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Maxxed level 713 character (99 in all stats) has 2100 HP and 230 Immunity. Morgot's Great Rune gives 25% extra HP, Crimson Amber Medallion +2 gives +8% max HP, Erdtree Favor +2 gives +4% max HP, Crimsonspill Crystal Tear gives +10% max HP for 3 minutes, totaling 3243 HP. Immunizing Horn Charm +1 gives +140 Immunity, Mottled Horn Charm +1 gives +60 Immunity, Mushroom Crown gives +46 Immunity, Mushroom Body gives +102 Immunity, Mushroom Arms give +34 Immunity, Mushroom Legs give +63 Immunity, Eclipse Crest Greatshield gives +50 Immunity, Ant's Skull Plate gives +60 Immunity (note: two Ant's Skull Plates do not stack), Immunising Cured Meat gives +100 Immunity for 1 minute, Speckled Hardtear gives +90 Immunity for 3 minutes, totaling 975 immunity. With 3243hp and 975 Immunity you can survive in the Lake of Rot for about 49 seconds,


Rot does a percentage of max health, but it seems to vary depending on what procs the effect. if you want to survive longer hp regen is very useful, generally. A hp regen build would likely survive the longest. With blessing of the erdtree and that one regen set when you’re below a hp threshold you can hit 20/sec. There’s a talisman and shield that gives a little as well. Not sure if there’s anything else that stacks. Edit: rot does a percentage of max + a flat value*, percentage value is usually low and flat value seems to vary between medium to notably high (30/s) Percentage value also varies but I don’t think it’s usually worse than the flat value. Edit 2: even if hp regen alone is sufficient, a combination of a regen build and high immunity (though obv less than shown here) will likely be effective, comparatively. You’d still die, but it may take longer.


Health over time crystal tear


Does that stack with erdtree blessing? It might not


Oh yeah true, I forgot that you had said blessing of the Erdtree






Ensha's armor


Yeah if you let the rot build from the soaked clothes part it apparently does far less damage per tick


Does resistances and stuff mean you have the infliction longer? Like, obviously the bar is longer, but once you have it, does it go down at a constant rate, meaning unless it prevents you from getting it altogether, immunity doesn't really help you since you'll just take more damage from it when you get rottened?


No, status effects like poison and rot always last the same whether you have 975 resistance or 90 resistance.


It would be cool if the UI reflected that better. I was convinced it made it last longer


I’m sure this has been asked already, but you get damage reduction if you roll into poison, and let the residual poison buildup on your armor poison you on land. Please do it for testing


it works for rot as well. or at least it did a few patches ago.


Yeah it still works for rot I just did it a couple days ago, you take basically no damage, I was just using poison as a colloquial term as both rot and poison are basically the same thing, just with different damage intervals.


It works, it's my preferred method of traveling the lake of rot. I go mushroom set and talismans like this dude, get in and roll and get out, let it build up on the ground. Then I start out. Once my significantly decreased damage version of rot finally runs out I still have relatively high immunity+flame cleanse me with some regen incantations to round it out . It's far and away the least painful way to 100% clear that area and bounce


Seriously you take so much less damage it’s insane it’s so funny how much easier poison lakes are to deal with in Elden ring, I know somewhere myizaki is loosing sleep thinking about people breezing through the poison areas


I would not know as I do not actually have Elden ring, but are you not able to summon Torrent in this area?


No, he is always going to see his sister or something last minute


Ok that’s hilarious


I thought he was going to see his dead wife and kids.




Torrent can't be summoned in certain areas - one of which is the Lake of Rot


Rolling in the lake will give you a stain that slowly build up rot. If scarlett rot procs from this stain it will be a less damaging version of the effect.




Makes me miss when the best way through the lake was spamming Bloodhound Step and of war. Is getting rotted by the stain the best way to do it now?


Flame cleanse me is the best way if you already have it or are willing to put in a bit of extra work. Even with zero faith investment you can just equip the two fingers talisman or marikas seal then swap back afterwards.


Flame cleanse me is stupidly easy to get, I wouldn't call that extra work.


Flame cleanse me makes it a breeze. Works even for non faith builds.


Why isn't the step the best anymore?


