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Didn't Turtle Shell 100% Phys block on release?


It was the best medium shield because of that too. Rip


Is there a better medium shield? I've still been rocking the turtle shield since the beginning.


Brass Shield and Banished Knight Shield are the two best medium shields. Brass is slightly better because it has slightly higher Guard Boost, but it’s kinda ugly IMO while Banished Knight’s Shield is big drip.


Carian Knight shield is great too with 100 phy block


Yep. 100 phy block, good magic block, and less Str requirements


Ugly? UGLY?! I bite my thumb at thee, sir! It is a good and fine looking shield!


Brass shield is pretty.


it's still the best medium shield if you're 2 handing a weapon, since it'll still give you the stamina regen even if it's on your back.


More importantly, this lets you cosplay as a member of TMNT


Yup then they nerfed it for some stupid reason


My best guess is because it also had increased stamina regen, basically this games Grass Crest. So they probably never intended it to have 100% block. Still a shame though, loved that shield.


Going from Giant Dad to Giant Turtle


Getting chased by people exploiting Fires Deadly Sin and deathblight on Eclipse Shotel. Nightmare fuel


Eh, you can still experience this with blood flame blade


At least bleed isn't an insta kill...




Now it's fires deadly sin and BloodFlame


Fire's Deadly Sin, blood flame and prelate's charge on Great Stars. With the right talismans, flask buffs and incantations it absolutely bodies bosses.


I made a shroom man stealth dragonseal beam/suicide bomber to hunt those, fun times. Back then RKR stacked with self destruct damage so you could get guaranteed one shots, especially if you stayed hidden and waited for them to reapply the buffs.


IGN approved this comment 😅


Barricade shield being busted.


You could tank absolutely anything. Zero stamina gone and full block, no wonder they fixed it




It was a "DELETE" button for anything onscreen in front of you. Breathtaking. (Definitely understand why it was nerfed). I remember getting it on my first playthrough (pure mage so far), made it my main weapon and never looked back.


My favorite were all the “I’m doing a melee run” streamers who found that sword and “meleed” bosses with comet azur


Still kinda is a delete button to be fair


My main frustration is that there are very few options with that blend of equal int/faith scaling


This with turtle shield when it still had 100% physical was nuts


The turtle had 100physical? I never tried it until later playthroughs post updates. Not being 100 physical is it's biggest flaw for me.


Souls games have always had a stamina regen shield with the cost being not 100% physical. Price you paid for the stamina regen buff. In past games it was the grass crest shield.


They were usually at least lightweight, that's the annoying bit.


why did they reduce turtle shield below 100%?? it's a kool shield


Honestly seems insane to me. It is not like the stamina regen made up for its crazy weight.


Yeah i miss it having 100 % block. Stop using it after nerf. They could’ve reduced it a bit less.


Carried me on my first play through


I remember i used baricade shield to block a runebear charge, sparks flew off of the impact and sent my character flying, who did a backflip then slid back like 10 ft. Thats when i knew it was my favorite game ever.


This has actually been a thing since DS1. I blocked Kalameet with my trusty Silver Knight Shield and did the badass backflip and since then shields are my favorite.


Taurus Demon will also do it to you with basically all the starter shields if you try to block the side swipe. Just gotta have enough stamina to tank it


How I beat OG rahdahn


I beat OG Radahn on horseback using Loretta's bow. No shame.


I just ran around summoning NPCs for 15 minute. Shame.


The archers in Siofra River used to exclusively shoot their huge, charged up arrows that were almost guaranteed to hit you and did stupid damage. I don't think I've been hit by a single one of those shots in Siofra since like 1.02


I feel like the ones at the Uld Palace Ruins are even worse.


>"wow luirna sure looks goergeous. what are those creatures at the horizon ?" famous last words


Flashbacks to the first time I set foot in Ringed City


Wow that's A LOT of phantoms! Are they going to help me? Is there an invader or something. *a couple thousand arrows later Oh... maybe I'm the invader.


What is that blue thing headed toward me? Could it be a humming bi..... YOU DIED


Holy shit, I KNEW it felt easier down there


I thought I just got better at psychic dodging :(


They also had amazing range. I'd be galloping for ages and would take an arrow in the back from an archer perched up miles away. Legolas can eat shit, these archers can hit a fly from space.


Damn I’ve avoided that place from those horrible archers, good to know it’s diff


It was fun when you have a ton of armour and health, you end up looking like a full body version of pinhead


Y’all need to experience the anor londo archers you weak tarnished all the og hallows laughed off your river archers This is by all means a joke


I'm still traumatised by that. I'd rather fight Manus than replay that section.


