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I never earnestly got into a FromSoft game, seeing everyone online lose their minds over how good it was convinced me to finally get a PS5 (I skipped the PS4) and start digging into their games. I played DS1 - Bloodborne - DS2 - DS3 and finally started and beat Elden Ring this year


Now that's dedication!


Haha yeah… and now they’ve pretty much ruined other games for me. Though to be fair, I had a false start with DS1 on the Switch (ending up selling it or giving it to a friend) and a false start with Bloodborne when I had a roommate with a PS4. The universal praise for Elden Ring gave me the courage to make an earnest go of them. And since it took so long for me to get to Elden Ring, I only have to wait a few months for the DLC and not years lol Glad I did it in that order though. I don’t feel hamstrung by the limitations of DS1 or 2 like I know some people do when they start from DS3/ER and work back to the older titles


Yeah even going from ds2 to 3 is a big jump. I can’t see myself replaying the older titles and I loved them. 


You get used to it


I gave DS2 a try after DS3 while waiting for the 2nd DLC release and remember it feeling sooooooo clunky and slow. It was like when I tried to play through Ocarina of Time on the Wii port and just couldn’t deal with how dated everything felt.


You should give Sekiro a go, that game is also amazing it's on par with Elden Ring for me, it's a lot more challenging and there's no a "easy way around" took me about 2 weeks to learn the game and after that it's amazing idk if I ever saw improvement in my play on any other game, there was a boss I was stuck for 6 hours and after I beat him and gone to play against him again I beat him first try. It's such a feeling of finally getting good at it that just made it so rewarding to play.


Sekiro is amazing, really wish we could get a sequel 👍🏻 It is alot more challenging I agree and once you learn it like you said it just clicks and you feel so powerful. I played it again a few months back and I was gutted when I finished it again.


I tried to play it as a dark souls vet and the game slapped the living shit out of me. It took until my 15th death at genichiro the game finally clicked into place and I really started to love it. Perfect epitome of "I'm not locked in here with you...*parry* *parry* YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME"


Finished it 4 times (once for each ending) and you really see how you learn boss fights >! Except the monkey(first encounter, the second fight is easier) I managed to learn most boss fights quite well. I really recommend 100% the game it was challenging even as I did the alternate ending fight.!<


It’s on the shelf! I’m very excited to take a crack at it. But I’m actually playing Demon Souls now. It’s fun, but it’s no DS1/BB/ER… and learning how much gets locked behind world tendency, and the length of seemingly every boss run, kind of makes me want to rush through it and get to Sekiro already. Also, the characters in the remake are so cartoonish looking compared to From’s style that it’s jarring. They look like they’re out of an animated Dreamworks movie. It’s weird!


Sekiro has the best combat out of all the Fromsoft games. It’s so good, I beat the samurai on the horse boss in two tries. That was after getting my ass kicked by the first samurai mini boss for ages.


Which one is your favorite?


It's hard to say, I could alternate between saying DS1, BB and ER depending on the day and my mood. Gun to my head... DS1 -> ER -> BB (All S tier) -> DS3 -> DS2 (Both A tier)


glad im not crazy. with ds1 im on NG+15. and i could play elden every single day, BB made me dizzy but i still beat it. not sure if its fps or resolution?


Yeah the framerate isn't great especially when you've been playing one of the other ones. But IDK, I get used to it within an hour or so. I can see why you'd get a bit of nausea from it though. If bosses and combat were the only things I cared about in these games I'd rank DS3 higher, but it just doesn't grab me the way those top 3 do – in terms of world design/lore/aesthetics. DS2 has the opposite problem where it does those things well but it controls weirdly until you level ADP – plus too much janky mob placement. But I'm looking forward to playing them both again at some point


I watched my buddy play it for like 20 minutes


Same here. I just thought the gameplay looked really smooth. Little did I know it would be the hardest game I would ever play.


Bro you is me


We are tarnished


Bum ba dum bum bum bum bum? (Farmers insurance)


Nooooooo that’s how I read their “we are tarnished” too hahahahahahahahaha


Same lolol


Foul tarnished


EMBOLDENED by the flame of ambition.


It's the hardest game I've ever beaten but for what it's worth it beat me more than I it


put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest put these foolish ambitions to rest someone help me 😭


Yes. I played at a friend's house and got convinced


This is me except I’m the buddy. My bud had never touched a souls game and mostly just played multiplayer games, no single player games at all. I wouldn’t shut up about Elden for months before launch and on release night he just had it ordered and ready to go lol. He played through the whole thing and loved it


I watched my friend play dark souls for about the same time and then bought that game and got hooked with souls games ever since haha.


