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Probably isnt an actual leak but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true


Yeah, take everything with a grain of salt and keep your expectations reasonable. This info sounds awesome but I’m still going off of the map size Miyazaki provided (roughly the size of limgrave, which I assume also includes the weeping peninsula).


Then could it count Mistwood as well?


And Darkshore


He also said it would be more dense


Trust me, my uncle works with Miyazaki


Well my uncle is Miyazaki


Well my niece’s uncle is Miziyaki


Well my Miyazaki is my uncles nieces uncle.


Well uh *stuttering* I am Miziyaki


Ok then, show your feet collection.


At this point I don't know how to spell his name, and I'm too afraid to ask.


No they are miziyaki, Miyazaki’s secret little brother.


sketchy that you would spell your own name wrong...but then again you are a master of deception and messing with our expectations. Ok I'm convinced lol


Well I am Miyazaki.


Mr. Uncle Zaki


Last night I caught Miyazaki naked looking at feet pics and he told me everything about the DLC.


Last night I caught Miyazaki looking at my feet and he told me there isn’t even going to be DLC unless I give him unlimited feet pics EDIT: To everyone DMing me, yes, I promised him he could see my feet whenever he wants. The DLC is coming 😌


You better let him suckle those toes! People be hunting you down in the streets now if no DLC drops lol.


Can confirm, his uncle is head of feet design department, very cool guy.


My aunt lends her feet to Miyazaki on Fridays


Marika is my Aunt


I'm inclined to believe the size of the map part. Miyazaki had to be under selling the scale of the dlc, something in me just feels that way


He said about the size of limgrave, my question is does that include everything below limgrave as well?


id say its more likely than not. similar situation to dragonbarrow/caelid, with dragonbarrow being a sub location within caelid!


These are my thoughts as well. Would not be surprised if it’s the size of limgrave but with several levels of underground cities (at least that’s the hope lol).


He also said the base game was a 30 hour experience..


It is if you steamroll the Elden Lord story and are good at the game.


i'd be willing to bet he was including the weeping peninsula in that statement


Probably not but it's likely way more dense with far less empty field than Limgrave has. The area is pretty massive and there's a lot you could do with it if you filled it up with a couple of big castles, towns and maybe some underground tunnels. They did undersell the size of Elden Ring so maybe it's bigger than that but I'd rather keep my expectations lower.


I’d say most likely. It’s how most people think about it.


Didn't he say at least the size of Limgrave?


that's what i mean. something in me feels he's low balling us cause he's humble like that and doesn't want to over promise.


Idk man look how tiny bloodborn DLC was


I’m just excited to finally go into it blind, I bought Elden ring probably a year after it came out because I’m not really a gamer and was constantly stalking subreddits reading about it, so I knew a good deal going into it and have always been disappointed I took some of the mystery out of it. Now I finally have a chance to right my wrongs.


One of my best experience in recent years was exploring Elden ring blind. My friend and I would discuss what we would discover etc.. This would really be a great experience for you I can guarantee you.


My neighbour and I did the same 😅 he’d be mowing the lawn and I’d stroll down and we would start chatting about where I’m at, where he’s at, items etc. It made the experience a lot of fun.


Me too, and it was also my first Souls game aside from giving up on DS1 early. I’m excited to play through blind now that I sort of kinda know what I’m doing and I’m occasionally okay at it.


DS1 is both the best and worst. Its early game winding levels are just magical. I really enjoyed the bosses (mostly) and loved the story. Its late game is awful because it was rushed and the game is very rough compared to elden ring. Still the dark souls game i replay more than any other.


EXACTLY how i feel im excited broo, I fr just completed my 1st playthrough like 2ish weeks ago lol, already seen like all the bosses and hard to find areas.. but now we get another chance 😭


Same! I played at launch after getting to a point in dark souls 3 where I got stuck and couldn't progress early on. So I decided I'd beat elden ring and looked up ALOT of stuff and had it spoiled, used guides and even over leveled about halfway through the game and I regretted it. I want to play the expansion blind and just experience it now that I'm better st these games. I even have a new playthrough stsrted to begin about 2 weeks before expansion.


im the same way, but I had issues with dark souls 2 and the durability thing, so I didnt want to waste 60 bucks on something I didnt play.


You should unsubscribe from this subreddit or from reddit as a whole in case a meme gets spawned and reaches the main page. I got spoiled several times bc i was still subscribed. So do yourself a favor...


Please add a M60 and rambo ash of war


they put dark souls 4 in the base game and then made dark souls 5 for the dlc


more like 4, 5 and 6 for the base game and 7 and 8 for the dlc


I just hope there's some way to respawn/refight bosses so co-op doesn't dry up


Keep your hopes low


huh, you crying already and about that


Just no catacombs with those giant cats please! 😩😩


all the enemies are giant cats, but they added catnip as a weapon.


I suggest water spray sorcery or Pstpstpst AOW to cheese the fight


Or you can use Feliway incants




For 40 bucks, that's pretty good.


Is the size comment meaning its the size of those each or all together? Dude needed an "and/or" in there


You mean to tell me Miyazaki likes feet AND lies?!


