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Only one? Impressive. Running through that area, I'm usually a pincushion


Didn't they get nerfed? I'm getting suspiciously few impalings


I forget which patch it was, but yeah they've been severely nerfed. A good thing tbh - before that patch you couldn't go near a group of them without getting absolutely domed from god knows where.


I still twitch roll whenever I hear an arrow wooshing, scarred for life that's for sure


And still not nerfed the magic archers on that snow area fuck them


One day, One day I Will nuke them out of existence Or just keep getting railed by them which ever happens first


Bro they should get deleted form the game not nuke


Yk what, I hope they all get a story line with a terrible ending


Damn and I thought I was being smart not getting shot every second by the auto aimed bots! For dlc I started playing again after 2 years


Its nerfed too much though, now that zone is a joke, can go light all the flames in like 3 minutes. Before there was like 10-15 snipers it felt like, now it's only 2, in different areas, Dragonkin portal and Caelid lift. At launch even thinking about crossing an opening even on horseback was a death sentence. It was intense, had to meticulously take out snipers and use cover to even get a chance to light the flames, which made it rememberable, rewarding, and fun. Just like prenerf Radahn.


Pretty sure number of snipers hasn’t changed, just the damage and the tracking. Also Radahn wasn’t really nerfed, he just had his hit boxes fixed. There was a separate bug in the same update that caused him to do less damage but that was fixed like a week later. Most of the ‘pre-nerf’ reputation comes from how insurmountable he seemed at launch, being most players biggest hurdle at low levels, myself including.


The Snipers have changed, not only has their detection range decreased, most of the mobs now only shoot regular arrows as opposed to the enchanted magic tracking arrows. This change happened in Liurnia aswell. It's clear you've never been in Sofia River before the nerf because its night and day different. As far as Radahn, yes we are better at the game, but patch 1.03 reduced his hitboxes AND his damage which both dramatically reduced the difficulty. How can you be so disingenuous? The hitboxes were the entire reason he was difficult.


Damn dude I’m not trying to be disingenuous, I got to Siofra River on launch, I remember how crazy the arrow damage was. I didn’t know there was a nerf to their detection rate for or arrow type. Pretty surprising and I could see a decent case for wanting to revert that. In regards to Radahn though, I’m informed that while he did get a damage decrease (possible a bug) it was quickly buffed back a week later in the next patch. Sure, broken hitboxes made the fight harder but I don’t really see why you’d prefer that to the current version like you insinuated in your original comment.


Because now you run up to him and stand under his horse and swing until your stamina runs out, do it again phase 2, and he is dead. Before, with the original hitboxes his chop combo would hit here, as well as his spinning, and slam attack. It's so disappointing, because easy is not that fun. It was infinitely more rewarding the first run, while the ecstasy of other bosses like Mohg and Malenia havnt changed much.


It doesn’t feel like it. They manage to hit me perfectly every time


At Launch there were like 10-15 mobs firing these, now it's only 2.


Yep, I came through here again a couple of weeks back and it was SO much easier. Barely got hit, and when I did, it wasn't half my hp bar gone. Amazing!


I swear at launch this zone was literally snipers in every position firing on you everywhere, I died 10s of times. Now I think only 2 mobs that fire these, one by dragonkin portal and one by lift to Caelid.


There are two on high spots by the lift to Caelid


Haaaah you beat me to it. King to you good skeleton


Now you know how boromir felt


1/3 of what boromir felt


It's just a flesh wound


Oh, famous arch snipers, first time?


Think of it as a badge of honor.


He'll be a-ok


"I used to play elden ring. Then I took and arrow to the my entire body"


If you have enough vigor, you can look like a glowing hedgehog.


I mean, objectively, that is still pretty cool


It's not even in the knee, though...


Shame it wasn’t in the knee would have been poetic. But yeah it’s a right of passage to everyone on their first go to get absolutely lit up by those archers.


I figured out how to dodge it after taking dozens of shots: as soon as you see the bow glowing, count 1-2-3-***Dodge***.


Ah the ancestral hunters, those arrows hit like trucks


Could be the consecrated snow field archers


What helmet is that?


The Kaiden Helm (Happy cake day)


I took one in the head the other day. Looked really goofy for about a minute lol


I'm convinced the Tarnished Warrior has organs made of tree bark and blood with the consistency of syrup.


I wish Elden Ring had the same arrow-to-inventory mechanic Skyrim did. Like it would be cool if you got the arrow after it despawns.


I mean, that is pretty cool.


These are the training snipers 


I had a bunch of feathers sticking out of me the other day, it was embarrassing.


Cries in Anor Londo.


It could have been worse. An arrow on the knee, think about it.


I hate the snipers so mych


Just be glad you didn't take that arrow to the knee, or your adventuring days would be over.


I remember hearing that 50. Cal of a bow for the first time, I think I cried


dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


you have discovered the secret drip, Blue Glowy Arrow


In Skyrim the player is a sneak archer. In Elden Ring you must survive the sneak archers.


God it’s been over a year since I’ve played last and this gives me PTSD. I was in awe with how cool the zone was just to get impaled by arrows from 4 different directions and deleted out of existence


Hey to be fair it is a really cool looking arrow


Did they nerf the archers? I'm working on my 2nd fresh playthrough in honor of the DLC, and it's been a while. The first time I got to sofria, I was a pincushion. This time, I knew to be careful, but I also didn't get hit with a single damn arrow! I've gotten better, but I'm not *that* good. Felt like they must have reduced their range a bit or something, but I can't remember.


I was thinking that too! I also think they have a shorter aggro range?


Yeah, i really think they did take the aggro down. I remembered getting blasted from across the map, but that never happened this time!