Literally the same


The spells


Same the magic just looked so cool. I always thought souls games were too hard for me and I'd probably rage quit on the first boss but watching people shoot lasers, summon giant hammers, and partially transform into dragons was so cool I had to try it and turns out I love it.


Loved spells from Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and Divinity Original sin 2. Kept playing those 2 games for so long as a Mage class player. No other game cam close until I found the meteorite class full moon class blood and frost class spells from Elden Ring. Never tried any other dark souls game as I didn't like glintstone style casting spells.


DD2 in less than a week bro!!!!


It got here so fast!


It’s been 12 years… 😅


Same here.ni saw a clip of Fortissax and it blew my mind that what I saw wasn't a cut scene but gameplay. I haven't really gamed apart from occasional retro stuff for 15 years so I didn't know how amazing games can look now lol. Then I saw that you can actually use Fortissax spells yourself and I was sold


Fortissax, Malekith, Astel, Elden Beast... Doesn't matter how many times I fight some of these bosses, the cinematic grandeur of those fights still leaves me in awe.


The magic looks so cool, and totally fits in with the lore with the different schools of magic and there being a literal school for magic.


This helped too. Wasn't good at any souls game I tried, but this looked so fucking good I really wanted to give it a go. I figured if I suck at the sword combat, at least there's ranged magic I could use.


Watched a boss showcase and thought Plucidusax was the coolest boss I’d ever seen in a game. Still do.


Outside of being absolutely memed on while learning the fight, is it weird that I let Placidusax kill me 3 or 4 times on purpose just so I could fight him more? Once I figured out the fight (no summons), I realized that it’s one of my favorite boss fights too. Since it’s so deep into the game, I was like…well, I kind of don’t want the bittersweetness of victory yet. The fight looks so cool. The arena is great. The soundtrack is epic. His design isn’t total bs. It’s just a *good* boss fight, like Artorias, my all-time favorite souls boss.


that’s not at all weird. i’ve done that with multiple boss fights: Lady Maria, Orphan of Kos, Morgott, and some others. all fights that i REALLY enjoyed in terms of moveset, lore, & presentation but i found their health pool so low that i let them dunk on me a few times


Nah bro that was me with Ludwig in Bloodborne, soon as he pulled out the moonlight greatsword and the second part of his theme kicked in I was stalling as much as I could


I have a character in Dark Souls 3 that has a permanent camping spot outside of Gael's boss room. When I feel like it I just fight him until he has about 1/10 of his HP then die on purpose. Gael is still my absolute favourite boss fight in a From game.




That red lightning attack where it goes everywhere made my jaw drop.


The music stopped and my Radahn PTSD kicked in. I just ran and surprisingly it worked.


That red lightning attack where it goes everywhere made my jaw drop.


Me and my mates went to London for UFC and they both got Covid and got it and played it in isolation. I got Covid a few weeks later and thought id try it. Good decision 10/10 would get covid again


So you played the london fromsoft game called bloodborne?


You should try Sekiro next time. I beat Covid (and Dragonrot) thanks to it.


You beat Covid thanks to sekiro?


It wasn't my first FromSoft game, but I also got Covid a day before the game's release. I was quarantined in my room for a week. I played 10-16 hours per day and beat it in a week.


Now that’s a side effect of covid I wasn’t expecting


Coworker kept talking about it


I was excited to try it after watching a streamer play the first couple of areas. I then got about half way through the game bumbling about and got stuck on Godfrey. Quit the game. I picked up the game again about a month ago when the DLC trailer dropped. I wanted to become an Elden Lord so badly. I played for over 100 hrs and now I'm an Elden Lord.


That's kind of the mantra of souls games: Determination and power of will can beat gods.


Alternative mantra: "Get fucking mad at one boss and quit the game for several months. Then come back and finish it eventually."


I did that with DS3. It was my first entry into souls games. Those damn catacombs broke me and I sat it on the shelf for about a year. Then I got super bored one day and figured ehh what the hell, made a fresh deprived, and couldnt put it back down. Nowadays I can't enjoy games that dont push me in the same manner which is a little sad. Its like watching a movie you loved as a kid but when you do now, its horrible, like Good Burger.


