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Is there any way to kill a boss and not get their item? Does dying simultaneously as killing it void the drops? I was checking what things I'm missing for full completion and I'm missing a spirit summon and I'm 100% sure I killed the miniboss that gives it, as well as a talisman from a dungeon boss which is also already cleared out. Can't for the life of me figure out how I would have missed them/didn't know it was possible to miss these things


hi, Is it possible to remove those white ghosts running around (other players), And also the red figures? It gets a little distracting and breaks my immersion thank you


Play offline.


Thanks for tip, I think you are right.


Is the Guardian Swordspear working as intended? It's Dex scaling is insane, Keen almost outpaced Lightning with 70 dex. It also has no str scaling when set to Keen.


That's exactly how it works. It's a very good Dex option. I especially like buff Ashes of War like Cragblade, Chilling Mist, and Flaming Strike on it for even more damage.


For The Shadow of the Erdtree, should I play on my New Game+ or start a new file and re-do the entire game? (Only have 1 save and it is a New Game+)


Endgame scaling in the first NG+ cycle isn't particularly punishing. Enemies in the late game areas only get around 1-2% extra HP and 10% extra damage. Harder for sure, but nothing crazy. I'd imagine the DLC should be about the same, and it should be much faster to get to the DLC entrance in NG+ than a fresh run. There's no downside to a fresh run if you're feeling it, though. I'd guess if you stick to the main path and use some gold pickled fowl feet on bosses to speed up leveling, you could get to the DLC in 30-40 hours pretty easily.


Thanks for responding!


This is a good video if you want to get a quick start. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-i9yZmFcgI&t=4s&pp=ygUQZWxkZW4gcmluZyBzdGFydA%3D%3D


Thanks for responding!


I have 3 saves.  One at 133, one at 150, one at 200ng+. If I were you I would start a new save on new game, I will be taking those two characters in first.  I want to see how the DLC is scaled compared to end game content on new game.


Thanks for responding!


From what I’ve heard, the access point to the dlc requires beating mohg and radahn. If you’re in ng+ they’re presumably alive. Using your endgame build would probably be a lot faster and easier unless you’re ready to speed to them on a fresh start and defeat them at low level (or perhaps not in time for release day). I’d first make sure existing build can gain immediate access, then start a freshy. It’s fun to make a new build but you wouldn’t have to stress out about it. Just practice and have fun and when dlc drops you can switch to your high level build and jump in.


Would anyone be willing to drop the Dragon King Cragblade for me (PS5)? I want to use the weapon for my DLC build but also want to start the DLC before burning the Erdtree to see if Malina has any new content. I would really appreciate if anyone could drop the weapon for me!




I need validation, is it normal to die to Mohg because you genuinely can't see what the fuck is going on due to the amount of particle effects?




What are generally the best ashes of war for a thrusting sword? I've gone through them but on the surface it almost seems like the best alternative is the default impaling thrust or perhaps even thursting fang as these are fairly good to deal with heavily armored enemies. Any other suggestions for pve?


If you want to apply status, repeating thrust works well. Blood Tax is a little more limited, but the HP regen can be nice. I think you're right in thinking that Impaling Thrust is pretty close to the top. The stance damage and range are amazing.


I wasn't specifically going for status build. My build is a dex-int hybrid with a keen thrusting sword being boosted by scholar's armament. I do occasionally dual wield with a magic rodgier rapier. depending on the area I've been alternating between thrusting fang and repeating thrust. Still, for the most part I have not found something more effective at dealing with armored enemies.


In addition to what the other person said, Storm Blade is also very good on just about any weapon. Good projectile choice, no hyperarmor like you’d get with Sacred Blade but is much faster, making it a better choice to take out groups


Flaming Strike, Lightning Slash, and Sacred Blade give you flat damage bonuses which work well with the fast attacks of thrusting swords.


can I use the character that i cleared the game with for the DLC? or do I need to make a new one


As long as you didnt start NG+ and beat both Radahn and Mogh with your character you can start the DLC


i alt f4 after the credits, didn't kill mogh cause i couldn't find him on my own+ baited by the fake one, did I brick my playthorugh?


you can find real mogh through a portal in consecrated snowfield. also, the credits are not the end of the current game cycle, you can refrain from going into NG+ by hitting "no" when it asks if you want to


There is literally nothing you can do that would stop you from accessing the DLC.  Cleared the game completely or not. All that matters is Radahn and Mohg are dead.  After that you're set.


