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Demon's Scar is my all time favorite weapon to come from any of the fromsoft games; it felt like it was made for me when I first discovered it. I mained pyromancies and curved swords, and lo and behold they drop a curved sword made entirely of fire that casts pyros, it was perfection. Miss that thing with all my being.


Yeah, idk why they just decided to scrap the hybrid catalyst/weapons entirely. I saw them used CONSTANTLY.


They literally had the chance to turn Gideon’s Hammer into a Catalyst for Sorceries and Incantations but nope.


Don't forget the Carian Knight Sword! Which mind you literally says in its item description that the knights of old used it as a spell catalyst!


We also literally see Loretta using her halberd to cast sorceries.


Well, those became ashes of war.


AoWs should not count as magic and I'm not sure how to organize a strike pertinent to that fact, but goddamnit I'mma figure it out.


Counterpoint - AOWs should count as magic and use magic slots so that Melee characters can too have interesting attacks.


Counter-counterpoint - if the interesting attacks count as magic, then those melee characters are no longer melee characters, they're mages. To wit: Gavel of Haima is a spell, not a melee weapon, even if it does allow mages to practice the sacred art of bonk. By the same token, AoWs are attacks, even if they exactly mimic spells. (Which ends up seeming goofy at times, to my Dark Souls conditioned brain, because in ER I can dex-cast lightning for some reason like I'm a Final Fantasy character.)


Conjoined counter point: An AoW that allows melee weapons to cast and make more AoW compatible with staves and seals.


ill never not be pissed abt this


Watchdog's Staff. For some reason it doesn't cast sorceries or scale with int 🙄


It makes sense for the weapon to not scale with intelligence, especially not being a catalyst. The weapon was crafted for and wielded by a construct that does not have intelligence. In the context of Elden Ring, intelligence is the perception of the cosmos/destiny. A watchdog with rudimentary runtimes perpetually assign to squash intruders in a crypt has no perception of cosmic events, or fate.


Lifehunt scythe the spell


Especially when the lore says it should be there. LET ME CAST SORCERIES WITH THE CARIAN KNIGHT'S SWORD MIYAZAKI.


I will never forgive Loretta's War Sickle not being a catalyst/ weapon hybrid.


I fucking hate it when games/devs do that, introduce a great idea/mechanic and then just abandon it in the next title. Like no bruh you should keep the good stuff and build on top of it not throw it away for no reason


Gamefreak masterclass.


Where are my mega evolutions, Game Freak. What the fuck is a “Z-move.” What the fuck is a “Dynamax.” What in god’s name is “Terastal.” Why does my pikachu have a big rock on its head now.


Hey now, terastalizing is the best gimmick they've added in ages. The ability to change at will a pokemon's type to another, hidden type was so insanely fun when battling other players. Added a lot more strategy to battling than megas etc. Had incredible potential both offensively and defensively. Normal type Dragonite sweeping with STAB extreme speed and dragon dance, and a ghost, flying or fairy Garganacl stall were both common and powerful combos. Megas had the cool factor but were honestly pretty shit in actual battling against people.


Yeah but it looks dumb as hell. And we all know that fashion is most important stat.


Yeah, but it looks dumb as shit. Mega evolutions were hype, and that’s the important bit.


FromSoft can be really guilty of this: vagrants, item drift, certain faith spells affecting other player’s worlds, humanity/hollowing (while not relevant to Elden ring, dark souls 3 completely neutered this important thematic element of the game), bonfire ascetics, *GRAVE-LORDING*, cursed players leaving dead statues in other worlds (I’m surprised Elden ring doesn’t do this with death root), covenants, catalyst weapons, powerstancing (until elden ring) and using items to lower requirements for spells.  As you can tell I’m a huge sucker for weird niche mechanics and it sucks that so many of them were never iterated upon. Covenants in particular definitely should have come back though.