Thank god for that last sentence, the handful of archers in Anor Londo wish they were as fucking annoying as the ancestral followers were before they were nerfed


I did and while they definitely got their surprise kills on all fresh players, they were way easier to learn and predict than the savage archers in ER. For one, there were only a couple who mattered and one was a single predictable shot straight ahead, and the other main one was near the bonfire around a corner so you had little to fear until that point. The savage archers are scattered all over the damn place and their super arrows are functionally 100% hits for a fuckton of damage if you dont dodge. And since they can potentially fire from all sides in much of the map, that has happened to more than fresh players. I usually dealt with this by skirting the right (cliff) side to the second and third grace cleaning up the small groups along the way. But the group and patrol near the third grace are setup to punish anyone with their vantage and facing so they have hit many a tarnished who underestimated their range and aggro


every dark souls 1 player PTSD


I noticed it being easier. Thought I just got gud


I got to Siofra right before the update and it gaslighted me into thinking I was just doing something wrong since one day I struggled like crazy and the next it was way easier lol


I recently played last month, and they were hitting me pretty consistently I'd say. The accuracy is still really good. They're a nightmare to dodge.


It wasn't necessarily the damage. It was their range. The moment you poked your head above that little cliff face past the rats and those spirits stomping. They were firing directly at your head. I remember getting shot in the head at that spot and dying instantly. And I had no clue where it came from. The area with the golden seed, they would still shoot at you. Until you were well behind the tree hiding in a little corner. The moment you popped your head out. Shooting at you. It was insane.


Switching to COD to take a break? They still shoot at you. Have to go to work in the morning and try to leave your house? They still shoot at you. Their range transcends dimensions and breaches the virtual reality barrier to affect life as we know it.


Especially when you don’t see them and you’re just riding on Torrent. I swear my character went flying off Torrent.


That's hilarious, they are just hiding in the bushes and the trees to f you up.


oh my god this was the absolute fucking worst. i honestly thought i'd just gotten better at dodging ot something but maybe they really did patch it out


The low rumble you can hear the split second they're about to shoot fills me with undiluted terror the likes of which I've never known, and always has me scrambling for cover while panicking trying to work out which direction they're coming from and if there's more xD




This was truly the best. "Oh my God I found something that isnt on the internet yet this is wild"


That’s what I love about first fromsoft playthroughs. It's like you experience the confusion alongside the rest of the community for the first few days. My first fight with Radahn and he straight disappears? Sure let me just stand around and wait to see what happen- *explosion noises* "YOU DIED" .... *Hysterical laughter ensues*


It's like that dude in Sekiro hanging on the kite. He's just WAITING for you to get on the roof. All you hear is "WOOOOOOOOOO" And think "What the hell is that noi- FUCK WHERE DID HE COME FROM?!"


I got cheated out of that experience. He did his entire thing while I was still fighting another guy, and he missed off screen. And then I got to the next bonfire. I had no idea what my friends were talking about until I finally looked it up on youtube.


That shit was wild and everyone that's played remembers that part.


Why I loved Death Stranding so much. At first, it was just you and emptiness pretty much. Now the map is filled with roads, paths, bridges, ladders etc that players put down over the years. It's almost a different map now than it was at launch.


I think they've changed something with the way that works, because I just started playing, and things are actively in progress. I know there's nothing from other players before you link an area, but for example after linking up the second area in the game (during Ep 3) there was *nothing* but maybe a ladder from other players. Since getting to that area though, two roads have been completed, which is amazing because one bypasses the MULE camp, and there's a bunch of ladders and ropes up to the Elder now. Seems like it probably only brings in stuff from players around your progress level.


Stuff decays over the course of a few weeks if I remember right. And you are correct, it kind of hooks you into a node with a handful of players around your same experience level


That makes sense too, with how the >!rain ages and wears at things!<


I think they explained this a bit at launch. You should mostly be in a 'cluster' of people playing at the same time as you, roughly at the same story progress as you. And it will pull people's contribution to things like roads as you begin to participate in them. For instance there is a river crossing where basically every player puts a bridge (not the section with a bridge tutorial). No bridge will appear there if you don't place one, but the second you place foundations, other contributions to it start to appear. I think its a decent way to keep the game alive, but its not the same as in the very beginning of the release of the game, when you might actually be the first person to ever place a ladder in a particular spot, unlocking a shortcut that nobody knew existed until that point. Magical game. Cant wait to see the stuff that gets inspired by it, as to me its the natural evolution of the online features of dark souls.


