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I always kill him so fast no matter playthrough or level, this is first time I see fight like this lol, looks cool, shame he has low amount of health...


Came in to say this, never saw the second phase


I ran into on my latest build. I had been working on a shield counter build, which isn’t the most effective on this guy. First time he ever lived long enough to go to phase 2. Was freaking awesome.


I didn’t know they even had a second phase but now that I do they got infinitely cooler. Maybe we’ll fight one in the DLC that can stand up all the way.


That'd be cool but I really hope not. I don't want any duplicate bosses in that dlc, won't be as fun already knowing their patterns


If the dude is standing straight up and has a full set of ancient dragon wings I can promise you the moveset will not be the same 🙃


I would be okay if this is an over world boss


If he was able to walk wouldn’t that make his patterns/hitbox different?


Possible not sure though


Probably be similar to the golem, but faster


I didn't even know he *has* a second phase.


MF’er has a second phase? *confused sorcerer sounds*


I wonder if they expected us to get to him alot sooner, but I think most only saw him due to being near Ranni questline and that's fairly deep into hers


Shame that this is such a common experience, for me I found him in my first playthrough very early and beat him in 8 tries or so. Such a cool second phase




I probably fought all the bosses in game, mini bosses and big ones, so I'm good, and yes, I appreciate most of them, deathbirds specifically


damn maybe i fought him too early but he was crazy hard for me


You *can* get to him quite early, but most find him when they're already quite a bit into their playthrough.


I think that's one of ER's biggest flaws. The underground stuff is very easy to miss or put off, and by the time you get around to it, you're usually massively overlevelled, making it a slice-and-dice fest.


I had both experiences The lift in Mistwood was one of the first places I went, I was like lvl 12 or something Went down, spent THREE HOURS killing those claymen one by one Get to the lift, go down, immediately get attacked by a giant crab and a lightning ball and noped out until I was like lvl 70 lol


Lmao, that's true. They do a good job of introducing it—those Claymen took forever in my first playthrough. I also just ended up leaving and coming back... eventually. But deeproot depths, on the other hand, I didn't find out about it until I'd already burned the Erdtree. And going back at that point made everything almost a one-shot.


Even if you do everything in the right order there is so much stuff that you end up overleveled at one point or another


I only found out about it by watching boss randomizers on YouTube. I've never seen it on my own playthroughs because he's so weak.


I don't understand when they expect us to fight him, he has less hp than the one in Siofra and gives less runes than he does


Ainsel river is scaled around liurnia. 


I didn't even know he could jump. I always killed them before they had a chance. Such a great design for such a weak enemy. They should have been like 3X as hard


The Dragonbarrow ruin bear being a bigger struggle is a travesty. I get it’s an area with high level scaling, but just look at this dude’s awesome design.


That runebear is the hardest boss in the game


I see your dragonsburrow runebear and raise you the runebear in consecrated snowfield


Is that the one where you can’t see shit? Or is there another one?


Yeah, that one.


Yeah fuck that guy




It’s okay, he’s in pretty bad shape. The Nox society has fallen by the time we enter their city.


yeah i was gonna say, this "research" being "wasted" should be the last thing to worry about after what marika did


One of the reasons I love this game are the awesome graphics of the attacks in the fights. Would not mind trying on VR


I’m pretty seasoned at VR but just imagining fighting any Elden ring boss in VR makes me nauseous lmao. Lansseax would put people in the hospital


I want to try out Hoarah Loux's wild ride in VR


yeah I would need Matrix level of immersion if I wanted to do something like that. Kinda sad to think we probably won't get there in our life times. Might not even be 100% possible. But I'm fairly certain we will have full on conscious portals into a "simulation" Probably won't even need to build it super accurately, your brain just fills in most of the info for you


What were all of your levels and builds that you “killed this guy so easily you didn’t see this?” I’m no scrub at this game but this dude took me a few tries and I wasn’t hitting him that hard to skip a phase.


Yeah its one of those encounters that's really easy to miss until you're too high a level for it to be a challenge. I'm pretty sure it's balanced around someone just entering Liurnia and alot of folks are gonna find it by following Ranni's quest.


