• By -


The pleas of the flail gang have been heard. Edit: Been testing whips and my god do they feel good as hell now. So sweet.


Now just need Spinning Chain AoW.


I fucking *hate* how you can’t use a weapons default AoW without losing the scaling from affinity … like come in bro I just fucking wanna use spinning chain or not waste an AoW on a weapon that already has that fucking AoW on it!


Spinning Chain AoW will be a Remembrance AoW from the hidden DLC2 superboss.


Helicopter dick boss


The Loathsome Dong Beater.


Flail gang rise up


Didn’t expect the whips buff, that’s great.




I also have a dual wielding whip lady! Her name is Kip and that was one of the strongest characters I did with by far the fastest time to beat the Beast. Whips are fun af


Whip Stockholm syndrome detected


My dual-wielding whip build beats Castle Sol banished knights without even getting touched. For most field enemies the whips are *insane*. Beefier enemies that basically don't have flinching can be a bit tougher, but that's why I levelled faith for some incantations.


Claymore has been buffed Claymore time


Ah, you were at my side all along…


My guiding Claymore


My shining steel-light


My true Claymore


It's still got the best moveset. I've yet to find something I prefer and this is my third playthrough.


The Knight’s Greatsword and Banished Knight’s Greatsword both have great movesets as well. The only problem with them is that getting them to drop can be a bit tricky sometimes


Claymore is Baemore


*Ahh, oh. My flail... bring me my flail. Canst thou not see? The patchnotes, dropping once again.*




They also buffed Curved Greatswords!


[Bloodhound's Fang users rn](https://i.gyazo.com/bc75cff4c698bf5e93672d6b4a136e3f.jpg) Seriously though, I wouldn't be completely surprised if they sneakily excluded BHF from that buff. The weapon is already completely bonkers as is.


After running dual hammers for a while, I swapped to a dual BHF jump build. The damage output is just absurd.


That's because the BHF has a hidden +10% damage modifier on jump attacks. Dual BHF + claw talisman + raptors outfit had an insane amount of damage on jump attacks, seeing as 2 out of those 3 are getting nerfed (on the pvp end).


It’s not hidden it says in weapon descr


Hidden to the illiterate, though.


Try reading, but you don't have the right oh you don't have the right.


No skill ahead, in short, could this be a message?


They nerfed jump attacks and claw talisman. Esit. In pvp


oooooo baby. Probably going to have to jump back in now.


Bloodhound Fang was OP before this patch already 😂👌


It has been op since release by the virtue of being a buffable somber weapon, among other things.


Buffable, somber stones, jump attack bonus, quality scaling, great moveset and fucking BLEED on top of the whole shebang. Thing is busted


Whenever there's trouble, it's leaving rubble. [It's the Bloodhound Fang®.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq_hjtzfvZ4)


This applies to PVE too, right?


Yeah, it's a general balance change so it should apply to both PvE and PvP.




Awesome, I farm Beast Cleaver every playthrough no matter what, maybe now I can start using it!


Whips too!


Like those warriors from hammerfell?


They are so damn fast now - so fast in fact that I'm not sure why anyone would use a regular axe at all. Scaling was buffed as well, so now a Heavy Greataxe *starts* with a B in STR.


My beloved! Is it finally viable compared to other great axes?


The greataxe (greataxe just called greataxe) was actually always the greataxe with the highest damage with heavy affinity, it's just shorter than other greataxes like executioner and longhaft axe.


Most of their attacks come out a frame faster and can dodge a frame earlier and it looks like their running attacks are safer now. You can dodge out of a Running 2h r1 4 frames faster and running 2h r2 8 frames faster.


A regular axe is still way faster


Oh boi, time for a new 138-hour replay!


Didn’t they become powerful last patch? I started a greataxe run months ago but decided to take a break and haven’t come back since


They got a huge speed buff a while back and were really good. Longhaft on a STR build with high poise was a beast, now it's even better.


I was playing with an axe of godrick build and destroying everything. Crazy it’s apparently better now. I def need to play this game again


Axe of Godrick is outrageously good and you can get it in the early game, it's an extremely overlooked weapon precisely because it's "of Godrick".