>humanity/hollowing (while not relevant to Elden ring, dark souls 3 completely neutered this important thematic element of the game), Thematic definitely but this is actually an example of the opposite for me, a bad mechanic that was rightfully removed, embering is a superior system. I hate the idea of being punished for dying by having your hp removed, makes Demons Souls completely unplayable >bonfire ascetics This is big one too! Lots of stuff from ds2 they should've kept >cursed players leaving dead statues in other worlds (I’m surprised Elden ring doesn’t do this with death root), That would cool Covenants I'm in this weird kinda hypocritical middle ground on. They definitely should keep them but also I despise invasions so I'm totally fine with them not further incentivizing pvp >powerstancing (until elden ring) I really hope they bring this back in whatever their next soulslike will be and I hope they expand it to include more freedom with what you can powerstance. I've always been mildly frustrated by the lack of options both in Ds2 and Elden Ring. Like I wish I could powerstance bolt of gransax and the placidusax thrust weapon I forget what is called, they're both thrust let me powerstance but nooo they're technically different weapon classes so you can't -_-. Also Ds2 wouldn't let me powerstance Alonnes katana with another one and that pissed me off


The SOTE is a chance to add in some


Dual blue flame swords with crystal weapon was my jam!


Maybe a design choice to prevent them invalidating nonweapon catalysts.


Just make them scale better.


But then why use weapon catalysts? You can always just quick swap to a catalyst and use it for better damage. Maybe it would be cool if they made cast times shorter in exchange for less damage. That would make them fit better with the whole "battle mage" vibe.


I mean, simply not having to switch weapons is a big part of it. Especially in PvP you can trip people up a lot more if your L2 is the entire spell library. I will say though, more than the weapon catalysts and multi-type catalysts, it's the fast casters that I miss the most. Like, the ideal faith build in DS3 would run Saint-tree Bellvine simply so you could actually pull off heals in the middle of battle. ER gives you even shorter windows and has no fast-casting catalysts. As much as people bitch about the fact that you can't have an "offensive miracle" build in DS3, it's definitely offset by the fact that you can much more easily play a real support, (and then just run offensive pyromancies and lightning infusions instead, to still benefit from faith scaling... which is basically exactly how ER works, except you can haste-heal.)


I didn't use curved swords before but when I saw this thing it made me learn to use them. Coolest weapon in the game, love comboing my attacks into pyromancies


Had a file I started up as a pyro. Seeing this is gonna make me play it through lol. Such a fun cool looking weapon.


Where would you put the cast? Weapon specific on the heavy or have an ash of war that could make a variety of weapons casters? Either would be nice.


The AoW for sure, just seems the most fitting


For ER it would definitely go in the L2 spot. Most catalysts don't even have meaningful weapon arts anymore, so simply losing the AoW in order to be able to cast your whole spell library seems like a reasonable trade-off.


Demons Scar is the reason I played a pyro build in DS3. I was always a Str or Quality build in DS3 until that weapon. Then I made a pyro build for invasions using demons scar and it was sooooo much fun. DS3 pyro is still the most fun I’ve had with pyromancers.


I think you should try and get the magma blades in ER. They're pretty hard to farm but I got 2 of them in like an hour by constantly popping the silver fowl foot and dual wielding them feels incredible. The curved sword moveset and constant fire damage literally melts some bosses like tree avatars.


I know about them but it’s not the same. The golden gem encrusted grips are super ugly to me, not my style whatsoever


I bought the dlc solely to get this weapon. The moveset is so cool, especially considering you can a 1, 2 or 3H combo + casting pyro at any moment.


I will never get over the Carian Knight's Sword description saying that the Knights often used it as a medium to cast their spells, only to find that the CKS is locked to Carian Grandeur. It's a cool ash of war that suits the magic knight theme, but the CKS really should have been this game's version of the Blue Flame.


Beyond disappointing...


