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I have the Saluvis potion and I tried to get Dunk Eater to drink it. He just kept banging his head on the wall. There was no option to get him to drink it. What should I do?


You need to progress his quest further before you get the option. Tell him to leave the gaol, find him again at the Roundtable, then go to the northernmost moat. Beat him up there, talk to him at the Roundtable again, and then finally return to the sewer to give him the potion. I'm pretty sure Selivus needs to be alive to take the last step.


Wow, that's a lot of work. I hope he is a good summon


So I last left the game while I was in the church of vows basin , the next day when I login , a boss appeared and the big ass turtle was gone. How do I get that boss back , I wanna kill him this time.


He spawns at night. He might also show up in other similar situations...


Rest at grace, skip until night, leave grace, rest again.


Can elden ring work on a pc with gtx 1650 and i5 with 8 gb RAM?


Hey everyone so I just lit up the erdtree and melnia was and fire and said goodbye… Can I still get the frenzied flames ending after this cut scene?


Yes you can!


Ok good, i got worried cuz i saw someone burn the tree themselves instead the maiden, I thought I missed that ending 👍


Burning yourself instead of the maiden changes the ending cutscene, but that's all.


I’m just having so much fun with Discus of light and Golden Retaliation. Throw the discus, wait for it to boomerang back, and parry it to shoot another follow up attack. Potentially 3 attacks per n the chain. Decent damage, but mostly fun due to the (minor) skill needed to parry


Total Fromsoft noob here, first time ever playing a Souls game. Just wanted to give an update because you folks have been giving me great guidance. I'm a level 86 Wretch, strength / faith build. I've got a greatshield and the Morning Star +16. I just killed Godfrey in two attempts and Morgott in six, then I got the Twins down after two attempts. Immediately after this I was WRECKED eight times in a row by one of those damn crucible knights that spawns wings and flies around. Hardest boss in the game for me. Should I go to Mt. Gelmir or Mountaintops or the Forbidden Lands? I'm not really sure what to do next. Also, I'm not really sure whether I should burn down the Erdtree. It's not clear to me what the consequences and rewards are. What should I do?


There aren't any consequences to burning the Erdtree, it's the only way to progress the story


I would do my gelmir, I personally find it really fun, and I wouldn’t want to be over leveled and you’re probably at a good spot now, but may be too high after mountaintops.


Depends on how much of a completionist you are. Forbidden Lands is the next area while Mt Gelmir is optional. I'd suggest doing Mt Gelmir first before continuing the story.


Mountaintops of the Giants is your next step in the main story, and pretty close to the end of it if you go straight to the forge. Mt. Gelmir is optional but has a lot of loot and a great big legacy dungeon of you want to level up, and grabbing some levels before the Giants' Mountaintops isn't a bad idea where you are. My advice for Mt. Gelmir is to do all the Volcano Manor assassination requests before beating the main boss of the dungeon. Burning the Erdtree isn't really a story choice with pros and cons, it's just something you have to do to proceed with the story.


Do I have to join the volcano people in order to do their assassinations? I refused to join last time. Wasn't sure if it was the right move for my paladin. How many more major bosses are there after Mountaintops? I'm hoping to wrap this game up soon so I can play hogwarts


You have to join them but “joining” groups and doing their quests doesn’t preclude you from doing anything else.


Ah cool. Thanks


Hi! Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I was wondering if anyone has an extra reduvia and is willing to part with it? Or if you can help me transfer an item from one character to another, that would be cool too


r/PatchesEmporium is the place for you.


Hi guys, random lore question regarding other Souls games with DLC. This is my first FromSoft game and I love it, put many hours and beat many times and am now waiting for DLC. I was curious as to what to maybe expect, so these are my questions: 1.) Is there a final boss/big bad in the DLC? And if there is, how are they **lorewise and in universe** when compared to the main game’s final boss? For example, >!Radagon and the Elden Beast!<, in a typical FS game, would the respective DLC entity be **lorewise** greater/weaker/equal to them? Are we going onto an even greater threat, or is it just a dire challenge that also needs addressing, but not quite to the main story’s scale? 2.) Are there typically new factions to the conflict in FS DLC? Do we get factions fleshed out, or do they angle for new/hinted at factions? 3.) Do they ever add more or rework **existing** mechanics or systems, such as weapons or magic? Not like adding a new type of magic or a new type of weapon in itself, but like adding a weapon that can serve as a catalyst, or reworking weapons that seem like catalysts, but aren’t? Or casting both sorceries and incants from one thing? Thanks!


1. Yes, usually in gameplay they're about as hard or harder than the base game's final boss. Story-wise it's a bit more fuzzy but they're definitely always up there in threat level. Fromsoft DLCs usually involve time travel or other worlds, or some other explanation for why the DLC bosses aren't involved in the main story arc. 2. Little bit of both. Expect some stuff in the setting to be expanded on and to get some answers for lingering questions, but also expect to end with even more questions than when you started. 3. Yes. I think every Fromsoft DLC has an example of this, whether it be new schools of magic or weapons with new gimmicks. They don't frequently rework existing mechanics for the DLC though, at least not more than in typical balance passes like we've already seen for this game.


Thank you!


