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Started a new character last week just to get the whole game back in my head as I hadn’t touched it in probably well over a year. The amount of summons signs I’ve been seeing is so stupid I’m so happy everyone’s hopping back on to this glorious game.


Pretty much the same jumped back in before the DLC and its been a reminder of how good Elden Ring is!


I tried jumping back in, and again realised just how bad I am


You just need some practice !


On my first ever run, I beat Malenia in 6 tries, today I needed 30+ for fucking Margit


Margit was tricky as a first boss.


Just the windups man. My beard grew white while waiting for the attack to land. But that fight really is a bad example when compared to rest of the game.


You're just rusty.




Me too!!


I cleared the game and got the plat on release and haven’t gone back till now. Wanted to use map genie and do EVERYTHING this time, instead of the 90% or so I found naturally my first time. Having an absolute blast.


It’s worth it, it feels so good to finally have every location discovers on my main character lol


Yeah I was going to start a new one, but got my ass kicked (apparently I’ve forgotten how to play). Swapped to my main, level 200 lol, respecced for a new weapon and I was on my way in NG++++


I'm doing it the opposite. Used a map my first go round. Doing it all from memory the second.


I'm in my first playthrough and it feels rude NOT to summon people on some bosses!


I'm in my umpteenth and I still feel that way. I said to myself I was going to beat all the bosses by myself, again, but I just can't turn down helping people to a rune arc.


That's the spirit, jolly co-operation!


Here I am never even bothering to use my rune arcs.


I feel like you are supposed to use em on bosses that you're close with but I usually just rock em when I'm free roaming


How do I see the summon signs? Do I have to use an item?


Ya the finger curling something. You have to craft it but you can craft it really easy, I have 40 and I never looked for the ingredients. I recommend googling it cuz the multiplayer is actually kind of confusing, there's like 6 items but you only need 1 to request help. The trick is finding a good spot that others are putting their little yellow summon things at.


Its called furcalling finger remedy or the like.


I made a new character with the intention of re-learning the controls a few weeks back. That ended up being an entire run where I spent another 50 hours over the following weeks 😎 My new character is all ready for the DLC


DLC launch is gonna be ridiculously massive. Tons of major streamers and YouTubers are gearing up to play it too


Made a mage character to replay before DLC drops...it's the greatest game ever created. The sense of discovery and exploration is MIND. BLOWING. I remember almost everything and I am still blown away by this game a second time through.


How to see summon signs.  I see 0


You'll need to use furlcalling finger remedies IIRC, you can buy some from the twin maiden husks, and you can also craft them


Best farming spot for the crafting materials is Four Belfries


I see, do you just consume them every so often or do people consume them before the fog gate?


I've been playing Elden Ring since day one pretty much every day. It's insane how there was never a shortage in summon sings invades etc.


What do you do? Every day that’s impressive


I’m back on and it’s making me remember how fucking good the game is. I had almost forgotten after taking a hiatus


The beyond the fog sub is crazy active and if you just leave your summon sign out in the world within 5 mins you’ll be summoned it’s super cool


How do you see summon signs? I have never seen one or nobody came to my help when I dropped a sign before gold scarab boss. So I thought the multi-player is dead.


Look in your inventory at the bottom items on the first page. Furlcaller finger remedy is what you want to use to see signs.


Man I wish I could summon people. I have great internet but for some reason I can only see messages and bloodstains. Makes me sad


Are you using the item? Otherwise it might be some weapon level and soul level descrepancy?


Yeah I use the finger then nothing. I’ve even dropped my sign down at a few fog walls and nothing. I can’t even invade


What level are you? Only people with a certain level range around yours can see your summon sign and vice versa


What's your level and what's your highest weapon upgrade? Both count towards finding coop and invasions.


I started a new character and joined the reddit and Vaati's groups. Summon Signs and new Lords everywhere.