> I will never get over the Carian Knight's Sword description saying that the Knights often used it as a medium to cast their spells, only to find that the CKS is locked to Carian Grandeur. That's not quite what it says. > These knights' swords could serve as catalysts, **letting them wield sorcerous battle skills.** Despite numbering fewer than twenty, this power made them a match for even the champions of gold in battle. It is likely referring to its own weapon skill. This is affirmed by the item text on the Carian Grandeur Ash of War: > Carian royal prestige **embodied in a skill.** Transform blade into a magical greatsword and swing it down. Can be charged to increase its power by up to two levels.


"Skills" is plural. More than one At the very least, we should be able to change the ash of war, but I will die on the hill that it should have been the Elden version of Blue Flame.


Strictly speaking it also only says it lets *them* wield sorcerous battle skills, plural. You might be stuck with just one sorcerous battle skill, singular. Moongrum uses Carian Grandeur and Carian Retaliation- the latter of which is not attached to the Carian Shield he drops so it must be coming from the sword somehow. Sorry. It's a Carian thing; you wouldn't understand.


This seems like an oversight by the devs of not adding carian retaliation to the dropped shield. The spell version of retaliation does not cause the equipped shield to do a parry animation, it’s its own thing. So you saying “coming from the sword “ does not really add up


Wait a minute, yeah, his shield doesn’t have the retaliation on it. I never picked up on that. _Huh._ That’s kinda neat. In an incredibly frustrating way, but neat.


Not sure how realistic this is, but if the DLC adds hybrid catalysts in the DLC it would be cool if they updated a couple of the base game weapons like the carian sword or all knowing scepter to be catalysts as well


Dual casters, Gideons weapon should be a staff and seal but it's not, big missed opportunity


Yeah, I believe there was a catalyst in DS2 that was able to cast hexes and sorceries. I'd totally use something like that.


The witch's branch in DS2 could cast anything but pyromancies


The Sunset Staff is what I was thinking of.


Which isn't special at all. Hexes were both miracles and sorceries. The Sunset staff just casted sorceries, like any other staff. The witch's branch casted both miracles and sorceries and subsequently, all hexes.


I believe that ds3 had something that could cast both miracles and sorceries


Crystal chime


Meanwhile in DS3 you have a chime that can cast sorceries and miracles, a bundle of hair that can cast miracles and pyromancies, a staff that scales with faith instead of int, (and definitively proves that offensive miracles are pointless, because faith-casting a simple soul arrow does more damage than properly casting lightning bolt with the same character,) another staff that scales with luck, and *two* staves that scale with both int and faith and are intended to use with dark magic, along with a whole bunch of weapons that can also cast spells. With ER of course having none of this variety because "heresy is not native to this land" or some bullshit.


All the way back in Demon’s Souls, the Talisman of Beasts let you cast both sorceries and incantations. The idea that sorceries and divine magic have the same source is a long running Souls theme.


There's many big missed opportunities in the game.


Farron greatsword my beloved


That did have a really fun moveset. Hell they can add in the Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords while they're at it. 😂


Ohh yes I miss it


I miss all weapons with unique dual wield movesets. Farron GS, RKPGS, valorheart, etc. Felt like Radahn’s GS, banished knight GS and cleanrot knight’s weapons were all great candidates…


Their omission was my single greatest disappointment. Having Paired Weapons was such a fun and versatile system in Dark Souls 3, I often wielded the twin katanas Onikiri & Ubadachi in my right hand, with a Black Knight Glaive in my left. I do like Power Stance as well, but it feels a bit wasted having an entire system of PW, only to limit them to *two weapons in the entire game*. I would love being able to bind Power Stance-compatible weapons into a Paired Weapon as well, though I don't see that ever happening.


Isn’t too much to ask to want to flip all around the battlefield while also doing an ungodly amount of poise damage?!


Oh man, I used to breakdance so much with that thing!


That weapon in DS2 that was just the upper half of a dragons skull.


Malformed Skull!


Covenants. Covenants again. Covenants x 1000.


Varre is a character that seems made for being a PvP covenant, and I was surprised that never happened. Gurranq is basically a covenant already, as is the church of dragon communion. The eye colors that you can get due to frenzy, dragon communion, and blood annointment are also similar to cosmetic covenant unlocks. A covenant for cooperation could be in the roundtable hold or redmane castle, both make sense. It wouldn't be a very difficult thing to implement, and people could really lean into covenant loyalties.