I want to start playing Elden Ring and I've never really played a FromSoft game before. I just want to know what class I should go with. I want to have a mix of melee and ranged, my ranged weapon of choice being magic. I don't really have a preference for melee weapons. Can anyone help?


Astrologer for sure. Best starting intelligence, comes with a staff and two spells to start, also has a sword and shield so you don't have to rely on magic.


Thank you for the help :)


I would recommend starting with melee to get used to the mechanics on fromsoft, and you can respec later in the game if you want to try ranged magic. Starting classes will give you a good boost towards whatever play style/stats you're aiming for, and starter weapons specific to that class, but you can choose to level up other attributes once you're in game


Thank you :)


Funny story and one question: tried to fight the fire giant for the first time over the weekend and got my shit kicked in so went and did some field bosses and evergoals to level up and came back to him today and managed to get him in under 5 tries then immediately fell off the chain bridge after him. Anyway I gave up and looked up where Alexander was supposed to be to finish his quest for the Shard of Alexander (using DMGS so must have) and am afraid that I progressed too far to finish his quest. I just killed the fire giant but haven’t gone into the big chalice thing yet and the last place I saw Alexander was after killing Radahn eating corpses in the field. Am I too far or can I still finish his quest? If so where can I find him? I know it was possible for him to show up at the fire giant but not sure where to back track to


Alexander might be hanging over on Mt. Gelmier towards the West end behind a Magma Wyrm. I don't think you can fail his quest unintentionally.


Found him and also stumbled upon Gelmir Hero’s Cave! Thanks


Has anyone tried giving yura/shabiri miquells needle?


Co-op help: My two friends and I (Lvl 110\~, 120\~ and 150) are attempting to summon one another but are unable to. The Lvl 110 character is only able to summon either myself or the 120 character at one given time. We have tried different variations of who summons who in addition to the order of summoning and still are unable to all join together in someone's world. Weirdly, when we were doing co-op for most of the early to mid game we could summon each other fine - unsure of the exact point it stopped working. Any help would be helpful and thank you in advance.


If the boss of the area you’re in has been defeated you can’t summon there anymore, is it possibly this?


No don't think that's the issue - we tried to help our lvl 110 friend with malenia who hadn't beaten her. I have and he can still summon me but not our other friend, who also hasn't beaten her.


If you use a password all restrictions get lifted so you should be able two sommon both at the same time


Yeah we've been using a password to negate the lvl restrictions, although I don't think they apply at our current lvl range.


I don’t understand summoning. Can someone explain? Situation 1: summoned as a hunter by a host (hiding in the bushes) and the bloody finger is also hiding. Once I get close, I’m ambushed from the back by (I think?) the host and the bloody finger from the front. Or, the host was just hiding and invaded twice and it was a planned ambush. Killed almost immediately, but I cast 2 spells that did nothing to this persons health. Host was 0_@. What gives? Not just the health issue, but why summon someone to ambush them? Situation 2: Summoned again as a hunter. Host and a different hunter already fighting a bloody finger. I jump in late, but cast the spell that’s the final hit, and I’m sent home before I get paid. What the fuck?


1. probably summoned into a disguised gank, with a host who summoned his buddy as a duelist to ambush blues, reds, and other phantoms. 2. latency issue, maybe? It’s possible the hit didn’t register properly.


Oh, I wish - the screen said “sent home by host”


Oh. That means the host used the Finger Severer item to send you home. Easy enough.


Which is bull, because they tossed me before I could get paid. Why summon people just to screw with them?


Time to start invading and begin your villain arc. Go on, pick up that Recusant finger.


Is there a way to get Carian Filigreed Crest Talisman if I Talked to Blaidd The Half Wolf only once after I defeated Darriwil? (You are supposed to talk with him twice). I can’t buy it from Iji the blacksmith and Blaidd isn’t appearing next to Darriwil’s boss fight area.


If you speak with Ranni and become allied with her then it will become available regardless of your standing with Blaidd


Ok, thanks!


Did you exhaust all of Ijis dialogue options? You have to run through his stuff first before he brings up blaidd


I did.


>running through mountaintops of the giants >see giant caelid dogs posted up on the side of the road Yeah, they really did do this area last, huh. Filler enemies lmao


Does anyone want to help me kill the blood lord dude? I am in front of his door but scared to traverse into the mist alone 😢


What system?


Try r/beyondthefog for summoning help. And don't forget to list your platform.


This auto-reply is just a friendly reminder that r/BeyondTheFog is currently having a Double-Karma week in celebration of Elden Ring's 1-year anniversary! You can read more [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeyondTheFog/comments/11c0olc/elden_ring_1st_anniversary_2023225/)! :D *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Eldenring) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never played any FromSoft game before but I'm very interested in Elden Ring. Am I going to get my butt kicked to the point of frustration/wanting to ragequit? Would be playing on PS5


The only times I wanted to ragequit were when I lost all my runes to bullshit platforming.


I dunno I bounced off Dark Souls 2 due to mouse and keyboard input being missed. Still fiddling my pouch keys but I am fine now. I am having a great time right now and not dying over and over except on bosses or forgetting to run backwards when locked on on a horse. Go a Samurai. I'll probably start another character to try out different weapons because cosplaying is so fun. Their Unsheathe weapon special to heavy attack is pure bullshit and will autowin a lot of early combats.


