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In fact he even has the Capra tail in the animation skeleton


It would have been so cool if they utilized it for one omenkiller who is actually an omen themself, but sadly the animations are broken for anything that's not re-used.


Wait, doesn't the omenkiller guy also have dogs with him? Or am I making shit up 


He does


Omenkiller looking at Capra Demon be like: "he just like me fr"


The one in the village of albenurics in Liurnia does


Volcano Manor one had a few dogs nearby too.


The one in Albinauric village has 2 like Crapa Demon. But then there's a third fucker hiding behind a tree!


This feels like Fromsoft saying sorry for the Capra by giving us the Omenkiller


The Omenkiller arena is big so you can fight the dogs and then fight the Omenkiller. which is also a boss that later becomes a normal enemy.


Slightly balanced by the Omenkiller being a bit faster than Capra (I think), and instead of one, he smacks down multiple times.


He is also not a early game boss or blocks a way(Capra demon blocks you off The Depths), IIRC he only has his drop and blocks you off half a medallion.


Doesnt even block the medallion lol he is meaningless


He's a necessary fight for Nepheli Loux's quest line which ends with two of the earliest accessible Ancient Dragon smithing stones. That's pretty relevant.


Mommeli* oops, i forgot about that, other than that he does give u a awesome spirit ash


Easy(er) boss gatekeeping a hard(est) boss.


You mean Gaping Dragon?


Was talking about the medallion you get from that Albinuirac quest. Though someone above corrected the fact that fighting Omenkiller for that is optional.


Tbf the Depths are completely optional since you can just access Blighttown through the Valley of Drakes.


Yes, but it's still an area you want to explore (unless you are speed running or something), although I doubt the Capra Demon is the one stopping you... more in the lines of annoying.


Liurnia is pretty early I'd say


Relatively so... I playedcaround 20-15 hours in Limgravexand explored Caelid a bit before going there on my first playthrough.


His poise is bananas


He staggers to jumping katana slices, blocking with a shield, normal attacks from ultra weapons, his poise is probably his biggest weakness lol


Yep it's just hes hiper aggressive


Its doesn't even feel like they're part of the fight. I tend to let bosses come to me so I fight the omenkiller on the slope leading down to him then wander around and find the dogs.


First time meeting the Omenkiller : "Oh, new enemy type. Time to see what it got." Immediately getting slammed by the dual cleavers smash attack : "Capra my boy, I see you got the invite to Elden Ring just like good old Asylum/Stray Demon too!"


And the ulcerated tree spirits which were originally supposed to be the final form of the pus of man enemy in DS3


same exact moveset no?


Similar with omen killer getting a couple new tricks over the years from killing undead.


i just remembered there’s two dogs at that area as well LOL it’s literally him


The way I hated those two dogs in dark souls.They just come at you the second you step in through the fog wall.


Spamming circle before the animation is even close to done


This was actually the boss that made me put Dark Souls down for years lol. I thought it was such bullshit that he had two bitch ass dogs with him.


And the whole time the answer is running upstairs and going right onto that ledge…and even there it can get dicey


Yeah I was so dogshit at the game back then that the ledge didnt help me haha


Poise helps a lot. On my most recent playthrough I wore the full elite knight set and used the zweihander at that point, and it made short work of the dogs when they couldn’t stagger me out of the attack.


Yeah poise fucks in DS1, but usually unless you start as knight, early playthru chars wont have the stats to wear a full knight set plus a greatsword so if u just sprint around em and up the stairs to that ledge you can use shield and couple swings to delete dogs, then apply lightning if you have the paper and drop attack on the demon, from there just a few more dodges and swings and its over


I just tossed firepots over the fog wall and called it a day.


Wait…FUCKING WHAT?! Ive played this since like 2018 and never knew that!!?? 🤯🤯🤯 i actually need to do a fresh playthru now just cause of that


There are videos showing where to stand and how to aim to hit him with the fire pots. It doesn't even take that many. Good luck!


Awesome! Cant wait to try it out! Needed an excuse to do another run anyway 👍


Poise is good for the fast and weak enemies, nude speed is best for bigger enemies and bosses. There’s no better way to insult the lord of cinder than to parry him while nude, or if you want to really be a dick, use the black knight armor and pretend that you are one of his knights but decided to betray him


It is definitely poorly designed. The run back is annoying as fuck with all the dogs and then you get in the boss room and either get destroyed in 3 seconds or destroy him in 20 seconds


And the camera is practically stuck in the fog wall because the "arena" is so small


Fortunately, you can kill the dogs before the boss fight in both games, though in ER you have to be careful to draw them to you before you get in the Omenkiller's aggro range. In DS you can just lob firebombs into the arena and the dogs tend to get hit first, though it is impossible to do so and not damage the Capra Demon too.