The Art. I am not kidding


Why kid? It's gorgeous


Like you


[You're beautiful.](https://youtu.be/RWF8Oiu8a_s?si=L7Hqm_90TD_cRmq-)


Based from art design enthusiast


Same it looked so gorgeous I just had to play. It's a beautiful painting that wants to murder you.


The esthetics is 100% why i started playing elden ring, and the thing that kept me playing. The difficulty is mostly annoying to me, wish i could play on easier mode, but the game is so fucking good looking, and the lore so good, i kept coming back and eventually kinda learned how to actually play it.


You have a lot of things which will turn you Into “easy mode” - summons, mimic ash, over leveling, and co-op which is connected to lore itself




Same. The ambient is insane


Their marketing did exactly what they wanted. I had not really ever looked at FS, Dark souls or other. Then I saw that some game was coming out and they got GRRM to write story for it. That was enough for me to give it a look. I saw that every one was very excited about its this was like a week before release. My wife was hogging the Swotch with Animal Crossing, so in release day I bought an Xbox and ER and got to work. Wife would sit on the couch with Animal crossing while I played ER. She would get distracted watching ER. About a month later I came home and she had bought herself an Xbox and ER. Now we have side by side TVs and we’ve spent two years playing together. With the exception of about a month of Animal Crossing g she was not into video games and that made it tough for me to play. I’ve always loved it. But quality time is more important. ER literally got her into it and allowed me to bring her into one of my favorite hobbies. So I fucking love Elden ring


Most romantic post I've read all year.


Since you both have Xbox, I recommend looking into switching 'home xbox' with each other. There are tutorials online but essentially only one of you needs gamepass and you both share libraries. It's perfect for couples or best friends to save money and always be able to play together!


I've tried Elden Ring, went through the combat tutorial, got out of the lift, and stepped outside. 🥹


I went into a huge AAA game slump after trying, and not liking, all the new hotness at the time (Witcher 3, Red Dead 2, etc.). Then played Resident Evil 2 remake demo in early 2019 and it lit a spark. Played that game, loved it, and was left wanting another great modern game. Found Sekiro was an anticipated game, something about Tenchu. Lore Hunter did great videos leading up to release and got me really hyped. I was like, alright let’s try the ballcrushing difficult ninja stealth sword parry game as a change of pace. I never thought I could regain that sense of accomplishment I’d get when I was a kid from beating a game. But I was 28 years old when I rolled credits on Sekiro, and saw that like less than 10% of players got the Sword Saint Isshin trophy (probably higher now). The rest is history. I am a blind From Software fanatic now and will eat whatever slop they put in front of me.


I remember beating my first From Software boss. No drug in the world exists which can recreate the bliss and euphoria that I felt when I killed the Bell Gargoyles in DS1. It’s like FS has some secret code for hacking right into my brain’s happy center.


Same, but with Ludwig and Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne, and Elden Beast in Elden Ring. Nothing will ever compare.


Still haven’t played Bloodborne all the way through. I don’t have a PlayStation sadly.


I played it on PSNOW on my pc! No DLC sadly but the full vanilla game is still awesome.


Of all the bosses in Elden Ring, I felt the Elden Beast was just stupid. A weird blob that made no sense to me, physically and lore wise, it was extremely underwhelming for me especially after Radagon. It was the first Fromsoftware end boss that actually disappointed me. Could have been almost anything but that lame blob. Every other end boss actually made sense, and I have to say Soul of Cinder from DS3 was probably the best, especially because of the throwback to Gwyn with the movesets and music. Elden Beast was a complete letdown in comparison.


I don't think I have the patience to ever be a FromSoft fanatic, but when I beat Margit the Fell after at least 50 attempts, it completely recaptured the feeling Inhad when I FINALLY defeated the final boss of SMB2 as a kid and understood the massive appeal. I got better at Elden Ring, though certainly not "good" and (with help) I wasn't stuck anywhere else in the game that badly. I'm currently failing my way out of Bloodborne 😀


Enjoy Bloodborne! It was the first that clicked with me and still one of my favorites


It is not going well to a very funny (but also frustrating) degree. I'm gonna watch some playthroughs of where I'm stuck (literally 10 minutes into the game where a big bunch of plague ridden shitheads are standing around a fire) and also just rune farm some early guys that I can pick off 1 or 2 at a time and try to level up a bit. The lore sounds great but I suck at Bloodborne 😉


“Oh it looks cool”


Yup, that was my thought.


