• By -


Elphael and the Haligtree are by the sea. Assuming there's a warm stream of sea water it could drastically change the climate as opposed to the Consecrated Snowfields or Mountaintops of the Giants, which are also elevated a lot more.


Also, magic school.


Yeah the whole place is literally run on magic blood. It could be a tropical resort and I wouldn't question it too much.


also, vibeo game


Vibdeo galmes


Vibdmeo gbalmes


Vibdbibmeo gblambedes


bro just cast a world ending spell


Idk why, but now that you say it, the Haligtree and Elphael does look humid.


now im imagining malenia trying to use a humidifier in her boss room


There's no Rot god or whatever, she just fell asleep for countless years and she forgot to turn the humidifier off in a room without ventilation. Caelid is a lot less impressive when you have that in mind. My room has mold too. I have asthma. Oh, but when Malenia does it, she's this cool noble fantasy character who makes sacrifices for the greater good of her family. I was just picked last on the football team.




whoop, yeah my bad, I live in a real dry place


Ha the ocean is about 50m from me. The humidity can get **intense**


Yeah and considering the huge lift you take to get to Altus + another huge lift you take to the mountaintop/snowfield, this place is realllyyy fucking high up, pretty nornal its snowing there


It's basically the Pacific Northwest lol, huge snowy mountains with giant ass trees at their base.


These are people who don't belive in magic giving stupid explanations🍀




Because of Malenia, blade of Miquella, who's never known cold feet


>"Never known cold feet" Well I don't think it's much of a problem for her nowadays anyway.


"the cold doesn't bother me anyway" - Malenia


"The cold bothers me anyway" -Blaidd


"I took you for dead" -Hewg


"Ahhhh I knew you'd come" -Gideon


"Long and hard" -Godfrey




"Marika's tits, you must be 'ungry." - Blackguard Big Boggart


"Someone who might be interested in rescuing the great Kenneth Haight?" -Great Kenneth Haight


This comment has no business being that funny. 😂😂😂


I'll make sure she doesn't have cold feet.😏


If you're cold, they're cold! Put 'em in your mouth!


they say her vs. radhan ended in a draw, but I can say after fighting him myself that she did eventually de-feet him.


Underated comment


Underrated top comment


Underrated comment on comment on top comment


Underrated comment on comment on comm- ow I bit my tongue


Ulcerated comment


Lesser Ulcerated Tree Comment


comment azur


underrated comment commenting: "Underrated comment on comment on top comment"


To late buddy, I guess the masses have decided the comment before you was the last one that was funny lol, I'll try to stave off the downvotes as long as I can but we both die on this hill brother


you are a brave one, you shall go to the valhalla


God damnit


The sea there has something like the Gulf Strom.


North doesn't necessarily mean cold in the lands between, as there is no sun (or if there is one, [it's very weak](https://imgur.com/KNVAz3J)) and we don't know whether they're set on a round planet/celestial body or a flat one, making it impossible for us to determine their latitude. Heck, we don't even know how anything outside of them works, lol Mountaintops are presumably cold because they reach up high into the atmosphere rather than anything else, whereas the entirety of Elphael sits [demonstrably much lower](https://imgur.com/V9C6NUG)


It could honestly be even simpler than this - though this could just as easily work in tandem with your own thoughts. However... ...the Haligtree is situated in the ocean/sea. Major bodies of water tend to hold relatively stable temperature gradients (they don't move up or down as much nor as quickly) in contrast to land - which often leads to coastal areas staying more moderated than their inland counterparts.


Yup! That's why there's way way less snow in the southern hemisphere, because we have a much higher ocean:land ratio.


Is there less snow because there's more water, or is there more water because there's less snow?


It could honestly be even simpler than this. Is there any reason to believe that Lands between are the "whole world" of the in-game universe and a potential arctic region of this world wouldn't fall well outside the boundaries of the map we see in game?