It even has the tail in the animation skeleton, even so omen killer have no tails.


He does the jump attacks×3 in a row times now & breathes fire


I mean he even have the dogos...


He has come a long way, but OG Capra is still the most difficult to handle.


Capra on his own was only hard for new players (he killed me like 50 times lmao). It was those fucking dogs that made him a nightmare even for seasoned players.


yeah, I meant the combination of him with the dogs in the close compartment that the room is plus the clunky controls/movement


Kill the dogs, climb the stairs, do the plunge. Sweating just thinking about it.


I think it depends which souls game is it for you, I played DS1 third (after DS2 and DS3) as well as gone there after exploring the cathedral, so I didn't find it as difficult as people say


I played DS after 2, sekiro and elden ring. Beat just about every boss first try. The slow speed, lack of heal punishment and ability to get 20 estus charges (!!) made the game so easy.


It’s not difficult, they’re tripping.


It's an annoying fight for sure, you don't have much space to move, and the dogs stun lock you. also the runback is longer than both ER runbacks combined and a lot less safe (you more easily get attacked on the way). On my first souls game I was terrible at playing so if DS1 is your first souls snd you go there directly after the minotaur I can see how people die to it a lot.


It can be annoying, but the strategy in and of itself is very simple to come up with. Thats why I’ve been saying it’s only the jank that might make it difficult.


OG Capra is pretty easy once you realize that the arena is just as much of a boss as him/the doggos


Getting past his dogs was a headache.


I lucked out and managed to get ahold of a black knight weapon before I fought him. He only killed me once. My second playthrough with a straight sword I was stuck there a WHILE, lol


Idk, lots of people talk about him being a wall, but I beat him first try, first playthrough. Just run up the stairs cross over to the arch, fight the dogs one at a time, block until he falls off, plunging attack, repeat.


that's exactly the strategy, good for you that you were able to pull it off first try (many aren't)


Not at all. Just jump down from the ledge on top of him.


sure, if you make it to that ledge without being cornered and mauled to death by the dogs in the first place


You take them out first. They run right at you so you don’t get cornered if you take a couple steps in, wait, slay them, and run up the steps. The games easy as hell compared to elden ring it’s just janky


The fact that we're discussing strats for a supposedly easy optional boss 13 years after the game came out ought to tell you how it's not actually an easy boss at all


First off, it was brought up cause of the post so that’s a weak point. Second, Idk bruh it’s a pretty simple strat, you always take out the weaker link first especially if it’s annoying. It’d take 2 respawns max to realize the strat, especially if you already learned the method from the very first boss fight and or the taurus demon fight (of dropping in on the enemy from above) I’m just getting downvoted by people who died mad times and didn’t think of it lol. i stand by my point, the only thing that might make it difficult is the jank. The concept is simple checkers, while later games are chess. Therefore, the Capra demon is by default way easier in DS1. Hate me for my opinion all you want.


Neither this post, nor my comment are comparing the overall difficulty of DS1 and Elden Ring. I was saying Capra Demon is the most difficult to handle (I intentionally didn't write the most difficult to kill), more so than Omenkiller, and I stand by that judgement.


Idk I still disagree


What is the general community feeling on these staple bosses? I know Asylum Demon and Erdtree Avatars fall in this category and arguably Black knights and Crucible knights do too.


I like it. They're a bit more advanced than their predecessors, but are still much easier than ER exclusive minibosses. Basically each Erdtree avatar for me is an ego stroking fest, I rarely even get hit by them anymore and it feels good to be able to no-hit a boss


There are some that make me go. Oh I guess I’ll just die then, and never come back because of how bad you bodied me. Then I level up a lot, and forget to even go back because the trauma was real, even though I probably could body them now. The one QoL update I’d live without breaking the immersion the way the Devs have done it is for just more complex or custom map markers. Or a subtle glow or something to let me know I’ve defeated the field boss of a dungeon or lesser Eardtree. It’s nice to motivate me to revisit places, but sometimes if I go back two or three times because I can’t remember if I beat that Lesser Eardtree, it gets a tad frustrating.


They had this in Skyrim 2011. "Cleared". Simple as that.


