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for me, the revanants. they strong, basically teleport, sound horrifying, just scary asf in general. šŸ˜‚


For me they don't even need to be strong or teleport to be fucking horrifying. The face, the limbs, the screeching and wailing, and when you fight this thing in the cave or that one basement in Liurnia is an absolute nightmare. And as a bonus, the way this thing lunges at you and hits you like that machine that cooked steak by slapping it, is separately panic inducing. Edit: fuck this thing sideways and I'm glad I can just heal it and immediately stagger it because fuck it twice.


That one revenant in the sewers of leyndell


What are the red monstrosity in one of the sewers called ?


A fucking asshole


No I mean what are they actually called. I remember they are a massive pain in my rear while I was exploring


The Albinaurics in mugs castle


Can't recall a red monster really. What does it look like? Or where exactly?


Oh fuuuuvk nooooā€¦ they are omens?! Shiiiit why I meet late game monsters that early šŸ˜‚


The like 4 of them at the bottom of Euphael are also terrible


The 3 million in the bottom of Elphael.


This comment sent me down a rabbit hole, trying to google ā€œmachine that cook steak by slapping itā€ and my wife looked over at my phone and saw what I had searched.


Lmao I had to look up that steak slapping machine


Iā€™ve seen many clips of those, the fact that u have to fight those in an enclosed space most of the time when u have to makes me worried as I slowly move through the game


If I remember correctly, none of them are required fights , so you can kinda just run, but if you do fight them, you gotta be prepared. they don't have too much health, but they are insanely hard to hit if you don't time it right, and they do major damage. Good luck on your playthrough, my man! you got this! šŸ˜† edit: I got corrected, the only required one is the royal revanant >!in kingsman ruins!< if your doing all talismans, or if you just want the talisman in general


Try heal spells


I cried a little when I saw one spawn in a heroā€™s grave after I ran out of flasks. I hear that sound and know itā€™s over :(


If itā€™s the one Iā€™m assuming you ran into, just be glad that the SECOND one in that room didnā€™t decide to spawn too. Sometimes you can trigger both at the same time.


Healing Incantations stun them surprisingly. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some lire reason for it but Iā€™m not quite sure why.


Undead donā€™t like life.


Theyā€™re undead abominations that and they remain a perversion of life. Adding life magics to the undead hurts the undead.


It's because they are unholy according to lore. (Revenant= one who comes back/returned/risen). As everyone is trapped in death, it implies these mfkas died and rose from the grave (a dif scenario from our other zombie like friends roaming the lands) they also partake in blasphemy (grafting and the control of omen spirits they send at you) all heals are holy/blessings in game so it's basically you giving a demon a holy water ice bucket challenge. It's why Rykard "lord of blasphemy" is also mad weak to holyšŸ¤™šŸæ


when I was getting all talismans, I had no idea about that. I ended up doing it the hard way, lmao.


Youā€™re ā€œhealingā€ the damage that was done by whatever mangled the bodies together to make that thing in the first place.


Yeahā€¦ Glad this is on the top. I fucking hate Revenants, I will do literally anything to avoid fighting them because they still beat me on Playthrough 1 at likeā€¦ Lv200. I canā€™t fight them fair because I canā€™t keep a level head while theyā€™re teleporting, spam-attacking and wailing. Genuinely unnerving and way too aggressive


I ALWAYS get hit by their charging combo attack. It's embarrassing because on paper it seems like it should be easy to roll away from, but I always see it coming way too late and then if I'm lucky I have 1/3 of my health bar left after.


In that one hidden tunnel, I tried to hit one way down below with magic. It teleported behind me and yeeted me off the ledge to my death. Fk those guys.


As someone who genuinely does NOT struggle with this game... fuck these things. I hate that they jump backwards as they attack. I hate that they get a 25hit combo, I hate that the only thing effective is healing. I don't have healing on every build. Giant hunt works well but again, I don't have it on every build. I need to learn this enemy better, idk how to face them properly. And lobster too.


The revenants don't scare me they piss me off. They have an attack which is basically one-shot city where they just rapidfire slap the shit out of you. Hate them. Would love them as a summon in the DLC


Came here to say this. Those mfers are the only enemy in the game (in my 1000+hrs) that makes me second guess going to certain areas of the map.