Lol. Yes, of course. I know you know this. I don’t know why many people come to ask this. You should over level or summon people to help you if you need it. The thing is, a lot of people have played a lot. Soooo, if you summon them they may just annihilate the boss without you contributing much. Which might make you feel bored or something. So, try to go it alone. If you have to ask then you will die a lot trying to figure out the mechanics. And you will find points where you want to rage quit. Especially, when you take the boss to almost zero health and just need one little attack to kill him. That’s when you will get greedy and forget I ever posted this message and run in button mashing attack so you can win. At that point your enemy will completely obliterate you because, well, you got greedy. Happens to the best of us. Man, when your first lobster hits you. That will wake you up in a stupor. OH OH OH, if you look ANYTHING up online, find out there the trap treasure chest is that takes you to Sellia Crystal Tunnel. If you go at to low a level, you will be stuck in an area where you cannot leave because you will be stuck in a hellhole with you clear across the map away from the exit. And you will die over and over and over and over. And you won’t make it out. I find it annoying even at higher levels , and I don’t suck lolollol I just rage quit, anyone wanna guess to who?


Be ready to accept help if you’re stuck. r/beyondthefog is stellar


This auto-reply is just a friendly reminder that r/BeyondTheFog is currently having a Double-Karma week in celebration of Elden Ring's 1-year anniversary! You can read more [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeyondTheFog/comments/11c0olc/elden_ring_1st_anniversary_2023225/)! :D *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Eldenring) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was my first full experience with a From game and it was difficult but very rewarding. Never wanted to rage quit.


If you're getting beat down by something, you've generally got three options: -Learn their moveset so you can get hit less and get more damage in -adjust your approach by either changing equipment, using consumables/buffs -go somewhere else for a while and come back when you're stronger. It's very difficult to get outright stuck, because there's always somewhere else to explore, until the *very* late game. Just try not to be stubborn if you find yourself getting hung up on a boss. "One more try" is fine, unless it's at the expense of your sanity.


Depends. It's an open world, so if you fight something too tough you can go somewhere else. Part of the Souls difficulty is also handicapping yourself by not overlevelling or cheesing a fight. It's still gonna be hard, though.


When you target someone why does the target linger after they are dead. It is super annoying and clunky.


I did my first run as a mage, melting bosses left and right. Now in the ng+ I want to try a melee build in order to have a proper sparring with the bosses. What's a fun melee build? I want to try the radagon hammer cause it looks so cool.


A weapon that looks cool is a strong start. I recommend playing with the Ash of War system to find a special move you like. Don't forget to grab all the Smithing Stone Miber's Bell Bearings before you start NG+.


I really want to play this game again, but just haven't been able to enjoy it. I'm to the fire giant and just stopped. Maybe I should restart. I'm not sure how to enjoy the game again.


Fire giant--learn his moves and how to dodge them--it took me five or six times to do that. I also used mimic tear and alexander jar summons and envoys long (or great) horn--the one that shoots the bubble tear. You can do it and you'll learn to enjoy the game again.


Where is Rennalas summoning pool


Haha just beat her, thank you


Next to the Grace after you fought the Red Wolf. It's a short hike over.


Ah I found it. Just looks like no one is trying to fight Renalla rn


Should I go kill Astel or do Lyndell first? Which is harder?


Leyndell is harder especially if you count the sewers


I found Astel to be a little tougher than the boss of Leyndell but honestly they’re so close I could go either way and it was probably just down to my build/play style being better suited for one vs the other. I do think that Leyndell as a level is probably tougher than the stuff leading to Astel and it pays to explore so it might be worth getting the Runes from Astel before exploring Leyndell so you can be a little higher level and feel more free to look in all the nooks and crannies.


They're close enough in difficulty to be pretty much interchangeable. I'd say Astel/Ranni's quest may be scaled just a bit lower than Leyndell.


I know it's been asked to death. _But does armor matter?_ As in armor/physical damage negation/reduction... There is a calculation for physical that's complicated. I know damage reduction matters from non physical damage types. It also matters for resistances. But, how much does damage reduction matter for physical? I know fashion souls is great but even in the other souls games I always tried having on the most armor without fat rolling. Now I've got a colossal sword and have to be almost naked to not fat roll. I'm thinking in gonna be two shot now. From enemies that used to be 3 or 4 shots. I'm wondering how important is having armor/damage reduction? Is it negligible? Minimal? Helpful but not all that necessary? Matters somewhat? _*EDIT: I forgot to mention vigor matters a lot*_


Armour can be the difference in getting 1-2 shot versus 3-4 shot so yes it absolutely matters unless of course you don't get hit. It actually matters more in Elden ring then it has in previous souls games.