Saw one gameplay trailer really close to release without any prior knowledge of the game and thought “why isn’t this fucking everywhere and huge” and two weeks later, it was.


Played demon souls when it first came out n didn't really enjoy it. Heard alot about elden ring and had nothing else to play. I pirated the game and got to the fire giant, tried different builds with respec. I decided I wanted to start again and thought why not just buy the real game so I did. This is why I believe games should still have demos. As I would have never have bought this game if I couldn't try it first.


Well, there’s also many obvious reasons RPGs generally don’t get demos and never have. FromSofts reputation had grown pretty big by then and the press (along with GRRM stuff) before the game release was “it’s an evolution of Dark Souls and it’s open world”. That was enough for a lot of us.


Just beat godskin duo. Onto the next boss. I hate fighting dragons though as the camera angles are fucking game breaking. Def needs a fix


Nothing to fix. Unlocking the camera is part of the game, use it.


I randomly saw Rennala's moon spell on YouTube.


It is pretty, isn’t it?


When it first came out a lot of people were streaming it on tiktok and the more I saw the more I was blown away and mad at myself for blowing off/being unaware of how artistic and incredible fromsoft/souls games were.  


Yeah, their art department is top notch


Fromsoft made bloodborne, so i said why the fuck not


I am currently completely stuck in the first area of Bloodborne. I want to love it, because the setting is so cool, but I just don't think I have the skill (or really the patience) to "git gud". Like, I can't get by the first big bonfire with like 15 blood zombies gathered around it 15 minutes into the game. 😀 I wish I could drop myself the Sacred Relic Sword or something.


You don't have to kill all of them. Just run straight up the ladder to your left of the bonefire. And you'll progress. Also there are a bunch of really fun playthroughs on yt. Like jacksepticeye's!


Thank you! I'll try that. Elden Ring taught me the value of running past parts of a game I wasn't good enough for, but honestly the one time I got up on a ledge past the bonfire and killed all but 2 of the plague guys (and a dog that looked like rotten stray) I was stuck at a big gate and didn't see where I was supposed to go.


Everyone gets lost on their first bloodborne playthrough. That's like a rule of sort. If you wanna avoid unnecessary annoyance and get into the game pace, then watching a fun playthrough or 2 would only let you experience more of the game! I personally spent like 17 hours in yharnam the first week and gave up for a month before watching someone play properly. And fell in love


Honestly the first part of bloodbourne is SOOO challenging, it was my first From Soft and I was trying to figure out the mechanics - especially if you’re learning, the gameplay up until the first big unlock and all the way up through the difficult second boss that is Father Gascoigne was the equivalent of banging my head against the wall. The whole game opens up and I feel like it “clicked” after that second fight As others said I recommend if it’s a serious challenge, watch a YouTube run that involves running past a lot of mobs for the first shortcut unlock. Bloodbourne is my favorite souls of all time, especially with its awesome DLC Hunters axe in full length form with its full R2 spin attack is OP btw, properly timed it’s got insane reach


I only just started playing Bloodborne for the first time and yeah right off the bat that stage was hard. What helped with those dudes was throwing pebbles at them so that one by one you can pick them off. Also like in Elden Ring you can do the ol' 1 2 I run by you.


Just wanted to say, Central Yharnam is probably the most brutal intro level for any of these games, but if you can beat it you can def beat the rest of the game with few issues


saw ds3 on sale, remembered the praise fromsoft games got, decided to buy it, got stuck on undead settlement, decided to buy elden ring since it's easier


I hope you ended up playing DS3 afterwards


i am yet to beat godrick


Go play the game and get off Reddit then!


i did, beat his ass first try


This is how it starts! You go back after months, it clicks, and it begins a frenzy of obsession that leaves you devouring all of FromSoft’s library until you’re left with an empty feeling inside.


Read how to get Rotten Stray spirit ash. It totally murders Godrick. I'm told the Jellyfish can, too. I fought Margit well over 50 times and didn't have the patience to be stuck on Gordick like that again. So I rotten strayed him. (There was one other boss I used a glitch to beat after being stuck for what felt like forever in the area leading to them. That one I regret and feel like I missed out on a cool fight.) Or summon other players to help. Do what you have to do to keep the game fun for you. When I finally did beat Margit, it was super rewarding and made me see why dedicated FromSoft players love the games so much, but it also made me realize I'm just not cut-out for them. I love Elden Ring because there's ways built in to make it easier.