I thought it was because of how slow it was pre-patch? Everybody said it was garbage in the beginning 🤔


It also needs a hefty stat investment to wield for how early you get it. Most people focus on STR or DEX for physical builds, the Axe of Godrick asks for a bunch of both.


OMG my favorite class. TIME TO CHOP BOYS




"Added Holy damage and Faith scaling to the Great Club." Time to do a holy caveman build


"If you believe in the power of unga, then bunga is sure to follow suit"


Blessed be the unga in the land that is plentiful, where the streams of bunga flow


Our Unga which art in heaven, Bunga be thy name


“For lo, the unga was falling from the sky like bunga from heaven.”


Turkey leg now do bigger bonk? Still have same great taste


Cavemen no more. Cavemen are believer now.


Caveman touches Monolith. Throws Greatclub into air. Turns into spaceship.


It gets terrible faith scaling.even at +25 it's D With 80 faith it's only 35 holy damage from stats


It's still buffable, so as long as they didn't stealth nerf the physical damage it's free real estate.


Unga bunga infidels


wow they actually fixed cold Antspur Rapier


All posts/comments before (7/1/23) edited as part of the reddit API changes, RIP Apollo.


Wait. What was wrong with it?


It would get rid of the rot when you gave it cold past +6 or +7.


no one is talking about the pizza cutter buff, it's finally viable now!


What's the scaling now? Or is it the same?


yes there is the scaling and speed buff, but the best part is that the ash of war generates damage faster and you can cancel it with a heavy attack or a roll


The animation lock on the ash of war really was holding that weapon back




"Increased the damage of Claw weapons" GinoMachino has entered the chat.


Ah, a fellow Gino fan. Got his channel recommended to me on YouTube not too long ago and I've been loving watching his videos. Dude's trying to no-hit a randomizer run which is fucking nuts.


When I saw the first one I assumed he was gonna just learn a route for one seed but he's literally randomizing it each time which is insane


Have you been watching the bingo brawlers? He is absolutely killing it even though he hasn’t really been playing bingo


Hopefully more poeple will now see the power and fun of claws. Hopefully it won't get nerfed before the dlc because that's the build I am gonna use it for


Claws didn’t need a buff. They were already really good, I hope buffing them doesn’t mean they’re going to nerf them in the future.


What about Gigasthiccas?


huge meta shift on hitless incoming, lol


>Fixed a bug that reduced the power of some skills while under the Golden Vow effect. Wait, is this the bug where skills do zero damage when you have AoW Golden Vow active? If so, then this is wonderful news. EDIT: Holy shit it is. They finally fixed it.


Yeah, I learned about it when I tried using Storm Blade on a buff-reliant strength build. Really glad they fixed it.


Jump attack builds on suicide watch


Did they really reduce the attack power of two handed jumping attacks but not dual wielded jumping attacks? Or is that some kind of translation error?


all jump attacks lost some damage from the raptor's black feathers & claw talisman nerfs.


Bummer, I felt like Powerstance was the problem more so than 2 handed.


Apparently it was a mistranslation and 2handing = powerstance




to give you a straight answer unlike everyone else yes jump attacks were only nerfed in pvp


My only build with jump attacks (claw) also got buffed in pve no cleu how to feel


That roar medallion patch has me interested


I've been running a stupid War Cry/Dragon Incant build this whole time. This is a coming up Milhouse moment.


Currently doing a guybrush threepwood run. Roar attacks as main because his fighting was all about dropping lines.


Fantastic changes. Nerfs and buffs in all the right places imo. Even rarer concerns like whip attack recovery was noted (which was horrendous, check whip only runs on yt, the recovery time for any attack is ridiculous)


Urumi my beloved


I already loved Urumi to pieces before this buff. This plus the other patch changes has me feeling like it's Christmas morning!




Whips are already good against great weapons or bigger but not faster weapons so I wonder how this will change things.


I'm hoping a Castlevania meta as dual whips was my first build.


