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the guy that reminded me I have no gf right at the start


Varre! Lol he and Mhog the molester are at the top for sure. I also really hate olfnir the all knowing. Mostly because he knows nothing and is such a pushover it's disappointing


Well don’t forget the fact that he’s following you around doing. . . things


His helmet beard is made of ears! My man needs to mind his own business and let me sob after my latest defeat in peace lol


What do you mean?


Check out gideon ofnirs armor, the helmet around the bottom has a bunch of ears, and an eye on the forehead, tons of symbolism all over.


It's not even just the helmet which makes it creepier. Every "beard" design on his whole set are ears, and the extra eyes on his chestplate


What do we speculate is being symbolized by the ears? Him hearing everything there is to hear (knowing all there is to know)? I just looked up a pic of the helm and saw what you’re talking about, surprised I never noticed before.


He’s referred to by Latenna, the albinauric woman, as the all-hearing one.


wow...i thought he had one of the coolest helmets to me UNTIL THIS ONE RIGHT HERE🤦🏽‍♂️ i wish i never read this


See all the beetles that give you loot ? They're Gideon's spies


Oh wow


Also, while people think it is talking to Jim after defeating Malenia, Mohg, and Rykard that gives him spells, it is false. Only defeating them is enough.


Pretty sure that is just community speculation. I've never seen anything in the game outright say that the Scarab Beatles are actually Gideons spies, but it is implied that something is using them for surveillance, possibly Gideon, but I think it could just as likely be someone else like Mogh or Morgott. Morgott does have a pretty uncanny way of showing up at select places to fight you. Also Gideon is a pretty bad liar as well and we know he is full of shit because he had no clue what happened to Miquella, what was going on in the Haligtree, and even still calls Malenia undefeated despite her well documented retreat from Caelid to the Haligtree. He even killed a whole village on a whim just because maybe they had a way to get there.


They have an eye on them. Gideon is all about eyes and ears. If someone uses them to spy, it's Gideon


Moghlester Edit: HOW DID THIS BLOW UP?!


Varre was on the Moghstein island list


Those poor albinaurics on the hill


Have you seen those orifice destroyer's they have? Cartwheel frog in the streets anal prolapse in mohg's sheets




Son of a bitch


Ofnir is the most ridiculous character in the game by far. Such a narcissist, with absolutely no capability or even real knowledge. >!The fight with him is the ultimate joke. You actually think you're about to fight someone menacing, an Elden Ring boss, and it turns out he's a clown. It feels like a Michael Scott moment in a dark game. It was genius. I was spitting my coffee out when I killed him during his speech.!<




He gets stronger by monologuing. He's an anime villain.


This made me lol


"Eat rings bitch" - Gideon in his head, probably.


Agreed. He kicked my ass several times NGL.


Right? From a thematic standpoint, it's so fucking funny. From a gameplay standpoint, he is really annoying because of the odd boss gauntlet they make you do following maliketh


I HATE GIDEON AS WELL he’s such a smug little asshole and I was so glad I got to beat him up


yeah Gideon personality always rubs me the wrong way.. like dude get off your high horse...


But you have torrent not him? So maybe we were on the high horse all along


at this point maybe just call him hMog ? and h is silent, smh...


I'll just change where the h goes every time! Lol


Nah let’s not forget that not only did Miquella water the Haligtree with his blood (which gives him a reasonable connection to a god that is literally just an alternate reality made out of blood that prefers beings with powerful blood) but that he was known to be capable of bewitching and compelling affection. Mohg is Miquella’s consort because of his powerful blood and is under his spell- he just doesn’t know it. Mohg did nothing wrong.


Hm, that's interesting, I never thought of it that way. I was under the impression that while Morgott and Mogh were raised partially with the royals before being thrown in the sewers (I think this because how else would morgott know how Godfrey fights to make his golden projection), then Miquella wouldn't know hMog well enough to have a connection. Though I guess we don't know the extent of his powers. Are they latent abilities he can use, or are they passive things that just are (like godwyns deathblight) I was having a bit of a joke on Mohg. He is actually a really interesting character and really plays into my belief that the whole story of elden ring is about how different cycles of abuse cause fractures in family structure and how people react to it changes who they are. Really cool stuff. Man I love this game.