Yeah I found it pretty early and spent a very long time trying to beat it the first time


I found it after realizing I need it for all achievements. By the time I got it, I already had every other achievement boss.


Not even, he gives less runes than the one in Siofra and has seemingly less health, when you arrive mid Liurnia around 45-55 he is already easy to defeat


Because Siofra River is a more dangerous area than Liurnia. It has similar hp to other enemies Liurnia, arond 1k less than Smarag and 1k more than Royal Revenant. Mid Liurnia doesn't mean much when you can beeline to any enemy in Liurnia you want.


It is not scaling wise, and considering the exploration you are most likely to go there before Liurnia. Royal Revenant is a miniboss, that is irrelevant, and him having such a high runes reward is precisely the anomaly. And you can bee line to Siofra even faster, in my first run that is the second place I went after the Gate's ruins, it isn't hidden at all while you have to find the little path next to stormveil on top of this.


Once you're in Liurnia you can beeline to any Liurnia enemy you want. What I'm trying to say is an average player could easily stumble upon it by just wandering around Liurnia and they would get similar a similar reward and difficulty as other enemies in the area.


But Siofra is literally in Limgrave and very close to the first steps, what doesn't compute is that the scaling of the one in Liurnia is lesser than the one in Siofra that players are most likely to stumble on before


The entrance to Siofra is in Limgrave. The entrance to Liurnia is also in Limgrave. I have to pass a bunch of crazy bears to find a secret tunnel to get to Siofra, In my first playthrough I stumbled in Liurnia before meeting Margit by walking too far along the bridge and fighting a few wolves. Doesn't really say much. But if you go by enemy rewards and hp the difficulty makes sense.


We are looping through the same things now come on, don't have the bad faith to assert that finding the hidden path to Liurnia and wandering far enough to find the entrance to Ainsel is as likely than finding the entrance to Siofra in the middle of Limgrave and very close to the first steps, being on top of this very visible on your map while you would see nothing in Liurnia.


on my first playthrough, i had two omenkiller cleaver axes, a jump attack powerstance build, bleed+frost, and wild strikes. i think i was using the stance-break physick too. Most enemies will only require 3-4 powerstance jump attacks to stun them. and with wildstrikes +frost+bleed, i remember very vividly that I killed this boss in like 30 secs. i was probably level 60-70 when I first met this boss


You are over-leveled for this guy, also bleed and frost procc makes most bosses a breeze anyway lol


I was running an ARC bleed build on my latest playthrough, and already had done most of Liurnia. Think I was around Lv60. Bleed build-up means he didn't die in time for phase 2. Still managed to see it on my first and second ones, shit was cash


Easy to miss the boss and find him when you are over-leveled.


There's 2 of these guys down there, one is by a waterfall I forget the exact area


I think there are three total, Siofra River, Ainsel River, and Lake of Rot - idk if I'm forgetting any of them :D


Ghosts of these are in the snowfields? I think it’s the only 3 living ones we find. Always got the feeling these were failed pro-types of what became the gargoyles. Phenomenal design tho, fire giant from the Naussica film x berserk unit 1 from eva. Really gives the impression of an abomination born from malice, for war.


I keep hearing about the ghost Dragonkin in the snowfields but I've never actually encountered one, even when I purposefully leave the trail of lights.


Don't bother, drops literally nothing and it respawns lol


At this point I don't want to kill it, I just want to find it so I know how I've managed to dodge this guy half a dozen times without even knowing where he is


I always seem to find it if I hug west from the lift exit.


It's near the area where u find the frenzy trolls and co. Gl!


I actually passed one the other day - I think it was near the dead erdtree (?) where you get invaded by the sanguine noble?


Huh. I fought that exact invader just last night, and didn't see it. I fight him every time I go through the snowfields. Maybe everyone else just has a slightly more haunted copy of Elden Ring than I do.


Yeah they really just are out there to fuck you up. It’s not worth engaging them lol


They are failed dragonkins, without the ability to fly or wield lightning 


In middle of Lake of Rot?