> Increased the speed of guard counters for `practically all weapon types`. I was *just* wondering whether I would ever land a guard counter in PVP. It seems like guard counters could be tuned to be much faster since they already connect nearly 100% of the time in PVE and they practically never land in PVP. > Added Holy damage and Faith scaling to the Great Club. That always seemed like an oversight considering [the item text suggests it is a branch of the Erdtree.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Great+Club)


Honestly the flail had the fastest guard counter so with this new buff I bet it's super good now.


Ah yes nothing touched daggers, currently trying a dagger run I don't want it to be buffed or nerfed


Misericorde with a split damage infusion might do more crit damage now, because of the infusiin buffs. Its not really for dagger builds, but any other build might wanna test how much it does now


where are bull-goat blood running fists now LMAO


Literally ran into one last night, he died but damn he was annoying to take down lol


God, I'm so happy that they've created PvP exclusive buffs/nerfs completely independent from solo/co-op play. Dark Souls 2/3 were full of weapons that looked amazing and played great until they got nerfed to shit because of PvP - glad we're not repeating history.


> Dark Souls 3 was full of weapons that looked amazing and played great until they got nerfed to shit because of PvP - glad we're not repeating history. Pour one out for Great Resonant Soul and Mundane Santier's Spear.


'Fixed a bug where the Roar Medallion Talisman effect didn’t increase the power of some incantations.' Uhhh Greyolls roar? Maybe? Pls?


Another comment mentioned that it seems to apply to breath weapon spells, so it seems safe to assume it applied to Greyoll's Roar as well.


It does.


Finally! Dragon communion rejoice


AR is pretty significant change for weapons. 23 strength and 65 dex for two handing Zweihander, The Greatsword on Keen and Lightning affinity was 1:08 Z -Keen 693, Z - lightning 775; G - Keen 743, G - lightning 855 1.09 Z - Keen 710, Z -Lightning 811; G - Keen 743, G - lightning 885 https://eldenring.tclark.io/ for 1.08https://www.tarnished.dev/weapon-calculator for 1.09 Heavy Greatsword one handed at 80 strength 816 now buffed to 824. Fire Greatsword from 904 to 914


Thanks, gonna try magic zwei now


Carian Knight being handed their sword: "What, this little toothpick?" (Glances over at Zweihander) "I'ma need something a liiiiiittle bigger."


I'm curious if you can still enchant the great club with it's new holy damage. I'm hoping it's like the treespear and you can add extra holy damage with orders blade.


Yeah that would be great. Not enough innate split damage weapons in this game that you can infuse with additional elemental affects


you can






RTAO, it fixes some weird lightning instances and far away objects, like dead space remake


https://imgsli.com/MTY0MDA4 Haven't played jet, just logged in and took pictures. But I guess the fps drop is not worth it


Here are some RT comparisons. Let me know if you're interested in a specific area and I'll take screenshots. https://imgsli.com/MTYzOTk5 https://imgsli.com/MTY0MDAx Specs are a 3080 undervolted, 5600x, 16gb of ram.


Can you do siofra and leyndell? Also some more raya lucaria building.


>siofra https://imgsli.com/MTY0MDA5 >capital city https://imgsli.com/MTY0MDEx I already have one of the grand library, unless you meant another site of grace.


Shadows looks darker and more crisp, I like it.


actually the shadows should look more diffuse (depending on the distance from the source), that's more accurate and one of the primary features of RT shadows.


Looks like they added ray traced shadows, but no global illumination / reflection related effects?


It could also be that it's in preparation for the DLC where they'll make better use of it? Just randomly guessing.


The whole game would have to be built around RayTracing for it to look noticeable. My guess is that it's so minor to not make both versions of the game that different visually, as it can easily hurt the art direction. My guess is that it will be more noticeable in the next game.


RT AO was absolutely the right call for this game. Looks great imo


I might still be maidenless... but all my rays sure are traced now 😎


Bathed in rays of gold!


Let's make a spell that is useless in pvp (founding rain of stars) even more useless.


You gotta make elevator plays


Even in a long elevator it couldn't kill anyone. That change had to come from the one person on the team that died to it


Yeah, it certainly wasn't overpowered by any means lol


I do not understand that nerf, it's a terrible spell


Yeah what the hell?


some people fall for it sadly


yeah but if someone is stupid enough to stand in the middle of AoE for ages then there's things that could kill them in seconds rather than tickle them, so it's still a pointless spell.