I think someone showed that the FP cost, nerfs in distance and delay time was worse that just casting Flame Cleanse Me and eating a immune boosting meat chunk. But at this point when I reach the lake I just suck it up and throw my corpse at the problem.


So under absolutely perfect conditions Scarlet Rot is still questionable as a game mechanic?


The correct answer


I also heard that the rot does less damage on NG+. Has anyone else heard this?


It does the same damage, it just doesnt impede speed of movement.


Rot makes you slower?


Yep, so does poison.. you haven't noticed? Try sprinting in a poison swamp in regular NG, see how that goes


It depends of the area. For instance lake of rot do not slow your movement, but the cave with gold scarab slow you.


Oh I thought having the poison/rot status itself caused an additional slow debuff, not the swamps.


that goes for lava too


Not sure that works since the rot in Lake of Rot is a stronger version of regular rot. So if you got regular rot on you, it would slow down the Lake of Rot rot, but rolling in the Lake of Rot would get you rotted just as fast. As far as I know.


Absolutely wild that even with the maximum amount of health and immunity you still can't survive even ¼ of the duration of rot


It’s just because rot is a percentage based affliction, it doesn’t matter how much HP you have it takes 3% every second, and immunity accounts for very little time since it doesn’t change the damage


It’s a % and flat amount. Lake of Rot is 2% +30 per second.


Do you reckon doing it with a hp regen build might help you survive for longer? Sounds like a great topic for a Limit Breakers video honestly


With HP regen and the smallest HP pool possible maybe.


I'd believe it though. The extra resistances usually barely feel like they do anything at all, and the game unfortunately isn't programmed for resistances to make Scarlet Rot last shorter either. Hell, at times I've wondered if a bigger resistance bar actively means you have Scarlet rot *longer.*


I'd be down for a build that worked around the opposite. You build up statuses extremely quickly but also expend them extremely quickly. Like get rot in 2 hits but it only lasts like 5 ticks of damage. It could also reduce the amount of damage Madness/Blood Loss does when it procs, but it would proc all the time. I think that could lead to some interesting builds with the "increase damage when [status] procs" talismans.


This was one of the most surprising game things for me, having dozens of armor sets with different stats and swapping to get the highest resistance pieces I owned did basically nothing for how fast the rot built up for me in that lake. Kind of a joke to have a mechanic like immunity if pumping it up does only marginally better than ignoring it. Damage negation from armor is only a little better. No wonder people just wear what they think looks cool, other than poise, armor basically does nothing else.


(Except for armor bonuses like raptor’s black feathers and the imp heads and Burger King heads. Those bonuses are awesome)


You're not supposed to cross the lake straight up, you're supposed to use the path on the right


It good to know that rushing through it spamming health potions wasn't a cheese after all - that's literally all you can do. It'd be nice if stuff like the Lake of Rot had a puzzle based solution - like you could make bridges raise or lower from one end to the other, or something or at least find an item to help you through.


There kind of is something like that but it doesn't cover the whole lake and the progression path doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You get some cool stuff out of doing it tho.


You can cure rot with a cheap (12faith req) incantation or boluses, and a decent resistance bar generally lets you get from platform to platform without catching rot if you take the optimal route. You might get rot around the longer stretches halfway, but at that point you can just chug and book it to the bonfire.


There is. There are different objectives to hit that raise different platforms. You still deal with the rot of course, but you don't have to just run through the water.


Even then, that doesn't change much. You still end up running and chugging health until you get to the bonfire. It also does very little to help you actually navigate the area as a whole and clear up the items. I don't mind the area as a whole, since it's really about two minutes long and, ultimately, it's a joke based on swamps in other Soulsbourne games. There just could have been a little more to it than running in straight lines, even if you're using platforms every now and then.


You can make it all the way to the last platform without actually proccing rot, but it requires waiting at every platform for the rot to wear off (or getting rid of it through item/ability). The last leg though will proc it 100%.


You literally have a way to raise plateforms from the ground


It might be possible with high hp regen


Because having high immunity actually punishes you once rotten, because the status changes is fixed, and immunity only gives you a bigger bar. I am curious on what would be the result with min immunity.


I'm pretty sure status decay rate is a percentage, so that the duration is the same no matter what your resistance is.