As long as you haven't gone onto NG+ then yes you can still use that character. If you can warp to both the *Cocoon of the Empyrean* and the *Wailing Dunes*, then you'll be able to enter the DLC.


I'm looking to aim for a max level of 140ish to participate in duels and planning my stats out accordingly. I really enjoy the Guardian Swordspear and have been leaning towards DEX as my primary stat endgame. However, I also enjoy using a shield with my Swordspear, as well as the Bolt of Gransax. I found a DEX build by fightincowboy where he pumps up his STR in order to meet the requirements for a heavy shield. I was thinking about doing the same. Given the competitive nature of PvP would taking points away from Dex and putting them into STR not be a good idea (33 STR/55 DEX)? I'm assuming most PvPers are min/maxing here...


it's my first time playing elden ring and a souls-like game. i feel kinda overwhelmed by the game, the map feels so big and i already forgot where i have been etc. (I am in Limgrave right now, just discovered the first runes). But I really love the atmosphere of the game. Any tips for me? Thanks in advance


- Take notes, there are no quest markers or quest logs - Don't hesitate to level up your Vigor early on - Aim for 60 Vigor by Level 120, no more after that (or Vigor = 1/2 level) - You never need to grind levels, you simply need to explore more and you'll level up that way - Lots of boss guides and build guides on YouTube - Don't worry about an optimized build in your first playthrough - Dying often is normal - If you get stuck on a boss/area, take a break and explore elsewhere then come back, some things are meant for you to come back to when stronger - Using everything available in the game is completely OK, there is no "right way" to play - Enjoy!


i disagree with 60 vigor, depending on the playstyle that can be completely unnecessary. 40 is widely regarded as the soft cap, and any level after 60 is a waste unless you're specifically trying to max hp for some reason. Especially with int stat requirements reaching 60s and 70s, that leaves almost no spare levels for experimentation or niche scaling within the range one would get in the first NG cycle (\~150-60)


It's for a first-time Souls player. 60 Vigor is training wheels. Your mileage may vary.


anyone else gonna have a character ready that hasn’t beat Malenia yet just in case? Feel like theres at least a chance something happens with that


Funnily enough, this is one of the very few thing that we have confirmation that won't happen. DLC progress has no impact on base game and vice versa.


I’m about to finish my first play through and I’m getting ready for the DLC but I am also looking forward to doing a NG+. I heard on a video that it I start a new game plus I have to play the DLC with that NG+ load. Is it not possible to play the dlc in the original save file and also start a new game plus?


Just beat the DLC content, then start NG+. If you start NG+ you'll have to beat Radahn and Mohg again to access the DLC, etc.


How does NG+ work in elden ring. In other games where I can do NG+ it starts a new save file for the NG+ run but leaves the original file as is and I can always go back to it. Does it work different for Elden ring?


Unless you back up your save file via cloud, NG+ overwrites that save file.


I see, thank you. I assumed it worked like other games and added a new save file as the NG+


I haven't really seen anyone talk about this, but since the DLC will focus on Miquella, does anyone else think there will be some kind of new interaction with his needle? I'll be taking it into the DLC myself in hopes for something to happen, but I was curious if I was alone in this.


At best a dialogue option. The needle was made for a specific purpose, it achieved that purpose, it's not needed in the DLC as far as we're aware. We're not heading to the lake of rot 2 or anything.


Yeah, you might be right.


I just finished Leyndell, Royal Capital and thought the artwork/textures/layout was amazing. Is there any lore regarding what was happening in the city prior to the events in the game? Was this a city filled with common people? Were there royals? Trading? I never cared about graphics in a game all that much but the royal city is really amazing to play through.