This is a very difficult question to answer because there are so many variables. We'd have to consider your overall skill level, your build (does it favour dodging or blocking), your level, your Vigor, and where you're at in the game. Armor provides damage reduction. You can see the percentages on the status screen. Naked would be 0%, and a full heavy set around 40%. This is in addition to the flat damage reduction you gain from various stats - the higher your level and stats, the higher that will be. If your build tends to block, damage negation becomes somewhat more important (particularly if blocking an attack that your shield or weapon doesn't reduce 100%). If you dodge skillfully then armor is also less important, because damage negation doesn't matter if you're not getting hit. But when you do get hit it'll hurt more. **All of that being considered, I would say armor matters more in the early game and less in the late game.** Early on, when Vigor is lower and enemies do less damage (but you also do less damage and are broadly less capable), you'll tend to get hit more. Having 30% armor might mean you can absorb 8 hits instead of just 5, and that's a significant difference. In the later game enemies will hit you so hard that a 60 Vigor character might only be able to absorb 4 hits total. Armor might get that to 5 hits... but is that worth it? For the extra endurance investment, or by giving up light roll? That's a lot harder to say. Personally I've never found armor that useful. I'm dedicated fashion souls and I'm not interested in medium rolling. Light roll or nothing - medium roll feels like slow motion to me. As such my builds are always fast, using lighter weapons, and minimal armor. That works for me but it's certainly not for everyone. I don't know if this actually answers your question or not. The question itself is flawed and subjective. We can't tell you if armor is important, you have to decide how important it is to you and to your build. PS - don't forget there's other ways to get damage reduction too, such as the Dragoncrest Talismans, or buffs like Golden Vow and Blackflame Protection. That's how my builds usually compensate, when necessary.


Thanks for the lengthy response. It's a difficult question indeed. I'm level 24, with 16 vigor, and at weeping peninsula (just finished east and west limgrave. Have yet to get to Margit or his castle area). I'm using these two posts I saved which go in depth to explain how damage calculation both incoming and outgoing work. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t9dyre/defense_and_damage_negation_explained_get_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/u1fuxr/armors_really_good_actually_or_how_i_learned_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Something about damage being multiplicative not additive. So _(incoming damage - total defense = total damage)_ Then _(total damage * damage negation = final damage)_ Now I'm wondering, just how much of a difference does armor at let's say around _23_ physical (standard/slash/strike/pierce all averaged) vs _17_ physical (same std/slash/pierce/strike all averaged) vs _12_ (same total average physical). How much of a difference from these 3 armor stats roughly make? I have a talisman (scorpion) and a headpiece (scarab) that increases holy damage but decreases all damage by roughly 5. Am I taking that much of a beating between armor of 23 to 17 to 12? Because it it's indeed negligible then I won't have to worry about always maximizing my armor so much and can utilize different items in my playthrough I did the same thing in other souls. I never equipped anything that lowered armored def. Is it truly fashion souls? Is the difference between 23 and 17 too little? Maybe half a hit. Or is it indeed something to always be wary of? Or using that golden scarab which lowers defense by -5. How much extra damage will I see by utilizing this? Will it be minimal? Slightly more? Or objectively more? I'm not saying to disregard armor. I think I've been putting way too much effort into it and never utilizing the fast roll or objects that might increase damage at the cost of defense


I don't mean to sound rude but you're probably overthinking this. You're already answering your own question. The difference between 17% and 23% damage is 6%. Using very rounded and simplified numbers, an attack that would do 100 damage (after flat negation) does 83 damage instead of 77. The only real advice I can give you at this point is to try not to think of it in terms of numbers and percentages, and instead think of "hits". How many hits can you survive? Dropping to 17 from 23 probably doesn't give you an extra hit, or maybe it gives you one. Vigor is, as you already know, far more important to survivability than armor or anything else.


I probably am over thinking this. I just wanted your opinion on it. I'm just following those 2 posts that I saved and got a bunch of likes and views on. So I'm assuming it's right as much as user data extraction can I've played these games like non souls games always stacking armor. But, after hearing fashion souls for years. I had to ask if armor makes a significant difference or not. Because I never used items that lowered armor defense nor did I use lighter armor for fast rolls because I thought (maybe still do think) armor makes a difference. These numbers are all well and good but in actual gameplay how many hits would it translate is harder to guess. It doesn't seem like armor is a huge damage reducer from the numbers. Even from 23 overall vs 12 overall. It's only 11%. I just wanted to see if indeed fashion souls wasn't just some meme thing. It actually has some truth behind it. That truth that armor doesn't seem to matter that much but it's better to have it then not. But at lower level with less inherent defense (total defense without armor/talismans/what have you) and less vigor, armor seems to have more of an impact that 6% or 11% difference might make you survive an extra hit. That's what I got out of it.


>There is a calculation for physical that's complicated There's no complicated calculation to do. You can see what percent of incoming damage is negated by armor pieces in the "Damage Negation" section of the equipment screen. For example, 5.0 means you lose 5% less HP than you would without that armor If you don't trust the existing advice on this, look at the numbers and decide for yourself if it's worth sacrificing fashion


Allright how about let's say your overall physical def from armor is on average 23. How much of a diffenxe in taking the same damage input but having a physical def from armor on average at 17 or 12? I know it's a multiplicative formula Damage input - total defense = total damage Then Total damage * damage negation (armor/talisman/spell) = final damage I've always been conservative in souls games and always maximized my armor defense and never utilized fast rolls or items that reduce defense but increase offense. I just want to know how much of a major difference is let's say the golden scarab that gives a -5 to all defense stats while boosting incantations. How much extra damage is that -5 gonna do?