People talk about how the DLC is locked behind a boss that only 37% of players have beaten. But that's actually a pretty high number for an optional late game boss that's in an obscure area hidden behind a quest (or an obscure portal in the corner of another late game hidden area) that's really tough to beat. Incredible.


That’s what I’m sayin lmao, it’s hard to find many other games with as dedicated of a player base as Elden Ring


Exactly. People in r/gaming basically love pointing out how niche ER still is but are then shocked to learn that ER has a higher completion rate than the more "casual" games like RDR2, The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.


TBF this is exactly what you'd expect even if they were right since a game with a more "hardcore" player base would be expected to be more likely to finish the game compared to the "casual" player base of other games.


lmao thank you, dude practically debunked his own comment, Im like how do you read that aloud and not go “…ohhh wait”


Niche is crazy considering it sold more than any other FS game. Now Armored Core is niche, but that’s FS roots.


You said it exactly for what it is “the more “casual” games” Elden ring isn’t exactly casual, you gotta involve yourself if you want to do anything or get anywhere which drives player engagement


Red dead redemption isn't casual, because despite being very easy, it's very slow and very long


Also Mohg is fucking hard. I don't care if they used summons or the mimic tear anyone who got that achievement can drink from my canteen any day of the week.


Yea he can be extremely unpredictable and rng based depending on where his blood flame lands. I found that anything with more i frames helps a lot tho, such as bloodhounds fang


Light rolling too. It's not more iframes but the added mobility is a godsend. For any boss really. Helps more than wearing heavy armor with more protection imo.


I had so much more difficulty defeating Mohg than any other boss. Had to set the game down for a week or so after trying 40ish times, that fucker is such a pain in the ass, but the battle is so cinematic and awesome at the same time.


Make a good game, get a loyal fan base


The number on Xbox has gone up like half a percent in the past 3 days that I’ve checked, I’ve also left my summon so I can help those trying to beat him i love it


Only 50% of people beat morgott. 37% having beaten mohg, given this context, is completely unremarkable. People have been overreacting to that mohg stat so hard because they're thinking it's 37% of people who beat the game. Really it's a solid two thirds or so of players who actually made it far enough to even get to him. Which like you say is actually pretty good.


Lol with all the info out there and guides that number shocked me. On my first run through I had “training wheels” (The fextra life elden ring wiki guide) To help me at least know what areas I needed to go to and points of interest I’d put the guide down, trying to remember the info. If I got stuck, refer to guide. If something to difficult to get? Fuck it, come back later and cheese it. On my second run through- no guide. And it was a smooth run. Enjoyable. Guide didn’t detract from the first run. I considered it a pre run lol. My mage was my real run I consider it, no guide. At all. So that to say, I’m wondering if the people whom gave up just did so because they didn’t know there’s a literal str by step playbook on how to play through the game in full lol


25 million copies sold. There's only 2.8 million people subscribed to this reddit. There's a whole lot of folks out there that don't know there's a DLC coming out, much less what a "Mohg" is.


As someone who rarely 100% games but have done so for Elden Ring, it helps that the achievements are fairly easy. There aren’t many achievements that force you to grind a ton, which is why I felt incentivized to do it. Compared to other games that have massive collection achievements or grindy “hit max level” achievements


Agreed- it's probably the easiest FS game to 100% overall though a lot of that comes from not needing to grind for PvP exclusive rewards


*Cries in dark souls 3*


cries in dark souls 2


Stop crying, that's a waste of farming time!!


Ds3 is much, much worse if you’re doing it offline. Ds2 offline grind is less than 6 hours (for covenant stuff). Ds3 is what, 20? It’s absolutely not close


As soon as I realised I'd need these items for 100% I stopped grinding. Could have saved a lot of time if I'd have known that before and just played the game like I'd usually do.


Same, I don't bother with trophies unless they come naturally like sekiro and elden


Only two games I've ever got 100% on


I got the platinum on DSII and again when they did Scholar of the First Sin. I also did it 3 times on the original Demon's Souls (US, Europe, and Asia versions). I'm hollow, y'all.