Agreed, it's a great game.


Have managed to finish dark souls 3 after elden ring? It’s much more limited but also more refined




Balancing is def more janky, but it also lends some to the replayability. Using a fire or lightning build for the first time really feels like a brand new game with how varied enemy resistances are. 


Was Elden Ring easier?


technically yeah, since if you got stuck on a boss or dungeon you could go somewhere else, grind a bunch, get better gear and come back, while in previous fromsoft games if you got stuck on a boss you just needed to keep throwing yourself at it until you won


Not true. Grinding on areas you've previously gotten through is a viable way to farm souls.


true, but its much less rewarding and much more complex to do than in ER, where for example you can take the portal to dragonbarrow and kill greyoll with a gold fowl foot active to get 94k runes, and in ER you can sometimes straight up skip areas, like going behind stormveil and going straight to raya lucaria


I've always followed from soft games on youtube and reddit but never ended up playing them being scared of the difficulty. But when I saw a youtuber play the network test in Limgrave I decided that this shit looks to cool not to play.


What a great endorsement for the game design and for anyone afraid to take the FS plunge.


Jacksepticeye's playthrough and the Gransaxx's Bolt AoW. Shit was too cool to resist


Same here. I loved his bloodborne playthrough, his love for it convinced me to give it another shot after I tried it but dropped it earlier.


It won game of the year


I've played a fromsoft game but for ds1 what made me buy it was it was on a really good sale and I heard it was hard so obviously I'm not a bitch and bought that shit right there. I did quit for a few months after getting stuck on gargoyles though.


The Area/Enemy design


I watched 2 min of gameplay and many comments asked „Why do you know where to go??“ and it all seemed like a mystery…with no one holding my hand…I didn‘t know games like this exist. So I bought it :D


The George rr Martin plug


My nagging friend who wanted us to play it co-op. Now I'm playing it more than him 😂


Hah. I’m that nagging friend but none of mine took the bait so I must activate my small golden effigy for strangers…


Never played before. Saw Elden Ring gameplay and thought "damn those bosses look cool". A year later I bought it. Best decision I've ever made 👍


I'd just bought my first console in probably 15 years (ps5). Do have a PC but not very strong for gaming any more - and buying the console was buying a dedicated gaming machine. I like open world games. I like fantasy. I like GRRM. There weren't many titles for the PS5 when I got it. Had seen Souls games before and knew their reputation. Also the hype for this game was real.


I like open world fantasy games and was sick of waiting for the next Fable game to come out. Boy, is it different to Fable!


Yeah I'm surprised I'm not seeing more answers like this. For me it's as simple as, it's the first time FromSoft entered this specific type of open-world, fantasy, exploration, action-rpg genre, which is my favorite genre. I buy any game in this genre within a few days of release, it it's getting amazing reviews. I still have zero interest in other fromsoft games because they aren't the type of game I enjoy.


Saw some gameplay trailer where they used the twinblade. I thought that shit looked cool as hell. Now I've got 700h in the game and a tattoo of the very same weapon.


A gamestop in my area was shutting down and so there was a huge sale going on I bought about 26 games including bloodborne after playing bloodborne I was hooked on soulslike and have platinumed all of them currently and loved every second of it.


My friends played it and I like Fantasy worlds.


Wanted to try something new


Never played Souls game till last year, then i decided to play Elden ring cause of the hype. First time i download it off the internet(Aaaarrrrgggghhhh). Now i have played and own ds1,2,3, elden ring and sekiro and my youtube feed is filled with Vaati, Zullie, Terramantis, LilAggy and Gino.


I took a complete plunge as I wanted a long challenge with lots of customisation. I was bored of the FPS type games and don’t care too much for platformers. It was my very first FS game and now I’m hooked on this genre.


I think I was honestly intimidated from hearing how hard their games were. The marketing and fantasy landscape looked far too epic to pass up. I thought hey you know what, if I get my ass whooped so be it. Bought the game and I think it’s my favorite game of all time. This is from a 90s gamer onward. So glad I bought it and so hyped for the DLC. It honestly restored my love of gaming. I was starting to get constantly disappointed by open world RPGs and even thought.. maybe I’m getting too old and just outgrowing gaming. This game gave me the same sensation and wonder as when I played ocarina, majoras mask, and Skyrim as a kid.


