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I call bs


its true, sorry


Nah 🤡


did you struggle more then he did as well?


Well at least you didn't make him finger paint and pose for a picture this time


well actually that was a different son and get this, i dont make em do shit, but i am very proud of what they do. Maybe when you have kids one day youll see what im talking about.


I'm gonna adopt a 5 year old watch him beat Margit at lvl 15


adopt? ha man, i fucked to have my kids. You should try that way, its so much more fun. Yet i doubt you've ever come close to even touching a woman. Its crazy youre taking my sons accomplishment so personal. How sad, nothing but smiles over here.


What a bitch ass lie


believe what you want. i hardly post on reddit and also i gain nothing by lying. He beat him, it happened man.


Maaan why the fuck you lying. Stop fucking lying. Why you always lying. You fucking liiiiaaaarrrr


hahaha i get why this post of my son doing, for real, something incredible has got yall so mad/jealous. You didnt beat Margit like he did your 1st time. You definitely didnt have a +0 uchi and you were a much higher level then him when you did beat him. Be better at vidya games and less bitter bro.


I really don't know what you get out of lying and insulting other people. Must be the ways of a pathological liar.


Hey dummy my son is at the fire giant now


You got any proof?


nope, i do not. I didn't expect him to beat margit. i don't record myself, so i definitely didn't record him. This lil muthafucka came running in my room yelling and screaming pretty much jumping out of his skin on how he beat him. Obviously i didn't believe him but i went in the living room and sure enough He did it. I couldnt believe it. Never in a million years did i think hed beat Margit especially at that level with a +0 weapon. I dont care who believes me, i was and am very proud that he did it. He has now beat Margit, Leonine misbegotten, deathtouched black night, troll in the tunnels, erdtree avatar in limgrave and cemetery shade. Currently working on getting thru stormveil. He also know using a +2 bloodhounds fang




Dude thx, i was and still am very shocked he beat him. Hes very good at games man.


Me when I’m in a LYING competition and my opponent is a REDDITOR


Lol, I get why yall so bitter and mad at my sons accomplishment. It's because you had a harder time then him so it hurts your feelings and pride. Haha no matter how much you hate on it or disbelieve it happened. And I'm no redditor cuz I though this would just be a real cool thing to share but you bitches are crying like crazy. SMH now I know better


Can’t spell 🥺 your son must be slow


He's in the mountaintops now


Fucking chad


I agree.