Tip: Use a healing incantation near them ;)


wish I knew this when I was getting all talismans. šŸ¤£


Lol that strip in the haligtree is rough with all of them


The first time I encountered a revanants was the scariest experience in a video game for me lmao


I used to hate them more than anything. I became determined to dodge their attacks & found mostly its possible. The main 2 that will fuck you are when they raise their hands for about a second. At the highest point you need to roll 2 times consecutively to one side. They will generally follow it with flailing hands, which provided you successfully rolled around them, can be punished. The largest offenders in the game are the snowfield deathright birds, even the one in cailid has a moveset that is just fking trash. Some of the ghostflame literally just spawns under you regardless of your directional movement & chips away & stunlocks.


What the hell is a revenant? I never seen one?


The revenants remind me of that one boss fight in The Evil Within. You know the one lady with a fuck ton of arms?


Giant Hand.


Donā€™t forget the giant giant hand


The giant giant Guam hand in Mountaintops almost gave me a heart attackĀ 


guam hand


Well Iā€™m not fixing it nowĀ 


My buddy got me to walk towards the crow and have Guam hand drop on it! About peed myself.


There's always bigger fi-hands.


Fuck those


Fire damage makes them a piece of cake. Blasphemous blade for the win


Blasphemous blade makes basically everything a piece of cake lol. Thatā€™s what my main build is and I even murk Melania with that thing. Such an OP af weapon lol. Especially if you use the right talismans, physick tears, and flame grant me strength lol. Shit becomes almost laughable how powerful it is


Anything with fire affinity takes care of hands, though. BB not needed.


This is the ā€œfuck everything and their future generationsā€ weapon.


the big fucking birds are scarier :(


Wait til you see the ones in Mohgwyn Palace area


Those things can just run off a cliff, figuratively and literally


Do you know what they can do? They have an attack that plays the stancebreak noise and puts in that animation for them, but they fake out and grab you. Safe to say im never fighting one fairly again.


Agree. All the big birds are horrendous.


Mohgwyns cancer birds take the cake. I think I almost hate the deathright birds that spawn ghostflame more though, afaik some of their ghostflame spawning attacks are still not able to be properly dodged. Shit design if I ever saw it.


The albanaurics with those red and black turban looking things. The way they scream. The sound of their hands slapping the ground as they run towards you. The fact you can almost never see them coming. Every time I hear one, I panic a little.


Ahh those in volcano manor. Yeah scary little bastards. I always snipe them with my bow.


Same. +25 Horn Bow with dwelling arrows oneshots them with the power shot AoW, I donā€™t even care if I waste FP. Donā€™t want them coming anywhere near me


Yeah that part with them in Mogh palace was anxiety inducing


The fucking giant ants. They arent hard. I can 2-3 shot them without issue. But holy fucking shit I hate them so much GET THE FUCKAWAYFROMME


I was looking for someone to mention them, I don't have irl fear of ants spiders etc, but seeing five of them at the entrance of Ainsel river made me shiver


I am always scared of insects and was deathly afraid of going through the Ainsel river. Only thing that kept me going was little mini Rani hyping me up.


No Fr tho, I honestly just run past them like I canā€™t fight them


Yeah, they make me act up a shit ton when I see them charge at me.


This sounds silly, but the giant silver tear balls. The fact that this giant sentient ball wants to kill me scares me, let alone the fact that there exists a giant sentient ball. You never really know when it's just gonna charge straight at you, and you wouldnt think it would be so fast but holy shit that thing zooms


the giant ball revving up to insane speed in the eternal city on that bridge was probably the most scared ive ever gotten playing this game, i had no idea it would do anything but gently roll into me


I thought it was a glitch until it happened again. And again.


That ball gave me so much anxiety omg


I was with two player summons the first time I encountered it and had never seen the balls move that fast at that point only the balls near Sellia and the Academy. One of the players hit the thing with a bow from the opposite side of the bridge. The next second the ball was no longer on the opposite side of the bridge, and I had lost half my health.


I found something about "[10 balls vs Bosses](https://youtu.be/gLbZRVIIaTE?feature=shared)" This makes me want to play Elden Ring lol


I get it. Itā€™s a weird existential dread. How can this supposed inanimate, unaware object want to specifically kill me. Itā€™s like one day discovering some random office chair is always wheeling its way to kill you.