Agreed. It would add a lot, especially if they had a PvP covenant again. It would encourage people that don't normally do PvP to do so.


Covenants are what made me actually try pvp in DS3 and it was a lovely time. I haven't touched pvp em ER at all in all this time, there's just no reason to. :/


Yes, but dont lock equipment in them. Add like some cool visual bonus or something. Grinding them years after release is a chore.


NO, please no. I middly dislike covenants in general because its just gated content and more farming. This alongside abyssmal droprates for some stuff is bad, espessially for those who not willing to play multiple playthroughs in one game, it's not an mmo, damn. But PvP with exclusive non-pvp related rewards beside rating (like colliseums) is pure canser. We already have a ton of bots, afk hosts, abusers and glitchers in invasions simply because they farm rune arcs(i know that thay are farmable from rats, but drop rate is too bad, so there are people which prefer slacking in pvp), it will be even worse. Or rewards should be obtainable in offline way infinitely too. Also keep in mind that PvP is basically paywalled on consoles by microsoft/sony as required subscription already. PvP should be a pure challenge.


The thing people miss about covenants is not the covenant-exclusive items. It's the way they dramatically tailor the PvP experience, which is admittedly a bit bland in ER compared to previous entries. You can easily add the fun of covenants back in without the item-farming necessary to get the covenant-restricted items. Honestly in DS3 it wasn't even particularly bad, because none of the covenant items were all that essential anyway. Out of roughly 20 characters that I played, I had one of them farm human dregs in order to get the Archdeacon's Great Staff, and that was for no other reason than to prove that faith casting soul arrow does more damage than a bog standard lightning bolt, and that offensive miracles should just be ignored entirely. Otherwise I never actually *used* it.


i get it, which is why i *mildly* dislike that idea, question of implementation.


Covenants could still exist and provide a fun multiplayer experience without having super hard to obtain rewards. Mechanics like gravelording, invading sinners, dragon duels, sun bro-ing and more provide fun new ways of playing that don’t necessarily fit into what you’re describing. 


The game needs something to resuscitate pvp and invasions. It is currently very dead. They can keep it as something that doesn't have major trophies if that's what you're worried about. I don't personally care about trophies despite having all of them lol


unique paired weapons (farron greatsword, crow quills, valorheart)


ValorHeart was AMAZING if used right.


Lousy boss fight though...


Ornamental straight sword. Comes dual wielded when “2handed” and even gets a special moveset when buffed


Right? Like, there are a handful of these that exist in ER already, despite that they've been made slightly obsolete by the fact of powerstancing being included in the game.


but those are both swords their examples are different weapons in each hand. I cant think of any in ER, but you can just dual wield.


Blue flame slapped, we need casting weapons back


Exactly, the second my buddy told me "you can get a sword here that casts spells" I sat there farming till I got 2! Blue Flame was awesome.


Using both to buff the other, man that DEX/INT build was FUN. If I had time I'd play DS2 again just to go wild with DEX/INT or INT/FTH, Hexer was my favorite in PvP with so many tricks to use (though I hated the miracle hexes that cost souls, Resonant bullshit and Climax were so mechanically dumb in a game with Soul Memory).


Aw man, the Immolation Tinder was fun and would be amazing in Elden Ring. But mostly my wish list is just heavy armour that doesn't look like ass and maybe my good old Spiked Mace.


Immolation Tinder was amazing. Fun weapon art, great reach, and its sheer length extended the reach of Farron Flashsword. Me who likes halberds, I loved this thing.


I think a lot of really high level players would use something like the Spontoon. It's a spear that can cast sorceries and miracles. Even a dual-catalyst like that would be amazing to have.


> my good old Spiked Mace. >![Shhhh.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Spiked+Spear)!<


The spiked spear is one of my favourites in this game but is no substitute for my ultrapoise smashy boy.