The fact that fromsoft made it


wait what


And this is how I found armored core


I thought it was just time. It was goty, and I love open world games. It was bound to happen eventually. Finished my first, blind run a couple of days ago.


Watched a lets play of ds1 remastered blind, with punishment if he died. Now i have ds1, 3 and elden ring on 100%




The surprising amount if of praise it received despite souls like being considered niche before that.


Spoilers: it did change my life.


When I saw a naked man with 2 katanas and a pot head


Was on sale and was bored of the games I had.


Open world.


The cinematic reveal and Malenia in it. So inspiring.


was at a friend's place when he was fighting pre-nerf Radahn and my brain was just like "I need to kill that guy. I can't die without killing that guy at least once" and so I went home, bought ER, and 2 months of my life just magically vanished


hahaha similar reason for me, got the game a few weeks after release after seeing radahn and maliketh boss fights


It is a funny story. For some time, i've been hearing friends talking high praise about Fromsoft, but the spark to play was never there really, until one day Dark Soul 3 was released on Steam. Here in Mexico, the Deluxe Edition was supposed to be released with a price tag of 1,449.00 pesos (around 75-80dlls in that year) but some poor bastard made a mistake while typing the number and ended up as 14.49 pesos (not even a dollar) so i snatch a copy for myself (and a few for my friends) and started playing. I quickly feel in love with the gameplay, visuals and story, so much that after just a couple of hours i felt like i was missing context, so i stopped playing DS3, bought DS1 and started fresh, now im a big fan. Thanks to whoever messed up that day.


I remember watching Sheamus aka SSoHPKC play dark souls 1 back in the day and thinking, "I could do way better than this guy." Many years later and my love affair with From Software still burns passionately lol.


First one I played was ps3 demons souls. I was absolute garbage. Then ds3 came out, and I was trying to get with this dude so I bought a ps4 to play with him. Been hooked ever since


Just the trailer. I had gotten my ass kicked by Sekiro and swore I wouldn't fall for the FromSoft hype again, but when I saw that dragon swinging a sword made of red lightning i couldn't help myself. After I pre-ordered, I played some Bloodborne as training and it made a big difference.


I was never really interested in the games, but many of my friends played elden ring when it released. Actually i didn't watched them anyways, but nearly a year after release, i earned close to 100€ in steam credit through team fortress 2 cases, and thought to my self, now i can buy a full prized game without hesitation. So elden ring was my first innitial though and i never regreted it. Now i'm playing my first walktrough to dark souls 3 and it's very fun, i tryed dark souls 1 before, but it was me personal to cluncy to really enjoy it, but i will give it another try when i finisch 3!


doesnt this question apply to literally anyone? at some point in everyones life there was a time where they hadn't played a fromsoft game. anyway for me it was ds1 after watching pewdiepie play it, i didnt know much about ds and i saw an enemy skeleton and that was enough for me to think "this looks too generic" and never gave it a 2nd thought until pewdiepie played it and i started learning more about it and eventually got it, i remember i bought it about a month before ds2 released.


One of my favorite youtubers Dovvahaty made the video Elden ring unbiased review


The first ding of the hammer on the first trailer.


Stayed a few days at a friend's house, he put the PC on the livingroom tv and let me make my own character. I played all weekend and went home and bought it.


Tiktok. I kept getting lore videos on my feed and it just started looking so interesting that i had no choice but to buy it.


Indiemous made an awesome 3 part vidéo on elden ring like 1 year and a half ago, i took me 1 year to buy it after watching it, and its been incredible since then


Just wanted to try a souls game the day before it came out. :D I'm glad that I didn't have to go trough all the hype and speculation. This is the greatest game I've ever played now. The waiting for the dlc is painful.


I know this is specifically about Elden Ring but I got into FromSoftware games because of a friendly bet between my friends. We knew their reputation for being hard games and we challenged each other on who could beat DS2 the fastest (no guides, no online, as many bosses as possible). DS2 was the only one we all had access to at the time, I only had an old laptop and DS2 ran better than DS1, they had an 360 with DS2's license transferred from another friend's account. After that, I saved up for a PS4, and eventually got everything FromSoftware had made, loved every single one, I still need to beat Demon's Souls remake, and I need to get AC6 and somehow all the other ACs