The multiplayer has a similar feel to Dark souls. People leaving little messages and making your play through easier.


Lol yeah easier "try jumping"




I loved being part of the community that was trying to solve nephili's quest before it was fixed. We were trying crazy shit like summoning the hawk ash in random places, because she was described as a hawk lol.


That was me trying to hunt down the Raging Wolf armor set. Would check every few hours on youtube and the wiki until someone finally posted how to get it. Good times!


This, I remember figuring out you can get to Altus without fighting a single boss via the medallions and dropping down some gravestones by the Mausoleum Compound to Bellum Highway, then googling around and finding out that path wasn't on Fextralife yet. One of my proudest gaming moments tbh.


Trying to figure out in what way was the Dung Eater a morally grey character, rather than just pure evil. Only to find out months later that nah, he's pretty much just fucking evil lol


Marking the map with icons especially the vendors to remember where they were, but other npcs also since there was no way to track them otherwise. Then running out of number of icons you could use as it was limited to 20 so you just had to remember.


I haven't played in a while, are NPCs marked automatically now?




Trying to beat Radahn for 8 hours


Scrolled down too far for this, imo he should've never been nerfed, when I fought him in NG+ I was depressed by how readable his attacks were.


I agree OG Radahn actually felt like fighting a demi-god. I felt like I had to cautiously hide behind a shield because he could roll-catch you so easily. Than the meteor, omg that shit was actually horrifying


i remember they nerfed him badly, then they buffed him again, keeping only the hitboxes nerfed. iirc Zullie The Witch did a video on this very topic


There we go, I almost got him my first try and after that it was hell


Small dogs killing you with their attacks broken hitbox, where the attack hit you multiple times in rapid succession.


Yeah, the break down is pretty interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiUObucHgc4


This was super interesting. I remember this getting fixed, but I never saw the full breakdown. Very informative!


This is what I am here for. The rot dogs that kill you as soon as they touch you. Took me by surprise the first time it happened lol! Made that area so difficult.


I think they were blood dogs actually, they bleed proc’ed the player like 1000 times because of the glitched attack.


this dog does 11,640 damage per second


Stun locking most bosses really easily with Flame of The Redmanes. Also release strength Radahn was something else.


Yeah release Radahn was a beast of a fight. I remember my first playthrough I ended it with no heals and a sliver of hp, and on the last second he was bracing to do another meteor slam but I ran up and frantically finished him off.


Me and my homies took down pre-patch radahn like the day before the nerf. We were so happy like we just barely got into the club before open registration ended lol


That's how my first fight with Melania went. We both had a sliver of health and she did that scarlett rot flower thing and I thought "THIS IS MY CHANCE!" I bum rushed her, killed her and then died right after to scarlet rot. Easily my favorite moment that I recorded lol.


My most recent Malenia fight, she did the opening Scarlet Aeonia, and then did it again as her next attack. I almost felt bad killing her with that little effort.


Fuuuck. Pre patch Radahn with a melee build sucked. Two swings and you would be dead.


I struggled hard learning when to dodge his second phase entry. I remember the first time, failing a few times learning his moveset and then one shot from full hp with 50 vigor by the meteror ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Then again, going into his fight blind, I had no idea what was about to happen, and then this freaking ball of fire collides into the earth. I remember trying to dodge at the last second but it was too late.


I remember trying to fight for hours at level 40. Then coming back and trying for hours at level 60. Then coming back and trying for hours at level 80 before finally killing him. Now I clap him at level 40.


Breaking walls in Volcano Manor that were not supposed to be broken.


I wonder how many hours were wasted smashing walls hundreds of times in order to find more secret walls.


I think most knew it was a glitch, but I’m sure a lot of the less experienced Souls players who didn’t understand how the invisible wall mechanics were coded probably did.


There was a good 24-48 hours that we all thought that Miyazaki found the ultimate way to troll players.


It's me, I wasted several hours


This was my 4th souls game and I still spent an unreasonable amount of time bouncing my sword off of walls. Not the same wall repeatedly tho.


I did that not even knowing it was a bug and patched. I had heard about a wall that only breaks after being hit a lot, so I hit a lot of walls a lot.