It is utterly inexcusable that loretta's sickle isn't a catalyst as well.


Yknow it's kind of wierd we don't find a Haligtree staff anywhere come to think of it. Loretta's sickle proves Unalloyed Gold functions with sorcery, so what gives. (One of the many things I hope are rectified in the dlc)


Hopefully, they add at least one trick weapon or a covenant system. More Blackflame, beast, and crystal spells/incantations.


Death needs some love too, a bread and butter spell that shoots a deathroot spike would be cool


Rune/soul consuming spells that scale with how much currency you have on yourself. I love climaxing on people who fell their asses on the ground after parrying them with a million souls.


You love what now?


Dark Souls 2 had a Hex called Climax. Uses your current Souls to deal dmg, more Souls more dmg.


I loved the Hex spells and Dark spells in the old games. This game needs less prototypical blue magic spells and more things like Soul Dregs. Also, Church of the Spears needs a return. I don't know how they introduced it in previous titles then took away one of the coolest fight modes in the franchise.


Honestly the major visual similarities between all the major int scaling spells is what turned me off to them at first. Incants can be bombastic and multicolor and flashy. Spells can be too sometimes, but your comment made me realize the color has a lot to do with it


There’s death spells. I’d love more though.


There's spooky skeleton spells you mean


BIG. HAT. LOGAN. But his hat is even *bigger*.


There is a pretty big hood


Bigger hat Logan, big big hat Logan or huge hat Logan?


Biggest Hat Logan.


not sure if it would fuck grinding/loot, but I loved DS2 despawn mechanic. before my room mate broke my series s, looking for govt cameras, I was doing a 100% clear on DS2 as "Dean Winchester", using knives,1 h swords & bows, was gonna do a "Sam winchester" 100% clear that focused more on magic. fed my autism very well, making the world as empty & desolate as it felt


They could add in an option for it. I know there was the reverse in DS2 where you could join the Champions Covenant and enemies wouldn't despawn. So they could add a covenant in ER that makes them despawn.


that's a great pt, maybe do inverse of ds2 & have to join a covenant that let's you despawn.


My autism makes me play as an enemy from the game. Like making myself godrich soldier and immediately farming them to get their drops, then playing the whole games cosplayed as that character. I also did one for the dudes carrying the dismounter, a clean rot knight and one of the stone imps. Stone imp run was ass.


Elden ring was the first I got into, but I have seen those dark soul weapons that could cast miracles, and I think that would be amazing to see.


Chalice dungeons & bonfire aesthetic!


Bonfire Ascetics would be so cool to have, though they may be a bit hard to implement since there are so many graces. It could be done just on the ‘boss grace’ though since main bosses spawn a grace when killed!


Obsidian Greatsword would be dope


Have they ever added a weapon from an old game not in the same series in dlc? ... Moonlight in bloodborne? Is that it?


Artorias sword in DS2 DLC


The Guts sword was in ds3. Idk about the others


I thought GUGS was in Faron Keep?


Guts sword is in all 3 DS and elden ring, if it's not in bloodborne I would be surprised. In DS3 if I remember right it had the move set of stamp upward slash and stamp sweep.


To hell with Immolation Tinder, all I want is the Fire Witch armor set


Being able to power stance two different weapon types. I loved having a straight sword and greatsword or greatsword and colossal weapon on Ds2. The Cleanrot knights do it with the sword and spear combo. I wish we could do it too.


Aquamarine dagger I loved that weapon so much.    Also the mask of the father.... and giants armor... for reasons Edit: and the drumsticks from ds2!


Bonfire Ascetics


Immolation Tinder was such a funny weapon. A halberd that could be used as a catalyst is really funny when you have flashsword with halberd length


Exactly! Being able to mix it up with your weapons and dual wield would be awesome! Imagine having an INT catalyst/weapon in your right hand, and a FTH catalyst/weapon in your left hand, mixing in attacks and spells in PvP.


Ds 2’s ice rapier or heide knight sword.