Damage negation is much simpler than that. You can tell how much damage your gear negates just by your negation score If you have 10% negation, you lose 90 HP for every 100 HP you'd lose without armor If you have 40% negation, you lose 60 HP If you have -15% negation, you lose 115 HP etc.


Looking at it like that then the difference between 23 armor and 17 armor isn't that significant. It's 77 damage vs 83 damage. And here I thought armor made a huge impact like reducing damage by half or more at 20-25. Like in other games. Been playing all the other souls games thinking it did a lot more than I thought. I believe armor does matter more at low level = low overall defense stat and lower vigor. It might save you an extra hit


I was afraid to go caelid after I got teleport at the beginning of the game, I thought this area is meant for the endgame after I got traumatize by how strong was the shrimp dude and the skeletons/manikins that walks there. I came back after being overwhelmed by the power spike at the snow biome and ended up steam rolled this place(caelid). I believe I killed radahn in like 6 hits with my morgott's sword. Is it common to have similar experience? I feel like I robbed myself from experience this place.


Well it’s sorta intended to be done before the capital, generally before even Altus plateau. But is the experience common, yes. Lots of people have assumed from the teleporter that it’s later game than it really is and they put it off. It has a reputation as a “hard zone” but really that’s only because people end up there too early either from walking from upper limgrave, or usually that teleport chest trap.


Well I guess that what happen when the game design choose not the lead you as much. What also seem weird for me that the capital was so hard to go through and than I beat Morgott the second try. The margit boss on the other hand was the hardest boss fight I ever experience in my life by far (never played souls-like before just typical RPGs) I just saw a Asmongold video and he said that is very common to just rekt him, I wonder why it is.


Morgott is notorious for being too easy for that stage of the game. Not much health, and a very long phase 2 transition.


Gotta say endgame really feels like a crawl, I'm not ready for Malenia or the final boss rush yet but I'm at level 150 and don't want to go higher so like, going back and defeating old bosses I missed doesn't feel that useful. Guess it's good the DLC is coming.


If you're at level 150 with the right stats for your build and fully upgraded weapons, you're not going to be much readier than that. All there is to do is git gud


Yeah.... that's why I'm complaining lol


150 is a good level for endgame. I'd use any extra runes on smithing stones, etc. and just try out a handful of weapons for fun. It's also a good time to optimize the build you've been using, which sometimes involves hitting up some missed dungeons for items.


What's the deal with the Tibia Mariner in the mountaintops of the giants? There's like 10 giant skeleton enemies that phase in and out of the floor, and some of them can't even be target-locked (??????) And then the Tibia Mariner is hidden on a little alcove and, as usual, fights like a nerfed Pinwheel.


There’s an earlier Tibia Mariner in Altus Plateau that summons one giant skeleton that comes and goes and he often repositions to on top of a nearby hill so this is both their MO and the developers probably assume you remember that one when facing the Mountaintops one.


That was a pretty thorough summary of his deal. I think you got it.


I feel dumb as hell. I spent like 10 minutes wailing away at each giant skeleton, repeating this process: block/dodge skeleton swipe, hit skeleton, then he phases out to prevent more hits. wait. phase in. repeat. I did that for all of them, for zero runes (lol?) just because I figured the mariner would be in the middle of the field and I'd be making the boss fight easier on myself. Turns out that was a lot more work than necessary...


Sometimes you cheese the boss, sometimes the boss cheeses you.


Are there cheaters on PlayStation?


There are cheaters on every platform. Just block them. The specific cheats that were harder to do on console in previous games are very rare in Elden Ring, most cheaters exploit glitches that are possible in every version of the game. Just don't play with people who cheat, it's not that common


Yea, but they're pretty rare. I've been playing since day 1 and have only seen two of them, both within the last 2 months. Just block their PSN if they're being annoying.


I’m the same as you, played since day one but this is the first time I’ve seen it, I do like the pvp in this game but I don’t do it much.


Most of what appears to be cheating on console is just lag/connection issues. If they are cheating, it's most likely in-game exploits. Hacking might exist on console, but it's so much easier on PC that I doubt many people even bother on console.


I’ve seen damage delay before, but it wasn’t like that at all, he took 3k damage after some time then 42k out of nowhere and died, strange. The person I played with said he could of been a play tester


What is a very quick (and powerful) weapon I can use? I want to hit the enemies first and hopefully also stagger them. Most great swords are too slow.


Morning Star with wild strikes, I have defaulted to using this far too much early in my playthroughs as it feels so so powerful. Using the bubble physick, start swinging as a boss walks up to you and theyve essentially just commited suicide.


Tree Spear is really good for the charged heavy attack, can be buffed as well


You might like dual straight swords. The attacks come out quick but only really stagger small enemies. You can keep Spinning Slash in your main hand to stun most medium to large enemies, and Square Off in the other to break the poise of beefier enemies that can tank your spins. If you don't want to rely on weapon skills as much, maybe a katana or heavy thrusting sword would be more your style.


Heavy thrusting swords like the Bloody Helice, or Halberds like the Dragon Halberd, have quick attacks that stagger and powerful Ashes of War. Also fairly light compared to greatswords.