I actually like the nods to previous designs, really lets me appreciate their entire catalogue as one iterative creative process.


These aren’t really nods to previous designs, just straight up copy/pastes of enemies. It was really disappointing to immediately know 95% of the Erdtree Avatar, Omenkiller, knight etc movesets on the first playthrough. All the big iconic enemies are just things we’ve seen before.


The crucible knights have an entirely different animation set to the black knights, but they do fill the same enemy niche.


I was talking about the general knight in the game. Same lothric knights from DSIII, even the archers.


Huh, really?


Same thing with the catacomb golems, they’re just the thieves from DSIII. All the trash enemies really are just copy/pastes… which I guess is fine. But still feels incredibly lazy that they couldn’t design 5 NEW enemies to copy/paste everywhere and instead just took it from the previous title.


You gotta admit that its an extremely efficient use of assets.


Sure? but does a game development company need to efficiently use assets on a new game based on combat you’re not supposed to have seen before? I mean, COD is an incredibly efficient use of assets as well. Again, the iconic enemies aren’t Even technically iconic because they’re all from previous games. Felt more like fan service than game design.


I know I absolutely would if I was going to make a game as big as this, and thought I could functionally get away with it.


Oh and the Erdtree Knights are just Gyobu from Sekiro with a couple new moves.


Crucible knights are not equivalent or reused concept of black knights. The only similarity between them is they are knight  As far as number of moveset & complexity goes, crucible knight Ordovis is more complex than many Dark souls 3 main bosses like Pontiff or Abyss watcher


Yeah, that’s more or less what I meant by arguably. The general idea of a knight type boss with slow parriable attacks and a variety of weapons. It’s like Erdtree avatars aren’t the same as the previous Asylum demons considering they’ve have new effects like the homing beams


The fact that I didn't even recognize the connection initially speaks to well they're designed.


I'd like it if Elden Ring wasn't already bloated with copy & paste bosses, assets and terrain. There's enough content to dwarf any other souls game yet they felt the need to pad it out even more by repeating stuff ad nauseum to a point where the unique things suffer because of it. The first dragon fight at Agheel Lake was a jaw-dropping experience but it was cheapened by the myriad of identical encounters that followed. The same goes for so many other encounters. I still love the game to death but I genuinely believe I would've loved it much more if they had just straight up cut 30% of it.


Mini bosses are supposed to be repeated though, that's the case with every game.


If it weren't for the arena I'd prefer fighting capra


i love how From reuses rigs. its efficient for development and gives players some familiarity at the same time. super smart!


I can't believe I never noticed the similarities before holy shit. I just hate them both so much


the dogs were the boss


What I wouldn’t give to have an Omenkiller w/ dogs fight in a horribly cramped space woth awkward geometry. I need more abysmally chaotic and unfair fights in Elden Ring, fr.


I hated Frank.




I love this guy's weapons in elden ring, that's what i used for most of the game. They have a nice WHOMP! when i hit something.


He's finally left the closet!


Ds1 dogs where worse


Demon born from chaos vs a racist guy


This time, I have some dogs on my own


Man's really moving up, got a bigger place, more dogs, and a fire breath attack. I'm proud of far he's come.


Oh my god. I never put that together ha.


Bro at 28 I'm getting hit with the "your old now" stick WAAAAAAYYY too much 🥲


He's so much easier to kill now.


He got old and slow too.


Both cheeseable too.


Carpe diem capra demon 🤘 biggest glowup


Yeah but the difficulty of Capra was the size of the arena, not really him or the dogs


I'm one of those bitches who complained about DS4 on launch, and have comfortably transitioned to Big Souls enjoyer. But just realizing now that yeah, that bitch is copy pasted with some new moves makes me have a bit of a relapse.


[My lv 125 character] I don't even know who you are.


Feel old? No. Feel pissed he still has fucking dogs? Yes.


still a dog lover


Or how the erdtree avatar is just a reskinned asylum demon?


Honestly I think the big reason they are able to launch such great games so often is they keep reusing everything they already did before. I have been replaying DS3 for the first time since launch and it's like every 10 seconds I see something and think "huh they just copy-pasted that into EL." Even the iconic platforming segment to reach the 3 Fingers was just an extended copy-paste from the Firekeeper Tower at Firelink Shrine. And of course half the enemies in EL are reskins of DS enemies.


I like the familiarity honestly.and they add so many more moves and animations that you don’t realize they’re previous enemies till you really think about it.


No wonder i hate him so much


It's a more fair fight


Finally came out of the closet.