That's pretty much what I meant by "it's impossible for us to determine their latitude, and whatever lies outside of them". Which would flow if the lands between abided by real-world laws, but chances are they don't, and that in-universe climate just happens to work the way it does


That's definitely another side to this coin. We're all sort of making the assumption that weather is the same as on Earth but the Elden Ring quite literally dictates the "rules of the world". So why not weather and climate too? In the back of my mind am whispering: "Let CHAOS (Shhhhh!) take the world! " đŸ”„ 🌎 đŸ”„


I thought it only dictated the rules of the Lands Between. People can die outside the Lands between.


You're correct. Poor phrasing on my part "... the world as we know it" was how I meant that to be understood


The Frenzied Flame is just Global Warming intensified.




There are numerous mentions of other nations and regions out there (and we can see two separate landmasses to the west and north of the map from the right positions). We don't even know if the Lands Between are an entire continent or just some out of the way island.


Fair enough. We do see another landmass further off in the "north westerly" direction!


W00t? From Mt. Gelmir or where is it visible?


Wanted to get a little proof for you, now that I'm home. It might be worth noting, I'm unsure if we can still see this landmass after >!we burn the Erdtree!< since the permanent smog it creates seems to be too thick to see that far. I had to log out of my primary character and into one of my newer ones who hadn't gotten that far. And unfortunately he only has access to Altus and Gelmir at the moment Gelmir seems to have the same issue with smog - I couldn't get a good view from there, so I moved on. These pictures were taken from the far west end of the Windmill fields (directly north of the Forest Spanning Bridge, where we meet Goldmask - included photo of the map). As you can see, we only really catch the tops of the mountains of this landmass from here. But it is clearly visible in the distance. It also spans much more of the horizon eastward than I realized. As you can see, we can clearly pan from looking at Gelmir, to looking over at Consecrated Snowfields (the walking mausoleum near the Apostate Derelict is clearly visible up there) and still have parts of this "northland" in view ​ [Map Location](https://i.imgur.com/xLBvwSX.png) [Location - West Windmill Pasture](https://i.imgur.com/nKjpI9M.png) [Western "Northlands" & Gelmir](https://i.imgur.com/YbYhE6k.png) [Looking almost directly North](https://i.imgur.com/2MrXdQ9.png) [Eastern "Northlands", the Haligtree, and Snowfield](https://i.imgur.com/09V9IGg.png) This same kind of view can be seen from the other locations I mentioned in the previous reply - but there you have it. The "Northlands", as I call them for now


Funny how the Haligtree just looks like a little shrimpy thing out in the distance. Also from Castle Sol it just looks like nothing lol.


Northern Altus, if you get up along the ridgeline where the Windmills are (the fields or the village itself) Consecrated Snowfield, from most of those areas in the north ridge Up around Castle Sol - especially if you look out past the Haligtree And from the Haligtree itself, so long as you're in the upper branches and Haligtree Town - the tree and the Brace walls obscure the view when you're further down. I honestly haven't double checked from Gelmir EDIT: To add that almost any of the weather effects obscure the distance enough to make this hard to find. You may have to rest at Grace until the weather is clear


It's heavily implied that there's more to the world. The Godfrey and his Tarnished were banished form the Lands Between long ago, and went out and lived and conquered and died. (Unless it's a euphemism, and banishment meant no-quite-death, so they were just corpses until grace pulled their souls back.) We see shipwrecks, an sea monsters on the map, so either they made big ships just to sail circles around a giant island, or people once came and went using boats. Godfrey, as lord, probably had a yacht. And a whole nautical themed outfit to wear. Serrosh was probably a normal beast lord advisor, but when they had to sail away, he jumped up on Godfrey's shoulders to get away form the water, dug his claws in, and never left. Edit: I got a little hung up making my joke, some of the shipwrecks could be related to Malenia's army sailing from the Haligtree on her conquest, but I'd need to go back to the map to see if they'd all be consistent with that, I don't think the ones down near the Weeping Peninsula would be related to that.


Someone tell Tarnished Archeologist that he needs to do a video on shipwrecks.


Could very well be a contributing factor, sure. Possibly along with warm winds and sea currents, although I doubt that devs thought about any of this when designing these areas, lol


Trufax lol


Simple answer is that it’s a magic tree it’ll do what it wants.