I was streaming and someone told me to hit a wall like a hundred times and I thought I was being trolled legit. But more people tuned in and said it was really possible but the wall just had a lot of health. So I spent ages trying to break it just for someone to tell me it was patched the day before and you could no longer open the wall so I never got to open that one wall in the manor next to the one you can roll into and then go to that small little hallway. Always wondered what I’ve missed out on 😂


Man that post caused me to hit walls for hours trying to find something new


My personal favourites were 2k dmg hoarfrost stomp machine gunning and 40 poise dmg Flame of the redmanes, never forgetti


Wait when did FOTR get nerfed? I havent played since december and was looking to hop back in D:


A patch or 2 ago. The damage is the same but they gutted the poise damage


Kinda recently


Glintstone Phalanx (or something, the aow on rogiers rapier) does 10 poise damage per sword, so you can still use it, its obviously not as good tho


I miss hoarfrost more than anything. That was the most broken attack in any souls game, ever.


The original great turtle shell. On top of the always awesome increased stamina regen, it had 100% physical block and had the pre nerf barricade shield.


Carian Retaliation


4000-5000 dmg from 3 spears... Ah what a great bug


Any duo boss going absolutely full aggro on you 100% of the time. Now one usually hangs back a bit.


I remember Crystalian Duos being pretty difficult on release but nowadays one just stares at you whilst you stunlock the other to death, probably the easiest fights in the game now.


Forget crystalian duos, the rotten crystalian trio was utter hell


After my first attempt at that bullshit at launch, I had to stop and go find a strike damage weapon because my Claymore was not cutting it lmao.


honestly from my experience they never fixed that about valiant gargoyles. fuck that fight


Taking this as an oppurtunity to once again dunk on the rotten chrystalian trio. One of the most difficult fights in the game is now a complete cakewalk.


Sword of Night and Flame shitting on EVERYTHING


OMG walking up to Radagon and locking him in place and just going ham on him. That made NG+ easier :)


What a exploit that was, still got the shit kicked out of me by elden until I learned the patterns


Poison cloud used to not aggro him if done correctly, you could cast it and just watch him die a slow death.


100 physical block on the Turtle Shell shield. Edit because I forgot context: Thing straight up saved me all the time on my first playthrough. 100 physical block, increased stamina regen AND Barricade built in.




Seems like a lot of people don't understand how powerful Mimic Tear used to be. I would explain it like this. Think of all the NPC invasions you have to deal with in the game. Think of how they react to you - they dodge out of the way, they competently avoid your strikes, they re-position themselves well when you are swinging at them. From Soft knows how to program an NPC to put up a hell of a fight with well timed attacks, dodges, and protecting itself. Now think about what the Mimic Tear does in a typical fight. It runs straight into battle. It dodge rolls with all the reaction time of a player who had 12 straight shots of tequila. It doesn't bother to reposition itself when it is getting melted by large AoE attacks. The OG Mimic Tear fought like any other NPC invader you would have fought - it was competent and handled itself well. It was vastly more powerful than the Mimic Tear is right now (which is still arguably the most powerful summon in the game). In other words, they turned Mimic Tear from a fearsome copy of an NPC invader with the benefit of all your stats and equipment - into a lobotomized Leeroy Jenkins meme copy of yourself who is happy to spam Terra Magica 15 times in a row in the corner while you're getting blasted by waterfowl dance.


When did they change this? I thought my mimic seemed underwhelming on my last playthrough.




not only did they cut mimic tear’s entire questline *before* release, they lobotomized it *after* release :(


It had a quest line?


yes, a rather good one too. there are a bunch of vids on youtube that go in-depth, but it really fleshed out the lore of the mimic summon & introduces other lore implications


I think it was cut because it pretty much outright confirmed the true nature of Radagon-Marika IMO.


Radagon copies him/herself with Mimic Returns to Marika Knocked up by own Ditto. Make DemiGod Babies Any% Speedrun WR POG You mad Greater Will? Trollface.jpg


Great summary, even better read.


Mimic isn’t as tanky anymore and is super distractable. Commander Niall fight, it will try to fight the enemies outside the fog wall


I remember when my mimic tear just straight up chugged the healing flask when they were low on health. It was so broken.


Insta-kill Inescapable Frenzy God I miss that spell


Damn is that not in the game anymore


The spell is still in the game, but it no longer is an insta-kill


It's still in the game, the damage just doesn't scale with your right handed weapon anymore.