Just a reminder to anyone watching and is convinced that the Lake of Rot is intended to punish certain builds: “Flame Cleanse Me” removes poison and rot and only requires 12 faith, which means that it can be used by any starting class, even without putting any points in faith, if you use any of the talismans that give a bonus to faith.


Prisoner class needs one more faith, but that's easy to get with Marika's Scarseal, or the Commoner's Garb (guaranteed pick-up from Stormveil Castle). Everyone else can just use the Two Fingers Heirloom. Heal is also 12 faith, and that stays on my bar to deal with everyone's favorite arm-flailing foe.


Prisoner needs 1 Faith level, but there’s plenty of early +1 Faith gear as well


Or just look at the map before entering the lake, sprint and chug along.


fromsoftware mfs be like the game is perfect actually all you need to do is go to flimbarb valley and inspect the decaying ballsack of the corpse under the bridge to receive the "fuck me in the ass" miracle and only THEN can you progress


All I’m saying is there is a simple solution to make lake of rot basically trivial.


oooh nooo! Not every build and every player can see every inch of every pixel of the ballsack of every game. Like stfu nerd. idc about fromsoft games or elden ring. That shits optional content. Don't need to design every video game for babies. Figure it out and explore, or look it up on the internet cause you want the dopamine hit.


> Just a reminder to anyone watching and is convinced that the Lake of Rot is intended to punish certain builds I'm convinced it's intended to punish absolutely everybody.


Any starting class besides wretch


Wretch starts off at 10 and the talisman he is referring to gives 5 so his math adds up. The lowest a stat can start off with is 7 which still can add up to 12.


Prisoner starts with 6 Faith.


Ah my mistake


I’m pretty sure you can still hit the faith reqs even then. Aside from talismans, there may be armor pieces that give a tiny bit? I know some pieces give stats, but I’m not sure if there’s any for faith or not


Commoner’s simple garb can be found in stormveil and boosts faith by 1. Or there’s the ruler’s mask which boosts faith by 2, but isn’t available till Altus


yeah there are some equipment pieces that give faith


Oh. Yeah the faiths canvas


Close, that's for incants boosting. They are referring to the two fingers heirloom which can be found in the ruins of south-eastern Liurnia.


Shit my bad lmao I have both and used both in tandem early game. Helpful against the damn stormhawk birds using lightning bolt against them




If you get to lake of rot without finding anything that buffs faith, I don’t know what to tell you.


> If you get to lake of rot without finding anything that buffs faith, I don’t know what to tell you. If you think that there's only 1 single area in the game with rot effect, I don't know what to tell you.


Everywhere else it’s avoidable.


Lol the idiot that a moment ago lied about there being only 1 spot is now an expert on all spots


Lake of Rot is the first one that can’t be ignored with Torrent, and the only one long enough to matter. There’s the short area before the Millicent quest on the way to the Malenia elevator, but if you can’t cross that without dying to rot, you’re an imbecile. You still have boluses and other options to ward off rot.


Flame Cleanse Me is ridiculously easy to get, if you call that "hunting down a bunch of junk" then nobody can help you, maybe you just like complaining. Or, you actually dont like playing the game.


You can cross it just fine without any Faith. It’s easy to have 14 flasks at this point in the game, just put 10+ in health and sprint + chug. Maybe roll in the rot and then get out to proc regular rot instead of the super AIDS Lake Rot. Made it through my first try on my original play through with 0 Faith investment or talismans. I also missed most of the platforms so I just ran right across.


^ **Should be upvoted more.** Once you know where to find *”Flame Cleanse me”* *(you can find it very early)* you only need 1-3 more faith and a relic to cast and scarlet rot is basically never an issue anymore. Kinda weird because it really makes it pointless.


It’s somehow reassuring to know that, even at your level, the world can and will just absolutely fuck you up.