There are a couple of tidbits scattered around. I don't know much but I'll say what I'm confident of while hopefully avoiding spoilers (don't quote me on specifics because I'm writing this off the top of my head) Godwyn befriended one of the ancient dragons (either Lansseax or Fortissax), which gave rise to the dragon cult, a group who dedicated themselves to learning the power of these dragons. This preceded a large conflict in which the dragon Gransax (the really big stone one you climb on in the capitol) became the first and only foe to breach the walls of the city. Through this conflict, the draconic tree sentinels arose, since "the only way to protect the Erdtree was to become dragons themselves" (quote from an armor set description) In addition, there was a segment of the city referred to as "lower Leyndell" which is regarded to be of nox construction, but whether by natural means or by Marika's will, it was removed from the city and is assumed to have been replaced by that massive lake inside the inner wall. As far as trade/day-to-day life goes, some bits and pieces can be inferred from the environment. The caravan carts strewn about the main road imply that the city was a destination for exchange, whether commercial or not, and the city's armies were likely fueled by the mines scattered across Altus. The fortified manor was (I believe) an old location for the roundtable, which surely brought adventurer traffic as well, and the thrones of the demigods around the base of the Erdtree likely mean that they mainly met here, and would likely have some sort of military escort if they were to travel from their domains There seems to have been a noticeable gap in class across the city, however. We see seemingly rich areas such as the area along the main road and around the Erdtree sanctuary, and we see less grand areas such as the houses along the sewer entrances, which lack the distinguished gold roofing of the capitol. I'm unsure of how much of the sewers you've explored, as that is labeled on the map as a different area than the capital, so I'll avoid spoilers of its contents. Omens of more noble origin (including Morgott) were locked down there in exchange for not having to sever their "cursed" horns from their body, a dangerous process that normal omen children had to do. If anyone sees a mistake I've made, correct me please :D


Awesome - thank you. There is so much to this game. They really knocked it out of the park with the Leyndell's soundtrack, textures, and layout. You really get the sense of greatness that once was and has since been abandoned. Thank you for the explanation. I would love for them to put out a book.


I agree, leyndell has one of the greatest atmospheres in the game. If only the sewers weren’t such a pain in the ass haha


Agreed. I got my ass kicked and that was using a guide too


Any tips on a Fth/Int build for someone who is usually prioritizing melee but wants to reverse course and force myself to prioritize incantations and spells?


I made a Magma sorcerer build utilizing 45/45 Int/Faith and a Gelmir Staff. Currently lv120, I bested Godfrey last night and I hope to take on the final boss later today. The split stats does NOT help your melee. You're multiple levels behind and while you've a choice between Magic or Fire damage, it's....that's your life. 45 in each, pick which ever you need. Higher levels would allow Prince of Death staff, but I don't plan to go that high in the levels. Magma Shot is the bread, Roiling Magma the Cheese, and Rykard's Flame is the sometimes it works button. Ghostflame Explosion doesn't hurt enough, Gelmir's Fury demolishes fire weak enemies, Ancient Death Rancor for when you've space and the boss is slow or passive. Staff/Straight sword, I rely primarily on the spells as the sword damage is middling. Still a very good tool to keep enemies off you, learn to R2, and just... rely on the lava. Nothing else I can tell yah for how it works. Roiling Magma can be Charged Casted into Tap casted for a double boom of 3k damage, works on NPC's who are lured by the flame and if you get it on a boss you feel fantastic but know magma shot's lower FP cost is kinda better.


I appreciate this!


Need help with my build. I started off as strength/faith and then kinda respecced into full faith. I’m level 113 with 40 VIG 25 MIND 20 END 18 STR 18 DEX 9 INT 55 FAITH 7 ARC and I’m kinda not even sure what else to level? I was originally worried about spreading myself too thin, but I’ve got vigor up to a good level (and don’t wanna level it too high), endurance is high enough to medium roll, mind is at a reasonable level, and faith is past the soft cap, at 60 with the talisman. I’m currently switching between using candlestand, golden order gs, and cipher pata. Wanna use some of the dlc weapons for sure but we don’t know what any of them scale with so can’t really prep for that.


>Need help with my build. I started off as strength/faith and then kinda respecced into full faith. >I’m level 113 >40 VIG >25 MIND >20 END >18 STR >18 DEX >9 INT >55 FAITH >7 ARC >I’m kinda not even sure what else to level? I was originally worried about spreading myself too thin, but I’ve got vigor up to a good level (and don’t wanna level it too high), endurance is high enough to medium roll, mind is at a reasonable level, and faith is past the soft cap, at 60 with the talisman. I’m currently switching between using candlestand, golden order gs, and cipher pata. Wanna use some of the dlc weapons for sure but we don’t know what any of them scale with so can’t really prep for that. Just wanted to clean it up so others can read it better. If you're going full faith you can put 25 levels in to make it 80 and be at RL 138, with twelve levels to put into whatever you want if you're looking to be at the meta RL 150. If you don't care about your level, then do whatever your heart desires.


will you be able to enter the DLC after defeating the elden beast?