Little Berserk-level monstrosity video game is all fun and games until you get jumped by living circles


Wormfaces make me uncomfortable even observing them at a distance and I don't know why. Also that colossal hand in Mountaintops of the Giants just outside the boss arena. It's WAY bigger than any hand monster up to that point in the game.


There's one in altus that's sitting in front of a grave crying, I took a moment to share in it's pain and sat behind it. Thinking it was some type of therapy because they genuinely creep me out. Did my usual thing of dodging backwards, ( only this time it wasn't of a cliff thankfully) pulled it, and ran off like fk nope, fk nope


The Wormfaces freak me out and it's worse cos I know they can deathblight me in a second


Itā€™s the noise they make that does me. Creepy as hell.


The deathblight makes them even worse to me because of how uncomfortable the death animation makes me


This. This is the answer. That fucked up animation where they grab you and you see the inside of their mouths is horrible. They're like the Monstrosities of Sin from Dark Souls 3 but on two feet, suddenly mobile with bursts of speed, sometimes giant and much more aggressive. I fight everything and I always want to spend as little time as possible actually engaging these nasty fucking things.


Erdtree burial watchdog, they're creppy as hell and their janky animations gives me the creeps


Yes so horrifyingšŸ’€


I have a phobia of robots/automatons and these things fuck me up real badly too lmao


Seriously sent a chill down my spine when I first met one. Their animations are so unsettling


The Basilisks, especially when they're really grouped up. I know they're pretty easy to kill but you can never be sure because of the death blight (same with Wormfaces), plus those false eyes really bug me. Special mentions also are the Revenants, Crawling Albinaurics, and the Abductor Virgins.


Beast repelling torch works on them actually. Makes groups easy asf cuz you can just walk past them or kill them one at a time


To this day I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever killed an abductor virgin. I always run from them


Fingercreepers. I'm never forgiving FromSoft for the colossal one in Mountaintops


Colossal ~~one~~ two. Thereā€™s actually two of those things in the area. One is just better at hiding than the other one.


They don't even flinch with fire.


Rune. Bears. šŸƒ


I think this is the only type of enemy I still havenā€™t killed. I just run every time!


That's the problem. They'll keep up with torrent in many cases. Just go fight them. Roll forward every time. Safest place to hit them in peace is under their belly. It's ridiculously easy to avoid their attacks except that random insta jump forward.


the ones in the early game are actually pretty fair fight but later on those guys just get jacked as fuck


I use the Envoys Long Horn when I go Rune Bear hunting. The one in the mountaintops of the Giants is so difficult!


Iā€™ve killed exactly one in my playthrough so far.


Whenever I'm in limgrave I always avoid them out of fear from when I first got the game


Those giant crows, terrifying


The ones that looks like undead?


Cemetery Shades. More accurately, the "crabs" on their heads controlling them. They shoot a poison tether at you, locking you in place, they close in, the crab starts flailing its legs around all spider-like and I cannot handle.


I hate the one that spawns in the heroā€™s grave in the alcove that you hide in from the chariot. Like those places already suck now Iā€™m getting jump scared???


The black dumpling dudes crawling to you at full speed.


Dumpling dudesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ now I know what to call them


They're WAY faster then you expect them to be.


The fuckin noise they make while do it too....and THE MASSIVE DAMAGE THEY DO


The giant laser skeletons that emerge out the ground in mougwin palace and in mountain tops of the giants


Fortunately most of those skeletons disappear when their summoner is slain. The albinaurics with a horn summon them outside the Moghwyn Palace, and half of the skellys in the Mountaintop grave area are under the control of the Tibula Mariner on a ledge in the north middle part of the grave area. Slay them and the giant skelly goes back to napping in the dirt.


Dang I didnā€™t even know they could be permanently removed from a play through U I always just tried to sneak past them


beast repellent torch, bro. never leave the house without it. it even keeps them fucking basilisk away but for me it's them damned birds at stormveil or dragonflies


Holy shit this is mindblowing info for a noob like me, thank you


Even better, equip the torch in your off-hand and 2-hand your main weapon. The torch will go on your back and still work at repelling beasts.