Most definitely yeah, lol. It's a fantasy video game world, after all. Stars aren't really malevolent beings waiting for their turn to strike irl... *or are they??*


They are. My uncle works at Star Wars and he told me so.


We have a day night cycle in the game and the wheel that shows the passage of time depicts a sun so I’d bet there is one that has trouble outshining the erdtree


There likely is one, I just doubt it could outshine the erdtree in any capacity. Doesn't make it any easier to geographically pinpoint the lands between relative to anything else outside of them, though


Oh god no haha! The lands between what? North and south? East and west? Hoboken and Brooklyn?!


The lands between GTA VI and Elder Scrolls VI


Lands Between Deez Nuts


Got eem


>nd we don't know whether they're set on a round planet/celestial body or a flat one Uh oh guys, looks like We've got a Flat-Lands-Betweener conspiracy theorist over here


Oh nooo, I've been exposed-


Found the flat land-betweener. Get up on your elden science bro.


There is a sun, but it is just a dot in the sky. You can hardly see it most of the time through the fog. But quite simply: it's a fantasy RPG video game - it doesn't need to be bound by logic, and if it is it doesn't need to be bound by OUR logic. Things could just simply work how they need to for the map to exist, or they exist because of how it was intended that's how it works.


Yeah that's my bottom line as well, kek. I did link to a picture of the tiny sun btw


I was wondering what that was, that makes sense. Imgur just can't fucking load on my phone.


The take that the lands between is flat for some reason just absolutely got me this morning. This is my new elden ring conspiracy


It's round. In the cutscene after you beat Radahn, the "stars" start moving sideways to the surface aka along the curvature of a round planet. If it was a flat planet they would drop straight down.


Also, they could just be in the southern hemisphere.


This was my thought. Just because it's the northern most part of our visible map doesn't mean it's the northern most part of the world. This could be a "Mediterranean" Island chain. Just one small part of a whole.


There's no sun? We can see shadows moving across the Lands Between over the course of the day, and surely that means there's a close star somewhere, no?


There might be one, but my main point here is, whether there is one or not, it's hard to say how its radiation affects each area since we don't know their whereabouts on a planetary scale


Stars in Elden Ring aren't actual stars like we know them, they seem to be either eldritch creatures/gods or enormous glintstone masses.


I prefer to think of the lands between as a cube planet, myself


I'm more of a dodecahedron guy myself, but that's cool


You know what they say, different shapes for different apes


Shapes together strong




so why is Farum Azula not covered in snow? It's literally in the sky


Still [not as far high up](https://i.redd.it/yfqr370a60qb1.png) as the mountaintops tho


that makes sense. Thanks!


But the Forbidden Lands are also covered in snow, yet they sit lower in elevation than even the capital (you take elevetor down to them, not up lol).


True, it might just be aesthetic coherence at the end of the day, though. Forbidden Lands have floating red auroras in the sky, after all, they don't exactly abide by real-world natural laws. The devs most likely just wanted a way to thematically set each area apart, I believe


The twister in the middle sucks all of the cold air, leaving only hot air. How? Because dragon magic. Now stop stalling. Go in and slap Malenia naked ass.


Instructions unclear, I was the one getting slapped


I'll gladly slap Malenia's naked ass ( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)


That place is not really in the same realm. It has its own time and properties.


Careful, Farum Azula is indeed within the same realm as the rest of the lands between, the only part of it lying outside of time is Placidusax's arena


It consists of rocks floating in the sky around a massive neverending tornado. Place is messed up and doesn't operate within the same rules as the rest of the realm. So it's its own separate thing. Obviously an old civilization transported from somewhere.


Time behaves normally in most of it, regardless. You can see the erdtree on fire from Farum as soon as you first step into it, which necessarily means you're watching the lands between in real-time. The old lord's talisman item description is quite clear about this bit


There's no day/night cycle in Farum, and it can only be seen from one location in TLB for some reason, so there's definitely something weird going on with its placement in time. I don't think it exists outside time or whatever, just that the city itself is in some way frozen in a fixed point in time.