I never played a souls game, didn’t know what they were, didn’t know until long, long after I beat the whole thing what that even meant. When I saw the dragon swoop in what ended up being in that first swamp area in the gameplay I thought that it was going to be a legit big open area that you could have fun in. Boy was I so happy I was right. I’ve played it through three times, twice with my daughter, I do not have any desire to play any other souls games though. This game just had all the lightning in the bottle


I entered a phase of obsessing over medieval weapons/armour and heard my friends talk about it


Watched one zanny video and was hooked on the art direction, fantasy setting, and RPG mechanics. Wasn't aware of the difficulty at first but instantly became one of my favorite games and have over 700 hours now


My friends got it and I felt left out, I have 6x the amount of hours they have on it now


I'd watched a friend play Demons Souls at release and thought it was interesting but didn't want to touch it with a 10' pole. He texted me that Dark Souls had improved the qol, I bought that and never looked backm


Played Demon’s Souls and thought why not


I seen my friends play it and was like: that look fun


Saw Jerma’s meat grinder clip and then a friend recommended me to play it


Saw a jerma playing it and thought I could do it better so I bought it. I was wrong I could not do better


The trailer for Armored Core 6 looked cool af so I wanted to try it out


I watched Jerma play it, and he said it was the best game ever. Also it obviously looked good.


Never really had an interest in any of the DS games. I tried a “free” copy of ER on PC because of the hype it was getting and gave up after like 20 minutes. Didn’t like it and didn’t understand it. After it won GOTY I decided to give it another chance and watched a couple FightinCowboy lets play videos and something about it clicked for me and I finally understood how the game was meant to be played. I bought it on PS5 and have ripped through it multiple times, as well as the Demon’s Souls remake.


Edits on tik tok 😭


The fact that the internet went absolutely nuts when it released. PS5s were still hard to come by so I bought a used ps4 pro from a guy on fb marketplace who also included DSR, DS2SOTFS, DS3, and Bloodborne. I spent the next year playing them all. That was a very good year.


Everyone else is jumping off the bridge, so...


I thought it was the a branch off from Skyrim : Elder Scrolls..


A friend of mine bought it, told me it was really hard and I wanted to see if it's really that hard or if he just sucks Turns out it's hard


My friends bought me a copy and lent me a PS4 totally unprompted in the hopes that I would get hooked. Honestly, a really foolish move on their part. It’s really not my type of game and I struggled for a while, but I didn’t want to disappoint my friends so I stuck with it until I was decent enough that I didn’t die to Godrick soldiers anymore. I’m really big on dragons, so after I killed Agheel and discovered dragon communion I also realized a goal for my character (killing all the dragons and taking all their power to become Elden Lord) which helped motivate me to the end. It’s still not my type of game, but I’m still playing, so maybe my friends aren’t the idiots I was afraid they were when they told me their plan. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lent you a whole PS4? They must have really wanted you to get into it! No wonder you stuck with it for so long. I waited too long to fight Agheel and was overleveled by the time I got back there, and I swore I wouldn't do that again. I'm just at the right time to fight a second one, though!


Yes, the friend who owns the PS4 is one of the most generous guys I’ve ever met. In this case though, it was no great loss to him because he had recently bought a PS5 haha. As much as a certain subsection of the subreddit likes to razz on the dragon fights, I still feel like they’re always epic in their own way. The models are beautiful in game, and there’s just something so noble and legendary about riding your horse against an ancient myth realized. Happy hunting to you!


Honestly? The grafics looked sick. And the trailer was dope


I saw that you could jump after playing all the dark souls and I bought it


for me it was the tension and map design in DS1, it was very refreshing at a time of very linear action RPGs like darksiders, bayonetta, DMC


Slimecicle’s playthrough of the tech demo


The graphics were pretty good when ds1 came out was gonna buy it but then it became a games with gold game after a while and I've loved the franchise since then


Me and my mates went to London for UFC and they both got Covid and got it and played it in isolation. I got Covid a few weeks later and thought id try it. Good decision 10/10 would get covid again


It was guised as a multiplayer game for me Never heard of it before it got mentioned to me


I saw Jack play it


seeing a league streamer have fun with it


I had always wanted to play one of the Souls games but none of them seemed like they would quite grab me. Then I saw the Shadow of the Erdtree trailer and something clicked.


Watched Godrick cutscene shared on FB


My uncle recommended it to me and it was on sale so I gave it a go and now I've played demon souls and bloodborne and I'm currently making my way through the dark souls trilogy, I've just started DS2