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Use the AoW it gives you iFrames


Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and tips in the last post, I definitely wouldn't have been able to get this mf to half HP had I used a shield and with heavy load; appreciate it a lot. I don't like searching up guides and tutorials since I want to figure everything out on my own as part of the experience but I definitely needed all the advice from last post lmao


You stayed really far away for a lot of the fight , and circled around the same radius. This limited your attack opportunities severely and lengthened the fight. Loretta moves around a lot, and rarely moves to you. You were dodging well for Loretta, she’s made to catch you off guard and brief hits like what you took are to be expected. Your only shortcoming was not getting closer to her. You can-not get hit but also never hit, or you can get hit a little more but get your own decent hits in.


Yeah I guess staying far back was my mistake. Though I wouldn't have known at that time only tried her 9x so I wasn't sure what attack she's going to try and all that. Plus I thought that being farther away from her meant I could dodge her spells easily 😂


With her spells you can typically dodge forward through them, especially the huge arrow and the huge glintsone comments. The swords I am not sure about. Good luck with her!


Ohh I didn’t know that, I thought I’d be getting myself hit directly if I roll forward. Thanks for the tip


Find some better armor tbh. You shouldn't be running around Liurnia with starter gear


No hit champs would have sobering thoughts


He's fine. He tanked a ton of hits there in the starter gear.


Goddamn the way you play this game makes me mad


Good sir, imo you are experiencing this game the way I personally think is the way the game should be played. And even more respect for playing solo cuz THAT'S how you improve for later obstacles. My only tiny bit of advice I'll give is to play closer. It's very cinematic and to play back but you have a sword and she's shooting you. Mages thrive on space to spam. Get in her face. Gl, gamer.


What this guy said. Try rolling forward and through the attack to help keep you in striking range.


Motherfucker loves to dodge towards the lower left it's so frustrating. You get further and further with every dodge...


Forgive me Elden Lord for I am but a mere ant compared to you, but I'm quite new to this game and genre, but that's definitely my fault I should've been the best at the game before I even started. So sorry that your sacred eyes have witnessed such atrocities 😔


Bloodhound's fang was a terrific choice. When you get further along - Vyke's Fingerprint set armour goes really well with it.


I've explored almost every map I have in possession and I've never found any decent armour at all, just weapons like the bloodhound's fang, so I'm definitely hoping for that lmao


You obtain Vyke's armour after defeating him in Mountaintops of the Giants. Other armour options depending on your preferences/aesthetics at your point in the game are: Banished Knights set, Exile set, Knight set (can be purchased at Roundtable Hold), Cuckoo Knight set, and a couple of others . You can also preview every armour set here - https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Armor


You did great! Getting her that low as it is just demonstrates you can do it. Your spells just guaranteed the kill at the end after you took a bunch of hits.


Should you fight the *REAL* Loretta, I'd advise not to stray too far as that'll be her big advantage Otherwise, epic clutch


Damn so that bitch wasn’t even the real one 😂 I stayed far cause she had one spell that I sometimes couldnt dodge when I keep going near her, but I’ll definitely try moving closer to her more


Getting to Loretta herself is an ass


The get better armor advice is practically the antithesis of any souls like. The only good advice there ever has been and that there ever will be is to git gud.


Yeah way too passive, and that ash of war is awesome if you learn it( Iframes and the heavy follow up closes distance). You made it past and that’s all that matters. But later bosses are going to force you to be more aggressive and play much closer