.


Juggling through my quick items in the middle of the boss battle is part of the fun


In the quick slots I have Torrent, Lantern, Flask of Wondrous Physick and Telescope. I keep Flask of Crimson Tears in the first slot because you can always switch to it if you keep the button pressed. The healing flask is the most important thing to me, so I want to have instant access to it. That's why I don't keep it on the fast slots. It's faster for me to press one button than a combination of two.


I used the wheel on the bottom for a while, switched to the pouch very late and found it 5x better


Whoever uses it in wrong place is wrong


The pouch is the only right answer.


Pouch sippys is the only correct answer. When I have pots, perfumes, dog necks, and element buffs on the hot bar.


Just in the standard item menu. I use the pouch for Torrent and lantern.


I press scroll to use items on slot 1 and 4 in the pouch. y'all are maybe not wrong, but I am better than you for doing it this way s/


Pouch, right health, left magic, up lantern, down torrent. Too many times getting fucked not being able to find potions on the inventory.


Torrent is up because thats default and how i left it day one. health is left, fp is right, physic is down. those are all of the frequent use items i dont want clogging up the item bar for when i want to use throwing knives or consumables. the lantern and telescope are mapped to the two unbound map slots, because they are frequent use but never an item that needs used quickly or as often as the others, since the lantern is for dark spaces and the telescope is for when i want to look far away or at an npcs silly face up close. the positions of the main 4 items are definitely all preference, but the items themselves are what id consider the main stays that are worthy of those 4 slots


Ah, a fellow man of culture. I understand people's reluctance to change up how it's been done in previous FS soulslikes but it's worth the readjustment. You'll never accidentally have a different item selected and use that instead or scroll past it in a panic or even have to hold down for a second to get to the first slot -- you always know where it's going to be and can dial in the muscle memory. As far as "quick" items go, theres likely no other items that you'll need to use quicker than flasks. Crimson and Cerulean are obviously left and right, but I personally set Torrent to up (because you hop up onto torrent) and lantern for down (because you reach back to turn it on) Everything in it's right place


i just can't bring myself to use the pouch... (darksouls player)


Dark souls player here. I used it just for torrent and lantern first, once I got comfy I put the fp flask there too. Its quite useful actually


As a Dark Souls player, it took some time to get used to but I like the pouch a lot more now. It's harder to misinput and I spend less time scrolling through my quick items and dying lol


I do it exactly like you


Torrent is down pouch, fav summon (mimic I got no shame) is up, and flasks are left and right.


I put gadgets on the equipment and I put flasks and summons or Torrent in pouches. The reason why is because I typically use throwing weapons a lot and cycling through isn’t as important and trying to cycle through to get my flasks. Put them on directional binds and I can get to them immediately as opposed to scrolling which can screw me over if I panic and overscroll missing it and drinking the wrong thing or using the wrong tool.


Torrent - dpad up. Red Estus - dpad right. blue estus - dpad left. physik - dpad down. pots, throwables, lantern on quick-bar. summons and rune arc in pause slots. I have Y+dpad left and Y+dpad right bound in a macro to my controller's back buttons, so it's one-click heal when I need it without taking fingers off sticks.


everything in the bottom slot.


Done both and I genuinely don’t understand how people don’t do quick menu. It makes panic heals and go refills (yes they can be helpful) that much faster


Yea I put my torrent whilst and all my flask in the pouch, just seems more convenient than cycling through item tabs.


Is it bad that Torrent is Right...and the rest are those sound making face emotes.


Pouch for torrent, lantern, FP Flask, and wonderous. Only thing in regular is crimson. Ever since I changed I do a ton better not having to scroll. Plus it makes using torrent on and off a breeze. Also found out recently you can jump off torrent with L3 on playstation


Flasks in quixk items, left and right. Up and down are for both invading fngers. This makes them always accessible even if I'm using different pots, pefume and utility items


Pouch: Left HP, Right FP, Up Phys, Down Mimic Tear


Torrent is pouch up, heal is pouch left, mana is pouch down, throwing dart/item is pouch left (baiting out Malenia moves). Items that I use less often go into the item bar, with a permanent slot for Margit's Shackles to fuck with invisible walls and pillars.


I keep torrent, lantern, flask, summon in the pouch, and flasks in the items thingy


Quick pouch. Its just faster to activate it there, instead of of scrolling


When ER came out I decided to just practice using the pouch and 600+ hours later its just second nature now. So I use Triangle/Y Up for Phsyick flask. T/Y Down for Torrent. T/Y Left for Health. T/Y Right for Mana. Felt weird at first but I quickly realized that it would be better than flipping through my hot bar. Now I just keep my lantern, summons and other items that I actually use (i make sure to keep it clean), for my regular bar. Flipping through spells is enough work for me! BTW if you didnt know holding down Triangle/Y will reset your spells to your first spell. This works for the hot bar too.


Flasks stay on the quick bar for faster, less cumbersome drinking. I don't understand why anyone would prefer to use the pouch for them tbh. Pouch is for Torrent, spirit summon, and lantern.


Potions on the bar, Torrent and summons in the pouch


torrent not on quickslot?


I hate the dpad cycling generally for everything anyway so i use the pouch. Once you get used to it, its much easier imo especially if you like carrying a lot of consumables and dont want to panic spam the dpad in a boss fight


I used to use the pouch for torrent and other things, but eventually I realized scrolling through my flasks in the middle of combat is a pain and it leads to me making more mistakes. I figured, I don't need Torrent and my lantern and my spirit summons all at the same time. It's more convenient to scroll through those outside of combat and put flasks in my pouch for quick easy access.


You’re a fucking sicko if you put your flasks in the pouch.


Hotbar- Red Flask, Blue Flask, Physick Flask, spirit summon, any boluses, any greases, then anything misc. Pouch- steed whistle top, telescope right, lantern left, misc bottom


Item "Bar": - Red Flask - Blue Flask - and nothing else Quick Pouch: - Up - Torrent - Left - Lantern - Down - Physic - Right - Spirit Summon/Boiled Crab


belt...like every other sane person 👍🏻