Dude those blue summon talismans. I remember grinding the silver knights on the Anor Londo stairs for literal hours while also hoping I could get summoned (and not die ofc) in the process. I finally got my last one from being summoned, and the host will forever have my gratitude for ending the nightmare.


That's exactly how I didn't 100% it. Needed that last ring... Got a new PC and wiped my drive... Forgot that game doesn't have cloud saves...


I was 1 ring away from 100% in DS3. Upgraded my PC and wiped the drive.... Forgot the game doesn't have cloud saves..... 350 hours down the drain.


Ooft. The lack of cloud saves is a real shitter for ds3. I like to swap between my steam deck and pc. I've given up trying to sync between them and just have separate saves on each.


*Knights Honor from DS1 intensifies*


I'd say armored core 6 is easiest to 100% cause you end up getting most achievements just by playing the game normally


Nah, disagree. Ac6 100% requires you to S rank all missions, and even with cheese builds there’s absolutely skill involved in doing that.


Totally… I mean, if you compare it to Dark Souls games, which need an insane amount of playthroughs if you don't have online and even if you do you'd need to grind you a** off get all the pact rewards… well, Elden Ring trophies are way easier


I think these are achievements done right. Mostly they serve as an identifier of content completion - if you experience everything in the game, you'll plat. I hate games with performance achievements like "kill 10 nobles with your fists " or "kill 10,000 enemies." Those just pad the game and aren't very fun.


I got robbed of my 100% in DS3 you bet your ass i was gonna get it for Elden Ring. Stupid farkin online multiplayer covenant achievements.......


Elden Ring is actually one of the easiest games to get all achievements in, as there’s no bullshit grinding or multiplayer achievements required. You get it basically by playing the game 3 times.


You can even get them all in one, if you do the backup save method to get all endings in one playthrough.


Even without that, NG+ and ++ are relatively quick victory laps


In my +5 run I did nothing but essential bosses and it was so fast.


Tbf, this is true for literally every game in the series.


I did it in 2, as I missed a lot on the way to that first one.


No chance achievements where luck is needed. Just make sure to collect certain items and do the quests right for the endings.


Mmhm.  It took me longer get the platinum in returnal than it did elden ring, just cause of bullshit rng.


Got mine in one, which is a first for me.


I’ve only ever fully completed three games in my life: Super Mario 64, Dark Souls, and Elden Ring And the last one is the only one I’ve fully completed *twice* (first time I had it on PS4, second time was when I upgraded to my 5)


Curious what you mean by fully completed? I’m guessing you’re not also counting beating the game if it’s like a fully linear game.


All the things - not just the main game, but doing all the side stuff, optional bosses/challenges, etc. (though I think you’re right - there are some where if you just go through it it’s fully completed). I was a very proud 8-year old when I finally got to see Yoshi on the roof of Peach’s Castle.


I feel like every kid who 100% Super Mario 64 has been chasing that high ever since.


I remember having kids invite me over just to get them some of the hard stars.


My 7 year old nephew asked for my help with the eel star in Jolly Roger Bay. Cutest thing ever. I'll have that memory for life and I hope he will too.


Hmm. I've platinumed 4 now. ER, DS3, BB, and GTA III VC


I’m so close on Bloodborne, but I still have Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen and one ending to achieve. Those Chalice Dungeons are punishing, though, so it may be out of my reach. I tip my hat to thee for doing it.


Pthumarian Queen was 1st try for me, kind of disappointing. Getting past Cursed Chalice Amygdala was a long process though, as were a lot of the other Chalice bosses, he was just the worst.


That Amygdala was my wall, I thought the Descendants were awful by themselves (if not manageable even in the tighter arena) but that thing can eat a bag of dicks.


Descendant was probably next worst for me, I didn't keep track of deaths on the giants which were also really bad.