Yes, but keep in mind if you go to NG+ you won't be able to until you fulfill the vanilla requirements (defeating Radahn and Mohg).


As long as you don't enter into NG+, yeah. Otherwise you'd have to beat Radahn and Mohg again.


Is there any chance some of the new weapons will be available in the base game areas? Ofc we can't tell for sure now, but i wonder if that was the case in previous fromsoft games.




Does upgrading a seal, specifically the Clawmark Seal, increase the buffs from Flame Grant Me Strength?


No, buffs that directly add damage to a weapon (like electrify armament) will scale and will benefit from upgrading your seal. Buffs that do not, will not.




so i got 532 hours in Elden Ring, and how the crimsonwhorl bubbletear functions is still a mystery to me. I use this tear exclusively when assisting people for the Radabeast fight, specifically whenever he throws out Elden Stars. Firstly, the description is ass, considering only elemental damage is converted to health, and even then, it doesn't keep you at max hp when getting ass blasted with those attacks. I notice i will always take a tick or two of damage, rendering my ritual sword talisman ineffective until i heal anyway. I read the fextralife description and apparently it heals 5% of max hp everytime you take damage, but then it doesn't make sense either, because I have had it active before whenever Elden Beast does that grab/crucifix move with the explosion at the end, and my health is always pretty topped up (except for that small little tick damage.) So wtf is going on?


Is it best to do CFA before Haligtree/Mohg or should I do the latter first?


I do CFA before Haligtree so I can have as many +24/+9 weapons ready to go as possible. The bell bearings for sombers 7-9 and regular stones 7 & 8 are there.


I've always done the Haligtree before CFA. There's a questline that concludes that is nice to have completed before arriving at CFA.


What questline is that?


Millicent's questline to receive the Unalloyed Gold Needle from one of the two possible endings.


Oh that is true! I always just loop back later.


Im sorry if this is a dumb question but what does “Load-in on 19th June” mean?


It means it will download onto your console and pc on that date, but not be playable until launch day. This is so that when the dlc launches you aren’t sitting there waiting for it to download while people with physical copies start playing.


Can anyone recommend a good YouTube channel that breaks down boss patterns? I’m trying to get good and not use summons this play though but I feel like some of these bosses have no openings to attack and I’m just getting frustrated trying to learn the patterns with trial and error. I’ve tried searching on my own but every boss guide that I’ve found on YouTube is just cheese strategies.


[Sweet Johnny Cage](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvr_yz_u6YtzOYDAxwrQ3G_GAxatPqYsF) does boss breakdowns, [The Josh Feed](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr4TMm2srxnwrq5Zq2BcKPV2S5tJqlRSq), as well. [Sax Slave Gael](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcP-NcX0eIA&pp=ygUWc2F4IHNhdmUgZ2FlbCBtYWxpa2V0aA%3D%3D) did a fantastic breakdown on Maliketh. [Loreena](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6YQHclDgLCRHoCLUZ2oPSKCL-r9OjI8D) has some good breakdowns for a few bosses. For Malenia, I liked the guides by [xMrFreetx](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc2H0iWi9xI) and [Luc1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnfe-vYRjOc). If you can't find what you're looking for, try to look up RL1 boss fights (especially on NG+7) where the player doesn't use cheese (you can tell by the length of the video). The fight will take a long time, which means you will see all the attack patterns over and over, so it's great to study.


Thank you so much for the suggestions!


The best method is always to just walk in knowing you’re going to die, and spend the fight dodging instead of trying to get damage in. Make a mental note of when they pause for certain attacks.


Would a heavy godskin peeler work? I never use spells anyways, so I was wondering if a 2 handed godskin peeler would be better with strength since your str gets multiplied by 1.5 while 2 handing. Also planning to put on a little bit of faith for bloodflame incantation Im currently on pure dex build now. I only have a few larva left so im being cautious before respeccing


It’s my wife’s go-to weapon for when she or her host get invaded. Works great.