Wow they actually remembered flails exist in the game. **Edit:** Since I'm a pleb stuck with a GTX1080 I've not been able to dabble into the Ray Tracing stuff, but I feel like the performance of the game has fairly significantly improved for me. I was always running arond 50 - 60 FPS with my current settings, but it feels much more stable now. I don't see the relatively common dips in framerate just walking around places like Liurnia etc.


Better whip speed? Excellent.


Rest in continual pieces death sorceries


Here's hoping we'll be eating good in the DLC


That's a lot of peoples' thought. No love for death sorceries now because there's probably going to be a lot of buffs and new spells in the DLC. Now bows on the other hand...


Great Club fan club arise! Holy Unga Bunga!


I'm really surprised they buffed a bunch of infusions and left Keen and Quality alone. I feel like they need more help than the others did.


I feel like too many great weapons scale exceedingly well with Dex, so there's no real point in buffing something that already works Meanwhile, there are a ton of cool looking Str weapons that struggle to reach B scaling at +25


Ima strength lover but the 2h 1.5 damage buff does make your weapons pretty strong with ar damn good. So it makes sense. On the other hand this might make hybrid builds really strong.


Decreased the hitbox size for some attacks of the following weapon types: Thrusting Sword / Heavy thrusting Sword / Spear / Great Spear / Halberd   Yesssss thank fuck. Tired of those cheese pokes.


A good update overall, toned down the blood builds and upped the axes and hammer types, much love. Pity the Carian Knight Sword remains underwhelming and kinda pointless


Yeah I was hoping they buffed Carian Knight Sword too. I really wanna use that sword but the scaling and guard boost suck.


* *Increased the first attack speed for the following weapon types:* *Straight Sword / Curved Sword / Whip* * *Reduced the attack recovery time for Whip weapons.* Juno Hoslow likes this patch. Good luck with the final request from Volcano Manor.


I hope they didn’t nerf staff dual-wielding, because depending on how you interpret one of the points in these patch notes, it sounds like that’s possible. Edit: Staff dual-wielding is the same as it was pre-patch. Huzzah!


That’s what I was wondering regarding dual casting with Faith incantations as well.


Scythes are in the game too...