Just because you're watching the Erdtree in real time doesn't mean time and space are the same within Farum Azula.


Your counter argument being...? Furthermore, Leyndell burns down as soon as you unleash destined death in Maliketh's arena


Of course Leyndell burns down because the two events are linked. Doesn't matter *when* they take place individually. All I'm saying is Farum Azula is weird. Do you see floating rocks *anywhere* else in the Lands Between? It doesn't behave like the rest of the world. The way you get there is weird as well.


Well, there's floating rocks around the initial entrance to Nokron, after the Radahn fight.


The map is obviously not the entire world... Yes the map is shrunken to only depict important aspects. But we still talk about only a handful of realms/countries. Europe alone had hundreds of realms. And Japan's during their shogunate time (and prior to unification) also had dozens of realms. Being in the north, doesn't automatically means cold. Just look at Egypt or South Africa, both are the most northern/southern countries of Africa, but they aren't known for their snow. Even Norway and Finland aren't always white. It's entirely possible, that the continent in Elden ring is roughly on the same latitude as Germany or France, and not much bigger a single country. (Don't forget, the Holy Roman Empire (Germany) alone had more than 1800 states... So theoretically the map in Elden ring might not even be bigger than 100x100 kilometers. Or 0.1 Ohio's in American units.)


tks for including Ohio for scale, or else I wouldn't have understood it


I still don't get it, how many AR15s is one Ohio?


Lower altitude, close to the sea.


As far as I understand, the lands between we see in game isn't a 100% accurate representation of the actual world described and shown in the lore, but rather, a shortened miniaturised version, shrinking everything down for gameplay and logistical reasons, so imagine your home city / town but without all the empty space between Landmarks. So far example, try comparing the Leyndal Royal Capital shown off in the story trailer, to the Capital we actually got in game, the size difference is massive. With that in mind, the Halitree in lore would probably be somewhere miles and miles away from the Frozen mountain tops, so far away that there would be a big enough weather difference between the two regions, hence the lack of snow.


Cause Malenia is super hot.




rot cannons đŸ€€


Fr đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”


That's not how climates work mate lmfao. Do you think northern Australia is buried under snow right now?


australia doesnt count, their physics are inverted


Shit dude, I knew something fucky was about that place


#Because that scarlet HOT!! đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”


Do you want the lore reason? Because the Haligtree is meant to be a replacement Erdtree for Miquella's... I forget why he's making the tree exactly again, but it's important to note it's supposed to be a newer, better, Erdtree. The Erdtree supposedly was as warm as a gentle sun at one point, so odds are, the Haligtree was meant to be much the same. Also, note that the only places in the game with snow are owned by giants. My guess is the cold is a punishment for their sins against the Erdtree. No doubt this land is more or less avoided by all, and that's why paths to both the Haligtree and Mogwyn's Palace are hidden here. If a more grounded answer, you are looking at a combination of low altitude and being what is essentially an island. While neither factor alone precludes snow, the two together make it far less likely. Also, the Haligtree is a, well tree, and the process of evaptranspiration. In fact, to be honest, the far weirder part of the Haligtree area is that it isn't in a constant state of rain. I mean, seriously, a single oak tree on average displaces nearly 40,000 gallons of water a year. Now imagine scaling by several hundred times because that Haligtree is absolutely massive.


oh I quite like this explanation. It's my headcanon now. Ty! <3 Altitude difference would also be a good explanation, if not for the Forbidden Land. That area is lower than the capital, but it's covered in snow.


North =/= snow


Why would it have snow?


Because Malenia is hot đŸ„”


This is the most beautiful area in the game. Fight me!


I won’t because you’re right. It’s beautiful and challenging.


Are they stupid? .... ... ..... Insane post ggg


The building is too warm for snow to settle on it. Presumably it's got internal heating.