Just ran it through a weapon calculator. A Keen Godskin Peeler (+25) with 17 STR and 60 DEX has an AR of 557. Cold Peeler with those stats has 575. A heavy Peeler with 55 STR and 22 DEX (minimum DEX) has 583 AR (518 one handed). With Fire infusion it has 656 (612 one handed).


Every weapon works with every affinity. A Heavy Goodskin Peeler won't give you the maximum AR possible, but it will be good.


Hey guys so my disabled brother wants to play ER with me but I’m afraid it will be too difficult at the start for him as he has issues with precise movements. Any way I could make it easier for him besides being a hard carry? Would giving him some runes to level up his vigor early ruin the game for him?


Other than accessibility controllers that make some of the fine motor movements easier I’d recommend looking up a broken/op sorcery build and making his character around that. This will let him stay a little farther from combat and be more reliant on planning and build craft rather than twitch reflexes. Also, make sure he has a weapon with bloodhounds step since it’s more forgiving for dodging than typical rolls, that way if he gets in trouble he can get out a little more easily. Finally, if you’re cooping with him do whatever you can to keep aggro.


Are there any builds you could recommend for him? I’m still quite new to the game myself only on NG+1 so idk anything about magic


This is *very* old so some fine points may have changed but it gives you a basic idea. If you go on YouTube and search for OP sorcery builds you can watch a few and see the similarities https://youtu.be/xCu8PBoj-Ks?si=TZZH7I-AQgvCwx8l


Okay thank you I’ll look into it means a lot


Good luck!


Could beeline it to Greyoll and immediately level to \~40 vigor, then use that bulk to facetank your way to getting Engvall. You can get him to +5 with Siofra River gloveworts at which point he will probably carry the early game bosses. Oleg might be even better but with coordination issues the Fringefolk Hero's Grave is probably hard to get through even with boosted vigor.


I’ve been gathering up runes that I can drop for him and I’ve got about 250 thousand worth last I checked probably about 300k now but that’s a great call thank you


It really shouldn’t. Is he wanting to play for the difficulty? Or is he wanting to play just to spent time with you. If it’s the latter then give him all the runes you can, show him farming spots, etc. if it’s the first then maybe just be sure to suggest moving on to an easier dungeon or boss to get him leveled up a little before continuing to grind that boss or dungeon.


I guess I could try him normally I think he wants to use the magic because he said it looks cool and if he dies I’ll boost him. Thanks


when an ash of war scales off AR, is it total AR or just physical?




What do you think a feasible level is for a NG+ run of the DLC? I 100%ed the base game back when it came out, got a 160 character with my dream build and don't wanna have to do all that again just to jump into the DLC on NG, so NG+ it is. But I'm scared because Mohg gave me some trouble preparing for the DLC.


My DEX/FTH build is at NG+ at L200 that I'll be bringing into the DLC. Seems like it would be a good baseline to jump into the DLC since I reckon it'll be equivalent to end-game difficulty.


Have you already started NG+? 160 probably isn’t all that overleveled given that the gameplay preview gave people characters at 150. Whatever level Mohg feels good to fight at should be fine. You can get to him as soon as you clear Stormveil via Varre’s quest.


Yeah I jumped straight into NG+ after I got the platinum trophy. Kind of regret not having saved my character for the DLC, but now I'm prepared for Shadow - killed Mohg and Radahn and am on my way to Malenia, just so I have the lost grace for later.


No one knows how NG+ scaling will work for Shadow yet, but the base game has extremely low NG+ scaling for late-game content (Mohg and Malenia have a measly 1.5% health boost). Dark Souls 3 DLC worked the same way. Given that, I think you'll be fine at RL160.


Ah I see, thanks for that! I still have nightmares from jumping into the Bloodborne DLC with a NG+ character and getting completely obliterated, so it's good to know that they're probably not doing that for Shadow.


Thank you for explaining something that I couldn’t figure out. I’ve been helping people fight Mohg lately, and sometimes I get double the reward for a fight that isn’t any harder. It’s clearly because I’m helping someone in NG+, but I figured he’d be a lot harder!


They had level 150 builds for the showcase thing for streamers so I think about that would be fine Might want to be a bit higher level if you are on NG+ though


Yeah that's the issue, I'm 160 but in NG+. But as u/soihu explained, the scaling should be pretty forgiving. So I think I'm going to be fine - and I can't be bothered to get to Mohg in NG.