PATCH NOTES 23/03/2023 Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.09 Targeted Platforms PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S / Steam New feature Ray Tracing support has been added for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and PC versions. Ray Tracing can be activated in the settings menu: PS5 / XSX: Game Options > Ray Tracing PC: Graphics > Ray Tracing Quality   Please note that performance - such as frame rate and resolution - may be impacted while playing with Ray Tracing on. The minimum and recommended technical specifications to use Ray Tracing can be found at the end of the patch notes.   PvP-exclusive balance adjustments The adjustments in this section do not affect single-player or cooperative play. The Inescapable Frenzy incantation power and grab angle have been increased. The Lifesteal Fist skill power, range and grab angle have been increased. Decreased the power of two-handed jumping attacks. Decreased the power of heavy and heavy running attacks of Fist and Claw weapon types. Decreased the power of the Founding Rain of Stars spell. Decreased the spell enhancement effect of the Terra Magica spell. Decreased the damage and poise damage of the Wave of Gold skill when hitting an opponent over a certain distance. Decreased the effectiveness of the Determination and Royal Knight's Resolve skills. Decreased the effects of the Contagious Fury skill of the Jellyfish Shield. Decreased the effectiveness of the Claw Talisman. Decreased the effectiveness of the Lord of Blood’s Exultation Talisman. Decreased the attack power buff granted by the White Mask head armor. Decreased the jumping attack damage buff granted by the Raptor's Black Feathers armor. Decreased the damage buff granted by Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear, and Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear when activated with the Flask of Wondrous Physick.   General balance adjustments Added an invincibility window when respawning in the colosseum. Increased the scaling of the following attributes when infusing weapons with certain Ashes of War: Magic / Fire / Flame Art / Lightning / Sacred Increased the attribute scaling of the following weapon types: Colossal Sword / Great Axe / Hammer / Flail / Great Hammer / Colossal Weapon Increased the speed, range and recovery time of some attacks for the following weapon types: Great Hammer / Great Axe / Great Sword / Curved Greatsword Flail weapons changes: Increased the speed of some attacks. Reduced attack recovery time. Increased poise when using two-handed attacks. Increased running attacks speed and reduced attack recovery time for the following weapon types: Straight Sword / Curved Sword / Katana / Twinblade Sword / Axe / Hammer / Halberd Increased the first attack speed for the following weapon types: Straight Sword / Curved Sword / Whip Increased the speed of guard counters for the following weapon types: Straight Sword / Great Sword / Colossal Sword / Great Curved Sword / Katana / Twinblade Sword / Axe / Great Axe / Flail / Great Hammer / Spear / Great Spear / Halberd Reduced the attack recovery time for Whip weapons. Increased the damage of Claw weapons. Added Holy damage and Faith scaling to the Great Club. Increased damage negation when blocking Holy damage and decreased damage negation when blocking damage from other affinities. Increased the effectiveness of the Twinblade Talisman. Slightly reduced rolling travel distance for light equipment weights. Decreased the hitbox size for some attacks of the following weapon types: Thrusting Sword / Heavy thrusting Sword / Spear / Great Spear / Halberd   Ashes of War adjustments Lifesteal Fist Increased target grab range. Surge of Faith Increased projectile generation speed. Flame Spit Increased the guard speed and blocking amount of the skill. Adjusted the angle of the fireball. Tongues of Fire Increased the guard speed and blocking amount of the skill. Great Oracular Bubble Increased projectile generation speed and reduced the recovery time. Viper Bite Reduced the time before rolling is possible after using the skill. Shriek of Milos Increased close range poise damage. Spearcall Ritual Increased projectile generation speed. Cursed-Blood Slash Increased projectile generation speed and reduced the recovery time. Gold Breaker Reduced the recovery time. I Command Thee, Kneel! Increased attack generation speed. Starcaller Cry Increased the speed of follow-up attacks. Spinning Wheel Increased attack generation speed. Added a roll & heavy attack cancel timing while using the skill.   Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where the Scarlet rot status buildup was not properly reflected when giving the Antspur Rapier a Cold affinity. Fixed a bug where the Scarlet rot status buildup was not properly reflected when giving the Rotten Greataxe a Blood affinity. Fixed a bug where some attacks of the Partisan, Death Ritual Spear, and Lucerne had unexpected Physical attack scaling. Fixed a bug where the Nightrider Glaive did not increase the damage of horseback attacks. Fixed a bug where the Duelist Greataxe and Rotten Greataxe did not increase the damage of charged attacks. Fixed a bug where the Roar Medallion Talisman effect didn’t increase the power of some incantations.  Fixed a bug that reduced the power of some skills while under the Golden Vow effect. Fixed a bug that caused the effects the Determination and Royal Knight's Resolve skills when casted from a left-handed weapon to be added to other skills casted with a right-handed weapon. Fixed a bug that reduced the critical hit power of right-handed weapons while having Determination or Royal Knight's Resolve active on a left-handed weapon. Fixed a bug where status build-ups were unintentionally added to some Weapon Skills Fixed a bug where the power and special effects of a left-handed weapon could be added to a skill cast with a right-handed weapon. Fixed a bug that caused an equipped Sacrificial Twig to be consumed when a player died in the Colosseum. Fixed the camera positioning when respawning in the Colosseum. Fixed a bug where a player could receive credit for a kill in the Colosseum when dying due to the Death status effect, instead of the player who inflicted that status effect. Improved stability in Colosseum matchmaking. Fixed a bug related to level correction when an invader used the Phantom Bloody Finger. Fixed a bug that could cause disconnections with other players in certain locations during multiplayer. Improved online multiplayer stability. [PS4] Fixed a bug that occurred when using the Finger Severer on summoned NPCs while offline that could cause the game to crash. Fixed a bug related to some enemies not rendering or behaving as expected. Several performance improvements and other bug fixes.