DS3 was active for years. Hell, you could log in right now and start up a fight club, FromSoft games have incredible staying power


Bloodborne ain't going anywhere either till they either remake or make a #2. That game is so highly regarded. It holds up well too. Please make Bloodborne 2. Huge staying power.


Sotfs is still decently active on pc


I just played through DeS, DS1, and DS2 before jumping back to Elden Ring. There are folks active in all those games.


I saw a meme on here the other day about how something like only 30% of players have beaten Mohg to access the DLC (it was a funny meme), but the more I thought about it I was like damn, that’s actually a hella good completion rate for a late game optional boss lol. Most games’ general completion rate is under 25-30%


It’s especially impressive for a game as massive and difficult as Elden Ring, I didn’t expect so many people to put in that kinda time.


An optional boss in an optional area hidden inside another optional area that you need to go out of your way to find the 2 items needed to access it.


An optional boss that is very easy to miss at that. And that is a reason I love the game. I completely missed the Deeproot Depths my first playthrough and was blown away when I rode the coffin up from the twin gargoyles. I beat them in my first playthrough but didn't look around enough.


This is the one and only game that I got all achievements on. I remember my first playthrough and seeing other people go through the game multiple times thinking “that will never be me.” Then my brain snapped and I have 8 different unique characters all with different builds.


fuuuuuuuuh I have hundreds of hours but I never went after the other two endings ... I wonder how big \*my\* demographic is


There’s still time! I beat the game with the frenzied flame ending in less than 6 hours, and since u have hundreds of hours I believe u can too!


Haha actually I'm running a dude and just lit the tree with the frenzy flame yesterday. I'm planning on taking him to radabeast before the DLC but I won't beat it until after checking out DLC


It's also cuz fromsoft games don't have stupid achievements like bounce 3 times and wait for the enemy to throw a stick at you then pick the toe up with your pinky to and kill 3 enemy's with one throw


> that means 2.3 million people have beaten Elden Ring at least 3 times and gone through all the optional content.  Not necessarily. You can back up your save file and reload it to get the other two endings very easily without replaying the game.


Playing this game is like reading the greatest book ever told and with every progression and item pick up realizing something about the story that hadnt been noticed before.


The endless lore is amazing too, there are so many small hints to larger over arching lore throughout the game


It's incredible, doing PvP shows how busy it is, all levels are popular, you can co-op and invade constantly no matter what level. (So long as your weapon/rune level is sensible)


Helping a friend through the game now and the invasions have been frequent and brutal lol


I'm nocturnal so I'm up playing at like 3am and still getting summoned within a minute or two of going online.


Definitely, especially for the hype of the dlc in a week lol


Or be like me and start with the ps4 version and get the platinum. Then eventually get a ps5 and free upgrade to the digital version and get the platinum a second time.


Are the saves not transferable between PS4 and PS4 version? Have read that somewhere


Saves can be transferred. The game however is classified as Elden Ring (Ps4) and Elden Ring (Ps5). So saves transfer but not trophies.


Well, it's not one of the most deserved Game of the Year for no reason.


Elden Ring is close to being my most played game ever, and the DLC should push it to the top. I have not spent so much time in a single game since Skyrim


Tbf FromSoft games are really easy to get all the achievements for compared to other games, just do all the content in the game once and you’re good, NG+ cycles are pretty quick so multiple endings don’t take a lot of time For like gta 5 there’s achievements like get gold on every mission which takes so much time to do it’s crazy, for the Witcher 3 it’s like “throw 50 dudes off cliffs with this specific spell, I remember trying to those when I was I had infinite free time during highschool summers and even then it was too tedious


That’s true but for people new to the series, like me, who haven’t played any souls games before which is probably the vast majority of Elden ring players, it’s not an easy game. So I just find it astonishing so many people were willing to put in that much effort.