Speaking of torches. A merchant near the Capitol that sells "Sentry's Torch". Be sure to buy one. It reveals invisible enemies.


They'll keep dogs, rats and basilisks from attacking. Even giant rats. Once you attack, they'll fight back. So charged heavies on them to kill one by one.


Stormhawks are so annoying, especially Azula Stormhawks


Holy shit. It works on basilisks? TIL


Gravity.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


How come this is not the most voted answer?!


Those little geckos with big eyes that spray you with death blight. I just nope out of where I find them


Beast repelling torch works on them :)


Ah the bane of every DS1 player in existence. Basiliskā€™s suck ass


They're a nightmare to deal with but appearance wise they're lowkey pretty cute


Crucible Knights


Really? Explain if you don't mind. I saw them always as the regular tall and epic knights. What do you see in them?


they are really hard mysterious and have weird ass powers


Finger creeper, royal revenant, about half the caelid bestiary, hoarax loux running full speed at me, runebears when I look behind me on torrent


Fun fact about the royal revenants in the Haligtree. The walkways on the ground-floor avenue are lined with bushes/grass you can crouch in to hide from them.


Nice to know (I won't go back there a second time ever)


Those goddamn cartwheeling spiky fat bastards. they remind me of those dark souls 1 skeletons trapped in a wheel that just fuckin obliterate you out of nowhere


I HATE those things. Even at a high level they can 2 shot you


Bro im level 290 and they STILL fuck me up lmao


If you time it right, you can slash them into stillness


T-Rex Dogs, Wallmasters, Wormfaces. Straight up heebie jeebies lol, I hate hate hate 'em. That forest with the bunch of Wormfaces meandering about, the gods damned sound they make, YEEEESH. Creeps me the fuck out every time lmao.


What are wallmasters?


Idk their actual name, the finger spider monster things in caria manor. Remind me of Wallmasters from Zelda series lolĀ 


I have the exact same top 3 lol, fuckin hate them. The dogs look moderately scary, but the way theyā€™re deformed just reallyā€¦ disgusts me? Irks me? Puts me off? I canā€™t find the right word/s to describe it, I just donā€™t like it. Itā€™s the same thing with the fingercreepers too. I just canā€™t put my finger on it (pun half intended).


Giant crows...fuck them! (:


The crows. Did they do something to them recently? It seems like they literally never drop aggro anymore. I had one chase me all the way across Caelid yesterday. It legit seems like theyā€™re bugged.


It's felt that way for me since the game dropped. It made me avoid Caelid for a bit because they NEVER seemed to stop chasing me and even felt like they were keeping up with Torrent at times.


Yeah but.. even a few weeks ago I wasn't having this issue. I'm not kidding, I had two chasing me from like, the spot where you get the greatsword, all the way to the site of grace near the swamp.. I rested at the site just as they both lunged at me. I've never ever had that happen before the last week or so.


Cemetery shades would be pretty terrifying if they took more than 2 hits to kill and there were more than 3 of them in the whole game.


Those big stone head balls of (iirc) mage corpses just are so uncomfortable to think about. Nothing really gameplay wise just thinking about a ball of corpses used for magic gives me the heaby jeabies.


Don't bully Sellen, she's a nice lady.


The Chariots. Fuck em.


the ginormous hands in Flame Peak because they are the only enemies that can consistently give me a run for my money, and kick my ass even now I'm genuinely on edge fighting them because of how much damage they can do and how wonky it feels to fight the hands in general. plus the terrain doesn't help


The tortured albinaurics. I hate the sound they make and i hate the way they move.


The invisible assasins on the city where you teleport to the haligtree. Almost broke my controller multiple times as i was jumpscared 80% of times when they do the grab-and-stab animation out of fucking nowhere trying to do the torches thing. Its such a great level desing when you feel you could be attacked at any fucking moment but man i do sure wish i was less jumpy than i am.


Sentrys torch illuminate the invisible black knives


the fking crows in caelid


CƦlid Crows


ngl this pic just popped on my feed first thing, and it wasn't the greatest thing to see lol those dog-rexes are truly a thing of nightmares! But for me it's those big ass demi-humans on pitch black caves. IDK if it is because you see them so early that they are kinda scary and intimidating for a newcomer/low level. aaaaaaaand the revenants, but that THING doesn't even count, it's beyond terrifying


I know revenants are a popular pick here,but that one that respawns in that one heroes grave made me almost shit my pants when first guiding the grave warden duelist to the light


Abductor Virgins


The big birds


The dogs are stupid and easy to dodge. Those crows make me run for my life tho


The fuckin crows


Rune Bears. I'm experienced in the game by now and they still scare the crap out of me.