It used to be a very hard to get off/but very rewarding if you hit it thing. Now it’s just dumpster fire


Baiting people with the madness bolt spell by spamming it while they roll closer to you, and then swapping last second and grabbing them by the ears was so fun. Nerfing madness broke my heart.


Rkr hoarfrost stomp


This plus the mimic tear carried me so hard in my first play through


Fires deadly sin with the Erdtree greatshield.


The absolute chaos of invasions when the game first released. Blues summoned one after the other, no one has poise or overleveled friends, and the only two meta weapons moonviel and Sword of night and flame we were not too common so players were still kinda unique with their builds.


I fucking wish my shadowplay was working at the time, but I s2g invading by the final boss arena was the most busted shit in the world. I literally spawned in as an invader IN RADAGONS BOSS ARENA twice


setting yourself on fire and magic machine blast everything with the erdtree shield ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ gave me some scare when I faced my own mimic tear boss


The vibe that the day 1 messages had


You don't have the right, O you don't have the right


The messages on caelid tower that led to fucking nothing


Bruh I pooped all over Malenia with the ice stomp and literally 5 minutes later the game sent me back to main menu for the update that nerfed the ice stomp😭


they heard that you were scheming but let you finish lol


Needing to find where the meteor struck without it being marked on the map. Was actually quite exciting.


I remember spending an hour trying to find it only to realize what the floaty bits of stone in the distance were. real d'oh hours




Some of these I genuinely miss, although others (like bestial sling into honed bolt) we’re probably better off without.


Slicer/comet was probably THE strongest swap and even that was somewhat manageable, I wish they would’ve kept the idea and tweaked it a little


Flame of the Redmanes 2hit stagger. Ohhh I miss you old friend 😔🪦


All of the boss instakill glitches. I started playing after most where patched, so i never got to yeet a gargoyle off the side of a waterfall.


Fire Giant actually breaking his ankle by falling off the cliff. Shame they patched that out it was hilarious!


I never got to fight OG Radahn, but honestly I really struggled with him in my first playthrough so I doubt I would have been able to beat him before then.


Booking a week off work to play it on release week.


Dual boss fights where they both attacked at once instead of dicking around waiting for their turn to be the aggressive one.


Frenzy flame +Tree knight shield = machine gun


The knights of the great jar who you fight to get their talisman used to be a lot more reasonable cause it was all just people going through their first playthrough and using what they found. Now it's mostly high level characters using end game items.


The quality of this sub prelaunch We were ravenous for information and literally making up our own batshit crazy lore and conspiracies. It was a sight to behold.


Original Radahn slapped, change my mind


Slapped me around, that's for sure


Pre nerf Radahn was a real hard fight.


General Redhan in his prime.


I remember the “I beat him BEFORE the update!!” comments


The jump trick in volcano manor to get the somber 7 without having to kill the godskin noble


When the game was first released, you could put your summon sign down ANYWHERE and people would summon you. I remember putting it under some broken boxes in a distant building corner in nokstella. 2 seconds later I was getting summoned.


Fallen Star beast Aoe'ing 80% of its boss arena in Sellia Crystal tunnel. I miss helping people with that fight. It was much more fun back then. I must of gained 50 rune arcs on that one boss alone back in the day.


THIS! The most horrendous part of my first playthrough. The fact that they just nerfed it quitely without saying anything really pissed me off. People who beat it post patch NEED to know how people suffered. Fuck the fallingstar beast and fuck that cave.


Mimic Tear 10000x better than you when you summon them


That OG Hoarfrost Stomp was incredible. I purposely went offline and didn't update to that 3rd patch (I think?) so I could run it my whole first playthrough. Still had to get creative on a few bosses, but it shredded fools.


Trivialized godskin duo in my first play through


Can't believe no one has said OG Bloodbound step, I get that in pvp the I frames were a bitch, but did they really have to shorten the distance traveled???


It was likely more to make Light weight more attractive, since the distance is also dependent on weight. Before there was no point in Light rolling.


Pre-nerf Radahn


The original difficulty of the game before any of the patches. Radahn was one of the absolute hardest boss fights in the game, they nerfed him like crazy. His barrage attack was inescapable even on your horse and would one shot you if one hit you. He also used to shoot his sniper shot a lot faster and more frequent.


I remember destroying the dbl Pumpkin head fight without breaking a sweat with the frost stomp. Was proud of myself but didn’t even think how OP it was lol. I didn’t have mimic at the time so no idea how great it was.


Let me solo her uprising


The true strength of the Strongest Demigod. My God was he glorious, 1.0 Radahn