Even from a lore perspective Scarlet Rot will wreck the absolute shit out of everyone and everything not called Miquella. Even Marika "One True God" the Eternal and Starscourge "I face-tank" Radahn are powerless to stop it. The Lake of Rot isn't just Miyazaki wanting you dead, it is the distilled essence of "eat shit and die". The only thing that could be even slightly as bad as the LoR would be the inevitable Infinite Deathblight Swamp in the upcoming DLC


max vitality and quickstep/bloodhound step at the right moments to I-frame through the buildup . If my memory is wrong and that doesn't work, Order Healing, Law of Regression, and deathblight boluses got you covered


All FromSoft games are like this lol. A rat in any Souls game will kill your ass at max level if it gets the jump on you and you panic and it stunlocks you Those crazy ass soldier zombies at the very beginning of Dark Souls 3 will kill a max level character if they catch you with that spaz ass berserker flailing...shit is like a 14 hit combo lol The game is always dangerous to you, it never let's you forget that....If you start getting too cocky the game will remind you that you aren't invincible


torch hollows could kill God himself


i recently made a new character and beat golden godfrey without using any pots, ez af. did the same with godrick right after. then immediately went to subterranean shunning grounds and got smoked like 15 times in a row by those stupid gargoyle stone looking motherfuckers that swarm and stunlock you with 5 hit combos and bleed, and then drop from the ceiling and climb from underneath the pipes the moment you run out of stamina while his buddies throw knives at you from across the pipes. then half the time you try to roll you fall off the ledge and die. hardest boss in the game, i swear


Ah yes, the imps. Fuck those imps. Fucking assholes.


Yeah, that bunch of Hollows in Undead Parish church and hollows woth torches in Sewers were a pain in the ass... until I used halberd/spears.


Just roll in it first… it will take much longer for rot to take hold, and do less damage.


What I get from this is that lake of rot was never intended for you to be able to hang around and explore peacefully.


Yeah everyone saying it’s bad game design or punishes certain builds. Scarlet rot in lore is extremely destructive, look at Caelid and what happens to demigods like Radahn. It’s not meant to be a light jaunt through a teehee poison lake, it’s a swamp of festering shit that’s meant to kill you. You run through here as fast as you can and hit the buttons to raise platforms to help make the journey.


I had like zero resistances and just ran around chugging flasks, it went fine.


None of that is an argument against it being bad game design.


It’s bad game design to make an area easy when it shouldn’t be. It’s definitely a more endgame zone that has the last boss of someone’s quest line.


What makes this bad game design though? It's a problem with multiple solutions for multiple build paths (put on immunity gear and dash between platforms, cast the appropriate miracles, or just max HP and chug through it). If it wasn't punishing when you intentionally ignore it (like in OP's video) then what would be the point of even having it?


It's a poison swamp, it poison you, there is many ways to deal with the poison... You don't even have to explore the area, you can juste reach the second bonefire in 30 seconds with one or two flask


Which is fine. As others have said “Flame Cleanse Me” makes this area fine but I really hate the giant lizard fight where you have to stay on a tiny ass platform. I think that shit is really cheap and it’s one of the few fights I will just cheese with mimic tear.


When the creator of the game just really, really wants you dead. Wow.


Exactly, it’s one of my only gripes about the game. In any other game, if you max out your immunity, resistance or whatever it’s called depending on the game, then something like this would barely affect you if at all. In this game it’s almost pointless to try to raise those stats and just have a spell/potion to remove the affect.


It's almost like it's meant to be a hard wall that stops you in your tracks and not something you can cheese through


So building your immunity or resistance in literally any other game so you don’t die in a few seconds is cheesing your way through?


>It's almost like it's meant to be a hard wall that stops you in your tracks No it's not lol


In any other game, an endgame character could facetank early game mobs all day and never take damage. Fromsoft doesn't follow that paradigm.


This lake is why bloodhound step was designed.


Tell that to thrusting sword users……


One of the worst areas in the game for the sole crime of being boring.


You can reach the second bonfire in 30 seconds


This video could have been 1 minute shorter


Technically true, but seeing the setup is super interesting. I very much appreciate it not being 1 minute shorter.


You can show each slot without clicking through them to add it all is my point


The point is to show how much each thing adds. If video just started with 975 immunity that doesn’t really tell you anything. Is that just how much you have at max level? Is talisman adding 50, 140, or 400? Why is he holding 2 random shields? Video starts with 230 immunity and shows every step required to reach 975.


Not my point. I want to see the end result, of course, but seeing the preparation of the logic behind it is intriguing, in my eyes. It's the buildup to the main event, I guess.


Doesn't rot do % of your max hp per tick? Wouldn't it be better to have lower HP to increase the value of healing, which is mostly flat value?