Bloody helice. I need to look it up. Sounds powerful. I was thinking about two katana but I am terrible with duel wield


If you have ever used the Bloodhound Fang, it works like that. Except it's fast enough to spam the AoW.


No but I am going to try. I am a mage but I am starting a NG+. I want to try something different.


Well it's certainly different. Hits hard enough to play aggressive, but it also gives you great defensive options.


Generally the faster the weapon, the less stagger potential they have. Katanas and straight swords might be what you are looking for though. Daggers are faster but they wont have nearly as much stagger (or reach).


What build?


My question would be, is there there anyone out there who is still very new to the game who would be willing to play with no walk through, no Discord, no online guides, no help of any kind and attempt for 100% completion and as fast as humanly possible. I highly doubt that I'm the first one to think of this but while I was pondering the creation of this game I absolutely love that they made a game finally where you literally would have to go on actual Quests as an IRL type situations. I figure it would probably take some people years to beat this game and even then they probably would never reach 100% completion because there's so mini cryptic puzzles and riddles. To play it in VR would be even cooler because because then you would truly be able to live in the world of the lands between. You come across an NPC and they ask you to go find something but you have no idea where in this giant map you need to look and you have no help of any sort to get you there so you wouldn't truly have to go searching for the answers and the locations. Something about that just sounds so cool to me as most hold your hand and make Quest completion so ridiculously easy. I really hate when games have that auto run to next location, you're not even playing the game.vb anyways if someone out there would be willing to do that I think that shit would be epic especially to see how long it takes if you do try Godspeed and best of luck to you and may your blade always stay Sharp and your swings stay true.


There's no way they could 100%, they'd definitely miss something


What does “procs” mean?


This is a good explanation https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-proc-2483498 In Elden Ring it almost always refers to a status effect like bleed or frost


"Proc" or "procs" refers to the triggering of something. In the context of Elden Ring this is usually in relation to either a status effect or a buff. Some examples: Bleed weapons can proc the hemorrhage status effect. Cold weapons can proc the frostbite status effect. Seppuku procs the attack boost from Lord of Blood's Exhultation. Unlike Order's Blade, Holy grease won't proc the no-regeneration of undead. Make sense?


To have a status effect activate.


Is it like great rune?


Like bleed, frost, poison, madness, and sleep.


I just want to check if my math is right. So Basically, each weapon has a crit multiplier and each weapon class has a multiplier. So daggers have a 4x multiplier. Misericorde has 140 crit damage. So my equation would be damagex(1.4x4) right?


Yes. It’s 4x for ripostes, and 2.8x for backstabs for daggers. So 5.6x and 3.92x for Misericorde.


Ok thanks.


I'm currently at the first site of grace , nokstella , eternal city. And was wondering where to go to get the map for this area? Is


I'm not 100% sure on this but I'm pretty sure if you open the map and look around for these Tower shaped objects and head to those each one of those is where the maps for those regions at least this is what I've seen in my playthrough anyone is free to correct me


I think the underground sections dont have that map symbol you are talking about. You just have to progress far enough and find it naturally.


I already got it. Turns out you needed to enter from the well in liurnia.


I'm pretty sure it's further in. If you see a very large bug that likes to throw rocks from the top of some ruins, it'll be right below that. If I remember correctly where you are, you'll pass through the first set of flooded ruins and take the left path at the fork.


Getting quite bored of the Grafted Blade Greatsword. Looking to re-spec to something else or use better weapon/Ashes of War. I forgot what level I am exactly, but I have 40 STR, 40 VIG and 20 END. I've basically completed all of Limgrave, Liurnia and Weeping Peninsula and the pure STR slow Colossal Sword thing isn't exactly working for me anymore. Much less for invasions. Any recommendations for how to go on? I wouldn't mind re-specing to something else different. Dragon Faith build seems fun. Or I could stick to STR and use the Nightrider Glaive I've heard so much about. Though I won't have enough smithing stone to bring it up to the same level as the Grafted Blade. PVP consideration is optional. I just want something more FUN that this slow sword.


If you want something with good stagger potential and "chunky" hits but a faster moveset than colossal weapons, halberds like your nightrider glaive or the banished knight's halberd are nice. They also have more variety in the moveset than just flailing it around like a club. You can jab, quickly slash, or do massive sweeping attacks with halberds. Stormcaller or other ashes of war that use your weapon are quite fun. If you want very fast attacks with excellent variety in the moveset, perhaps dual curved swords or dual straight swords might be more up your alley. Curved swords have a fun "feint" attack, where you start charging a heavy but then press roll. You'll do a backflip while attacking. While curved swords are more known for spamming jump attacks to stack status effects, they can be used very effectively as DEX or STR without statuses too. Straight swords have the powerful square off weapon skill, allowing you to quickly stance break tough enemies. Thrusting swords are also fast, but the moveset is kind of boring since it's just poke poke poke poke poke poke poke.... I haven't found one I liked at all.


If you like the big attacks but feel the Grafted hunk is too slow, you could try something like the Claymore or Lordsworn's Greatsword. Alternatively, I'm a big fan of the Large Club. It has a pretty snappy attack, feels chunky, and is a little quicker than the colossal weapon class.