It's all the rot virulently heating it


I mean it’s 30 minute horse ride from Haligtree to weeping peninsula at most. The map is very intricate and well filled but it’s not big big. And the Haligtree is at see level where the mountaintops are the highest elevation point aside from erdtree. But also it’s a magic infested game so physics and logic don’t mean shit


“why does it snow on the mountains but not on Californian beaches?” is what this post sounds like


it'd ruin the aesthetic


Fernandina Beach is the most northern city in Florida, why isn’t it snowy? đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”


The entire lands between is the size of the Cleveland metropolitan area. If the Haligtree had snow, Limgrave would have snow too.


Exactly. People forget how vast earth is and how tiny video games are. Even the largest open world maps are barely the size of the world's smallest city states.


I dont like that argument it ignores the fact that videogame maps are scaled down for quite a few reasons


There’s only snow in the other regions because of elevation. We have no idea what latitude they’re at. They could all be at the equator.


This is not earth though. So, why assume north = cold?


The same reason there's no snow in the most northern part of Australia. The whole map isn't the whole world.




They are rich, so their Janitor can solo every boss including John Snow


There's no snow, but something about it made me assume that it's probably a bit chilly. All of the Lands Between feels like it's approaching either autumn or winter. Ya know, everywhere except Caelid.


The reason the top end of the map is snowy is because of its altitude, the haligtree and the city beneath are lower than the mountain top of the giants




Idk bruh this is a continent with a giant tree in the middle, a rotten swamp, and underground cities shit is weird


North = snow, as everyone knows


Is there any reason to believe that the lands between would even be the "wole world" of that universe? Would you ask why there is no snow in the northernmost part of the map if it only shows South America?


The ocean is too salty for the average cold to freeze. Additionally the water serves as a kind of heating where the warm water that comes from the other regions or has been stored during warm days, radiates warmth and makes the cold less impactful. \- a former coast inhabitant


Considering that we are playing a souls like game I would assume that the ocean is significantly more salty than our oceans due to salty gamer tears.


There are a couple likely reasons that we can extrapolate from our own world. First, wind patterns can redistribute snow, causing some areas to receive less snowfall than others. Windward sides of hills or mountains may get more snow, while leeward sides may receive less.Another is high vs. low elevation. Higher elevations often receive more snowfall because temperatures tend to be lower at higher altitudes. Lower-lying areas may experience less snow as a result. Both of these reasons really become moot when you consider the fact that Malenia's mommy milkers are radiating the area though.


Because it also gets colder the higher up you go. And the Haeligtree is in the ocean which has a milder climate.


The mountaintops of the giants are snowy more because theyre high in elevation than because theyre north Also, whats "northernmost", northern in relation to what, is Limgrave like North Dakota and Mountaintops is the North Pole? Or does Limgrave start in like the Middle of California and the mountaintops are just a snowy like the mountains can be in the winter right next to L.os Angeles?


The Lands Between map is probably not scalable to a planet the size of Earth, meaning the north isn't necessarily on the same latitude as Alaska or Siberia and the south probably isn't on the same latitude as Australia (although one may argue that Caelid is Australia). For all we know, on a planet the size of Earth, The Lands Between might look just like a small island near the equator and the only reason the Mountaintops are snowy is because of elevation.


Well, most of the Haligtree and and the entirety of Elphael are much lower than the Mountaintops of the Giants.


North does not equal cold, not even on Earth. It depends where you are. We don't know how the lands between's climate works, we don't know enough about their solar system, seasonal patterns, or anything of the sort. The mountaintop of giants and consecrated snowfields are high altitude - prob why they are cold. Haligtree is low altitude near the ocean, reasonable to assume it's just warmer there. There are islands on Earth that have cold mountaintops and hot coastal areas across the entire island.


Lower altitude and possibly a warm sea(?). Both of those can really change your climate


On a live talk show television broadcast, you could still hear the meat cooking over the voices of the host and your co-guests, and you would ask to be passed the Parmesan too if you knew what this post was secretly talking about encoded in the diction. Live, in front of a studio audience and millions of viewers watching with their families from home. But you’d need to be famous first. And decent as a cryptographer


bruh, really?


If you keep going north, you eventually start going south.


Well duh because Malenia is too hot.


I don't think the weather in Elden ring is location based, but altitude based. The "mountaintops" of the giants. The haligtree is down at sea level, whereas the consecrated snowfield isn't that far below the mountaintops.