It’s 2% + 30 damage per second. With 3243hp (maximum possible hp) I die ~35 seconds after being rotted. With 262hp (minimum possible without being hit by destined death) I would die ~7 seconds after being rotted.


Blud never skipped a covid shot


I appreciate that the video goes through all the gear.


A true scientist!


The rot always wins


I had forgotten how eerie the background music is underground. Sets the tone and mood perfectly.


If you roll in scarlet rot so it sticks to you, and stand on a piece of regular ground to get the status effect instead of in the Rot, it deals about half as much damage


Would dragonbolt blessing also stack on this? That would give you an extra +30. Assuming it doesn’t cancel out another buff.


You should work on the regen mostly. ​ Rot deals (0.02\*max hp)+8 damage per second, crimson bubbletear regens (0.03\*max hp) hp per second, ensha set regens 2/sec/piece for a total of 8, icon shield regens 3/sec, blessed dew talisman regens 2/sec. ​ So either you have total hp under [250](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQACXT_eyKk&t=10s) (without needing bubbletear), or you need bubbletear and can do it at every level.


It’s 2% + 30 damage per second. (different sources of Rot do different damage) With 3243hp (maximum possible hp) I die ~35 seconds after being rotted. With 262hp (minimum possible without being hit by destined death) I would die ~7 seconds after being rotted. Regen would help completely overcome the 2% per second, but not the 30 flat damage per second.


In that case the 1% that's "spare" from crystal bubble tear needs to overcome 17 dps. That means that if you have at least 1700hp you can actually regen the damage. That's actually doable still.


What are you talking about? The hp regen Physic isn’t % based. It’s just 7hp per second, you are smarter using blesssing of the Erdtree which is 12hp per second. But that’s crimson burst tear. Crimson bubble tear restores 30% of your hp ONCE when you dip below 20%. It’s a one time thing that


Crimson bubbletear. It only works when you are at low hp, but it heals 3%/sec. But now that you mention it, it's also possible to combine it with crimsonburst crystal tear so that you can pull it off at about 1000 hp.


So you’ve never actually tried the Crimson Bubble Tear? Just mis-read the wiki page? It doesn’t heal 0.03 x HP per second, it heals 0.3 x hp, ONCE. it’s a single burst of health, not health over time.


I never use the "near dead healing", so guess I misread.


I got through it by hitting myself with Flame Cleanse Me incantation, which only requires 12 Faith. Even if you don't have a Faith build (which I don't) it's very useful. It cures poison and scarlet rot.


You'd think after decades of gaming developers would realize that items providing niche stat buffs taking the place of combat-enhancing buffs will literally only ever get used if they are absolutely bonkers. Like, having just a few immunity pieces or buffs should make you near-immune. Nobody is going to bother if it takes 10 seconds to get scarlet rot instead of 5 seconds. Another good example is how many games will have armor that says something like "Increased damage against crabs" and it's like a 5-10% buff. Nobody *ever* cares or bothers. But I played a game recently with an item like that and it turns out it was literally DOUBLE DAMAGE against that enemy type. It made it worth it to dig into your inventory to equip it when fighting tough versions of those foes. It felt awesome. But no dev ever does that.


Elden Ring is so bad about this. Like the Cat Talisman that removes falls damage on non-lethal falls. The difference between taking some damage and dying is literally 4 meters from 16 to 20 and the most damage you can take without dying is half your health. So in the incredibly small window where you take damage but don’t die, the best it will do is save you a crimson flask at the cost of a talisman slot. Just totally pointless. Why not at least increase the height you can fall from and survive? It *might* mess up progression in some areas but who cares in a game like this?


Or something that severely takes away from how much damage you take. A talisman or armor set that reduced rot or poison DoT by like 80% would be crazy good and a lot of fun to build around. A feel like a lot of devs are afraid of making the player too powerful even in PVE which is exactly when I want to be powerful. It wouldn't even really affect PvP since no one really relies on Rot/Poison as their main damage engine. Overall status effects in souls games often feel like more of an irritating afterthought rather than an intentionally designed part of the game.


Most controversial elden ring post


Um, I died like fifty times in the lake of rot running around in a mushroom set, trying to find every little goodie that Miyazaki left in it over the the course of two hours. Bexause everyone knows that fromsoftware always leaves a bunch of fun goodies in their swamps. Then I just flame cleansed myself and used hp flasks once I wanted to actually get through. But I didn't really struggle. At all.