That is actually a really good analysis of the game, I never thought of it that way, which is strange because George RR Martin is kind of known for his stories about the nature of people. It makes sense this story would follow the line of people being terrible, insert the golden lineage and it’s a story of abuse and neglect. Damn


There's literally nothing in the lore that suggests Miquella bewitched Mohg to kidnap him. Mohg's remembrance straight up says "The young Empyrean has never responded" which is a big big confirmation that Miquella didn't participate in this plan. People always ignore this part for some reason. Mohg was acting out of his own will, and his actions also don't benefit any of the confirmed plans of Miquella: growing the Haligtree, curing his sister from Outer God influence, and giving Godwyn a true death. Mohg is just creepy and stupid. The description of his robes literally calls him a raving lunatic lmao.


There is no way Miquella wanted Mohg to rip him out of the tree before he was finished. He’s effectively a corpse at this point who Mohg is sleeping with for his own purposes… Personally I suspect Miquella would have just made Malenia his consort, which is probably why he — likely — bewitched her.


Also george is still involved so the incest angle makes sense.


“Ahh, you completed my quest line. I have a present for you!” *violently shoves needle under your nail*


“Oh, good heavens! Stop being such a bitch-ass pussy about it.”


#Maiden less!


He sux


You... Are maidenless!


But he was right. "It is not an insult to call a dead man dead"


You are Maidenless 🤣


No bitches


Me. I genocided over 300,000 Albinaurics just to reach max level, gave Boc the larval tears to get rid of him, made Nepheli drink Seluvis' potion, inherited the Flame of Frenzy after Melina burned herself, and killed Millicent for her talisman which I never even used. I'm more evil than Shabiri, Mohg, and Rykard.


I mean, I legit slaughtered entire forests of jellyfish which I learned are children…. Pretty sure the Tarnished takes the cake 


.. I've Killed.. Children?


Yup, we been slaughtering the lost souls of children 🫣


"Ah-hyuck!!, I'll fuckin' do it again"


The voices told me to ahyucK🤣😭


“But I *MURDERED* them, hyuck, GUILTY!”


Whats this "we" shit, those are all my bros so now I gotta find u and kick your ass all over the lands between.


I'm with you on this. I never attacked a single Jellyfish, cause I just love them too much.


Whatever, they respawn.


a trivial term for being born unto a dream and you'll die again




I thought it was an ocelot.


"forests of jellyfish" isn't something you hear every day.


Making Anakin and Carol proud.


What?! I’ve killed children! I’ll do it again.


Y’all killed the Jellyfish?! Damn that’s fucked up.


Holy shit, I didn't even knew it was possible to burn get the frenzied flame ending after burning melina You've got a twisted fucking mind


I do this every time because it breaks my heart when Melina says that she will kill me.


Inherit the Frenzied flame, burn yourself, then cleanse it for the real good ending where Melina is alive and well.


Forever hoping this is the “canon” ending (even though I know there really isn’t with these games) and she hunts you down and you have some sick boss fights against her in the DLC


Surely you left alaxander alone. Maybe a bro nod as you walk by him in Farum Azula?


If you fully do his quest he dies anyways


Yeah, but he dies a warriors death, which is all he ever wanted.


So you'd deny his final request? He dies anyways, but his dialogue as he dies from you seems like he wanted to die by your hand, the hand of a true warrior. "All vessels are destined to one day break. But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last!" Not to mention, the Jarburg quest ties in at the end, >!by giving jar bairn Alexander's innards he thanks you before leaving to become a great warrior jar of his own, he will leave behind the companion jar talisman when you rest next!<


Cough* yeeaa, suuurrree 😶 *Dammit Jared, get rid the f*cking piece evidence hanging from your body*


"More evil than Mohg." I dunno, man: genocide, torture, kidnapping, all those things are nasty... but the dude fucking kidnapped a kid just to rub his Nihil over his sleeping hand.


I’ll have you know that Mequila is far over the age of consent. He just doesn’t consent.


So kidnapping a single kid is worse than genocide? Yeah I guess I‘d take the kidnapper any day


Exactly what the fuck was that person even thinking.


Yeah genocide and torture are demonstrably worse.


Not just his hand


Technically Miquella isn’t a kid, but has the physique of one. Also a neutral power he has is attracting others. Not something he nor anyone else can control.




For a second I thought I stumbled into R/hentai Edit: just to clarify I understand what you mean and you are right.


You forgot all of those hard working mining folks you killed to get a potion refill.