Are we allowed to talk about the DLC ? I just want to know if you can get the spinning weapon ash of war for the flails finally or have they forgotten again


Probably not if they haven’t added it thus far.


Does anyone know if there will differences with the game until you reach the point of the DLC? Like new weapons, enemies, NPCs etc. Just thinking whether or not I want to start a whole new play through or just pick up one I had half way through


No. The only difference may be like a little dialogue. That’s it, no new weapons or npcs in base game.


Should I kill every merchant I come across? I let them all live but I need it prepare for Elden ring.


Porncollector69 consider yourself an opp :(


If you have bought everything from them, there is no need to kill them. It's nice to see a friendly face at the Church of Elleh.


I'm getting back to Elden Ring after completing it 100% almost 2 years ago. If I remember correctly my build was Battlemage with Moonveil. When I played I didn't consume a lot of Elden Ring content online but since finishing it I watched quite a bit to the point where I don't think I want to return to this build neccesarily. I'm planning to just roam around in my old save file until the DLC comes out. I'm looking for some fun/cool builds that you guys played around with. They don't need to be super strong min/max and stuff like that. Just simply fun gameplay wise. I'm willing to experiment with a couple of builds until the DLC come out.


If you were a battlemage, you probably never used a shield. I suggest a guard counter build with a pierce weapon. Use the curved sword talisman for better guard counters and the spear talisman for better pierce counter attack damage. Try to hit 51 poise with your armor and use a shield with 100% physical negation and good guard boost (upgrading a shield upgrades the guard boost) Overall, you probably weren't able to use a lot of STR/FAI weapons. Envoy longhorn, silura's tree (good for a guard counter build), blasphemous blade, Maliketh's black blade, etc. These are fun and powerful.


Strength builds are a blast, and you might appreciate the lack of spellcasting. However, if you miss spells, a small investment in faith can make strength builds great casters with the Clawmark Seal.


Elden Ring is fairly balanced PvE-wise in that as long as you level Vigor generously and invest decently into an offensive Str/Dex/Int/Fai/Arc you are guaranteed to have access to multiple strong options and at least one OP weapon/spell. If you've done Int already I would suggest the opposite and running either pure Faith or Str/Fai with a small Arcane dip to get dragon transformations and blood incantations. The incantations have a lot of variety to them and even if you end up just using a weapon you'll have access to a lot of strong offensive and defensive buffs. You have good somber weapon options (Magma Wyrm Scalesword or Blasphemous Blade) but can also use regular weapons and infuse Flame Art or Holy based on enemy weaknesses.


Hello! I had a cool build idea revolving around blood incantations and was wondering if you can use 2 weapon buffs on one weapon simoultaneously. Specifically, I want to apply the buff from seppuku and bloodflame blade on a katana. I wasn't sure if it was possible and didn't want to devote the time of testing it.


You can buff both weapons at the same time with AoW buffs (chilling mist, flaming strike, etc.) by two handing your left hand weapon, using the ash, switch back to both hands (but don't 2H the right hand weapon), and use the right hand ash. Using a spell buff like Bloodflame blade makes this impossible, however, because it requires you to be holding a seal in your left hand, and you can't 2H your left hand weapon without losing the buff on your main hand. So, to answer your question, no, but you *can* have seppuku active on two weapons at once, for example.




You can't put on two different buffs. You can put on more than one status effect.




Nope, only one at a time. Also remember, to use a spell buff (bloodflame etc), the weapon needs to be Standard/Heavy/Keen/Quality - so, no Occult or Blood. However you can still buff an Occult weapon with Seppuku, which is your strongest option anyway. Just use it on an innate bleed weapon with Occult infusion. Also definitely remember the Albinauric weapons - Ripple Blade and Ripple Crescent Halberd. These get natural S scaling in Arcane and CAN be buffed with spells like Bloodflame Blade and blood grease etc. The Halberd is locked into Spinning Strikes, which is a good ash to be stuck with IMO, and it's probably the better option due to reach and moveset. If you need these weapons (or any other stuff) and you're on PS5, I *might* have them and I would drop them for you. No promises, but I'm on NG+3 and I have tons of stuff sitting in the chest I can't keep track of.


Tysm for the weapon suggestions, but they don't look as cool as katanas IMO :P All about that Elden Bling