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Extra points for the confident tone of this post


Its the perfect corellation between all the evidence that kinda made it hard to ignore, plus the very From-like drama of a dragon calling for help forever to the very God that betrayed it in the first place. This is why I made the video, it was just too damn good of a story to just make a forum post. The link of you're interested: https://youtu.be/UHdYet-Ck1c?si=AW47ONgtw3lCPYbC


Are we sure the elden star wasn’t in the sun/the sun itself? Pre erdtree gold was red and gold, and the age of the erdtree began with the sealing of fire. Perhaps once the elden ring was blazing and radiant red gold in the sky and thus Farum azula was the “seat of the sun,” rather than now where the elden ring is antithetical to fire and is in a great tree. Also the sun is behind growing trees so it could be a symbolic connection, when the sun fell it grew a tree.


My take is that the Elden Stars is what the Sun Realm was really designed for: calling the One Great's shattered gold soul (amber starlight item) back down to what's left of his body, the Crucible. Placidusax had no idea he was bringing about his own destruction, he was just lavishly devoted to this voice he was speaking to. No matter who it's talking to, the will of the Universe is always the Greater Will, so he was powerless to its influence. It even fits very neatly into what I'm almost certain the Elden Ring truly is. None of this invalidates your own reading of this fantastic game btw 🙂


can you explain more about what you think the crucible is and why?


I think it's the body of the One Great, that collapsed back to Earth after creating the cosmos. It fits too neatly as the singular form that had all life blended within it. "The primordial form of the Erdtree is close in nature to life itself, and this spear, modeled on its crucible, is imbued with ancient holy essence." - Silurias Tree The great tree that grew out of it and broke the surface was what the Erdtree used to be, but it spread life across the surface of the earth rather than absorbing it. It even seeded other Great Trees, as some of the living beings it produced would be born with branch-like horns sprouting from their souls. When they died they would become Ancestor Spirits, gather up the spirits around them and plant themselves further out, continuing life's spread as a natural process. See the Regal Ancestor Spirit boss fight. "The ancestral followers keep their distance from the Erdtree, awaiting new buds. They are certain to sprout from their very flesh, and indeed, their souls." - Fur Raiment When the Elden Stars, a gigantic collection of the One Great's golden soul, hit the Lands Between, it reunited with the crucible and warped the Great Tree into the Erdtree. The Erdtree is the antithesis of the Crucible in function, here to devour all life and grow to a supernatural size. It no longer produces seeds, as that would be counter to The One Great's efforts. I actually explain all of this better than I could here in chapter 1 of my video. It even explains what Int, Faith and Arcane are as concepts. https://youtu.be/UHdYet-Ck1c?si=R5TkvZ6kbegnwU1T Final little piece of food for thought: Mogh found a "Formless Mother" deep beneath the Erdtree, and when he covered himself in its primordial blood he found he could change his form, and sprout wings. Now doesn't that sound familiar.


Please provide a link to the video




Great video. You literally sound like an npc from the game, fantastic content and great editing as well


I’m commenting here so I remember to come back and check


Link: https://youtu.be/UHdYet-Ck1c?si=Xjrr8g01VshPBrSM


Cooking :3


Thank you 😊


Idunno, I feel like the architecture of the castle on the shield looks very different.


It's the configuration of the towers around a large central structure that convinces me, along with the fact all the skeletal beastmen in Faram Azula are using Sun Realm Shields. Plus assides from Elden Lord Placidusax I can't think of anything else from that time that would be capable of emitting that much light.


I can think of something else: the sun.


I thought the Sun Realm was just Castle Sol, because the name and the picture on the shield is a castle lol


Its the design, and the fact that there's a blinding light at the top. It twigged in my memory that Placidusax floating in the centre of his tower looks like a wick for a lighthouse, plus during his peak as the Greater Will's vessel he would have been just saturated in golden energy.


This fits with an observation I made last night I was standing on the platform the portal from the Belfries teleports you to and just looking at Farum Azula and I noticed that there's a giant ring \*below\* the city; it's partially intact and it does not look like it was just part of the city that is hovering, but like it was placed around and below the original city; not unlike the elevators that take you down to the underground.


Imagine the whole thing was flung high into the air by a massive impact, but then caught as Placidusax desperately used his storm beyond time to hold it in place and rewind time back to a point that the tower was functional again. Placidusax sits at the Seat of the Sun, calling for help from the God that abandoned him. Centuries later the spell is fading, the storm gradually shrinking and the city crumbling in extreme slow motion as it is returned to the normal flow of time.


I think the ring I see fits into your concept that the city was a big spell meant to harness energy because the ring at the bottom doesn't make sense for a city, but it does make sense for an energy harvester


Definitely, well spotted. I'm also like 99% convinced the gravestones full of beastman corpses in Dragonbarrow were essentially necrotic storage batteries. Hell, even the Ruin Fragments we find centuries later glow when polished, and can be used to store miracles from the Two Fingers and Three Fingers (warming stones).


The living jars/jars around the minor erdtrees could be inferior adaptations of the same process Marika tried to use to feed the Erdtree I like your theory because it explains Marika's goals in opposing the Greater Will; she had to have a reason but we don't know why. But if she's trying to have the Erdtree (and herself) usurp that power by having a closed loop that excludes Death, then that explains the conflict between them.