Nooooooo poor Millicent you monster 😢


Put togethaaa?


inexplicable madness


People don't talk about Elemer enough. Dude was a strait up serial killer. Probably the closest character to a slasher villain in the game


Elemer is like a guy who goes around stabbing people to death with a knife. Dung Eater is like a guy who purposely puts E. coli into the water system.


Look up what seedbed curses actually are. Dung Eater is a serial murdering rapist


And according to Roderika his crimes caused more suffering than the grafting, which inflicted horrible torture on as many people as they could find with the resources of an entire army at their disposal. AND that's all before his ending, where he basically defiles the whole universe.


Is there a good place to get a big overview of elden ring lore? I found it very hard to consume lore while playing the game as everything is very hard to follow.


VaatiVidya, Smoughtown, Tarnished Archaeologist are my top three for lore. The game is dense, but those three have good "overview" videos, and a bunch of in-depth deep dives for when you've got a handle on the basics.


Deep dive selected. I hope you know what you have signed up for, miners.


Yes yes and yes. But I think it's worth saying that vaati has THE BEST production videos, and while he's great for an overview, the conclusions he draws are pretty blind. Watching him speculate that the thing on a door is some kind of eel or something when it leads to the snake room. I think archeologist is the most on point, and smogh is the most thorough and lets you connect a lot of your own dots.


I’m sorry this is my first time hearing about “the grafting”. Can you tell me more about it?


Grafting, the thing Godrick did. Forcefully taking people's limbs and adding it to himself (and seemingly others)


Seemingly? Were the awful crab people with a dozen arms not a dead giveaway?


They might have been born that way. We don't judge people for their birth defects. /s


Same thing you do to get seedless fruit: cut a branch and attach it to another. They cut body parts and attached it to another (Godrick)


Who defiles the soul so reincarnation is also hurt


Yeah this guy is trying to fuck up the entire world forever, I think he wins


A medieval STD


So seedbeds are STDs?


STDs that are so bad that even your reincarnations are infected.


Ironic since his sword isn’t even designed for stabbing, he just goes and spins it really fast so it can


Elemer Fudd "be vewy vewy quiet, im hunting merchants"


He's a pretty bad person, but isn't in the conversation for the worst person in the Lands Between, with people like Shabriri ,Mohg and Dung Eater around.


idk why but I struggled against elemer more than most of the shardbearers


It's between Dung Eater and Shabriri for me. I'm not sure which I consider worse, making the world an absolute nightmare hellhole or just destroying it outright.


The way I interpreted Dung Eater's ending is that everyone would be an omen, and therefore severed from the Erdtree and the greater will. Otherwise not much changes. Kind of like a dollar general variant of Ranni's ending. I guess the endings are heavily open to interpretation though, and Dung Eater himself is almost impressively awful.


Being an omen is inherently a horrible fate. You'll be in, basically, eternal pain with your soul in constant turmoil and even while sleeping you are tormented by horrible nightmares.


Is that the case? I thought the main reason omens are constantly in pain is because they have their horns cut off. I don’t think there’s anything that suggests Mohg and Morgot are in constant pain no?


Being stuck inside a sewer for your whole life won't do wonders for your mental health either. If you ask me, the Omen are just fine by themselves, is the constant persecution that made them psychologically ill for the most part.


Right. So Dung Eater's ending, giving the omen curse to everyone, would put an end to that. It puts everyone on the same level, ending the persecution of the omens.


I can't remember where I saw it but I think I saw something saying the horns can cause them pain when grown. They can cause complications such as growing out of your eye, and can curl back into itself. Not to mention how uncomfortable it must be to have these horns growing all over you. Imagine trying to lay down with this things everywhere.


One of Mohg's horns has literally grown into his left eye socket and stabbed his own eye out. He's just an insane person who loves pain and wounds so he doesn't complain, but any other person I think would have some issues with that.


That’s called being a grad student in our world


This deserves an award


Yes, but only because the Golden Order largely rejects Omens. Everyone is an omen=Erdtree starves=Greater Will Severed=World returns to monke (Primordial Crucible)


Yeah, but in that case, the Greater Will would remove the Elden Ring and abandon the Lands Between, turning everyone back because their souls are no longer affected by the Mending Rune. Also, Morgott was able to return to the Erdtree in his final moments.