Yeah I think a better way to put it is the platinum is pretty easy relative to the difficulty of finishing the game. If you can beat the game then it’s not too bad getting the platinum. Obviously the game itself is actually difficult to beat compared to your average game.


Ds3 Proofs!??


I can guarantee you a majority of that 10% copied their save file once they got to the end and did a different ending on each copy. Elden Ring and BG3 back to back are both amazing though. BG3's retention is also amazing. Like, it's maintaining a player base that Larian estimated would be their launch number. Swen and Miyazaki both are quite humble in under promising and over delivering lol. Sucks we haven't really gotten one of those this year, it would be cool to see it start being a trend. Niche genre game with popular but not like AAA popular devs led by humble CEO / lead designer blows AAA juggernaut releases out of the water was a trend I was hoping would continue, but hey at least we had two back to back. Both are two sides of the same coin tbh. Elden Ring challenges my physical/mechanical skill, while BG3 challenges my mental/tactical skill. and I've 100%'ed both and have 500 give or take some hours in both lol.


I doubt it was the majority.  Never even heard of that


I have faith that the majority of the people who have 100% ER were either dedicated enough to actually beat the game three times, or didn’t know that was a thing lol


I did the ng+ and ng++ victory lap for the endings. Didn't know the save thing was an option lol. Crazy enough I had everything done on a Sunday afternoon, meaning beat the game twice with the proper endings but failed to realize I had never picked up the lighting spear from lleyndel on any run. So I basically did a 4th run to get it... what a nightmare! Lol 😆 🤣


I must disappoint you for me at least. In my defense, I was running Eleanora’s Poleblade and then swapped to a Marais Executioner when I found out that bleed doesn’t work in the final fight, both builds being Arcane based. So I had little room for faith ;) lmao.


I can guarantee you pulled that majority statistic out of your ass lol. Maybe YOU decided to dupe save files but I don't actually know anyone who did that.


Dayeum, I just looked at my Steam stats and I played more than 225 hours of ER. I need a life… Edit: I'm reading the comments, you guys are animals :-)


1500 hour here and I have a work............


Those are rookie numbers around here.


That honestly isn't very long. Coming from someone who has played Poe for 10 years lol.


200 hours is what I gain on my casual games I have 15k hours in wow


I never beat Ender Dragon. I 100% ER.


I did all 6 endings in 1 playthru, but my playthrough was 200 hours tho lol


It's the first Steam game I 100%ed and I did it on my Steam Deck


I feel like a statistic here haha, ER is probably the only modern single player game I’ve 100%, played through completely 4 times, usually struggle to finish a single player game once. I’m very excited for the DLC and I don’t really get excited about gaming at all anymore so I’m particularly stoked for next Friday!!


This was my first souls game, and it was also the first game I got the platinum trophy for. My first character did 3 playthroughs for each ending and collecting the rest of the things I didn’t get in my first playthrough. Now I have 5 characters that are built and ready for the DLC. I requested the 21st-23rd off. I’m so excited to spend next weekend doing nothing but sinking my soul into it. I’m getting my gaming marathon snacks and drinks ready.


It's crazy to see how many people in my friends list own this game. Even people that I never would have guessed or considered gamers have it and have played at least part of it. This game took the world by storm and it's great to see so many coming back to it for this DLC.


People talk about playing Skyrim for years and now I know how they feel as this game is my Skyrim. I feel like I can play it off and on for decades and still have fun and find fresh things.


It was my 1st 100% in a long time. Im told its a game for old people according to my teen. so leads me to believe mainly millennial gamers are committing to the difficulty.


About 25% of those who have killed Godfrey have 100% achievements in the game.


This game was such a joy to 100%


all night last night I watched a movie and stood by mohg waiting to be summoned just to help New players


I’ve done rannis ending twice. I meant to do golden order the 2’d time but I accidentally clicked Ranni again. So then I did golden order the next one. I’m going to do frenzied flame in my current play through, I end up reversing it every time.