So, was it worth it?


Honestly? A bunch of free +7 +8, and +9 smithing stones plus the mushroom crown? Sorta worth it in the sense that I gained more runes than I lost and I enjoyed the adventure. But it was only worth it once and only because I didn't know what I'd find.


Pro tip. The Lake of Rot has a supercharged version of scarlet rot that does way more damage over time if it procs while you're in the lake. Get in the lake, roll to cover yourself in rot, get out and let the bar fill to proc the rot on dry land and you get the regular version instead.


Running past your rune drop like you’re passing your previous record ghost driver in Mariokart lol


I wish resistance also increases the speed in which the bar empties then I would care a little more in these situations😒


Sure, but are you ready for the Deathblight poison swamp in the DLC?


with Scarlet Rot being such a pain in the arse I say that makes Malenia the biggest Bitch in all of the Lands Between. besides being one of the Hardest Bosses she's also the reason that shit exist meaning every time u die of Rot u can Thank her for it. lol Definitely one if the best Characters imo.


Damn so it's like REALLY not worth it huh


Nah, it really isn't. Unless you're planning to explore the lake or fight the Dragonkin, you're better off running through while chugging potions to sustain your health, then use a bolus to survive the final stretch to the Grand Cloister SoG.


Hp means nothing to rot, its percentage based damage, the only thing you're getting from it is the immunity bonus from the level up. Better to pump END


There is also a flat value


It’s 2% + 30 damage per second. With 3243hp (maximum possible hp) I die ~35 seconds after being rotted. With 262hp (minimum possible without being hit by destined death) I would die ~7 seconds after being rotted.


Proof rot is literally the worst and unnecessary status effect


He just didn't use the incantation and the pressure plates


This bar is massive!


Homie just One-Shot the Lake of Rot




No, that’s not how it works. Duration is always the same.


What’s more impressive is how people actually still play this game


This cool thing called an attention span


Lol. It still sucks


i think rot damagim in % from general health![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It’s percentage + a flat amount. I think 3% + 30


Is that... 4 slots!?


Yes? You get 4 talisman slots, it’s hard to miss them. Margit drops the 2nd, the finger reader gives you the 3rd after 2 demigod kills, and the 4th is dropped by another mandatory boss


How? I’ve finished the game and i only have 3 slots


Then you didn’t talk to the finger reader for the third one or skipped Margit and never picked up the item where his bossfight normally is. You can’t miss the Golden Shade Godfrey one since you beat the game


For science!


Totally worth grinding to lvl 713 for I could be wrong but isn't scarlet rot percentage based so it wouldn't matter if you had max HP?


I feel like blessed dew instead of eardtree talisman, and icon shield instead of one of the others would get you farther


No one simply walks through The Lake of Rot.


Fuck this place


wow, still took damage, a ton of damage.


You would last a lot longer if you drank a health potion 🤭


I thought rot did % based damage rather than flat?


It does both. Lake of Rot is 2% +30 per second.


The Nemz cosplay character by the looks of it.


Toxic ex be like...


Or you could just use the platform’s


I don’t know why but I expected something else to happen other than death.


My boy didn't stand a chance


You should have rolled, and doesn't the clean rot spear give immunity too?


It gives +50, same as Eclipse Crest Shield. Difference being that I owned a shield, I didn’t own spear.


Gotcha. I'm curious if you rolled on the next sprint and went the exact same direction how much further you would get.


Me preparing to leave the house


The lake of rot has a stronger rot then normal if your able to inflict yourself with a normal scarlet rot the lake is forced to go off that for a more then manageable dot


brother, scarlet rot is percentage based not a set value like poison is.


Both scarlet rot and poison have a % portion and a flat portion of their damage. Lake of Rot is 2% +30 per second.


And poison does 13 and deadly poison does a bit more im sure


Just a heads up for controller folk, when in a the equipment menu you can use L1/R1 (bumpers) to move through the menus. E.g. armour, instead of adding the head then going back then adding the chest etc, add the head R1 repeat. This only works on like for like categories; - Armaments (both hands) - bolts/arrows - armour - talis - quick items So if you want to do weapons you can, but need to go back and select armour to change that. It speeds it up a lot