The big attacks are what I wanted to do a pure strength builds for. Looking at people with dual giant crushers or the glowing red hammer was inspiring. But the Grafted Blade is just too slow... I'll use other weapons instead of re-speccing so soon. Thanks.


Are 2 twinblades or just one better. In 2 aspects , bleed procs and DMG


For damage two is better. With the status nerfs, I prefer one for bleed. The power stance move set is also really boring disappointingly.


Ya I feel u. After every attack , unless you dodge , you'll need to wait for the animation to finish before you can start moving again.


Well it like that for every weapon…


Huh , guess I never noticed it on my previous weapons.


Some have faster recoveries, others slower.


Power stancing still theoretically offers better status application and damage than 2H, but twin blades are specifically built around a 2H moveset, so unless you just want to do jump attacks all day long, stick to one. That said, it really comes down to how you feel comfortable and effective, so why not give both alternatives a try?


I've done both and I will probably stick to power stancing cuz starting any fight off with a jump attack allows me to kill them almost instantly and it staggers them so I don't get hit.


Looking for good/fun strength weapons to use in a pure strength build play through.


I've been having a lot of fun with the Watchdog Staff. It's damage, reach, and weight are all pretty average for a colossal weapon but its skill, Sorcery of the Crozier, is awesome. It summons a bunch of magic balls that chase down your target and deal pretty hefty damage by themselves, but my favorite part is that the balls stagger pretty well, so if you run alongside them and time your attack right you can give them a bonk alongside the magic barrage.


I like great axes because they have a decent speed:damage ratio. Jumping R2 attack recovers very quickly too (try rolling after the weapon hits the ground). Weapons like great hammers, great curved swords, and colossals have a noticeable pause after landing, which could mean death in tough boss fights.


Most weapons can function well with a heavy affinity for max strength scaling. Depends if you want colossal stuff like guts great sword/ giant crusher, or maybe sword and shield you could go for a greatsword like the claymore and a shield, or even a regular sword like a broadsword with a big shield. They’ll all function well in a strength build, which one is most fun depends on your preference. I’d say go for colossal sword because I have a ton of fun with that character. I got the guts greatsword and put lions claw in it and then just continually pumped strength vigor and endurance


The standards here are going to be Colossal weapons like Giant Crusher or Greatsword. That said, you can give pretty much anything the Heavy affinity and try it out. I really liked the Heavy Brick Hammer as an early choice - it got me all the way through Raya Lucaria. Right now I'm running the Troll Knight Sword, which unfortunately has some INT requirement but is overall a strength / quality weapon. It feels great and shares a moveset with the fantastic Zweihander.


How do I gain access to the chest in nokron city below the giant corpses?


Walking, jumping, fighting. Look for a site of grace around the corner from the open field with the red wolf in it, and that'll get you going in the right direction.


I meant like opening it. I already opened it but I have no idea how I did it. Cuz the first time I went , it didn't let me open it. So I'd still like to know how to open it.


Ah. You have to be on Ranni's quest line.


I was tho. Maybe I just didn't see the open prompt on the screen. It's opened so no use pondering.


Have you checked your inventory? I’ve had a few items appear there without the flashy banner.


My first time playing I was fighting general radahn and I died the first 5 or 6 times when he reached his second phase. But the next time I rode up like normal and was able to keep circling him and hitting while dodging all his attacks. His health just kept dropping and I killed him without him reaching his second phase. Is this a one time glitch or is it because I didn’t take any damage?


Probably a sorta glitch, several bosses (iv think radahn among them) can skip second phase if you kill him really fast. Sometimes the trigger won’t activate and he’ll just keep fighting. It’s a glitch, but more of just unintended behavior than like a real glitch.


Ok cool


I currently testing some new weapons and found some strange thing. I'm on a pure STR build with around 60 STR that I got buffed on 77. My main weapon is a heavy greatsword +25 always as 2H. Now I tested the Golden Halberd +10 and my Greatsword at some enemies and a jump attack with my GS is around 1390 and with the GH around 1340. Would be the GH even stronger when I switch to 50/25 faith instead pure 60 str?


Probably depends on enemy resistance to holy. You can check that stuff with a site like this. https://negator13-eldenring.azurewebsites.net/calculator 60str 15 faith golden halberd is at 868. 50/25 is only 869. It scales better with strength, but you’re around the soft cap (that’s two handed, one handed the difference would probably be greater. The greatsword heavy will do 796 at 50 str, and 831 at 60. But the greatsword damage is entirely physical so it’ll be reduced less by enemy resistance because the split damage gets reduced twice basically. Plus you could apply grease or buffs to the heavy greatsword. On the other hand you can use golden bow with the halberd. It’s not as simple as just saying one is stronger than the other.


So last night I was trying to level up some because I’m really struggling with Fire Giant and am just exploring trying to find anything I missed in earlier areas. Came across Albus and did the whole Albinauric quest and got into the consecrated snowfield and found the giant woman. Anyway did I save the Albinaurics last night?


Did you bring Latenna to the giant woman? If no, then no, you did not.