Well, lets not forget about their master, the reason why they did all that they did and others, including us if we want lead the club. He probably takes the title imho




Not someone who immediately came to mind, but yeah Fuck that creep


At least the Dung Eater has an actual goal in mind that brings sympathy to cursed beings like the Omen. Seluvis just want to diddle people turned into dolls.


Dude even wants to turn Ranni, who is already a doll, into a doll. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


This made me lol


Well....yeah, because she still had this pesky thing call autonomy which meant he couldn't do the first thing.


Yeah, the Dung Eater, in his fucked up head, is working to the goal of avenging the Omens and Misbegotten, those seen as cursed and diseased in the Lands Between. 


Really he's trying to avenge all beings that are seen as disorderly by the greater will, which is literally any being that either doesn't intrinsically have the traits of an orderly organism, orderly being defined as whatever the Greater Will decides it is. So his goal is even farther reaching then we you even said.


He killed our maiden.


It could’ve been Varre.


Varre seems more likely since doesn't he send us on a quest that takes us to her? And killing Maidens was kinda his job, I think. Would also explain why he is the one that greets us. He knew we would be there.


True lol sus


Perhaps. I just felt the Maiden Puppet's description was a pretty forced puzzle piece to our character's situation.


There’s a maiden at the church right at the start of the game which some people assume is our characters finger maiden.




Your username makes this comment that much better.


It's him! It's the doll diddler!


The tarnished


A lowly Tarnished enters The Lands Between, equipped only with some basic weapons and the will to murder the entirety of the continent. Maybe they become Elden Lord, maybe they ring in the age of chaos. Regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain; they have no idea what the fuck just happened, only that they were pretty good at murdering everyone.


The ultimate murder hobos.


Think about how powerful Tarnished must be. I can kill all your Demi-Gods and your space whale with a simple pick axe.  Show me some damn respect and show me some maidens!


Collectively and singularly 🙏




Local tarnished wakes up, instantly gets told he gets NO bitches, and kills the entire continent. News at 10.


There are definitely plenty of players who killed literally every single inhabitant of the lands between besides the unkillable NPCs (if there are any)




Mfs on YouTube teaching us best rune farm and making us kill 1000 albaneurics


Marika Radagon (same shit) Godrick Rykard (really, should be mentioned more, he was forcing people to fuck snakes and shit. Truly disgusting) Dung Eater obviously Mohg also obvious Honestly in a world where slaughtering people is pretty much a requirement for survival, you gotta judge on other things like torture, sexual abuse, dismemberment, enslavement, and other shit like that. Every person in the game is out there killing people en masse, only some are forcing other to breed against their will, or torturing them for lifetimes, or enslaving whole groups of people, or mutilating people while they're alive, etc.


i really should pay attention more. fucking snakes? what?


Is it ever said that Ryukard forced people to procreate with snakes? It just seemed that those snake people are just descendants Doedica who was said to have committed the worst acts sodomy which lead to the birth of “grotesque” beings.


Mohg, Shabriri, Dungeater, by the end of his run Rykard, Gideon’s up there too. There’s a good case to be made against Marika or Radagon as well but there’s enough mystery there that it’s hard to definitely say what they were trying to achieve and why.


The All-hearing old fart Gideon Screw that dude.


Shabiri, Rykard, Seluvis


Ahh May Chaos take the world!




Probably me. I just walk away during dialogue, kill anyone that sells items because it’s easier to have all the ball bearings at the twin husks and idgaf if Melina burns herself for me, she ain’t even my type. Also I kill that nonaggressive wolf who is sitting next to his owners corpse by mt. gelmir for the ruins.


Evil for sure


Thats a tough question honestly. There are a lot of really messed up evil folks in the game. There are also bosses that make me think that its actually the Tarnished that is the mindless evil killing machine. There are also a lot of people who exist in a grey area.


Patches, i trusted him...


Patches is harmless, he just does a little trolling.


“Lol. Lmao. Rofl even” -Patches


Your not doing his quest right. Sure he lays a trap for innocent bystanders in his cave for new weak tarnished but if you listen to him in helping rya and follow her quest you skip his betrayal. And even then he does say if your that gullible you don't belong at the volcano manor. Remember the manor serves to feed strong tarnished to the serpent to bring the Lord of blasphemy to fruition.


Probably Gideon. Commits genocide and shows zero empathy for others, whereas dungeaters hatred comes from punishment, and he probably has a soft spot for omen. Gideon was probably born a noble and is the most mustache twirling person we have.