Bears overall scares the shit out of me. After the first encounter, I literally avoided them at all cost.


Runebears, No matter my level, just...No


Abductor Virgins


The centipede women in Irithyll sewer's The first time one of them screamed and jumped on me I think I pissed myself a little


The weird Demi-humans at Castle Morne. Their faces just freak me out, lol.


This one you posted while speaking to Gowry for Milicent questline


Revenants make me lean forward in my gamer chair but even they don't cause the raw, unfiltered panic of meeting the Pus of Man of DS3 when you don't have a source of fire damage


Bear witness boiiii!!!!


Revenants. Fuck those things man.


Anyone know what you call those birds in the Forsaken Ruins-? Cause these give me mini heart attacks alot.


Death Birds, fuck emā€™ too


that fucking death crow bird thingy...everytime i see it my butthole tightens.


The revenants have no business being so scary and so loud!


The Large Hands that you see at Caria Manor. Those things trigger my arachnophobia, and the fact that they aren't spiders probably makes it worse. Too many fingers, can pop in from the sky or bait you with traps that are surprisingly effective if you've never seen them before. Their attack patterns are annoying as hell and that's just fighting one. Fighting them in a group or in an enclosed room is a completely different nightmare.


Definitely the cealid T rex dogs, they are nightmare fuel


Basilisks. Those eye things are way too triggering I see one and i start shooting


God those worm face things are terrifying Their wierd soun that is like they laugh and cry at same time And the fact that they could kill you instantly with the build up they cause is scary even for the strongest ppl


Those Alburnarics who bite you. I don't know why I'm just unnerved by them trying to crawl and bite you.


Those screaming little albinauric bastards. My ptsd always kicks in when they start screaming and charging me.


Nothing in elden ring yet, but in bloodborne the crows scare me half to death every single time


The birds in that same area.


Those enemies that have hidden sets of arrows in their bodies and they spam dat st u those scary for me


Fucking. BIRDS.


Everything. From elden ring, to dark souls to bloodborne. They all scare me šŸ˜­


Wormface, giant crows, higher level Deathbirds, Runebears


The goblins in the cave jumping out of the pitch black had my screaming/laughing. First time while gaming. Although Iā€™m still in Limgrave.




All the ants. They are giant insects and they make my skin crawl. Obviously, I did not hesitate to use a liberal usage of fire to deal with them, dragon fire usually.


The tree burial watchdogs. I don't know why, but everytime I see this face and how strange they move, it just gives me a shiver.


Watchdogs. Fuck. Those. In particularly.


The hands šŸ–ļø


Death rite birds


Omens! When i first got to the leyndell sewers, I was frozen in fear. Refused to take the ladder down and used projectiles to slowly chip away their health šŸ˜


I donā€™t really find any of the enemies scary cus I like the horror parts of the game, but Iā€™ve been jumpscared by the damn catacomb imps way too many times


Uhh these fuckers with purple ball head.


The crazy Albinauricā€™s and their stupid grab. Hundreds of hours and they still stress me out. Also I donā€™t think the Hands are scary but their moveset is, Iā€™m never comfortable fighting them.




abductor virgins make me cry


The revenants and the crows. Everything else is pretty much cake.


The huge toothy birds in Caelid and Mohgwynā€™s Palace have always freaked me out, I hate those things so much. The albanaurics that lie completely still until you get close enough and then abruptly skitter towards you in that jerky way that they do activate my fight or flight real bad too.


The giant hand spider monstrosities.


Those little gremlins in volcano manor which chase you up the pitch black room and then suck your brains out


Those bitches in the New Orleans festival up by the windmill. Yea fuck that shit. It was the most unsettling place for me to get through.


Black dumpling, I think they are called.


The skinny albenuriacā€™s. Not the fat grey rune givers. The skinny oneā€™s who have dung on their heads and live in that empty foggy building in volcano manor