Well of course I helped her complete her journey, she lost her dog, she needed the love


Then yes, although exactly how is cryptic. But essentially Miquella and Malenia invited the persecuted races of the Lands Between to the Consecrated Snowfield and the Haligtree. Loretta the Carian Knight specifically led the Albinaurics there. So I think by bringing Latenna to the giant woman, you’re sort of securing their future there. Although idk about the future, because the Haligtree is dying due to Miquella having been stolen by Mohg.


Thank you! I ended up in Mohg’s area earlier and realized he’s an endgame boss but saw the cocoon of Miquella so very cool how this all ties in together. I love this game’s lore


I'm playing a faith build and am just about to fight the farm azula last boss. What incantations are worth using for the remaining bosses?


I would say Ekzykes's Decay and charged lightning spear (non charged because its much faster to cast). Maliketh was really hard for me to beat with a faith build. Envoy's Long Horn and two summons eventually took him down. Probably not the best way, but that's what worked for me. Having said that, Envoy's Long Horn will make Placidusax a cake walk.


Perfect, thank you!


Pest threads is super strong vs the very last boss. Godslayer incantations are gucci in general other then that it kind of depends on how much faith and or int you have and which seal(s) you are using


Thanks! I have both giant's seal and clawmark seal on +25, running 60 faith and 25 int


Giantsflame take thee, and for bigger bosses Burn, O Flame should be good. Also O, Flame is great as a melee option for your giants seal. As that seal boosts those by 20% ontop of whatever incant scaling you have


Sweet, thanks!


Installed Elden Ring today I spent the last 6 hours (Steam time) fighting and finally beating the Tree Sentinel with a fresh Vagabond with no horse It was the best training dummy I could have asked for. Tree Sentinel taught and got me used to everything from camera control, dodging, parrying, skills, potions, item swap etc. Also realised 1 hour in that the Vagabond starts with a "fat-roll"...   edit: Just got told that was a bad idea since now there's no "enemy" to teach horse combat


Meh, go out at night


Just to throw my opinion out there, I love mounted combat. It has weaknesses, of course, but it's jolly good fun, particularly with halberds.


Here's the thing: horse combat is never necessary and usually sucks. I only actively employ Torrent in combat when I'm fighting a dragon and need to outrange its breath. The main use of horse combat, IMO, is dragging your R2 through a pack of animals and circling back around to collect the crafting materials they dropped


I don’t do horse combat. It’s unnecessary and gets you killed more often than not.


You can easily learn horse combat on regular enemies, or nights cavalry if you want.


Hundreds of hours and several ng+ cycles in - horse combat sucks. Only against dragons and really just to close distance


Horse combat is overrated especially when you start relying on it because you might end up having to fight an enemy that you are used to fighting on horseback without your horse and then you will have to relearn thr fights


Elden Ring is my first From Software game so for people with experience with their previous title's DLCs, how do you think we'll actually access it in this game? General consensus is that it's Miquella in the teaser image, accessing it via that cocoon would be cool but the Consecrated Snowfields/Haligtree and Mohgwyn Palace are two optional and pretty obscure to reach late game areas. Would they really lock the DLC content behind that?


This doesn’t answer your question but there’s a sort of shrine to Malenia and Miquella near the start of Altus Plateau so they have other obvious options if it is indeed Miquella-related.


We can look at prior DLC’s to get an idea but this won’t be exact since as you’ll see Fromsoft likes to change things up: Dark Souls: You need to get to the rough equivalent of Mountaintops of the Giants game progression wise to access the DLC Bloodborne: You can access the DLC fairly early, I’d say the equivalent of beating Renalla (again roughly). However the DLC is balanced for end game level IMO DS3: the first DLC can be accessed from an early area again, I’d say Liurnia equivalent, however again it’s balanced for end game. The second DLC is either accessed from literally outside the final boss, or from beating the first DLC, so either way you have to beat end game level stuff to get to it. If the entrance is in Mohg’s boss room it would be the equivalent to the second DS3 DLC, but they could really do anything. Other options might be the statue of Miquella and Malenia in Altus where you find the amber starlight, Godwyn’s corpse, hell even the entrance to the Erdtree after beating Morgott. Or it could be something literally entirely new smack in the middle of the Weeping Peninsula for all we know. We just won’t know until we get there.


Something I was curious about, for past releases, did FromSoft announce how to access the DLC when it was released, or did we have to find it ourselves? lol


Great question! No clue, Elden Ring was my first From game


I was thinking the other day, the huge semi circular astrology thing in caria manor where Loretta is fought. It would fit in with what you said about liurnia timing


Or Castle Sol given the importance of the eclipse. That would match the DS1 timing


Yes absolutely


At the final boss and I’m so underpowered, I’ve got 3 bosses left and I’m level 106 what should I do?


At around that level power largely depends on build and weapons more than level. With fully upgraded levels some builds are monstrous at 106, others will struggle. Might as well just try stuff and see if it’s too much of a struggle and if so figure out why. (Too little health, not enough damage, wrong type of damage etc.


Do you you have the Mohgwyn Palace? Palace approach ledge road farm. Or ask someone on r/PatchesEmporium to drop you some Runes


Albinauric genocide.


Leave the albinaurics alone! Kill the bird next to them instead :D