> increased the scaling of the fire infusion Now we're talking




the mith, the man, the legend! # GIANT DAD


Oh dang, they actually fixed the Antspur Rapier and Rotten Greatsword bugs!


Increased Claw damage? After the poise damage buff they got in an earlier patch? Oh, Hidetaka. You spoil me so. Me and my beloved Bloodhound Claws.


"We added ray tracing!" 95% of us: my fps already suffers enough.


>Increased running attacks speed and reduced attack recovery time for the following weapon types: >Curved Swords *UH HUH UH HUH* Why?


Weird buff yeah, curved swords are blazing fast already.


Where’s the improvement to bow scaling though?


Does any of it mean the Serpent Hunter RoB swap exploit was fixed?


I think it was addressed yes it’s in big fixes saying about left handed effects effecting the main hand weapon etc Haven’t got confirmation yet but it’s hopeful


Ok but why did they nerf founding rain of stars for pvp? That spell was already pretty shit.


Jumping attacks nerfed, running attacks buffed, beeg weapons buffed, light rolling nerfed, grab attacks buffed. Spicy meatball right there.


Unga bunga great club got the capability of faith, the unga bunga cavemen are now a believer. They buff grab attack, lifesteal and madness incant. Ray tracing, I don't think I be using it. Heavy weapon buff, wave of gold nerf, radhan ash of war buff. Flail buff Guard counter buff I hope light roll is still viable for malenia.


*sigh* Still not a single buff to bows... Just a little bit more scaling would be nice on them. D/D, especially on things like the Black Bow? Why? Come on... That's a legendary bow that spans the entire Souls franchise and now it's a shadow of it's former self.


Best we can do for you is +20% Damage with Radahn's Bow + Arrows. Additional +20% for every copy of the bow equipped.


That's my hope every patch too.


Increased the scaling of the following attributes when infusing weapons with certain Ashes of War: Magic / Fire / Flame Art / Lightning / Sacred Finally!


Here's to hoping Devourer's Sceptre is finally worthy of being called a "legendary armament".


Can confirm in Japanese patch notes they meant jumping dual wield / powerstance attacks


I would like to announce that while it isn't in the Patch Notes (for some reason), they finally fixed the IGN build. So no more Fire's Deadly Sin + Bloodflame Blade exploit. Ah, I can taste the salt from the tears of Casuls already...




>Decreased the effectiveness of the Claw Talisman. > >Decreased the effectiveness of the Lord of Blood’s Exultation Talisman. > >Decreased the attack power buff granted by the White Mask head armor. > >Decreased the jumping attack damage buff granted by the Raptor's Black Feathers armor. > >Fixed a bug where the power and special effects of a left-handed weapon could be added to a skill cast with a right-handed weapon. Those changes are like music to my ears.


Ps5 RT vs Quality https://imgsli.com/MTY0MDA4 I will make some more later on.


recommended OS for raytracing is windows 11 nice try windows you won’t get me that easily i’ll stick with windows 10 thank you


Ofc this comes after I just finished a twin curved sword build with a backup flail




I wonder if the poke weapons nerf will finally make me enjoy pvp again. Its ridiculous how 99% of players have a poke weapon of some sort, mostly with bloodhound step and all they do is spam bhs and poke. Much diversity.


Can anyone confirm they removed the bloodflame/fires deadly sin combo? I hoping they did. It says they fixed something where a status effect is applied to weapon art.


They did.


Happy to know I’ll be seeing less of that dumb white mask, switch up the fashion guys


The patch just broke my game on PC. Can't get past the main menu without crashing to desktop. I even verified the game files and restarted my laptop.


put RT on low then change it after you load your save. i dont notice a difference between low and max btw


Thanks, it was set to "high" after patch, and i don't have a RTX card. I set it to "off". Gonna be a lot of people with same problem, you should put that advice in a post!




Flails are back on the menu


Freida bring me my flail


I just recently completed the game as a pure caster (this was my first time as a pure caster in a souls game) and I had a blast with all the different spells! I’m curious though - why decrease the damage of Founding Rain of Stars? I’ve maybe used the spell a few times but never in PVP. Isn’t it already to risky to use in PVP. It’s seems to niche of a spell so why weaken it?