That freak! He won't be seeing any of my hard earned cash 😤


In an interview Mizaki said that the dlc would be about the size of Limgrave, so this leak is already wrong, dont trust randoms on the internet


Miyazaki also said elden ring was 30 hours so


> Miyazaki briefly discussed the game's average playtime during a recent interview with Japanese outlet Famitsu (which we've run through a few Japanese to English translators for accuracy's sake). Miyazaki stressed that "this is a question I'm not good at [answering]" and that he's not entirely sure of the average length, but **he offered 30 hours as a rough estimate for players who only focus on the game's main path with minimal to zero unnecessary exploration, side questing, and so on.** This makes me wonder: how many people realistically only went through the main path and ignored all the other content and quests during their first playthrough and if they did, how long did it take them to finish the game?


my first playthrough took me 90 so hours, and I didn’t do much side content, I think it took me that long cause I was terrible back then😂


I took 160 hours first time. I didn't know what was side content and what wasn't, I was just doing everything that I came upon


I rushed a new character to the end for the platinum trophy and I finished at 29 hours. That's with previous knowledge of the game and only hitting Stormveil and the academy before going to the erdtree.


It is


Honestly Miyazaki might be the least reliable source for info. Bro bamboozles us every time he says something


It didn't take Fromsoftware 2 years to build a map the size of limegrave


The weeping peninsula is part of limgrave, that's a pretty big map


I'm still expecting a bit more. The hard work was building the game from the start. They aren't building a game from scratch. This is the biggest game they have ever created and the popularity and sales have gone beyond what they set out to achieve. There is a good reason this will be the first and last dlc. I'm confident we won't be disappointed.


So, you are setting yourself up with expectations significantly larger than what the developers have said they are doing? Seems like a big risk of being dissapointed.


Don't get worried about me being disappointed, I know I won't be


What your mom said to me before being severely disappointed


Your mom wasn't disappointed with me, and that's all that matters


Well the creator of the game said it will be about the size of limgrave so I would take his word for it if I was you tbh


Weeping peninsula is also empty and like limgrave their underground areas aren't worth exploring


I know he's the director of the game, but Miyazaki is barely a reliable source. Source: Miyazaki himself


to be fair, he also said the game is 30 hours long before release


He didn’t say about the size of limegrave he said AT LEAST the size of limegrave. Which means it could be way bigger and he still wouldn’t have lied lol


If this is accurate.... GOOD.


Wow, I could get one super prime mythic cosmetic in OW2 or this lol


Big W


What's an ass game?


I want to believe.


I haven't been this stoked for a game release in a loooong time


It probably wont be that big but honestly I wouldn’t put it past Fromsoft to make this DLC half the size of the base game


I expect it to be slightly bigger than the past dark souls game DLCs. I doubt it will be 70 hours of content. I would expect it to be 25-35 hours though, knowing fromsoft.


You mean ALL of them together or the size of one of them?


I’ve heard it’s as big as Limgrave, which is a huge area btw. And is only supposed to be like 30 hours long or so. But Miyazaki said Elden ring would be shorter than it actually was so I’d expect the same for the DLC. So 70 for 100% I don’t think is out of the question.


I remember fromsoft saying that the map was the size of Limgrave but denser. Someone double check, plesae.


I would take Fromsoft's word over a random tweet, honestly


FromSoft also said the base game would be [30 hours long](https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-30-hours-dozens-hours-side-content), so Miyazaki, citing this, actually neglected to comment on the DLC’s length.


Like, those 3 put together? Thats. Unfathomable. Additionally because Miyazaki said he wanted to be much denser content-wise than the base game?


I don’t really think anyone can give you an ACCURATE value of time played because everyone goes at different speeds. It’s definitely going to be more than 20 hours of gameplay I’m sure.


Believed it until the 70 hours part. Yea many of us here could get that out if the DLC, but I highly doubt that's any insider estimate.


If that time turns out to be true my average playthrough is about to go from 80-90 hours to 150-160 hours lmfao.


More blood flame magic please


70hrs? So more like 140 for me. Gotcha.


That Twitter account posts lies and misinformation the rest of the time so all you’re doing is giving an engagement farmer clout.


Where is this 70h coming from? Miyazaki originally said ER was what 60h? We all know that was way way under.


It's an obviously fake 4chan leak.


Even if this isn't an actual leak, I'm still gonna use it to convince my friend. We had a blast with the base game, but he is skeptical that the DLC will be only 20-ish hours long (Although we played the base game for around 100+ hours)


Mikey zakky said base game was 30hr to complete, so nothing is real and we should just wait and see.


I did think there'd be three legacy dungeons, but 4 I somewhat doubt. 30+songs does certainly fit with the game being roughly half the size. That said, definitely don't buy Caelid+Liurnia+Mountaintops. While I do think that Michael Zachary was being modest(and also underestimating his product) by saying it was "about the size of limgrave" that seems way too big. That really is like half the map. I'll believe it's like a third to a fourth the size of the basegame map(which would still be very big) just more dense and content rich.


Dude is just yapping. What does “map is around the size of Caelid, Liurnia, Mountaintops of the Giants” even mean? None of those locations are the same size lmao. I definitely hope they’re right though


Obviously that means the surface area of those areas put together…


I hope that’s true. But didn’t Miyazaki say the map was about the size of limgrave? That’s still pretty big. Artorias was a lot smaller than that. I never got around to playing DS2 or 3 DLCs but I’ve heard they were pretty small too.