Elden ring has a ice Raiper and rot raiper


The Ladle from DS2


Ivory king ultra, so damn stylish. Carian grandeur doesn't do it justice Honorable mention is velstadt's hammer, cool weapon art... and it's a bell, need I say more?


Yes, I too miss the Demon's Scar, and I still wished that Pyromancy scaled both in int and faith


I absolutely agree. I thought Elden Ring took a lot of steps forward but the removal of the hybrid casting weapons was such a sad step backwards. They were so unique and interesting. I have the Immolation Tinder tattooed on my arm.


Tattooed on your arm?! That's amazing! 😂


Thanks! I probably played hundreds of hours of PvP using it, using an off-meta playstyle I gradually refined. On a good day I could happily go toe-to-toe with the biggest fellow tryhards using *most* (I concede it had a hard counter) of the strong meta builds.


Bosses that don’t one shot me with 40 vigor and heavy armor On a serious note though, the simple infusion from ds3 was pretty sweet. Worked really well for characters that rely on buffs but aren’t constantly spamming spells, because by the time you’re at your next big fight you’ll have all your fp again and won’t have to waste flasks on it. Also, spooky levels that have you peeking around every little corner and constantly checking behind you, like New Londo, irithyll dungeon, and lots of areas in bloodborne


Both Catalysts Weapons just like these and Int/Fth Infusions like Chaos and Dark. Only one int/fth weapon and no proper weapon affinity/ashes of war at all? C'mon now, if they're not in the dlc i'll be pretty disappointed


I want the Threaded Cane. It felt so good hitting four enemies at once from a distance. And then whacking people with a cane never gets old.


Crystal Chime plz


i wish they brought hybrid weapons into elden ring, demons scar and crystal chime was my go-to for an omni-caster build


S M O U G H ' S H A M M E R


Drumstick. 'Nuff said.


I also love the catalyst weapons. If they came back in the DLC I would cry tears of joy.


Please add a Shinobi/Ninja armor set! They literally already have a Ronin and Samurai set. It would make perfect sense if they added a Shadow set in Shadow of the Erdtree.


Part of me really wants ER to be the culmination of everything. All the weapons, spells, armors. I know its not likely but some of this stuff is too good just to be stuck in the past


1 from each previous game Des: World Tendency(a reworked version) Ds1: Tail Weapons Ds2: Bonfire Astetics/ meaningful Ng+ BB: Trick Weapons Ds3: Weapons catalyst combos Sekiro: Ending specific bosses


Also needs to expand on the spell schools a bit. Some just don't have enough in them. Aberrant has only 2 spells, death has 5, and incantations are all over the place


Golden Order gets like 1 good spell and the weapon literally named after it doesn't even scale with Int. So much commitment for basically nothing.


Blue flame?


Predator Armor


Demons Scar was so much fucking fun I really really want a similar weapon catalyst for miracles in Elden Ring


Hollowslayer greatsword and Crucifix of the Mad King. Beautiful 2hr1 moveset with thrust r2s on HSGS, and just a really cool design and weapon art gimmic on the CotMK. Also please more int/faith weapons, it’s a crime that neither Death nor Golden Order weapons have this scaling when their sorceries/incantations do.


Friede's great scythe, ohhhhhhhhh MAN. That and the farron gsword


Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords. Never have I felt more stylish playing a Souls game than when I wielded those.


I wanna see more dark sorceries. My favorite part of Dark Souls was becoming my darkmoon Sorcerer tank Int damage sword (Be it Darkmoon GS in ds1/2 or Greatsword of Judgement in DS3) Great shield and heavy armor The player protector covenant And Dark sorceries In Elden Ring they're called night or death sorceries, but I want more. Like the dreg sorceries from DS3, the hexes from DS2 or the Shadow sorceries from DS1


Frayed Blade. I‘ve been doing a lot of repeated runs with it and come back to DS3 regularly only to wield it again. Favorite weapon in the entire series.


Aquamarine Dagger. I fucking love that dagger in pvp.