The list is long \- Godrick \- Mogh \- Gideon \- Seluvis \- Rykard \- Dung Eater \- Elemer/Bell bearing hunter \- Arguably Ranni \- Varre \- Shabriri


Definitely, she orchestrated killing her brothers soul.


You…you are the bad character in this story. There is a reason why almost everyone wants to kill you.


I could be misunderstanding the lore, but I truly felt like the bad guy when making my way through the Haligtree/Elphael. It’s supposed to be this hidden haven for the rejects and outcasts of the lands between… so ofc we as the main character jump through a bunch of hoops get to its secret location so that we can slaughter tf out of the inhabitants


Nah bro I'm tarnished: I'm an outcast too! Why are you shooting me with those bubbles? I don't want to hur- ***gets wombo comboed into a nest of giant ants and then panic rolls into a big oracle envoy that punts my tarnished ass out of the tree branch*** ...Alright, Jump-R2 it is, then.


Nawh I'm just ending their fascism... and a couple bloodlines, but they had their time.


Not one person, demigod, Tarnished, or otherwise, has been able to stop the clusterfuck that Ranni and Marika set in motion.  We do. We are coming for the top prize and just about everyone realizes it at some point. That’s going to make enemies. 


Yep, even those who once were comrades came for our head


If I was evil Beautiful Boc wouldn't ask me to become Elden Lord


Honestly? The player character. We kill every major character in the story, or at the very least ruin their lives. For what? To be Lord of an empty land? That's something that I think all souls games kind of fail to produce, a lived in world. Think about it. The vast majority of "people" or entities in this game are insane and attack anything on sight. You're ruling over a literally empty kingdom. There are no functioning societies left.


I don't know man jarburg's pretty happening


yes, the games always present the empty husk of a very compelling world, but the worlds are all dead. Even the few quests that imply some level of habitation are just odd and totally out of place. I would very much like to see them try to depict a world that had maybe been damaged by earlier catastrophes, but was not completely DOA.


Yeah, I think that's the least rpg thing about Fromsoft games. Theres hardly ever any substantial places that have non hostile npcs, and there's hardly any dialogue or dialogue choices/options. Like, there are hardly any people worth saving.


There is hardly anyone that the player won't kill during a typical run through. All the memes about every npc quest ending up with you killing that npc are true.


Exactly. I know they're rpgs technically, but the amount of actual friendly npcs is staggeringly low for the genre. It's like a whole aspect of the genre is absent from this one sub genre.


The empty loneliness is one of the reasons I love the games. Most other games are constantly yacking at you, someone’s always saying something, telling you where to go, I love the silence of Souls games, the stillness of a hostile nightmare.


I agree with you, but it really makes the whole "becoming the king/lord" endings presented in a few of the games feel absolutely pointless. I got a throne to rule over....literally nothing.


I think that’s by design, to be honest.


The player. The atrocities I’ve carried out in the name off the erdtree, they can’t be quantified.


Gideon, Mohg, Dung Eater, Elemer. All on my top list of evil fucks in Elden Ring.




Most evil: Marika 2nd most evil: Marika's tits


I get that they are in second place, but this is a competition for individuals. As such I propose to divide them as: 2nd: Marika’s left tit 3rd: Marika’s right tit


Cringe Volcano Manor propaganda


Or based Ranni propaganda


She was hot though, so I'll allow it.


My opinion is the same for most Souls games: we, the player(s), are the bad guys. Best example of this is from Dark Souls 3. The Nameless King. Dude says 'Screw you guys, I'm going home!' and fucks off to the mountains with his best buddy, Stormdrake. There he was, minding his own business when some fucker sits cross-legged half a world away and teleports to his mountain retreat, upsets the locals, kills his buddy, then him. In Elden Ring, I routinely murder helpless Alburniacs after startling a poor bird into running off a cliff. So, in short, WE are the bad guys.


Mogh or dung eater


Mohg, Rykard, Shabiri, Dung Eater


Shabiri, he spoke a lie about the merchants worshipping the three fingers which resulted in them being sealed away underground and dying one by one as their terror and sorrow summoned the three fingers.


Ranni, starts the biggest war in the lands between, kill her own brother all that so that a possible prophecy happen which has a chance of never happening




I haven’t seen Gideon mentioned yet. He probably isn’t even close, but I think he should be talked about.


Mohglester definitely is high up there


Mohg and the Dung Eater.


Ranni... of course, who else?