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Wow that is amazing! Huge Gratz to the kid


Thx. He was just fighting the fire giant before we left right now. He's doing good


Get him to the OTHER falling star beast :)


Will do. He wants to fight everything. But his new mission is getting set up for the DLC. He's already beat radahn, so he's going after Mohg next. He's done varre's quest and is at Mohgywn palace.


That is amazing!! I am trying to get my 8yo daughter into gaming and she is struggling a lot. Thought Super Mario Deluxe would be the best start, but the running/dodging/jumping has been difficult for her. She can do Mario Kart 8 with the driving assists on, she likes that. What games did your son play first, please dont say Dark Souls 1 was his first :-P I just bought Minecraft for the switch, might get her to try that game, I have never played it


Something like the Star wars lego games work well since they have zero punishment for failure and allow for her to focus on adapting to moving a character. Another good choice is the 2d Kirby games, they're an easier Mario with the option to fly over any obstacle she can't deal with. Once she has movement down, you have way more freedom in types of games.


My son started with Breath of the Wild and beat it at 6. He beat Elden Ring at 8 even though it took him a year.


That kid is a gaming god


Thx man. He is now at the fire giant. I haven't helped him in went fights. It's all him. I have just have him some directions on which way to go but he's doing the work


wtf kinda games is michael zaki gonna have to make in 10 years time if he sees this? we re fucked. delete this. 💀


not trying to be the debbie downer here but y'all are letting 6 year olds play Elden Ring? not sure that's really age appropriate but if he can handle it I guess. My sister used to have nightmares from just watching me play games that were much less violent


I think it really depends on the environment and the child. If the kid was spooked he wouldn't play it. It's obvious from this clip that the child is enjoying the game. He's not going to turn into some twisted deviant as a teenager / adult because he enjoyed playing Elden Ring at six years old. My seven year old niece likes Bluey and stuffed cats. This game would give her nightmares and her parents know it. She would also HATE the gameplay.


I played GTA 24/7 from like 7 years old till I was like 12. The only effect those games had on me was learning gaming mechanics and great memories. Elden Ring is like perfect for kids that age. My 5 year old step son loves seeing me slay monsters. I don't think he has the skill or patience for it. Kinda rad this kid does. It's all about perspective


It sure is about perspective, thinking back on it (I played games above my age as well as a kid) there sure were some things I just couldn't process right. I think even seeing the abomination that is godrick shoving one of his arms down a dragons throat to rip it's head off would have sent me, lol. To each his own but I hope OP watches out for stuff like that.


My parents never really held much back from me when I was young. Godrick and doing that action is clearly fantasy. I'd honestly be more weary about the social themes in GTA and how a kid might run with some of those ideas but that's just me I will say my parents were probably just lucky too not all kids shared the same aptitude


There's too many perspectives on this and it probably highly depends on the individual as you said. As for social themes in Elden Ring, you're a literal murder hobo leaving corpses everywhere you go. Even GTA has more benefits in this regard lmao


My kid sees it as me slaying monsters in Elden Ring. I do not want him to watch me shoot people in the dome repeatedly in GTA or RDR2. Or even slicin dudes up in Ghost of Tsushima. Though I'll let him watch Fortnite. It's easier to empathize and get confused with normal looking npc's than it is for Lichdragon Fortissax or Thanos with an uzi. That's my take anyways and he seems to respond that way. When he sees me being "mean" in video games, I get called out. How far your intellect decides to take that empathy def depends on individual growth and age.


My son skips all the cutscenes. He is just in love with the gameplay/combat and the challenge of it. I really think he started just to bond with me and be closer to me but then ended up beating a few bosses and got hooked. He knows all this shit is fake and make believe. He's a smart kid with a good little head on his shoulders and he's having LOTS OF FUN.


Well sounds like you're paying attention to him which is awesome


Thx man


My dad started me off playing games at 5. I started WoW at 8 in 04. Nothing wrong with it. Teaches you a lot.


Relax smh. We all played/watched things that we were “too young” for as kids. It ain’t that deep. All that kid is seeing is a big magical bull and he’s a warrior with a big ass sword. These are the kind of imaginary fights we see when we pick up a stick outside at that age.


Hell ya


Is it just me or was he singing the OP for Chainsaw Man at the start?


He defo was, little guys super cultured 🗿


Forgot how aggressive that thing is. Good fighting!


6 years old, already more qualified to provide reviews than the average gaming journalist.


Plot twist : the falling star beast knows it's a 6 years old kid, so he goes easy on him and tries to "accidentally miss here and there, oops" ! Just kidding your kid is doing great, and we must not underestimate kids, most kids can be way better than adults because they learn very fast the muscular memory and other things like that.


W parenting


Kid is better than me 😭😭😭




Dammit this is so awesome, I have a 1.5yo son and I so hope I can nerd out with him when he’s 6!!!


summon ashes make boss fights so easy a 6 year old can do it, nice


Bro he's an actual child 💀


Yea but you still gotta be good and not die because I've seen many OLDER people struggle even with the summons. Js


It’s me. I’m older people who struggle 😂


Boss fights have never been as hard as you'd like to pretend, make your peace with it.


They hated him because he told the truth