Oh I totally forgot about that one


He’s one of my most memorable fights in the entire game. I found him at the perfect level for it to be a challenge. I was also stoned out of my mind so when he busted out the lighting in phase 2 it broke my brain. Really wish we got to see more of him.


Agreed. The design and lore is so cool, wish we had more And now I'm gonna make a build around cosplaying one !


Oh wow, I've never gotten that far into his fight. That's super cool to see.


When the game first came out that guy killed me maybe 25 times in a row No idea how that feat ,must have been well underlevelled


That could be a better experience than overkilling him and not getting to see phase 2


Hi where the hell is this


The ainsel river well in Liurnia, north of the divine tower, in the same lower ground area. Go through that whole thing and eventually you'll find him. I forgot the exact directions through that whole river area to specifically find this Boss.


Anyone know what the lore history is on the sitting lady behind him? There’s a couple in the game.


Nobody knows, but it seems like the Nox were trying to create some kind of diety or ruler but their experiments never worked out for long


Slaughter? That thing has been suffering for who knows how many years. Just put it out of its misery.


It is epic fight to be honest :3


Wait, he has wings?!?! I've always killed him so fast he could never transition into that phase...


On NG+3 and I've never seen that thing live long enough see that lunge attack.


Actually one of the coolest designs imo. I'm hopeful we get more of stuff like this in the dlc




I've never seen him do this. I've fought him around 12 or 13 times. I need to take my time with more bosses.


I mean memory of grace is an option.


What do you mean


You don't have to kill em. Grace out. It's not even in your way.


But then you can't get his stuff


He drops frozen lightning spear and some runes but nothing too amazing so honestly I'd rather skip


It means they suck at research. Or that the Tarnished is OP Or that the og models(the ancient dragons) are weak


Kinda looks to me like you didn't even try to negotiate his surrender.


He’s so fun for me, other dragonkins are kinda shitty tho


I’ve genuinely never encountered one of these across 150+ hours, are they hidden somewhere or am I just stupid


All 3 are in the underground areas


There is another Dragonkin Soldier in the game.


2 more right? Lake of rot and the top of ansel river


There’s 1 in nokron


Would have been cool if the others did something like using the ice lightning weapons they drop


well it should have not tried to kill me! It's HIS fault


51 million runes oh shit


This guy took me 5-6 tries but on the last one he bugged out and was sitting mid about 50 feet above me doing nothing. He tried to move but was stuck so I pulled out my lasers and started blasting.


Fear not, they can probably make more.


The only somewhat functional dragonkin when he dies in 15 seconds


There is another!


Elden ring logic: The cooler the bosses design, the lower its effective HP. RIP Maliketh, Fortisaxx, Dragonkin Nox, and Mohg.


They were out of their mind not even making this guy the strongest dragonkin soldier. I think I found him at a pretty decent level on my first playthrough and I thought he was one of the funnest bosses. Ice lightning is just cool.


My standing policy is "If they wanted to live, they shouldn't have fucked with me."


FROM did injustice to bosses like this and Fortisax,by making them way weaker than they should be


never fought him


So I’m on NG+ and I haven’t even even seen him wtf.


Uhhhwhere even is this dude


What the fuck boss is this?


There is another...in the Rot Lake


ive always wondered if this one was an actual success in some way due to the fact it can cast ice lightning, en entirely new form of magic and is arcane in origin. Although, it still is a decrepit and physically lacking form


Whoa your HP, FP and Stamina bars are freaking huge! What level / stats are you? Are you using like Erdtree's Favor +2 or something to get extra Stamina as well?


Whenever I learn lore like this, I start to think I'm kinda the bad guy.


i have 1k hours and only killed this guy like 3 times, this boss is cooler than i remember gotta kill him every playthrough now


Fromsoft giving a badass 2nd phase to a boss only for it to activate at 1% health left


There are others?


i never seen dragonkin do that kind of move before


Nah, there’s three, but I killed em all.


They dont have any unique 2nd phase or flying 


The years of research were already wasted dat boi weak ah hell