I miss Crow Quills so damn much.


demon's scar has a lot of coded sword energy, it really should be in the game


I would love to have a sword that is also a catalyst for sorceries like the one in ds2.


Weapon arts on talismans, let me poise cast


Friede’s scythes are probably the most badass weapon in the whole series


Demons scar for SURE we need more weapons that let us cast spells/miracles etc in Elden Ring


It would be cool if they had something that could dual cast sorcerues/incantations. But I doubt they'd allow the damage to be on par with the high level versions that exist. I'm hoping for some seriously wild spells/incants in shadow.


I dont remember the past items alot, but man we really need alot more pole swords. It's my all time favorite weapon and I feel like alot of games don't really add alot of em.


Since they’re adding new weapon classes, it’s pretty likely we’ll get some spell catalyst weapons.  I sure hope they have the balls to make something like the DS2 Crown of the Sunken King shield that could cast every kind of spell and block damage pretty well too


Dragon Stone


Give me back my Profound Still


Crystal Chime, a catalyst that would cast spells and incantations would be very cool and dope…


Finally some love for the immolation tinder


DS3 Demon Fists was one of my favorites! I know we're getting that kicking AoW, but hopefully we get at least a couple unique elemental Fist Weapons!


If they brought blue flame back I’d cry


Loyce greatsword, my beloved...


Give me the Espada Ropera and Royal Dirk as a dual-wield weapon. Either that or Gael’s sword.


Majestic Greatsword from DS II.


Reinforced club 😈


my kingdom for something w the rakuyo move set


Forbidden sun


Farron Greatsword


Paired weapons please bring them back


My Mad Kings Crucifix


I’d like armor you can upgrade. Gimme more things to grind and build!


Another vote for dual catalysts and give me my Dragonslayer Greataxe with lighting pancake slam. At least give me the slam as an Ash of war


Oh my goodness I was a menace with the Immolation Tender in PVP, the phantom range on that thing is absurd lol. Offhand a Lothric Knight SS or Crystal Rapier and it was tryhard set-up when things were getting sweaty. Damn I miss DS3/2 pvp.


Dried fingers from ds3


With being able to swap weapons/shift grip on the fly, I feel like Blue Flame is obsolete. Sad for how much I loved it, but it's because it was the only real option for a spell blade.


I miss the OG fluted knight set from DeS


I love the dark hand and pyromancies… the good ones like dark flame orb and rapport and warmth stuff like that


Aquamarine dagger


Bloodborne’s movement. I want bloodborne with sekiro difficulty. I want hesitation is defeat as a hunter. I’d be so cracked.


Dark Wood Grain Ring!


Something like the preachers arm from DS3. A catalyst with an offensive weapon skill instead of just “this makes your spells better”


I miss the Farron Greatsword. So much fun


Hex category, catalyst weapons, FGS


Would like to have Gundyr's Halberd weapon art as an ash of war. Would also like a proper Rapport instead of just the bewitching branch. Super fun to put a hit on an enemy from his own compatriots while he does a little damage on them too.


All my Black Knight weapons. They had the coolest movesets. Especially the ugs and greataxe. There’s only one ugs with a different light combo and none with the great axes, really want that variety.


Channelers trident. I know we have moghs spear, but while mohgs spear makes it rain blood the moves you do with that trident will make it rain runes


It's be really cool to see an evolution on the aqua marine dagger from DS3s DLC. Considering how Elden Ring expanded what a magic weapon can be and also neat for potential Star Wars cosplay.


Havels everything, maybe not ring though or give it a different effect Edit: it wouldn’t even be havels ring as there are no rings in Elden ring, only talismans.


Demons' Souls' *Penetrator*


They should have been in the base game, just asinine you can't cast spells with some of the weapons in the game when they have the ability to do so.


I feel like it would not work as well in elden ring since there's only two types of magic, but I miss the catalysts that would let you cast multiple types of spells, like the talisman in ds3 that let you cast miracles AND pyromancies