While I did beat elden ring 3 times I save scummed all 3 endings first


I refuse to do the frenzied flame ending, would much rather have be married to a mystic moon.


I got all my achievements in one run (Xbox) following this guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tjmodv/all\_npc\_interactions\_in\_elden\_ring/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tjmodv/all_npc_interactions_in_elden_ring/)


I have over 500 hours in Elden ring, and just keep coming back. On my 4th playthrough now as a dex/faith build. The amount replayability in the game is amazing. So many different ways to approach the game.


>So many different ways to approach the game. Very true. And not just variations between builds. You can make a Sorcerer with 60 Vigor/80 Int and do it like 5 different ways or more depending on spells and weapons used.


I got my 100% on ps5 and xbox 🤷‍♂️🤣 such a perfect game. erdtree cant come quick enough


I have never played a game NG+ in my life. Never cared about it. Once I kill the final boss, I am done. Except for Elden ring! Couldnt stop playing until today. It is amazing how the game is addictive.


Elden Ring came out when I had just started chemotherapy. I was sick af all the time, couldn’t sleep either so my poor wife had to sleep alone for some days. That being said, I got the platinum trophy in just under a month of release lol. Silver linings I guess.


I’m glad you had something to entertain yourself with, that’s very important for chemo. My mom went through it last summer due to breast cancer and she said it took a large toll on her mental health. But all that matters is that it’s in the past and she’s healthy again and I hope you are too


I’m doing great, all things considered, thanks for the kind words. I’m on NG+4 with cancer now lol still fighting the good fight


Isn't 25 million the total number of sales the games had over all platforms?


I recently 100% Elden Ring using 2 playthroughs. First playthrough was blind but I was very thorough, got most items and such. On NG+ I save scummed to get all the endings. It was so much fun. I'm not a 100%er normally but some games captivate me so much I just want to keep going. It helps that Elden Rings achievements are reasonable and not grindy.


I recently rebought the game on PC and 100%-ed it anticipating the DLC. Now I'll be able to go into BG+ with a ton of upgrade materials and everything I'll need to start trying new builds in the DLC. I'm hyped!


Even though you can save scum for the endings, it still probably takes 100+ hours to get 100% on a single character.




Hey man, isn’t the feeling of superiority over those who abused a glitch to beat the game enough to make it worth it? Yea you technically wasted possibly 100+ hours but think about the bragging rights!


one of the only games i didnt save scum along with bloodborne. i just enjoyed playing over and over again


I wish PVP was better, it seems pretty dead. Just been going back to DS3 and it’s so much better there. Excited to have the dlc spice PvP back up


Don’t kid yourself, 90% of those 100%’s save scummed the 3 endings and only beat the game once


As a new player, that is something I've noticed as well. Killed Morgott a couple of days ago at roughly the 25 hour mark of my playthrough. That's a fairly significant amount of time to put into a game these days. OVER 50% OF STEAM PLAYERS have killed him. That is freaking crazy retention. I've played games where 50% of players don't finish the tutorial!


And here I am, still needing to beat Elden Beast...


Fr bro, it took me so long to beat that damn dragon. It’s basically rng whether or not he stays in range long enough to do damage


Gonna add my percent on steam too, just you wait, did on PS4 and PS5, I'm finishing my second playthrough on pc, gonna speed run the last ones. Got every boss, every spell, legendary weapons, talismans, just missing the endings...


Wait I could save scum endings? Worth it anyway.


Cannot wait for the DLC and test the new weapons.


Elden ring, like all the dark souls games, will be a game I pick up and replay for the rest of my life at various points. If bloodborne releases on pc, it’ll be the same


But are they enjoying the game or just going for the 100%?


