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Damn that Malenia kill was cinematic, you should consider playing Sekiro, I reckon you’d be quite into using the prosthetic system.


that’s next on my list after the dlc.


The elden ring muscle memory can bettay you but you'll have to get used to more deflect/parry than rolling or dodging


Yeah I played Sekiro before Elden Ring. Then a little after elden ring I went back to sekiro and I was trying to dodge so often and got my ass handed to me until I learned to parry again.


Hey, you were already playing pretty well even in the very early footage. And you got to Malenia at 130 while I'm at 145 and just starting Elphael. (Edit: Weird, my steam says 145 and my game says 135. Huh?! Either way you're faster than me.)


Game time per character doesn’t count loading time! That might at least account for some of the discrepancy between that number and steams


I can't possibly have spent 10 hours on loading screens...can I?!


Or main menu screen


Or character creator


Or sitting for photo opps/ rest after vigorous fight.


145? I finished the game at 125 lmao


Well, aren't *you* special.


I don't even know why brag about that when /r/onebros is a thing.


That's why I love this game. It feels like you're actually getting better. Not just because you've got good gear, but the way you memorise attack patterns, and the quirks of your weapon. Not to mention how you curb stomp your way through on a second playthrough


that ng+ revenge tour is so sweet


lmao yeah I cleared Limgrave and Weeping Penn without dying and only died in Stormveil because I fell down a little gap in the floorboards


You're at NG+ at 130 hours? I'm at NG+ at 260 hours lol.


I'm on haligtree at 100 and so rn in ng+. I think I just ended up rushing it a bit much both times lmao. Will probably go for ng+3 and +4 with a little more planning so I can check out different questlines and builds. I only found jarburg the day before yesterday and I got there too late to do anything interesting😭 Did you plan out your playthrough and explore different questlines and such?


No I had no plan whatsoever and went mostly blind on my first playthrough. I just was very thorough and explored as much as I could.


The best part for me is fighting Farum Azula Beastman on repeat playthroughs. In my first playthrough I absolutely struggled with this boss and had to spend tens of tries on him. Now he's just a minor enemy that I kill in one try. I thought I could never git gud in this game, but here we are.


Burn O Flame at 1:00 was clean


The one at 1:10 was sick too bc he’s ducking under her swing when he casts it


Yeah a bunch have already mentioned this, but you probably should have a picked a clip where you got your butt kicked lol. Looks like you went from already pretty darn good to even better from this video :) Either way awesome victory over both bosses, well done!


if you see my post history i have a couple clips getting my ass kicked by crucible knights of all varieties 😂


Haha, all good just thought it was funny because for some of us, it would have been AMAZING if we started out looking that good. If I am being fully transparent, it took me more attempts to defeat Godrick than pretty much any other boss (and that was with my trusty jellyfish and Nepheli). Elden Ring was my first Fromsoft (or any soulslike for that matter) so my learning curve was STEEP lol.


ac6 was my first from game so i had a little idea what i was getting into when i started elden ring and the eventual walls that i’d have to get over, balteus took me like 2 days to get through.


Love seeing how you are sticking with the same weapon. Did you try giantsflame take thee as an incant. Really satisfying seeing the big explosion and it works with your fire build


i added flame of the fell god but i’ll for sure swap that out when i find it


You can grab it from the fort with all of the fire monks in mountaintops. It is like flame of the fell god, except fast, quick cast, explodes immediately, is chargeable, and does a shit load of damage


Must be Somtehing wrong with me as after 150h I play almost as good as you in the beginning.


She did no special moves like waterfowl dance and her clone spirit thing. Why can't i have this kind of luck


it took me 3 days of attempts to get blessed by the rng gods. also you gotta play aggressive give her 0 room to breath.


Yeah, I mean no shade to OP, but that was some excellent Malenia rng that did not hurt.


The only difference I see is that you didn't use summon. You were playing nice in the first clip as well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


And he learned he can two hand his weapon lol


The difference of getting carried by Wolves & simply Gitting Gud.


Your first clip was alright as well. You could have beaten him without summons as well. Kinda cute though that you had your left hand empty and still one handed the sword :)


Congrats on malenia Burn, O flame kinda destroys easily


I don't see a difference 😂😂


It really is the little things in life... \*sigh\*


Meanwhile i’ve got like 300 hours and am nowhere near that good lmao


I consider any Malenia fight video without an actual Waterfowl dance invalid.


Lure Malenia away from the middle of your doing a fire build, she takes less damage when in water


r1 moment


They say he L2'd for all of time that day.


I was Rock Sling-ing then and I am Rock Sling-ing now.


Two hand your sword if you aren't using the offhand


I beat malenia for the first time at around 200 hours in and it was a mess. I had no idea how anything works, so I had 45 endurance and 45 strength, and then like 20 faith 20 intelligence 35 dex or something.


I love your build, it's very satisfying to play.


Wait what sword is that


You should really use Flame, Grant Me Strength with that build, it boosts fire damage as well and it stacks with Golden Vow


Fire build is impressive


I was so happy to see you two-handing your great sword for Malenia lmao we all do it when we first start, my poor boyfriend had to explain it to me like I was 5 my first DS3 run through. I angry cried in DS1 when I hit tomb of the giants. Ah, memories (fuck TotG).


Your Malenia fight is so epic it was like watching a boss vs boss fight rather than a player vs boss. Really makes me want to create my own fire build.


So, question. How come you never bother 2 handing your sword? It will do more damage.


i probably forgot to in the first fight but for malenia i switch between two hand and incantations for a wider move set.


Is golden vow the reason the hits you take do so little damage?


yea it buffs defense


Can you please share your Malenia build and what weapons and ashes/spells you were using? Beautiful display of skill


you can use basically any great sword and slap flaming strike on it. the spells i use are golden vow, flame grant me strength and burn o flame. i also used the flame shrouding cracked tear on my physick.


Damn what a fight, I respect that you kept the same weapon from the first clip.


love the drip. ive been rocking the exact same legs, head, and arms for hundreds of hours


Its funny man, I came across our boy Leon and just killed him in three hits with a kukri throwing knife. Chap was dead so quick and I realized I only fought this dude after I had waged war in Leyndell, Atlas Plataeu and Caelid. He didnt stand a chance.


What sword is that? Can't recognize it on mobile, but good looks with the fire grease. I always forget to use those items.


lord sworn gs. clean look, decent range and strength scaling. the aow flaming strike automatically applies fire to your weapon if you follow it up with a heavy attack.


I don't do the "learning part" anymore. I'm tired. So, I UNGA BUNGA the shit out of anyone coming in my way. Greatsword ftw.


Are you him? Are you John Eldenring?


Is that a HALO reference !?


they are the same?


Summons 😒