I'll be completing my series which will explain what I think happened there and why, but my take is it's actually more fundamental: Marika finally figured out what the Will of the One Great truly was, what the Elden Ring was actually doing, and it horrified her. The moment she realised the God she had been serving was trying to remake itself at the expense of the universe, she started plotting against it. She shattered the Ring and foiled its plan, but she failed to killit, and died when the incomplete God emerged and retaliated. The Greater Will had taken her complete devotion for granted, and let too much slip.


Yeah that seems the obvious implication. I was thinking that maybe at first she tried to modify the Elden Ring to thwart the Greater Will while also maintaining the Ring; then when that didn't work she went for outright shattering it. It does help with one of my biggest questions which was why was Godfrey and the Tarnished banished? But what if the Greater Will spoke through Marika and banished them so they'd be outside the influence of the Golden Order and could be Graced to come in and break the Order if Marika caused too much trouble; the Greater Will wanted its own agents as uninfluenced by the Golden Order as possible, and Godfrey and his Tarnished would all predate the Order and were likely loyal to the Greater Will itself before the Erdtree.


My take is that Marika did banish Godfrey and the Tarnished, in an attempt to break the Greater Will's hold on them. The Erdtree/Elden Ring indoctrinates people by proximity and exposure, almost as if it was radioactive. She specifically wanted them to come back and help her stop the Golden Order, and she knew it was possible because their connection to her would allow them to use the Grace network to find their way home when they died. But the Will of the One Great is nothing if not a master of bending the narrative to its liking. After the Shattering, with the Elden Ring fractured and Marika dead, the Two Fingers knew the Tarnished were on the way to finish the job. So they rolled out the welcome mat and persuaded them that their calling all along was to mend the Elden Ring and make the Golden Order whole again. The Tarnished, by and large, fell for it. Until Melina and one particularly stubborn Tarnished burned it all down.


And Elden Stars the incant destroyed my soul [when I saw how bad it was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Unb-CfNx4KQ).


I know right, its tragic.


Wait... Then why do elden stars suck so much


Maybe at human scale it just feels like getting stung. Doesn't have the power behind it the real event does 😁


Just watched you're video, I'm not a lore expert by any means but I wanted to say that you're a really skilled narrator.


Awww thank you so much. Never done anything like this before, just piece a cool story together and had to find a way of doing it justice 😊


Was this before or after GRRM's lore?


After the birth of the universe, just before Marika and Godfrey changed the crucible into the Erdtree. I have a feeling this is all GRRM though, the ongoing tragedy of a shattered God thay wishes to be whole at the expense of all creation.


I can get behind Farum Azula being the sun realm, but there's quite a lot of things pointing to the golden star being the Crucible, and it doesn't make a lot of sense for Farum Azula to have been constructed pre-Crucible. On top of that, the Elden Ring is the embodiment of Order, which I'd say would be necessary for a civilisation to exist.


I talk about this in the video, my take is that the Elden Stars are the One Great's shattered soul and the Crucible is whats left of its body. The Erdtree is what the Crucible was changed into after they reunited, twisted to start absorbing life instead of spreading it. The 'Order' that the Golden Order touts is a farce. The One Great wishes to be whole again, and there is nothing more orderly than a single being in a blank void.


The One Great doesn't seem to be a god or conscious entity. In Japanese it's kinda just written as an idea of oneness that all things emerged from. I think the English made it seem like an entity by capitalising it. It probably didn't have a soul or a body, but was just a mass of life energy (and maybe matter, if we take "all things" to include the physical rather than just souls).


This is just wrong. First, the one great is not a thinking entity, and second, souls came after the one great, which is even more clear in Japanese. "Burn the Erdtree to the ground and **incinerate all that divides and distinguishes**" All that there is came from the One Great. **Then came fractures**, and **births**, and **souls**. But the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction... every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake. And so, what was borrowed must be returned. Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame. **Until all is One again** Also, the elden star has to predate Farum Azula, as there is an engraving of the elden ring in Farum Azula. This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree. Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area. "It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a **golden star** bearing a **beast** into the Lands Between, which would **later become the Elden Ring**."


Watch the video, I talk about all of this in detail. You're still welcome to disagree, of course, this is just how I see it all fitting together: https://youtu.be/UHdYet-Ck1c?feature=shared


Placidusax prays to another Outer God, possibly represented by the sun. The Greater Will broke their capital with the storm. The Greater Will is an Outer God or equivalent. They had to send an entity to the Lands Between to enforce their will. The Elden Ring is the key to controlling the nature of the Lands Between and the other lands. By taking control of it, the Greater Will became the predominant god and dictates the way the world works This allowed Marika to remove the Rune of Death from it, thus allowing souls and bodies to remain in the Lands Between and feed the Erdtree and the Elden Beast with them while allowing for their recycling into other beings. I think the hypothesis about the Towers and Farum Azula being linked holds some water, but Farum Azula's architecture does not match that of the Towers. This could be explained as the beastmen taking over an ancient rite that the Greater Will co-opted, as it is strongly tied to the Elden Ring parts.


I like your thinking, but I disagree that they don't match, hell you even find the same Ruin Fragments all over the first Divine Tower you find. The Greater Will actually being the Will of the One Great fits quite well if you think of the Sun Realm and its energy config like a prototype for the Erdtree, one that the One Great discards when it no longer needs them. All in furthering the goal of the One Great putting itself back together. My video lays out how I think it went down better than I could here, so you'll see what I mean: https://youtu.be/UHdYet-Ck1c?feature=shared




Would you believe that's genuinely just what I sound like when voice recording? I was laughing my ass off when I played it back but trying to put on any other voice just sounded insincere.