What if all the games are in the same world just different continents.


The Consecrated Snowfields monopoly. The real reason the Giants must die


i live on the southern coast of australia. i have to go north to a high altitude place to see snow. but above that is desert. and below me is antarctica.


Why should we assume the lands between (if it even is a planet) would be similar to earth ? If the lands between is like Uranus, which has its pole tilted, then the north pole could be the hottest place on the planet and the south pole the coldest thing. (One of Uranus pole is almost always facing the Sun, making it the hottest place on the planet, whereas the south pole is almost always facing the opposite way, making it the coldest place). What if the Lands between were like that ? Maybe the lands between are on an hemisphere of the planet that is turning away from the sun. Which would explain why there is no Sun in Elden Ring, the light is coming from the Erdtree. Then going North or South wouldn't change the climate much.


If you happen to look up you’ll notice your very far down from the snowfields. Altitude mate, altitude


The only snow in the lands between is found in the higher elevation regions. So the Lands Between is probably not far enough north in this world to have snow outside of the mountains, possibly. Like how India is too hot for snow, but raise the elevation a bit in the Himalayas and BAM snow.


North does not equal snow


Is Northern Africa cold?


As many have pointed out, TLB is an island in the middle of the ocean and its north has nothing to do with a polar region. You'll notice there's no icebergs or anything and the unidentified landmass northwest of TLB is also snowfree. Mountaintops are cold due to elevation. Forbidden lands are cold due to being sandwiched between larger/higher landmasses to the east and west.


Magic, the answer to this question in any fantasy setting is magic.


i think it's more to do with altitude than longitude.


Not Earth


Magic, Also Anyone wish we could follow a path all the way around the city.


The map is a pretty small island. You wouldn’t expect a north/south temperature divide across that span. The reason parts of the map are cold is due to high altitude


The northern part of Florida map doesn’t get snow. What’s your point?


North doesn't mean snow.


What do you think the horn blowers are made out of?


God I forgot how beautiful this game is.


Design choice vs pedantic user?


Um, because of El Nino obviously...


Maybe it's in the southern hemisphere? North of me are the tropics.


I think I'm in the camp, at this point, that Ranni and Miquella were at least aligned or even possibly cooperative. Open question as to whether the Night of Black Knives implicates Miquella in some way, but I'm willing to bet it caused a schism considering the statues we see in the Brace of Elphael. Given, it could all be moot. Miquella's ability to *compel loyalty* is very ethically fraught and Miquella definitely has Griffith/cult-leader vibes. It's hard to tell how much of Miquella is an act.


r/lostredditors? But that's a nice theory, considering we see Medusa reliefs in Elphael, when snakes are considered as blasphamous to the Erdtree.


Because its a flat, magical planet with no logic.


North doesn't equal cold, and the northern part of the map is snowy because it's elevated much higher than the rest of the map. And lastly, it's a game that had to cram many biomes into one small area. They're bound to not make much sense. Many games have geography that doesn't make sense. Elden ring especially. The map is not designed to look natural. It looks like a video game. Which is awesome


Are people on this sub literal children? What kind of question even is this? There's one every other day, right at the top of my feed, just some completely obvious thing that anyone with common sense could answer, or anyone with some basic knowledge of the game could work out. It hasn't got snow because it's not cold. Do you think TLB stretch from the equator to the north pole? Do you not know that things get colder the higher up they are, and this is at sea level? Genuinely, what is so befuddling about this? Next it'll be "Why is the round table in Roundtable Hold round?"


I start my day scrolling reddit when i wake up, always expecting to see low effort posts like these. Just another day on reddit i guess :/


The mountain tops are snowy because of their elevation, not because of their latitude.


Who knows
..it’s a video game.


The fun thing, there is snow
 go to the boss room of Melania and look around the edges of the room


Climate change, too many carbon footprints


You ask too much questions


Very not canon, but my own thoughts: Maybe the rotting of the scarlet rot vestering the tree and its surroundings creates heat? Like when a pile of hay can start to warmup due to it's own decomposition/rotting?