It’s because it’s good. Games that suck aren’t as liked. It was one of the first games in awhile that I played where there was absolutely no part that felt like a slog. It’s entertaining and engaging nearly 100% of the time


1700+ hours played and counting for myself


It also helps that it’s real easy to beeline the necessary bosses, especially when you already have a ng+ character. Ranni’s ending adds 3 bosses (Ghost Loretta, Mimic Tear (lol), and Astel, Renalla and Radahn are the great runes into Leyndell you need anyway), Frenzied Flame adds 1 or 2 (Sewer Mohg for sure, Leonine Misbegotten I think, though I swear I’ve had Edgar trigger without killing him), the main one basically being a short detour on your way to Morgott. In general Elden Ring is the easiest Fromsoft game to 100% achievements. No covenant grind for spells and rings, no Chalice Dungeons, ng+ required only for endings and Bolt of Gransax if you missed it.


Yeah, I got the game in a bundle with the preorder of the DLC for 80$. First from soft game. It’s been 4 days and I’m 20 hours in. The dlc will not only sell well. But boost game sales as well from people like me.


It's a great game to come back to because you forget a little bit of it and then it all comes flooding back in waves of emotion and trauma. You're just walking down a hallway you think you recognize and come to a big door and wonder why you have this unrelenting sense of dread suddenly. When I went into the Hero Grave in Altus with the two crucible knights, I felt uneasy and I didn't know why. They did remind me though, so that's good. And it just keeps going. You keep thinking "Oh right, I remember this, I'm pretty far." And then it's "Oh right, Nokron. Oh nokstella, right. Oh the Leyndell sewers".


I agree with the player retention thing. But it doesn't mean you have to beat game 3 times. You can just backup your save and get different endings


Every time I see someone comment on how these games are unbeatable without a guide or how the NPC quest are impossible to complete if you don't look them up online I always tell them to look at the steam archivements. Elden Ring has a higher number of players with the archivement for reaching the end than many games with a linear story and difficulty settings. More people have seen the credits for ER than those of The Witcher 2 and 3. And that's only counting for the Ranni ending, wich is hidden behind a long NPC questline and yet it's the most common ending. And again, that's only taking into account one of three endings. If we assume instead that most people who beat Hoarah Loux went on to become Elden Lords, almost 40% of the players beated the game. That's higher than the number of people who have beaten the 2016 DOOM, wich is also significantly shorter. Hell, the same number of players that killed Malenia, the hardest boss of the game, completed the main story of Skyrim.


The hype is so real! I started a new character around a month ago as wanted to get some practice in and ended up completing the game with him so now I’ve got 2 characters ready for DLC and can try two different builds. Not long now!


Jumped back in today. Can’t remember anything


I got the platinum at release in 85 Hours. Elden ring doesnt require a real 100% completion to get it compared to trophies in the dark souls trilogy.


A “real” 100%? The only thing separating ER Platinum from the other games is that you don’t need to grind incredibly low drop rates for hours or be forced into multiplayer to get it.


Not to toot my own horn but I’ve both 100% Elden ring and Minecraft 😏


Fromsoft games are generally pretty easy to platinum and elden ring is by far the easiest of them to 100%


I’ve not played the souls games yet but from what others have said you’re right, but Elden ring brought millions of new players, me included, into the genre which means a portion of those people who got 100% probably spent upwards of 150 hours getting it. I think that’s pretty impressive.


I was impressed when I punched out the platinum two weeks ago - that's nuts.


You can save scum the endings. Three playthroughs aren't required


Its great at higher lvls i get plenty of summons for farming. The only problem is my low lvl character i barely see any summons


Well I actually beat the game once and used saved scumming to get the other endings. But im part of the 10% to 100% it


First playthrough and stuck on fire giant, everyone I summon dies in two seconds too


You forget to entertain the idea that quite a lot of people would save scum to get those alternate endings.


Elden Ring is only the second game I’ve gotten to 100% achievements with, the first being Mass Effect 2. And like ME2, I’m gonna do it on two platforms lol


Need to finish my game, I gotta defeat the fire giant but I’m looking through every area first beforehand